Designer glass wallpaper. Fiberglass wallpaper in the interior. Types of fiberglass wallpaper

Glass wallpaper

There are many myths and superstitions around glass wallpaper, as a relatively new material for us. Some say that all the advantages of this coating are just marketing, but in fact “wallpaper is like wallpaper.” Others argue that glass wallpaper is terribly harmful, like glass wool, and therefore should be excluded from residential premises. Still others, on the contrary, declare that all of Europe only glues glass wallpaper to their walls, since there is nothing better. Where is the truth and where is idle fiction? Let's talk about the pros and cons of glass wallpaper and the features of working with them.

What is glass wallpaper?

Glass wallpaper or fiberglass wallpaper is a coating for walls and ceilings woven from glass fibers. Fiberglass wallpaper is compared to a knitted sweater - the technology for making it is similar. Thin threads-fibers are drawn from glass - this is how “yarn” is obtained. This yarn is used to knit or, in other words, weave fabrics. “Knitting” can be simple or complex, creating different textures and patterns.

Fiberglass wallpaper is produced mainly in Germany and Sweden. The quality of the material is traditionally high - European.

Fiberglass coatings are usually divided into two types: actual glass wallpaper and fiberglass(cobweb, painting canvas). What's the difference? Basically, the surface of the glass wallpaper is decorated with a textured pattern, while painting fiberglass looks like a smooth canvas. In addition, glass wallpaper is more dense. This finishing coat for walls.

Fiberglass webs are usually used to strengthen and smooth the surface, eliminating small cracks OK. For example, fiberglass is often glued to the ceiling before painting it - it is often easier to stick wallpaper on the ceiling (in in this case- fiberglass) than to putty and sand.

Walls and ceilings with fiberglass webs turn out perfectly smooth, like marble. But they look like they're just painted, not wallpapered.

Advantages of glass wallpaper

1. Environmental cleanliness and safety. Glass wallpaper is as safe as the glass in our windows. In the manufacture of glass from which fibers are drawn, only natural materials.

2. Non-flammability. Glass, as you know, does not burn. Glass wallpaper will never ignite, and when heated it will not emit harmful substances.

3. High strength. If we talk about tensile strength, then in this parameter glass wallpaper is approximately 2 times superior to its “vinyl counterparts”.

4. Long service life. Fiberglass wallpaper is more expensive than paper, vinyl, etc. But the cost is worth it for a long time service, which can be 30 years. This is ensured by moisture resistance and strength. Fiberglass wallpaper can withstand numerous stains.

Harm of glass wallpaper: truth or myth?

There is an opinion that glass wallpaper is harmful to health. The manufacturer allegedly knows about this, but for the sake of high sales, hides from the consumer the facts that indicate the inadmissibility of use fiberglass coverings inside residential premises.

Where did this come from? Apparently, from the analogy with glass wool, about the dangers of which much has been said. They said that because of the glass wool used to insulate houses, “glass dust” flies in living areas. By inhaling it, people cause irreparable harm to the respiratory system. However, glass wool is located inside ceilings and partitions that do not allow glass dust to pass through.

In any case, glass wallpaper is very different from glass wool. For the production of glass wallpaper, much thicker fibers are used than for the production of glass wool. With such a thickness, fiber particles cannot get into the lungs.

The fibers from which wallpaper is woven are not only thicker, but also smoother, more elastic, and therefore less brittle. At the same time, they are tightly intertwined with each other, that is, they are firmly held in the coating.

In addition, glass wallpaper must be painted. Paint is an additional protective layer.

In Germany, for example, where glass wallpaper is most popular, they are used for finishing hospital premises. This type of coating is also recommended for home kitchens, since surfaces covered with glass wallpaper are completely resistant to moisture.

According to German standards, finishing with fiberglass wallpaper is acceptable in children's rooms. Fiberglass wallpaper can often be found in kindergartens in Germany.

However, care should be taken when working with glass wallpaper. When planning to cut and glue them, it is worth protecting the body, since microparticles of the wallpaper during the work separate, get on the skin and prick. Some people experience irritation the first time after working with this material.

For work, you should wear closed clothing with long sleeves. You can also use a protective medical mask.

After gluing and painting, the wallpaper does not scratch, even if you rub the surface with an unprotected hand.

Useful recommendations for those who plan to buy and install glass wallpaper

If you just need to level the surface, purchase fiberglass web - smooth, “texture-free”. The density of the web varies. If you are going to level the ceiling, take the thinnest web. Thicker cobwebs are for walls.

