Continuous action weed killers for the garden: a review of the most effective preparations. Herbicides - highly effective drugs for weed control. Preparation for killing grass.

Regular weeding. This is a time-tested, simple and effective method, although it is very labor-intensive. The main thing in weeding is regularity, that is, connection to the site. If you haven’t weeded for two weeks, then no matter how wildly you swing your hoe, it will not give the same result and will reduce the effectiveness of your actions to nothing.

Wild oats and wheatgrass are regular guests in any area; they grab onto the ground with rhizomes that spread over the entire area of ​​the flowerbed or garden bed, forming a whole carpet. By removing part of the rhizome, you do not deprive the weed of life, but, on the contrary, promote its reproduction. Try also old method, replacing the hoe with a pitchfork, and pull the weed entirely out of the ground. After this, you should pick up all the roots and throw them away. This procedure is also very labor-intensive, and the weed may well take root again after a couple of weeks. If you want a perfectly weed-free area, prepare for a daily fight

Second way

Application of covering material. To “smoke” the weed, you will need a dense material that does not allow air and sun to pass through. Construction debris such as linoleum, roofing felt, cardboard, etc. can act as a protective blanket. The method is simple: cover the ground in in the right area for about a month, after which it can be removed. A plant like this is unlikely to withstand such conditions; the roots, stems and leaves will die from exhaustion, and they can be removed with a rake.

Third way

Let's turn to chemistry. Although weeds have a fairly “tenacious” character, they cannot bypass the chemical effect; for this we need herbicides. There is a wide range of systemic drugs. These are Roundup, Tornado, and GroudBio. Herbicides are applied to visible areas plants, the pores of the plants absorb the poison, which then accumulates in the root system.

A big plus in favor of herbicides is that they are safe for the soil near which they are used. The soil does not become toxic, so after treatment with herbicides, you can safely plant any plant you want. The duration of action of the herbicide varies depending on the chemical composition and how resistant the weed is. As a rule, half a month is enough to completely clear the territory.

  • "Agrokiller" effectively copes with both annuals and perennials. Thanks to him you can lead effective fight with hogweed, which can cause serious burns. TO avoid damage to garden or garden crops, the herbicide should be applied to paint brush, then carefully apply the substance to the weed, remember that it can also effectively deal with the plant that you are protecting. The herbicide can also be used for global clearing of an area, for example, weeds near a fence, grass nests in furrows, etc.
  • Roundup. Today it is perhaps the most versatile herbicide that can cope with any task. Its operating principle is somewhat different from the previous herbicide: Roundup does not have soil activity, so it should be used before sowing main crops. If you follow the instructions, the use of the product will be absolutely safe for humans and animals. On average, a liter container costs around 1,250 rubles. It is enough for 20 square meters.
  • "Tornado". Effective against cattail, wheatgrass, thistle and pigweed. Eight to ten days after application, the weed turns yellow and withers, and after another half a month it finally dies. After another four days you can plant the plants.

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Nowadays it's hard to imagine economic activity without using herbicidescontinuous action against weeds. These chemical compositions come in different spectrums of action and are used both among amateur gardeners and in industrial scale. These products are available for free sale and buying them is not difficult at all. It is important to make your choice.

Where are herbicides used and what is their difference? When and what to use them for? Typical differences and application features will help form an idea about these products and provide answers to many questions.

Where are they used? continuous action herbicides against weeds

Main purpose:

  • to inhibit the growth of weeds upon completion of harvesting work by cultivating the soil;
  • to combat weeds that interfere with development during the active growing season cultivated plants;
  • How aid, accelerating the technical maturation of agricultural crop plants.

Systematic use of herbicides for prevention during cultivation perennial crops significantly minimizes financial costs and saves time on weed control. The amount and growth rate of weeds is noticeably reduced. In addition, tillage by special means Helps maintain the required humidity level.

It is also advisable to use these drugs for the treatment of non-agricultural lands and lands in order to combat unwanted vegetation:

  • runways;
  • areas along power lines;
  • railway lines, etc.

