Glass wallpaper. Fiberglass wallpaper for painting - information about the finishing material and working with it. How to prepare the surface for glass wallpaper

Glass wallpaper is high quality new material for wall decoration. They are made from special fiberglass fabric, popularly known as fiberglass. The glass material itself is made from the very ordinary glass, or, more precisely, from a combination of sand, clay, soda and limestone.

Starting a conversation about unusual material for wallpaper, my friends often ask - “ glass wallpaper, what is it?? So that you do not have such questions, I will tell you briefly about the technology for creating this type of wallpaper:

quartz sand, glass, soda and dolomite are straightened and then poured into glass fiber. After the glass fiber manufacturing process is completed, it is woven directly into fiberglass. And only after these production stages have been overcome, glass wallpaper with a colorful pattern is born. The shape and appearance of fiberglass is provided by special solution, with which it is thoroughly impregnated. The fiberglass wallpaper is ready for painting, this is what it looks like:

Glass wallpaper photos in the interior

Advantages of glass wallpaper

Fiberglass wallpaper is a unique type of wallpaper that can be painted. Their uniqueness lies in the following properties:

  • Glass wallpaper does not allow air to pass through. Due to its airtightness, moisture does not accumulate under this finishing material, which eliminates dampness, mildew and mold in the rooms. This is very important for residents of the first floors (especially if we are talking about “Khrushchev” buildings). modern version wall coverings will be a real salvation.
  • High fire protection characteristics. Special tests have shown that among all types of wall coverings, glass wallpaper is the most protected in this industry. They were awarded the most high degree non-flammability. And as a result, they are non-toxic because they do not emit harmful and toxic substances when burning.
  • Natural material. The wallpaper consists of purified quartz sand, special protected glass, soda and dolomite. Thanks to this, an environmentally friendly environment is created in the room.
  • High strength. These wallpapers have a number of high performance in the area of ​​reinforcement of the top finishing layer. Their base consists of fiberglass - this is one of the strongest materials. For example, if the wall decoration consists of ordinary wallpaper or decorative putty, then if cracks appear on the wall, there will be cracks in the finish. This is possible as a result of shrinkage of new buildings. In the case of glass wallpaper, there will be no cracks in the finish.

Fiberglass wallpaper is suitable for pet owners, as animals will not be able to chew, scratch or otherwise damage the surface. In addition, if someone gets them dirty, the wallpaper can be easily cleaned and washed with water.

IN lately wallpapers that do not require pre-primer. Moreover, many of them are soundproofed (find out what thermosound insulation is). All thanks to the rubber backing, which absorbs sound waves. And probably one of the latest achievements in this area is magnetic wallpaper. You can hang on them, for example, metal frames with pictures without any fastening.

Wallpaper classification

This product is available in different price categories. It all depends on the quality of the material and the following criteria:

The 1st grade of glass wallpaper (full-weight glass wallpaper) has a high density (over 100 g/sq.m.). Thanks to this density, this wallpaper is very durable. Also, some companies offer wallpaper with highest density(more than 200 gr./sq.m.). In this case, the durability of these wallpapers is more than 30 years. They can be repainted several times and still look like new.

Economy class - these glass wallpapers have a low density, below 100 g/sq.m. This is also the most common wallpaper on the finishing materials market. The low density of the material will not allow it to last long. In addition, if you need to repaint them, the texture of the wallpaper itself will be clogged with paint.

2nd grade (non-standard) - some builders claim that the 2nd grade differs from the 1st grade only in the defective packaging. But that's not true! The second grade is exclusively a defect. And therefore, all the results of defects may appear in the canvas (holes, knocked-out patterns, protruding threads).

Scope of application

Glass wallpaper is finishing coat. Subsequently, paint of any color is applied to the wallpaper. Their originality is manifested in the fact that after applying the paint, the pattern or texture of the glass wallpaper itself appears. They can be used anywhere, especially in places where the walls are subject to heavy loads (kitchen, corridor; also, when using special paint, they can be used in the bathroom). Widely used in public places, such as offices, schools, hotels, or other government institutions.

Gluing process

First you need to prepare the wall. It needs to be cleaned of dust and old wallpaper. If there are large defects on the wall, be it cracks or gouges, they need to be puttied and sanded. The wall needs to be primed, and diluted glue should be used as a primer.

