What is the use of fixed assets. Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of fixed assets. Average annual cost

OS are used in production to achieve the most important goals set for the enterprise. In most cases, this is the receipt of a certain amount of profit.

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If possible, it is necessary to deal with the nuances and features associated with the performance indicators of the OS in advance.

This will allow you to predict the situation accordingly, make the right business decisions. There is a certain list of indicators that characterize the efficiency of the use of fixed assets.

They evaluate the success of a certain type of activity. It is worthwhile to clarify in advance the process of formation of such indicators. In this case, the information provided in them will be as accurate as possible.

Important Aspects

Factors affecting the efficiency of the use of fixed assets are quite extensive. Their list includes both constants, the influence of which simply cannot be avoided, and variables.

There is a fairly wide range of random factors. They simply cannot be avoided. The criteria for the effectiveness of doing business are determined precisely by the resulting profit.

Statistical data are built depending on this indicator. The main issues related to OS performance indicators are:

  • what it is?
  • list of functions of fixed assets;
  • legal regulation.

What it is?

The term "fixed assets" refers to the means of labor directly used in the production process and used for the gradual extraction of profit.

The main feature of the OS is their ability to maintain their natural shape. The main purpose is for the needs of the main activity.

Time is an important factor - the period of use of such funds should not be less than 1 year.

The term "efficiency of use" refers to a positive end result associated directly with a positive effect, effectiveness.

Effective application implies at least the absence of losses, expenses exceeding income, profit. The ratio should be precisely in favor of the latter. If this is not the case, then there is no efficiency of use.

The efficiency of the use of fixed assets is also characterized by some other indicators. But the list of them depends directly on the type of funds themselves. These can be cars, buildings, labor resources.

For example, the efficiency of transport means a long period of operation with minimal repair costs.

The same is true for other operating systems. The calculation of efficiency in each case is carried out on an individual basis.

List of functions of fixed assets

OS can perform a variety of functions. It all depends on the type of specific OS.

Today the list includes:

  • building;
  • all kinds of construction projects;
  • structures;
  • various kinds of machines, power equipment, installations;
  • measuring instruments, others;
  • means of transportation;
  • electronic computers;
  • inventory (used for production purposes or household);
  • real estate - land plots;
  • breeding or working cattle;
  • perennial plantings;
  • otherwise.

The legislation provides a complete list of various types of fixed assets. All of them are divided into certain groups. Including depreciation.

Preliminary familiarization with the legislative norms allows you to avoid all sorts of difficulties in advance.

Fixed assets are usually used to implement the following functions:

  • Receiving a profit;
  • saving funds;
  • implementation of various tasks in production;
  • otherwise.

Different areas of business use different fixed assets. That is why their purpose can differ quite significantly.

At the same time, OS can be both material and monetary. Fixed assets denominated in foreign currency are placed in the bank, in non-cash form.

Most often, their main purpose is to make a profit. It is also possible to solve other problems with the help of funds on the current account.

Legal regulation

All fixed assets must be reflected in accordance with regulatory documents in the financial statements.

The fundamental regulatory document, in accordance with which the reflection of fixed assets is carried out, is (it establishes the basic provisions of accounting), as well as.

It includes the following sections:

There is also an impressive list of various attachments to the main documents. They reflect a list of established standard forms that are directly related to the reflection of fixed assets in financial statements.

It includes the following main subsections:

List of factors reflected in accounting and tax reporting
Who is required to prepare reports of the type in question
How is the process of organizing accounting
Illuminates the format selection process in a particular case
The full list of primary accounting documents required for the formation is disclosed
What are accounting registers
The procedure for conducting an inventory at the enterprise, compiling OS inventory cards
What is the monetary measurement of accounting objects
The general requirements in the accounting statements are listed

The above documents present the main, most significant points related to the procedure for generating reports on fixed assets.

It is on the basis of this reporting that an analysis of the effectiveness of their use is carried out. The financial indicators of the organization, presented in special statistics, are taken from there.

It is worth considering in advance all the features, nuances. If the information presented in the statistical data does not correspond to reality, serious problems are possible.

Since usually such information is used for strategic planning. Wrong decisions will be made based on incorrect data. Which in aggregate will lead to losses. Their value depends on the size of the error.

Indicators of security and efficiency of use of fixed assets of the enterprise

Various indicators directly related to the efficiency of the enterprise are directly dependent on fixed assets, various other points.

Before proceeding to the analysis of data, the formation of summary results, it is necessary to consider the following questions:

  • applied analysis technique;
  • scorecard;
  • reserve search.

Applied analysis technique

An important point is the choice of methods of analysis. It is carried out on the basis of the type of fixed assets, as well as a large number of various other important points.

You will need to familiarize yourself with them in advance. In 2020, there are four main areas of analysis:

  • structure, as well as the dynamic development of fixed assets;
  • operating efficiency of fixed assets;
  • cost effectiveness associated with maintenance, as well as the use of various types of equipment;
  • efficiency of fixed assets investment.

The main tasks of analysis related to development dynamics are:

  • assessment of the structure, as well as the size of various investments;
  • determining the size of influence, as well as determining its type, cost.

Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of fixed assets includes an analysis of the following points:

The process of analyzing the cost effectiveness of maintaining a certain type of equipment in working condition:

The process of analyzing the effectiveness of investments in fixed assets in various activities includes the following steps:

All the indicated methods of analysis can be divided into the following main groups:

  • financial;
  • managerial.

In the implementation of a comprehensive analysis, all the methods indicated above are used. As a result, a reporting document is formed, which includes a maximum of detailed information.

Its users are usually:


The scorecard is standard, regardless of the chosen method of analyzing fixed assets. The most important point is the chosen calculation method.

The scorecard includes the following:

There are a number of special formulas for calculating the above indicators.

To perform all the necessary calculations, you will need to familiarize yourself with the following coefficients:

  • input receipts;
  • growth;
  • updates;
  • disposal.

When calculating the status indicator, the coefficients are used:

  • suitability;
  • wear.

Search for a reserve

The search for a reserve is one of the most significant procedures related to the activity of the efficiency of the use of fixed assets.

The performance indicators for the use of fixed assets reflect the ratio of the financial results of the organization and the fixed assets used to achieve these results.

The efficiency of the use of fixed assets is characterized by the ratio of the growth rate of output and the growth rate of the cost of fixed assets, as well as indicators of capital productivity, capital intensity, capital-labor ratio and capital profitability.

The general indicator is capital productivity - the volume of production produced in a year or other period per 1 rub. cost of fixed assets. It can be expressed by the formula

where FO - return on assets, rub.;

II - output, thousand rubles;

F - the average annual initial (replacement) cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles.

As the volume of production in determining the return on assets, indicators of gross, marketable, sold products can be used. Return on assets, calculated on the basis of the volume of sales and commodity output, make it possible to judge a more accurate efficiency of the use of fixed assets in the enterprise.

When calculating the return on assets, it should be borne in mind that the cost of fixed assets takes into account own and leased funds; fixed assets that are on conservation, as well as leased to other enterprises, are not taken into account. The calculation of this indicator can be carried out for fixed assets, taken both at initial and at residual value. However, regardless of the basis for calculating the return on assets, the content of the indicator is not without a number of shortcomings that must be taken into account in management practice and economic analysis. This indicator is not measurable in time, since the numerator contains the annual volume of production, and the denominator indicates fixed assets, individual elements of which have different service lives, but in all cases exceeding the annual period of time. In addition, the accepted volume of production cannot be considered as a value proportional to the size of fixed assets, due to the fact that it depends on the use of fixed assets during the day, on the annual mode of operation, etc. When calculating the return on assets, the passive part of fixed assets, which is weakly related to output, is also taken into account.

The change in the level of return on assets is influenced by a number of factors that can be grouped as follows (Fig. 7.1).

The effectiveness of the use of fixed assets is also judged by such an indicator as the dynamics of capital intensity.

Rice. 7.1.

capital intensity - return on capital ratio. It reflects the need for fixed production assets and characterizes the cost of fixed assets per unit cost of output:

To determine the availability of fixed assets and their use, indicators of capital-labor ratio and technical equipment of labor are also used.

capital-labor ratio expresses the ratio of the average annual cost of fixed assets to the average number of employees. It can be represented by the formula

where FV - capital-labor ratio, thousand rubles;

CHR - the average number of employees, pers.

It reflects the degree of provision of workers with means of labor (fixed assets)

Technical equipment is calculated as the ratio of the average cost of production machinery and equipment to the number of workers, commas, in the longest shift.

The most objective assessment of return on assets (RO) can be obtained if we consider the indicators of return on assets in conjunction with indicators of labor productivity and capital-labor ratio of workers:

where IT is labor productivity, thousand rubles.

Thus, the return on assets can be represented as the quotient of dividing the productivity of workers by the capital-labor ratio, therefore, the return on assets is directly proportional to labor productivity and inversely proportional to its capital-labor ratio. Therefore, in order to increase the return on assets, it is necessary that the growth rate of labor productivity outpaces the growth of its capital-labor ratio.