Watch the video! Weed control with herbicides

Types of continuous action herbicides

By type, continuous action herbicides are divided into two categories:

  1. Contact means are intended exclusively for soil treatment. The features of this composition guarantee a quick and long-lasting effect, given the low susceptibility to leaching and, as a rule, the prolonged action of many drugs.
  2. Systemic - used for direct treatment of the plant. They ensure complete destruction of both the above-ground part and its root system.

To protect perennial or annual crops, there are a number of recommendations for the use of herbicides:

  • The growth area of ​​annual crops can be treated before planting, during the growing season and after harvesting;
  • sometimes herbicides act as desiccants and provoke accelerated maturation fruits;
  • in case of processing perennial plants Tilling the soil between plants should be done systematically.

Review of the most effective drugs

The market is full of herbicide offers, the most popular are soil herbicides. Several of the most commonly used tools can be identified in this category.


Works great for the future, for example, for processing virgin soil. It stands out among other drugs because it has a prolonged spectrum of action and does not induce immunity in plants for 4-5 years. Today it remains one of the most effective options for processing industrial-scale sites.


Contains phosphoric acid derivatives. Regular use reduces, and over time completely stops, the synthesis of amino acids. Recognized as the most effective in the fight against perennial dicotyledonous and cereal weeds. It is recommended to treat the area during active growth unwanted vegetation and after full harvest. Suitable for processing:

  • vineyards;
  • tea and citrus plantations;
  • fruit plantings;
  • areas where it is necessary to stop the growth of weeds.


A non-selective drug with a high content of active imazapyr. It has a wide spectrum of action, is completely universal and 100% effective. Complete destruction of unwanted crops can be observed within 7-10 days after using the product. The application is intended for large areas.


It is considered a unique, universal and most commonly used continuous action herbicide. Contains glyphosta potassium salts. This element is quickly absorbed by the plant and transported to the root system, thereby ensuring rapid and 100% death of the weed. It is not fussy to use and can be used at any above-zero temperature and air humidity.


Given the high concentration active substance in this herbicide, it can rightfully be called the most economical weed killer. It copes well with dicotyledonous and cereal weeds, and tree-shrub vegetation. A significant positive difference between Tornado is its complete versatility. This product can be safely used for both annual and perennial weeds.


Advantageous combination prices and quality. It belongs to the systemic herbicides, getting on any areas of the weed it destroys not only wax coating, but also spreads throughout all parts and organs of the plant. It disrupts the synthesis of amino acids and ensures the complete death of both the above-ground part and the root system of the weed. The Torch has a particularly rapid effect on the hydrophytic group of weeds. Soil seeding can be done within 7 days after treatment. The product has no residual effects. Can be used to protect any crops.


By killing weeds with herbicides You can not only increase the productivity of the crop, but also speed up its ripening. It is advisable to cultivate the area before sowing and during certain periods of crop growth. Herbicides of any spectrum of action can be used against perennial weeds and annual unwanted plants. Depending on the composition and spectrum of action, some drugs can be used for small areas, for example, for a summer residence.

Watch the video! Continuous action herbicide. Against weeds

Modern agricultural activity, regardless of its scale, cannot be imagined without. They are very popular among both professionals and amateur gardeners.

The most popular segment of the relevant market is represented by continuous action herbicides - non-selective preparations of a universal type that can inhibit the development of a wide range of plants.

1 Where are continuous herbicides used?

The continuous action herbicide is used for various purposes, in particular for:

  • inhibition of the growth of perennial weeds by cultivating the soil upon completion of harvesting work;
  • control of weed seedlings during the active growing season of various crops;
  • reducing the period of reaching technical maturity of cultivated plants;
  • earlier tillage of the soil in preparation for sowing.

Continuous action herbicide - before and after

1.1 Types of continuous action herbicides

2 Review of the most effective drugs

Among the large assortment, the most popular among professional farmers and summer residents are.

  • Arsenal;
  • Glyphosate.
  • Grader;
  • Roundup;
  • Tornado;
  • Torch.

As for the continuous action herbicide Arsenal, we recommend using it for the future, for example, for the primary treatment of virgin soil. The drug has a prolonged effect - some plants remain sensitive to its effects for 4-5 years. This pesticide belongs to the group of broad-spectrum products and is considered one of the best for treating industrial areas.

