Installing a window for a guest without a quarter. Installation of plastic windows. Preparing the window opening

It often happens that you need to replace one window in your house with a plastic one. At the same time, the remaining windows have already been replaced completely or partially. In this case, it is important to install the window the same as all the others, and do it with the same installation features so that the new window does not break out general view the remaining windows.

If you want to have a high-quality window replacement, contact trusted companies, for example, the May Windows company.

The first thing you need to do is correct measurement, taking into account the features of already installed windows.

IN in this case, the house has windows installed in the KBE profile 70 mm, 5-chamber, white, with a white layout of 18 mm.

The house is faced with brick. A quarter is missing.

At the same time, the installation seam is covered with a plastic cover.

You also need to pay attention that all windows are raised from the base by several centimeters.

This is what the old window looks like:

Before installation, I will check the dimensions of the new product and the opening again. If all is well, you can dismantle. Before dismantling, you need to remove furniture that will interfere with work, cover the floor and radiator.

Next we dismantle the old window. We remove the sashes, then saw the old frame and take it out, removing all the debris from the opening. Since all the plastic windows that are already installed are raised from the base of the opening, we do not touch the cement masonry.

We put the frame in the opening. We align it according to the reach, just as the old window was installed. We level the frame using plastic pads and wood hard rocks, for example oak, as in this case. We fix it in the opening using dowel-nails; we use two dowel-nails for each plate. This is important because the frame must be rigidly fixed to withstand wind loads.

We close the mounting seam from the outside with a special plastic cover.

We also close the bottom foam seam to prevent blowing under the window. To do this, glue a special tape (gerlenta).

Now you need to cut and install the drip, as well as plugs for the drain holes.

Preparing the window for foaming. We put the sash on the hinges, check the opening, and, if necessary, adjust it in advance. Next, you need to wedge the sash in the frame so that the frame does not squeeze when foaming. Before foaming, you need to moisten the window opening with water for better adhesion of the foam.

We foam the opening. Cut out the window sill. We set it by level. Before foaming the window sill, it is necessary to prepare weights so that it is not squeezed out by foam.

Before installing the slopes, remove the protective tape from inside the window, install the handle, and put the protective caps on the hinges.

We putty from the bottom of the window sill if the old plaster came away from the wall when the window was dismantled.

This is what the window looks like from the outside:

If you want to order window replacement in Belgorod, taking into account all your wishes, so that all stages of the work are carried out efficiently, call the May Windows company!

Currently everything more people gives his choice in favor of metal plastic windows. Both ordinary apartments and country houses, and luxurious country mansions. And quite often people install new windows with their own hands. Depending on the chosen installation method and the skills of the installer, the process of installing one window will take from one and a half hours to half a day. The technology for installing windows is extremely simple and straightforward. It does not require the use of any complex tools. The main thing is to adhere to the installation procedure and comply with all the requirements dictated by the installation technology.

Necessary measurements before ordering plastic windows

Correct installation of new windows requires accurate measurements of the window opening. In addition, it is important to know the features of installing windows in openings with a quarter. Such window openings are usually found in foam concrete buildings. They help to significantly reduce heat loss. The main difference is that a window 50 mm shorter than the length of the opening is installed in an opening without a quarter. Subtract 30 mm from the measured width. Leave 15 mm gaps along the contour of the opening for foaming. According to current GOSTs, you need to leave 20 mm around the perimeter. Leave an additional 35 mm below the window sill.

If the installation of PVC windows will be carried out in a window opening with a quarter, measure at the narrowest place. When ordering, add 30 mm to the window width. There is no need to change the length.

As a rule, the window is not installed in the center of the opening, but at a distance of approximately 1/3 deep from the outer plane. If the installation of PVC windows is done with your own hands, then the owner can move the structure in any direction convenient for him. Think about the offset in advance and take this parameter into account when ordering the ebb and window sill.

Add 50 mm to the width of the ebb and sill determined in accordance with the location of the window. When calculating the width of the window sill, additionally take into account such an indicator as the location of the battery.

The window sill should cover the radiator halfway. Add 20 mm to place the product under the base of the PVC window. The length margin must be at least 80 mm. But it’s better not to save too much and add 150 mm so that in the future you can cut out the window sill beautifully without any problems. Along with the ebb and window sill, you will be offered to order side plastic plugs. There is no need to give them up.