To analyze the effectiveness of the use of fixed assets, we will compile a table. 7.6.

The use of fixed assets at the enterprise is recognized as effective if the relative increase in output or profit exceeds the relative increase in the value of fixed assets for the period under review. According to the data of the analyzed enterprise, the volume of output and the cost of fixed assets increased in dynamics: those of the growth in the volume of output amounted to 168.65%, and those of the growth of the residual value of fixed assets - 100.15%. Thus, the increase in output volume is higher than the increase in the cost of fixed assets, which indicates their effective use.

Table 7.6. Efficiency indicators of the use of fixed assets of the enterprise

According to the enterprise, it can be seen that the return on assets of fixed assets increased from 2.72 rubles. up to 4.58 rubles. for 1.86 rubles. The increase in capital productivity in the stated period was a consequence of the excess of the growth rate of labor productivity of workers over the growth rate of their capital-labor ratio.

Using the technique of valuable substitutions, we determine the impact of labor productivity and capital-labor ratio of workers on the change in capital productivity for the analyzed period (Table 7.7).

Table 7.7.

The growth of capital productivity of fixed assets amounted to 1.8613 rubles for the analyzed period, including due to the growth of labor productivity from 90.7401 thousand rubles. up to 152.3624 thousand rubles. - by 1.8484 rubles, due to a decrease in the capital-labor ratio of workers from 33.3388 thousand rubles. up to 33.2445 thousand rubles. - by 0.0129 rubles. Thus, the influence of extensive factors was 0.69%, intensive - 99.31%.

The change in the return on assets of fixed assets, in addition to labor productivity and its capital-labor ratio, is influenced by a variety of factors. The level of this indicator depends on the productivity of the equipment, the shift ratio, the cost of a unit of equipment, the share of machines and equipment in the total cost of funds. A change in the level of material costs also affects the return on assets, albeit indirectly, due to an increase in the volume of production due to savings in materials, and vice versa. To calculate the influence of these factors, it is necessary to transform the capital productivity formula and present it as a product of five factors (factors):

where OS is the average annual cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles;

Nb.m - the volume of production minus material costs, thousand rubles;

Om.-s - the number of machine shifts of equipment operation;

0ob - the number of installed equipment, units;

fob - the average annual cost of machinery and equipment, thousand rubles;

Km - coefficient of material costs (the ratio of marketable products to all products minus material costs);

Sample - equipment performance, thousand rubles;

Ксм - coefficient of shift of equipment operation;

Sob - the average cost of a piece of equipment, thousand rubles;

Ud" - the share of machinery and equipment in the total cost of funds,%.

It should be borne in mind that capital productivity, equipment productivity, equipment shift ratio, the share of machinery and equipment in the total cost of funds are directly dependent; the dependence of capital productivity and the level of cost of a unit of equipment is inverse. Therefore, to measure the impact of these factors on capital productivity, the above formula can be transformed as follows:

We calculate the influence of these factors based on the data of the analyzed enterprise (Table 7.8).

Table 7.8.

According to Table. 7.8 it can be seen that the growth in the volume of production was ensured by more intensive use of labor means, since the output increased by 56,809 thousand rubles. (168.65% against the level of the previous year) with a simultaneous increase in the initial cost of fixed assets by 640 thousand rubles, or 0.91%. The return on assets of fixed assets, calculated on the basis of their initial cost, amounted to 1.9636 rubles, which is 0.7887 rubles. more than last year.

Using the method of chain substitutions, we will calculate the effect of the coefficient of material costs, equipment productivity, equipment shift ratio, the cost of a unit of equipment and the share of machinery and equipment in the total cost of funds on the return on assets of all fixed assets (Table 7.9).

Thus, in the reporting year, compared to the previous year, there was an increase in capital productivity due to an increase in equipment productivity (by 0.9713 rubles), a shift ratio (by 0.0660 rubles), an increase in the share of equipment in the total cost of fixed assets (by 0.0190 rub.). The return on assets of fixed assets decreased due to a decrease in the coefficient of material costs by 0.2625 rubles. and an increase in the cost of a piece of equipment by 0.0051 rubles. These factors only partly depend on the work of the enterprise. The level of the cumulative influence of factors amounted to 0.7887 rubles, which indicates an increase in the efficiency of the use of fixed assets at the enterprise under study.

One of the essential aspects of the analysis of the use of fixed assets is the calculation of the increase in the volume of output obtained due to extensive (changes in the value of fixed assets) and intensive (changes in the level of capital productivity) factors that characterize fixed assets.

The volume of output is affected, on the one hand, by the change in the value of fixed assets (a quantitative indicator), on the other hand, by a change in the level of return on assets (a qualitative indicator).

The impact of changes in the cost of fixed assets (DUos) on the volume of manufactured products in an integral way is found using the formula

where DOS is the change in the average annual cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles; FOf - return on assets of fixed assets in the base period, rub.; FEFD - change in the return on assets of fixed assets for the analyzed period, rub.

Table 7.9.

The impact of changes in capital productivity on the volume of production (AUFO) is calculated as

where OSo is the actual average annual cost of fixed assets in the base period, thousand rubles.

According to the analyzed enterprise, the growth in the average annual residual value of fixed assets led to an increase in output by about 171.2 thousand rubles.

the influence of factors led to an increase in the volume of output by 56,809 thousand rubles.

Thus, the increase in output due to extensive factors (increase in the cost of fixed assets) amounted to 0.30%, the increase in output due to intensive factors (increase in capital productivity of fixed assets) - 99.70%. This ratio positively characterizes the use of fixed assets.

The analysis of general indicators of the efficiency of the use of fixed assets should include the determination of their profitability indicator, calculated as the ratio of profit to the average annual cost of fixed assets. When justifying the profit indicator used in the calculations (profit from sales, profit before tax, net profit), it must be taken into account that it should reflect the result of using fixed assets, without including in this profit the results from operations in which fixed assets do not participate (income from participation in other organizations, interest received, other income). As an indicator of fixed assets, you can use the indicator of the average annual, initial or residual value of fixed assets:

where FR - return on equity, %

Ir - profit of the enterprise, thousand rubles.

This indicator characterizes the profit received from each ruble of funds invested in fixed assets.

According to the enterprise, the analysis of capital profitability is given in Table. 7.10.

Table 7.10. Analysis of return on equity indicators

The increase in the profitability of fixed assets was the result of an increase in the efficiency of business activities and a decrease in the cost of fixed assets. The assessment of the strength of influence of these factors by the method of valuable substitutions is given in Table. 7.11.

Table 7.11. Analysis of the influence of factors on the change in the return on equity of fixed assets

Thus, it can be seen that due to the increase in the profitability of work for the analyzed period, the return on assets increased by 15.91%, due to the growth of the average annual residual value of fixed assets decreased by 0.05%. The cumulative influence of factors led to an increase in return on equity by 15.86%.

Summing up, we note that the growth of the production potential of the enterprise makes it necessary to further improve the efficiency of the use of fixed assets in order to achieve high results.

In modern conditions, the intensification of the use of the most active part of fixed assets - production equipment - is of decisive importance for enterprises. To assess the use of equipment by quantitative composition, indicators of available, installed and actually operating equipment are calculated. The most common category of production equipment of enterprises is available equipment - all equipment on the balance sheet, regardless of its condition and location. The installed equipment is divided into four groups: actually operating, under scheduled repair and modernization, standby, and under emergency repair. Uninstalled equipment includes three groups: to be installed, redundant, to be decommissioned. Actually working equipment is considered to be the equipment actually used in production, regardless of the duration of its operation.

To characterize the degree of use of equipment, calculate utilization rate of all available equipment (the ratio of actually operating equipment to cash) and utilization rate of installed equipment (ratio of actually working equipment to installed one).

At the analyzed enterprise, the composition of the equipment is characterized by the following data (Table 7.12).

Table 7.12. Analysis of the degree of use of enterprise equipment

As can be seen from Table. 7.12, 19 pieces of equipment are not installed at the enterprise, 2.34% of the available and 0.57% of the installed equipment are considered inactive. The number of such equipment in the enterprise is significant. This is usually due to the discrepancy between capital construction plans and tasks for commissioning capacities with the production and supply of equipment, incompleteness of incoming equipment, organizational and economic problems at the enterprise, etc. For the fullest use of the equipment, it is necessary to minimize the amount of uninstalled and idle equipment. Increasing the efficiency of the use of operating equipment is provided in two ways: extensive (in time) and intensive (in terms of power).

