Poison from a spider mite. Spider mite - prevention and control methods. Chemical pest control

How to protect your garden from pests and diseases with improvised means? Very simple! There are many tips - and they all work great, try it!

Let's see what tools and how you can use.

Potassium permanganate

It will help in the fight against gray rot of strawberries (2 teaspoons per 10 liters of water), powdery mildew on berry bushes (you need to make a dark pink solution), wireworm (spill the soil with a solution of 2 g per 10 liters of water before planting).

When preparing potatoes for seeds, freshly dug tubers are washed in a strong solution.

Potassium permanganate is desirable to process all bulbous planting material.


If the tips of the onion feathers turn pale and the feather becomes yellowish, it lacks nitrogen. A solution of ammonia will help you. In 10 liters of water, dilute 3 tablespoons of ammonia, pour the onion under the root in the evening.

mustard powder

The soil pollinated with mustard powder is unsuitable for slugs, so strawberries can be protected.

In the first half of summer, berry bushes are sprayed with mustard infusion against gooseberry moths and sawflies (100 g per 10 liters of water, leave for 2 days, strain, dilute with water 1: 2 and add 40 g of soap for every 10 liters of solution).

This infusion will also protect fruit trees from codling moth caterpillars and leaf-eating caterpillars (treat the trees 15-20 days after flowering).

He will also help cabbage and root crops, save them from aphids, bedbugs, thrips. Mustard is a real lifesaver for the gardener and gardener, and remember that you can also wash dishes with it, instead of any chemicals.

Slug Beer

If slugs attack you, beer will come to the rescue.

Leave a saucer filled with beer (preferably dark) for the night in places where slugs are most concentrated. Slugs are very fond of dark beer and after such a treat they quickly die.


Honey is bait for the bear. Grease a glass jar with honey from the inside at the neck and dig into the ground. The neck is closed with a board with a gap of 1-1.5 cm so that the bear does not get out.


A solution of sugar (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) attracts bees, plants need to be sprayed with this syrup.


Salt solution protects tuberous planting from ants. If you pour a pack of salt on a fresh stump and roots, it will drown out the growth of a cut down tree and bush. Salt will not allow horseradish to grow: dig up extra bushes, pour salt on the remaining root, and horseradish will die.


Spraying with soda ash with soap (50 g of soda and 50 g of soap per 10 liters of water) gives a good effect in the fight against powdery mildew. Dilute the soap in soft water (rain is best) and add soda previously dissolved in water.


Kefir saves blackcurrant from powdery mildew. The branches of the bush are tied together for convenience and treated with a mixture of kefir and water (1: 1).

Natural remedies for aphids

Aphids do not tolerate apple cider vinegar, but at the same time it is good against fungal diseases. Dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar per 1 liter of water, spray the plants with this solution (in cloudy weather).

Grind 50 g of aloe, pour 1 liter of water, leave for a day and spray the plants.

Coniferous infusion from aphids: Pour 500 g of pine or spruce needles with 2 liters of water and let it brew in a dark place for a week. Before use, dilute with water (1:7) and spray the plants.

10 g of dry peels of orange, tangerine, lemon (any citrus) pour 1 liter of boiling water, soak for 24 hours, boil for 15-20 minutes, strain, dilute to 10 liters of water, spray.

Grind 100 g of garlic (leaves) or 50 g of garlic cloves well in an enameled bucket, fill with water to the brim and leave for 12 hours, strain, spray at least 3 times at intervals of 5 days.

An infusion of 300 g of horse sorrel roots in 10 liters of water helps (infuse for 3 hours). Sorrel can be replaced with 400 g of dandelion leaves.

onion peel

Onion peel spread on strawberry patches eliminates ticks. A decoction of onion peels can be sprayed on carrot crops to scare away the carrot fly.

For processing carrots before storage, an infusion of onion peel is good (50-100 g of peel per 1 liter of water, leave for 3-5 days). Root crops are lowered into it for 10 minutes and, without drying, are laid in storage.