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Which frame mounting method should I choose?

Installation of PVC windows does not depend on the chamber size of the glass unit or the number internal chambers in the profile. The order of installation of the product can only change taking into account the material of the walls and the size of the window. Suitable fastening and method of installation of PVC windows is selected in accordance with the listed parameters. To secure the window structure you can use:

  1. Dowels or anchors that cut into walls through existing or pre-prepared through holes in the profile.
  2. Serrated plates. They press into profile. They are fastened to the wall and secured with screws.

Practice shows that the most reliable option is the first one. It is most often used when installing heavy and large windows. In the case of through-mounting, the window will normally withstand multiple shock loads that inevitably occur when turning and tilting window sashes. In addition, with the help of anchors, the installer gets the opportunity to maximize fine adjustment horizontal and vertical of the installed product.

Those who install windows with solid double-glazed windows, i.e. without turning and folding sashes, you will be more interested in installation using anchor plates. These products are hidden under slopes, so appearance they won't spoil it. If the walls of the house are made of brick or concrete, then it is recommended to pre-prepare small recesses for the plates. They will eliminate the need to apply a leveling layer before installing slopes.

Sometimes both methods are used in combination. Anchors are recessed into the walls through the lower profile and side parts of the frame, and plates are used to fix the structure. If windows are installed in a wooden structure, it is better to avoid using plates, because They become loose after a short time. In this case, galvanized screws are more preferable.

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What does the owner of a wooden house need to know?

The process of installing a PVC window is very dependent on the material used to make the walls. In the case of structures made of brick and foam concrete, the differences come down only to the depth of the anchors. With openings made of timber and logs, everything is a little more complicated.

If the walls of the house are made of wood, you need to remember the row important rules. Firstly, start installing PVC windows in wooden house It is recommended no earlier than a year, or even better, 2 years after the completion of the house. This requirement dictated by the fact that during this time the material shrinks. Glued laminated timber is characterized by the smallest shrinkage value and period. Secondly, windows are not installed directly into the opening. The product can only be installed in wooden box. It will protect the PVC window from deformation. The block should not have any defects, signs of damage by insects and rot, etc. Before starting any work, the wood is mandatory must be treated with an antiseptic.

After 1-2 years, the shrinkage does not stop completely, but is no longer as strong. After PVC installations windows and completion finishing works it will also happen. That is why at the top between the box and the opening you need to leave a gap of 30-70 mm. The size of this gap is selected taking into account the type and humidity building materials. After installation is completed, this gap must be filled with jute and covered with platbands.

Building regulations do not make any clear recommendations regarding materials for window sills and flashings. As a rule, standard sills are used that come complete with a PVC window. The window sill can be made of wood or polymer. The lower profile can be rested directly on a wooden window sill, i.e. If you wish, you can install this product before installing the window. Or you don’t have to get rid of the old window sill if it is in good condition.

Experienced builders give very useful recommendation, which is not in regulatory documents, but it will be useful to any person who decides to perform self-installation PVC windows. Wood allows vapor to pass through. If no action is taken about this, these evaporations will gradually deteriorate the properties polyurethane foam. And to prevent the foam from getting wet, polyethylene foam foil tape should be glued along the line of its application.

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Preparing the opening and window for installation

Before you start further work, prepare tools for installing PVC windows. You will need the following:

  1. Screwdriver.
  2. Foam gun and foam itself.
  3. Level.
  4. Jigsaw.
  5. Hammer.
  6. Set of hex keys.
  7. Pencil.
  8. Measuring tape.
  9. Stationery knife.

After you remove the old window, thoroughly clean the opening of paint and debris. If the walls of your house are made of wood, you will have to additionally plan top layer, if a new window is installed in a box that has already served for some time. Similar pre-processing provides stronger adhesion of the foam to the top layer.

Builders recommend using foam to fill the gap only if the gap between the opening and the frame does not exceed 40 mm in size. If the gaps are larger, it is better to partially fill them with polystyrene foam, plasterboard and other available materials. For example, in a house made of timber, you can use sections of the same timber.

First you need to remove the sash from the frame. To do this, remove the pin from top loop. You can carefully pry it off using a screwdriver or pliers. After this, remove the sash from bottom loop. If the window is solid, you need to remove the glass unit from it. First, the longitudinal beads are taken out, followed by the transverse ones. Glazing beads can be easily removed using a spatula or a wide knife. Just insert auxiliary tool into the gap and begin to gradually shift it. Be careful and do everything so as not to damage the glass.