The analysis of the extensive use of equipment is associated with the consideration of the balance of its operation time, which includes the following funds: calendar, regime, possible, planned and actual. Calendar fund of time - the maximum possible operating time of the equipment for a calendar period (it is found by multiplying the number of calendar days in the reporting period by 24 hours and by the number of units of installed equipment). Regime (nominal) fund of time is found by multiplying the number of units of installed equipment by the number of working days in the analyzed period and by the length of the working day in hours, taking into account the shift coefficient. Possible fund of time equal to the regime minus the time for equipment repair. Planned fund - the time required to fulfill the plan but to produce products. Actual fund - time actually spent on production, i.e. number of hours actually worked. The totality of time funds makes it possible to analyze the operating time of the equipment.

A periodic study of the use of equipment over time allows us to estimate the amount of whole-shift and whole-day downtime, to identify the size of intra-shift time losses. Having such data, it is possible to determine the necessary measures to eliminate existing shortcomings, mobilize reserves for better use of production potential.

When analyzing the use of equipment, calculate coefficient of extensive use of equipment (K:zhste"). It characterizes the level of use of equipment over time and is determined for each group of equipment:

where? fact - time actually worked by the equipment, machine hours;

^play - the time of possible use of the equipment (planned time fund), machine hours.

However, this indicator does not reflect the level of equipment usage, for which equipment intensive utilization rate (K "" Ten):

where Ufact - the actual output of products for one machine hour; Uplan - planned output per machine hour.

An extensive way to improve the efficiency of equipment use is characterized by an increase in the number and proportion of operating equipment in the total mass, an increase in the time of its useful use by reducing the time for all types of repairs, and the maximum use of equipment during a shift.

The growth of the intensive use coefficient indicates a more complete use of equipment in terms of capacity, an increase in output without additional capital investments. This indicator is influenced by the degree of intensity of technical processes, the quality of raw materials and materials, the age composition, the condition and degree of wear of equipment, the amount of marriage, etc.

Integral coefficient of equipment utilization (Ktggegr) is calculated using the formula:

A significant reduction in planned downtime can be achieved as a result of the use of high-speed and progressive methods of equipment repair, proper organization of repair work, rational operation of equipment and careful maintenance of it, etc. The actual hours worked by the equipment often deviate from the planned time for downtime. When analyzing unscheduled downtime, the amount of equipment downtime for individual reasons is revealed. Equipment operating time records do not always fully reflect the amount of downtime. It is advisable in the analysis to organize selective observations of the use of equipment operating time during the shift.

Thus, based on the analysis, we can conclude that the enterprise is sufficiently provided with fixed assets. However, management should pay more attention to the issue of the timeliness of updating fixed assets in general and working machines and equipment in particular, since they are one of the fundamental factors affecting the volume of output and the final results of the enterprise.

The reserves for increasing the return on assets and the volume of production are the commissioning of new equipment, the reduction of all-day and intra-shift downtime, the increase in the shift ratio, the average hourly production of equipment, etc., which are determined as follows.

Reserves for increasing output through input into action new equipment is determined by multiplying its additional quantity by the current level of average annual output or by the actual value of all factors that form its value:

where RTVPK - reserves for increasing output due to the commissioning of new equipment, thousand rubles; RTK - additional amount of new equipment, piece of equipment;

D - the number of days worked per year by a piece of equipment; Ксм - coefficient of shift of equipment operation;

II - the average duration of the shift, h; CV - production output for 1 machine-hour, rub.

Reducing all-day downtime equipment leads to an increase in the average number of days worked by each of its units per year. This increase must be multiplied by the possible (projected) number of pieces of equipment, the shift ratio, the duration of the shift and the actual level of average hourly output of a piece of equipment in the current period:

where RTVPd - reserves for increasing output by reducing equipment downtime throughout the day, thousand rubles; Kv - possible (projected) number of pieces of equipment; RTD - reduction of whole-day equipment downtime.

To calculate the reserve for increasing output due to shift ratio increase as a result of a better organization of production, it is necessary to multiply the possible increase in the shift ratio by the possible (projected) number of pieces of equipment, the possible number of days of operation of the entire fleet of equipment, the duration of the shift and the actual level of average hourly output of a piece of equipment in the current period:

where RTVPk - reserves for increasing output by increasing the shift ratio, rubles; D" - possible (projected) number of days of equipment operation; RTKS - increase in the equipment shift ratio; CB - production output for 1 machine shift, rub.

Reserve for increasing output through reduction of intra-shift downtime is determined by multiplying the planned increase in the duration of the shift by the product of the possible number of equipment, the possible number of days worked by a piece of equipment, the possible level of the shift coefficient and the actual level of the average hourly output of the equipment:

where RTVI, - reserves for increasing output by reducing intra-shift downtime of equipment, rub.; KSm p - possible coefficient of equipment shift; RTI - the planned increase in the duration of the shift, h.

To determine the reserve for increasing output due to increasing the average hourly production of equipment it is first necessary to identify the possibilities for the latter to grow through the renewal and modernization of equipment, its more intensive use, the introduction of scientific and technological progress, etc. Then the identified reserve for increasing output for 1 machine hour must be multiplied by the possible number of hours of operation of the equipment T "(the product of the possible number of units, the number of days of work, the shift ratio, the duration of the shift):

where РТВНЧВ - reserves for increasing output by increasing the average hourly output of equipment, thousand rubles; K" - the possible (projected) number of pieces of equipment; Dv - the possible (projected) number of days of equipment operation; KSm p - the possible shift ratio of equipment; Pv - the possible duration of the shift, h; RTCHV - production output for 1 machine hour, rub.

After that, the reserves for the growth of capital productivity are determined:

where B11 is the actual volume of output in the reporting period, thousand rubles; RTVN - a reserve for increasing output, thousand rubles;

OS - the actual average value of fixed assets in the reporting period, thousand rubles;

OSd - an additional amount of fixed assets that will be needed to develop reserves for increasing production, thousand rubles; RHOS - a reserve for the reduction of fixed assets due to the sale, leasing, conservation and write-off, thousand rubles.

The main ways to improve the efficiency of the use of fixed assets are:

■ release of the enterprise from excess equipment;

■ timely and high-quality performance of planned preventive and major repairs;

■ acquisition of high-tech fixed assets;

■ improving the qualifications of service personnel;

■ timely renewal, especially of the active part of fixed assets, in order to prevent excessive moral and physical wear and tear;

■ increasing the shift ratio;

■ increasing the level of mechanization and automation of production;

■ Ensuring the centralization of repair services, where it is economically feasible;

■ introduction of new equipment and progressive technology, energy and fuel saving;

■ improving the organization of production and labor in order to reduce the loss of working time and downtime in the operation of machines.

To achieve the goals of its existence, namely the production of goods and profit, uses a certain array. The effectiveness of the use of fixed assets can be different, therefore, in the theory of economics, enterprises use the term "efficiency in the use of fixed assets".

What is the efficiency of the use of fixed assets and their profitability

Under the efficiency of using fixed assets is meant a set of economic concepts that show the performance of an enterprise for a certain time period (usually a calendar year) in relation to the maximum production capabilities of fixed assets that are on the balance sheet of the enterprise. The main components of overall efficiency are as follows:

  • capital productivity;
  • capital intensity;
  • capital-labor ratio;
  • profitability of fixed assets (the ratio of profit from all types of activities of the enterprise to that which is defined as the average annual. This indicator is calculated as a percentage);
  • coefficients and .

Now let's look at some of the components of efficiency in more detail.

The performance indicators of fixed assets are described in this video:

Her performance

capital-labor ratio

Each worker in the production process of goods uses a certain array of operating systems. The economic indicator "capital-labor ratio" shows the average nominal value of fixed assets, which falls on one employee of the enterprise.

This indicator can be calculated using the following simple formula (with an example):

  • Capital-labor ratio = total value of the company's fixed assets / per year
  • FV = 9,786,000 rubles / 186 people (worked in the company for a year).

When carrying out the calculation, it turns out that the FV for 2016 per employee amounted to 52,612.90 rubles.

Note that at the enterprise this is not the number of staff positions, but the number of actually registered employees (it is permissible that some staff positions may be free).

capital intensity

To calculate this economic indicator, it is necessary to use the balance sheet of the enterprise, compiled by an accountant. The essence of the term is that it shows the ratio of the cost of production assets to 1 ruble of products manufactured by the company. The numerical indicator of capital intensity in the calculation should be as low as possible. Efficient use of the company's production capacity means getting the maximum income with the minimum use of OS.

There are several formulas for calculating the indicator:

  1. FE \u003d cost of fixed assets on January 1 / total revenue from the sale of products for the year;
  2. K (f) \u003d 0.5 (line 120n + line 120K) / line 010. In this formula, the data is taken into account as follows:
    • 010 - information about the profits and losses of the enterprise;
    • 120n - information at the beginning of a certain reporting period;
    • 120k - data at the end of the reporting period.

