What roses are best to buy for the garden. How to choose the right rose seedling. Landing scheme. A brilliant variety for the garden collection

Let's continue the conversation about the rose - about this magical creation of nature.

From previous articles, we learned what to look for when choosing for your garden and how to choose.

Now another concern has come to the fore - the right one.

The time has come for our beauty to grow up and start living in the garden, delighting her owner with the delicate fragrance.

But this will be provided that the owner knows how to plant roses correctly and skillfully approaches this important mission.

After all, it is one of the most important events on which the fate of the rose bush depends.

When is the best time to plant

Roses can be planted in two periods: spring and autumn. In the conditions of central Russia, it is safer (according to experts) to plant in the spring.

But provided that the soil warms up to +10-12° C and before the buds begin to bloom.

As a rule, this is mid-April to the second ten days of May.

  • Ideally, root-capable seedlings are taken in containers. Plant them only in the spring by transferring an earthen clod. For many varieties of roses, only spring planting is acceptable (ask about this nuance when purchasing shoots).

But planting roses in spring has its drawbacks. Such roses may be stunted in growth (compared to autumn seedlings). This lag is approximately two weeks.

Also, such queens are more capricious and require more supervision and care.

It is better to plan autumn planting of roses for mid-September to mid-October.

If the timing of the event is postponed, the roses will not have time to get stronger before the first frost. It is very important that the plant buds have not yet begun to develop.

  • 10-12 days after autumn planting roses form small young roots that manage to gain strength before frost and feel great in a dry shelter until spring. In spring, young plants very quickly begin to form a strong, healthy bush.

If you don’t have time to plant in the fall and don’t want the seedlings to disappear, you can try to save them until spring by burying them.

To do this, shorten the stems and trim the roots to 30 cm. In this case, callus forms on the roots (a callus that appears at the site of the wound). Healthy roots will develop from the callus in the spring.

Planting roses - choosing a location

Rose loves warmth and sunlight(some of its varieties feel great in shady places), does not tolerate drafts and at the same time respects fresh air.

The ideal place for planting roses is a well-lit area (but without exposure to the midday rays of the sun), sheltered from the cold northern winds.

It is best to choose a small slope oriented to the south. The optimal level of ground water is at least 1.5-2 m.

  • Roses should not be planted in low-lying areas (melt water stagnates there and cold air accumulates). Also, do not plant young bushes in a place where roses were already growing. If this cannot be done, then replace the soil layer to half a meter deep.

The designer is talking to you

How to plant roses? Traditionally, we all try to plant beautiful plants closer to home.

This is a good idea, as the house will provide shelter from the wind and hot sun and at the same time create an excellent backdrop for beautiful flowers.

Here you need to apply knowledge of color (harmonious combination of colors).

  • A building or fence of a light shade will be effectively emphasized by roses with rich, bright flowers. And if the wall of the house is dark, then it is better to use roses in light, pastel or white colors.

But planting roses should not be too close to the house - it will be difficult for you to care for the plants, and planting too close can harm the building. Optimal distance 40-50 cm from the wall (fence).

  • Multi-flowered varieties of roses that bloom all summer are best planted in a visible place (near a gazebo, benches, recreation areas, etc.).
  • Floribunda looks very impressive along the edges of lawns (it is better not to plant roses in the middle of the lawn, since lawn care has different specifics). These species are also good for creating hedges.
  • Tea and tea hybrid species are ideal for flower beds (it is better to make them small from 3-5 bushes of the same variety).
  • Climbing varieties. Planting seedlings of climbing roses will give amazing view gazebo, veranda, any arch, fence, wall of the house. Places for these varieties can also be given along the edges of lawns.
  • Wild roses will decorate the border of the site and will be very useful there: the thorny shoots will protect the territory from the penetration of uninvited animals and will additionally attract birds, which are very fond of the fruits of wild bushes.

If you plan to arrange dense plantings of roses, then the ideal neighbors for rose bushes will be Crocuses, Primroses, Aubrieta, Rezuha, Violet, Ageratum and Alpine phlox.

Hybrid tea varieties are suitable for admiring roses up close, and to create bright, attractive spots from afar, use Floribunda.

Ideal soil

Roses love fertile, moisture- and breathable loams with an acidic pH of 5.5-6.5.

If the soil is too oxidized, it must be limed. But don’t get carried away - in alkaline soil, roses can develop leaf chlorosis.