Manufacturers of glass wallpaper position their products as “reinforcing and leveling material.” But this does not mean at all that glass wallpaper and cobwebs can be glued to completely uneven walls and ceilings covered with cracks. The surface must be prepared. To prepare means to putty and sand if necessary, and then prime. It is permissible to ignore only small cracks and insignificant errors.

If you want the walls to have texture, keep in mind that with each new paint job, the faint texture becomes less and less noticeable. Choose wallpaper with deep texture.

The adhesive for gluing glass wallpaper and fiberglass webs is applied directly to the surface to be glued. Glue should not be applied to wallpaper. Special adhesives are sold for glass wallpaper - purchase them.

Water-dispersed latex paints are used to paint glass wallpaper. Wallpaper that is pasted for the first time is usually painted twice: the first time no earlier than two days after pasting. The second layer is applied no earlier than 12 hours after the first layer.

Fiberglass - what is it? This is the name of a special roll coating applied to walls. This wallpaper is made using the weaving method. This means that, like a fabric, material is knitted from glass threads having different densities and thicknesses. Then the canvas is given a stable shape by impregnating it in a composition specially designed for this purpose. Fiberglass wallpaper is a popular new material for interior decoration. They compare favorably with other types

“Gossamer”: a type of glass wallpaper

Painting fiberglass "spider web" is not created using fiberglass threads that are connected to each other by pressing. Paper is also produced. Fiberglass “web” has the appearance of translucent thin sheets. In appearance they resemble a blotter. If you touch the “web”, you can feel the smoothness and sharpness of the canvas. Such glass wallpaper is sold in the form of rolls, which are most often 1 meter wide and 50 times longer.

Glass fiber wallpaper “gossamer” does not absorb water, is not susceptible to fire, chemical reagents, mechanical stress. They do not cause allergic reactions and are not able to accumulate. Such glass wallpapers are effective means, which is used to prevent cracks from occurring. But they are not used for finishing surfaces (plasterboard structures, ceilings, walls), but only for their reinforcement.


Fiberglass wallpaper "Grogozhka" is considered one of the most environmentally friendly surface coatings. They are highly durable. When gluing, this roll covering does not lose its shape, its size and decor do not change when wet. It is made of fiberglass, which is created from a natural material - sand. With the help of "Groghka" wallpaper you can reinforce walls and cover most of the cracks in them. This material is absolutely non-toxic, does not undergo rotting processes and, importantly, has a low cost.

Glass wallpaper: characteristics

To the benefits fiberglass wallpaper The following qualities include:

1. Durability and strength.

2. Environmental friendliness.

3. Fire safety.

4. Air tightness.

5. Hygiene.

6. Possibility of repainting them.

The fact that glass wallpaper is not flammable and does not have the ability to support fire makes it a unique coating. These qualities make it possible to use the material for pasting not only residential premises. Glass wallpaper can also be used for finishing in places intended for evacuation of people in the event of a fire. When ignited indoors, this material does not emit toxic substances.


Always along with the question: “Glass wallpaper - what is it?” another one arises. What are they made of? This material does not contain vinyl or other harmful substances. Such wallpaper consists exclusively of components of natural origin - soda, limestone, quartz sand, clay. After the fiberglass strands are woven, the fabric is impregnated special composition based on starch. Thanks to this, it is quite possible to maintain a natural microclimate in any room. This has a beneficial effect on the well-being and health of people in rooms decorated with glass wallpaper.

Features of fiberglass

The main advantage of fiberglass is considered high level its strength. Materials made on its basis are used in many areas of human activity, even in the process of building aircraft. Fiberglass has the ability to reinforce and protect various surfaces from all kinds of impacts and damage. Wallpaper based on this material is not afraid of scratches, dents, or even the claws and beaks of pets. To cause any damage to the fiberglass coating, you need to try very hard, and on purpose.

How are the reinforcing properties of glass wallpaper manifested?

Due to heating or shrinkage of the walls, problems may occur in the plaster. different sizes and crack depth. It is precisely from such and other deformations that glass wallpaper protects and strengthens surfaces. Moreover, they serve without replacement for up to thirty years. At the same time, glass wallpaper can “survive” twenty paintings in such a period of time without consequences. various colors. Neither the quality, nor the texture, nor the design of the material will change.