Let's calculate the efficiency of using the OS using an example:

  • PE = 9786000 / 274356000, PE = 0.035669 (very high efficiency)
  • PE = 9786000 / 12956000, PE = 0.7553 (low efficiency).

return on assets

This ratio is essentially the opposite of return on assets. It shows how much income (revenue) of the enterprise for a certain reporting period falls on the value of the company's fixed assets that are on its balance sheet. It is difficult to determine the optimal numerical and economic return on assets, because everything depends on the working conditions in specific industries.

For example, in the foundry and coal industries (mines), you have to invest a huge amount of money in fixed assets, and in the production of cars or, for example, plastic bags, such investments may be less.

For an adequate understanding of the efficiency of capital productivity, it is necessary to compare the performance of enterprises in the same industry. The indicator is calculated using the following formula:

  • Return on assets \u003d company income from sales for the reporting period / arithmetic average cost of fixed assets for the reporting period
  • FO = 274356000 / 9786000 = 28.035561.

Analysis of the effective use of fixed assets in the organization - the topic of the video below:

Analysis and evaluation of effectiveness

When all the key performance indicators are obtained, it is possible to analyze the information received. First, we single out groups of factors in the complex that affect the level of profitability of production:

  • the availability of fixed assets necessary for carrying out certain technological processes;
  • the availability of the necessary labor resources;
  • provision of personnel with equipment.

To understand the level of efficiency, it is necessary to study the structure of fixed assets of the enterprise. The fact is that very rarely the company uses absolutely all the funds on the balance sheet. The active use of equipment in technological processes directly affects the level of efficiency. If the equipment is standing, then it is essentially a ballast that hinders the development of the enterprise.

  • The growth of the active part of the operating systems used will gradually increase the profitability of the enterprise. To do this, you need to constantly invest in updating the fixed assets fund in order to lower the coefficient

Introduction…………………………………………………………………………........... ......

1. The concept of fixed assets (funds): types and indicators characterizing them…………...

2. Evaluation of the availability, condition, movement and efficiency of the use of fixed assets………………………………………………………………………………………………

2.1.Characteristics of the internal and external environment of the enterprise………………………………………………………………………………………

2.2. Assessment of the availability, condition and movement of fixed assets……………………………..

2.3. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of fixed assets………………………………

3. Ways to improve the efficiency of the use of fixed assets (funds)

3.1 Information technology in assessing the effectiveness of the use of fixed assets………………………………………………………………………………………………

3.2. Ways to improve the efficiency of the use of fixed assets……………………..



To carry out their activities, enterprises must have the necessary means of production and material conditions, which are the most important element and determine the development of productive forces. The means of production are divided into means of labor and objects of labor. In a market economy, these two components act in the form of production means that ensure the continuous process of both production and marketing of products, as well as the development of the social sphere.

In most organizations, fixed capital occupies 50% of all property. Consequently, the main production and non-production assets, consisting of buildings, structures, machines, equipment and other means of labor, are the basis of the enterprise.

One of the most important factors in increasing the efficiency of production at industrial enterprises is the provision of their fixed assets in the required quantity and assortment and their more complete use.

Given the relevance of the issue of fixed assets at industrial enterprises of the Republic of Belarus at the present stage of economic development, the topic of the course work is "The efficiency of the use of fixed assets of an enterprise (on the example of the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant)".

The purpose of this work is: analysis of the state and efficiency of the use of fixed assets on the example of the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant.

The objectives of this work are:

1) consider the economic essence of fixed assets and determine the importance of their effective use for the enterprise in market conditions;

2) analyze the level of use of fixed assets in the enterprise;

3) to determine the reserves for increasing the efficiency of the use of fixed assets at the enterprise.

The subject of the course work is:

When writing this work, the documentation of the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant, educational, scientific literature, as well as sources of periodicals were used. The subject of the study is the accounting and analytical processes associated with the accounting of fixed capital and the analysis of the effectiveness of its use, which take place at the DGUP of military trade No. 103, which is the object of the study.

1. The concept of fixed assets (funds): types and indicators characterizing them.

The fixed assets of an enterprise are a set of material assets used as means of labor and acting in kind for a long time both in the sphere of material production and in the non-production sphere. From the effective use of fixed assets depends on its financial condition, competitiveness. The rational composition of funds, their effective use affects the technical level, quality, and reliability of products. In addition to production, fixed assets include non-production fixed assets that are on the balance sheet of an enterprise, residential buildings, clinics, children's institutions, and other facilities designed to meet personal needs. and cultural and everyday needs of workers. Outwardly, they are similar to the first: they are durable, gradually wear out and require compensation. However, unlike means of production, they do not participate in the production process and do not transfer their value to the product. Fixed production assets are production assets that participate in the production process for a long time, while maintaining their natural form, their value is transferred to the finished product gradually, in parts, as they are used. To carry out their activities, industrial enterprises must have the necessary means of labor and material conditions. They are the most important element of the productive forces and determine their development. The fixed assets of an enterprise are a set of material assets that operate in kind for a long time both in the sphere of material production and in the non-production sphere.

Fixed assets include: buildings, structures, including departmental roads; transmission devices, working and power machines, mechanisms and equipment; vehicles; measuring and regulating instruments and devices; computer technology, office equipment; tool; production and household inventory and accessories; working cattle; perennial plantations; buffer gas; objects of housing stock, external improvement and others. in accordance with the Provisional Republican Classifier of depreciable fixed assets and their standard service life, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus dated November 21, 2001 No. 186, as amended and supplemented. September 10, 2002 No. 208 .

Fixed assets do not include:

1) means of labor that serve less than one year, regardless of their value;

2) means of labor below the cost per unit (set) established by the government, regardless of their service life, with the exception of agricultural machinery and implements, mechanized construction tools, as well as working and productive livestock, which are classified as fixed assets regardless of their value;

3) fishing gear (trawls, nets, nets, nets and others) regardless of their cost and service life;

4) gasoline-powered saws, loppers, rafting rope, seasonal roads and temporary branches of logging roads, temporary buildings in the forest with a service life of up to 2 years (mobile heating houses, boiler stations, pilot workshops, gas stations, and so on);

5) special tools and special devices (special-purpose tools and devices intended for serial and mass production of certain products or for the manufacture of an individual order), regardless of their cost;

6) special clothing (including uniforms), special shoes and bedding, rental items, regardless of their cost and service life;

7) individual building structures and parts, parts and assemblies of machines, equipment and rolling stock intended for construction, repair purposes and equipment, listed in working capital;

8) equipment and machinery listed as finished products (goods) in the warehouses of manufacturers, supply and marketing organizations, as well as equipment requiring installation and listed on the capital construction balance sheet;

9) machinery and equipment completed by installation, but not in operation and listed on the capital construction balance sheet;

10) temporary (non-title) structures, fixtures and devices, the construction costs of which are included in accordance with the current procedure at the cost of construction and installation works as part of overhead costs;

11) young and fattening animals, birds, rabbits, fur-bearing animals, families of bees, as well as experimental animals;

12) perennial plantings grown in nurseries as planting material.

By functional purpose, fixed assets are divided into funds of the main activity, other production industries and non-production industries. The means of the main activity include those that are directly involved in production, act with the help of a worker or automation on objects of labor in the manufacture of products, performance of work or provision of services.

In turn, the means of the main type of duration according to their natural composition are classified into the following groups:

1. Buildings are architectural and construction objects intended for work, housing, social and cultural services for workers and storage of material values

2. Structures - these are engineering and construction objects for the implementation of the production process by performing certain technical functions that are not related to changing the object of labor.

3. Transmission devices that are designed to transfer electrical, thermal or mechanical energy from engine machines to working machines, as well as transfer liquid and gaseous substances from one inventory object to another.

4. Machinery and equipment. These include: power machines and equipment - generator machines that produce thermal and electrical energy, and motor machines, working machines, apparatus and equipment.

5. Vehicles . These include such means that are designed to transport people, goods, as well as to transport liquid and gaseous substances from suppliers to the place of their consumption.

6. Tools, production and household inventory and accessories. This includes: tools, mechanized and non-mechanized implements, and objects attached to machines.

7. Working livestock used as means of labor (horses, oxen, camels, donkeys and other animals).

8. Productive livestock. This includes: cows, sires, buffaloes and yaks, sires and sows, ewes, goats and others.

9. Perennial plantations. This group includes all artificial perennial plantations, regardless of their age: fruit and berry plantations of all kinds, landscaping and ornamental plantings on streets, squares, parks, gardens, squares, on the territory of enterprises, hedges and others.

10. Other types of fixed assets - library funds (regardless of their cost), including those exhibits (objects of art, antiquities and folk life, as well as scientific and technical objects. According to the degree of use, they distinguish between active, stock and inactive fixed assets. Such a division is necessary to obtain information on the utilization and efficiency of the use of fixed assets, the possibility of replacing worn-out assets, taking measures to transfer or sell unnecessary assets to other enterprises, as well as the correct calculation of depreciation for inclusion in production costs.Existing fixed assets include fixed assets used in production and economic activities. Those in stock are intended to replace those in operation during repairs, upgrades or complete retirement.Inactive are those that are not used for various reasons.