Onion peel helps with yellowing cucumber leaves. If the cucumber leaves begin to turn yellow, feed them with onion infusion. In a bucket of warm water (about 30 0), add 1 cup of onion peel. Put the bucket on the fire, bring to a boil and let it brew for 2 hours. Pour this infusion over the cucumber leaves.

Natural remedies for caterpillars

To get rid of cabbage white caterpillars, scoops and moths, make an infusion of burdock. The crushed leaves are placed in a bucket, topped up to the brim with water. Insist 3 days. We filter and spray the plants.

Small caterpillars are afraid of a decoction of pepper pods.

Finely chop 100 g of pepper, boil over low heat for about an hour, cool, let it brew in a glass bowl for two days, dilute with water (50 g of decoction per 10 liters of water), spray.

Instead of pepper pods, you can take ground red pepper.

Essential oils and cloves for insect repellent

Essential oils will protect not plants, but yourself, from mosquitoes and other midges, they help a lot to work in the garden in the evening.

Apply clove oil to the skin in small amounts, you can buy it in a pharmacy, it is inexpensive. Mosquitoes can't stand this smell. You can prepare a clove remedy in a different way: boil 5 g of cloves in a glass of water for about 10-15 minutes. Mix a teaspoon of the decoction with a tablespoon of cologne (any) and wipe the exposed areas of the body, the product works for about two hours.

Basil, anise and eucalyptus oils will protect the house when the window is open. Moisten a cotton pad and place it on the windowsill. Insects will not fly in. Such fleece can be carried in pockets when you work in the garden. The same oils can be dripped into an open fire, onto hot bricks (if the house has a stove).

Not a single insect will sit on you if you wash yourself with a decoction of wormwood roots. A handful of chopped wormwood roots pour 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, let it brew.


Adhere to the norms for concentration, excessive strength of the solutions can cause leaf burns.

To a bucket of any infusion add 40 g of liquid or laundry soap or a tablespoon of a simple Lotus laundry detergent, so you will increase the efficiency of plant treatment.

Processing of plants is best done in the evening. This will protect the leaves of plants from burns, and the bees from poisoning.

Spider mites. Control measures

The simplest recipe is to treat plants with a soap solution, but it is not always effective, especially in the fight against ticks.

It helps to increase the humidity of the air, daily spraying the plant with warm water (this control measure is ideal for indoor plants). Don't forget to process the underside of the leaves as well. This is the best prevention against spider mites.

If the tick has already appeared and folk remedies do not help, dicofol-based acaricide, which is contained in special aerosols, will help. Insecticides "Aktellik", "Fitoverm" are effective. After spraying, wrap the plant with a transparent film. So you isolate it, at the same time increasing the humidity of the air, which will lead to the death of spider mites.

Chemical pest control

If the plants are severely affected and folk remedies do not help, you will have to turn to pesticides to save the garden.

There are a number of special means for getting rid of ants and other types of insects, these tools work effectively. See also section other household chemicals, there are baits and means of destroying pests.

Let's see what remedies help.

Pests are a considerable threat to all gardens, kitchen gardens, and just indoor plants. This is especially true of such a tireless and difficult to remove their representative as a spider mite, the symptoms of damage from which are not always definable even for experienced summer residents. The tick is a real scourge for plants, after the invasion of which, they die irrevocably. In order to successfully fight and counteract a tick, one should timely determine its appearance, know its nature and behavior, as well as effective folk methods of dealing with it.

Spider mite - what it looks like and how it spoils plants

Tetranychus urticae is an insect so small that it’s just impossible to see it just like that, the size is only 0.5 mm. To see the pest, you need a magnifying glass, through which you can see an oval body covered with sparse bristles, as well as several pairs of legs, with which he deftly runs through the plants and moves from them to the neighboring ones.

The color of the spider mite can be different - green, yellow, red, orange, it largely depends on the environment in which it lives and on which plants. But most often it is green.