After this, you need to liberally apply glue to the wall to glue 2-3 strips. Apply stripe by stripe and smooth with a rubber roller or wallpaper spatula. If necessary, adjust the stripes according to the drawing.

Fit the strips end to end. The first strip must be glued evenly, plumb or level. Cut off excess parts using a utility knife. After drying, it can be painted with two layers of paint.

Creation process

Stage 1 - quartz sand, glass, soda and dolomite are placed in a furnace and melted at a temperature of 1200 degrees. Next, fibers are pulled out of them.

Stage 2 – weaving looms. At this stage of production, machines are used to produce simple patterns And . To make more complex patterns, more sophisticated equipment is used. On such machines, each thread of the fiber can be controlled, making it possible to create patterns of any complexity.

Stage 3 – impregnation of wallpaper. This stage is unique for each manufacturer. The composition of any company's impregnation is a secret.

Stage 4 – sorting and packaging. They are usually cut one meter wide and 25 or 50 meters long. Hermetically sealed and a tag attached.

History of glass wallpaper

The first such wallpaper appeared in Europe back in the 1930s. More wide application they received already in the 1970s in France, Germany and Sweden. And in our countries, glass wallpaper appeared in the 1990s. And since then they have occupied a worthy place in the finishing materials market.

Video - all about fiberglass wallpaper (what is fiberglass wallpaper?)

Important: a niche for a TV made of plasterboard will look great together with glass wallpaper.

First, let's figure out what glass wallpaper is and what its features are. Fiberglass wallpaper obtained through use in their manufacture special type glass When heated above 1200 °C, such glass stretches and forms special fibers, from which this type of wallpaper is subsequently made.

Due to natural natural materials(such as lime, quartz sand, soda, dolomite) ensure complete safety for human health.

In addition, glass wallpaper is not susceptible to moisture, rotting or bacteria, and is fireproof.

Attention! When purchasing such wallpaper, remember that truly high-quality glass wallpaper does not break or tear when bent or stretched.

As you have seen, fiberglass wallpaper has many positive properties, which provided them with great popularity and recognition among consumers. So, the main advantages of glass wallpaper include:

  • high strength;
  • durability;
  • resistance to external influences;
  • fire safety;
  • breathability;
  • possibility of repainting (high-quality glass wallpaper can be repainted about 12 times), etc.

We advise you to look at the features and specifics of working with tension two-level structures will become much clearer.

About finishing doorways decorative stone read in. Only good advice from master finishers will help you cope independently and carry out the finishing with high quality.

Interior design features

Now let’s figure out how to make glass wallpaper look most successful in the interior of your room. Nowadays you can find glass wallpaper of different textures and with different patterns, they are very easy to repaint, so you can give free rein to your imagination and divide the room into zones, combining different colors. When decorating wallpaper, you can use special stencil devices, and you can choose the number and frequency of patterns, which means that such wallpaper will not dazzle your eyes.

If your room is not enough smooth walls, this can be easily hidden through the use of glass wallpaper. Some of their varieties can be applied on top of already pasted wallpaper, and due to their density they will make all irregularities and imperfections invisible.

Use in living rooms

The use of glass wallpaper in the bedroom has become popular today. Due to its unusual texture and delicate flowers Such wallpaper allows you to give your room an atmosphere of comfort, coziness, warmth and harmony. Since your mood and well-being depend on the design of your bedroom, the color and structure of glass wallpaper should be thought out to the smallest detail.

Most often, gentle, bed tones are used in the bedroom: blue, pink, beige and others, and you have the opportunity to play with colors, shades and their saturation.

Using glass wallpaper to decorate your bedroom, you will not only provide yourself with comfort and comfortable conditions, but also protect your health.

If you decide to use glass wallpaper in the interior of the hall or in other rooms, then you have done right choice— you don’t have to look for wallpaper that will match the furniture: now you can easily and simply choose the color of the wallpaper and apply designs to them yourself.

For the hall, “live” shades are considered the most preferable: yellow, green and others.

Advice: if you want to give your room elegant look, decorate the walls with flowers, draw patterns using stencils or use geometric combinations. For the design to look most successful, the shades of the wallpaper and furniture in the room must be harmonious.