By ownership, fixed assets are divided into own and leased. Own ones are wholly owned by this enterprise, and leased ones are the property of other enterprises and are used at this enterprise in accordance with the lease agreement.

2. Evaluation of the availability, condition, movement and efficiency of the use of fixed assets.

2.1 Characteristics of the external and internal environment of the enterprise.

By order of the director of the Minsk Automobile Plant No. 15 of 07/23/54 in pursuance of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 06/25/54. and orders of the Minister of the Automotive Industry dated July 1 and 5, 1954, a special design bureau No. 1 was organized as part of the MAZ for the creation and production of multi-axle wheeled all-wheel drive heavy-duty tractors designed for various heavy weapons systems. The use of such tractors gives the systems the ability to move in rough terrain and weakly bearing soils. On the chassis developed by the design team, various consumers created and manufactured more than 150 models of special units of the USSR no longer exist, but the need for powerful wheeled vehicles remains. And not only in the army of the Republic of Belarus, but also in the Russian army. To date, the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant remains a military enterprise within the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus and continues to produce military vehicle traction equipment. However, there were much fewer orders for them, and we had to seriously think about increasing the production of “dual-use” products at the plant, that is, adapted for both the army and civilian needs.

To date, the production republican unitary enterprise "Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant" is an enterprise specializing in the production of road and off-road heavy-duty vehicles and trailers for them, as well as special wheeled chassis for the installation of a wide variety of equipment for enterprises and transport organizations of the construction, oil and gas and machine building complexes.

The production activity of the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant is focused on the manufacture and sale of special automotive equipment to consumers, its export supplies to non-CIS countries and the CIS, as well as the production and sale of spare parts for automobiles and consumer goods.

In terms of the cost of production facilities, the number of employees and the volume of production, the plant occupies one of the leading places among the machine-building enterprises of the Republic of Belarus.

The production capacity of the plant is at the level of equipment of the MAZ-543 type and its modifications, which had the character of serial production, and taking into account the use of the areas currently occupied by the Minsk Automobile Plant in the delivery building for bus production. Currently, the plant has a stable portfolio of orders and occupies its niche among manufacturers of similar products.

In order to increase production and stabilize economic results by expanding the markets for goods in non-CIS countries for 2008 and in the near future, the plant has developed measures for the technical re-equipment of production, which will maintain and increase the competitiveness of tractors and other automotive equipment in the world market. The basis for the implementation of the measures envisaged for the development of the production of new equipment is the development of an experimental base. According to calculations, the cost of technical re-equipment of the production base of the plant in 2008 was determined in the amount of 1.68 billion rubles. The amount of capital investments for the next period of 2009-2011 should be 130 billion. rubles, or about 45 million. dollars.

According to sources of financing, own funds are provided in the amount of 92% (depreciation deductions 50% and profit 42%), and borrowed funds 6.7%. The plant will need to attract a loan in the amount of 4.1 billion rubles annually. The increase in production is accompanied by an increase in the volume of working capital associated with the formation of inventories and stocks of finished products. Within 30%, the need for working capital is provided at the expense of the plant's own resources. According to calculations in 2009, the plant's additional need for a short-term loan for the formation of working capital will amount to 2.157 billion rubles. In subsequent years, it will increase in proportion to the growth in production and sales.

According to estimates for 2008, the share of taxes and deductions to non-budgetary funds for the enterprise is 25% of the total proceeds from product sales, while material costs account for 41%, and wages 19% of the income received. 33% of the total amount is transferred from the profit to the budget. Excessive taxation does not allow the plant to develop and update the material and technical base of production at the expense of its own resources.

A study of the world market of automotive equipment shows that already in 2009, the plant can double sales and increase the share of exports to 50%. billion rubles, with a profitability level of 10% achieved at the plant, a profit of 4.2 billion will be received. rubles.

In connection with the export orientation of the production of goods, it is planned, along with bank loans for investments in fixed assets, to apply for tax credits. The benefit of the state from the provision of loans will be expressed in their payback due to the receipt of foreign exchange funds from the export sales of automotive equipment.

Due to the high cost of automotive technology, not all consumers are able to pay its full price. The development of the supply of goods on a leasing basis is an effective area of ​​commercial activity, as it provides a guaranteed flow of funds in accordance with the concluded agreements.

2.2 Assessment of availability, condition and movement of fixed assets.

Fixed assets must have initial, replacement, residual and actual value and are accepted for accounting at their original cost.

The initial cost of fixed assets acquired for cash is the amount of actual costs for the acquisition, construction, manufacture, delivery and installation, including: 1) services of third-party organizations (supplier, intermediary, contractor and other organizations) associated with the acquisition of fixed assets;2 ) customs payments; 3) expenses for insurance during transportation; 4) interest on credit; 5) loading and unloading operations; 6) taxes, unless otherwise provided by law; 7) other costs directly related to the acquisition, construction and manufacture of fixed assets.

General business and other similar expenses are not included in the actual costs for the acquisition, construction or manufacture of fixed assets, except when they are directly related to the acquisition, construction or manufacture of fixed assets.

The valuation of fixed assets, the value of which upon acquisition is expressed in foreign currency, is made in Belarusian rubles by converting foreign currency at the official rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, effective on the date of the business transaction.

The initial cost of fixed assets contributed by the founders on account of their contributions to the authorized capital of the organization is established in terms of monetary value agreed by the founders (participants) on the date of signing the constituent documents, in cases provided for by law, fixed assets are subject to expert evaluation.

The assessment of fixed assets contributed by the founders on account of their contributions to the authorized capital of the organization, the value of which is expressed in foreign currency, is carried out in Belarusian rubles by converting foreign currency at the official rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, effective on the date of signing the constituent documents, unless otherwise established legislation.

The initial cost of fixed assets received from other organizations and individuals free of charge, as well as as a subsidy of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, is estimated at market value as of the date of their entry. Data on the price valid on the date of capitalization of fixed assets must be confirmed by documents or by expert means.

The initial cost of fixed assets acquired in exchange for other property is the value of the property being exchanged, at which it was reflected in accounting, unless otherwise provided by law.

Capital investments in perennial plantings, for radical land improvement are included in fixed assets annually in the amount of costs related to the areas accepted in the reporting year, regardless of the date of completion of the entire complex of works.

The results of the revaluation of fixed assets, carried out in accordance with the decisions of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, are reflected in the balance sheet of the organization on the first day of the month following the date of the revaluation, unless otherwise provided by law. The amount of revaluation of fixed assets (revaluation or markdown) is credited by the organization to increase or decrease its own sources. In organizations financed from the budget, the amount of revaluation of fixed assets (revaluation or reduction) is attributed to the increase (decrease) of the fund in fixed assets.

An object of fixed assets owned by two or more organizations is reflected by each organization in the composition of fixed assets, in the corresponding share in common ownership.

There is also the concept of "replacement value". The replacement cost of fixed assets is the cost of their reproduction (construction or acquisition) in modern conditions.

To determine the replacement cost by government decree, the initial cost is specified by revaluation. Revaluation of fixed assets at replacement cost is carried out annually as of January 1.

In the process of operation, fixed assets lose their original qualities, that is, they wear out physically and morally. Accordingly, their actual cost as wear decreases by its value. The residual value will be the difference between the original cost and the accrued depreciation amount.

As a result of studying the methods of various authors in their analysis of fixed assets, I came to the conclusion that different authors have a different number of tables and sample proportions. And in my opinion, the most profound method is Strazhev's method. Using this technique, I conducted an analysis of fixed assets at the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant for 2007 and 2008.

When analyzing the provision of an industrial enterprise with fixed assets, one should study whether the enterprise has enough fixed assets, what is their availability, dynamics, composition, structure, technical condition, level of production and its organization. Fixed production assets are heterogeneous, their performance of various functions and their different intended use led to the division of fixed assets at the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant, as well as at other industrial enterprises, into different groups. Depending on the purpose in the production and economic activities, they are divided into production (industrial and production facilities of other industries) and non-production. Of these three groups, industrial production means are directly connected with the production of products and therefore have the largest share. We can trace their presence according to the data of tables 2.1 and 2.2.

Table 2.1 - Availability, movement and dynamics of fixed assets at the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant for 2008, million rubles.

fixed assets

Availability at the beginning of the year

Income per year

Dropped out in a year

Availability at the end of the year (gr. 2+3-5)

Excess of income over disposal (gr. 3-5)

Growth rate (gr. 7/1)

Introduced new fixed assets

Of them liquidated

1.1. Active part of industrial fixed assets
Total 73196,0 8609,0 1275,0 117,0 102,0 81688,0 8492,0 111,6%

Table 2.2 - Availability, composition and structure of fixed assets at the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant for 2008, million rubles.