The plant chosen by the tick becomes his home, and he begins to braid it with his thin cobweb. It is one of the signs (symptoms) of the presence of a spider mite on the culture. Food for the pest is the juice of the plant, so it bites into the leaf, and can bite into the petals of the flowers. As a result, the inside of the leaves after the attack of the spider mite is covered with small white dots, and this is the second sign of the presence of an insect on the plant.

After the leaf is damaged, the plant fails in the work of such a process as photosynthesis. The culture does not receive all the nutrients that it should accumulate, as a result of which it weakens, starts to get sick, and then may die.

As for the flowers, the mite inexorably spoils the entire flower, destroying it from the inside, naturally, there is no longer any aesthetic appearance and cannot be. It is worth noting that the tick, leaving the already “gutted” plant, and moving to another, also transfers various diseases.

The difficulty of identifying a pest by symptoms is further complicated by the fact that when the piebald surfaces of the leaves begin to gradually turn yellow and the foliage falls off, inexperienced growers think that this is a manifestation of fungal diseases, and spend precious time on fungicide treatments. But we emphasize once again: on lemons, roses, sweet potatoes and cucumbers, spots first appear where the tick has stuck.

Here, watch a wonderful video where you managed to show the symptoms of spider mite damage in close-up (to speed up the view, click on the gear and set the view speed to 1.5):

Reproduction of the pest occurs almost instantly - in one, maximum two weeks, an adult appears from the egg. Only low temperatures and sufficient humidity can restrain this process - in these cases, reproduction occurs rather slowly. But in return, a little later, when a favorable atmosphere is established, you can get an abnormal outbreak of tick fertility, and then it will simply be everywhere. It is noteworthy that under indoor conditions, the pest occupies the territory more quickly, and if one plant gets sick, then the entire flower corner can get sick very soon.

Features of the behavior of the spider mite

Fighting a tick is quite difficult, for this you need to know the features of its behavior. For example, in a strong heat, the pest leaves the garden, heading to dark places, and freezes there, or, in other words, falls into short-term hibernation (diapause). Most of these places are rooms. After the downturn of abnormal heat, the spider mite returns to its activities.

Similar behavior in the insect can be observed in the autumn period. With the onset of cold weather, the female also falls asleep, and not all individuals seek refuge for themselves, some remain to winter right on the flowers.

During these periods - when the pest "leaves" - it is useless to treat the plants with some preparations, because the tick will return safe and sound.

Folk and preventive measures to counter the spider mite for indoor plants

As you know, it is easier to prevent a disease than to cure, and in this case, this saying is 100% valid. When growing indoor plants, preventive measures should be taken so that the flowers do not experience the invasion of the spider mite:

Folk remedies how to get rid of a spider mite if it has already appeared

If the tick has already begun to "nibble" indoor flowers, then it is necessary to apply emergency measures, and in a complex, so as not to lose the entire flower corner.

  • First you need to wash the plant (its aerial part). Wash each leaf thoroughly with warm water, with the obligatory addition of laundry soap to it. Washing should also be subjected to - a pot, saucers, surfaces on which the flower lives. These measures, of course, will not get rid of the spider mite, but they will greatly reduce its number.
  • As you know, the tick is afraid of high humidity, so you need to arrange just such an atmosphere for it. To do this, the plants are watered abundantly, sprayed, and then covered with a plastic bag on top, creating a greenhouse effect to destroy the pest. Only here you should be careful - do not expose the plant in this form in the sun, otherwise there is a threat to burn the leaves. It is enough to leave such a greenhouse for 3 days.
  • Medical alcohol. They process pots, coasters for pots, surfaces on which flowers stand. For example, if the plant is on the windowsill, then it is necessary to process the top, side, and bottom of the structure. The soil is also sprayed with alcohol.
  • Folk methods of dealing with spider mites:
    • A decoction of cyclamen tubers is detrimental to ticks. The tubers are cut and boiled for 30-40 minutes. The resulting broth is cooled, and then the plants are treated with it. Carry out such treatments once a week;
    • Squeeze 250 g of garlic into 10 liters of water, leave for a day, strain and spray each leaf from the underside, spray with another tincture every other day - pour 1 kg of celandine tops with 3 liters of boiling water, and after a day dilute to 10 liters, strain and spray and alternate such processing every other day, it is enough to carry out three sprays of each tincture;
    • The processing of onion peel tincture gives an excellent result - winter stocks of onion shells are stuffed into a liter jar, poured with boiling water and allowed to stand for a day. Add 200-300 ml of the resulting solution to a 10-liter sprayer. Processing is carried out every 3 days in the evening, abundantly wetting the reverse side of the sheet.

