Geberit hdpe sewer system. There are no floods. The Geberit Pluvia system will save flat roofs from any downpour. Its work varies depending on the level of precipitation.


Mounting siphon system internal gutter GEBERIT PLUVIA



A typical technological map (TTK) was compiled for the installation of a GEBERIT PLUVIA internal drainage siphon system.

The TTK is intended to familiarize workers and engineering and technical workers with the rules for the production of work, as well as for the purpose of using it in the development of work production projects, construction organization projects, and other organizational and technological documentation.

The Geberit Pluvia siphon internal drainage system is widely used in the industrial and commercial sectors for roofs over 1000 m2. flat roofs, domed and arched roofs of various curvatures, inverted and landscaped roofs, both with extensive and intensive landscaping. The use of Geberit Pluvia is especially effective in the design of factories, warehouses, shopping centers, airports, hotels, sports centers, etc.


The system works on the principle of the siphon effect and uses the method of accurately calculating pipe diameters. Necessary condition work is 60-100% filling of the system, which is achieved by calculation on the computer program ProPlanner Pluvia.

Fig.1. The system consists of roof outlets, pipes and fittings made of Geberit HDPE, as well as an original steel fastening system.

A column of liquid falling in the riser creates a vacuum and entrains new portions of water from the roof. In this case, a significant vacuum is created at the receiving funnel, followed by a sharp increase in the performance of the entire system.

Due to the siphon action, Geberit Pluvia allows you to quickly and efficiently drain rain water from large roofs with smaller pipe diameters compared to traditional system. This does not require a slope in horizontal pipelines and temperature compensation. The system is mounted according to the principle of rigid embedding on anchor supports. Reducing the diameter and number of pipes and risers leads to a reduction in the volume and cost of construction and installation work. Geberit Pluvia is absolutely leak-tight due to the butt-welding of the pipes, takes up less building volume and has a self-cleaning effect due to the high flow rates. According to current building codes, with a roof slope of less than 1.5%, the estimated rainwater consumption for Moscow is 80 l/ha (q20). However, in view of the changing climate and the increase in rainfall intensity, Geberit recommends a value of 196 hp/ha (q5), with a roof slope of up to and above 1.5%. Based on this value, the Geberit Pluvia system was calculated and installed in large hypermarkets AUCHAN, METRO, MEGA-1 and other facilities. This system is confirmed by TU 4923-001-00284581-2004, approved by the Research Institute of Plumbing on November 25, 2004.

The operation of the Geberit Pluvia system is based on the vacuum siphon principle. It consists of roof outlets, Geberit HDPE pipes and fittings, a sophisticated fixing system and a professional service package. technical support from the manufacturer. Due to the siphon principle of operation, Geberit Pluvia ensures that water is quickly drained away without the need for a pipe slope. The high performance of the system allows the number of risers and outlets to be reduced as much as possible compared to a traditional system.

Thanks to its reliability and flexibility, the Geberit Pluvia system has been used by leading architects and engineers for many years in the design of the most significant objects.

Fig.2. The non-sloping horizontal piping of the Pluvia system makes it possible to reduce the space under the roof required for the system and to realize the most daring architectural and engineering solutions.

The Pluvia drainage system (translated from Latin as "rain") is based on the gravitational-vacuum principle. When the liquid column moves under the action of gravity, a rarefaction occurs, the maximum value of which is reached at the upper point of the riser. The vacuum is transmitted through a horizontal collector to the point of water entry - a receiving funnel. The siphon effect occurs due to the special design of the funnels and the exact calculation of the diameters of the pipes, which contributes to the maximum filling with water. The principle of operation of the Pluvia system determines its advantages compared to the traditional system: a reduction in the diameter of pipes and the number of funnels, the absence of a slope of horizontal sections of the drain and pipes at the base of the building.

Pipes are connected by hot butt welding (in hard-to-reach places- electrofusible couplings) and is mounted using a large number of anchor supports without installing temperature compensators. Thus, the drainage system becomes completely sealed.

