Cross-linked polyethylene for heating diameters. What is good about cross-linked polyethylene for heating - the advantages and disadvantages of pipes. Advantages of PE PEX pipes

In cases where the question arises of laying or replacing heating pipes, it is first necessary to decide which pipes from all existing types will be selected for this. A few years ago there was not much choice, since the only heating pipes were steel.

But their shortcomings, such as susceptibility to corrosion and short service life, practically forced specialists to develop completely different, more stable types of pipes.

Recently, they have been actively used. But among the variety of plastic pipes, polyethylene pipes for heating are the best. Their advantage lies in their durability, since on average they can last about 50 years.

They are also very smooth inside, so various deposits do not form on them, and due to the fact that the lumen of the pipe does not narrow, then, as a result, the throughput of such pipes does not decrease.

Also, polyethylene pipes for heating are also good because they are made of environmentally friendly material, which is completely safe for use in residential buildings.

Polyethylene pipes are lightweight, which greatly facilitates their transportation of parts of the heating system and, of course, the installation work itself.

Heating system made of polyethylene pipes

By itself, the installation of such pipes is not very complicated and, unlike, does not require any welding, unlike similar steel pipes. The result is a reliable heating system with good tightness.

And if you need to repair a damaged section of the heating system, which consists of polypropylene pipes, then such replacement work is not very difficult.

Installation of a heating system from polyethylene pipes in a house

Such cross-linked polyethylene pipes for heating which has become almost the latest technological innovation, have a high density and increased impact strength.

Therefore, they are widely used for heating systems.

In some cases, you can install the heating system with your own hands, adhering to the following phased work:

  1. Heating installation begins directly with the creation of a home heating scheme. Each building assumes some preferences in the heating system.
    Therefore, initially it is necessary to decide which type of heating is preferable: underfloor heating, radiator heating or a heating system consisting of these two types. Basically, this is how modern houses are designed.
  2. The next step is to calculate the heat load. Basically, such calculations are only indicative, which are based on the modern framework of various heat losses, since cross-linked polyethylene for pipe heating also has them.
  3. After the necessary calculation has been made, they begin to choose a heating boiler. The main thing is not to forget about the direct preparation of hot water. In the event that hot water is prepared in the boiler of the building, then such a boiler for heating can be completely neglected.
    If the water will be heated directly with the help of a high-speed heat exchanger, then when choosing the maximum power of the boiler, it is necessary to take into account its maximum water intake.

  1. In order to select the required radiator, you will first have to decide on the type of wiring for the radiator heating itself.
    • Only two types of wiring are suitable for do-it-yourself installation: collector (beam) and two-pipe.
    • Both systems have good controllability. But, despite this, in the radiator heating of the collector system, the possibility of making a mistake during installation work is much lower.
    • Pipes for heating, cross-linked polyethylene, which is a reliable material, also require good wiring to them. So collector wiring has its own difference from other types in that it individually connects the radiator to the collector.
    • Although such a system will require more XLPE pipes for heating, this is still compensated during installation work by the absence of various additional connections. And in this case, you will only need to tighten the nuts at the collector and radiator.

A two-pipe heating system is mounted using special pipes, which can also be used for heating a polyethylene pipe. In this system, the connection of its parts occurs by welding them with a special tool.

  1. After the choice is made and the boiler and the necessary heating devices are purchased, they place them directly in their places.
  2. Next, the installation of radiators is carried out precisely from installing them in their places. It is necessary to place radiators exactly under window openings. Their arrangement will create an air flow, which will subsequently prevent condensation from appearing on the windows.
    When installing radiators, you need to be aware that a distance of 150 millimeters must be left between them and the floor, and this distance must be at least 100 millimeters between the radiator and the window sill. Other distances must be determined locally and taking into account the selected heating appliances.

When choosing a collector wiring for radiator heating, radiators with a lower connection are used, since such a lower connection node simply cannot be installed incorrectly. In this case, a polyethylene pipe for heating will also greatly facilitate the installation of the heating system.

  1. The next stage of work is the installation of the boiler itself. To begin with, it is worth saying that it is mandatory to have a complete scheme of the heating system in order to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow it should work in this case.
    If there is no final understanding of the operation of the entire system, it is better to consult a specialist. A polyethylene pipe for heating also requires proper handling, which you also need to know in advance so that the finished heating system works well.

Also, a boiler room scheme can be developed using the help of professionals or relying only on one's own strength. Its simplest version uses wall-mounted double-circuit gas boilers.

