Flexible heat-insulated pipes for sewerage. Thermally insulated multilayer flexible polymer pipes isoproflex and casaflex. PVC insulated pipes

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Heat-insulating pipes in water supply systems

Today, more and more heating, air conditioning and water supply systems are built on the basis of flexible plastic pipes. The basis for heating systems are flexible heat insulated pipes. Rarely, but you can also find such systems that are made on the basis of copper heat-insulated pipes. Such pipes are made of almost pure annealed copper, top-coated with a layer of PVC or polypropylene to improve thermal insulation qualities. However, such a pipeline costs a lot of money, so not everyone can afford it.

The device of a heat-insulated pipe: 1. Pressure reh-a trumpet. 2. Oxygen-protective layer (at the request of the customer). 3. Thermal insulation from semi-rigid polyurethane foam. 4. Barrier layer. 5. Protective sheath made of polyethylene. 6. Identification stripes in green.

What is thermally insulated flexible pipes?

To begin with, it is worth noting that flexible pipes are presented plastic products. This category does not include cast iron, steel and copper products. But at the same time, metal-plastic is also referred to as flexible products.

Such products are called thermally insulated only because they have a special upper shell that improves some of the characteristics of the pipes.

Such products are sold in bays of several meters. They do not require installation. pre-training, special skills and special equipment.

As for the scope, it is very wide. We can say that heat-insulated pipes are used wherever conventional products can be used, that is, in heating systems, cold and hot water supply, sewer systems and so on.

Such pipes are most effective in hot water supply systems. It is thermal insulation that allows you to transport hot water over long distances with virtually no decrease in the temperature of the coolant.

Polypropylene heat-insulated pipes

The most popular are polypropylene heat-insulated products. This is due to the fact that the pipe is able to withstand high pressures: constant at 10 atmospheres and short-term at 13 atmospheres.

Types of heat-insulated pipes various manufacturers: 1-Pipes made of polybutene (polybutylene), where the heat-insulating layer is made of physically foamed polyethylene PE, the outer corrugated protective casing is made of HDPE. 2,3- Pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene, where the thermal insulation is made of foamed polyethylene, the outer corrugated protective casing is double made of HDPE.
4- Steel pipes in polyurethane foam insulation, external protective casing made of HDPE.

The coolant temperature in such products can reach 95 degrees, while polypropylene does not collapse, and the outer shell retains its thermal insulation qualities.

Among other things, polypropylene is a very resistant material to various aggressive environments. It is reliable in operation and quite durable. The service life of a pipeline made of this material is estimated at more than one dozen years.

Polypropylene can also be used in heating systems, and in food water supply systems. This is made possible by purity. polypropylene pipes. Even at high temperatures, they do not emit substances hazardous to human health.

Polypropylene, although considered flexible material, but pipes from it are made in pieces of 4 meters, since it is almost impossible to twist them into bays without damaging the product itself.

Installation of a polypropylene pipeline

It should be noted right away that when constructing a pipeline made of polypropylene for any purpose, it should not be done so that the pipe is bent in any place.

To carry out the work, you will need standard tools for working with plastic pipelines, that is, special scissors and a welding machine.

Special scissors are needed to make straight pipe cuts. If there are no such scissors, then you can use a hacksaw with fine teeth. In this case, after each cut, the end of the pipe will have to be cleaned.

Polypropylene pipes are interconnected by means of fittings by welding. For this procedure, a special welding machine is used.

How to choose a welding machine?

On the this moment on the construction markets a wide range of welding machines. However, not all of them meet the requirements that apply to them and which guarantee an excellent result.

To choose a welding machine with a normal price / quality ratio, you need to pay attention to some specifications this tool. So, one of the main characteristics is the size range. It shows which pipe sizes are suitable for this machine. For example, if there is a need to work with pipes with a diameter of 7 cm, and the device is designed for diameters from 20 to 60, then there is no sense in it. The same applies to the lower end of the range.

It is worth noting that the more expensive tool has several nozzles in its configuration, which are made of Teflon. With the help of such nozzles, the device is able to work with almost any diameter.

