Checking cash discipline in a pharmacy. What cash equipment can be bought for a pharmacy - cost and suppliers

When equipping a new pharmacy or refurbishing it, it is necessary to imagine what cash register equipment buy the best. Of course, the cost of cash register equipment based on computer system, much more, but it provides significant convenience in work.

If we compare different types cash register equipment used for pharmacies, it can be noted wide opportunities computerization of commodity and accounting. Modern computer technology programs provide guidance complete order in the accounting of goods, the analysis of commodity turnover, questions of pricing, accounting. There is no need to maintain additional staff units of a merchandiser, an ordinary accountant.

The use significantly speeds up customer service, which is important enough to increase the attractiveness of the pharmacy in front of competitors. When the seller practically does not spend time processing information on the goods ordered by the buyer, but simply carries out the packaging in front of the scanner, people see that when buying medicines in this pharmacy, they do not have to stand in a long queue and wait for the seller to enter cash machine all prices and start printing a cash receipt. Naturally, they will tend to the pharmacy where they are best served.

Thanks to the growth in the flow of customers, the cost of expensive equipment will pay off quickly enough. Moreover, cash register electronic equipment can be different and it is quite possible to choose simpler and cheaper options.

What should be on the pharmacy checkout

When talking about the computerization of trade, one should not imagine a big block personal computer with an even larger monitor. The capabilities of the POS-terminal are required to be very limited, and therefore the dimensions of the special equipment are small.

Moreover, in conditions of limited space on the counter of the cashier-seller, it would be optimal to use a monoblock that combines a computer unit with a processor, a display screen, preferably a touchscreen, so as not to use the keyboard. This monoblock can be equipped with both a printer for printing cash receipts and a fiscal registrar; an additional display for the customer is mounted on it, which displays the main information that allows you to monitor the actions of the cashier. Another device - a magnetic card reader allows the buyer to pay cashless, directly from the bank's card account.

To work with cash, it is installed under the terminal, which serves as both a stand and a safe, taking up very little space. An important peripheral element for is a scanner, whose task is to read bar codes from goods. This information is used by the computer to generate changes in the product database.

The scanner can be stationary or portable. Stationary is more convenient to use, but more expensive, so most pharmacy terminals are equipped with portable scanners. This device uses a laser beam to take information from a barcode previously applied to each package of goods.

If the pharmacy cash equipment does not have a built-in printer in the terminal, a small device is selected that does not take up much space. Usually this is a thermal printer that prints with a thermal head on a special cash register tape made of thermally sensitive paper. Such checks are not stored for long, the text fades in the sun, but for medicines it is not required to keep documents confirming their purchase for a long time.

Where is POS equipment sold?

The production of cash equipment has been established in several domestic companies, in addition, you can pay attention to foreign-made equipment. Most manufacturers have entire lines different models, differing in price and technical capabilities.

When planning to buy cash register equipment, it is necessary to take into account the amount of work, the number of buyers per day, the number of goods sold. Companies that supply shop equipment, POS terminals offer immediately with all the peripherals necessary for normal operation. Consultations are available for optimal choice models, a selection of the necessary software. As a result, you do not have to dock devices of different models with each other, but you can immediately start working.

Suppliers of POS-terminals and peripherals assume the fulfillment of warranty obligations and are ready to undertake preventive maintenance of the systems supplied by them.

With each sale, a cash receipt will be printed in the pharmacy, information on punched cash receipts will be sent to the fiscal data operator (OFD), which ensures the transfer of data to the tax office.

What is an online pharmacy checkout?

because of a large number items medicines a pharmacy usually uses a fiscal registrar - this is a cash register that connects to a computer. Outwardly, it looks like a small printer that prints checks on a cash tape. Special software (driver) controls the operation of the fiscal registrar.

Inside the fiscal registrar there is a fiscal drive, which provides storage and transmission of data on checks. There are two types of fiscal accumulators: for 13 and 36 months. The countdown starts from the moment when the first check is registered. After this line, the fiscal drive will need to be replaced with a new one.