If the window small size, you can insert it using mounting plates without the need to first remove the double-glazed windows or sashes. If it is possible not to violate the integrity of the factory structure, then it is better not to do this. Take a sash or a double-glazed window and lean the product against the wall at a slight angle, placing it on a flat horizontal surface, previously covered with thick cardboard or some soft material.

Do not place double-glazed windows and sashes flat under any circumstances. It is also prohibited to place them askew. Even the smallest pebble under the base can cause a crack to appear in the product. Remove the protective film from the outside of the frame. It's better to do this right away, because... in the future this process will require much more effort.

Mark the locations for installing fasteners. Builders recommend installing fasteners in increments of 40 cm. In accordance with current GOSTs, the increment should not exceed 70 cm. Standard distances from the impost and corners are 15 cm. If you are installing a PVC window using plates, attach them to the frame in advance. Self-tapping screws are used for this. Prepare holes for long screws or anchor bolts. Use a metal drill for this. Drill with outside frames

Most instructions indicate that before installation, you need to fix it using PSUL protective tape. However, practice shows that gluing it before installation is quite inconvenient. Therefore, you can do this after the installation is completed, nothing bad will happen because of this.

Depending on the choice of technology and material for building walls by builders, openings in buildings may have different configuration– there are windows with and without a quarter. The existing differences do not have a fundamental impact on the main characteristics of the houses. However, the further choice of measurement and installation techniques depends on them. window designs. To avoid mistakes when choosing windows, determining their correct dimensions and during installation, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with useful information from this article.

Quarter window: what is it?

A quarter window cannot always be identified at first glance from the street, but upon closer examination, it is immediately visible distinctive features. In the facade plane along the entire perimeter of the opening, including its lower zone, there is a small side. The technology got its name due to the fact that when constructing walls, the facing masonry covered the window opening by a quarter of the length of the brick. This distance is quite enough so that the protrusion does not impede the operation of the windows and successfully performs the functions assigned to it. This side provides the window structure with a number of advantages:
  • stable position of the structure in the opening - the quarter insures the frame from falling out;
  • higher level of tightness - the presence of sides makes it difficult for moisture to enter the assembly seam and prevents blowing through the structure;
  • facilitated installation - the projections serve as a guide and a boundary, so workers do not waste time and other resources on additional operations.

Although all of the above advantages have great value, it is necessary to place special emphasis on high level tightness. Thanks to this characteristic, heat loss is significantly reduced, windows fog up less, and mold does not form on frames, sashes and slopes.

The presence of a quarter extends the service life of the assembly seam, since the side effectively protects the hardened foam from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, wind, dust and water.
This method of constructing external walls is also effective in the construction of concrete and wooden houses. In all cases, the resulting side does not completely cover the frame and serves as an additional barrier and support for it. The presence of a protrusion makes possible installation Quarter windows according to GOST.

Window without a quarter - differences

The difference between the two types of openings lies in the surface topography of the slopes. It is quite easy to detect, and even a person far from construction can do it. Windows without a quarter do not have a pronounced transition from internal to external slopes. Smooth walls around the perimeter of the openings in such houses allow you to independently determine the dimensions of these areas during the installation of window blocks. That is, during installation, the movement of the frame forward or backward is not limited by any structural elements buildings.

Typically, such openings are found in private housing construction, since property owners make it as easy as possible for themselves construction technologies. In addition, when constructing modern buildings from large foam blocks, it is problematic to create a small protrusion in the openings. At the same time, the absence of a side does not have a critical impact on the main performance characteristics window structures, but still creates certain difficulties during installation:

If, during the installation of windows in openings without a quarter, you do not necessary measures, then depressurization of the assembly seam and premature wear of the hardened foam are possible. As a result, the energy efficiency of any windows decreases, condensation occurs, mold and mildew develop, and even there is a risk of structural deformation. To avoid such unpleasant consequences, you need to correctly measure and then install.