Easy to care for

Any housewife may have doubts if you offer her glass wallpaper for gluing her kitchen. "What is this?" - she will ask. All doubts disappear when information becomes known that this roll coating can be washed with any, even the harshest chemical or mechanically. And the property of glass wallpaper to reject dust helps the walls to “breathe”. This prevents the occurrence of fungi. Conditions this characteristic This coating prevents it from accumulating static electricity.

Glass fiber wallpaper sheets are available for sale in the form of rolls, as mentioned above, which have a width of one and a length of fifty meters. The designs of the material are quite varied. The most popular glass wallpapers among consumers are “Grogozhka”, “Herringbone” and “Rhombus”. You can also choose another coating that has an original design pattern.

Using glass wallpaper in the interior

Answering the question: “Glass wallpaper - what is it?”, it is worth mentioning that the original appearance of the material in the interior always depends on many factors. First of all, these include:

  1. Method of applying glue to material. Its excessive or insufficient quantity is unacceptable.
  2. Glass wallpaper gluing technology. It is imperative to combine the pattern correctly, cut the fabric correctly, and join the seams.
  3. Choice of color, texture and consistency of paint. It should be such that the structure of the pattern does not become clogged when applied.

In most cases, the appearance of glass wallpaper in the interior is influenced by its pattern. In case small size premises during the selection of this roll covering It is recommended to give preference to fine texture and small patterns.

Glue selection

When choosing adhesive for glass wallpaper, be sure to study its composition. If one of its components is PVA, it is not recommended to purchase such a surface joining substance. Manufacturers of glass wallpaper know what qualities glue should have. Therefore, you need to buy it the same trademark, as the coating itself.

Paint selection

The best paint for glass wallpaper is the one that has water base And high performance wear resistance. If the suspension is glossy, it will be able to highlight the texture of the coating. The main thing is to understand what the final result is required. Based on this, you need to select paint for glass wallpaper. It is imperative to take into account what impacts can presumably be exerted on the surface of the coating in the future. If you plan, for example, to wash glass wallpaper or touch it frequently, then it is preferable to buy acrylic matte paints.

Rules for working with glass wallpaper

Don't know how to glue glass wallpaper? Then just follow some simple rules:

1. Use adhesive designed exclusively for heavy wallpaper. It is produced in the form of a suspension or dry powder, which is diluted with water.

2. Apply glue only to the surface of the wall. In the process of gluing conventional wallpaper, the connecting suspension is distributed on the canvas. This cannot be done when working with glass wallpaper.

3. After the material is applied to the surface, you need to wait until it dries completely (about a day). In this case, it is necessary to exclude the occurrence of drafts in the room and the entry sun rays for glass wallpaper.

4. Before gluing this type of coating, you should first correctly determine where the front side of the canvas is and where the back side is (they are practically the same in appearance). The first one always faces the inside of the roll. To accurately identify the one you need, look for a gray or blue mark. This is how manufacturers help to accurately identify the front side of the wallpaper.

Surface preparation

It is recommended to prepare the surface for gluing fiberglass wallpaper in the same way as for their paper version. The difference is that small cracks do not need to be sealed. Fiberglass wallpapers with reinforcing properties can be glued directly onto them. A specially designed adhesive for gluing this roll covering is applied to the surface. It should be borne in mind that in this case much more connecting suspension will be required than for paper wallpaper. Therefore, it is recommended to buy glue with a reserve. Windows must be tightly closed before applying glass wallpaper to the surface.

Gluing fiberglass wallpaper

How to glue glass wallpaper correctly? Cloths in the form of rolls must be cut into strips having a length comparable to the height of the surface on which they will be applied. You need to loosen the material a little and glue the strips end to end. Textured wallpaper that does not have a pattern can be pasted onto the surface in any direction and order - in this case, the joints will not be visible after drying. If there is a chaotic pattern on them (or there is none at all), then you can not make allowances. In such cases, if the roll is cut incorrectly or the strips are mechanically damaged during gluing, this feature material will be an advantage. This will also help save fabric if there are cut tapes left from the previous roll.

Features of gluing

When gluing glass wallpaper, caution is required. When applying them to the surface, it is recommended to use a plastic spatula to remove air and excess glue from under the material. After finishing work, the wallpaper joints should be wiped from above with a damp, clean sponge or rag. Before completing the stage of painting fiberglass wallpaper, you need to wait for it to dry completely (about a day). At the same time, drafts should be avoided in the room.