Groups of fixed assets and their names For the beginning of the year At the end of the year Changes for the year
Sum Specific gravity Sum Specific gravity Amount (gr. 4-2) Specific gravity
1.Industrial and production facilities 73196,0 100% 81688,0 100% +8492,0
1.1 Buildings 33713,0 46,0% 35693,0 43,7% +1980,0 -2,3
1.2. Structures 5537,0 7,6% 5876,0 7,2% +339,0 -0,4%
1.3 Transmission devices 5807,0 7,9% 6842,0 8,4% +1035,0 +0,5%
1.4 Machinery and equipment 25345,0 34,6% 30270,0 37,0% +4925,0 +2,4%
1.4.1.Power machines and equipment 1684,0 2,3% 1760,0 2,2% +76,0 -0,1%
1.4.2.Working machines and equipment 22969,0 31,4% 27732,0 33,9% +4763,0 +2,5%
1.4.3. Measuring and control instruments, devices and laboratory equipment 110,0 0,2% 119,0 0,2% +9,0 -
1.4.4.Computer technology 440 0,6% 452,0 0,6% +12,0 -
1.5 Vehicles 555,0 0,8% 696,0 0,9 % +141,0 +0,1%
1.6. Tool, production and household inventory and other types of fixed assets 2239,0 3,1% 2311,0 2,8% +72,0 -0,3%
2.Production fixed assets of other industries
3.Non-production fixed assets
Total Fixed Assets 73196,0 100% 81688,0 100% + 8492,0

The data in Table 2.1, compiled according to Form No. 11 of the financial statements of the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant, show that industrial and production fixed assets increased over the year by 8492.0 million. rub., or 11.6 %, and their share in the composition of all funds has not changed (table 2.2), since there are no production fixed assets of other industries and non-productive fixed assets at the enterprise. The increase in industrial and production fixed assets by 8492.0 million rubles was formed under the influence of their receipt by 1275.0 million rubles (and introduction by the same amount) and disposal by 117.0 million rubles (including liquidated by 102.0 million rubles) .

To determine the changes that have taken place in the composition of industrial fixed assets, it is necessary to analyze their structure (Table 2.2), which is determined by the specifics of production and reflects the features of the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant. The data in Table 2.2 show that, although the cost of buildings increased by 339.0 million rubles, their share remained practically unchanged. Over the past year, the cost of machinery and equipment increased by 4925.0 million rubles, and their share increased by only 2.4%. The share of vehicles increased by 0.1%, while tools, production and household inventory and other types of fixed assets decreased by 0.3%. In addition to such an analysis, it is also advisable to find out the structure of the active part of industrial and production fixed assets in the context of the structural divisions of the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant in terms of average annual indicators. This can be seen from Table 2.3. The plan for workshop No. 3 was completed by 112.8% (8007.9: 7101.8 x 100).

Table 2.3. - The structure of fixed assets in the context of the structural divisions of the enterprise at the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant for 2008

Workshops Average annual value of the active part of industrial and production fixed assets Deviation from the plan
according to plan Actually

Amount million rubles

Specific weight, %

Amount million rubles Specific weight, % Amount, million rubles Specific weight, %
№1 7817,6 26 7156,0 24,1 -661,6 -1,9
№2 8088,1 26,9 7648,9 25,8 -439,2 -1,1
№3 7107,8 23,6 8007,9 27,0 +900,1 +3,4
№4 7061,3 23,5 6858,7 23,1 -202,6 -0,4
Total 30074,8 100 29671,5 100 -403,3 -

The role of fixed assets in the production process is different. Some of them directly affect the object of labor and are active, the other part creates the necessary conditions for labor and is passive. Among economists there is no consensus on the composition of the active part of the funds.

In most industries, it is customary to include machines and equipment (power and working machines and equipment, measuring and control instruments and devices, laboratory equipment, computers, other machines and equipment), as well as vehicles, as an active part of the means. The passive part of the funds is formed by buildings and structures, and in certain industries (oil, gas, electric power) buildings are part of the active part of the funds. In further calculations, the active part of the funds includes the cost of machinery and equipment, which directly affects the growth of output, an increase in labor productivity and determines the dynamics of capital productivity. An increase in the share of the active part of the funds contributes to the growth of technical equipment, an increase in the production capacity of the enterprise, and an increase in capital productivity. At the same time, the role of the passive part of fixed assets is also important, since the lack of normal working conditions leads to diseases, injuries, staff turnover, and a decrease in labor productivity.

At the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant, the active part of industrial and production fixed assets increased by 6,290.0 million rubles, or 18.5% (Table 2.1), including receipts by 1,089.0 million rubles. The assessment of the security of the enterprise with fixed assets can also be traced according to table 2.4, compiled on the basis of form No. 11 of financial statements, planned and accounting indicators. It presents average annual data. The average annual cost of industrial and production fixed assets increased by 33.9% compared to the previous year, and decreased by 9.4% compared to the plan. The active part of the funds decreased compared to the plan by 403.3 million rubles (29671.5-30074.8), and their share decreased by 4.6% (38.6-43.2).

Table 2.4 - Assessment of the provision of the enterprise with fixed assets at the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant for 2007-2008

2.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of fixed assets.

Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of fixed assets will begin with the analysis of capital productivity. The problem of the level of use of fixed assets in modern conditions has become of particular importance for industrial enterprises, since in modern conditions there is: a steady downward trend in capital productivity; violation of the terms of commissioning of production capacities and their slow development; low rates of renewal and replacement of physically and morally obsolete equipment; the presence of unscheduled downtime of the main technological equipment; long service life of the active part of the main production facilities. The efficiency of the use of fixed production assets is characterized by the ratio of the growth rate of output and the growth rate of fixed assets. The most important indicators characterizing the efficiency of the use of fixed assets are capital productivity and capital intensity.

When calculating the return on assets, the cost of manufactured products should be divided by the average annual cost of fixed assets:

FO=P/OF (2.5)

where FO - return on assets;

The capital intensity indicator is an indicator of the return on assets. Its value is determined by the formula:

Ф = OF / P (2.5)

where Ф - capital intensity;

P - the cost of manufactured products for the year;

OF - the average annual cost of fixed assets.

The return on assets shows how much production is produced for one ruble of fixed assets, and the capital intensity characterizes the cost of fixed assets, which falls on the unit cost of products created over a certain period of time. Data for the calculation and analysis of capital productivity and capital intensity are grouped in table 2.5.
Table 2.5. - Initial data for the calculation and analysis of capital productivity and capital intensity at the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant for 2007-2008

Indicators 2007 2008 Off Growth rate, %
1. The volume of produced goods in comparable prices, million rubles
2. Average annual cost of industrial production facilities of the main type of activity, million rubles.
2.1.Including working machines and equipment 22969,0 27732,0 +4763,0 20,7
3. Return on assets of industrial and production fixed assets of the main type of activity, rub.
3.1. Including slave machines and equipment, rub. 3,7 3,4 -0,3 91,9
4. Capital intensity of industrial and production fixed assets, rub.
4.1.Including working machines and equipment 0,27 0,30 0,03 111,1
5. Share of working machines and equipment 0,31 0,34 0,03 91,2

Based on the data in Table 2.5, we can say that in 2008, compared with 2007, the average annual cost of industrial and production fixed assets increased by 8492.0 million. rubles, the average annual cost of working machinery and equipment increased by 4763.0 million rubles, their capital productivity in 2008 decreased by 0.02 rubles. Capital intensity is an indicator of return on capital productivity. Accordingly, it increased for industrial and production fixed assets by 0.01 rubles.

Since at the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant, working machines and equipment occupy the largest share in the cost of the active part of industrial and production assets, it is advisable to analyze their capital productivity and capital intensity, and not the entire active part of industrial and production fixed assets.

Based on the economic relationship of indicators in the formulas of capital productivity and capital intensity, using factor analysis, you can determine the influence of certain factors on the total size of the indicator. Such an analysis allows you to identify the magnitude of the positive and negative impact and, therefore, give direction to the activities of the enterprise to improve the analyzed indicators.

The analysis of capital productivity is carried out in the following areas: determining the degree of influence of the use of working machines and equipment, as well as changing the structure of equipment, as well as changing the structure of fixed assets, general capital productivity, identifying the impact of capital productivity and production volume;

A quantitative assessment of the impact of changes in the return on assets of working machines and equipment and their share in the total cost of fixed assets can be determined based on the relevant indicators:

FO \u003d FO rmo x d rmo (2.5)

where FO - return on assets;

FD rmo - return on assets of working machines and equipment;

d pmo - the share of working machines and equipment in the total cost of fixed assets.

A generalized assessment of the movements of fixed assets is given by the coefficients of renewal, disposal, growth and reproduction, which also characterize the technical condition of fixed assets. .

