Exquisite English rose Abraham Derby in your garden: from planting to decoration. Introducing the graceful beauty of the Abraham Derby rose - everything from the description to the photo of the flower English park rose Abraham Derby reviews

This beautiful flower is the result of the work of a famous breeder David Austin. The appearance of the rose is pleasing to the eye - very large flowers of a soft pink color are simply adorable. One of the best varieties bred by Austin, which is bred by many amateur flower growers throughout Russia.

Breeding a variety

Although the flower has a classic shape, the Abraham Derby variety appeared relatively recently - in 1985. The English florist Austin received a whole galaxy of garden roses with excellent qualities:

  • bright enchanting aroma;
  • long flowering time - as much as 4 months;
  • uniform arrangement of flowers throughout the bush.

Abraham Derby also fully possesses all the properties. In total, the florist received 10 new varieties, each of which was named after a famous resident of England or a significant historical event. This rose bears the name of a famous English industrialist who comes from an illustrious family. He was involved in metallurgy and is known for building a bridge made entirely of cast iron - it was the first such structure in the world.

Rose Abraham Derby was the result of crossing the climbing "Aloha" and the polyanthus Yellow Cushion. It has good immunity and can be used as a hedge or as a soloist in the center of a garden composition.


An interesting feature is the change in color of the petals depending on weather conditions.

  • When closed, the buds have a yellowish tint; when open, the color comes in several shades. In hot weather, the peach shade predominates, in cool weather, pink.
  • The flowers are large (up to 14 cm in diameter), double. Rose Abraham Derby is one of the largest English varieties. It has excellent decorative properties - the petals practically do not fall off and can dry out directly on the plant.
  • Flowering begins in early summer and continues until October, resuming with a short break. The buds are dense, heavy, cup-shaped. Sometimes the flower can bend under their weight. The rose has a very proportional shape.
  • The aroma is bright, with fruity undertones.

Lush bushes, height from 1.5 to 2.5 m. If conditions are favorable, it can grow quite tall, which is why some gardeners use Abraham Derby as a climbing plant. To better display the flowers, the bush can be propped up. The foliage is glossy, dark green. Appears on one branch from 1 to 3 lush roses.

How to choose a landing site

It should be taken into account that rose Abraham Darby was not developed for central Russia. A big mistake would be placing this color in the shade - it requires sunlight. The place should be protected from strong winds, which can damage the integrity of the buds.

Since the roots of the plant go deep underground, replanting the Abraham Derby rose is strictly not recommended.

She may not recover after the move. At best, it will take 2-3 years to recover.

Like shade, excess moisture can destroy a bush by harming the root system. You should also not plant it where another rose grew before - pathogens and pest larvae may remain in the ground.

The flower is not too picky about the soil. Before planting, the soil should be dug up and loosened. If there is a lot of sand in it, add humus; liming is not necessary.

Selection of seedlings and planting

Greatest survival rate show plants that are no more than 3 years old. They are strong enough to take root well and survive the winter. The health of seedlings can be judged by the appearance of the stems. They should be green, fresh, only partially woody. If the stems are wrinkled and limp, this may indicate the presence of diseases.

The weakest usually are Abraham Darby rose seedlings that are grown on their own roots.

It is preferable to choose those that are vaccinated. The seller must know what type of plant he has.

Beginning flower growers are advised to plant in the spring. During the summer period, the bush will have time to gain vitality and successfully survive the winter. More experienced people can plant plants in the fall, because they know how to choose the right weather conditions.

The seedlings are pruned and must be left no more than 6 kidneys. If there are too many of them, it will weaken the young bush, which can lead to its death. The roots are also shortened, leaving only the healthy part. Thanks to this stimulation, a more powerful root system will appear.

It is necessary to prepare correctly landing hole- it must be deep and wide enough for the roots to fully expand into the ground. Drainage must be placed at the bottom, then a nutrient mixture of sand, humus and peat. The plant is planted in a hole so that the root collar (the thickening above the roots) is 5 cm underground. The top layer is lightly compacted.

Mulching is carried out to protect the soil and promote successful growth. The word "mulch" means a homogeneous mixture of various substances that have beneficial properties. She performs several functions:

  • protects the root system of the plant, maintaining the required level of moisture, acidity and creating a favorable environment;
  • helps avoid hypothermia;
  • prevents the growth of weeds.

Features of care

Since the Abraham Derby rose was bred on another continent, it may not be very comfortable in some Russian latitudes. The plant does not tolerate dry weather or excess moisture. Lack of moisture leads to the fact that the root system can come to the surface - as a result, the flower can be damaged during loosening.

