We lay the warm floor under the linoleum correctly. Heated floors under linoleum Installation of electric underfloor heating under linoleum

Linoleum is a fairly widely used material for flooring, its main advantage is low price. But a low price automatically indicates that the quality of the material does not quite meet modern requirements. One of the problematic characteristics is that harmful substances can be released during operation. chemical compounds. This criterion should be paid attention to when choosing a specific linoleum for underfloor heating.

Linoleum can be:

  • On PVC base. One of the cheapest options, has limitations on maximum heating. Most types are forbidden to be heated to temperatures above + 28 ° C. For warm floors it is necessary to apply very carefully and constantly monitor the heating mode;
  • Glyphthalic. The surface is covered with a particularly durable glyptal varnish. In terms of performance, it meets modern requirements. It is considered the best option for arranging underfloor heating. The disadvantage is the relatively high price;
  • Rubber. The cheapest, in residential premises is rarely used due to unsatisfactory quality indicators. Allowed for use during the arrangement of underfloor heating;
  • Single layer. Thin material, very cheap and very fragile, used in polluted areas, requires frequent replacement. It is laid without joints, the places of overlap are welded with special equipment;
  • Insulated linoleums. A complex, thick and expensive material with low thermal conductivity values. Not recommended for underfloor heating, reduces work efficiency heating system.

It is necessary to pay attention to one more characteristic of linoleum - the presence or absence of a bedding layer of fabrics. If there is a layer like this, then the thermal conductivity indicators are significantly reduced, it is undesirable to use the material for arranging a film underfloor heating.

After the type of linoleum is chosen, you can begin the process of laying a warm floor. To do this, you need a thermal film (the specific amount will be known after taking measurements) with all additional elements, a thermostat to control heating modes, any heat-reflecting material, ordinary plastic film, adhesive tape, a stapler, a mounting knife, scissors, pliers and a screwdriver.

Step 1. Foundation preparation. If the floor is placed on concrete floors, then you need to trim the plane. For this, it is better to make a screed cement-sand mortar, there should not be protrusions of more than 3 mm on the surface.

Waterproofing should be put on a completely dry screed (you can use an ordinary film or coat the base with modified bituminous mastics), sheets of OSB or plywood are laid on top. It is recommended to fasten to a concrete base with dowels in a checkerboard pattern.

Step 2 Take measurements and draw up a diagram of the location of the thermal film. At the same time, the features of the layout of the room, the placement of sockets or boxes for distributing electrical cables are taken into account.

Important. During the installation of a warm floor, the possibilities of the electrical wiring of the room must be taken into account. Underfloor heating consumes approximately 200 W per square meter premises, exact data are available in the instructions supplied by the manufacturer. The overall load on the electrical network increases significantly, you need to make sure that the cables and protection fittings can withstand this increase. If the heating power is more than 3 kW, then you need to make a separate power wiring.

If not, then you will have to resolve issues with electricians, sometimes you will need to replace the wiring and protective devices, the permission of the owners of electrical networks to increase capacity.

Step 3 Choose a place on the wall where you plan to install the thermostat. It should be accessible, the distance to the power source is minimal. The most optimal is considered to be a site near existing switches or sockets.

To improve thermal insulation and reduce unproductive losses, a thermal insulator with reflective aluminum foil is placed on the base of the floor under the thermal film.

Laying foil insulation

Thickness in the range of 5-6 mm, in the implementation there are ready-made rolls with excellent operational characteristics. The thermal insulator can be fixed with double-sided tape or staples using a stapler. The joints between the strips must be sealed with adhesive tape, the surface must be as tight as possible.

Step 4 Put the thermal film, while paying attention to the marking, down side must face the heat reflective film.

Practical advice. Heating under low furniture is recommended not to be done for two reasons. First, it is ineffective due to weak air convection. Secondly, elevated temperatures cause furniture to wear out prematurely, it dries out, factory adjustments are violated.

In the designated places, the thermal film is cut to the desired size.

Step 5 Connection and isolation. All work should be done with unconditional execution PUE requirements and manufacturer's recommendations. The warm floor is completed with a full set of connectors and special insulating materials, their use guarantees a long and safe operation designs. The cut points of the wide copper bus are insulated with special bituminous insulation, make sure that it fits over the entire area of ​​the conductive element. In places where the wires will be connected to the copper bus, contact clamps are installed, one side of them should be located inside, and the other outside the thermal film. The clamps are pressed tightly with pliers.

Contact clamp mounted on thermal film (view from below)

Step 6 To eliminate the possibility of shift, all strips of thermal film should be fixed with adhesive tape to each other. Next, the correct installation of the clamps and the film is checked, if everything is fine, then you can connect the power wires.