The second important parameter is its power. If the tool is bought only to make a water supply system at home, then a power of 800 W is enough, since pipes are used in their homes, the diameter of which rarely exceeds 63 mm.

When choosing a tool, you should pay attention to the presence of a thermostat. It constantly maintains the temperature at the desired level, that is, 270 degrees, in automatic mode. If the welding machine is not equipped with such a device, then the temperature will have to be maintained manually.

Very often, the decisive parameter in such a difficult choice is the cost. Naturally, the instruments that are produced in our country are much cheaper than their European counterparts. However, many of the foreign devices have long been operating on the territory of the entire post-Soviet space. But it is worth noting that among the domestic instrument there are also worthy specimens and it will be quite enough to set up a water supply system at home.

So, the direct installation of the pipeline begins only after the acquisition of all components and components. To begin with, the welding machine is started so that it warms up. Next, a section of pipe is cut right size. When marking, it is necessary not to forget that some part of the pipe will go inside the connecting element - the fitting.

After that, the cut piece is protected from the ends. Next, markup is applied to it. From the end at a distance equal to the depth of the fitting minus 2-3 mm, put a mark. This mark will then serve as an indicator that the pipe entered the connecting element correctly during the assembly of the pipeline.

After full warm-up welding machine you can start welding. A fitting and a piece of pipe are attached to the nozzle. With a smooth movement, these two elements are brought together. When the fitting is fully inserted into the nozzle, the time is noted. If during this time the pipe has not yet reached desired point, then you just need to finish it, but continue the countdown.

It is necessary to monitor the time so as not to overexpose the plastic elements. Pipe welding time different diameter also different. For example, a pipe with a diameter of 2.5 centimeters must be held for 5 seconds. For a pipe with a diameter of 4 centimeters, this time is 12 seconds.

After the holding time has elapsed, the pipe and fitting are simultaneously removed from the nozzle. If this cannot be done with a slight movement, then you can slightly rotate the structure around its axis. After that, the pipe is inserted into the fitting hole according to the mark made and fixed there for 8-10 seconds. This completes the connection.

PVC insulated pipes

PVC pipes, like polypropylene pipes, are actively used in hot water supply systems.

PVC is a flexible material, but still quite rigid. Its coefficient of thermal expansion is so small that it is almost imperceptible. There is an opinion among the people that PVC releases when heated. toxic substances. Yes this is true. Only the isolation process occurs with very strong heating, about 400 degrees. That's why PVC products safe for health.

Installation of a pipeline made of PVC elements

From the tool you will need scissors, sandpaper and a special adhesive with a cleaner. In addition, you may need a brush to apply the adhesive.

The assembly of the water supply system is carried out by gluing its individual elements.

Glue applied to PVC surface, dissolves it upper layer. The same happens with the connecting element. Thus, the solute is mixed, forming a homogeneous mass during solidification. This connection is very strong. It is not inferior in this indicator to solid PVC.

Before gluing, all shaped elements are checked. All pipes are dry-inserted into the fittings. They should go into them by 2/3 of the length of the fitting.

After checking, cut the pipe to the desired size. If the product has enough big size, then it is more convenient to cut with a roller cutter. After the cut, the end of the pipe is cleaned or processed with a special knife designed for chamfering.

Further, the surface that will participate in the gluing process is treated with a primer - a special cleaner. This liquid makes the top layer of PVC soft, which allows adhesive composition penetrate deeper into the structure of the material.

Next, apply glue to inner part fitting and outer part pipes. It is inserted into the fitting and rotated there about ¼ of the circle around its axis. This allows you to evenly distribute the adhesive over the entire bonded surface. Next, the pipe is pressed against the connecting element with sufficient force. In this position, both elements are held for half a minute.

This is how the entire plumbing is assembled. In the case when the diameter of the elements is more than five centimeters, special tightening devices are used.