Glass wallpaper in the bathroom: main advantages

As for the bathroom, many believe that it is inappropriate to glue wallpaper here and it would be more correct to use tiles, however, glass wallpaper is also perfect as a wall covering, because they remain stable when exposed to moisture and temperature changes.

Despite the fact that the use of glass wallpaper in the bathroom is not widespread today, many have already appreciated the practicality of such an application.

Not only is it safe and environmentally friendly, but it also looks much nicer than tiles and, again, you can experiment with shades to give your bathroom a romantic, soothing or uplifting look.

In addition, you will be surprised how easy it will be for you to clean your walls, because glass wallpaper for the bathroom very easy to clean and not susceptible to the harmful effects of detergents and cleansers. And the special composition of the wallpaper will not allow unwanted microorganisms to appear in your bathroom.

Remember! The ease of washing and cleaning the surface of fiberglass wallpaper directly depends on the quality of the paint you used when decorating.

Another advantage of using glass wallpaper in the bathroom is that it low cost compared to tiles and the ability to quickly and easily replace the material if any damage occurs.

So glass wallpaper for the bathroom is economical, practical and, most importantly, beautiful way decoration.

Kitchen decoration

Now let's look at the features of using fiberglass wallpaper in the kitchen. As in the bathroom, in the kitchen today the option of using tiles is considered more acceptable, but we have already seen that glass wallpaper has a large number advantages over it.

If you decide to use glass wallpaper for the kitchen, you should carefully consider their color and design so that it does not stand out against the background of the entire interior and does not seem unnecessary.

Read about which is better and what determines the size of tiles for wall cladding.

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Choose the most moisture resistant wallpaper, because it is in the kitchen that wallpaper is susceptible maximum number dirt: you will often have to clean the wallpaper from grease, oil and other stains.

Important! Pay attention to the vapor permeability of the selected wallpaper, since it is in the kitchen that they most often come into contact with steam and in case of insufficient high quality may lose their appearance.

When buying glass wallpaper for the kitchen, pay attention to the colors: it should not be too bright and strain your eyesight, or, conversely, too dark.

The shades used when decorating the kitchen should be aesthetic, because they are designed to create a cozy home environment and give a feeling of harmony and warmth.

The choice of colors depends on how much light there is in your kitchen. If you need to relieve the tension a little from excessive sunlight, use cool tones such as grey, blue or green.

If, on the contrary, you want to give the interior light and richness, use orange, yellow, pink or other colors.

Show your imagination and make your interior as spectacular and unforgettable as possible! We wish you creative success.

The variety of wall coverings offered by the rapidly developing construction market is only increasing from year to year, and it can satisfy consumers with any financial status and taste preferences. Thanks to this, the choice of decorative and finishing materials has ceased to be one of the most difficult stages repair work. One of the popular materials for wall decoration is wallpaper, and if no more than fifty years ago there was no talk of any varieties of this finishing material, today the number of their types is increasing every year, and each type already includes several subspecies. Relatively new variety Wallpaper surrounded by many myths is glass wallpaper, which, despite its relatively recent appearance on the market of finishing materials, has managed to win the trust of consumers. The sudden popularity of glass wallpaper led to the fact that it soon ceased to be revolutionary design solution, however, still, when it comes to decorating a room, we rarely think about glass wallpaper in the first place. And this is the main mistake of inexperienced craftsmen, since glass wallpaper for painting is one of the most practical finishing materials, which has a lot of advantages that are unusual for traditional wallpaper. Perhaps this is due to the popular belief that all talk about the advantages of glass wallpaper is just a well-thought-out marketing ploy, and in order to dispel these myths, in this article we will look at the main types of glass wallpaper, their technical characteristics and advantages.

What is glass wallpaper? Production Features

Glass wallpaper - decorative look wall covering, which is a rolled material, the structure of which is somewhat similar to fiberglass fabric, and production is carried out using weaving machines. The raw material for the manufacture of glass wallpaper is a specific type of glass, which is used to draw fibers under the influence of high temperatures. Subsequently, these fibers are used to form yarn of various types and thicknesses and weave the material itself, the manufacturing technology of which depends on the type of glass wallpaper.