The active ingredients in the continuous action herbicide Glyphosate are derivatives of phosphoric acid compounds. This drug is effective in the fight against perennial dicotyledonous and cereal weeds.

As a result of the use of Glyphosate, the synthesis of amino acids slows down and eventually completely stops, especially if the treatment is carried out during the period of active growth of weeds and after complete harvesting. The product can be used for tea and citrus plantations, plantings fruit crops, as well as areas where it is necessary to completely stop the development of weeds.

The non-selective drug Grader is characterized by an increased content of active imazapyr and is intended for the care of industrial areas. It is distinguished by its versatility due to its effect on a wide range of weeds and shrubs, as well as its high efficiency - after 7-10 days, almost complete destruction of weeds is observed.

Roundup is one of the most popular continuous action herbicides. Active substance– potassium salts of glyphosate – are absorbed by the herbaceous part of the plant and redirected to the root system, contributing to its complete destruction. Many experts consider Roundup to be a unique herbicide in its own way. Getting on the wax layer of the leaf, it gradually dissolves it and begins to actively affect all organs of the plant.

Roundup can be used in a fairly wide range of temperatures, which also gives it the right to be considered universal. Another competitive advantage of Roundup is 100% coverage, which is why high performance its effectiveness.

Tornado is different minimum consumption in the entire line of similar products due to the high concentration of the active substance. Tornado herbicide is used primarily to control dicotyledonous and cereal weeds, as well as tree and shrub vegetation.

Tornado is loyal to cultivated plants, does not disrupt crop rotation and helps maintain an optimal level of soil moisture. A significant advantage is its versatility - it is excellent for caring for both annual and perennial crops.

The torch is very popular due to the excellent combination of price and quality - the drug is inexpensive and effective. Once on the herbaceous part of the plant, microparticles of the drug spread throughout all its departments and organs, disrupt the synthesis of amino acids and contribute to the complete death of both the above-ground and underground parts of the weed.

The advantages of the herbicide Torch include the speed of action on weeds of the hydrophytic group (cattail, sedge, etc.) and the possibility of rapid sowing - it can be done within 7 days after treatment. The product has no residual effect on the soil, does not disrupt crop rotation and can be used to protect any crops.

2.1 NAPALM - systemic herbicide of continuous action (video)

How to get rid of weeds and grass forever is a question that worries every land owner. This article presents the most effective methods fight against the eternal “enemies” of summer residents and gardeners.

Weeds, wheatgrass, woodlice, sow thistle - these are just a small part of the “enemies” with whom you have to fight again and again. Fight with everyone accessible ways, but still to no avail... If for you hordes of weeds have turned into a disaster that you no longer have the strength to fight, then it’s time to radically reconsider the ways of getting rid of the ubiquitous scourge. Perhaps you are doing something wrong.

Methods of getting rid of weeds can be divided into chemical, mechanical and folk. Let's look at each of them.

Chemical control methods: advantages and disadvantages

IN lately Herbicides are increasingly used to control weeds. By and large chemical method is quite justified, because manual removal takes a lot of time and effort. So let's figure out what herbicides are, what they are, what their pros and cons are.

The first herbicide appeared in late XIX century. At that time, this name meant a wide range of compounds based on copper sulfate or nitrate, sodium chlorate, arsenite, ferrous sulfate and some others chemicals. Mixtures were used for protection cereal crops, sugar cane, tobacco, potatoes.

The term “herbicide” in the modern sense became widely known in the middle of the twentieth century, after the appearance of components with more wide possibilities. Indeed, herbicides have unique abilities - they penetrate plants in different ways, affect various processes of their life, and act universally or selectively.

Thus, according to the nature of their effects, herbicides are divided into systemic And contact. The first ones, getting on the plant, quickly spread throughout its organs. As a result, it is affected as root system, and the ground part. The latter have a negative effect only on the treated area.

Advantages of herbicides:

  • the ability to process large areas;
  • effective removal of even the most tenacious weeds;
  • saving time and effort;
  • the admissibility of choosing a drug based on environmental conditions and the degree of contamination of the site;
  • herbicides do not accumulate in the soil; after 2 weeks there will be nothing left of them in the ground.