The renewal coefficient (Ko) reflects the intensity of renewal of fixed assets and is calculated as the ratio of the value of fixed assets (Fp) newly received during the reporting period and their value at the end of the same period. It is advisable to calculate the renewal coefficients for all fixed assets, industrial production, and their active part. They can also be calculated separately for all received fixed assets and separately for put into operation. Renovation of fixed assets can occur both through the acquisition of new ones and through the modernization of existing ones, which is more preferable, since in this case materialized labor is preserved in structural elements and units that cannot be replaced.

The renewal of technology also characterizes the coefficient of automation (Kavt), calculated by the formula:

Kavt \u003d Faut: Fm (2.2)

where Kavt - coefficient of automation;

F aut - the cost of automated tools;

Fm - the total cost of machinery and equipment.

Growth coefficient (Kpr) characterizes the level of growth of fixed assets or its individual groups for a certain period and is calculated as the ratio of the cost of growth of fixed assets (Fpr) to their value at the beginning of the period (Fn):

Kpr \u003d Fpr / Fn (2.3)

where Kpr - growth factor;

Fpr - the cost of growth of fixed assets;

Fn - the cost of fixed assets at the beginning of the reporting period.

The method of comparative analysis of the growth rate is similar to the methods of analysis of the coefficients of renewal and retirement of fixed assets. When conducting an analysis, the coefficients of renewal, disposal and growth of fixed assets should be considered interrelated. By attracting additional data, it is advisable to find out whether the renewal of fixed assets is carried out through new construction or modernization, replacement of old equipment with new, more efficient equipment, and draw an appropriate conclusion about the effectiveness of the use of fixed assets.

For the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant, data on the degree of renewal, disposal and increase in fixed assets are formed on the basis of Form No. 11 of the financial statements in Table 2.6.

Table 2.6 - Analysis of the degree of renewal, disposal and growth of fixed assets at the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant for 2008

Coefficient Calculation Coefficient level
For all applicants (Co) 8609,0/81688,0 0,11
By put into operation (Kv) 1275,0/81688,0 0,02
2.Upgrading industrial production facilities:
For all applicants (Co) 8609,0/81688,0 0,11
By put into operation (Kv) 1275,0/81688,0 0,02
3. Updates of the active part of industrial production. os:
For all applicants (Co) 6290,0/27732,0 0,23
By put into operation (Kv) 1089,0/27732,0 0,04
4. Disposal of all fixed assets
For all dropouts (Kvyb) 117,0/73196,0 0,002
For liquidated (to liquid) 102,0/73196,0 0,001
5. Disposals of industrial and production wasps:
For all dropouts (Kvyb) 117,0/73196,0 0,002
For liquidated (to liquid) 102,0/73196,0 0,001
6. Growth (K pr):
For all fixed assets 8492,0/73196,0 0,12
By industrial - production wasps 8492,0/73196,0 0,12
For the active part of industrial - production wasps 6290,0/33946,0 0,19

The reproduction ratio of fixed assets is calculated as the ratio of capital investments to the cost of fixed assets being commissioned. General indicators of the technical condition of fixed assets are wear and tear coefficients.

Depreciation factor (Ki) is defined as the ratio of the amount of depreciation (I) to the initial cost of fixed assets (F):

Ki \u003d I / F (2.5) (where Ki is the depreciation factor; I is the amount of depreciation; F is the initial cost of fixed assets.)

The shelf life coefficient (Kg) is the ratio of their residual value (Fo) to the original (F)

Kg \u003d Fo / F \u003d 1 - Ki (2.6)

(where Kg is the coefficient of validity; Fo is the residual value of fixed assets; F is the initial cost of fixed assets; Ki is the depreciation coefficient.)

Wear and tear coefficients are calculated both at the beginning of the period and at the end (reporting date). The lower the wear factor (the higher the service life), the better the technical condition in which the fixed assets are located.

For the analyzed enterprise, data on the degree of depreciation of fixed assets are given in the table. 2.7.

Table 2.7. - Analysis of depreciation of fixed assets at the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant for 2008

The initial cost of fixed assets increased by 8492.0 million rubles, and their depreciation increased by 437.0 million rubles. This led to a slight increase in the degree of depreciation (decrease in the degree of serviceability) of fixed assets by 0.1%. The degree of depreciation of fixed assets is quite significant (51.9%), this indicator makes it possible to see that the degree of usefulness is not very high (48.1%).
3. Ways to improve the efficiency of the use of fixed assets (funds)

3.1 Information technology in assessing the effectiveness of the use of fixed assets

Information technology is a complex of interrelated, scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study methods for the effective organization of the work of people involved in the processing and storage of information; computer technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as the social, economic and cultural problems associated with all this. Information technologies themselves require complex training, high initial costs and high technology.

More recently, accounting staff had to do tedious work: add and subtract, calculate percentages, and so on. using a calculator. The calculations were repeatedly tested, carried out many times for each specific problem, and took a lot of time. To get the big picture, accountants often had to collect the same type of data into lists and reports, which led to the emergence of spreadsheets. Data located in one column and one row are connected in a certain way, for example, they allow you to find out how big the turnover was in a particular month (column) and determine the volume of sales of a particular type of goods (row).

The "backbone" of the unified enterprise management information system is the enterprise business process management system - an ERP class system (Enterprise Resources Planning - enterprise resource planning), one of the most promising areas for improving the activities of enterprises in the west. ERP systems are systems for managing all enterprise resources. First of all, these include:

  • planning of production activities;
  • management of purchases, stocks, sales;
  • financial management;
  • personnel Management;
  • cost management;
  • project/program management;
  • design of products and technological processes.

Let's look at some systems. All the above systems belong to the ERP class and are leaders in the international market.

1. R\3 from SAP AG

2. Oracle Applications by Oracle


4. IT Co. BOSS management system

If we talk about the most common programs in our republic, then they are as follows:

Microsoft Excel is an application program designed to work with spreadsheets, i.e. tables created in the process of human-computer dialogue.

With Excel, you can do:

  • - Designing forms of tables;
  • - Registration of data in tables;
  • - Storage on magnetic media;
  • - Computational processing of tabular data;
  • - Conclusion of tables on the printing device and the display screen;
  • - Graphical presentation of data;
  • - Sorting data in tables;
  • - Analyze and present data using charts;
  • - Management of lists and work with ready data;

Extracting data from external data.

Microsoft Word is an application program used for typing, editing and printing text information required by the user.

Microsoft Word allows you to type text information on a computer and print it on paper. This is a word processing program that is used to create new documents (letters, reports, newsletters) or modify existing ones. Modern text editors (including the Word editor) are sometimes called word processors because they contain a very large number of text processing functions.

With Word, you can perform the following functions:

  • A set of almost any kind of text;
  • Text editing;
  • Creation of various tables;
  • Calculation of various quantities using the appropriate formulas;
  • Graphical presentation of data;
  • Apply different alignments, fonts, styles, etc. to text;
  • Self-selection of paper size.
  • Automatic spell check, if necessary.
    3.2. Ways to improve the efficiency of the use of fixed assets

Specific shortcomings in the state of security and efficiency in the use of industrial and production fixed assets are the basis for identifying directions for searching, reserves for increasing the efficiency of using fixed assets. For the analyzed enterprise, the reserves for increasing the volume of output amount to 8600 million rubles, the cost of the decommissioned equipment is 3543.46 million rubles, and the costs for the modernization of fixed assets amounted to 42054.04 million rubles. Consequently, the reserve for the growth of capital productivity will be 0.082357 million rubles (8600: (65912.78 - 3543.46 + 42054.04)).

Due to the increase in the average hourly output of a unit of equipment, the volume of production increased by 45.23%. The volume of products sold increased by 726.6 million rubles, including due to an increase in the volume of products manufactured by 237.46 million rubles. Profit from the sale of products (goods, works, services), balance sheet and taxable due to changes in the volume and structure of products sold increased by 173.08 million rubles, and the volume of products sold increased by 726.6 million rubles, including a change in the volume of output and a change in its structures. Consequently, the increase in the volume of sold products by one thousand provided an increase in the impact on profit from the sale of products (goods, works, services), balance sheet and taxable due to changes in the volume and structure of products sold by 47,641 thousand rubles. (173.08:726.6).

The following factors had the most significant impact on profit from the sale of products (goods, works, services), balance sheet and taxable: change in the cost of industrial and production fixed assets (-815.1%), change in capital productivity (+716.4%:) - factors first order; change in the recoil of the active part (+714.3%) - a second-order factor; change in the duration (time) of operation of a piece of equipment (-698.1%), change in the average hourly output of a piece of equipment (+1865.2%) - factors of the third order; whole-shift downtime of equipment (-401.8%), intra-shift downtime of equipment (-298.1%), changes in the level of equipment utilization and organization of production (+1671.9%) are factors of the fourth order.

Net profit due to changes in the volume and structure of sales increased by 128.52 million rubles, and profit from the sale of products (goods, works, services), balance sheet and taxable due to the same factors increased by 128.52 million rubles.