Fig.3. Feeder Geberit Pluvia

Fig.4. Geberit Pluvia pipe clamping system


The Geberit Pluvia system is fastened as follows:

- horizontal fastening - using the Pluvia fastening system;

- vertical mount- using compensatory couplings;

- horizontal and vertical fastening - by means of rigid mounting.

The Geberit PluviaFix pipe fastening system has been specially developed for the installation of horizontal pipe sections of the Geberit Pluvia stormwater siphon system. The forces caused by temperature changes in the pipes are transferred to the anchor supports and further to the steel square profile(tire), which compensates for the resulting mechanical loads. The Geberit PluviaFix mounting system guarantees quick installation, fewer attachment points to the roof, the possibility pre-assembly individual nodes.

Fig.5. Geberit Pluvia internal drainage system:

Suspension (threaded stud M10); - fixed support; - movable support; - distance between suspensions; - distance between brackets; - distance between fixed supports; - weight of a fully filled suspension system

Bracket spacing for the Geberit Pluvia mounting system

Pipe diameter

This fastening system has been specially designed for the horizontal sections of the Pluvia siphon system.

Fig.6. The forces caused by temperature changes in the pipes are transferred to the anchor supports and then to the steel square profile (tire), which compensates for the resulting mechanical loads.

Fig.7. Fastening pipelines to the Pluvia support profile

Sliding bearings are installed on following distances ():

Pipes from 40 mm to 75 mm - every 0.8 m

Pipe 90 mm - every 0.9 m

Pipe 110 mm - every 1.1 m

Pipe 125 mm - every 1.25 m

Pipe 160 mm - every 1.6 m

Pipe 200 mm - every 2.0 m

Pipe 250 mm - every 1.7 m

Pipe 315 mm - every 1.7 m

The supporting profile has a length of 5 meters, is mounted along the entire length of the pipelines, connected with special elements.

Fig.8. Fastening pipelines directly to the concrete floor

Fig.9. Methods for attaching pipelines to the support rail

Anchor supports are installed in next order(fig.10):

1. At the beginning and at the end of the pipeline section.

2. On each tee or pipe manifold branch.

3. Every 5 meters along the length of the pipeline.

Fig.10. Installation of anchor supports

Two anchor supports are installed on each tee - one in each of the directions of the unifying flow. The options for the location of anchor supports are shown below (Fig. 10).

1. With the help of electrofusion tapes.

2. With the help of electrofusion couplings.

3. By means of double flange bushings (for 125 and 200 mm).

Installation of vertical pipelines Geberit Pluvia

Fig.11. Installation of Geberit Pluvia vertical pipelines with expansion compensation

Fig.12. Installation of Geberit Pluvia vertical pipelines without compensation (rigid fixing)

At present, the removal of rain and melt water from the roofs of buildings is carried out by unorganized discharge along the cornice overhangs and organized water drainage through external and internal drains. Internal drainage systems consist of drain (receiving) funnels, risers, outlet (suspended and underground) pipelines and outlets. According to the principle of action internal systems are divided into gravity and siphon systems.

In gravity systems, water is collected by drain funnels and discharged from the roofs due to the slope in the outlet pipelines. The calculation of pipelines is based on their partial filling.

In siphon systems of internal drain Pluvia Swiss companies Geberit the pipeline system is completely filled with water. There is a continuous water column from the funnel on the roof to the transition to the traditional gravity sewer system. Rainwater accumulates on the roof surface up to a certain level. Due to the pressure of the backing water, the water column is forced through the collecting pipeline. When the water column begins to fall in the vertical riser, a reduced pressure is formed in the entire drainage system, due to which rainwater from the roof is sucked into the pipeline system.

Air should not enter the siphon storm drain system to maintain full pipeline filling and siphon effect. This is achieved through tightness and precise sizing. pipeline system. Special design sinkholes Pluvia and complete tightness of the joints prevent the penetration of air into the system. The funnels are equipped with a flow stabilizer, which allows rainwater to pass only from the side and without air inclusions. Used for drainage pipes welded piping system Geberit HDPE .