However, there are also disadvantages. You need to know about this.

  • Continuous action herbicides are recognized as the most effective, but they destroy not only weeds, but also all other plantings - you should work with them very carefully;
  • herbicides do not affect the seeds, that is, the risk of a “re-outbreak of the disease” (thanks to birds, wind and ourselves) still remains;
  • high toxicity for humans - it is necessary to cultivate the land in protective clothing (gloves, goggles, respirator).

Herbicides are produced in the form of emulsions, granules, mineral oil suspensions, powders, and diluents. They differ in terms of use, preparation rules and application method. Carefully read the instructions for the drug - effectiveness and safety directly depend on how closely you follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

According to the results of independent studies, continuous action herbicides such as Roundup and Tornado were recognized as the most productive. Agrokiller, Hurricane, Lapis Lazuli, Lintur, Fusilade have proven themselves to be quite good.

Expert opinion on herbicides

What do experts say about the use of herbicides? Can I use them or should I look for an alternative?

The verdict of the professionals is this: herbicides are certainly effective. With their help you can get rid of all existing species weeds, but here it is important not to overdo it and follow some rules.

  • follow the dosage. Improper dilution and failure to follow instructions can lead to soil contamination, which creates a health hazard;
  • use herbicides in large areas intended to grow potatoes, squash or corn. Small areas with berry bushes and fruit trees It is better not to treat with chemicals;
  • spray weeds during the period of their active growth. Do not dig up the soil before spraying - mechanical impact inhibits the spread of herbicide;
  • You should not rely only on industrial compounds. Weed control involves a combination of chemical and agricultural methods.

It is not always possible to remove weeds completely at one time. Often required repeated treatments. The drugs must be alternated, because Repeated use of the same herbicides reduces their effectiveness several times.

Weeding is an ancient method of eliminating weeds from a site.

The mechanical method of weed control takes a lot of effort, but you can’t do without it. Weeding was and remains one of the most effective ways destroying weeds. Provided it is done correctly.

  • it is necessary to weed before the root system of the weeds reaches its maximum development;
  • dig up the soil not with a shovel, but with a pitchfork - this way you reduce the likelihood of damage to the rhizome, from which new shoots will very soon appear;
  • carefully remove the roots, leaving them no chance. By the way, pulling them out after rain is much easier;
  • destroy weeds before sowing. Seeds remain “viable” for 3 years.

Regularity and timeliness are important in this matter. If you're lazy, you've wasted time and you'll have to start all over again.

Mulching: does it really help?

Mulching involves covering the soil with film, roofing felt, agrofibre, boards or any other materials that do not transmit light. In the dark, photosynthesis does not occur, which means that plant life stops. Mulching allows you to destroy not only shoots and leaves, but also the roots of weeds.

The disadvantage of the method is the duration. It takes time to get rid of weeds, birch, pigweed, purslane and the like. If you want to remove thickets of weeds, you will have to cover the soil with black film in the spring, and remove it only in the summer next year. The results will please you, but you will have to wait a whole year for them.

Some people lay down a film, leaving slots for cultural plantings. The weeds die, but the strawberries or potatoes remain safe and sound. Experts advise using organic material for mulching - sawdust, tree bark, dry leaves, and mown grass. It, in comparison with roofing felt, which releases resin, or a film under which the soil overheats, is considered harmless. Please note that the mulch layer should be thick - at least 10 cm.

Exotic ways to get rid of weeds

In the first half of the last century, Americans destroyed weeds with the help of...alcohol. Yes, that's right. 30 days before sowing, the land was treated with ethyl alcohol. In Russia, this method also took root. Add 150 grams to a bucket of water. vodka and cultivate the soil. The alcoholic cocktail causes rapid growth of weeds, which are then pulled out.

Another method is to remove pest plants using the sliding flame of a soldering iron. Some gardeners burn the weeds with regular blowtorch. Do this before germination garden crops. The main thing is not to stay in one place for too long. Otherwise, you can ruin everything. After such treatment, the land is watered.