  • You can determine the acidity of the soil using litmus paper. Mix some soil with water and dip litmus into it. If the soil is acidic, the paper will turn red; if the soil is alkaline, it will turn blue.

Light sandy and heavy ones are not suitable for beauties. clayey soils. Such soils can be adjusted: add sand (3 parts), turf, humus and compost (1 part each) to the loamy soil.

In clayey – coarse sand (6 parts), sheet, sod land, compost and humus (1 part each).

In sandstones - turf soil and finely crushed clay (2 parts each), compost or humus (1 part).

The soil must be checked and prepared in advance (for spring planting of roses in the fall, for autumn 30-35 days before planting the seedlings).

This period is enough for the soil components to mix well and the soil to settle.

The soil must be carefully dug to a depth of 60 cm.

Preparing holes for planting

In the place intended for planting rose bushes, we dig holes measuring 60x60 cm, 70 cm deep. The upper part of the soil ( fertile layer) we put it on the edge of the holes.

At the bottom of each hole we lay a drainage layer of small pebbles, broken bricks and crushed stone.

On top of the drainage we fill a 40 cm layer of a pre-prepared mixture of soil and fertilizers, and sprinkle the holes with a fertile layer on top.

Well mixture:

  • Garden soil 2 buckets.
  • Bone meal 2 cups.
  • Superphosphate 1-2 handfuls.
  • Dolomite flour 1-2 cups.
  • Clay crushed to powder 1 bucket.
  • Humus, peat, fine sand 1 bucket each.

We prepare holes for planting roses 10-14 days before the seedlings appear there. The earth will have time to settle at this time, otherwise the rose may go deep into the ground.

The distance between plant holes depends on the type of rose and the purpose of the planting itself:

  • Between bushes: 150-300 cm.
  • Low and spreading: 40-60 cm.
  • Curly (weakly growing: 200 cm, strongly growing: 300-500 cm).
  • Flowerbeds (weakly growing: 30-40 cm, strongly growing: 40-60 cm).
  • Ground-blooded creeping (weakly growing: 40-60 cm, strongly growing: 100 cm).

Preparation of young seedlings

◊ Escapes. We need to cut off all damaged and dried shoots under the first bud.

Healthy shoots must also be pruned, but (for stronger seedlings, 5 buds are left, for seedlings of average strength and quality, 3 buds; if the seedling is weakened, the shoots must be shortened to almost the entire length, leaving 3 mm at the base).

At spring planting save roses:

  • Floribunda: 3-4 buds.
  • Hybrid tea species: 2-3 buds.
  • Low-growing polyanthus: 2-3 buds.
  • Rambler climbing groups: shoots are cut to 35 cm.
  • Tall: shoots can be shortened by 10-15 cm for early flowering.
  • Miniature and park varieties are not pruned; the shoots only need to be slightly refreshed (trimmed the tops).

◊ Roots. We inspect the roots: we cut off the dented ones, we dive the good ones 1-2 cm from the tip. Then we dip the roots into a solution of water and “Kornevin”, keeping them there for several hours.

Before planting roses, the roots of the plant are cut to 20-25 cm, damaged ones are removed until healthy tissue begins to appear.

The day before planting, place the roses in a container with water for 11-12 hours. Then we moisten the roots with a mixture of clay and mullein (proportion 3x1), adding a heteroauxin tablet to a bucket of solution (pre-dissolve the tablet in water).

Packaging Features

Rose seedlings can be found in completely different packages. Features of the form in which the young rose was sold must be taken into account when preparing the plant for planting:

♦ Polyethylene cylinders. Baltic producers like to pack rose seedlings in plastic tube cylinders without a bottom.

The plants are in this packaging from the very moment of grafting, so they can be easily planted without destroying the earth ball. But before you plant, carefully inspect the roots.

  • If the roots are light and directed outward, the plant can be planted immediately. And if there are few light roots, they are tangled - in this case, carefully straighten the roots and cut off the dry ones. It is imperative to ensure that the roots are directed outward and downward. If seedlings in cylinders need to be preserved, store them in a pot, first freeing them from packaging.

♦ Seedlings grown on light peat in greenhouses. Based on the experience of gardeners, such seedlings need to be planted by disturbing the earthen ball (by the way, contrary to many literary instructions).