Features of polyethylene pipes

When installing it with your own hands, it is best to use polyethylene pipes - pipes for heating. Large with the existing low cost of fittings for them, even with this small object in the form of a personal boiler room for the house, it will pay for all the specialized tools purchased to carry out the necessary installation work.

PEX pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene for heating with hoists have been used relatively recently and immediately gained recognition from many experts.

This material is obtained by cross-linking polyethylene and therefore has good density and impact strength.

Such cross-linked polyethylene has the following advantages:

  • sufficiently resistant to any corrosion;
  • absolutely not prone to overgrowth on the inside of its pipe;
  • has a fairly low sound conductivity;
  • has excellent tightness;
  • this material is durable;
  • it is environmentally friendly;
  • completely hygienic;
  • it can be used for hidden installation.

The good quality of such pipes is the minimum presence of connections during their installation, but at the same time they differ from their counterparts in a fairly high reliability. Also pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene can withstand an unlimited amount of frozen water.

And due to the fact that these pipes are connected using the axial technique, the installation process itself is completely independent of the human factor. The disadvantage of such pipes is the high price, especially for pipes over 40 millimeters in diameter.

Thus, at present, it is not difficult to choose any material of your choice, or to independently install the heating system. The main thing is to foresee all the points of such installation in advance, including drawing up a complete diagram of the future heating system.

In some cases, it will not be superfluous to get advice directly from experts in this field.

Among other types of polymer pipes used for the installation of various engineering networks of residential, administrative and public buildings, pipes for heating made of cross-linked polyethylene stand apart. Compared to metal-plastic and polypropylene, this is a new product, although some European manufacturers have been producing it for a long time. This article will discuss how to choose the right one and then install heating from such pipes.

To make a choice, you need to figure out what a cross-linked polyethylene pipe is and what properties a quality product should have. We will tell this on the example of the products of the German company AQUATHERM, which was one of the first to start the production of such pipes. So, cross-linked polyethylene for heating is a polymer in which, using various technologies, the molecular structure is changed in order to make it resistant to elevated temperature and pressure. The process itself is called stitching. As a result, the pipe received the following properties:

  • resistance to high temperatures and pressure, respectively, up to 90 ºС and 10 bar;
  • low hydraulic resistance;
  • chemical and corrosion resistance;
  • durability, service life - up to 50 years;
  • flexibility.

There are also disadvantages. One of them is the ability to pass oxygen, and he is the real enemy of the boiler plant. To prevent this, AQUATHERM XLPE pipes have an anti-diffusion layer that acts as a barrier to oxygen molecules. This layer is made of another polymer - ethylene vinyl.

When choosing polyethylene pipes, pay attention to the presence of an anti-diffusion layer, and if it is not there, inquire about the way to solve the problem of oxygen permeability in the products of the selected manufacturer. Pay attention to the clarity of the inscription of the marking so that it is not blurry. Rub the inscription with your fingers, if there are signs of abrasion, then the product is of poor quality. Making an unmistakable choice is easy, you need to take products from well-known brands - the same German AQUATHERM, REXAU or Finnish UPONOR pipes.

Cross-linked polyethylene has one unpleasant property. Once bent when rolling into coils in production, the pipe forever “remembers” this configuration and, when trying to align it, tends to return to its original position. This creates some problems when laying it, you have to install wall mounts more often.

For reference. Previously, only brass fittings for XLPE pipes were used to ensure reliable connections. Now many manufacturers have begun to produce connecting elements made of plastic, whose properties are not worse than metal ones.

Over the years, polyethylene gradually loses its resistance to high pressure. The German manufacturer AQUATHERM on its Internet resource and in the documentation provides tables showing how the characteristics of pipes change over the years. If at first at a temperature of 90 ºС the product withstands a pressure of 11.4 bar, then after 35 years of operation at the same temperature the threshold drops to 8.2 bar.

Installation of XLPE pipes

Heating systems made of polyethylene pipes are mounted in two different ways, the composition of the special working tool also depends on them:

  • traditional connection with a compression sleeve;
  • a mounting scheme that uses the molecular "memory" of the polymer (it was mentioned above).

