Requirements and rules for installing a coaxial chimney. Coaxial chimney for a gas boiler: installation, device and reviews (photo) Vailant boiler instructions installation of coaxial pipe gaskets

The installation of a coaxial chimney on heating boilers has become widely and successfully used.

This is provoked primarily by the features of such a chimney, which give it advantages over other types of hoods for heating.

Increases the efficiency of the heating process, which is reflected in the air temperature in the room. This in turn affects the cost of heating, as for optimum temperature less fuel is needed, which costs money.

In order for the installation of a boiler with a coaxial chimney to be successful and it will serve you for a long time, it is necessary to properly install the coaxial chimney. And it is better to do this when you are familiar with the types of such chimneys and their features.

1 What are coaxial chimneys?

Installation of a coaxial chimney for a gas boiler depends on the type of product purchased. The installation of a vertical coaxial chimney will differ from that intended for a horizontal arrangement.

For installation different types chimneys will need various auxiliary devices.

Proper installation of a coaxial chimney involves the selection of materials that will match each other. For example, a double pipe must be of such a diameter as to match the boiler for which a coaxial chimney is being installed for.

In order not to do everything at random, and then not to redo it, study technical certificate heating device. There must be the wishes of specialists regarding the installation and installation of this equipment.

The installation of a coaxial chimney of a gas boiler can also be done using technology that prevents icing of the chimney. As a rule, such chimneys are sold complete with the device.

2 What steps should be present when installing a coaxial chimney and what is important not to forget?

In order for the installation of a coaxial chimney with your own hands to be correct, it is important not to forget anything and follow everything exactly necessary steps, which you can learn about from our article.

First, determine whether you will install the chimney horizontally or vertically. Vertical installation of a coaxial chimney is rarely done, since such a device is more overall.

In addition, to install this type of chimney, it is necessary to punch a hole in the roof, which is not always easy to do. But still, sometimes the installation of a baxi coaxial chimney of this type is necessary.

This happens in cases where, due to the layout of the premises horizontal installation is simply impossible. This may be hindered by protrusions of the wall, radiators, doors or windows.

But if all these obstacles are not present, then feel free to install the coaxial chimney horizontally, since such an arrangement, in combination with a fan, is the most optimal.

Horizontal installation is mainly assumed by the rules for installing a coaxial chimney in apartment building. This is also due to the fact that if the apartment is not located on the top floor, then vertical installation impossible.

The rules for installing a coaxial chimney for a gas boiler provide that all adapters, tees and clamps, elbows must be selected in accordance with the diameter of the coaxial pipe.

It is important to ensure that the distance between the two pipes of such a chimney is always kept at the same level, including in the places where adapters and other auxiliary installation elements are used.

All auxiliary elements that involve the installation of a coaxial chimney with your own hands must fit snugly together, ensuring the system is sealed. This is important to ensure good draft, which enhances the heating effect of the boiler.

Also, the tightness of the system can guarantee that air with impurities of combustion products will not be mixed with fresh air, which is not a desirable phenomenon, as it can cause smoke in the room.

The rules for installing coaxial chimneys require that the structure be placed away from gas pipelines. Also, the installation of a coaxial chimney in an apartment building is done so that the exit is not located close to the window, and not very low above the boiler - these are safety requirements.

There must be at least 600 mm to the window, and at least 1.5 meters from the upper edge of the boiler.

Installation of a coaxial chimney in wooden house has its own rules. Wood is sensitive to moisture, so the walls of such a house must be protected from condensation, which can occur when the hot exhaust air is cooled.

For this, the installation of a coaxial chimney in a wooden house is carried out using thermal insulation materials so that the temperature on the surface of the pipe is even.

Where the pipe exits wooden coverings, can be used steel sheets for upholstery to reduce the chance of spontaneous combustion.

The rules for installing a coaxial chimney for a gas boiler are well known by a specialist who will do everything faster and better than you, unless, of course, you have solid experience in this area.

In some new buildings, when laying communications, individual heating is already provided.

Therefore, there is laid one system coaxial chimneys, which will save you from unnecessary trouble and give you confidence that all the requirements for the installation of a coaxial chimney of a gas boiler are met.

2.1 Rules for laying a coaxial chimney to the boiler - video

23 May 2014 Alexei

The use of modern boiler equipment is impossible without a system for removing combustion products. It is necessary for effective work boiler using any type of fuel.

But the installation of a classic smoke channel is carried out in the process of building a house and is not possible in an already built building. In this case ideal solution there will be a coaxial chimney device. In this article, we will look at what this design is and how to install it.