Connection of installation wires with terminal clamp Connection of installation conductors with terminal clamp

To increase the service life, it is desirable to tin the bare ends. This not only improves contact at the joints and prevents oxidation processes, but also increases the safety of using underfloor heating. With insufficient contact, the clips get very hot and can melt the linoleum. Possible burns to the legs, electric shock or fire. All clamps with connected wires must be insulated with a special bitumen film on both sides. Be careful that the silver contacts of the thermal film are completely insulated from below and from above.

Step 7 Connecting the thermostat can only be started after carefully reading the attached instructions. The heating temperature sensor is mounted on a black strip of thermal film, fixed insulating tape. There are cases when it is installed above the floor and reacts to the air temperature inside the room.

Step 8 For all clamps and sensor mounting knife you need to make recesses in the thermal insulation. The protruding parts of the elements will hide in these recesses, the floor will be flat, there will be no technological elevations on the linoleum. The same grooves are made under the wires so that they lie in the established places and are fixed on top with adhesive tape.

Step 9 Mount the thermostat on the wall. To do this, you need to remove the mounting panel, make markings for the installation of dowels. Holes are drilled with a drill with a surfacing. The body must be firmly fixed, do not wobble.

Installing a thermostat

Video - How to connect the regulator to a warm floor

Practical advice. While drilling holes in brick wall there are times when the drill hits the seam. In this place, the fixation strength of the dowel is insufficient, it staggers and is easily pulled out. For secure fastening, insert matches or toothpicks into the hole around the perimeter, they should firmly press the dowel from all sides. After hammering the dowel-nail, the connection will be very reliable.

Step 10 According to the connection diagram, connect the wires to the thermostat, connect the system to electrical network. If the heating power is more than 2 kW, be sure to install a separate machine.

On this installation work finished, you can start testing the floor heating system.

How to test floor heating functionality

Set the heating rate on the thermostat to 20–25 ° C, wait a few minutes. Check by hand that all installed film heaters are warming up. Turn off the power completely, check the heating of the wiring connections. They must have the same temperature as the film. If it is much higher, then the contacts are unreliable. It is necessary to check them, be sure to find and eliminate the cause of excessive heating.

Underfloor heating finish

If the testing is completed successfully, then you can continue the installation work. From exposure to water, the thermal film must have protective covering. For this purpose, special modern waterproofing(expensive option) or ordinary polyethylene film(recommended option). The effect will be the same, and the savings Money essential. Spread the film with an overlap of about ten centimeters, the joints must be glued with adhesive tape. Work carefully, do not leave gaps or loosely sealed joints.

Linoleum - flexible material coating, do not put it directly on the thermal film. Manufacturers recommend protecting the heating layer with sheets of plywood about one centimeter thick.

The sheets are attached to the base with small carnations. They must be driven in very carefully so as not to damage the conductive elements. Check the exact location of the nail before hammering it. Nails should be driven only along the perimeter of the sheet, this makes it possible to accurately control their position. It is highly recommended to dry the plywood well in a warm, ventilated area before fixing. In this way, it is possible to prevent the appearance of cracks during the operation of the heated floor.

To improve the operating conditions of a film underfloor heating under linoleum, it is recommended to follow several rules.

  1. Do not heat the material above +26°C. As a result of prolonged heating to high temperatures, linoleum can delaminate, change original color in places of greatest heating, soften and significantly reduce the factory strength characteristics. Increased heating increases the amount of chemical compounds released into the air.
  2. When laying linoleum, do not use mastics to fix it. In addition to the fact that all mastics become additional sources of harmful compounds, during uneven heating they can form swelling on the surface. It is very difficult to remove such defects later, and in many cases impossible. Linoleum is simply spread over the surface of the floor. If there are concerns about movement, then it is possible to fix the coating with a stapler in several places, the staples are driven in in inconspicuous places, best option under floor skirting boards.
  3. Do not overlap thermal films. If the room configuration is very complex, then it is better to leave small plot floor unheated.
  4. The temperature in the room during the laying of linoleum must be at least + 18 ° C, otherwise hard-to-remove folds may form. But you can not spread it on a hot floor, after testing it must cool to room temperature.
  5. It is not recommended to use this type of floors as the main heating systems. The fact is that it is possible to heat the premises to comfortable temperature values ​​​​when the floor is heated to t ° ≥ + 28 ° С, and this should not be allowed in the case of using linoleum.

Adjust the operating modes only after carefully studying the instructions. The first few days of operation of a warm floor, it is desirable to check the reliability of operation more often. As a guarantee, it is recommended to check the floor temperature with an accurate household thermometer. If significant differences are found in the indicators, then it is necessary to make an adjustment during the installation of thermal control.

Video - The process of laying a film floor under linoleum

In contact with


To date, there are many different floor coverings, among which linoleum occupies one of the leading positions.

With the growing popularity of installing under floor heating systems, manufacturers have also begun to adapt linoleum for use with heating systems.