As a rule, the pots of such seedlings are small, and the roots tightly entangle the ground, forming a kind of “felt”. The roots cannot get out of such a coma on their own; roses do not take root in a new place for a long time and often die.

  • Be sure to remove the seedling from the pot before planting and soak it in water so that all the air comes out of the earthen ball. Then sharp knife remove the outer layer of roots. Wash the roots of the seedling from the soil, but do not touch them at the base. Then straighten the roots and plant the rose.

♦ Mesh packaging. The manufacturer says that seedlings in a mesh container can be planted directly in it. But according to the experience of gardeners, planting roses in a net very often gives poor results. The seedlings take root poorly.

Therefore, try to partially disrupt the integrity of the mesh before planting and straighten the surface roots (by cutting off rotten or dry ones).

Planting roses

When planting seedlings, carefully monitor the grafting site (this is the part of the root where shoots begin to grow). The graft should be 3-5 cm below the soil surface.

Thus, the rose will receive protection from the heat of the sun and winter cold. And additional shoots will not develop from the graft - they inhibit the growth and development of the main ones.

If the soil shrinks, add soil mixture to prevent holes from forming, otherwise the roots may begin to rot from excess moisture.

Disembarkation methods. There are two known methods of planting roses that have worked well:

◊ Dry method. This method is suitable for areas with high humidity. At the bottom of the prepared hole we make a small earthen roll - on it we will lay out the roots of the flower.

It is better to plant a rose together. One holds the bush and carefully places it in the hole. The second straightens the roots and carefully covers them with soil mixture, compacting the plant with his hands.

Then the rose bush is watered abundantly with water (10 liters of water for each bush). After 2-3 days, the soil is loosened and hilled to a height of 10 cm (to the level of the shoot cuts).

If this is not done, the rose shoots may dry out (especially in hot weather).

  • Loss of moisture often leads to the death of a rose. To avoid this, create additional shelter for your beauty in the form of mounds of damp moss or damp sawdust. If these mounds are too compacted, loosen them slightly.

If your rose has taken root, after 10-15 days the first young shoots will appear. As soon as you notice them, the plant can be unplanted. This procedure is best done in cloudy weather.

◊ Wet method. Planting roses like this would be better suited for regions with arid climates. A bucket of water is poured into the prepared pit (dissolve a heteroauxin tablet in it in advance, you can also add a solution of Sodium Humate the color of strong tea).

One person can cope with such an operation. With one hand, lower the seedling directly into the water, with the other, fill the hole with a water-soil mixture.

A mixture of earth and water perfectly fills the entire space between the roots without creating voids.

When planting, you need to periodically shake the bush and thoroughly compact the soil. No watering needed.

If the soil sags, the next day lift the seedling a little, add soil and hill it up by 10-15 cm. After planting, shade the young rose for 10-12 days.

The nuances of planting seedlings of various types

♦ Park. To plant roses of this type, holes need to be made a little larger: 90x90 cm, 70 cm deep. It is important that no voids form in the row of plantings; if this happens, fill the empty spaces with annual flowers.

Planting density for park roses It is also important to ensure that plants do not produce a lot of root shoots, which then have to be removed.

♦ Tea and Floribunda. For these beauties, the best planting time is spring. For tea roses you will need support for climbing shoots.

Holes for plants of these types can be made a little smaller: 50x50 cm with a distance of about 50 cm.

♦ Hybrid tea. Of all the types of roses, hybrid teas are the most picky about heat, so these roses need to be planted in May (subject to stable warm weather).

The “wet” planting method is best suited for it. Do not let these roses bloom for a couple of weeks (to do this, cut off the first 4-6 buds).

♦ Climbing. Roses of these types can be planted in spring and autumn. When planting, immerse the grafting site in the soil a little deeper than usual (10-12 cm).

This species needs support (the distance between the support and the rose stem is no more than 50 cm) and shelter for the winter.

Before planting roses, the vines need to be cut to a height of 30-35 cm and the roots shortened.

When planting, climbing roses are slightly tilted towards the support, and the roots are directed away from the support.

♦ Groundbloods. For such roses, the complete absence of weeds in their area is very important. It is best to sprinkle the soil with bark or sawdust after getting rid of the weeds.

After all root system ground-blooded species covers the entire ground with very flexible and prickly shoots.

Here you go, dear readers, one of the most difficult and important stages completed. Our roses are planted in the garden.