Flexible heat-insulated pipes Casaflex

High-quality plastic water pipe is important in construction and renovation. Flexible heat-insulated pipes, in particular the Casaflex pipe, are used for hot water supply. Any consumer can buy exactly the Casaflex pipe, the price of which is quite affordable.

Casaflex pipes are produced by the Russian group of companies Polimerteplo. The plastic water pipe from this manufacturer is well known in the market. The Casaflex pipe is not only flexible heat-insulated pipes designed for installation in distribution networks. Casaflex pipe is reliability, use the best equipment and technologies. The Casaflex pipe and other types of heat-insulated plastic pipes are produced at the company's facilities located in Russia and Belarus. Due to the fact that the products are not imported, Casaflex pipes, the price of which is not overstated, are available to every customer.

Flexible heat-insulated pipe Casaflex is a durable and reliable product for underground laying. Since the pipe is flexible, it can be routed around external obstructions. The plastic water pipe is not subject to corrosion and is resistant to stray currents, so the Casaflex pipe allows you to create a high-quality and durable heating main. In addition, when a Casaflex plastic water pipe is used for hot water supply and heating mains, there is no need to use compensators, lay channels, or equip the pipeline with fixed supports. This is also pleasant due to the attractive cost of Casaflex, the price of which is affordable.

The Casaflex pipe is flexible, so you can not use bends. Deliveries of the Casaflex pipe, the price of which allows this material to be widely used, are carried out in long lengths or in coils. Thanks to this form of release, the Casaflex pipe is mounted with a minimum of joints. plastic pipes Casaflex does not lose over time bandwidth, which has a positive effect on the hydraulic parameters of the network where the Casaflex pipe is involved.

The Casaflex pipe is a spiral-shaped corrugated pressure pipe. The pipe is made of stainless chromium-nickel steel. Outside, the plastic water pipe is protected by a hydro- and heat-insulating polyethylene sheath. Inside it, the Casaflex pipe has a signal cable connecting the operational remote control. For the transition to metal, it uses end fittings, and at the facilities, the Casaflex pipe is mounted using tees and equal bore stainless couplings. Casaflex, the price of which is not overstated, is completed with fittings. Flexible heat-insulated pipes Casaflex withstand temperatures up to +135C (for a short time +150C) and pressure up to 2.5 MPa. Pipe plastic water Casaflex - an excellent alternative to other types of plastic water pipes and steel pipes in polyurethane foam insulation. Additional advantage pipes Casaflex price, quite acceptable with high quality.

Thermal insulation work on pipelines is needed to provide protection against freezing, reduce heat losses in hot water supply and heating systems. Also, the operation is used when installing chimney pipes. In this way, thermal linear expansions in places where the pipe adjoins the ceiling can be compensated. Today, technology allows you to get away from traditional ways insulation performed directly at the installation site of water supply systems and others. The finished heat-insulating pipe allows you to reduce the cost of time and labor, reduce the cost of work. What is it, we will consider in our today's article.

Ready pipe - is it effective?

Thermal insulation is made by using mineral wool. Modern methods are also used - polyurethane foam coating or solid insulation. But each of these insulation technologies has disadvantages. Most often, thermal insulation is carried out after laying pipes. This means that in places where access is difficult, it is extremely difficult to strengthen materials and isolate them from the damaging effects of moisture. All the same, there are areas where the joints will be unsuccessful, and the liquid will penetrate inside. It is possible that the pipes will not collapse, but the temperature of the coolant will drop steadily.

The heat-insulated pipe is devoid of all these disadvantages. In fact, the insulation layer is part of the pipe. Multi-layer construction provides maximum protection against moisture and mechanical impact. A flexible insulated pipe makes it possible to lay a line in which the number of joints will be minimized. This significantly reduces installation time and in the best way affects the general condition of highways.

And yet there are nuances. The fact is that ready-made insulated pipes were invented and developed in Europe. They are made mainly by German companies. European conditions are slightly different from Russian ones.