Having decided to install electric underfloor heating under linoleum, you need to understand all the intricacies.

Features of installation of heating floor system in frame house directly depends on the type of foundation and floors.

The decision on the selection of the type of insulation, the thickness of the screed and, in general, its need is made individually for a pile house or flooring on slabs.

Common to such species will be only a rough and finish coating. The draft layer is the base that holds the load of the system.

The final linoleum coating for underfloor heating, regardless of the type of heater, must be chosen without an insulating substrate and laid on an additional layer of plywood.

Important! For frame house an electric floor should only be used as a last resort, as there is always a risk of fire. Of all types of electrical systems, only an infrared film floor is optimally suited, which is completely fireproof.


There are two main types: cable and infrared.

Cable systems from individual cables can be successfully used under linoleum flooring. However, their installation is complicated due to the need to use a tie, which must completely cover the cable.

But thanks to it, heat is evenly distributed over the surface.

It is not advisable to use thermal mats for mounting under linoleum, since their surface will show through the linoleum layer.

Infrared film mats are optimal for linoleum coating due to their thickness and ease of installation.

All systems have similar characteristics of energy consumption and heat transfer, the design of thermostats and power units. And the maximum allowable temperature heating does not even depend on the choice of system, but on the characteristics of the coating.

Important! For linoleum, it is not allowed to increase the heating temperature in residential premises above 27 degrees, and in non-residential premises - 31 degrees.


By system type

Consider what kind of electric floor under linoleum to choose and what the choice is based on. As mentioned earlier, there are two main types of electric heating floor: convection and.


Separate heating cable

They are laid over the entire surface of the floor and poured with a concrete screed. Floors of this type are economical and easily adjustable with a thermostat. The disadvantage of such a system is a significant increase in the thickness of the floor, high consumption electrical energy and attraction of dust due to electromagnetic radiation.

Cable mats

Much easier to install than cables due to the low cable thickness. The disadvantages of such a system are strong temperature drops and static electricity that attracts dust.



Not very reliable and often fails at the points of attachment of the cable and rods. The fire hazard of the system can also be attributed to the disadvantages.


Such a heating coating heats the room with the help of infrared rays, which are absolutely safe for humans. The covering does not need a coupler and can keep within on the leveled basis.

They are the ideal thermal coating for linoleum, because:

  • there is no strong heating and overheating of the surface;
  • the coating is very thin, so there is no need for a thick layer of "pie" for installation;
  • such a heater can be laid even after the repair is completed.

According to the installation method

The preferred method of installation depends on the selected electric underfloor heating. There are two main ways of laying an electric floor: in a cement-sand screed and laying on wooden base.

Concrete (screed)

For a cable heating system, it is imperative to make a screed into which the cable is mounted to protect against mechanical damage and uniform heating of the surface, as well as heat storage.

For infrared and cable mats, simply level the floor.

Floor (on a wooden floor)

Neighborhood tree and electric cable not the best, since there is a high risk of fire from short circuit. That is why it is not recommended to lay a heating floor of this type in a flat way on a wooden base.

The only exception can be IR film, which is absolutely fireproof.

How to choose?

Gender is influenced by several factors:

  • the cost of the product;
  • the maximum possible thickness of the finished floor;
  • installation time (during repair or after its completion).

The cheapest are cable heating systems. However, the "pie" for their installation has a rather large thickness, which, in conditions where the height of the room is not too high, can play a negative role. In addition, when laying under linoleum, such a system can cause overheating of some areas of the coating and change its appearance and performance.

Rod infrared heater use under linoleum is not recommended due to its high cost and unreliability. Despite the fact that such a system is absolutely safe for humans and not very difficult to install, it often fails.

The infrared film heating system is considered optimal for installation under linoleum. It is as simple as possible to install, since it can be installed even without large-scale installations, it is economical in terms of energy costs, and it also has the thinnest layer of the “pie”.
The only disadvantage of such a device is the rather high cost. However, it fully pays off in the process of use.

Types of linoleum

Among a large number varieties of linoleum, use for laying on top heating system you can only those on the packaging which indicates the possibility of operation in conditions of high temperatures. Otherwise, the coating may deform, dry out and release dangerous substances.

The following types of linoleum coatings are considered suitable for underfloor heating:

  1. natural marmoleum. It is made entirely from natural materials. Such material is absolutely environmentally friendly even when heated to high temperatures. In the process of use, it does not change its characteristics, fireproof and durable enough.
  2. Vinyl linoleum (PVC). It has a multilayer structure and is available in a variety of colors. The most durable and wear-resistant are commercial and semi-commercial varieties. For laying on top of the heating element, it is better to choose vinyl linoleum without a fabric base and insulation, since they reduce the thermal conductivity of the heater.