Pipes and fittings Geberit HDPE are connected by butt-welding (in hard-to-reach places - with electric-welded couplings) and mounted using special fasteners and a large number of anchor supports without installing temperature compensators. Thus, the drainage system becomes completely sealed.

In light rain, the systemGeberit Pluvia operates in the same way as a traditional gravity drainage system - the piping system is only partially filled with rainwater (partial filling). At heavy rain the traditional gravity-fed internal drainage system continues to be partially filled, while siphon system Geberit Pluvia completely filled with water due to the smaller diameter of the pipes (full filling). Due to this, a suction effect is created and the performance of the system increases dramatically.

Because of high performance siphon storm drain systemGeberit Pluvia large roof areas can be drained by a small number of risers, which simplifies design, reduces costs and duration construction works.

Gravity system (light rain)

Gravity system (heavy rain)

System Geberit Pluvia (light rain)

System Geberit Pluvia (heavy rain)

How the system works Pluvia causes its advantages in comparison with the traditional system:

reducing the diameter of pipes and the number of funnels;

lack of slope of horizontal sections of the drain and pipes at the base of the building.

Due to the high speed of water, self-cleaning of pipelines is ensured. A special flow regime within the system allows you to optimize external networks and transfer releases to the desired side. Usage pipes Geberit HDPE enable pre-assembly of system components.

Geberit Pluvia system can be used in various roofs: cold, warm, green roofs, etc. This system is most effective for large flat roofs and folded roofs with internal gutters. For both types of roofs there are various options versions, for example: uninsulated (non-insulated roof), insulated (insulated roof), insulated with vapor barrier, suitable for movement of people and Vehicle, with landscaping.

The system is calculated using special program developed by the company Geberit- ProPlanner Pluvia . The program allows you to automatically calculate the diameters of all pipelines so that water from all sections of the roof, even those located at different levels, is discharged simultaneously without air leakage through the funnels. The program also performs the hydraulic calculation of the system. The calculation results are given in tabular form and in the form of isometric drawings of risers. Program ProPlanner draws up a complete specification of materials required for installation.

The size of the system depends on the intensity of precipitation, the dimensions of the surface and roof structure and the piping layout. When designing, it is necessary to check the roof, covering slabs for additionalrainwater backwater loads. This is especially true for light roofs.

When placing funnel Pluvia the following regulations :

Distribute the funnels as rationally as possible, evenly:

Stir the funnels at the lowest point of the roof surface;

The maximum distance between two funnels on one drainage branch should not exceed 20 m;

to prevent malfunctions of the funnels, they should be placed at a distance of at least 1 m from walls, parapets, etc.

Extraneous wastewater must not be directed into the systemGeberit Pluvia . Roof sections should be drained separately if there are different rainfall intensities, if the area is larger than 5000 m2 and/or if the height difference is more than 4 m.

Maximum value reduced pressure in the pipeline system for pipes Geberit HDPE is:

With diameters from 40 to 160 mm - 800 mbar;

With diameters from 200 to 315 mm - 450 mbar;

With diameters from 200 mm to 315 mm (pipes P N 4) - 800 mbar.

Funnels Pluvia for draining rainwater from the roof can be directly connected to the piping system with a drain90 0 . All subsequent changes of direction to 90 0 in the pipeline system Pluvia only allowed with two outlets 45 0 .

AT in the case of non-insulated roofs and above all in the case of protruding eaves, frost protection measures are required, t. k. some areas pipelines may freeze. In such cases, the zone funnels as well as gutters must be protected with a self-regulating cable that de-energizes the heating ( heated funnels is in the assortment of the companyGeberit ).

With a temperature difference between the drain, the roof surface and environment on the pipe Geberit Pluvia condensation may form. To prevent this, the system piping should be provided with anti-condensation insulation.

Due to the high flow velocity in the pipeline, the noise level during operation of the system Geberit Pluvia higher than with a traditional gravity-flow internal drainage system. In buildings without special sound insulation requirements, the system Geberit Pluvia can be used without additional measures. In buildings with high sound insulation requirements, noise-optimized piping is achieved by preventing sound transmission to building structure(separation by sound) and optimal placement funnel and pipelines. To prevent the spread of noise through the air, pipelines are laid in special soundproofed assembly channels and / or produce external sound insulation with trumpet toy or roll insulation.