To perform the work in the first way, you will need a pipe expander with nozzles, a device for pressing the sleeve and a cutting knife. All these tools are made both in manual execution, and in mechanical. This is very convenient for those people who do not professionally install pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene, but simply want to assemble heating at home on their own. The connection technology is very simple, the work is done in this order:

  • a pipe section of the required length is cut off;
  • a sliding sleeve from the fitting is put on it;
  • expander expands the end of the pipe;
  • the fitting is inserted into the expanded end until it stops;
  • With a pressing device, the sleeve is pushed onto the fitting, securely fixing the pipe.

This results in a one-piece, high-density, one-time connection that can be subjected to operational stress immediately. Assembly is very fast, especially if the working tool is mechanized. The only obstacle to the production of work can be a negative air temperature, then the pipe becomes very rigid. Although products of some brands, for example, pipes of the REHAU trademark, can also be assembled in the cold.

To connect in the second way, only an expander is required from the tools, since nothing needs to be pressed in, here a special polyethylene ring plays the role of a sleeve. It is put on the end of the pipe so that its edge protrudes 1 mm beyond the pipe cut. Then the inner diameter, together with the ring, is carefully flared with an expander inserted inward until it stops.

And the last step - the pipe is simply put on the fitting and held for a few seconds. The molecular “memory” will work, the material will return to its original position, tightly embracing the fitting fitting. After 30 minutes, the interface will be able to withstand the operating pressure, although several days must be withstand before the tightness test. In particular, this technology is used when pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene of the UPONOR brand are used for heating.


Polyethylene pipes are very reliable and easy to assemble, although a special tool is required to perform the installation, which is not enough here. Systems made of this material look solid and can fit into the interior of any room.

Metal-plastic and, of course, polyethylene, which will be discussed in this article.

Uponor XLPE pipes + Danfoss ball valves.

Polyethylene pipes for heating are made of "cross-linked" polyethylene PE-S (PE-X, from English stands for Cross-linked polyethylene, where PE - PolyEthylene, X - Cross-linked (Russian "cross-linking", "cross-linked") ).

Connection to floor radiators.

Advantages of PE PEX pipes

  • The operating temperature of the heat carrier is up to +95°С (for a short time up to +110°С).
  • Durability. Service life of 50 years or more.
  • Mechanical strength. The high molecular memory of the material allows it to recover its shape after deformation.
  • Not subject to corrosion. Deposits and sludge do not form on the inner walls, which distinguishes them favorably from metal counterparts, which periodically need to be washed and cleaned. The cost of such work may exceed the cost of new pex pipes several times.
  • High hydraulic characteristics, which are ensured by the smoothness of the inner walls of PEX pipes. Due to the fact that deposits do not form on the inner walls, there is always good hydraulics in the heating system. The formation of a smooth surface (roughness coefficient of about 0.0005 mm) is ensured by a special Teflon coating of the extruder.
  • Resistant to harmful bacteria.
  • Not damaged by freezing water.
  • Light weight (1 m 16 mm pipe weighs about 90 g).
  • Low oxygen permeability (0.02 g per 1 m³ / day). XLPE pipes are covered with an ethylene vinyl alcohol protective film that prevents oxygen from entering the pipe.

Uponor at the construction site before installation.

Note! Almost complete oxygen impermeability is ensured by reinforcing the pipe with a layer of aluminum foil (PE-X-AL-PE-X, PE-X-AL-PP, PE-X-AL-PE). The only drawback of such a pipe is its inability to recover from mechanical stress. The XLPE reinforcement technology was developed by Kitetechnology B.V. (UK) in 1979.

  • Resistant to hydro shocks.
  • Ease of installation.

Uponor cross-linked polyethylene pipes with Termozvukoizol sound-absorbing material + Uponor tee and rings.


  • High price. The price of a REHAU Rautitan Pink pipe 16 mm x 2.2 is about 75 rubles / m. The price of VALTEC PEX-EVOH 16 mm is 59 rubles/m.

Note! PEX pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene are afraid of ultraviolet rays, therefore, when used outdoors, it is recommended to use a protective casing.

Evolution Uponor Q&E.


The technology of "crosslinking" polyethylene was developed by the Swedish chemist Thomas Engel in 1968. However, the scientist believed that his invention would not be able to compete with more modern products and sold the patent for the invention. In 1972, WIRSBO (Sweden) began the industrial production of PEX pipes and still occupies one of the leading positions in the market.

Uponor Radi Pipe 40×5.5 EN ISO 15875.

Expander tool Uponor Q&E REMS Power Ex Press, 1063701. Expander head for pipe 40x5.5mm included. Made in France.