In the production process of glass wallpaper, only natural raw materials are used, thanks to which you can be sure of the high wear resistance of the material, as well as its environmental safety. Such substances include lime, soda, quartz sand and dolomite, which are used for the production of glass - the main raw material component of glass wallpaper. What do you need to know about glass as the basis for glass wallpaper? Known for five thousand years, it does not lose its popularity even now and is one of the most interesting materials in the era of development of technology and nanotechnology. The reason for its popularity is its versatility - despite the fact that glass is a hard material, it can be given any shape if desired. Decorative characteristics glass is also on high level- it can be transparent or non-transparent, glossy or matte. Unlike most modern finishing materials made from synthetic components, it can be used as a material for finishing, and as a basis for it. If we talk about the durability of glass, it also has no equal; wood is prone to rotting and drying out, and metal is susceptible to rust. The fragility of glass is its only drawback, which is currently being successfully solved in the manufacture of a fairly new finishing material - glass wallpaper. This industry is one of the youngest in the use of glass and is no more than a hundred years old.

Important! Fiberglass wallpaper is the second name for glass wallpaper, which is generally true, but with certain nuances. Fiberglass, in its usual understanding, is a technical insulating material, unsuitable for finishing residential premises. Fiberglass is a material that is different from its analogues, since it has characteristics unique to it.

Despite the apparent novelty of glass wallpaper, the idea of ​​​​inventing glass wallpaper arose about a hundred years ago in Germany, a country that gave the world many new technologies and inventions. By the end of the 20th century, glass wallpaper began to be produced in several European countries, including Russia.

In the process of making glass wallpaper, impregnation is used, which contains modified starch. In the process of further gluing the wallpaper to the wall, it combines with the glue, forming a reliable and wear-resistant connection of the wallpaper.

Glass wallpaper photo

Types of glass wallpaper: fiberglass and its difference from traditional glass wallpaper

Despite the fact that fiberglass fabric is characterized by a varied structure and texture, regardless of the type, fiberglass fabric has visible similarities with fabric. There are smooth and embossed (textured) glass wallpaper. Let's look at what their main similarities and differences are.

Smooth glass wallpaper “gossamer”, also called " painting fiberglass", got their name because of their external resemblance to a spider's web. This material is characterized by both decorative and functional properties, and can be used as a material for finishing surfaces, or as a material intended for leveling and strengthening surfaces, masking their unevenness and other defects formed during the shrinkage of buildings. The reinforcing functions of fiberglass only increase the popularity of its use as a material for hiding minor surface irregularities and increasing its strength characteristics. Unlike traditional glass wallpaper, the “web” is characterized by a lower density, as a result of which its main purpose is to level the underlying base and achieve its “marble” effect. If glass wallpaper is characterized by textured weaving, then fiberglass is more like a smooth canvas. "Cobweb" - perfect choice, if you decide to stick glass wallpaper on the ceiling, while embossed glass wallpaper is a material primarily intended for finishing walls and other surfaces;

Traditional or embossed glass wallpaper are characterized by greater density and pronounced texture, and, as mentioned above, are used for finishing walls. They are less likely to be stretched or torn during use. The texture of embossed glass wallpaper can be different and depends on the method of its production. If the glass wallpaper was made on traditional weaving looms, its distinctive feature is a restrained geometric pattern, usually a diamond, herringbone or checkerboard pattern. Elite varieties of glass wallpaper, which can only be purchased to order or in specialized online stores, are made on modern jacquard machines and can have quite intricate and complex patterns.

Pay attention! Having made a fiberglass canvas, the manufacturer impregnates it with starch and dries it, which is the determining factor in its subsequent technical characteristics. During the process of gluing wallpaper, the glue penetrates into the starch impregnation, which contributes to a more reliable fastening of the glass wallpaper to the surface. The finished canvases are cut in accordance with generally accepted standards (in most cases these are pieces characterized by a width of 1 m and a length of 25 and 50 m) and packaged in rolls.

Important! Despite the fact that the above methods of obtaining a relief ornament on glass wallpaper are far from the only ones, and in addition to them there are several less common techniques, they are not the determining parameter in the design of your room, since the latter depends to a large extent on your imagination and the selection of tint glass wallpaper palettes.

Technical characteristics of glass wallpaper: what to look for?