Geberit Pluvia ends either in the vertical or horizontal sections. Further pipeline with full filling ( Geberit Pluvia) goes into non-pressuregravity system with partial filling (traditional gravity drainage system). To create such a transition, it is necessary to provide for an increase in the diameter of the pipeline.

Coefficient of linear thermal expansion a forGeberit HDPE is 0.2 mm/(m °C). Temperature difference? T = 50 0 C causes in caseGeberit HDPE linear expansion of the order of 10 mm per 1 m of the pipeline. Temperature difference? T= -30 0 C causes a linear shrinkage of about 6 mm per 1 m of the pipeline.

The change in the length of the pipeline system caused by temperatures must be controlled by fixing the pipeline using fixed and movable supports. Fixed supports counteract the forces from temperature changes and thereby regulate the longitudinal elongation of the pipeline in a certain direction. Movable supports prevent lateral deflection of the pipeline due to temperature changes and bear the weight of the pipeline filled with water.

System Geberit Pluvia attached as follows:

Horizontal mounting - using the system mounts Pluvia ;

Vertical fastening - using compensatory couplings;

Horizontal and vertical fastening - by means of rigid mounting.

For installation of horizontal sections of pipelines of the siphon system storm drain Geberit Pluvia system has been specially designed pipeline fasteners Geberit PluviaFix . The forces caused by temperature changes in the pipes are transferred to the anchor supports and then to the steel square profile (tire), which compensates for the resulting mechanical loads. Mounting system Geberit PluviaFix guarantees quick installation, fewer attachment points to the roof, the possibility of pre-assembly of individual units.

Internal drainage system Geberit Pluvia

A - suspension (threaded stud M10);

F - fixed support;

G - movable support;

AA - distance between suspensions;

RA - distance between brackets;

FA - distance between fixed supports;

FG is the weight of the fully filled suspension system.

Distance between brackets for mounting system Geberit Pluvia

Pipe diameter

RA , mm

FG , mm

D , mm

Dy , mm



AT country house it is impossible to do without the installation of rainwater drainage. It performs the function of diverting precipitation, which was formed after the melting of snow and precipitation. In its absence, water, flowing down the roof, forms in the form of puddles around the house.

Photo: example storm sewer

The amount of precipitation falling in a year is difficult to predict. With frequent rains and snowfalls, the waters around the house do not have time to go into the ground. If the area around the building is tiled, the process becomes even more complicated.

As a result, on adjoining territory water is accumulating. What can lead to not allotted drains from the roof in time?

This can lead to the following problems:

  • flooding of the foundation of a residential, basement;
  • destruction of the paths that are laid on the site;
  • education unpleasant odors, as a result of swamping of the liquid;
  • contamination of the coating, which is located in the yard;
  • attracting mosquitoes and other insects in the summer;
  • erosion of lawns.

The presence of puddles around the house is also unpleasant because all the garbage rushes into the house. On the site after the rain is uncomfortable. The task of storm sewers is to timely bring effluents into the reservoir and prevent the development of the problems described.

It is also possible to drain water from the roof into ravines, with the exception of areas where sanatoriums are located, beaches or places for swimming are organized, and stagnant ponds are located.

Effluent discharge may be associated with mandatory requirement, which concludes their preliminary cleaning.

Photo: main elements


It is customary to distinguish between two types of rainwater drainage:

  • point. To receive drains, they are installed, which receive water flowing down the gutters leading from the roof to the surface of the earth. The system must be closed with a grate to prevent the penetration of foliage and large debris;

Sand traps are placed underground to clean the drains from earth impurities. Such measures can extend the life of the structure and prevent.

Photo: spot
  • linear. It is presented in the form of trays that form a network for receiving storm drains. It is most often used in areas where a large amount of precipitation is planned. It can be installed not only under the drainage pipe, but also along the house, mounted on an asphalt path.