Features of measuring windows with and without a quarter

The procedures for determining the correct dimensions of window structures differ for the two types of openings. When taking measurements, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics buildings, otherwise installation problems are guaranteed, which can only be solved by making new windows.
Since when performing this procedure there are many nuances that a person without experience will miss, the measurement of the window and a quarter should be carried out by a specialist. Moreover, this service is provided by many manufacturers and dealers free of charge.
However, situations often arise when knowledge of the dimensions of window structures is needed to obtain. In this case, a small error is not terrible, and you can measure the window for such purposes yourself.

For openings without significant distortions, this is very easy to do. This requires:

  1. Determine the location of the mounting plane in which the window will be installed. Usually for this purpose the total thickness of the wall is divided by 3, after which the depth is measured internal slope. Most often it is 2/3 of the wall thickness. Accordingly, the outer slope occupies 1/3 of the total size.

  2. In the marked plane, the height of the opening is measured at three points (right, center and left). For further calculations, the smallest indicator of the obtained value is left.

  3. In the same plane at the bottom, middle and top of the light opening, its width is measured. The minimum size is again taken as the calculated value.

  4. Once you determine the actual height and width, you can easily calculate the window dimensions. To do this, you need to subtract the size of the gaps between the opening and the frame from the obtained dimensions. According to GOST 30971-02 tolerances for assembly seams are 40-60 mm on each side.

  5. For the lower zone of the opening, when determining the gap, it is advisable to take into account the actual height of the support profile.

The recommended algorithm of actions can be used only in cases where the openings do not have significant distortions. In more difficult situations another technique is used, based on inscribing a rectangle into a trapezoid, parallelogram or irregular quadrilateral. These actions should only be performed by the master.

Sometimes a quarter is specially made in a straight opening before installation. In such cases, earlier taken dimensions not suitable for making windows. The procedure for determining the correct dimensions must be repeated using the algorithm for openings with a quarter.
When performing this procedure, you need to correctly measure the light opening and determine exactly how much overlap the frame profile will have with the protruding section of the wall. After all, a quarter of a window, the dimensions of which ideally should be 65 mm on each side, in practice can be anything. According to the rules, the window frame must go inward beyond the light opening:
  • from above – by 15-20 mm;
  • right and left – by 20-40 mm;
  • From below, the frame is raised using a stand profile 10-30 mm above the edge of the clearance (this is required for successful installation of the ebb).
However, compliance with the standards is not always possible, since the protruding quarter of the window in brickwork and concrete or wooden wall may be smaller than recommended sizes. In such cases, the overlap should be reduced to such an amount that the window fits into the clearance of the internal (larger) opening. If you do not take this feature into account and act in a formulaic manner, the frame may turn out to be wider or higher than the required dimensions, and then problems will arise when installing the entire structure or installing the ebb. The measurement algorithm itself consists of the following sequence of actions:
  1. The height and width of the light opening, which is limited by the external slopes, are determined. This is done in exactly the same way as when taking dimensions from a window without a quarter.

  2. On each side, the dimensions of the internal protrusions along the entire perimeter of the opening are taken.

  3. Taking into account the obtained data and recommended tolerances, the possible overlap of the wall and frame in the upper and side zones is calculated. All this is done traditionally, taking into account the width of the installation seam (40-60 mm), filled with expanding foam.

  4. For the lower part of the window, the exact size of its elevation above the lower plane of the opening is determined.

  5. When calculating the height of the frame, it is also necessary to take into account the distance between internal part walls and window sill.

Specifics of installation in an opening with and without a quarter

Installation methods in different openings are not fundamentally different. After all, the protrusions only additionally protect the structures from falling out, blowing and exposure to moisture. At the same time, the frames in different types openings are subject to the same loads, so they must be fixed taking them into account. Installation of quarter windows is carried out according to the requirements contained in GOST 30971-2012, which can be found at OknaTrade.

When installing windows without a quarter protruding into the opening, it is no different from the procedure according to GOST. All requirements remain relevant - the width of installation seams, the distance between fasteners and permissible distortions of the structure. The differences lie in the need to take measures to protect the installation seam from the outside. For these purposes, it is recommended to use special flashings and external platbands. They help not only protect the hardened foam, but also allow you to install PSUL tape, which will give the windows the opportunity to “breathe”.

It is preferable to install windows in openings with a quarter. If this is not possible, then all measures must be taken to protect the installation seam from external influences. It is recommended to discuss this point with the installation team in advance.

Installing PVC windows is a simple matter if you have at least once held construction tools and have at least a little understanding of the materials. Installation of such windows will take a little time: half an hour to an hour to dismantle old windows and 2 hours to install new ones.