  • The service life of glass wallpaper, as stated by the manufacturer, exceeds 30 years;
  • Since glass wallpaper is a material intended for painting, it is necessary to note the quantity possible staining, which can reach 20 times;
  • Standard roll sizes are 1x25 m and 1x50 m;
  • Average densities vary from 110 to 220 g/sq. meter;
  • Glass wallpaper is characterized by fire-fighting properties, as well as high vapor permeability;
  • Glass wallpaper is a material that does not accumulate static electricity;
  • This type of finishing materials has reinforcing properties;

What are the main advantages of glass wallpaper?

Most of the benefits are the same technical characteristics fiberglass, therefore, let's consider them in more detail.

  • One of the most important advantages of glass wallpaper is its unique fire safety . They are such a non-flammable material that they have found their use in finishing fire escape routes. They do not tend to ignite and do not emit toxic volatile substances when burning;
  • Environmental safety- another undeniable advantage of glass wallpaper. In the manufacturing process of the material, only natural components are used, including quartz, clay, sand, dolomite and soda. They are intended for the production of the basis of glass wallpaper - glass fibers, which are subsequently treated with a special impregnation based on modified starch, also characterized by natural origin;
  • Strength of fiberglass- an equally important advantage, thanks to which when gluing walls with wallpaper based on fiberglass, a reinforcement effect is achieved. Walls covered with glass wallpaper are resistant to mechanical stress, will not be damaged by animal claws and will not be deformed during shrinkage. Thanks to this advantage, glass wallpaper can be used as a material for finishing walls in new buildings;
  • Fiberglass, the characteristics of which are presented in this article, are considered a material intended for leveling out minor irregularities walls and any defects, and their reinforcing characteristics increase the strength characteristics of the walls, which prevents them from cracking.
  • Service life of glass wallpaper exceeds 30 years, and therefore they can be considered one of the most durable roll materials for finishing walls;
  • Glass wallpaper is characterized by water resistance and resistance to changes in temperature and humidity;

  • Vapor permeability glass wallpaper allows you to create optimal microclimatic parameters in the room and maintain them at the proper level;
  • Hygienic characteristics glass wallpaper is also difficult to ignore. They not only do not accumulate dust, but are also characterized by resistance to chemicals, thanks to which they can be washed using any available funds household chemicals;
  • Do not lose their original aesthetic and performance characteristics under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • Mold and mildew cannot develop on glass wallpaper, since they do not contain components that are nutrient medium for these microorganisms;
  • Hypoallergenic- the advantage of glass wallpaper, which will be appreciated by people suffering from allergies. Fiberglass wallpaper does not contain components that cause allergies, and therefore can be used in homes of allergy sufferers.

Disadvantages of glass wallpaper that cannot be ignored

  • The high cost of glass wallpaper, despite the fact that it is completely justified, often makes potential buyers refuse to purchase fiberglass-based wallpaper;
  • When choosing paint for glass wallpaper, it is important to know certain nuances. The fact is that only acrylic and latex paints having the required consistency. Other paints with a denser structure are not suitable for painting glass wallpaper, as they will smear and clog the pattern;
  • Glue for glass wallpaper, the price of which is significantly higher than the cost of others adhesive compositions, must also be selected taking into account certain requirements, since only glue intended for liquid wallpaper is suitable for these purposes;
  • Difficulties that arise when removing glass wallpaper from walls is another drawback of the material due to the fact that during the production of glass wallpaper, they are impregnated special composition based on modified starch, which, when combined with adhesive base, forms a fairly durable coating;

  • It is not permissible to glue glass wallpaper onto curved surfaces. This material can only be used if there are minor errors in the primer or small defects;

Important! Another drawback of glass wallpaper, which rather relates to compliance with safety precautions when working with the material, is the need to use a respirator and individual funds protection during cutting of glass wallpaper. This is due to the fact that when cutting glass wallpaper, microparticles of glass are formed, which, if inhaled or come into contact with the skin, can cause serious irritation.

  • Glass wallpaper, due to its unique operational and aesthetic characteristics, can be used as the main element of interior decor. Wallpaper decorated with a woven pattern can decorate any stylistic solution - from high-tech to empire style. Original decoration The interior will be a woven pattern-panel.

Important! A modern design solution that opens up a field for imagination and allows you to realize the most daring ideas is wallpaper, which is characterized by alternating the same texture in various sizes. They are intended not only to give the interior a fresh and new stylistic solution, but also to retouch a particular section of the wall whose appearance you are not happy with.