If you are tired of racking your brains over the question of how to get rid of weeds and grass forever, then use the advice of experienced gardeners.

Weeds grow where there is nothing. There are not many weeds on the land occupied by garden vegetation - you can manage it manually. That is, there should not be large voids. Do you have some free space after harvesting the onions? Plant fast-growing vegetables or green manure. Sow the “problem” territory, for example, with rye and see how the enemy army thins out.

A good option is to compact the plantings. Just do it wisely - the plants should not be too crowded. I can advise the most stubborn summer residents regular pruning aboveground parts of weeds. If you constantly cut off the tops, then the roots, having used up their entire supply of vitality for restoration, will not be able to withstand it and will die. Cut off the above-ground part at ground level. If you dig a little deeper with a hoe, you can cut the rhizome and get the opposite effect.

After processing, start constructing the so-called fences. Dig a shallow groove (20-25 cm) in the cleared area and insert slate into it. Please pay attention special attention between the rows - lay linoleum on them or fill them with gravel. In the fall, freeze the roots. Dig the beds to a greater depth - most of the weeds will die during the first frost.

Traditional methods of weed control

You can also fight weeds using traditional methods. Many people are skeptical about them. But in vain. “Grandma’s recipes” can also help in the difficult task of fighting plant pests.

  • soda. A white substance with a characteristic odor is actively used in everyday life. She is being cleaned kitchen utensils, treat heartburn and feed tomatoes. Baking soda also significantly reduces the rate of weed growth. To do this, simply spray the accumulation areas with a strong soda solution;
  • salt. It has been used to control weeds for centuries. Sprinkle the soil generously with dry salt (1.5 kg salt per square meter), and rain and dew will do their job. It should be noted that this method is not suitable for vegetable gardens - vegetables and fruits will not grow on such land. But it is ideal for country paths and garden paths;

“Grandma’s” method of spraying weeds with a solution of soda or vinegar is no less effective than modern ones chemicals.

  • vinegar. Inexpensive replacement for modern herbicides. Mix vinegar (2 cups), water (2 cups), citric acid(1 sachet), alcohol (30 g) and dishwashing detergent (2 tsp). Pour into a container with a spray bottle and feel free to start cultivating the soil. Spray the solution carefully, being careful not to touch beneficial plants;
  • herbicidal soap. Grate laundry soap, add equal amounts of salt and vinegar to it. Spray the above-ground portion of the weeds with this killer mixture.

These are the most popular traditional methods, time-tested. If you combine them with chemical and mechanical methods, then there will be no weeds left.

Now you know how to get rid of weeds and grass forever. Choose the ones you like best from the proposed methods and act boldly. A little diligence, time, patience and yours suburban area will be completely free from weeds, burrs, wheatgrass and hogweed.

Video: All about weed control

Weeds include any plants that interfere with human activity on a plot of land. They always compete with cultivated vegetation for water, food, light and space. In addition, some types of weeds release substances into the soil that slow down the growth of cultivated plants. They carry pests and pathogens on their surface from one season to another.


Using the chemical method when fighting unwanted plants, you can significantly save your strength and energy. At correct selection drug, this method can become cheap, fast and in an efficient way victory over unwanted vegetation on the land.


All chemical weed control products fall into the category. They are divided into several types:

  1. Pre-emergence herbicides, in turn subdivided into pre-sowing and post-sowing. The principle of operation of such products is to prevent the germination of weed seeds.
  2. Continuous herbicides, belonging to the category of soil sterilizers, destroying all vegetation indiscriminately.
  3. Selective drugs, which destroy weeds and have no effect on cultivated plants.

Herbicides are also divided into:

  • growth-regulating systemic drugs;
  • system tools without growth regulation function;
  • contact preparations.

Chemicals according to the processing method are divided into:

  • root;
  • leafy;
  • soil

Top best


  1. . The drug belongs to the spectrum of herbicides aimed at grain crops. The land plot is processed after the emergence of seedlings.
  2. , used to protect all types of beets. The soil is processed at the time of planting. The drug is non-toxic to animals, humans and bees.
  3. Glyfor for continuous impact on the soil. Effectiveness is achieved for a period of 50 days.
  4. , a herbicide with selective action on weeds in the presence of cultivated plants - vegetables.