Installation of PVC windows. Installation according to GOST

GOST for the installation of PVC windows, unfortunately, in most cases is only a recommendation, however, some rules should be followed during the installation of windows. First of all, this concerns preliminary measurements. We determine the type of window opening - with or without a quarter. Below is clear example schematic view of the opening with a quarter (A), without a quarter (B).

Scheme 1 - Window opening with and without a quarter

Measurement of windows without a quarter

Installation of windows without a quarter occurs by installing windows into a cleaned window opening. To order a window:

  1. subtract 5 cm from the vertical size of the window opening - an indicator of the window height;
  2. subtract 3 cm from the horizontal size of the window opening - an indicator of the width of the window.

These gaps will subsequently be filled with polyurethane foam: i.e. 1.5 cm on each vertical side of the window, as well as 1.5 cm for the top horizontal and 3.5 cm for the bottom (for mounting a window sill).

We measure the length and width of the window sill, the external ebb and flow and add at least 5 cm to the resulting numbers - the window sill should crash into the wall on both sides of the window.

Measuring quarter windows

We measure the window opening horizontally at the very bottleneck. To the resulting number we add 3 cm (1.5 cm on the sides of the window) - this is the required window width. We measure the length vertically from the bottom of the window opening to the top quarter - this is the required vertical size of the window.

The window sill and ebb are measured similarly to the option without a quarter.

As a result, you should have:

  • window height indicator;
  • window width;
  • window sill length;
  • window sill width;
  • ebb length;
  • low tide width.

Scheme 2 - Window measurements

Installation technology

The technology for installing new windows in old houses is similar. The only amendment is that measurements of the new window are made based on the outer dimensions of the dismantled window frame.

When ordering windows, please also check whether the following are included in the package:

  • windowsill;
  • plugs;
  • installation profile (mounting profile);
  • anchor plates for fastening the window;
  • instructions for installing PVC windows (some manufacturers include it in the kit).

When ordering a window, you should also know the answers to the following questions:

  1. What type window profile do you want to order - 3, 4 or 5 chamber?
  2. What type of double-glazed window did you choose - 1-chamber, 2-chamber, 3-chamber?
  3. The method of opening your window is a fixed window, a window with opening, a tilt-and-turn window with ventilation, or a combined window (a tilt-and-turn window with ventilation and micro-ventilation).

By the way, if you want to get a quality product for reasonable price, it’s worth choosing from mainly German ones and, not surprisingly, domestic producers window systems: REHAU, Veka, KBE, Schuko, Aluplast, Kemmerling, Brugmann or Trocal.

The installation technology provides two methods: installing PVC windows with unpacking and installing windows without unpacking.

Scheme 3 - Construction of a metal-plastic window

The first method involves preliminary disassembly of the window: removing the glazing beads, removing the double-glazed windows from the frame, fastening the frame to the wall with dowels, and then installing the double-glazed windows and glazing beads.

The second technology does not require the removal of double-glazed windows: the frame is fastened using fasteners fixed to the outer surface of the wall, and not through dowels.

The installation method with unpacking can sometimes lead to fogging of the windows; also, with a lack of experience, glazing beads and double-glazed windows can be damaged, and the installation process itself will take much longer. Of course correct installation not to any negative consequences will not lead. However, be extremely careful!

The unpacking method is rightfully considered more reliable, especially if the frame was attached to large, long anchors. If we are talking about fixing a window on the floor above the 15th, about installing large windows (2x2 m), right choice− fasten the frame through, disassembling the window.

Necessary tool

To install windows you will need:

  • screwdriver;
  • level;
  • gun (for a container of polyurethane foam and sealant);
  • polyurethane foam (1-3 cylinders per 1 standard window);
  • PSUL for external waterproofing;
  • Primer;
  • perforator;
  • set of hexagons;
  • jigsaw;
  • stationery knife;
  • pencil;
  • paint brush;
  • roulette.

We install windows. Work progress

In progress installation work you should be guided by a previously outlined plan: the window installation diagram (whether you drew it yourself or it was given as an example in the instructions from the window system manufacturer) will help you avoid mistakes and strictly follow the plan. If you doubt whether your calculations or ideas about the window installation process are correct, it can help technological map for window installation - a universal set of installation norms and rules, guided by which you will be confident in the correctness of your actions.