  • If you choose glass wallpaper for the ceiling, ideal solution for you will be a fiberglass web, characterized by the absence of any texture or pattern. Their use is aimed primarily at reinforcing the surface, which after finishing acquires a perfectly smooth texture.

Recommendations for working with glass wallpaper: nuances that everyone should know about

  • Despite the fact that glass wallpaper is characterized by the same appearance on both sides, manufacturers often apply a gray stripe on the reverse side;
  • Glue for glass wallpaper is applied to the wall, and not to the fiberglass canvas. Taking into account the fact that the wallpaper is pasted end-to-end, it is necessary to leave an allowance of 5-10 cm to adjust the pattern. When gluing the “web” there is no need to leave an allowance;
  • Painting of glass wallpaper is carried out twice with an interval of 12 hours. For the first time, painting of glass wallpaper should be carried out no earlier than two days after gluing;
  • To reduce paint consumption for painting glass wallpaper, glass wallpaper is treated with a primer based on glue for glass wallpaper.

How to glue glass wallpaper for painting: a step-by-step guide

“How to glue glass wallpaper to the ceiling?” - a question that worries many homeowners. Next we will give step by step instructions, which will give a detailed answer to this question. First of all, prepare all the necessary tools.

You will need:

  • Set of metal spatulas;
  • High softness paint rollers;
  • A brush needed to wash off whitewash from the ceiling;
  • Painting cord for marking;
  • Sharp knife for cutting glass wallpaper;
  • Marker or pencil;
  • Glue tray and water container.

How to prepare the ceiling before gluing fiberglass?

Due to the fact that glass wallpaper is a finishing material, gluing it must begin with preparing the surface, which must be perfectly clean and level. The first stage of ceiling preparation is its inspection, which allows you to identify the most significant surface defects, for example, areas of peeling plaster or whitewash. If you do not pay proper attention to them, they will subsequently peel off along with the glass wallpaper.

Important! To assess the degree of wear of the whitewash, just run your hand over it. If this action leaves white marks on your hand, then it is necessary to clean the surface. Experts recommend using a soap solution or various washes for this.

If you are dealing with many years of peeling plaster, they need to be sprayed with water and removed with a sharp spatula. If you need to remove soot stains or greasy marks, wash them with water and traditional detergents.

To level the surface of the ceiling, it must be completely puttied after first applying a layer of primer using a soft roller. After the putty layer has dried, the surface over the entire area is sanded using sandpaper and cleaned from the resulting dust. Before directly gluing the glass wallpaper, apply a second layer of primer.

Important! In order to create a solid base on the surface covered with glass wallpaper, you must wait until the primer is completely dry before gluing the glass wallpaper.

Pay attention! If you are gluing fiberglass to plasterboard ceiling, before their direct installation, the seams between the sheets must be sealed with putty, and then sanded using sandpaper.

How to glue glass wallpaper to the ceiling?

  • Before you start covering the ceiling with glass wallpaper, assess the temperature in the room where you will be working. The operating temperature range for gluing glass wallpaper is from 18 to 25 degrees. The optimal humidity level does not exceed 70%.
  • When choosing adhesive for glass wallpaper, give preference to Oscar adhesive, popular in Russia, which is sold in both dry and liquid form.
  • Before gluing the glass wallpaper, mark the ceiling, making an indentation from the wall equal to the width of the wallpaper. Such marks must be made on both sides and, using a paint cord, draw a longitudinal line between them, along which the first sheet is glued.
  • To apply the adhesive to the surface of glass wallpaper, use paint roller. After applying the glue, the wallpaper is applied on one side and fixed along the entire length. Use a wide plastic spatula to smooth out bubbles. The next sheet must be glued end-to-end with the previous one.

How to glue glass wallpaper video

It's time to ask the question: And what types of this finishing material are there! Below we will compare the pros and cons of glass wallpaper, and we will definitely talk about the main quality of glass wallpaper - environmental friendliness...

What is glass wallpaper? It is a type of finishing of walls and ceilings. It is made from glass fibers of various thicknesses using a loom. Completely environmentally friendly and safe. Distributed in rolls 25m long. or 50m. For the most part, this is paintable wallpaper. The main type of weaving of the fabric: matting, diamond, herringbone, diagonal.