Low-toxic purchased remedies for spider mites

  • Treatment with insect-acaricides of biological origin. These are substances such as "Fitoverma", "Aktofit" and "Vermitek". They are safe for humans and animals, but for spider mites they are detrimental. But, unfortunately, as for the whitefly, such spraying has absolutely no effect on dormant individuals, eggs and larvae, so treatments must be carried out regularly. If the room temperature fluctuates around 20 degrees, then you need to process it once every 10 days, and if it is much higher, then the treatment takes place twice a week. But for these drugs there is one caveat - if the room is colder than 18 degrees, they are useless, they have no effect on the pest.
  • Hormonal preparation "Apollo" of contact action. It has minimal toxicity, but it destroys oviposition and prevents adult mites from multiplying. Use according to instructions.

Here is another fairly detailed video with an overview of drugs to protect against spider mites:

Biological methods of protection against spider mites

Of the biological means of control in greenhouses and winter gardens, predatory insect-entomophages are mainly used - lacewings, phytoseiulus, western metaseiulus and ambliseius (Mackenzie and Californian). It is more convenient to use phytoseiulus, as they multiply rapidly and are happy to destroy another sap-sucking pest - the whitefly.

Other types of tick

Do you want to be surprised? There are mites that do not weave a web, and the presence of a pest is even more difficult to determine. In addition to the usual spider mite, the following species are also found:

In conclusion, I would like to note that although it is difficult to detect the presence of a tick in a timely manner by symptoms - the cobwebs are poorly visible, and the tick itself is too small - but it is much easier to deal with it than with the whitefly. So the use of any of the above measures to combat the spider mite will definitely give a result, and quite quickly - just pay due attention to this, since a single treatment due to the presence of oviposition is not enough.

One of the most tenacious and insidious pests of indoor plants is the spider mite. This arthropod pest multiplies rapidly and can spread to all house plants in a short time. With a lifespan of about a month, the female lays up to a hundred eggs of offspring every three to four days. If the affected leaves are not detected in time, it is very difficult to get rid of the tick and save it from death.

Types of spider mites

Spider mites have an extensive habitat. Their colonies are found almost anywhere on Earth except Antarctica. It is very difficult to see mites on a plant due to their small size and faded color. Only adult females have an orange-red body color. You can see what the larvae and adults look like in a photo or under a microscope.

Ways to deal with spider mites at home

Pest control can be long and not always effective. Females, when adverse conditions occur, hibernate, and the eggs remain viable for as long as five years.

The fight against spider mites at home should be comprehensive and systematic. If at least one plant from the home collection is affected, all specimens in the house must be processed. An infected flower is immediately sent to quarantine to prevent further spread of pests. Not only plants, but also flower pots, planters, windows, window sills and other surfaces where ticks can hide should undergo anti-tick treatment.

Among the methods of dealing with spider mites, the following can be distinguished:

Washing the leaves with hot water is carried out at a temperature of 45-46 degrees on both sides for a couple of minutes. Water is also poured over the stems and the topsoil. The treatment is repeated every 3-4 days in the first two weeks. Then for another two to three weeks, a hot shower is arranged for indoor plants once a week.