What steps need to be taken to connect the online cash register?

  1. Choose the cash desk model that suits you. Pay attention to the width of the cash tape, the presence of an auto cutter and the speed of printing. Choose which fiscal drive you will install in the cash register: for 13 or 36 months. List of cash desks approximate prices given below.
  2. Select the organization from which you will purchase the cash register. Usually the seller is ready to take over the registration of the cash desk in the tax office and the initial setup. Be sure to discuss this point before making a purchase.
  3. After purchasing the cash register, you need to connect it to the computer, install and configure the software (KKM driver).

How is a receipt printed when a product is sold?

With the help of an invoice, the sale of goods is registered. Then everything goes automatically: a check is printed, information about a broken check is sent via the Internet to the OFD and then goes to the tax office. No additional action is required.

Which online checkout to choose?

Models for small pharmacies without a receipt cutter.

Price: 9 000 rubles
15,000 rubles (from fiscal accumulator for 13 months)
18,000 rubles (with fiscal accumulator for 36 months)

Minimum price, designed for 57mm wide tape, special stop also allows you to install a 44mm wide tape, very easy replacement check tape, no auto cutter, low print speed, resource printed block about 50 km.

Most a budget option for small pharmacies. A simplified analogue of the Atol 11F model.

Price: 13,000 rubles;
19,000 rubles (with fiscal accumulator for 13 months)
22,000 rubles (with fiscal accumulator for 36 months)

In terms of its functionality and capabilities, this is an analogue of the Atol 30F model, the main difference is a more reliable printing unit, which provides a higher printing speed. The tape width is the same: 57 and 44 mm, there is no auto cutter.

Models for small pharmacies with an auto cutter for receipt tape.

Price: 17,000 rubles
23,000 rubles (with fiscal accumulator for 13 months)
26,000 rubles (with fiscal accumulator for 36 months)

It is calculated on a tape 57 and 44 mm wide.
There is an auto cutter. Very easy replacement of the check tape.
Pretty high printing speed, the resource of the printed block is about 100 km. A simplified analogue of the Atol 55F model.

Atol 20F.

Price: 18 000 rubles
24,000 rubles (with fiscal accumulator for 13 months)
27,000 rubles (with fiscal accumulator for 36 months)

Wide tape - 80 mm (you can also use 57 mm), there is an auto cutter.
The speed and resource are the same as those of the Atol 50F model.

Models for pharmacies with a high load.

Price: 22 000 rubles

Wide tape - 80 mm and 57 mm, there is an auto cutter. Print speed is 2.5 times faster than Atol 20F. The resource of the printed block is about 150 km.
This model is well suited for pharmacies with high flow buyers.

Price: 22 000 rubles
28,000 rubles (with fiscal accumulator for 13 months)
31,000 rubles (with fiscal accumulator for 36 months)

Wide tape - 57 and 44 mm, very reliable auto cutter. The print speed is the same as that of Atol 25F. The resource of the printed block is about 100 km.

Price: 24 000 rubles
30,000 rubles (with fiscal accumulator for 13 months)
34,000 rubles (with fiscal accumulator for 36 months)

Wide tape - 80 and 57mm, very reliable auto cutter. The print speed is the same as that of Atol 25F. The resource of the printed block is about 100 km.
Very reliable high-speed model, well suited for pharmacies with a high flow of customers.

All listed online cash desks are supported by the Farm Auditor program. If you need additional information on software and trading equipment for accounting in a pharmacy, please call 960-132-02-20 or write to e-mail [email protected]

What is included in the required for organizing a pharmacy store? The usual retail equipment for pharmacies is various display cases and racks, which should be convenient for the buyer so that he can easily view their contents, and for the seller, who needs to freely navigate in a huge number of drugs.