  • Watering carried out weekly, the water should be slightly warmed up. Enough 10 liters per bush.

There is no need to apply fertilizer in the first year, because nutrients were added during planting. Starting next spring, fertilizing is necessary. First, they enrich the soil with nitrogen, for which bird droppings are perfect - it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 20. Mineral fertilizers are required every 3 weeks.

  • Fresh manure may be dangerous for roses, it must be allowed to brew for 10 days.

Pruning will depend on the purpose for which the Abraham Derby rose is grown. If a gardener wants to see a climbing plant, he needs to trim only those parts that have been damaged by frost. To get a lush bush, they follow the methodology of forming a certain shape - identifying the supporting branches, controlling vertical growth, cutting off unnecessary shoots. If you want to see a low plant, remove 2/3 of the length every spring.

Diseases and the fight against them

Even with proper care, there is no guarantee that the flower will not be attacked by pests. Of these, the most dangerous spider mite, leaf roller, green aphid And thrips. Insects damage leaves and buds - holes appear on them, the leaf dries out, becomes deformed, and cobwebs appear on it. Affected parts should be removed and treated with an insecticide. Abraham Derby has average resistance to diseases, the rose sometimes suffers from powdery mildew and is susceptible to black spot and rust.

The plant should be treated with fungicidal drugs.

Preparing for winter

With the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to carry out hilling - this requires dry soil or sand. It is undesirable to use peat and straw - they tend to retain moisture, and the roses can get wet. Be sure to trim the stems and remove foliage before hilling.

In order for the bush to enter the winter period correctly, they begin to water it less often in August, at the beginning of September they stop watering altogether, but if the weather remains hot, at the end. 2 feedings are carried out with potassium phosphate fertilizers (boric acid, potassium, superphosphate).

To create a reliable shelter for the Abraham Derby rose, you will need a frame and special material. You can build the frame yourself. They are also sold ready-made - in the form of metal tunnels or arcs. This design will last for many years, it is convenient to store and easy to assemble.

The following can be used as covering material:

  • Old wardrobe items, rags, burlap - available, but not very convenient.
  • Spandbond, agrofibre, lutrasil - materials that allow air to pass through and remove excess moisture. Comfortable and durable material, sold by the meter.
  • Polyethylene film is cheap and durable, but does not allow air to pass through, so holes must be made.

If the frame is not used, you can use dry leaves, pine branches, and sawdust. To prevent roses from being attacked by rodents in the shelter, rat poison is laid out there. Fallen snow can serve as additional insulation if you pour it on top of a covered bush. There is no need to rush - you need to wait for a stable cold snap; Abraham Derby roses tolerate rare frosts very well.

Abraham Darby - bright accent

English roses can decorate a landscape in any style - French, country, "wild" landscape. Can be used in various places on the site. Rose Abraham Derby will look great both as a solo plant and in case of group planting on the lawn. A hedge of bushes with soft pink buds looks charming. This variety also combines well with tall (phlox, delphinium, foxglove) and low-growing flowers (geranium, bells, speedwell).

A long flowering period, a beautiful and unusual appearance of flowers, a strong pleasant aroma - this is what attracts many gardeners to the Abraham Derby variety. With proper care, roses will decorate your garden plot for a long time.

Abraham Derby is a representative of a large garden group of roses. We will learn in this article how to properly maintain a plant so that it blooms for a long period.

Abraham Derby is a popular English rose. Breeding developments of this variety were first presented in 1985. The plant was bred by crossing polyanthus and climbing roses, and belongs to the shrub garden group.

The shape of the bush is round; when flowering, the stems are abundantly covered with flowers and leaves. There are up to 70 petals in one bowl. The flowers have a classic cup shape up to 14 cm diagonally, as well as a rich apricot color in the central part (see photo). The edges of the petals are painted a delicate pink color. Abraham Derby is highly remontant.

During one growing season, the variety blooms 2 times, emitting a strong fruity aroma. This is ideal for open flower beds and large garden areas. At the end of summer, the variety blooms again, but not profusely as in June.

Growing Abraham Derby roses is not difficult. This plant is hardy, powerful and resistant to various diseases. It has average winter hardiness, but in cooler regions requires shelter under film.

The variety reacts interestingly to changes in the weather, the color becomes pale or more saturated. Under normal temperature conditions and proper care, the bush rises to 200 cm. The average width of the bush is 100-110 cm.