Purpose and types of coaxial systems

Let's start with the name. The word coaxial is interpreted as a double channel. AT constructively such a chimney is a double-circuit. In it, a smaller pipe in diameter is located in a larger one. At the same time, they do not touch each other, but are connected into one whole with the help of special jumpers.

In general, this is a system that carries out the removal of combustion products and the supply of air from the street for the most complete combustion of fuel inside the boiler. About 90% of modern heating units are equipped with closed camera combustion, having a smoke exhaust pipe within 3 m in length.

When deciding to use a coaxial chimney, it is important to know that it is installed in a horizontal position. The output is through one of the outer walls.

The following are on the market:

  • And stainless steel
  • Galvanized

Depending on the installation method, they are divided into:

  • Internal
  • External

Having decided to equip a coaxial chimney, the installation standards must be studied in advance, this will help to perform all the work correctly and guarantee trouble-free operation of the equipment in the future.

Installation rules

No matter how simple the design of the chimney is, its installation must be carried out in accordance with the requirements normative documents. When installing coaxial chimneys, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The outlet is made 1.5 m above the gas boiler and not lower than 1 m above ground level
  2. If it is necessary to build up the pipe, its length should not exceed 3 m, while the use of sealants and other similar materials is prohibited.
  3. Horizontal installation is carried out with an inclination angle of 3 degrees
  4. Do not use more than 2 knees
  5. Between the chimney and the nearest opening in the wall, a distance of 60 cm is allowed

Only by fulfilling all the requirements listed above can you be sure of quality work systems.

Benefits of using

Why do most consumers today choose these designs? The answer to this question may be positive traits. The main advantage of a coaxial chimney is the possibility of air intake from the outside.

This allows you to maintain a good indoor climate without additional investment in ventilation systems.

Another plus in favor of this design is the heating of air during the intake process, which completely eliminates heat loss and significantly increases the efficiency of the boiler. The last factor contributes complete combustion gas, which makes the operation of the unit environmentally friendly.

Watch the video, the operation of the system:

Design features allow to avoid heating of the outer surface of the pipe. This makes it possible to minimize the risk of fire facing materials located at the junction of the pipe and the wall.

Add to this:

  • Wide choice of diameters
  • Ease of installation
  • Compact dimensions

If we compare the capabilities of a conventional design and a coaxial one, we can once again be convinced of its superiority. The only drawback is the high cost and expensive maintenance.

Where does the installation start?

Installing a coaxial chimney does not take much time if you make a plan of action. Make sure in advance that the equipment of the unit corresponds to that declared by the manufacturer and take care of purchasing the necessary tools.

The cross section of the chimney must correspond to the diameter of the boiler outlet pipe. You can determine this from your passport.

Assembly without errors

The first step in installing the chimney is to prepare the hole in the wall. Its diameter must correspond to the pipe that is brought out.

Then the chimney is connected to the outlet neck of the boiler, using a clamp to fix it. Assembled structure bolted on both sides. Next, proceed to the assembly of the chimney itself. Its parts are connected to each other with clamps, in order to ensure their reliability. On top of them put on decorative lining. Their function is to preserve the design of the room.

No matter how simple the installation and arrangement of a coaxial chimney may seem, certain knowledge is needed to complete it. After all, with incorrect calculations of the system for removing combustion products, smoke, carbon monoxide may enter the premises.

Installation of an external chimney

Installation of this design can be performed in two versions:

  1. outdoor
  2. internal

The first is used if the building has already been built. Before proceeding with the installation, determine the place for the location of the system and for the chimney inlet.

On the outer wall mark where the exit will be located. When doing so, follow the rules fire safety. After the hole of the required diameter is ready, proceed to the installation of the chimney.

For this, all preliminary interior work: connecting the pipe to the boiler using a sectional single-circuit elbow and a double-circuit tee. The latter is necessary to secure the system in a vertical position. Next, the chimney is reinforced with brackets on the wall surface.

Installation internal system begin with correct selection pipe diameter. Usually its diameter is indicated in the product passport. The main thing is that it matches in size with the outlet of the boiler.

The connection of the unit and the chimney is carried out using a tee. In this case, the links are fastened by a chain (the lower ones must go into the upper ones). This design allows the smoke to escape unhindered.

Double-circuit pipes are connected using a transition node. The joints are fastened using clamps.

If the branch pipe is located on the side of the boiler, then a horizontal assembly is made for the chimney outlet. When the exit is from above, the chimney is displayed in a vertical position using brackets.