On a concrete base

Electric underfloor heating laid under linoleum on concrete screed, has the following structure:

  • leveled cover;
  • heat-insulating layer (thin foam layer up to 2 cm);
  • concrete screed (optimally up to 4 cm);
  • cable or cable mats;
  • protective layer of screed (up to 5 cm);
  • linoleum.

On wooden

For wooden base subfloor floor device is somewhat simpler:

  • draft floor;
  • film IR layer;
  • a layer of plywood or chipboard;
  • linoleum.



Mounting on concrete base has many features, the strict implementation of which guarantees the reliability of the final result:

  1. make up detailed diagram premises. The diagram indicates the places where the furniture will be installed, where the underfloor heating will not be laid. In addition, in the free space, a plan for laying heating elements, cable pitch, and the installation location of the thermostat are drawn.
  2. The base is carefully leveled, closing up all cracks, crevices and irregularities. In the case of laying the cable system, it is necessary to make a cement-sand screed. This stage is very importance, since the condition of the draft surface affects the heat loss during the operation of the heating system.
  3. Stacked waterproofing material, carefully gluing the joints with adhesive tape.
  4. Lay a layer of thermal insulation with a foil coating. It is the foil layer that will ensure the reflection of the heat flow into the room, which will eliminate the senseless heating of the underlying structure.
  5. A reinforcing mesh or fastening strips are mounted on which it is fixed heating cable. In the case of laying cable mats, they are laid out directly on the heat-insulating layer.
  6. On the wall near the passage of the power supply wiring, a vertical groove is drilled for mounting the thermostat and temperature sensor. It is from this place that the beginning of the layout of the heating elements occurs.
  7. In accordance with the scheme, the heating system is laid out.
  8. A temperature sensor is fixed between the turns of the cable or on the surface of the film. The optimal distance from the wall to the sensor is 40 cm. The sensor is installed in corrugated pipe, the end of which is reliably isolated from debris or solution.
  9. On top of the structure, in the case of a cable system, a screed is poured, and when installing an IR film, sheets of plywood or fiberboard are laid.
  10. Linoleum is laid on top of the resulting base.

Important! To evenly distribute heat over the surface of the floor covering, linoleum must be fixed to the base not with adhesive tape, but with special mastic over the entire surface.


As already mentioned, the wooden base is not the most the best option for styling electrical system.

However, if it is necessary to install it on such a base, it is necessary to carefully observe the laying technology and ensure complete isolation of the wood from the electric cable.

The installation of such a system consists of a number of steps:

  1. Taking into account the size of the thermal insulation slabs, floor logs are installed.
  2. To form a rough flooring, the logs are hemmed from below with boards.
  3. A waterproofing film is laid out over the entire surface (including logs).
  4. Fits into the space between the lags thermal insulation material. Its surface should be foil, and the distance to the edge of the bars should be 3-4 cm.
  5. A mounting mesh is laid between the lags and attached to the bars. This is where the cable will be attached to. If mats are laid, then they are simply laid out on top of the thermal insulation parallel to the lags.
  6. For the cable, grooves are sawn in the logs and the cuts are completely covered with insulating material. A cable is passed into these grooves, which is then attached to the grid with special clamps.
  7. Between the turns of the cable, a temperature sensor is mounted in a corrugated tube.
  8. They cover the finished surface with sheets of fiberboard or plywood, attaching them to the logs with self-tapping screws.
  9. Laying linoleum.

Pros and cons

Linoleum is very popular flooring, which is distinguished by availability, low cost, a variety of characteristics and color solutions, ease of installation.

But with a warm floor, this coating does not combine very well.

Firstly, linoleum has a low thermal conductivity, which reduces the efficiency of the warm floor. Secondly, under the influence of elevated temperatures, linoleum loses its characteristics and appearance.

Some negative consequences this neighborhood can be avoided by choosing an electrical floor heating system.

Its advantages are:

  • the ability to finely regulate the temperature, avoiding overheating of the surface;
  • no need to install volumetric structures, as is the case with;
  • the possibility of installing a self-regulating system that supports optimal temperature in room;
  • no need to obtain permission for installation.

The disadvantages of such systems include:

  • high cost of energy resources;
  • the need to conduct a dedicated line of the electrical system if the existing one cannot cope with the load.

Useful video

You can get acquainted with the process of installing an electric underfloor heating under linoleum in the video below:


In the absence of the possibility of using another finish coat on a warm floor, you can use the electrical system under the linoleum. The main thing in this case is to observe the installation technology and choose the right materials. Then such a floor will serve long years and will delight you with comfort in the house in any weather.

In contact with

The use of infrared underfloor heating allows you to achieve the most comfortable temperature regime in room. They can be combined with almost any type of floor finishing material.

However, choosing an infrared warm floor under, you need to choose suitable materials and take into account the nuances of installation.

The work of infrared floors is based on the principle of secondary convection - physical bodies (interior and household items, humans, animals) are initially heated, and then the surrounding air.