The further fate of these delicate beauties will depend entirely on your attention and competent care. We will talk about caring for our rose garden, as well as about possible roses, in the next article.

See you soon, dear readers!

Almost all summer residents dream of a cozy flower garden in their summer cottage. But is it possible to imagine it without the queen of flowers - the rose? Beautiful flowers with a pleasant aroma have always been and will be the most desirable guests in any garden.

Types of roses are beautiful garden flowers, sung by poets...

For those who have never encountered the choice of rose varieties for the garden, it will be useful to know that all roses are divided into large groups that differ from each other in care requirements, bud shape, color palette and many other nuances.

Types of garden roses are divided into groups:

  • Miniature and Patio roses;
  • Border, or Multi-flowered;
  • Noble or Large-flowered;
  • Groundcover;
  • Shrub or scrub roses - Shrub (S);
  • Old Garden Rose;
  • Park views;
  • Climbing roses;
  • Natural species (rose hips) - Species (Sp).

The modern assortment of roses (Modern Garden Roses) includes more than 15 thousand varieties. It is extremely versatile in size, color, shape, aroma...

Modern garden roses also include:

  • Hybrid Tea;
  • Floribunda "Floribunda";
  • Polyantha "Polyantha"
  • Grandiflora "Grandiflora" etc.

The most popular groups of roses, divided based on stable garden characteristics.

Climbing roses (climbing)

The type of rose is actively used in garden decoration, since it has the ability to grow over vertical surfaces like bindweed, thanks to creeping shoots (lashes). They can decorate fences or gazebos, columns, arches, and decorate walls. Flowers (2-5 cm in diameter), collected in large inflorescences. When caring for roses, it is important to fertilize the soil. They prefer sun, warmth and light. They do not like frosts, but in all other respects they are quite practical.

Types of climbing roses are distinguished into:

  • Climbers (vintage, modern, miniature);
  • Ramblers (large-flowered);
  • Super ramblers.

Repair roses

Repair rose bushes valued for the characteristics of flowers - size, aroma, color. Widely used for growing in garden plots. Main sign roses - the ability to re-bloom in one season (in July-August), but not so abundantly. On vigorously growing (up to 2 m in height), erect and spreading bushes, large, fragrant, double flowers with a diameter of 8 to 16 cm bloom in the second half of June.

These roses are winter-hardy, but can still freeze, so they require shelter in severe frosts and are susceptible to fungal diseases.

Hybrid Tea and Climbing Hybrid Tea

There are a huge number of variations of garden roses, but one feature suits all – nobility and sophistication. These noble roses are obtained from heat-loving Chinese tea roses crossed with remontant ones. Thanks to this, it was possible to obtain flowers whose characteristics were superior to all previously known species and varieties. One of the most beautiful and elegant views.

Massive and continuous flowering of these magnificent hybrid tea roses lasts from the end of June and throughout the month of July. After a short rest, a second wave of flowering begins, lasting until late autumn. However, for the garden these beautiful flowers won't always fit. They are mainly grown by experienced gardeners, but, as they say, pots are not made by saints.

The whole difficulty of growing lies in the fact that hybrid tea roses do not like cold weather and require good shelter in the winter.

They are demanding to care for and are susceptible to many diseases. It is because of diseases that this type of rose is very difficult to grow in cold climates. It is difficult for an inexperienced gardener to recognize what causes a particular symptom, but experience comes with practice. For this reason, you can often find “chemically-treated” roses of this type on sale, which quickly disappear in water without the necessary substances.

Roses differ in the color of foliage and flowers, the shape of the leaf blade, the nature of growth and other characteristics.

  • Shrub species with falling foliage - Damask, white, French and other roses.
  • Evergreen varieties with rapid growth shoots and long flowering - bourbon, hybrid tea, remontant, polyanthus, etc.
  • Climbing plants of various shapes, sizes, types of flowers - these are varieties such as Orange elf, Gloria Day, Ave Maria, Virgo, etc.

Park roses

Antique roses are classified as park roses, including decorative types rose hips, wrinkled rose (rugosa). This group of roses is considered one of the most unpretentious of all existing roses. And if you do not have the opportunity to visit your garden every day, it is better to choose a variety from this group.

The most important advantage of this group is their frost resistance. In the summer they love sunny places, but not direct intense sun rays, and droop when in the shade. The best option there will be partial shade for them. Roses of this group do not like the wind; they should not be planted near trees. Caring for them involves timely pruning of old branches.