So, in the cities of Europe, as such, there are practically no centralized heating systems. Heating is provided by many small thermal power plants designed for a limited number of quarters. With this approach, there is no need to create and maintain high pressure and high temperature of the coolant. The European consumer receives heating practically without losses. Gradually, the heating is reduced thereby, reducing the load on the heating networks.

It is impossible to simply take any detail from a precisely calculated and verified system and completely copy it for operation in other realities with different parameters. Best of all, flexible heat-insulated pipes in Russian conditions have shown themselves as new networks for autonomous heating in cottage houses and suburban complexes.

But not everything is so sad. Today domestic producers take European experience and adapt it to Russian conditions. They do not invent anything anew, on the contrary, they modify the development. Therefore, the use of such products is quite effective.


A heat-insulated pipe can be made using basalt, fiberglass or polystyrene foam insulation. The latter is especially common among manufacturers.

The pipe itself can be made of metal, plastic or metal-plastic. Insulating materials are additionally protected by a sheath.

Pipe with heating cable

To completely eliminate the risk of freezing, as well as to thaw a frozen area without the need to perform earthworks, today a heat-insulated pipe is widely used, additionally equipped with a heating cable. The design is completed automatic equipment, including the cable when critically low temperatures are reached.

Finished pipe and correct application

Often, in the manufacture of such a product, companies use expanded polystyrene. In rare cases, basalt wool and fiberglass are used. The product can be metal or plastic. Heat-insulated steel pipes are used for arranging heating and hot water supply lines.

It is very easy to explain this. The maximum possible temperature for plastic is limited to 95 degrees. In addition, this material has high expansion coefficients during temperature changes - for 10 meters of pipe length it is 20 centimeters. That is why you need to use metal for heating.

Heat-insulated pipes for water supply can be metal-plastic. Among their advantages are the speed of installation and a long service life. The pipe in polyurethane foam insulation is produced in a continuous cycle, which makes it possible to manufacture products of different lengths. The corrugated sheath allows the pipe to be bent in any direction. This allows you to significantly save on components that are used in traditional pipelines.


When installing, you must approach with all responsibility preparatory work. The first step is to equip the pillow. Although the pipe has a certain margin of safety, this parameter is lower than that of ordinary product. The plumbing is placed on a pillow of sand.

In case of open installation, sufficient space must be provided for supports with soft lining. This is done to reduce the risk of possible deformation.


The finished pipe can be installed not only on the street. It must be remembered that heat loss also occur indoors (especially in unheated ones). It is not necessary to use heat-insulated pipes for heating or plumbing from beginning to end. There are many connectivity options warm pipe to the ordinary.

A large deepening of the pipeline is not necessary. This allows you to significantly reduce the amount of earthwork. Pipes do not need to be connected, which means that you can save on welding work.

Market Review

Thermally insulated Uponor pipes. This company's products have positive reviews buyers. The company offers several types of pipes for heating and hot water supply.

These are flexible and heat-insulated products. The company's products are characterized by high technical and operational characteristics. Consider a few popular series:

  • Uponor Ecoflex Thermo. Products of this series are intended for operation in systems of heating. Available in single or double version. This is a supply and return pipe.
  • Ecoflex Aqua. This line is intended for use in water pipes. Here, as in the previous case, the pipe can be single or double. There is another option - four pipes in one building. This solution allows you to use one pipe for both heating and water supply. Exactly this effective solution to connect any buildings.
  • "Supra". This pipe is designed to supply cold water for drinking or cooking. Also suitable for Wastewater. The pipe has a cable for heating.


New technologies make life easier. Now with these pipes it is much easier to equip any pipeline for water or heating. You can not be afraid that the water inside will freeze. Also, with the help of these products, heat loss will be minimal. This makes it possible to save on energy resources, which is especially important given their prices.

The trend of transition from metal pipes to plastic when laying pipelines for various purposes is clearly visible in all areas. She did not bypass the intra-quarter city heating network. Since 2001, plastic multilayer pipes under the domestic name Isoproflex(and then Casaflex) began to gradually replace traditional pipes when repairing old water pipes and when laying new ones.