- these are two layers of film, between which heating elements are located. Power source - electricity that is supplied through electrical conductors. Thermal energy is emitted by the carbon paste deposited on the film. Heating is carried out due to infrared rays of carbon semiconductors.

Rod IR floor - a thin mat of carbon rods. At the heart of this system is composite material. Thermocouples with electrically conductive bars have built-in bending rods. IR radiation during heating gives a thermal film made of polymer, in which the heating element is sealed. The advantage of this system is the self-regulation of the temperature regime. The heating plates themselves serve as the thermostat.

This heating system has a number of both positive and negative qualities.

Advantages of an IR heating system

The benefits of this heating include:

  • The warmth of infrared rays is similar to the warmth of the sun and creates the greatest comfort for a person. Them healing effect proven by scientists;
  • unlike alternative heating systems, this one does not dry out the air. This feature allows you to achieve the most favorable climatic conditions in the room;
  • IR flooring technology compatible with maximum large quantity modern floor coverings: ceramic tiles, laminate, carpet, parquet and linoleum;
  • the possibility of laying in buildings of any geometry. The film can be laid in rooms with non-standard layout, on balconies, loggias;
  • small film thickness. Allows for use in buildings low ceilings, since it will not significantly raise the level of the floor;
  • ease of installation. Provided that the floor on which the film is planned to be laid is even and free from defects, there is no need to pour the screed. Laying is carried out by the method of "dry installation";
  • long service life. Most manufacturers provide warranties for smooth operation for 15-20 years;
  • the possibility of self-mounting, without the involvement of specialists;
  • minimum screed height when installing the rod system. The height of tile adhesive or concrete does not exceed 2-3 cm;
  • saving electricity. Subject to the installation of thermostats, it is possible to program the temperature regimes or their automatic or manual correction.

Cons of IR floors

There are relatively few of them:

  • after laying the film infrared heating, you can not do a rearrangement in the room. Bulky furniture and household appliances should not be installed at the locations of the film - this can lead to overheating of the floors;
  • the need to install thermostats in each room;
  • if there are no elementary skills, then it will be difficult to lay and connect the system with your own hands. It is not always possible for a non-professional to connect a contact to a film. It has to be cut and connected to another contact;
  • laying a warm floor under linoleum on a concrete floor with defects leads to its deformation. Therefore, sometimes a new screed is still necessary;
  • if infrared heating is used as an auxiliary to stationary, then the air can be overdried;
  • high price of rod systems.

Which IR warm floor is preferable under linoleum

Manufacturers offer two types of IR heating systems. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages and when choosing a system should be done, focusing on your individual needs.

Film floorRod floor
Safety and reliability of operation
Both types work on the use of IR radiation, the warranty period is 15 years.
1. Does not require preliminary work when laying, mounted on a flat concrete surface dry mounting method.
2. Gets hot when placed on heated furniture floor.
1. Laying in a screed of concrete or tile mixture.
2. Does not overheat when working areas are closed with furniture and household appliances.
Can be used to insulate floors, walls, ceilings and other flat surfacesIt is used only for floor insulation, including in rooms with high humidity.
energy savingenergy saving
Increased energy savings compared to alternative heating systems
A budget option.High price.
A thermostat is required.Independent lowering of temperature in heated areas of housing and lowering near cold zones - window and door openings.

Which linoleum is compatible with infrared heating systems

When using incompatible brands of linoleum, its deformation is possible. Linoleum can warp, stretch or, conversely, shrink.

Also, when heated, some species emit hazardous substances and toxins, or have insulating substrate which prevents the conduction of heat.

When choosing linoleum for laying on top of the infrared heating system Special attention should be given to its labeling. It must have information about compatibility with underfloor heating systems.

Materials and tools

You can lay underfloor heating under the linoleum with your own hands.

To do this, you need to prepare such improvised materials and devices:

  • heating kit (infrared cloth, insulator, contact clamps);
  • temperature sensor and thermostat, hollow corrugated tube;
  • wiring;
  • double sided tape;
  • polyethylene film;
  • plywood sheets;
  • insulation (heat-reflecting substrate);
  • nails;
  • knife, scissors;
  • pliers, pincers;
  • screwdriver;
  • wall chasing tools (hammer and chisel, wall chaser, grinder, perforator).

Instead of adhesive tape for fixing, you can use a construction stapler or furniture nails.

The order of installation of IR film floors

Installation of an infrared warm floor under linoleum is carried out in several stages.

Preparatory measures: laying plan, marking and material preparation

Before starting the installation of the IR floor, you should draw a diagram. A room is drawn on a piece of paper in compliance with proportions, marking the placement of furniture and other large-sized interior items. The diagram should be marked with the location of the thermostat, the temperature sensor, the location of the film sheets, taking into account their size.