"Stitching" is the process of connecting molecules into a three-dimensional network, which occurs due to the formation of cross-links. During crosslinking, the polyethylene molecules, which are made up of hydrogen and carbon atoms, separate some of the hydrogen atoms. As a result of this, a free bond is formed, which is used to connect the links of the molecules to each other.

Uponor Aqua 25×3.5; 20×2.8.

There are 4 ways to produce cross-linked polyethylene:

  1. Peroxide (PE-Xa) - heating of polyethylene in the presence of peroxides. This is the slowest production method, but at the same time the highest quality. It is characterized by a high degree of “crosslinking” of carbon atoms, on average about 82%.
  2. Silane (PE-Xb) - treatment of the material with moisture containing silane and a catalyst. The degree of crosslinking is about 65%.
  3. Electronic (PE-Xc) - processing of material by electrons. The degree of crosslinking is about 60%.
  4. Nitrogen (PE-Xd) - the most rarely used method.

Note! The degree of "crosslinking" affects the molecular memory, density and elasticity of the pipe.

Polyethylene pipes for heating are sold in coils of 100 and 200 m, which allows the installation of large areas without the use of additional fittings.

Milwaukee C12 PXP-I10202C cordless expansion tool.

Milwaukee C12 PXP-I10202C.

Milwaukee C12 PXP-I10202C set.

Case for Milwaukee C12 PXP-I10202C expander.

Installation of XLPE pipes

Unlike the installation of metal pipes, where special knowledge and skills are required (welding, soldering ...), without which it will not be possible to perform the work qualitatively, such skills are not required when installing cross-linked polyethylene pipes. All that is needed is a set of tools and an exact adherence to a pre-planned plan.

Uponor manual expansion tool Q&E S 5+ S 3.2. Article 1004064.

For installation, you will need the following tool:

  • Expander (expander);
  • Various nozzles for expander: nozzle for expansion of a polyethylene pipe; nozzle for connecting pipes to radiators;
  • Press;
  • Nozzles for the press;
  • Lubricant and brush for tool cleaning;
  • Pipe cutter.

Note! The connection thus obtained is very reliable and is even stronger than the pipe itself.


Cross-linked polyethylene is obtained by a chemical method based on physical laws. Molecules are crosslinked during the manufacturing process. The resulting molecular bonds are almost impossible to break. Therefore, this material acquires high-tech properties and becomes very durable.

Today, cross-linked polyethylene is increasingly used. It is used in a wide variety of industries:

  • in construction;
  • in pipeline systems;
  • in cooling;
  • in hydronic devices;
  • in water supply;
  • in the insulation of electrical wires.

Therefore, more and more people use XLPE pipes for heating, as they have proven themselves with their quality.

To increase the strength of cross-linked polyethylene, it is subjected to special processing. A high pressure is created at which the molecules begin to connect with each other, forming very strong bonds, similar to transverse lines. This stitching can be done in different ways:

  1. Polyethylene is irradiated with electrons generated by electromagnetic fields.
  2. The material is treated with peroxides.
  3. Nitrogen compounds are used for processing.

The use of such technological operations helped to significantly increase the strength characteristics. PEX pipes have received high thermal stability. Such properties made it possible to use cross-linked polyethylene for various purposes:

Products created using peroxides are of the highest quality. For the use of cross-linked polyethylene pipes, you need to know some conditions:

  1. The operating temperature must be below 90 degrees.
  2. In case of special contingencies, cross-linked pipes are able to withstand 100 degrees, but not for very long.
  3. The system pressure, if the coolant temperature reaches 90 degrees, cannot be higher than 10 bar.
  4. If the temperature is in the range from 0 to 25 degrees, then the system pressure is maintained within 25 bar.

One of the disadvantages of this material is considered to be a high rate of oxygen permeability. Therefore, such uncoated cross-linked pipes must not be installed in closed heating installations. For installation in such conditions, they are covered with a layer of polyvinylethylene. Sometimes they are reinforced with aluminum foil.

Fittings are used to connect such polyethylene cross-linked pipes. Moreover, the material for them can be:

The highest quality, time-tested, are polymer parts.

The connection of sewn pipes must be carried out in a certain sequence:

  1. The end face is flared with a special tool to obtain a larger cross section.
  2. A fitting is inserted into this hole.
  3. To increase the strength of the connection, the tension sleeve should fit onto the pipe with a press fit.

The use of this technology makes it possible to increase the reliability and service life of cross-linked polyethylene pipelines by several times.