Selection of location and conditions of detention


The Abraham Derby variety develops poorly and grows in the shade. It is necessary to place the bush where there will be constant sunlight. If the summer in warm regions is too hot, you can prevent their destructive effect with the help of a net. It is used to shade the rose so that the rays are scattered.


Low-lying places with high moisture are not suitable for bushes. The roots, being in such an environment, begin to rot. A shelter for roses must be provided around the perimeter of the garden plot. Drafts and gusty winds negatively affect the plant. Gradually, the buds or petals fall off, and the rose loses its attractiveness. It is better not to plant Abraham Derby in a place where other roses have been previously grown. This can cause bush disease if previous plants were affected by pests.


Heavy loamy and acidic soils are not suitable for the variety. Bushes prefer optimal acidity, not exceeding 7.2 pH. The soil must drain well. Abraham Derby will get sick easily when, after rain, the soil at the roots is saturated with moisture for a long time.

Landing Features

The rose can be planted as separate bushes or a support can be built for it. When grown for a long time in one favorable place, roses on a support can reach 300 cm in length.

In order for the root system to take root well, it is necessary to dig a deep hole up to 50 cm in length. The width of the pit is at least 70 cm. A drainage layer is made at the bottom with expanded clay, finely crushed brick or sand. To provide the bush with nutrients during rooting, humus or a special soil mixture is added to the hole. To stabilize the acidity of the soil, add 2 cups of wood ash.

Novice gardeners often complain about poor flowering of Abraham Derby. The reason lies in low-quality planting material. It is recommended to purchase rose cuttings of this variety only in specialized stores. The seedling must be at least 2 years old. By this period, the future bush has already developed winter hardiness. After planting, this material takes root well. By this time the stems become woody, but remain fresh.

You can recognize a seedling disease by its drooping appearance, yellowness of the stem and wrinkling. Planting material obtained by grafting has the best flowering.

  1. For better growth of the root system, seedlings must be soaked for at least 5-8 hours before planting. The roots in the water straighten well and are saturated with moisture, which improves the transfer of nutrients to the stem.
  2. Fungicides are added to the water. They prevent fungal diseases and prevent the further development of infection.
  3. After soaking, the root system is thoroughly inspected. Sick, broken and damaged roots are cut off. The rest are pinched 2-3 cm to speed up the growth of the bush.
  4. The bush is placed in the central part of the hole, the roots are carefully distributed and covered with soil so that there are no voids left. The soil is compacted from above and watered abundantly. Even a small seedling requires at least 5-8 liters of water.
  5. Within a week, the bush can wither and weaken, so it needs moisture. To preserve it, the soil at the roots is sprinkled with mulch. Small sawdust, freshly cut grass, and hay are suitable.


With proper care, the bushes bloom beautifully. To make flowering more abundant, fading flowers are carefully picked off. Three days after each watering, the ground around the bush is thoroughly loosened and weeds are removed.

Fertilizer application

Spring feeding. It is carried out immediately after circumcision or when the buds are swollen. Mullein or special fertilizer for roses is placed along the perimeter of the bush, 10-15 cm thick. During the bud formation stage, the bush can be fed with rotted grass.

Summer feeding. It is carried out after the first flowering, but no later than July 20. Complex fertilizers will help maintain the vigor of the bush. Nitroammophosphate contains three important components - potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. For one bush, 75 grams of the substance is enough.

Autumn feeding. In early September, the last feeding before winter is carried out. During this period, it is important to enrich the soil with potassium. Up to 15 grams of the substance are scattered per meter. Be sure to stabilize the acidity of the soil with wood ash (1-2 cups). Before filling under the root, the ash must be sifted.

Fertilizers are not applied to cooled soil. At this time, the root system of roses is preparing for winter, and the processes of nutrient absorption are significantly suspended.

Preparing for winter

In cold regions, Abraham Darby requires shelter. To do this, they use a special material, lutrasil, and make a double layer. It is installed on an arc frame so that it is 20 cm higher than the bushes. The dry air layer creates a good microclimate for the roots and stems. It is necessary to cover before the onset of frost, while the temperature on the ground remains above +5 degrees. The optimal period is from October 1 to October 10.

If the bushes are still blooming at this time, then all flowers and young shoots are cut off in front of the shelter. Roses tolerate wintering better en masse rather than in one bush, so the frames are installed along the entire flower garden. Lutrasil can be secured using a stapler. One part of the film material is left open until permanent frost sets in. This will provide the roses with good ventilation.