The film can be laid along or across the room. Optimal placement of IR film strips is longitudinal - this will help to minimize the number of connection points.

Markup will help in the calculation the right amount films, electric cable and related materials.

When drawing up a scheme for laying IR floors, a number of nuances should be taken into account:

  • under large-sized objects the floor is not laid;
  • thermomats can only be cut along special lines specified by the manufacturer;
  • the manufacturer does not provide for the possibility of cutting the film at an angle of more or less than 90 degrees, the formation of a figured canvas;
  • when installing a film underfloor heating under linoleum, the IR canvas is laid in parallel rows;
  • overlapping strips is not allowed;
  • a small indent should be left between the film and the walls;
  • strips should be laid with a side overlap, leaving a gap of about 1 cm between the copper bars;
  • to save connecting wires, the connection points are planned from the side of the wall with a thermostat;
  • wiring should be planned so that they maximum amount was laid under the plinth;
  • if a large number of small pieces of film (up to 1 m) are planned, then additional terminals are purchased in advance;
  • all layers of the IR heating system, except for the IR film, are laid over the entire area of ​​the room.

When planning the laying of an infrared heated floor under linoleum, it must be taken into account that the total power of the elements connected to one temperature controller should be< 3,5 кВт. В противном случае желательно провести отдельную проводку и использовать выключатель-автомат.

Before laying a warm floor, it is necessary to remove debris and sweep thoroughly.

If there are bumps, potholes or other defects on it, then they are eliminated with tile glue or a cement-sand mixture. The next steps should be started only after it has completely dried.

Also during preparatory activities you should transfer the markup from the plan directly to the work surfaces. This will greatly facilitate subsequent installation.

Mount algorithm

The second stage is the installation of a warm floor under linoleum:

  • Installing a thermostat. It is fixed at a level of 1-1.5 m from the floor. At the marked place, a recess is drilled according to the dimensions of the thermostat (if it is built-in) and a strobe is laid from it, into which a corrugated tube with a temperature sensor wire and an electric wire will be placed.

  • Laying a heat-insulating layer. On the prepared surface, a rolled heat insulator is laid with the reflective side up. To avoid displacement during further work, fix this layer with double sided tape.
  • Installation of IR film. According to the scheme, the cut film is laid, then it is fixed on the heat insulator layer with double-sided tape.

  • Installing a temperature sensor. is installed at an equal distance between two strips of IR film in a place close to the temperature controller. The temperature sensor is fixed with adhesive tape. To avoid irregularities, special recesses are cut out on the substrate at the locations of the thermal sensor and contacts.

  • Fastening electrical cables. With the help of terminals it is attached to one of the ends of the heating film. Contacts are attached so as to provide the tightest contact with conductive conductors. Then, with the help of contacts and wiring, the strips of the IR film are connected. All places of installation of current-carrying contacts are insulated with self-adhesive pads.

  • Underfloor heating test. It is necessary to turn on the power supply and wait for the system to heat up. All strips should be heated to the same temperature. All insulated wire connections must be checked with an indicator screwdriver. It is necessary to make sure that there is no voltage in these nodes. All errors must be corrected.
  • Waterproofing. A polyethylene sheet with a 10-20 cm overlap is laid on the IR layer, which is fixed with adhesive tape.

When connecting the heating elements of adjacent strips of film, the contact clamps must be placed so that the end of the wire is inside the film and comes into contact with the contact. An eyelet is placed in the resulting hole and riveted.

Laying decorative flooring

Linoleum is a coating material that cannot be laid directly on thermal film. Experts and manufacturers recommend using plywood sheets 1 cm thick as a substrate for it.

Plywood sheets are fixed with nails. Clog them very carefully so as not to damage the elements that conduct current. To do this, nails are hammered exclusively along the perimeter of the sheet. Plywood must be dry and without visible damage.

Fasteners are made only through the transparent edge of the heating elements.

Before you start laying linoleum, you need to test the infrared floor again.

Linoleum is laid according to standard technology. The coating is spread around the perimeter of the room and left for 1-2 days. Then, in rooms with a small footage, the edges are fixed with skirting boards. AT large rooms linoleum must be glued.

It is desirable to lay linoleum at an air temperature of + 18 ° C and a humidity of less than 65%.


When laying a warm floor under linoleum, the following safety rules are followed:

  • installation, testing and final connection of the system is carried out exclusively when disconnected from the network;
  • do not heat the infrared floor under linoleum over 28-30°C;
  • be sure to use a protective layer over the IR film to prevent deformation of the heating elements.

Video: installation of IR underfloor heating under linoleum

If you do not know how to properly lay a film underfloor heating under linoleum, then we will provide step by step order laying the film on the prepared surface. This version of the electric heating system is most often used in the kitchen and in the hallway. This is due to the practicality of linoleum - it is easy to wash and, moreover, the cost of the material is cheaper than laminate and parquet board. So, there will be no time to waste and we will provide readers with "" detailed instructions with video example!