Positive characteristics

Among similar pipes from which heating systems are made, cross-linked polyethylene products have several very important advantages. The main ones are:

Disadvantages of PEX pipes

Even with so many positive qualities, there are also disadvantages.

If you use brass fittings, you must always remember that the pipes should not come into contact with screed or plaster. This can lead to corrosion and system failure.

Another serious drawback of such products was the reaction to ultraviolet rays.

Cross-linked Pex pipes should only be installed in completely closed communications.

When choosing such products, it is always necessary to compare the technical indicators with the characteristics of the room in which they will be installed. If the heating temperature of the coolant and the pressure indicator of the system are higher than the permissible values ​​\u200b\u200bfor cross-linked pipes, it is better not to install them.

In practice, such high temperatures and high pressures are very rare. Therefore, we can safely say that cross-linked polyethylene products fully meet all modern requirements that are established for the normal operation of the heating system in our country.

Technological process

For the installation of cross-linked polyethylene parts, you do not need to have a special welding machine, you can do without additional workers. All operations are much simpler than when installing metal products. For the correct installation work, you will need a system diagram and the implementation of all points of the attached instructions.

Before starting work, if you have problems with the planning of the pipeline, you should first get advice from a highly qualified specialist. All dimensions and corresponding distances between the available nodes should be marked on the diagram.

After completing the design of the drawings, it is necessary to draw up an estimate with the application of an accurate calculation of the required amount of material. It is worth considering in advance which pipes for heating made of cross-linked polyethylene will need to be installed to perform a certain job. The fact is that the cross-sections of cross-linked pipes are in the range of 1-16 cm. Each diameter is set depending on the working conditions.

Before you start doing thermal design, you need to determine what kind of climate system should be installed and what materials are most suitable for such work.

Pipes made of polyethylene are mainly used in systems:

  • warm floor;
  • with connection of radiators;
  • in combination devices.

According to professionals, it is better to use the latter option. It will allow you to achieve maximum coziness and comfort in the room.

Installation of polyethylene pipes can be performed in several ways:

  • with press fittings;
  • installation of compression parts.

Fittings can be a variety of connecting parts that are used when installing the pipeline:

  • squares;
  • couplings;
  • tees.

They are also divided into several types:

  • capillary;
  • threaded;
  • compression;
  • pressing.

How pipes with push-on fittings are installed

This method gives a very tight, non-separable, reliable connection. To do the job you need to have:

  • fitting;
  • pressing vise;
  • expander;
  • sliding sleeve.

First you need to clamp the polyethylene pipe with a solid nut.

Then an expander is introduced into it and advanced until it stops. At the same time, you need to stretch the pipe with an expander and hold it inside for 1 minute.

After that, the connector is introduced. Since the cross-linked polyethylene automatically returns to its original shape, it will quickly return to its original dimensions and tightly fix the fitting.

It remains only to press the sleeve into it with the help of a vice.

Such work on connecting cross-linked polyethylene pipes may seem very simple. However, they must be carried out with the utmost care and utmost care.

The flawless operation of the heating system is the key to a comfortable and cozy stay of the household in the room in any weather. Modern materials and technologies used in the installation of heating systems make their work long and efficient. The main element of any heating system are pipes that connect all elements and communications. The choice of pipes should be approached very responsibly, since the service life of all equipment and its serviceability depend on it.

Recently, the arrangement of the heating and water supply system has been carried out using polyethylene pipes. This material has properties that give it a great advantage over other analogues. However, during the operation and installation of heating from cross-linked polyethylene, some technical features of this material should be taken into account, which should be learned in more detail.

Features of polyethylene pipes

Ordinary polyethylene pipes, with the designation PE, are used for the installation of heating, sewer and plumbing systems, including drinking water supply. Pipes made of this material have some features, among which are the following:

  • Resistant to sub-zero temperatures. Operation and maintenance of polyethylene systems is allowed at -20 degrees. This is important when carrying out any production work in the winter, including the installation of new equipment and the repair of failed sections.
  • Flexibility and plasticity. These properties make it possible to avoid deformation of pipes not only when bending. Flexible pipes for heating made of cross-linked polyethylene are able to expand when the working medium freezes and narrow when it thaws. In this case, the product takes its former shape.
  • The use of polyethylene pipes at a working environment temperature of not more than 40 0 ​​С.