Photo: linear

Any type of rain sewer is installed taking into account the slope. Water is discharged into a collector, where the waste is treated. The systems have filters to prevent clogging.


Storm sewers differ in the way precipitation is discharged. An open or surface system is a group of trays or other containers that receive drains and bring them out of the site.

Tanks that perform the function of receiving water are somewhat deepened and mounted using cement mortar. They can also be installed in blind areas, paths or other elements.

From above, the gutters are covered with gratings, which are removed if necessary. Open rain sewer looks neat on the backyard.

If choose decorative grille, the trays can be a great landscape decoration. Mostly open system installed in small areas. It is considered easy to install and not costly in finance.

Photo: open storm drain


This type involves deep drainage, the liquid is collected in special built-in products: trays, sand traps. She then heads to storm wells, and then through the pump flows into the sewerage system.

After the collector, the effluents enter the treatment systems or are discharged into reservoirs. More closed system used in cities, but it is also applicable to private areas.

Since sewerage is more complex, its design requires certain knowledge. Installation is best done by professionals. The system copes with its task perfectly, but its organization is associated with high financial costs.

Photo: closed


It is a device consisting of underground pipes and surface trays. Sediment removal occurs mainly by gravity. If the terrain does not allow them to flow on their own, then pumping equipment is installed.

For laying a water pipe, choose the shortest path connecting the receiving structure with the collector or outlet point into the reservoir.

For the pipeline, non-pressure products are used: reinforced concrete, ceramic, asbestos-cement, plastic and concrete. Gutters that perform a drainage function are located around the entire perimeter of the building.

Precipitation flowing from it enters the pipe. It also receives liquid from storm water inlets and watering installations.

Mixed type storm sewer cleaning system is used in large areas or when you need to reduce costs.

Principle of operation

Rain sewer is designed to collect melt water and precipitation that comes from the roof. Also, its task is to divert this fluid outside the site.

The principle of operation is based on the collection of water at a single point, which comes from the roof or other areas on which the drainage structures are installed. Then, by means of trays or a pipeline, the waste is removed from the private territory.

Thus, it performs three types of work:

  • rainfall collection;
  • water treatment;
  • waste disposal.

Photo: the principle of operation of rainwater drainage

The work is structured in such a way that waste is removed quickly and efficiently. As a result, there is no waterlogging of the area, the soil dries up, not having time to flood the foundation of the building.

Video: principle of operation

System device

Important! It is recommended to start work related to the organization of rainwater drainage after finishing the foundation. It is good when the landscaping and paving of the local area has not yet been completed.

As preparatory phase, make a vertical sprinkling of soil around the building, followed by compaction. This avoids deformation of the system during soil shrinkage.

The shower device can be divided into several stages:

  • installation of equipment that collects runoff from the roof;
  • installation of elements for removing precipitation from the site.

One of key points in the placement of rainwater drainage, it is considered to determine the place where the waste will be dumped and how this action will be carried out.

The factors influencing this decision include the features of the site around the building and the surrounding area. If it passes nearby drainage ditch, a ravine is located, it is enough to place the pipe at an angle and the precipitation will be removed.

This is the easiest and cheapest way. A more expensive option is to collect liquid in special wells, and then drain them using a pump.

Important! It is also necessary to provide for the installation of systems for collecting rainwater in places where tile flooring located with a contour-slope or has a large area.

Installation of such equipment is especially required at the entrance to a garage or other buildings. As a result of their action, the liquid is collected quickly and puddles do not form.

It is best to equip storm sewers in warm time year, in the second half of summer. Duration of work for an average site of 10 hundred. the average is 1 month.

For normal functioning systems, the quality of the materials used is not as important as the observance of slopes, the correct joining of elements and timely preventive actions.

Photo: observance of slopes, correct joining of elements

Terms of use

Many owners of suburban real estate make mistakes when using the system. In order to save money, users often drain the liquid from downpipes on the blind areas.

The result of such actions is their penetration into the soil, leading to subsidence and deformation of the foundation of the house. Minimum loss In this case, this is a major overhaul.