Is it possible to heat such a coating

The first thing I would like to tell you is whether it is possible to lay an electric heated floor under linoleum and what are the requirements for installation. The fact is that the film coating can, when heated, release toxins that are harmful to the human body. In addition, the material may shrink over time, causing its appearance to deteriorate. Well, the last nuance - this coating option can be additionally thermally insulated, as a result of which the heating system will be completely inefficient. As you can see, there are nuances in choosing the right linoleum and now we will tell you which of species will suit for laying electric underfloor heating.

First, there are natural and artificial materials. It is advisable to give preference to the first option, because. in this case, when heated, they will not be released harmful substances. Secondly, manufacturers indicate on the packaging the suitability / unsuitability of using products for an electric underfloor heating system. You understand that you need to choose products with the appropriate labeling. And, thirdly, multi-layer PVC linoleum has proven itself best in terms of reliability, strength and heat transfer, which we recommend buying for laying a film heated floor with your own hands!

Another important nuance lies in the fact that there is a maximum permitted temperature for heating linoleum. An electric underfloor heating should heat the coating by no more than 30 ° C, which is even discussed by the rules of SNiP. If ignored this moment, the material may begin to melt, darkening marks will appear and, in addition, increase the likelihood of ignition of the coating.

What type of heater is best to use

We have already considered with you, which can be represented by a thermal mat, infrared film or a heating cable. All three options are suitable for laying the heating system, but it is best to use an infrared film coating.

This is due to the following advantages of the material:

  • During installation, you can do without a screed, which will save time, money and, most importantly, the height of the ceiling.
  • Commissioning of the infrared system can be carried out within 1-2 days after installation. At the same time, the screed hardens for about 4 weeks.
  • The film underfloor heating under linoleum is easily mounted with your own hands, and you can do this even after overhaul, because this species works "clean".

As you can see, the advantage of this version of the system speaks for itself, so we strongly recommend using it at home. The only negative is that the infrared coating is afraid of water, so laying in wet rooms prohibited. In addition, the linoleum itself begins to rot in a humid environment, which immediately cuts off its use in the bathroom, bath, damp rooms.

Installation procedure

So, to your attention, the procedure for laying a film underfloor heating under linoleum with your own hands:

  1. Produce to choose the right infrared film power and size according to usable area rooms.
  2. Prepare the surface - remove the old coating and if the floor is uneven, pour a small screed to level the surface.
  3. After the solution has solidified (which may not be necessary), lay heat-insulating material over the entire surface. It is best to use extruded polystyrene foam.
  4. Glue a heat-reflecting layer over the polystyrene, which will increase System efficiency. You can “kill two birds with one stone” by covering the surface with penofol (shown in the photo), which is both a heat-insulating and heat-reflecting layer.
  5. Cut the film into suitable pieces. This should be done in specially marked places (indicated by the manufacturer).
  6. Carry out the installation of infrared floor heating under the linoleum. We draw your attention to the fact that it is forbidden to lay the film with an overlap. Another requirement is that material cannot be laid under the furniture. Also, do not forget that the film coating must be laid at a distance of at least 30 cm from other types of heaters so that the system does not overheat. You can find out about other requirements for the corresponding article!
  7. According to the diagram, connect the thermostat and temperature sensor to the film and check the system's performance by connecting it to the mains.
  8. If everything is correct, lay a layer of plywood over the film coating, which will additionally protect the material from mechanical damage.
  9. Lay linoleum on plywood over the entire area of ​​​​the room with the heating on. After that, cut and leave everything as it is for 2-3 days. When this period has passed, you can cut the edges again (if necessary) and proceed to gluing the material to the plywood.
  10. Set the setting on the thermostat to no more than 30 degrees, on which the installation of a film underfloor heating under linoleum is completed!

Modern market building materials offers a huge range of different linoleum floor coverings. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which should be considered when choosing a particular material. A warm floor under linoleum should be chosen very carefully, as improperly selected material can cause certain problems.

Linoleum for underfloor heating

The thickness of the coating significantly affects the quality of thermal conductivity, but at the same time, a thin coating does not hide the imperfections of the floor on which it lies. Each existing unevenness will sooner or later make itself felt, therefore, before laying thin linoleum, it is recommended to keep it at room temperature for a day. If you use a warm floor under linoleum, then the exposure time should be increased. Linoleum is placed on the floor (without fixing), after which the heating system is turned on.

Fixing linoleum with mastic

We should also talk about fixing linoleum on the floor. In such cases, the use of double-sided tape or adhesive mastic is recommended. When using underfloor heating, mastic should be given, as it is able to provide a more uniform thermal field.

When choosing linoleum for a warm floor, you need to pay attention to some points that are an indispensable feature of any good quality flooring.