Types of glass wallpaper

Fiberglass wallpapers are divided into two types:

  1. Embossed glass wallpaper for painting (or just glass wallpaper);
  2. Painting fiberglass (either smooth or “gossamer”);

Painting fiberglass is a finishing material designed to strengthen walls and ceilings. Main functions: hiding cracks, leveling the surface, reinforcing the wall (ceiling). The fabric is smooth to the touch by cold pressing.

In addition to the types, fiberglass wallpapers are divided according to the quality of workmanship: 1st grade and 2nd grade.

1 grade glass wallpaper

The first grade of glass wallpaper includes wallpaper that has passed quality control. The packaging of such wallpaper has end caps that protect the canvas from mechanical damage during transportation. There is a front label, which contains all the information about these glass wallpapers, including the manufacturer, and there is also an end label, which contains the article number and barcode. The roll is packed in polyethylene.

2nd grade glass wallpaper

They include glass wallpaper that has not passed quality control: these are various factory defects, non-standard length of the canvas (even if the specified length is 25 m, this does not mean that the canvas is solid, it can consist of 2-4 pieces). There is no indication on the label of second grade glass wallpaper trademark. The main information indicated on such a roll is the factory article number, barcode and roll size (written by hand). The roll is packed in polyethylene.

Glass wallpaper pros and cons

  • They have unique fire-fighting properties (they do not burn and do not support combustion);
  • A completely environmentally friendly product (even the adhesive is made from harmless modified starch);
  • Heavy-duty (no pet can damage them);
  • Durable (service life up to 30 years);
  • Possibility of cleaning with any cleaning agents (even hard brushes);
  • They reinforce the wall well, resist the appearance of cracks and defects;
  • Antistatic properties (dust does not accumulate);
  • They have breathable properties (fungus does not grow under the canvas);
  • Possibility of coloring up to 20 times;
  • Glass wallpaper is difficult to remove during subsequent repairs;
  • With each subsequent painting of the wallpaper, its texture is lost more and more;
  • High price;

Composition of glass wallpaper

The basis fiberglass wallpaper and painting fiberglass includes fiberglass. Fiberglass is made from small cubes of glass, which contain four completely environmentally friendly components: quartz sand, limestone, soda, clay. The impregnation is based on special starch dissolved in ordinary water.

Production of glass wallpaper

To obtain glass fiber, glass cubes harvested early are poured into melting furnaces. There, at a high temperature of 1200 degrees Celsius, the glass melts and flows out of tiny holes of 8-12 microns. As the glass flows out, it cools naturally, forming fine fibers. The fibers are wound into bundles and wound onto spools.

The fiberglass base includes two types of threads: longitudinal threads - this is the warp thread (thinner); The cross thread is a weft thread (much thicker than the warp thread).

The resulting thread is sent to weaving machines to produce fabric. The canvas comes out with simple symmetrical patterns, such as: matting, cobweb, diamond, herringbone, diagonal. To obtain complex asymmetrical patterns, another type of machine is used - a jacquard machine. The output is material white very similar to plain fabric.

The next stage will be the impregnation stage: the resulting fabric is treated with a solution consisting of specially treated starch and water (to give strength and stability). Drying completes the process of making glass wallpaper; all that remains is to cut it the right size(length – 25m or 50m, width 1m) and pack in rolls.

You can understand it in more detail by watching a video about glass wallpaper.

Preparing walls for glass wallpaper

We begin preparing the wall by removing old finishing materials (wallpaper, paint, etc.), and also do not forget about foreign objects that are not needed (a piece of reinforcement, an old dowel, etc.).

The final step will be the primer: for this we use glue prepared according to the instructions or a regular primer (we select the primer to match the type of your walls).

After complete drying, you can begin wallpapering.

How to glue glass wallpaper to walls

Pasting with glass wallpaper must be done in temperature range from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius. Air humidity should not exceed 70%. There should be no drafts in the room, as well as direct sun rays falling on glass wallpaper. In such conditions, glass wallpaper should be left until completely dry.

Important! Do not forget that, unlike all other wallpapers, glass wallpaper is wound into rolls with the front side inward. A mark in the form of a solid line is applied to the reverse side different colors along the entire length of the roll, it is located near one of the edges, which will allow you to easily determine the top and bottom of the canvas.