The technology for forming a bush depends on what appearance the gardener needs. The Abraham Derby park climbing rose does not need pruning when grown as a hedge. In spring, only damaged and dry stems should be removed. If a variety is expected to have a beautiful rounded bush, then annual pruning of the shoots by at least 2/3 of the length will be required.

Diseases and pests

The Abraham Derby variety is quite resistant to various pests. A bush can die only if there is no care. The most common diseases for this species are powdery mildew, rust and black spot.

When the first signs of infection are detected on roses, it is necessary to remove the affected shoots. If the bush is completely sick, it is dug up and burned outside the site. This will prevent the infection from spreading throughout the entire rose garden. After pruning, the bush is sprayed with fungicides. The most popular drugs are Fundazol and Maxim.

Roses are attacked by pests - spider mites, leaf rollers, sawflies and aphids. The bush loses its attractiveness, the leaves curl, turn yellow, become deformed and dry out. Various encyclopedias describe pest control in detail. For this purpose, special insecticides are used.

Rose is one of the most popular flowers used to decorate garden plots in landscape design. And the most striking representative is the English rose Abraham Derby, which was bred by the British breeder David Austin.

Its large and bright flowers immediately earned the love and respect of gardeners all over the world. But you need to know how to properly care for the plant so that it becomes a true decoration of the site.

History of the appearance of the variety

The first mention of this rose variety appeared in 1965. It was obtained by crossing yellow rose of the Yellow Cushion variety and red terry beauty of the Aloha variety. The flowers of the plant have a shape familiar to roses and a surprisingly delicate color. The petals are painted in a soft pink shade, but closer to the center of the flower they have a slight yellowish color.

But this plant has one feature that is not characteristic of the rose family - the color of its buds will change depending on the habitat and environmental conditions. These buds can be called real chameleons, because they change color from yellowish to peach gradually with increasing ambient temperature.

The rose bush is quite large in size. It can reach a height of one and a half meters, while in appearance it looks like a large ball covered with the most beautiful flowers in the world. Under favorable growing conditions, it can reach a height of 2.5 meters.

Due to the rapid growth of the flower, it is often used as a climbing plant to create small hedges or to decorate gazebos on the site. There can be from one to three buds on one stem, which makes this variety of rose truly unique and luxurious. But the buds are extremely susceptible to excess moisture in the air. During rain they will not open, but in dry weather they will delight the owner with luxurious flowering and aroma.

Rose Abraham Darby has double flowers, which when opened often reach 14 cm in diameter. This plant variety blooms almost continuously from July to September. At this time, the entire garden and surrounding areas will be filled with an exquisite, subtle aroma of fruit with a light lemon note.

In mid-latitudes, this variety of rose takes root quite difficult. It was originally created for warmer and more humid conditions. Therefore, in order for it to take root and actively begin to bloom, you will have to follow some rules of care.

Variety of this rose Can't stand shadows at all. Therefore, when choosing a place on the site for planting it, you should select an area that is constantly illuminated by sunlight throughout the day. She also does not like drafts and strong winds, which knock the petals off the buds and prevent them from opening completely. In this regard, the place must also be reliably protected from winds.

The plant does not tolerate excess moisture in the soil, so low-lying areas are not suitable for it. But at higher elevations she will feel great. If a plant from the same family previously grew in the selected area, you will have to look for another place for planting, because characteristic pests or pathogens dangerous to the rose bush could remain in the soil.

The rose is unpretentious to the soil. But before planting the seedling, it is better to dig it up and or loosen it. If the soil is too sandy, you should add a little humus to it to increase saturation with nutrients that are so necessary for the plant during the establishment period.

Rules for planting and selection

If a florist has decided to grow an English Abraham Derby rose on his plot, then he should know some principles for its selection and care, without which it will not be possible to get beautiful plantings. Thus, the greatest survival rate in the middle zone was shown by those plants whose age does not exceed three years. It is quite strong and takes root well, and harsh winters are not as terrible for young plants as they are for old ones. The stems of such a seedling should be young and green, only partially woody. If the stem has wrinkles or is limp, then this may indicate some kind of flower disease.

The most demanding and weakest plants are considered to be those that grow on their roots. Those who have been vaccinated will be more resistant. It is better to ask the seller about the type of plant.

A young plant should be planted in early spring so that it has time to gain strength and get stronger over the summer. Such a bush will survive the winter without consequences. But it is also allowed to plant young bushes in the fall, you just need to choose the right weather conditions so that the roots do not get wet.

In most cases, seedlings are pruned before planting. There should be no more than 6 buds left on the bush. A larger amount will greatly weaken the plant and draw out all the juices from it.