Storm sewer requires preventive work including cleaning. The procedure is simple and does not take much time. Maintenance consists in cleaning storm water inlets from debris, and wells from silt.

Prevention is carried out 2 times a year. Also required regular care, which includes rinsing trays running water, cleaning of garbage baskets of storm water inlets and cleaning of sand traps.

Important! Waste must not be disposed of drainage system, as this may increase the level ground water during the rain. As a result of such an error, the foundation is flooded. Poor-quality processing of joints leads to the same consequences.

Photo: service


The equipment is a device that operates using the siphon principle in a vacuum system.

Its work varies depending on the level of precipitation:

  • with a short rain, the Geberit storm sewer system functions as usual;
  • at in large numbers precipitation in a short time, a vacuum is formed inside the system, with the help of which water is sucked from the funnels with high power. The speed of its movement along the pipeline can be 12 m / s.

Photo: Geberit storm sewer system

The gravitational-vacuum system stands out from the usual ones in that it easily adapts to any roof surface, so it is easy to mount it. She has a good throughput, when laying it is not necessary to observe the slope.

Geberit storm sewer does not require high costs for materials.
It provides complete sealing due to the connection of its parts by means of hot welding.

For the installation of pipes, special fasteners are used. Installed system looks aesthetically pleasing and does not make a lot of noise during operation.

The scope of sewerage is extensive, it can be mounted on any roofs. It will be most beneficial to purchase it for large areas or roofs where it is impossible to use another system.

Photo: Geberit scheme

Storm sewerage in a private house is required system, which is mounted immediately after the completion of construction work related to the house. Its various types of water intake and drainage allow you to choose the best option.

Modern types of sewers offer to drain rainwater to large areas or areas where high level daily precipitation. Storm system is different easy installation and easy maintenance.

    When choosing pipes, it should be taken into account that press connections of the Mapress series are designed for pressures up to 16 bar, and Mepla - for operating pressure not exceeding 10 bar.

    Fast, safe and accurate installation

    Construction technology with Geberit systems is far superior to traditional pipe laying methods by welding, threading and soldering. It requires minimal preparation, and the whole process is carried out several times faster.

    Starting to create pipelines based on Geberit press systems, the master first measures and cuts the pipes according to the project. Cutting can be carried out both electromechanically and hand tool. After that, the outer and inner chamfers are removed, and a mark is made on the pipe for entering the fitting. Also, the ends of each product are cleaned of burrs and irregularities in order to obtain a perfectly smooth and clean surface, which will ensure a strong connection of joints during installation.

    Pipe fastening is carried out using the press fittings included in the Geberit system kit, equipped with profiled sealing rings of a unique design. It is these elements that are responsible for the tightness, reliability and durability of the connection. Also, during the installation process, special equipment is used that allows you to adjust Geberit fittings:

  • pipes with a diameter of 16–26 mm from the Geberit Mepla series are usually connected using hand tools;
  • pipes of the Mapress and Mepla series with a diameter exceeding 26 mm are fastened using electric pressing tools.

It starts with tracing the network and connecting the prepared pipes using press fittings (the pipes are inserted into the sockets of the fitting at the intended depth). Further, holding them between the crimping lips of the pressing tool, the master presses the start button, after which the compression process automatically begins. Under pressure, the press fitting, o-ring and pipe are deformed to a certain shape, forming a strong, durable and tight connection. Having fastened two pipes together, the master installs other elements in the same way, creating a pipeline of the desired length and configuration.

Benefits of using Geberit press systems

  • High speed. The simplicity of pipe connection technology allows you to quickly create pipelines of any length with minimal cost time and money, resulting in significant cost savings and speeding up the entire process.
  • Ease of work. The use of compact and powerful special equipment makes the work as simple as possible. Moreover, it is convenient to carry them out even in hard-to-reach places and cramped spaces.
  • Connection reliability. As a result of the use of Geberit systems and special equipment, reliable pipelines with strong connections with torsional rigidity and tightness are obtained.
  • High aesthetics. In addition to their excellent performance, Geberit connections have an aesthetic appearance. That is why they can be used in projects involving open pipe laying.