First of all, there must be a high thermal conductivity. In addition, there must be high resistance to discoloration and fading, as well as resistance to deformation resulting from exposure to high temperatures.

As such a coating, you can use multi-layer PVC linoleum, which goes well with almost all types of underfloor heating. It has a huge number of colors, can decorate the interior of any room. Of course, in addition to the advantages of this material, there are also disadvantages, the most important of which is the inability to use it when too high temperatures.

The most popular way of heating is a warm electric floor under linoleum, which is divided into cable and infrared types.

Cable and infrared underfloor heating under linoleum, reviews of which will allow you to more accurately determine the desired type of heating, cope with the task at hand high level. However, it is worth noting here that when combining them with linoleum, materials should be selected very carefully, since they must transfer heat well and be resistant to high temperatures.

Linoleum with a large thickness (with an additional heat-insulating layer) can slightly reduce the level of return from a warm floor. For this reason, the use of such linoleum is not always effective. The ideal option will be the use of a warm floor under linoleum, which has a small thickness and high rates resistance to mechanical and chemical attack.

The ideal solution for almost any type of flooring – infrared system floor heating.

Infrared underfloor heating under linoleum completely transfers heat through the floor covering, and also provides high-quality ionization of the air in the room.

For information on how to choose a warm floor, read the link.

Underfloor heating under linoleum - installation and installation

  • First you need to determine the configuration and area of ​​​​the floor area, which will be heated in the future. Measurements should be taken only in those areas where objects will not be located. household appliances or furniture. The IR film must be placed along the entire length of the room, which will avoid too many connection points for the installation wires. If electrical wiring runs inside the floor, then it should be at a distance of about 50mm from the IR film and insulated from the floor or wiring heat-insulating material. There must be a distance of at least 200mm between heat sources (pipes, ovens, fireplaces, etc.) and the IR film.
  • Then you should start preparing the heating elements, for which the heating film is cut along the cut lines along the heating strips every 250 mm. It is forbidden to cut the film along any other lines. Contact clamps are installed on the finished heating elements. In those places where current-carrying copper strips and a two-layer film pass, the wire tip is installed in such a way that it is located on the contact strip inside the thermal film. Then an eyelet is inserted into the hole, which must be riveted with a special stapler or hammer.
  • The cut lines of the contact strip are insulated on both sides using a waterproofing strip. Protected copper wires section 1.5 sq. mm. brought to the tip and clamped with pliers. After that, the junction of the copper bus and electric wire with a tip on both sides must be insulated with a waterproofing strip. Parts of the heating film must be connected in parallel to each other, and the highest total power of the heating elements that are connected to the thermostat must not exceed 3500W.
  • When connecting the heating system, it is imperative to take into account the presence of other electrical appliances, which may also be connected to this network.
  • In the event that the total power of the heating system is more than 3500W, it is advisable to connect it using a separate electrical wiring, which is protected by a separate auto switch. In addition, the connection of heating devices should be carried out using a magnetic starter.

  • Then it is necessary to lay the thermal insulation with a reflective layer and fix it with adhesive tape.
  • Heating elements are laid on the thermal insulation with copper strips down. They should be laid in such a way as to avoid contact between adjacent strips. The heating elements are attached with adhesive tape, a stapler or furniture nails, which will minimize the likelihood of the bands moving during the laying of the coating.
  • Attach the heating elements only through the transparent rim located on the sides of the element. The heating element should be approximately 5mm away from any feed section of the element, which also includes the copper busbars. The wires should be arranged in such a way that the main ones are under the plinth. In those places where the contact strips are isolated and there is a thickening of the system, cuts are made in the thermal insulation in order to level the surface for the final coating.

  • Then you need to carefully inspect the system, as well as check the reliability of the insulation and fastening of the wires. After that, it is necessary to measure the resistance of the heating strips. If there are sources of a possible short circuit in the system, they should be eliminated, and then a second performance test should be carried out.
  • With the help of adhesive tape under the cut line (where there is no heated section of the film) temperature sensor. Heating elements and a sensor are attached to the thermostat.
  • Then you need to turn on the thermostat and leave it for a few minutes. Put your hand on heating element- a film underfloor heating under linoleum should emit heat at a pleasant temperature.
  • After that, the infrared film is covered with a vapor barrier material, and the joints are fastened with adhesive tape.

The mounted warm floor is covered with Izospan thermal insulation
  • On the vapor barrier material fiberboard or plywood sheets are laid, which are attached to the primary screed with screws and carefully aligned. Plywood sheets are attached only through a transparent rim located along the cut lines of the IR film and the sides of the element. The element should not be attached closer than 5mm from any feeding areas of the elements.
  • Further, on a warm floor under linoleum, the price of which will be lower than, for example, under a laminate coating, linoleum material is laid in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.