Roses have recently begun to delight us public places- parks, along roads. One of the most beautiful varieties park roses - Hansaland. It is loved by many summer residents due to its lush and long flowering, as well as beautiful bright red buds.

Ground cover roses

This group of roses is indicated by their name - they literally cover the soil with their color. It looks especially beautiful when bushes are planted together. different varieties of this type. The groundcover produces small buds that grow close together, creating a living carpet of roses. The flowers are simple, double, semi-double. Most varieties are characterized by long and abundant flowering. As for the habitat, this type of rose is unpretentious, like park roses. Moreover, the rose requires minimal care. So, faded buds do not need to be trimmed; they do not need annual pruning, not susceptible to diseases.

Scrub roses

The group includes powerful wild shrubs and Austin English roses - with densely double flowers. Unusual appearance tall, is distinguished by abundant and long-lasting, but one-time flowering, emitting rich aroma. Various shapes and outlines - some are a little reminiscent of peonies, others - hybrid tea varieties.

As for care, they are unpretentious, resistant to cold and frost. Unlike park varieties, this species produces large buds. By the way, scrub roses are easy to grow and have good immunity from diseases.

In choosing roses for garden plot There is one problem - from all the many species you need to choose only a few. And this is difficult, because in fact all roses are beautiful and interesting, it is difficult to choose one variety. We hope that the article helped you navigate a little magical world roses

"What types of roses are there, names and photos...

It happens like this: roses are blooming in your garden that were once planted by someone, and you don’t really know what kind of varieties they are or what kind of care they need. Is it necessary, for example, to cover them for the winter? And it happens that a bush or climbing rose on a neighboring plot will capture your imagination and you will want the same one. Let's learn to understand the types of roses: which ones we have and which ones we want.

Due to their external advantages, roses are used in garden design especially widely: they are applicable in all garden styles, are combined with almost any landscape objects - both natural and architectural - and are accent plants. Even the entire garden as a whole can be dedicated to roses - and it will be a beautiful, interesting, memorable garden without any signs of monotony.

Roses are chosen depending on their use. There are several types of roses.

Hybrid tea roses

Classic roses are the most beautiful. They have very large flowers (10-13 cm in size), very remarkable, regular in shape, with a cone-shaped core, and are solitary in arrangement. The height of the bush is about 90 cm.

Hybrid tea roses have a strong aroma. The colors are varied, there are even shades close to blue. The color and shine of the leaves also varies. Hybrid tea roses can be grown either as a bush or as a standard tree. These roses are the most demanding. To get such beauty, you need to try.

At the same time, tea roses have their own characteristics: they do not bloom again, the flowers are located quite rarely on the bush. Therefore, it is better to admire such roses up close and complement them with others. flowering plants who will take over main role during the period when roses do not bloom.

Floribunda roses

Also very beautiful roses, although in terms of flower appearance they are, of course, inferior to hybrid teas. Their flowers are smaller in size, 5-9 cm, more “loose” in shape, and are not arranged separately, but in clusters. They are less fragrant. Bush height - 60-70 cm; but there are low varieties, no higher than 45 cm. Such roses are suitable for growing in containers.

Floribunda roses have obvious advantages: they bloom all season, look very bright (brighter than hybrid teas), can be containerized, and most importantly, they are very unpretentious, are not afraid of dampness, are rarely affected by pests and diseases, and are quite frost-resistant.

Mini roses

They are like smaller copies of ordinary roses. But this smallness is where their beauty lies. The height of the bush is 20-40 cm, the flowers are small, arranged in a cluster, often double. Small sizes allow you to use these roses to realize interesting landscape ideas, for example, arranging rockeries with roses.

Typically, these roses are grafted, which allows them to maintain their small size. They bloom from mid-summer to autumn, for quite a long time. The colors are varied: from delicate to very bright shades.

These roses, like hybrid tea roses, are quite demanding to care for: they require regular abundant watering and fertilizing, they do not tolerate dry air, are often affected by pests and do not like their roots being disturbed. They prefer open air, so they are not at all suitable for home breeding.

Ground cover roses

Perhaps they are the most unpretentious - and at the same time very beautiful. The bushes of these roses seem to creep along the ground, releasing many shoots covered with hundreds of small double flowers. different colors. As a result, the bush becomes like a flowering “mound”.