The fixed assets of an enterprise are a set of material assets used as means of labor and acting in kind for a long time both in the sphere of material production and in the non-production sphere. Fixed assets include: buildings, structures, including departmental roads; transmission devices, working and power machines, mechanisms and equipment; vehicles; measuring and regulating instruments and devices; computer technology, office equipment; tool; production and household inventory and accessories; working cattle; perennial plantations; buffer gas; objects of housing stock, external improvement and others in accordance with the Provisional Republican Classifier of depreciable fixed assets and their standard service life.

At the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant, industrial and production fixed assets increased in 2008 by 8492.0 million rubles, or by 11.6%, and their share in the composition of all assets did not change, since the production fixed assets of other industries and non-productive fixed assets the company does not have. The increase in industrial and production fixed assets by 8492.0 million rubles was formed under the influence of their receipt by 1275.0 million rubles (and introduction by the same amount) and disposal by 117.0 million rubles (including liquidated by 102.0 million rubles).

The role of fixed assets in the production process is different. Some of them directly affect the object of labor and are active, the other part creates the necessary conditions for labor and is passive. At the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant, the active part of industrial and production fixed assets increased over the reporting period by 6290.0 million rubles, or by 118.5%, including 6290.0 million rubles received. The most important indicators characterizing the efficiency of the use of fixed assets are capital productivity and capital intensity. The return on assets in 2008 compared to 2007 decreased by 0.02 rubles. The decrease in return on assets shows that the use of fixed assets in 2008 at the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant worsened compared to 2007. Capital intensity is an indicator of the return on return on assets. Accordingly, it increased for industrial and production fixed assets by 0.01 rubles.

In 2008, there were equipment downtime at the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant. According to the plan, it was planned to spend 20,421.6 thousand machine hours on production output, in fact, 17,640 thousand machine hours were spent, including 101.6 thousand machine hours overtime. As a result of equipment downtime, 2883.2 thousand machine hours (17640-101.6-20421.6) were lost. In addition, the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant did not use 3484 thousand machine hours of the possible time fund (21124-17640). This indicates missed opportunities for the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant. He should strengthen control over the rational use of equipment operating time. It is advisable to use automated devices for monitoring and recording the time of its operation, based on the use of computer technology, as is done at the Minsk Automobile Plant.

Data on the use of equipment over time also show that the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant has achieved a certain intensification of production and an increase in the intensity of equipment use. If, with the planned intensity of equipment operation, 20421.6 thousand machine hours should have been spent on the actually produced volume of production, then in reality the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant spent 17640 thousand machine hours, or 86.4% (17640: 20421.6 x 100), and the production output for 1 machine hour amounted to 115.7% of the planned one (100x100 / 86.4).

In 2008, the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant did not reach the planned level of average annual capacity utilization by 9.493%. This was mainly due to changes in the range and range of products (an increase in the labor intensity of products). The non-fulfillment of the plan for technical re-equipment and the implementation of organizational and technical measures and the reconstruction of production also had a significant negative impact.


1. Decree of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus dated 12.12.2001 No. 118 "On approval of the provisions on accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets", GB No. 3 2002 (PAGE 23 ...)

2. Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus dated November 21, 2001 No. 186 "On approval of the Provisional Republican Classifier of Fixed Assets and Standard Terms of Their Service", National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2001, No. 114 8/7489) (PAGE 21…..)

3. Accounting / Under the general. ed. I.E.Tishkova, A.I.Prischepy.- Mn., 2004 (PAGE 8…….)

4. Ermolovich L.L. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. - M., 1995

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7. Rusak N.A., Rusak V.A. Financial analysis of a business entity. - Mn., 1997 (PAGE 57 ...)

8. Savitskaya G.V. Theory of analysis of economic activity. - Mn., 1996 (PAGE 78……….)

9. Savitskaya G.V. Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise. - Mn., 2002

10. Savitskaya G.V. Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise. - Mn., 1993

11. Strazheva N.S. , Strazhev A.V. Accounting. - Mn., 2005 (PAGE 235 ...)

12. Strazhev A. V. Analysis of economic activity. - Mn., 2004 (PAGE 245 ....)

13. Theory of analysis of economic activity / Under the general. ed. V.V. Osmolovsky.-Mn., 2001

14. Gorbachevskaya E. Comparison of accounting practice in developed countries of the world / Chief Accountant, No. 10, 2001 (PAGE 42-43…)

) are the assets of the enterprise that are used in the production and non-production activities of the enterprise, which are used over several operating cycles (or calendar years). In the process of operation, fixed assets gradually, in predetermined parts, transfer their value to the final product (depreciation).

Fixed assets for functional purposes are divided into:production and non-production.

Fixed assets consist of tangible and intangible assets. Often, when classifying fixed assets into tangible and intangible, it is customary to separate them using the following definitions:is something that can be "touched", andintangibleit is something that exists but has no form (cannot be touched). The fixed assets include:

  • Houses;
  • Structures;
  • Cars and equipment;
  • Energy equipment;
  • Information equipment;
  • Livestock (working, breeding, productive);
  • Perennial plantings (orchards, vineyards, etc.);
  • Other material resources.

Intangible assets at the enterprise are presented as:

  • computer programs;
  • licenses;
  • patents;
  • copyright ideas;
  • innovations;
  • science-intensive production processes and technologies.

For example, if an enterprise uses unique equipment in the course of its production, purchased from a venture company, then the equipment itself will be a material asset, and the rights to use it (license, etc.) will be an intangible asset.

Fixed assets are also usually classified according to the characteristics that are shown in the figure.

When using fixed assets, it is very important to know their objective valuation. With the help of the assessment, the value of fixed capital is formed, depreciation deductions are calculated, and the effectiveness of the use of fixed assets is analyzed. Choosing the wrong method of assessment will distort the perception of management and shareholders about the real state of affairs in the enterprise, which will entail the adoption of incorrect management decisions. An objective assessment of fixed assets also affects the decisions of investors about the attractiveness of investments and the degree of their risk.

In the process of compiling financial statements, the value of fixed assets is displayed in the first section of the asset "Balance Sheet". There they are presented using the initial and residual value.

In the process of analyzing the financial condition of the company, other assessment methods can be used:

1. Initial (before revaluation)- this is the value of assets at the time of their acquisition and entry in the balance sheet of the enterprise. That is, the initial cost is set in the amount of the enterprise's expenses for the acquisition of fixed assets in the enterprise's balance sheet;

2. Residual (before revaluation)is the value of fixed assets minus depreciation. It is calculated by subtracting the amount of depreciation (depreciation deductions) from the full initial cost;

3. Recovery (overrated)- in some situations, the company needs a complete revaluation of its assets. In this case, all assets are re-entered into the balance sheet of the enterprise, according to the sum of their value at the time of revaluation;

4. Residual recovery (overvalued)- this is the value that is calculated by revaluing the primary residual value;

5. Liquidation- this is the amount of funds that can be received upon liquidation of fixed assets (delivery for scrap, resale, etc.);

6. Fair- this is the value that is established in the process of exchanging fixed assets between interested buyers.

Indicators of the efficiency of the use of fixed assets
The performance indicators for the use of fixed assets can be divided into two groups:

1) shows the state of fixed assets;
2) shows the efficiency of the use of fixed assets.

The first group describing the state of fixed assets includes such indicators as:

- coeff. wear;
- coeff. suitability;
- coeff. growth of fixed assets;
- coeff. disposals;
- coeff. capital-labor ratio.

Wear factor (Ki)- determines the part of the fixed assets of the company, which has already succumbed to wear and tear in the course of economic activity. It is calculated by the ratio of the amount of depreciation to the amount of the initial cost of fixed assets.

Acceptance factor- shows how many fixed assets of the enterprise have not yet succumbed to wear and tear. Formula for calculation:Year. = 1 – Ki. If the coefficient of validity increases, and the wear coefficient falls, then the company creates conditions for a more efficient and rational use of fixed assets.

Fixed asset renewal ratio(Cob)- an indicator in percentage terms, showing that part of the fixed assets that was put into operation in the current period.Calculated according to the formula:

Retirement ratio (Kvy) - shows what part of the total assets of the enterprise retired from its ownership under the influence of various factors (sale, complete depreciation) in the current period.Calculated as:

capital-labor ratio- shows how much fixed assets falls on one employee.

The second group of indicators that characterize the efficiency of the use of fixed assets include:

capital intensity;
return on assets;
fixed assets.

capital intensityis the inverse of return on assets. It shows how many fixed assets (in rubles) participated in the creation of products in the amount of one ruble.

return on assetsshows how many products produced in a year fall on the average annual cost of fixed assets, in monetary terms. That is, how many products in rubles are produced for one fixed asset.The indicator is calculated by the formula:

Profitabilityfixed assets shows how much profit falls on the average annual cost of fixed assets.

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