Checking the functionality of the design

After all the installation steps have been successfully completed, you need to check:

  • Reliability of fastening connecting parts chimney
  • The correct position of the flue pipe (it should be slightly inclined)
  • The absence of barriers at the exit point of the structure to the outside

Just making sure correct installation equipment, the hole in the wall is covered with decorative overlays. Their fastening is carried out on building glue or liquid nails. It is recommended to foam the hole around the chimney, this will prevent cold air from entering the room and the accumulation of condensate.

It is important

The coaxial exhaust gas exhaust system is a design that not only improves the characteristics of heating boilers, but also increases the efficiency of their work.

Its installation can be done independently, with the necessary skills and knowledge. If you are not confident in your own abilities, then it is better to entrust this work to professionals.

After all, competent installation of a condensate drain is only possible for a specialist. So it's not worth the risk.

The German company Vaillant, which specializes in the production of systems autonomous heating, has always been one step ahead of its competitors, offering consumers the latest technological solutions. She managed to achieve incredible success in a variety of niches in the home appliance market. heating technology, including in such a specific area as the production of exhaust gas systems.

Today, Vaillant, being one of the industry leaders, is actively developing the direction of coaxial chimneys - a new global trend. In this article, we will take a closer look at one of the latest developments of German engineers - the Vaillant 60x100 coaxial chimney, which is designed for units with a closed combustion chamber.

The design is made in the classic "pipe-in-pipe" format, which ensures efficient intake of fresh air and rapid elimination waste gases. The Vailant coaxial chimney provides complete isolation of the processes of air supply to the furnace and smoke removal. The installation of such a chimney not only helps to maintain the optimal level of humidity and oxygen in the room, but also increases the coefficient useful action boiler by a few percent.

The principle of operation of the Vaillant chimney, with all the perfection of the design, is quite simple. The pressurized burner, which is located in the boiler, emits exhaust gases into the street through inner tube, and through the outer pipe larger diameter Fresh air sucked from the combustion chamber.

This design is compact and easy to operate and install. The Vaillant smoke extraction system is no match for a traditional chimney. A coaxial pipe can be installed absolutely in any room, and quickly enough. To install a chimney in an apartment, you need to make a small hole in the wall for the unhindered removal of gases.

The versatility of the German coaxial chimney Vaillant is noted by many experts. It can be installed both on the right and on the left side of the boiler.

What is included in mounting kit? It includes:

  • Elbow 90 degrees with a flange for aggregation with a boiler and specially provided holes that make it possible to take a sample of combustion products;
  • 750 mm section of the coaxial chimney;
  • Cuffs for decoration of the interwall passage;
  • Mounting kit for the installation of self-tapping screws, gaskets and clamps.

The Vaillant brand coaxial chimney is used for the horizontal removal of exhaust gases and the rapid flow of air into the combustion chamber. The total length of the structure is 1 meter.


If you do not have the opportunity to equip a full-fledged exhaust system, this does not mean that your only choice is an electric water heating boiler. Today the installation of a gas or solid fuel boiler requiring additional installation gas exhaust systems, possible in any room. It will help you to resolve this issue. coaxial design Vaillant, which has proven itself among European consumers.

Any heating equipment: a heating stove or boiler, a fireplace or even a simple geyser connects common feature: they need to utilize the air that is saturated with combustion products. This is not only a guarantee of comfort, but also safety. Failure to comply with the rules for installing chimneys can even lead to sad consequences - carbon monoxide poisoning.

The latest solution for modern technologies heating is a coaxial chimney. It allows you to significantly reduce the volume of the chimney, in addition, the air from the room is not used at all during operation, which is undoubtedly an important advantage. This type of chimney is suitable for boilers with a built-in smoke exhauster (forced draft). It is much shorter and more compact than a conventional traditional pipe. His European quality combined with a great price.

The principle of operation of the coaxial chimney

The smoke exhauster built into the boiler system allows air to be taken from the outside through the outer pipe simultaneously with removal through the inner one. flue gases. Since the air draft is practically ensured, the outer pipe has a small diameter and a length corresponding to the layout of the installation. Exhaust air containing an admixture of combustion products is ejected from the boiler through the inner pipe. It is also shorter than the traditional one, and the boiler, therefore, does not take up much space. The coaxial chimney is made of modern reliable acid-resistant materials, so the inner pipe does not react with harmful impurities, that is, it is not subject to destruction.

The structure of such a chimney is such that flue gases do not enter the air duct when they exit. All this must be taken into account when designing a coaxial chimney, installation standards and fire safety as well. Another important condition for its reliable functioning is the tightness of the connection of the external air channel and the branch pipe.

SNiP for installation

Heating systems operating on gas fuel, are somewhat different from coal and wood stoves. Therefore, if a coaxial chimney is installed, the installation standards are also different.