The root system also needs to be shortened so that only healthy roots remain. This will help strengthen the roots for the winter and prevent the plant from freezing.

The planting hole should be wide and deep enough so that the roots can fully expand into it. Drainage and a layer of nutrient mixture are placed at the bottom of the pit. The latter should consist of sand, humus and peat in equal quantities. The bush should be planted in such a way that the root collar is located 5 cm below the soil level. The top layer of soil needs to be well compacted.

After planting, you need to thoroughly mulch the soil around the bush. Fallen leaves and a nutrient layer of humus are perfect for this. The main functions of this stage of care are:

  • protecting the root system of the plant, maintaining the required level of moisture and acidity in the soil;
  • protection against hypothermia of roots;
  • preventing the development of weeds.

Rules of care

Since it was introduced on another continent, the Abraham Derby rose, planting and caring for which in the Russian climate can be a little troublesome, does not tolerate both too dry and very humid climates. If there is not enough moisture in the soil, then the root system can come to the surface too much, which will lead to its damage during loosening the soil.

Therefore, certain conditions must be maintained. For roses it is extremely important:

  • timely watering;
  • correct application of fertilizers.

Watering the plant should be done once a week. A bucket of water is enough for one bush.

There is no need to apply fertilizers in the first year, since they were applied during planting. But starting next spring, regular feeding is required.

First, organic fertilizers with nitrogen are applied. Bird droppings are perfect for this, dilute them in water in a ratio of 1:20 and water the soil around the bush. Once every three weeks you need to apply mineral fertilizers.

Under no circumstances should you water the bush with fresh manure. This can greatly damage the root system. You need to let the mixture brew for 10 days and only then water it.

Pruning is done depending on how the gardener wants his rose to grow. If it is to weave and serve as a decoration for the gazebo, then only those branches that have suffered from frost over the winter are pruned. The rest remain untouchable. If you need a lush bush, then pruning is done in the spring to a third of the length of each shoot.

Care must be taken to ensure that the plant is not damaged by pests. The most dangerous of them are the leaf roller, spider mite and green aphid. These insects damage the leaves and buds of the rose, which leads to their drying out and early fall. Therefore, if pests are detected, the plant should be immediately treated with insecticides.

A fungicide solution is perfect for this.

Preparing for winter

As winter approaches, you need to carefully take care of preparing the plant for the cold. First you need to hill up the root zone of the rose. Sand and earth are used for this. Peat should not be used, because it can create a greenhouse effect and the roots of the plant will rot over the winter. The stems need to be trimmed and all remaining foliage removed.

To properly prepare for hibernation, the bush should begin to limit watering from mid-August. Watering is halved and completely stopped in September. Before the onset of cold weather, you need to carry out two more feedings of the roots. Superphosphate, potassium and boric acid are suitable for this.

Be sure to create a convenient frame for the covering material. You can build it yourself or buy it at a garden store. Most often, such frames are metal arches in the form of tunnels, which remain throughout the summer. The following are often used as covering materials:

  • rags or burlap, which is not very convenient, but effective;
  • spunbond, agrofibre - they allow moisture to pass through and will last a very long time;
  • plastic film is a cheap material, but it does not allow air to pass through, so you will have to make small holes in it.

To prevent rats from infesting the shelter and damaging the trunk of the bush, rat poison is placed under the film. Additionally, you can cover the frame with the rose with snow. But there is no need to rush; you need to wait until cold weather sets in so that the plant does not rot.

Rose Abraham Derby is one of the best and most popular English rose varieties. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the “parents” of this species are represented by modern varieties. This variety of roses was bred relatively recently - in 1985 by a breeder from England.

Rose Abraham Derby - variety description

The English rose is a perennial flowering plant in the form of a fairly powerful spreading bush that has excellent resistance to adverse weather conditions and various diseases.

The leaves of this plant are glossy. The plant itself is quite large, can reach a height of 1.5 - 2 meters. Moreover, it grows quite quickly to such a size.

The English rose Abraham Derby pleases the eye with flowers that are cup-shaped inside and soft pink around the edges. The aroma is quite strong, with a slight strawberry undertone. It is worth noting that the entire bush itself has a neat round shape and, what is most remarkable, with proper care, this plant blooms with enviable regularity.

As a rule, three large flowers with a diameter of up to 14 cm appear at the ends of long and powerful stems. The fragrant aroma of flowers - at first fruity and lemon, which towards the end turns into the smell of rose oil - is felt throughout the entire flowering period. It is worth noting that one flower can have about 140 petals.