At the same time, an important role is played by appearance- retail equipment for a pharmacy should look neat, beautiful and emphasize with all its appearance that a pharmacy is a place where beauty and perfect order reign. In most cases, the furnishings of the pharmacy sales floor are ordered for furniture factory on individual project, the layout of the room is carefully thought out, its color design, organization of lighting and ergonomics of the whole environment, so that the seller can get the necessary medicines from the storage places without unnecessary movements.

Many medicines require cold storage, so pharmacy display equipment must include several refrigerators - at least one - in trading floor and two or three - in similar and warehouses. It is desirable that they are designed for different temperature conditions.

A pharmacy that has a laboratory for the preparation of prescription drugs will require more sophisticated equipment. These are scales, tools, chemical glassware, filtering devices, sterilization cabinets.

The classification of commercial pharmacy equipment depends on the volume of trade and the planned flow of buyers, therefore, it is possible to purchase it only if a reasonable project is developed and a comprehensive analysis of the sellers' work technology is made.

Automation of pharmacy trade

Many buyers buy several types of medicines at once, providing them not only for themselves, but for their entire family. Therefore, in order not to collect a queue at the checkout, you must use. First of all, a barcode must be applied to each package of medicine.

On many it is applied during the manufacturing process, but it is often necessary for all medications taken to be labeled with a barcode, for which a special label printer is used. Usually a small printer is enough, which does not provide huge performance, but is cheaper.

Each product entering the pharmacy is scanned by a special portable device that transmits information from the barcode to the database, while indicating the exact location where this product is stored

In the presence of a barcode, the seller spends no more than 1-2 seconds to register the sale of one drug, simply by bringing the package to the scanning device.

Computer trading equipment for a pharmacy becomes the basis of automation. This is usually one central server located in the accounting department, where the drug availability database is stored, as well as one computer terminal at each checkout.

They can be used as terminals, but it is more convenient to have a specialized terminal that does not have a powerful processor, but is easy to use and does not take up much space.

POS functions

Having received an order from the buyer, the seller enters the name of the medicine into the terminal and immediately receives information whether this medicine is in stock, how much it costs and in which box or refrigerator it is stored. The availability of an operational database greatly simplifies the work of the seller.

A barcode scanner is connected to the terminal, which allows you to bring the medicine package to the scanner for one second so that information about the product is included in the combined sales receipt. When the buyer has paid, the terminal prints a cash receipt using the built-in printer and at the same time makes changes to the consolidated database - some of the medicines have already been sold.

The terminal may have a device for reading information from bank cards, which allows you to pay for the purchase by bank transfer. So a cash terminal is much more than just a cash register: pharmacy equipment allows you to manage the flow of goods, plan their purchases, analyze financial condition trade.

Purchase of automation equipment

When buying computer trading equipment for pharmacies, we must not forget that it must be equipped with the appropriate software and were compatible with each other. It is preferable to purchase the entire automation system at once from a specialized company providing turnkey delivery. In this case, you do not have to worry about the fact that a particular printer or scanner will be able to function with an existing computer: everything will work at the proper level.

In accordance with the Federal Law in force in the territory of Russia, all business entities entrepreneurial activity providing paid services to the population or selling consumer goods at retail are required to use cash registers when making settlements. technique (CCT). Such devices are without fail subject to state registration, otherwise their use will be considered illegal. In this article, we'll look at how to use control- cash register.

What changes are expected for legal entities and individuals in 2017?

President Russian Federation On July 4, 2016, amendments were approved to the Federal Law No. 54 “On the use of cash registers when making cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards”. The innovations introduced into the Federal legislation force all merchants-business entities to modernize the cash registers. devices or replace the equipment involved with new models.

It should be noted that in 2017, commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs will be allowed to use only those cash registers that have the ability to transfer sales data to the servers of the Federal Tax Service through OFD.