The last feature can be called a disadvantage, but progress in the scientific and technical direction helps to solve the problem. Thanks to this, special pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene were designed, which can be used in water supply and heating systems with a coolant temperature of up to 90 0 C. The new material has the designation PEX.

Characteristics of XLPE pipes

To obtain a material with higher strength characteristics, polyethylene was subjected to high pressure processing. As a result, the polyethylene molecules formed stronger cross-links.

To obtain a kind of "crosslinking", the following methods were used:

  • Polyethylene was placed in an electromagnetic field and irradiated with electrons.
  • The material was treated with peroxide.
  • Polyethylene was treated with nitrogen compounds.

The result of each method was a strong and thermally stable polyethylene, which is quite suitable for use in individual and central heating systems, radiator and panel type, in hot and cold water supply systems, as well as for the "warm floor" and "snowmelt" systems. Polyethylene pipes obtained as a result of peroxide treatment are of higher quality.

For the operation of pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene, certain requirements must be met:

  • The maximum value of the operating temperature is not more than 90 0 C. However, in extreme cases, products made of cross-linked polyethylene can function for a certain time at temperatures up to 100 degrees.
  • The working pressure in the system cannot be more than 10 bar, provided that the coolant is heated to 90 degrees, or 25 bar when the working medium is heated to no more than 25 degrees.

One of the features of cross-linked polyethylene can be called high oxygen permeability. This property is a drawback of the material, as it limits its use in its pure form, especially in closed-type heating systems. To eliminate this disadvantage, cross-linked polyethylene is reinforced with a layer of aluminum foil or protected with a special coating of polyvinylethylene.

Connection of polyethylene pipes for heating

Fittings are used to connect XLPE pipes, for the manufacture of which various materials have been used, including polymers, brass and bronze. Polymer fittings are characterized by high quality and for quite a long time they show themselves only from the best side. That is why the products are very popular with the consumer.

The fitting process for XLPE pipes is as follows:

  • Using a flaring tool, the end of the connecting pipe is given a larger diameter, pushing it apart.
  • A fitting fitting is placed in the resulting hole.
  • Using a press, the tension sleeve is fixed on the pipe. This makes the connection stronger.

The use of such a technological process increases the service life of the connection and increases its strength. At the same time, the operational period of the connection completely coincides with the service life of pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene. If necessary, heating pipes can be insulated with an appropriate material.

Advantages of polyethylene pipes for heating

Pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene have a large number of advantages, thanks to which they stand out from the general group of pipes used for the installation of heating systems. Among the most significant advantages are the following:

  • High temperature resistance and excellent strength properties. Unlike polypropylene and conventional polyethylene pipes for heating, the new material will not change its shape under the influence of high temperature.
  • Resistance to the formation of foci of corrosion. Compared to copper products, XLPE pipes do not corrode. Moreover, this process does not occur either inside the structure of the material or on the surface.
  • No build-up inside pipes. The inner walls of PEX pipes are not covered with deposits after the transportation of any aggressive medium. In this they differ from most steel pipes, which become less productive after a certain period of time due to a decrease in flow rate.

  • Restoration of the former form. Many pipes lose their shape as a result of certain mechanical influences. However, XLPE pipes can expand or contract to certain parameters under the influence of low temperature or mechanical stress.
  • Minor weight. The light weight of the material makes the transportation of XLPE pipes more convenient and facilitates the installation process.
  • Easy installation and great features. PEX pipes are laid in any pattern, including looping or a large number of bends. Connection with fittings simplifies the installation process, as it eliminates the need for welding equipment, soldering and gluing.
  • Environmental Safety. Cross-linked polyethylene belongs to the group of environmentally friendly materials, so PEX pipes can be used to transport clean drinking water.

However, such pipes cannot be called completely flawless due to the presence of some shortcomings.


Firstly, when connecting XLPE pipes for heating with brass fittings, the list of materials used for screed or plaster is limited. It is better to exclude those that can cause corrosion of the fitting so as not to reduce the quality of the system.

Secondly, XLPE pipes are characterized by low resistance to ultraviolet radiation, so it is better to use them in closed systems and communications.

Thirdly, it is recommended to use PEX pipes in systems that have pressure and temperature values ​​corresponding to the pipe thresholds. When choosing pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene, you should carefully study the technical characteristics of the overall system and the features of the dwelling where it is planned to install a heating system from the specified material.

The practical use of cross-linked polyethylene for heating shows that the material is fully consistent with the parameters and conditions of modern systems that function flawlessly on Russian territory.