For violets and other flowers with fleecy leaves, water procedures are carried out in the form of a sauna. In the bathroom with flowers, hot water is turned on at the maximum temperature. Within 10-12 minutes, the tub should fill with steam. The total time spent in the steam room for plants should be no more than 20-25 minutes from the moment the hot water is turned on. The frequency of the procedure is similar to the above-described washing with a hot shower.

2. Soap treatment. To prepare a solution in water at room temperature, dissolve shavings of laundry or tar soap. You can also use a mild dishwashing detergent. Soapy water is whipped into a thick foam and applied to the leaves and stems from all sides, trying not to fall on the ground. The top layer of soil can only be lightly sprayed with a spray gun without affecting the roots. The soap solution is left on the plant for 3-4 hours, and then washed off. The frequency of rinsing with soapy water is the same as for normal wet cleaning.

This method has a lot of opponents who believe that soap clogs the pores of plants. In this case, the development of the plant is disturbed due to the blocking of the process of photosynthesis.

3. Spraying with infusions from folk remedies. Folk remedies in the fight against spider mites in most cases are ineffective. You can get rid of the pest with their help at an early stage of infection, when ticks have just begun to multiply. But they are safe for plants, people and pets.

4. Treatment with chemicals. Since ticks are not insects, not insecticides are used to destroy them, but acaricides or insectoacaricides. All these preparations, to one degree or another, pose a danger to humans and animals, therefore, they require compliance with special processing conditions.

The specificity of the fight against spider mites is that these pests very quickly acquire immunity to pesticides. Already after 3-4 treatments, the tick stops responding to the active substance in the preparation. Therefore, acaricides have to be constantly alternated.

Folk remedies for the fight against spider mites

Each fight with a spider mite at home has individual characteristics. A folk remedy that turned out to be effective under some conditions may be useless in other situations. For plants with tender and pubescent leaves, such actions are practically useless, it is better to immediately proceed to chemical treatment.

Folk remedy Solution preparation Processing features
Alcohol Ammonia, boric or medical alcohol is used You can process "thick-skinned" plants: palm trees, philodendrons, ficuses, diefenbachia, hibiscus, aroid (alocasia, adenium, etc.), marat with hairless leaves. With a cotton swab, all accessible surfaces of the plant are processed, as well as a flower pot, a pallet and a window sill with a window. After a day, the leaves and stem are wiped with a clean, damp cloth.

An effective method is when transplanting a plant, lowering the whole or roots into ammonia for a few seconds. In this way, you can process, for example, cacti.

Garlic 1 way: 30-40 grams of garlic gruel (medium head) is poured into 500 ml of water and insisted under the lid in a dark place for 5 days. The resulting infusion is filtered and diluted in half with water. 2 way: gruel of one large clove of garlic is dipped in a glass of boiling water and left for 5-7 minutes Before processing, the resulting infusions are filtered. Plants are sprayed with a spray bottle or wiped with a cotton swab, paying special attention to hard-to-reach places and the lower part of the leaves.
Onion Method 1: 100 grams of husks are poured with 5 liters of water and insisted in a dark place for 5 days. Method 2: 60-80 grams (1 medium onion) of chopped onion is poured into 1/2 liter of water in a sealed container. Insist about 7 hours

Popular and effective chemicals for the destruction of spider mites

To get rid of spider mites with the help of acaricides, you need to know the main active ingredient of the drugs and change them periodically. For processing, it is also necessary to know the toxicity class. Preparations with 3-4 toxicity classes can be used in the bathroom, and 1-2 classes only in the open air.

Rules for processing indoor flowers with industrial preparations

Plant treatment with chemicals is carried out in 3 stages with a difference of 5-8 days. The hotter the air in the room, the faster the spider mite larvae hatch from the eggs and the smaller the difference between treatments should be.

When using the drug for the first time, its effect must be checked on one sheet. If after a day of observation the plant did not react negatively, then the treatment is carried out on all plants of this species.