We prepare glass wallpaper for the wall: cut them into sheets equal to the height of the wall with a small margin of approximately 10cm. Extra 10 cm. necessary for subsequent adjustment of the pattern.

Apply the prepared glue evenly to the wall using a roller or brush, approximately the width of the canvas with a small margin, coat the edges and joints especially carefully. We glue the first canvas using a plumb line, which will allow all subsequent canvases to be glued strictly vertically. We smooth out the glass wallpaper using a plastic spatula, and not with a roller or rag as we are used to doing with other types of wallpaper. Excess glass wallpaper is cut off using sharp knife and a wide spatula.

The second canvas is glued similarly to the first, in one of two ways: end-to-end, overlapping.

Butt joint: the subsequent sheet is glued end to end. There should be no gaps, no overlap, even minimal.

Overlapping: glue is applied not only to the wall, but also to the adjacent canvas by about 5 cm. Next, the canvas is overlapped onto the adjacent one. A cut is made at the application site using a painting knife, and the two resulting residues are removed.

Glue for glass wallpaper

To stick glass wallpaper, use a special glue for glass wallpaper (that’s what it’s called).

It is not recommended to use PVA glue, since after a while the dried glue turns yellow. Sometimes even a layer of paint on the canvas cannot hide the yellowness.
A video on gluing glass wallpaper will give you a visual idea of ​​what needs to be done.

Fiberglass wallpaper for painting is modern material, which is able to satisfy the needs of any home. Having a number positive qualities, the material can be an excellent solution for finishing walls and even ceilings.

One of the qualities of glass wallpaper is that after gluing the volumetric wallpaper, which consists of glass fibers, produces a very smooth, fairly uniform surface, perfectly protected from cracks. This article will tell you how to glue glass wallpaper for painting?

Features of glass wallpaper

Fiberglass is a special material that has in common with regular wallpaper just the gluing process. Such a canvas is made by connecting glass threads, which are obtained from a special type of glass, melting it at a high temperature.

A specific manufacturing technology makes it possible to obtain a canvas with an organic, beautiful ornament and texture, which allows you to hide after application various minor surface defects that can be noticeable when regular painting. Fiberglass wallpaper is similar in structure to fabric.

The material acquires an unusual surface due to its composition, which includes:

  • Sand.
  • Clay.
  • Limestone.
  • Other environmentally friendly natural materials.

There are two types of glass wallpaper:

  • Smooth, which are called fiberglass or “spider web”. Such wallpapers are used most often for:
  1. surface seals;
  2. hiding small cracks, small irregularities and other defects;
  3. leveling before painting the walls. By appearance canvas is a painting fiberglass resembling a spider web, which has reinforcing properties and is used as a decorative material.
  • Embossed.

This type of material is used for final finishing surfaces, their density is significantly higher than that of smooth wallpaper, they are less at risk of being stretched or torn during use.

The texture of glass wallpaper directly depends on the method of its manufacture. When using ordinary machines, the textured pattern takes on the form geometric shapes: rhombuses, Christmas trees and others. On jacquard looms, the textured image takes on a more refined and complex look.

Tip: There are other options for obtaining a drawing. In any case, which one to choose depends on the imagination of the owner of the room. Everyone chooses the combination of shades on glass wallpaper independently.

Such wallpaper is sold in rolls one meter wide. Usually one roll is enough for 50 squares, but if properly glued in the corners, some of the material may remain unused.

The advantages of glass wallpaper are:

  • They can be painted.

The textured surface of the material allows you to apply special paints to it. This makes the walls brighter and increases the durability of the coating. Fiberglass wallpaper can be repainted up to two dozen times, while maintaining its excellent shape and texture.

  • Provide fire safety.

Treatment of the glass fibers of the material with a special fire-resistant solution that is resistant to high temperatures allows the wallpaper to be used in tropical countries and in the kitchen, close to heat sources.

  • They do not deform under the influence of moisture, do not interfere with air circulation.
  • Environmentally friendly material.

For its production, natural ingredients are used that have hypoallergenic properties, without causing any harm to human health.

  • Wear resistance. The service life of wallpaper exceeds 25 years.
  • Electrical resistance, do not accumulate a charge, which prevents the collection of dust on the walls.

Such advantages ensure that in the end the cost of coverage will not be too high.

There are also some disadvantages of glass wallpaper:

  • They may crumble or break in your hands.