In the case of this type of chimney flues, combustion products can be vented to the atmosphere through outer wall premises. In this case, in particular, there is no need for a vertical channel from the system, through which combustion products will be forcibly removed. In this case, the smoke channel opening on the facade of the house is placed according to the installation instructions. gas equipment from the manufacturer, but subject to the following conditions:

  • at a distance of at least 2 meters from the ground level;
  • minimum distance to doors, windows and open ventilation grilles(holes) horizontally should be 0.5 meters;
  • the minimum distance to the upper edge of doors, windows and open ventilation grilles (holes) should also be 0.5 meters;
  • vertical distance from windows located above the opening of the smoke channel - from 1 meter;
  • in the area of ​​​​1.5 meters from the coaxial pipe there should not be any obstacles, say, walls, poles, etc.

The chimney, if there is no condensate trap, must be installed at an angle to the ground, preventing condensate from flowing back. Optimal slope is 6–12°.

  • If a smoke channel placed under a balcony, canopy or eaves of the roof of the house, then it should go beyond the circle with radius R. It is equal to the width of the part of the building protruding above the chimney.
  • The smoke channel should not go through the outer wall into driveways (arches), underground passages, tunnels, etc.

When exiting through the wall, the length of the horizontal section of the channel is taken no more than 3 meters. However, in this matter, manufacturing plants allow discrepancies. For example, according to the instructions, the Ferroli coaxial chimney has a maximum allowable length pipes - 4 m (60/100) or 5 m (80/125), and coaxial chimney Navien- 3 m. From all this we can conclude that, first of all, even before the start of design, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions for the gas equipment that is supposed to be installed, since for different boilers some of the main parameters may not match.
(below are the documents of SNIP, and installation rules for chimneys of some manufacturers)

Coaxial chimneys of the best manufacturers - a guarantee of reliability and quality

Coaxial chimney Ariston
Chimneys Ariston Italian made suitable for most modern boilers. They also come with sealing gaskets and wall linings.

Coaxial chimney Baxi
The chimney in its design should have a length of up to 5 m. If it is directed to the street, it is given a slope of 1 cm per meter of its length. For the conditions of the Russian climate, insulated options are more suitable with the following changes made to the design:

  • elongated head,
  • the design of the air intake duct is especially protected,
  • made of composite material.

Such a system makes it possible to prevent icing of the chimney and cause the boiler to stop in emergency mode if the outside temperature drops to -50 C.

Coaxial chimney Proterm
These products are very easy to install and increase the efficiency of the respective Protherm boilers. In addition to them, the company also offers extensions for chimneys, adapters designed for separate smoke extraction and more.

Vaillant coaxial chimney
This company is considered one of the leaders in the European market. Its products are in high demand in last years. When choosing chimney it is especially important that its cross section correspond to the cross section of the Vaillant boiler nozzle. When installing, it is necessary to ensure the distance between the chimney and flammable structural elements at least 100 mm.

Viessmann coaxial chimney
In addition to the coaxial outlet (diameter 60/100, 90°), the kit usually includes: a coaxial pipe equipped with a tip (diameter 60/100, length 0.75 m) and wall plates. Its special design prevents the pipe from freezing in winter.

Installation of a coaxial chimney requires a serious approach, as well as technical and theoretical knowledge. You should know all the requirements for fire safety, be able to comply with these rules.

Only under this condition can the installation of a coaxial chimney be carried out successfully and safely. In this article we will talk about how to install a coaxial chimney from various manufacturers.

This article will cover the requirements and rules for the installation of chimneys "Baxi", "Navien", "Bosch", "Vaillant" and others. The topic of how to install a vertical coaxial chimney will also be touched upon.

Advantages and disadvantages

The assembled coaxial chimney kit has the following significant advantages:

  • Sufficiently high efficiency, which is ensured by a very heated incoming air flow (this effect is especially noticeable in the chimneys of Baxi, Bosch, Vaillant and Navien);
  • Compact design, ensured by one massive pipe (having, however, an impressive diameter) instead of two in other types of chimneys;
  • No need to add additional ventilation system(although in some cases it may be required in the Baksi and Navien chimneys);
  • Absolutely safe for both humans and animals, the air circulating in the hotel system;
  • For coaxial chimneys "Baxi", "Bosch" and "Vaillant" low price outlet systems;
  • No problems with condensate in the chimney system;
  • The coaxial chimneys "Baxi", "Bosch", and "Vaillant" have significantly reduced the total fuel consumption for saunas and baths.

Another undoubted plus of this type of chimney is the circulating cold air, which perfectly protects the walls of the building from possible overheating.