Rules for the use of cash registers for individual entrepreneurs and organizations

Entrepreneurs who fall under the Federal Law on cash registers will have to comply with its regulations:

  • about each sold unit of goods, physical and legal entities must convey information in electronic format) OFD (subsequently, fiscal data operators will transfer the processed data to the Federal Tax Service);
  • register or re-register CCP within the time limits established by law;
  • give to every customer fiscal receipt etc.

What is the purpose of introducing CCP in the activities of individual entrepreneurs and organizations

The developers of the new Federal Law No. 54 expect the following from the changes made to the procedure for using cash registers:

  1. To maximize the level of civil liability of consumers, who will now be involved in the process of monitoring the work of business entities using cash registers.
  2. Conduct a detailed analysis of the settlements carried out between business entities and consumers, thanks to the use of an automated system.
  3. Timely identify risk areas in which administrative offenses most often occur.
  4. At any time, conduct more effective cameral checks of merchants-subjects of entrepreneurial activity.

Thanks to the Federal Law that came into force, business entities were able to register cash registers with the Federal Tax Service. technique without personal presence. They will not even have to transfer the CCP to the fiscals if they decide to conduct its electronic registration.

What are the legal deadlines?

Merchants-entrepreneurs should remember the terms that are determined by Federal Law No. 54:

Content Timing
commercial firms and individual entrepreneurs can voluntarily register the used cash register equipped with a certified FN (fiscal drive)from 01/02/2016
Mandatory registration of cash registers. equipment with the function of data transfer to the Federal Tax Servicefrom 01/02/2017
Mandatory transfer of data on each sale through OFDfrom 01/02/2017
It is forbidden to install a new ECLZfrom 01/02/2017
Only FN is allowed.from 01/02/2017
The requirements of Federal Law No. 54 must be observed by all business entities that fall under its regulationsfrom 01/02/2017
The requirements of Federal Law No. 54 must be observed by all business entities that until that time were included in the preferential group of taxpayersfrom 01/07/2018

Starting from February 1, 2017, all cash registers used in the Russian Federation. the equipment must transfer checks to the operator of fiscal data in electronic form. In accordance with the regulations of the Federal Law No. 54 (Article 2, paragraph 2), business entities are required to do the following:

  • replace ECLZ with a fiscal drive;
  • connect to the Internet cash desk;
  • it is necessary to conclude an appropriate agreement with the operator of fiscal data;
  • send checks electronically through the OFD from the date specified in the law.

What business entities are subject to the law?

The following categories of individuals and legal entities are subject to Federal Law No. 54:

  • outlets selling goods at retail;
  • establishments Catering(restaurants, cafeterias, etc.);
  • filling stations;
  • pharmacies;
  • legal and notary offices;
  • other business entities that carry out cash settlements with the population for goods or services (except for the preferential category).

Heads of commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs can prepare for the entry into force of innovations: by upgrading existing cash registers or buying a new one.

Penalties for the absence of cash registers for individual entrepreneurs / organizations and officials

If organizations and individual entrepreneurs continue to operate the old cash registers in 2017. devices, they need to be prepared for unpleasant consequences:

Content Officials Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities
If the checkout technique will be used in an unspecified mannera fine from ¼ to ½ of the settlement amount (the amount must exceed 10,000 rubles)a fine from ¾ to the whole calculation (the amount must exceed 30,000 rubles)
At systematic violation regulations of the federal legislationBan on commercial activities for a period of 1-2 yearsSuspension of activities for a period not exceeding 90 days
Use of cash registers. equipment that does not meet the requirements of the Federal Law
If the merchant-entrepreneurial operator does not provide the consumer with an electronic or paper check, even upon requestpenalties up to 2,000 rudders (possible warning)penalties up to 10,000 rudders (possible warning)
If the representatives of the regulatory authorities, an individual entrepreneur or commercial organization did not provide sales information and related documentation in a timely manner or not at alladministrative fine from 1,500 rubles. up to 3,000 rubles (maybe a warning)an administrative fine of 5,000 rubles. up to 10,000 rubles (maybe a warning)

Answers to frequently asked questions on CCP

Question number 1. In connection with the entry into force of Law 54-FZ (Article 2, Clause 2), many business entities will be required to maintain online cash registers from 2017. What commercial firms and individual entrepreneurs do not fall under this category?