The first pipelines from new outlandish pipes were built on the basis of imported European CAPLEX pipes from the Swiss company Brugg Rohrsysteme. It was necessary to check the possibility of using pipes designed for European conditions, in our, Russian. The experiment, staged for the first time in Moscow, showed that with minor modifications, these pipes can be used in our country as well. This is how Isoproflex pipes were born, and a little later, Isoproflex-A pipes (and even later Casaflex), produced at domestic factories and adapted to our conditions.

Such a pipe is their own multilayer flexible whole plastic construction. AT Casaflex pipe the inside is made of corrugated stainless steel. If heat-insulated PPU pipes have a metal pressure pipe, then in Isoproflex pipes the pressure part is made of plastic - molecularly cross-linked polyethylene. Polyethylene has long been used for the purpose of pumping various products through such pipes, but being uncrosslinked, it had the property of "creep" when high temperatures and pressures. To eliminate this phenomenon, it was necessary to significantly increase the thickness of the pipe, which increased its weight and material consumption of the entire structure, while the phenomenon of "creep" itself was not completely eliminated.

In Isoproflex pipes, already molecularly cross-linked polyethylene is used, which has a three-dimensionally oriented molecular structure. After the so-called "crosslinking" of polyethylene by chemical or radiation methods, the characteristics of this material are significantly improved. So, cross-linked polyethylene used in the pressure part of Isoproflex-A pipes withstands temperatures of +95°C while simultaneously high pressure at 1 MPa. At the same time, its strength, chemical resistance are preserved, there is practically no "creep".

The pressure part of the Casaflex and Isoproflex pipes is insulated with a layer of polyurethane foam, corrugated over the PPU thermal insulation polyethylene film for pipe protection. However, this design is not fully suitable for operation in Russia. Pipe diameters and operating pressure CAPLEX pipes do not fully comply with the required Russian values. We have more stringent operating conditions, and these conditions require a modernized design of pipes. In Europe, there is no such centralized urban water supply and such centralized systems heating, as in Russia. Most of the systems there are designed to serve several houses (a maximum of dozens), and therefore the temperature and pressure in these pipelines are much lower than in the urban environment of our country. This is how the Isoproflex-A pipe appeared.

There are more layers here. This is actually a multi-layer cake, each layer of which is responsible for the functions assigned to it. The pressure part of the new pipe is reinforced with Kevlar thread, and the reinforcing layer is not on the inner or outer surface pressure pipe, but inside it. This made it possible to reduce the wall thickness of the Isoproflex-A pipe, and this led to an increase in the flexibility of the entire structure. All this made it possible to create enough flexible pipe with a diameter up to 160 mm.


For heating networks requiring pumping of liquids heated to +135°C, the designers developed the Casaflex pipe, in which the pressure part is made not of cross-linked polyethylene, but of corrugated thin-walled stainless steel. The Casaflex pipe can withstand significantly more pressure than Isoproflex.

So, flexible pre-insulated multilayer polymer Isoproflex pipes and Casaflex pipes have the following advantages over traditional steel pipes. Minimum heat loss when supplying heated water from the boiler house to the consumer. Casaflex and Isoproflex pipes are not subject to corrosion and do not require laying a concrete channel to protect them from external influences. More durable and less material-intensive, they have less weight, which allows you to save a lot on transportation costs. The flexibility of these pipes (and their analogues Isoproflex-A and Casaflex) allows without the use of shaped products to lay routes on a terrain that is very rugged in urban conditions. Produced in bays, Casaflex and Isoproflex pipes have a length sufficient for large numbers cases so that without the use couplings trace from the source hot water to its consumer, which, as is clear, makes it possible to save on installation work and significantly reduce laying time. The only drawback of Casaflex and Isoproflex pipes can be considered quite high price on them. However, if we calculate everything in aggregate, taking into account the savings that are generated at each stage of laying the pipeline, then this price will not seem so exorbitant.

Our company offers Casaflex and Isoproflex pipes to interested organizations from a warehouse in Moscow at low prices.