The height of the “mound” is from 20 cm to 1.8 m, and the width is from 1.5 to 2 m. Sometimes the flowering is so abundant that the leaves are not visible. Blooms all season, from June until frost. These roses do not need special care, watering or fertilizing, like any other perennials. They tolerate dry air normally and, like all roses, need shelter; At the same time, they are frost-resistant: under cover they can withstand down to -35 ° C.

climbing roses

These are incredibly beautiful roses. They look so luxurious not only thanks to the beautiful flowers and abundant flowering, but also because they represent verticals. By itself, such a rose will not curl; it needs to be helped by periodically tying the shoots to a support.

There are roses that bloom very profusely once a season. They are usually small-flowered with a racemose arrangement of flowers. Such roses form large number thin shoots, they are more difficult to trim. And there are varieties that bloom not so luxuriantly, but for a longer time, constantly forming new and new buds. These roses are large-flowered, and they are spectacular due to the size of the flowers. They have thicker shoots, they are not so “tangled”.

Contrary to popular belief, the climbing rose is not very demanding; the main thing is to insulate it well for the winter. To do this, it must be removed from the support and placed in a shelter. This, in fact, is the whole difficulty: it is difficult to remove the rose from the support.

Shrub roses

This is the least common type, although it deserves to be used more widely. Although these roses are less decorative than all of the above, they require virtually no care, and for many corners of the garden, especially inconvenient ones, they are indispensable.

In appearance, these roses resemble tall rose hips, but they have more beautiful flowers, as a rule, terry. The bush is very tall, at least 1 m tall. Flowering is mostly once, the flowers are lush and fragrant.

Overall this rose has a country or eco feel to it, it's such a natural look. It can also be used for landscaping the external area outside the perimeter of the site, as well as for hedges.

Best neighbors for roses

Not all plants go well with roses, since roses are very elegant and have a special texture. Flowers planted next to roses should highlight their beauty, serve as a background that suits the style, and in no case argue with the queen of the garden.

Here are some plants that can be a worthy addition to roses in compositions, flower beds, mixborders: delphinium, foxglove, bluebell, mallow (rose rose), Italian aster, purple sedum, rudbeckia, paniculata phlox, giant onion, daylily, Turkish carnation, cosmos, cuff, woolly chick; You can plant gypsophila at some distance.

Preparing roses for winter

Roses must be covered for the winter. There are many different ways do this, but not all of them are equally good, since the rose is also very afraid of getting warm.

Rose needs a warm “house” for the winter, but with good air exchange. In principle, the type of house is the same for climbing roses and for all others. Most best option— a wooden box plus two layers of dense spunbond on top. Such a shelter is both warm and breathable.

Instead of wooden box You can use a garden construction set placed crosswise, stretch two layers of dense spunbond onto it, and put plastic film on top.

They don’t do anything with ordinary bush roses, but the climbing rose must first be removed from the support (this is the most difficult thing - it is noticeably prickly). Therefore, it is better to purchase a flexible special support for it, which can be removed from the main support (arches, arbors) and placed together with the rose. Then cut the shoots by 1/3, roll them into a ring and place them in a “house” on a layer of sawdust or a sheet of foam underneath.

Climbing roses - the most unpretentious type of roses. Perhaps the size of the flowers is inferior to the luxurious bush varieties, but thanks to the abundant flowering and large mass of greenery, climbing roses look incredibly beautiful.

Arches and arbors become incredibly beautiful thanks to weaving roses.

Shrub roses look traditional, but are not at all boring, especially if you use your imagination. For example, if you arrange a front garden in your garden with roses of different varieties, interspersing them with other flowers. Strict round or rectangular flower beds will emphasize the elegance of the garden, and vague forms will visually expand it and add a touch of creativity.

The most bright dignity spray roses- large flowers. That is why they are often combined with weaving ones, planted along garden paths, which would later turn into arcades.

Standard roses - the process of growing them is a little more complicated than that of bush or climbing roses, but the result looks incredibly impressive.

In a regular French garden, standard roses emphasize aristocracy; they are planted in the center of boxwood compositions. In gardens of more free styles - they are placed along garden paths (in the ground) or right in front of the entrance to the house (in pots), on the terrace or steps.

It is important to remember that standard roses look best next to low plants- such a refined form suggests visible leadership and the absence of distracting elements.

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