The changes made to the Federal legislation provide for a phased transition to online cash registers. Cash register. the technique may not be used by business entities that conduct business and, accordingly, carry out settlements with clients in hard-to-reach or remote areas (except for urban settlements and regional centers). Instead of fiscal receipts, they should issue documents to buyers (for example, BSO forms) confirming the fact of payment for the goods.

Question number 2. If an individual entrepreneur on a simplified taxation system who provides hairdressing services on the basis of a patent (does not use a cash desk) plans to carry out retail cosmetics, should he apply CCP?

Federal Law No. 54 clearly states that all business entities that sell goods or provide services for cash are obliged to use equipment registered in the State Register of cash registers in their work. The law makes an exception for certain categories of taxpayers, in particular for legal entities and individuals working on a patent or using the UTII regime (this benefit will only be valid until 07/01/2018).

Question number 3. When will you need to switch to using online cash registers?

Despite the fact that Federal Law No. 54 entered into force in July 2016, business entities must make the transition to the new rules for using cash registers from 02/01/2017.

Question number 4. If in February 2017 an individual entrepreneur brings an ordinary cash register for registration, will he be denied registration?

If a business entity has not upgraded its CCP by February 2017, it will not be able to register it. In any case, he will have to buy either new online checkout or upgrade old apparatus. This must be done no later than July 1, 2017.

Question #5. If an individual entrepreneur resides and exercises commercial activity in an area where there is no possibility to connect the Internet, how should he deal with CCP in 2017?

Legislators foresaw this moment and allowed individuals and legal entities in regions with no Internet coverage to use the old cash registers. devices. A list of such districts will be published in specialized mass media soon.

Benefits of using CCT

Business entities will receive a lot of benefits from the entry into force of Federal Law No. 54. This can be seen in several examples:

If commercial firms and individual entrepreneurs comply with all requirements of Federal law, they will be able to minimize annual expenses servicing the cash register. technology. According to experts, over 6 years of using new cash registers, their costs will decrease by 35%.

Transition to new rules for the use of cash registers. technology will allow organizations and entrepreneurs to get rid of tax audits. Starting in 2017, the Federal Tax Service will be in automatic mode receive all information regarding the goods sold or services rendered.


Each business entity that provides services to the public or sells retail goods for cash is obliged to comply with the requirements of Federal Law No. 54. In this case, legal and individuals it will be possible to avoid serious problems with the Federal Tax Service, which for any violations cash discipline applies heavy penalties. If commercial firms and individual entrepreneurs ignore the requirements of the law that has come into force, they will be held administratively liable.

Cash discipline is the implementation of cash payments in accordance with the law. established rules. Cash settlements include all incoming and outgoing transactions, for example, settlements with buyers, suppliers, payment of salaries to employees, etc. The pharmacy works with cash proceeds, which obliges it to use cash registers. However, in some cases, the presence of a cash register is optional.

Do you need a cash register in a pharmacy

In accordance with the Federal Law of July 3, 2016 N 290-FZ, until July 1, 2018, organizations and individual entrepreneurs on UTII can carry out cash settlements and (or) settlements using payment cards without the use of cash registers, subject to the issuance of a document confirming the receipt of cash funds for the respective goods.

Some questions are raised by the industry standard OST 91500.05.0007-2003 “Vacation Rules medicines in pharmaceutical organizations. General provisions” (paragraph 6.14), which clearly states the obligation registration of KKM in the tax authority at the location of the pharmacy. However, this standard only means that if a pharmacy has a cash register, it must be registered with the tax authority, but does not oblige the pharmacy to have cash registers.