The treatment is carried out at an ambient temperature of about 26-28 degrees, abundantly spraying a dry plant. Small specimens can be completely immersed in a 50% solution of the drug. To enhance the effect, soap is added to the solution.

Spraying is carried out up to 12 hours on a sunny day and up to 14 in cloudy weather. Until completely dry, the plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Prevention measures

The best protection against the death of flowers from this pest will be timely prevention:

  • All new plants should be quarantined for several weeks;
  • Regular spraying, maintaining high humidity of leaves and soil, airing the room;
  • Monthly inspection and treatment of flowers with hot water or steam.

Following these simple preventive measures will help keep your houseplants healthy and minimize the risk of spider mite infestation.

A small bug up to 0.5 mm, it is impossible to see the population on the plant with the naked eye. But the damage done to the culture is immediately visible. Despite its name, this pest has nothing to do with ticks, so many chemicals aimed at killing insects do not work on it.

Spider mite is an arachnid. Insects have a different color: green in summer and brown-brown in winter. They form their populations on the inside of the leaf.

It is difficult to destroy the pest - it is very viable. Even if the plant is placed in adverse conditions, the tick will not die, but will simply hibernate and wait for the right moment.

The spider mite is very common, it does not live only in Antarctica. But the most favorable conditions for reproduction and life activity are: a temperature of 20-35 degrees with an air humidity of 30-55%.

In June, the pest begins to actively multiply in the open air, and in early September it hibernates. To get rid of the pest, processing must be carried out precisely in the active period of life.

In an apartment, this pest can hide under the baseboards in the crevices of the window sill, crawl along the walls and ceiling. In winter, it may seem that it is not there, but as soon as a favorable period comes, it will immediately move to indoor plants.

Before you start the fight against spider mites, it is worth identifying the cause of the appearance in the apartment.

Pest activity in a residential area begins in winter when the heating is running and the air becomes dry. Those plants that are near heating radiators are affected by the mite in case of rare watering.

On a note. Often an infected flower is brought from a store. Do not forget that it is impossible to see a pest on a plant until the lesions reach visible proportions.

Popular ready-made preparations for fighting

As mentioned earlier, any drugs for pest control will not work, consider the most effective ones.


Class 4 toxicity drug - biological insectoacaricide. Fitoverm destroys the pest at any stage of development.

The price of the drug is 21 rubles per bottle.


A very good acaricide, as it destroys not only the tick itself, but also its egg laying. This drug destroys the pest population on houseplants in two treatments.

The cost is 40 rubles.


A powerful, chemical preparation is used in case of ineffectiveness of other means. It contains a substance such as pirimifos-methyl. "Actellik" is effective, but it must be used very carefully at home, as it has a second class of toxicity and is dangerous for pets and people.

Processing is carried out every 5 days. Experts advise no more than two treatments in a row, otherwise the spider mite may adapt to the drug.

Price - 20 rubles per ampoule of 2 ml.

Important! It is impossible to carry out the processing of indoor plants indoors, they are taken out into the open air.


This is a very effective and popular remedy among flower growers that destroys most pests. But from a spider mite, it is useless, as it is an insecticide, which he is not afraid of.

If a decrease in the population of this pest was noticed when using this drug, then this is most likely the result of spraying. But some flower growers are satisfied with the use of this drug from a tick.

The cost is 40 rubles per ml.

Zoo shampoos and flea or bed bug remedies

To get rid of spider mites, you can also use animal products aimed at destroying fleas and bedbugs. They contain acaricides, which are very effective against spider mites; with constant processing, you can completely get rid of this pest.


This is a highly effective drug that can be used even on a hot summer day. The instructions for using Antikleshch are very simple: to prepare the composition, you need to dilute the required amount of concentrate in a bucket of water and spray the plants on the day of preparation.

Protection against spider mites lasts 2 weeks, after which the processing must be repeated.