English rose: plant care and breeding features

The Abraham Derby rose does not require particularly careful care. For its optimal growth, all you need is as much free space as possible. This is what determines the size and shape of the plant. In addition, since the bush has fairly strong and powerful stems, the rose can be allowed to trail along some support.

In order to give even more aesthetics to the bush and the entire flower garden, the shape of the bush can be easily adjusted using ordinary garden shears. This does not affect the flowering process in any way.

Rose Abraham Derby, the photo of which clearly demonstrates all the beauty of this plant, is one of the first shrubs to bloom and continues to delight with its flowers almost until frost.

Features of shrub care

Abraham Derbys can come in a variety of shades, combining peach, pink and even yellow tones. However, most often the central part of the inflorescence is expressed in a rich combination of peach and pink tones, which at the edges becomes more pinkish with a yellow tint. It is worth noting some peculiarity of this shrub. So, when the temperature of the surrounding area rises, the flowers acquire a rich peach hue, and when the temperature drops, they become more pink.

Despite the fact that the Abraham Derby rose is quite resistant to adverse weather conditions and various diseases, it must be treated very carefully and carefully - otherwise it will not delight with its aroma and the splendor of its colors. For example, at low temperatures and high humidity, the plant may be exposed to a disease such as black spot. In addition, if not properly cared for, the Abraham Derby rose may suffer from powdery mildew and rust.

English rose Abraham Derby

Such a shrub will certainly decorate any garden plot or flower garden. This relatively unpretentious plant, if you follow simple care rules, will delight you with its fragrant and beautiful flowers for a long time.

Among other advantages, it is worth noting that this variety of English roses tolerates rain and wind quite well. Thanks to its powerful and strong stems, the English rose is resistant to strong gusts of wind and other adverse weather conditions.

In addition, this shrub perfectly retains its shape. With the help of ordinary ones, you can easily give it the necessary shape and occasionally maintain it.

A light aroma of flowers with a hint of strawberry, delicate peach and excellent resistance to weather conditions, as well as repeated blooms throughout the season - what else is needed to truly decorate a flower garden?

Of course, this variety of English rose is the most successful development of the English breeder David Austin.


The Abraham Derby rose is very popular in Russia - I would say it is one of David Austin's most popular roses. The reason for its popularity is its huge flowers, very decent aroma and acceptable resistance to powdery mildew.


Height: up to 140 cm Width: up to 100 cm Flowering group: repeat flowering Number of flowers on a stem: from 1 to 3 Flower diameter: 12...14 cm Flower color: pink-apricot, pale pink at the outer petals Patent: expired Group: English Synonyms: AUScot, Candy Rain, Country Darb Variety created: Austin nursery, UK

Rose Abraham Derby - description

The variety was developed in 1985 as a result of crossing two modern English varieties - Aloha and Yellow Cushion. At the same time, the flowers of Abraham Darby are very similar in appearance to the flowers of old English varieties - they are large, cup-shaped. The outer petals are very light - on the verge of pink and light pink. Closer to the center the petals are pink-apricot. The flowers are heavy, and their weight may cause the stems to droop slightly.

An adult bush reaches a height of 120...140 cm and about 100 cm in diameter. The shape of the bush is round, the bush itself is dense. The leaves are dark green and shiny. Since up to 3 very large flowers are formed on each developed stem, during flowering the bush is simply strewn with them.

Application in landscape design

Can be used as a solitaire or in compositions. Looks great in flower beds or in the garden between trees.



Where to buy?

At the moment, there is not a single store or nursery in our database that would offer Abraham Derby seedlings.

Rose Abraham Darby - planting and care

Winter Hardiness Zone: USDA 5a Rain Resistance: Low Rose Rust Resistance: May be affected Powdery Mildew Resistance: Affected in unfavorable years Black Spot Resistance: Affected in unfavorable years

In general, the rules for planting and caring for are the same as for other park roses. In the first year after planting, it is highly advisable to pick off the flowers so that the plant does not waste resources, takes root well and prepares for winter. Starting from the second year, the rose begins to bloom very profusely.

The Abraham Derby variety is moderately resistant to disease and completely unstable to rain. Large flowers get wet easily, the petals stick together and begin to rot.

Winter hardiness zone - 5a: this means that the rose can winter openly in Moscow, but in other settlements of the Moscow region it requires shelter. Read more about preparing roses for winter.

The rest is in the comments to the article. There's quite a heated discussion about the variety.