The procedure for conducting cash discipline

The cash register must be entered in the State Register and registered with the Federal Tax Service at the location of the pharmacy. The cash desk must have fiscal memory, be in good working order and print all Required documents. It is necessary to observe the presence of seals on the CCP, and service only at the supplier or at the technical service center.

Cash settlements can be carried out by the head of the pharmacy or a designated person with whom it is necessary to conclude an agreement on full liability.

All transactions carried out at the cash desk must be executed in accordance with the existing procedure for filling out when making a transaction. All non-cash revenue received during the day must be credited at the end of the working day. Individual entrepreneurs on a simplified system are not required to draw up documents at the checkout. Upon receipt of cash, the issuance of a cash receipt is obligatory.

Cash settlements are carried out in a certain order with verification of the authenticity of banknotes and their number. Cash proceeds from the cash desk cannot be used for all needs, only for certain purposes - the issuance of wages, cash settlements with buyers and suppliers of goods, etc. Only individual entrepreneurs can take money from the cash desk for personal needs.

In the case of using cash registers, it is necessary to keep journals and documents established by the State Statistics Committee:

  • journal of the cashier-operator;
  • act of returning money to buyers;
  • log of registration of indications of control counters for the cash desk working without the cashier;
  • reference-report of the cashier-operator.

At the end of the working day, a control Z-report is taken with the readings of the revenue for the day, which are recorded in the journal. In accordance with the indications of the Z-report, a certificate-report is compiled, according to which the proceeds are submitted to the operating cash desk at the end of the day. If necessary, you can fill out a register of receipts and expenditures cash documents and a book of accounting for funds received and issued to other cashiers.

Who controls cash discipline in a pharmacy

The obligation to control compliance with cash discipline is assigned to employees directly involved in its conduct. Checking cash discipline is carried out by the tax authorities. The main task of a tax audit is to reveal the facts:

  • use of faulty or non-compliant cash registers
  • non-issuance of cashier's checks
  • discrepancies in the amounts at the cash desk and those indicated in the documents
  • exceeding cash balance and cash settlement limits
  • violations in terms and volumes of received revenue
  • issuance of large sums of money under the report for unreasonably long periods.

The procedure for checking cash discipline

The decision to conduct a check of cash discipline is made by the head of the IFTS. During the audit, it is necessary to provide access to cash registers and cash, as well as any documents and explanations at the request of the inspectors. What is checked:

All documents related to the registration of cash transactions.

Reports of fiscal memory and control tapes of cash registers.

Documents for the acquisition, registration and maintenance of cash registers.

Documents related to the acquisition, accounting and destruction of BSO.

Accounting registers of accounting or business transactions.

Cash balance limit order.

Expense reports.

Responsibility for conducting cash transactions with violations

In 2016, liability for violation of cash discipline increased significantly. So, for non-use of CCP, legal entities pay a fine in the amount of 75 to 100% of the amount of the calculation carried out without the use of CCP, but not less than 30,000 rubles (before July 15, the amount of the fine was from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles), and officials - in the amount of 25 to 50% of the amount of the calculation carried out without the use of cash registers, but not less than 10,000 rubles. (previously the amount of the fine was from 3,000 to 4,000 rubles). If, during the re-inspection, violations related to the non-use of cash registers are again revealed, then with a total amount of calculations performed without the use of cash registers for more than one million rubles, it threatens:

  • disqualification of officials for a period of 1 to 2 years;
  • suspension of activities for up to 90 days for individual entrepreneurs and organizations (clause 3 of article 14.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation as amended by federal law No. 290-FZ).

Since 2017, liability for violations in the conduct of cash discipline will increase in the form of the use of cash registers, which do not meet the established requirements; use of cash register equipment used in violation of established by law RF procedure and conditions for its registration and application:

  • a warning or a fine in the amount of 1500 rubles. up to 3,000 rubles for officials;
  • a warning or a fine in the amount of 5,000 rubles. up to 10,000 rubles for legal entities (Article 14.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, clause 15 of Article 7 of Law No. 290-FZ).