But there is a significant problem with this type of chimney. This is about possible risk freezing of pipes with a small diameter. The diameter of the pipes in this case plays a key role, since only pipes with a small diameter are susceptible to freezing.

And this problem is common for coaxial type chimneys manufactured by Baxi, Bosch and Vaillant.

Such frostbite occurs due to the fact that the temperature of the so-called "flue gases" at the outlet of the coaxial chimney becomes already minimal, since it indirectly heats the inner pipe. And this subsequently leads to the formation of condensate.

It is for this reason that such freezing of pipes having a small diameter in coaxial chimneys is the norm.

However, when operating chimneys in Russia, where the usual outdoor temperature is quite often at -15 degrees Celsius and below, this can be fatal.

Even such advanced models of coaxial chimneys as Baxi, Bosch and Vaillant are not protected from this.

And moreover, there are this moment a completely justified opinion that coaxial chimneys are generally not suitable for operation in Russia. It's no secret that they were originally created to work in the regions southern countries. Many people see this as the reason for freezing.

But there are also experts who think that such destructive freezing is only a problem of an initially improperly designed chimney and nothing more. In general, disputes have been going on for a long time, but the conclusion is the same.

It consists in the fact that turbocharging, together with a galvanized chamber and a chimney burner, fail very quickly due to freezing problems.

Repairing them takes not only a huge amount of time, but also requires serious financial costs. And this is at a fairly high cost of the coaxial chimneys themselves!

However, from practice it can be seen that those models are usually subject to freezing heating equipment, who, chasing the most high efficiency, flue gas temperature goes off scale.

At the same time, it reaches the so-called "dew point", for this reason the diameter of the chimneys is subsequently tried to be reduced to an absolute minimum.

The manufacturers of coaxial chimneys themselves answer all questions about freezing by the fact that they were not created for such a climate. And it’s not that they weren’t created, but simply weren’t tested for performance at average temperatures in Russia. And this must be taken for granted.

1.1 Chimney installation

Installation of coaxial types of chimneys does not differ from model to model. So chimneys such as "Baxi", "Bosch", "Vaillant" and others have the same general instructions.

At the same time, coaxial chimneys can only be installed in gas boilers, convectors and various radiators that have closed-type combustion chambers.

For the installation of a coaxial type chimney, the following structural elements will be required:

  • Knee:
  • Actually chimney pipe (its length does not matter);
  • Flange;
  • Specialized adapter for the boiler;
  • Crimp clamp.

Install the chimney at the shortest distance between the boiler and the wall. In this case, the entire length of the area from the boiler to the wall must be cleared of foreign objects and materials that can ignite.

It is also important to accurately determine the point where the pipe will subsequently be led out during external environment(street). In the best case, the location of the pipe should be one and a half meters above the chimney outlet from the boiler itself.

Holes should be made with a diameter of 110 - 125 millimeters. That is, to put it simply, exactly along the pipe. And here you can already understand that the requirements for the installation of coaxial types of chimneys are much less stringent than those of conventional models.

After the installation of the coaxial chimney, it is necessary to close the hole in the wall of the building with a specialized decorative overlay. It must be laid strictly under the diameter of the pipe, for which you can use building glue or the so-called "liquid nails".

At the same time, the end hole from the street is most often foamed to prevent cold air masses from entering the boiler room from the outside. Due to this, drafts and condensation can be avoided.

It is noteworthy that a coaxial chimney does not have to be carried out through the wall of the building. AT modern realities it is quite possible to implement a scheme of so-called "collective chimneys".

2 Fire safety requirements

There are quite strict and logical requirements and standards for the installation of coaxial types of chimneys. They are presented as follows:

  1. 0.5 meters horizontally directly to open various ventilation holes, windows and even doors;
  2. 1 meter vertically to all available windows in cases where the chimney exits exclusively under them;
  3. 0.5 meters vertically to all available windows in cases where the chimney exits exclusively above them (not to be confused with the previous paragraph!);
  4. 2 meters from the ground regardless of whether people walk on it or not.

In addition, when passing gas pipe directly below the coaxial chimney, the distance between the pipe and the chimney must be at least 20 centimeters.

At the same time, the distance from the corner of the house is no longer standardized and regulated in any way, there is freedom of improvisation and one's own desires.

The most significant advantage of coaxial types of chimneys is, of course, the absence of the obligatory need to install additional ventilation of the boiler room. But it is important to note here that recent times Many experts still recommend installing ventilation.

In any case, this will definitely not be superfluous, and due to this it will be possible to significantly reduce the risks of fires and failure of the coaxial chimney.

2.1 Overview of the coaxial chimney for a bath (video)