We dismantle the old window and prepare the surface for installation of the new window system.

We prepare the tool for work.

To improve the adhesion of waterproofing tapes to the surface of the opening, we treat it with a primer. Apply the primer with a paint brush.

Having removed the cellophane packaging of the windows, we glue the internal vapor barrier tape to the frame along the semi-perimeter.

Figure 1 - Pasting the window frame vapor barrier tape along the semi-perimeter

We cover the frame with an external vapor barrier; we fasten the PSUL along the outer surface of the frame. When gluing, do not allow gaps between the joints of the tape. PSUL - vapor-permeable tape will not allow the polyurethane foam to escape when processing gaps to the outside, protecting not only the appearance of the structure, but also the polyurethane foam from exposure environment− precipitation, ultraviolet radiation and wind, which destroy the foam.

We install the frame in the opening, align and fix it, focusing on the installation rules:

  • On the frame prepared for installation, we mark the places for subsequent fastening;
  • We fasten the frames on 4 sides in increments of 70 cm, while the distance from the corner of the window frame to the first fastener should be no more than 15 cm;
  • fasteners are attached to the window frame (the self-tapping screw must be fixed in the metal inside the frame, because the right technology installation involves the use of metal screws with a diameter of 4-5 mm; for large window sizes, the diameter of the screw should be 12 mm);
  • use anchor plates as fastening elements;
  • in places for mounting fasteners we make recesses in window opening(fastening elements are recessed by 2-4 cm for ease of working with slopes after completing the window installation work);
  • the window must be level (to slightly level the horizontalness of the window, you can use wooden wedges, placing them under the frame at the right points);
  • to fix the frame in the opening, we install wedges - first the bottom two, thanks to which you can align the lower and upper edges of the frame to the horizon (so that the window does not dangle; it is appropriate to secure the upper anchor), then fasten the wedges along the vertical of the window;
  • We attach the window to the window opening.

On outside window opening we attach a diffuse tape under the ebb.

After adjusting the fittings (it is not recommended to buy fittings from a manufacturer other than the manufacturer of the window system, however, if necessary, pay attention to offers from Winkhaus, Siegenia, G-U, Aubi, Schuko (Germany), Maco (Austria)), you can foam the window (apply mounting foam along the entire perimeter of the window frame, taking into account that this installation material increases its volume up to 3 times) and 15-20 minutes after processing all the gaps, it is necessary to bend the protective film previously applied around the perimeter of the window frame so that it completely covers the installation gaps (see figure).

Figure 2 - Processing of assembly seams

We fix the ebb. It is advisable to install it under the window - this way you can avoid water seepage at the connecting seam of the ebb and the window frame.

Do-it-yourself PVC window installation in winter

Many people are concerned about the question: “Is it possible to install PVC windows in winter?”

Of course it is possible! And the installation technology remains unchanged. The only thing worth paying attention to is the temperature indicators for the materials used during installation. In particular - indicators of the use of polyurethane foam.

Special winter options have been developed, thanks to which you can work even at -10°C!

When choosing polyurethane foam for winter work, focus on products brands Macroflex Profi (Finland), Illbruck (USA) and Moment (Russia).

Installation of PVC window sill

Installation of a PVC window sill completes the installation of new window blocks.

The length and width of most window sills are standard. In any case, you need to take a window sill with a margin in length and width. The excess can be easily trimmed with a grinder.

Work progress:

Place the window sill under the window and level it using wooden wedges or any other durable material at hand.

The window sill should extend into the wall at least 1.5 cm.

Before final installation, make sure that the window sill does not sag by pressing in several places.

The slope of the window sill relative to the window should not exceed 3°.

We fill the cavity under the window sill with construction foam.

The surface of the window sill must be evenly loaded for at least 12 hours so that the expanding foam does not affect the installation angle of the window sill.

A day later, the remaining foam is removed with a utility knife, and the joint between the window and the sill is treated with sealant.

Scheme 4 - Window sill installation

All that remains is to install the slopes on the PVC windows - and you're done!

According to GOST! Installation of PVC windows: VIDEO

Installation of PVC windows: VIDEO

$ Installation of PVC windows: price issue

The cost of the work will depend on how much your window costs: companies that provide a full package of services often derive window installation prices from the cost of the window - starting from 10%. Thus, when doing the work yourself, savings on window installation can range from $40 to $60 (for one window).