How to use?

  1. Before purchasing the drug, you should carefully study the instructions for its use. In this case, you should pay attention to the list of crops allowed for processing. The treatment composition can be presented by the manufacturer in the form of a powder, solution, suspension, emulsion, granules or aerosol.
  2. Prepare the working mixture according to the instructions.
  3. Processing of the object must be carried out at moderate warm weather, at a temperature of 18 degrees and soil moisture not exceeding 20 percent. Under such conditions, the greatest degree of toxicity of the drug is observed.
  4. Before processing, you need to put on the products personal protection in the form of a respirator, medical gloves, glasses and clothes.
  5. Treat the surface of the land.
  6. Remove personal protective equipment and clothing, wash your hands and wash thoroughly.

Estimated cost

Price chemical preparation depends on:

  • manufacturer,
  • type and volume of packaging
  • potential treatment area
  • on the concentration of the drug.

The drugs are mainly sold in half-liter and liter containers. Average cost1 l or kg the drug is within from 600 to 4500 rubles.

Folk remedies

Weeds can be controlled using traditional methods. The most commonly used means are:

  1. Salt. Sprinkling it in small quantities around cultivated vegetation at some distance from them kills already growing weeds and prevents new herbs from sprouting.
  2. Vinegar. Carefully spraying the weeds with a vinegar solution will burn the vegetation at the site of contact with the drug.
  3. Alcohol. An alcohol solution prepared by mixing alcohol with water in a ratio of 1 to 10 is used to treat the soil. 11 liters is enough for 3 acres of land.
  4. Soda. A soda solution is effective in removing weeds growing from cracks in paving slabs.

Traditional methods of weed control

There are several ways to control weeds in the traditional way:

  1. Preventive, based on thorough testing planting material for selection of seeds and roots of weeds.
  2. Biological, implying the inclusion of living organisms in the process.
  3. Cultural, using the natural properties of cultivated plants.
  4. A mechanical method consisting in manual or mechanized removal of weeds from the cultivated land area.
  5. Mulching, where the soil is covered with polyethylene or plastic to prevent light from reaching it, resulting in the reduction of unwanted vegetation.
  6. Chemical, in which the soil is treated with a special drug, which selectively acts on growing plants.


Although labor-intensive, weeding is the easiest and most reliable way to remove weeds. The disadvantage of the method is the need to regularly repeat the procedure, which makes the person caring for the garden constantly tied to it.

Weeding can be done in several ways:

  • hoe;
  • with a pitchfork;
  • mechanized equipment.

Covering material

As is known, for plant growth mandatory conditions are the presence of earth, moisture, air and light. Thus, by removing one of the listed factors, you can safely achieve the destruction of unwanted vegetation.

  • cardboard;
  • roofing felt;
  • black film;
  • linoleum.

The method of eliminating weeds using covering material consists of performing the following procedures:

  1. Covering a plot of land.
  2. Waiting for a month.
  3. Removing the covering from the ground and removing weak shoots using a rake.

This method of weed control is often used not only on empty land plots, but also with planted cultivated plants, while the materials usually used are black film, which is laid between the rows.

Some plants, for example, strawberries, are completely covered with film, and the bush is placed in a special nest, shaped like a slot. At the same time, the film not only protects from unnecessary vegetation, but also retains moisture and attracts sunlight.

Drip irrigation

The essence of the fight against unnecessary plants using drip irrigation consists in saturating with moisture only useful plants, while the weeds remain without food.

In practice, this method can be carried out by running a hose along the rows with planted crops, with holes made in the place where they are planted.


The following are usually used as mulch:

  • fallen leaves;
  • compost;
  • straw;
  • dry grass;
  • crushed polyethylene waste.

Any of the above materials should be thoroughly crushed and placed around cultivated plants in a layer of 7 cm. The resulting mixture retains moisture, allows air to pass through and preserves optimal temperature necessary for the growth and development of the root system. If the weeds have already grown, it is recommended to destroy them with any of mechanical methods and only after that start mulching. In this case, the layer of crushed mass increases to 18 cm.