Folk remedies

If the pest population on the plant is small, then you can try to cope with the spider mite with folk remedies. Consider how and how flowers can be processed.



Many flower growers drill very effectively with spider mites using laundry soap. It's easy to do this:

  1. Put the plant pot in the tub.
  2. Lather a dish sponge with laundry soap.
  3. Wipe all the leaves and stem of the plant.
  4. The same should be done with the pot and tray.
  5. Spray the soil in the pot with a solution of laundry soap.

    It is impossible to water the whole plant, it may die, so the earthen ball is only moistened from above.

  6. Leave the foam on the plant for 4 hours.
  7. Wash off the foam from the plant and cover it with a plastic bag for a day.

From such manipulations, the tick population will die, since gas exchange with high humidity will be disrupted.

From the video you will learn how to deal with spider mites with laundry soap:


Garlic infusion helps gardeners get rid of many types of pests., and the spider mite is no exception.

  1. Take 2 heads of garlic, pass the cloves through a garlic press and place in a liter jar.
  2. Pour the mixture with cold water, close tightly and leave to infuse for 5 days in a dark place.
  3. Before use, dilute the infusion with 1 liter of water and treat the plants together with the pots.


Onion peel is suitable for processing 100 grams of which is poured with 5 liters of water and insisted for 5 days.

Strain the infusion and process the flowers.

Other folk recipes

In addition to the folk methods described above for the destruction of spider mites, there are other time-tested recipes.

Herbal infusions for spraying:

Reference. All folk formulations are used every 5 days.

You can read more about how to deal with spider mites on indoor and garden plants.

Preventive measures

There are a lot of ways to get rid of spider mites, but it is better to take preventive measures:

  • plants need to be kept in optimal conditions - dryness and waterlogging, favorable conditions for the growth of the pest population;
  • plants need to arrange a shower to remove dirt and dust from the sheets;
  • remove dried leaves and inflorescences in time;
  • when spraying into water, add a few drops of neem wood oil.

Also, for prevention, you can use folk remedies for processing plants, only in less concentrated ones.

Useful video

From the video you will learn about the spider mite and how to deal with it:


Spider mite is a terrible enemy of plants, which can lead to the death of a flower. But if you choose the right crop treatment and apply preventive measures, you can completely eliminate infection and save your flower plantations.

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Have you ever had a similar experience: wake up in the morning and come to admire your flowers, and all the tops of the plants drooped and covered with cobwebs? A similar picture can be seen both on indoor plants and in the garden on flowers, trees and berries. The name of this scourge is spider mite. It is able to penetrate everywhere and its tiny size makes it almost elusive. How fast and efficient get rid of spider mites once and for all and prevent its occurrence?

The enemy must be known by sight

spider mites(or scientifically in Latin - Tetranychidae) are distributed throughout our globe. But given their survivability, it is possible that beyond J. Even in the ice of Antarctica, the larvae of these insects were found. The species diversity of spider mites is simply amazing, there are more than 12 hundred different species.

This is what a spider mite looks like when magnified

The size of this pest is so small (less than one millimeter) that it is almost impossible to see it with the naked eye. The appearance of spider mites on indoor plants can only be detected when insect colonies reach an impressive size. And also on a characteristic basis - the appearance near the cuttings of leaves and at the bottom of the leaf of cobwebs.

What do spider mite larvae look like?

Ticks feed on the juices of the plant, located on the underside of the leaf blade, closer to the large veins. spider mite, like forest ticks, has a sharp proboscis, with which it pierces leaf tissue and drinks juice. As a result of the activity of the pest colony, the plant begins to wither quickly, intensively lose leaves and, in the end, dies if timely measures are not taken.

And on this sheet you can see the spider mite itself, its larvae and the eggs it lays

The life span of a tick is less than two months, but the females manage to lay up to five thousand eggs during this time, from which a new generation of ticks comes out every 2-3 days. Therefore, the pest population is growing almost at lightning speed.