Installation of PVC windows. Price:

  • Kyiv - from 100-130 UAH. per m²;
  • Moscow - from 1,000 – 1,200 rubles. per m².

Cost of plastic windows with installation:

The cost of plastic windows with installation averages from $80-90 (a fixed window 1 m by 1.5 m) and up to $2,200 (glazing an area of ​​3.4 m by 1.5 m with a sliding two-chamber window system). As you can see, the range of prices is amazing. Window installation - price not always included in total amount. Therefore, when signing an order for the manufacture of a window and the corresponding contract, make sure what is included in final price, and what you still have to spend money on.

The estimate is an extremely important document: when you receive it, ask for a full price list of work and materials - a check is never superfluous.

The cost of installation, paid separately, varies: prices range from $30-70.

If the client is not able to pay the entire amount at once, some companies provide the goods and services of their team of craftsmen in installments.

The window business, by the way, is a profitable business: for example, winning a tender for glazing high-rise buildings or a housing estate under construction - it’s like hitting the jackpot in a casino. The company's profits can be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Plastic windows have long been firmly established in modern life. They are installed in buildings and structures for absolutely any purpose due to their versatility and unsurpassed qualities compared to traditional wooden structures. Dimensions play an important role when installing windows. Depends on correct measurements quality installation plastic windows.

The importance of correct measurements

The manufacturer usually offers the services of its own measurer. This service is free. The product is manufactured on the basis of a measurement sheet, where the measurer indicates all the necessary parameters. If, when installing a window, difficulties arise due to an incorrectly manufactured product, the manufacturer will bear responsibility.

As a rule, window measurements are carried out by the manufacturer

If the customer provides the dimensions himself, then at the stage of signing the contract for the provision of services for the manufacture and installation of plastic windows, he signs the measurement sheet, which is drawn up by the manager based on the provided dimensions.

With his signature, the customer confirms the correctness of the dimensions indicated in the measurement sheet, in his words, which means that if the window does not fit during installation, the customer will bear responsibility and all financial costs the cost of altering the product will fall on his shoulders. When taking measurements yourself, it is important to approach this matter extremely responsibly.

General rules

Measurements window openings performed from two sides: inside and outside the room. In this way the first is determined important– depth of the window opening.

IN panel houses A typical situation is when window openings were initially made with significant distortions at the stage of installation of slabs during the construction of a house. These values ​​should be taken into account when installing plastic windows, and based on them, increase the size of the manufactured window. Internal and external measurements should be compared and the error determined.

When taking measurements, it is necessary to take into account possible distortions

After installing the window, to visually correct the curvature, you can use slopes, which give the window opening not only a neat appearance, but also prevent condensation from accumulating due to high humidity, thereby preventing the formation of mold.

To identify possible miscalculations, it is useful to make a comparison internal dimensions opening with the expected dimensions of the new window. The error in measurements should not exceed ten millimeters.

Quarter windows

When installing a plastic window in brick house there are some nuances. Window openings in brick houses are characterized by the presence of quarters, which are protruding brick fragments that prevent the possible loss of window frames. According to standards, a quarter should have a size of 6.5 cm, but in practice this size can be any.

The standard size of a quarter is 6.5 cm

Therefore, it is extremely important to take this feature into account so that during installation there are no problems with the installation of drainage. To do this, provide a distance of 1.5 - 2 cm from the upper border of the lower quarter to the window frame. Window frame should be installed no higher than 1.5 cm relative to the upper quarters, and 4-5 cm relative to the side quarters.

During installation there should be no contact between the frame and the existing window opening. The gap size at the bottom should be at least 4 cm, at the top and side - at least 5 cm. This is due to the fact that plastic windows are installed using polyurethane foam, which has the property of primary and secondary expansion.

When installing a window in a brick house, it is necessary to take into account the presence of quarters

To prevent the structure from “sinking” after a secondary increase in foam volume, spacers are installed around the perimeter of the window at the window installation stage.

If, when installing a window, it is planned to install an external drainage system and a window sill, then this entails the need to install a support profile to which these elements will be mounted. Therefore, the height of the window must be reduced by the height of the stand profile, which is 3 cm.

Windows without quarters

When deciding how to measure a window without quarters, you need to do a few simple steps. The width of the future window is calculated after measuring its upper and lower parts. In this case, for the calculation, a smaller value is taken, from which 4 cm is subtracted for the placement of assembly seams on both sides - the result is the width of the future product.

It is worth considering that the more significant the error when measuring the width in several places, the more centimeters will need to be subtracted to determine the final size.

The size of the seams must be subtracted from the width of the window opening.

Calculating the height of a window product follows the same rules as determining the width, only in this case, about 2.5 cm should be subtracted from the resulting value for the installation seam and 3 cm if a stand profile is installed.

Why do you need a stand profile?

A stand or substitution profile is an element that is placed at the bottom of the window product and has a height of 3 cm. An external drainage system made of powder-painted metal is attached to the stand profile. Low tide prevents accumulation atmospheric precipitation and protects the assembly seam from them.

A support profile is needed to secure the drainage system

WITH inside premises, a PVC window sill board is attached to the stand profile, which also hides the installation seam and makes the appearance of the window aesthetically pleasing.

A window sill is attached to the substitution profile from the inside

It is important to know that when PVC installation window sill, its width will be 5 cm greater than a standard wooden one. At the request of the customer, the window sill can be made up to 70 cm wide, but it must be taken into account that the heating radiator does not pass under it, since wide window sill will hinder proper circulation warm air.

It is not recommended to install a window sill that is too wide above the battery

When calculating the width of the window sill, take into account its overhang, which cannot be less than 1 cm. The length of the window sill is equal to the width of the opening with access to the wall on both sides, which should not be less than 5 cm.

Features of measuring a balcony window

The structure on which the window will be installed in this case will be the balcony fencing, so the width of the window will be equal to its length. Since the combination of the side and front parts of the structure will be carried out by installation in the required location corner profile, then their width should be subtracted from the length of the fence - this will be the width of the new window.

The height of the product is the distance from the top of the fence to balcony slab the upper floor. From this value you need to subtract 3 cm for making the installation seam.

Features of measuring window openings in private houses of old construction

Before measuring a window opening in an old private house, it is necessary to identify actual sizes this opening. This requires dismantling the slopes. Often, significant gaps are hidden under the slopes, sealed with cement or insulation.

Before measuring a window opening in an old house, it is necessary to dismantle the slopes

During dismantling old frame this entire additional structure may collapse and it turns out that the opening has, where large sizes, which will only be a plus. But, if measurements were previously made using old windows, then all the free space will have to be restored instead of using wider windows.

When choosing a design, you should decide on its color, configuration, the presence of sashes and the desired opening mechanism, the presence of a window sill and ebb and flow.

Regarding color range, That standard color PVC windows - white, laminated profiles in walnut, mahogany, cherry, oak are common. It is also possible to produce them in other colors, but due to their limited use, the cost of such windows is much higher. It is important to take into account that all windows on the facade of the building must be made in the same style and color, otherwise its architectural appearance will be disrupted.

The window configuration can be different: square, rectangular, round, triangular, polygonal, arched. Modern technologies production of plastic windows allows you to realize any design ideas. In this case, the diameter of the arched structure should not be less than 50 cm.

The diameter of the arched window must be at least 50 cm

A plastic window can be blind or have sashes that are positioned vertically or in the form of a transom. When choosing the width of the sashes, it is important to consider that it may have a limit according to the catalog of window systems. Since perimeter fittings have limitations, the swing-and-turn sash cannot be made less than 40 cm wide.

The opening mechanism can be rotary, tilt or turn-tilt. When installing windows in panel houses, casing is not installed, but the slopes are finished and drainage is installed.

In panel houses, when installing plastic windows, drainage systems are installed and slopes are finished

In private homes, cashing is used to mask the installation seam and protect it from the effects of precipitation. If a low tide is installed, then cashing is mounted on three sides; if there is no low tide, then on four.

If all the windows on the facade are to be replaced, then everything must be measured at once. Their height may be almost the same, but their width may differ. To make it you need to take smallest value measured window.

To determine the location for installing the window unit, the thickness of the wall must be known. From the inside, the structure should be mounted to a depth equal to 2/3 of the width of the wall, while you can take into account the width of the external insulation and install it further.

If you add 5 cm to the width of the opening for the bend and 4 cm for the protrusion, then the required value of the drainage width will be known. If the wall is sheathed, then this thickness must also be taken into account. The width of the slopes is measured only after installing the window unit.