Glass wallpaper for ceilings

Not everyone can afford to decorate their interior with beautiful stretch ceilings. Therefore, a variety of finishing materials and methods are used. One of them is to stick glass wallpaper on the ceiling. The strength and texture of the fibers of this material allows you to close cracks; if necessary, it can even be applied to foam plastic. This will not require applying a layer of putty. If you stick glass wallpaper onto the ceiling, then after drying and subsequent painting it will acquire a very, very attractive appearance.

Painting glass wallpaper

Paint can be applied to glass wallpaper using a sprayer, brush or roller. The result will be equally good, since the suspensions adhere very firmly to the fibers of such a material.

Fiberglass wallpaper for painting is modern material, which is able to satisfy the needs of any home. Having a number positive qualities, the material can be an excellent solution for finishing walls and even ceilings.

One of the qualities of glass wallpaper is that after gluing the volumetric wallpaper, which consists of glass fibers, produces a very smooth, fairly uniform surface, perfectly protected from cracks. This article will tell you how to glue glass wallpaper for painting?

Features of glass wallpaper

Fiberglass is a special material that has in common with regular wallpaper just the gluing process. Such a canvas is made by combining glass fibers, which are obtained from special type glass by melting it at high temperature.

A specific manufacturing technology makes it possible to obtain a canvas with an organic, beautiful ornament and texture, which allows you to hide after application various minor surface defects that can be noticeable when regular painting. Fiberglass wallpaper is similar in structure to fabric.

The material acquires an unusual surface due to its composition, which includes:

  • Sand.
  • Clay.
  • Limestone.
  • Other environmentally friendly natural materials.

There are two types of glass wallpaper:

  • Smooth, which are called fiberglass or “spider web”. Such wallpapers are used most often for:
  1. surface seals;
  2. hiding small cracks, small irregularities and other defects;
  3. leveling before painting the walls. By appearance canvas is a painting fiberglass resembling a spider web, which has reinforcing properties and is used as a decorative material.
  • Embossed.

This type of material is used for final finishing surfaces, their density is significantly higher than that of smooth wallpaper, they are less at risk of being stretched or torn during use.

The texture of glass wallpaper directly depends on the method of its manufacture. When using ordinary machines, the textured pattern takes on the form geometric shapes: rhombuses, Christmas trees and others. On jacquard looms, the textured image takes on a more refined and complex look.

Tip: There are other options for obtaining a drawing. In any case, which one to choose depends on the imagination of the owner of the room. Everyone chooses the combination of shades on glass wallpaper independently.

Such wallpaper is sold in rolls one meter wide. Usually one roll is enough for 50 squares, but if properly glued in the corners, some of the material may remain unused.

The advantages of glass wallpaper are:

  • They can be painted.

The textured surface of the material allows special paints to be applied to it. This makes the walls brighter and increases the durability of the coating. Fiberglass wallpaper can be repainted up to two dozen times, while maintaining its excellent shape and texture.

  • Provide fire safety.

Treatment of glass fibers of the material with a special fire-resistant solution that is resistant to high temperatures, allows you to use wallpaper in tropical countries and in the kitchen, close to heat sources.

  • They do not deform under the influence of moisture, do not interfere with air circulation.
  • Environmentally friendly material.

For its production, natural ingredients are used that have hypoallergenic properties, without causing any harm to human health.

  • Wear resistance. The service life of wallpaper exceeds 25 years.
  • Electrical resistance, do not accumulate a charge, which prevents the collection of dust on the walls.

Such advantages ensure that in the end the cost of coverage will not be too high.

There are also some disadvantages of glass wallpaper:

  • They may crumble or break in your hands.

On modern market presented a huge number various types wall coverings. In addition to the usual paper, vinyl and non-woven wallpaper, there is also large number decorative wall coverings. Such unusual wall coverings include glass wallpaper.

Features of the material

Fiberglass wallpaper is also commonly called glass wallpaper. They are a decorative wall covering whose structure resembles fiberglass fabrics. To make such wallpaper you need special glass, from which certain temperature(1200 degrees Celsius) fibers stretch. And yarn is already formed from them various types and the thickness from which the material is woven. The finished fiberglass fabric is impregnated with special additives based on starch. The impregnation process is one of the main stages in the manufacture of glass wallpaper. The quality of the final product depends on it. Many manufacturers keep the recipe for impregnating the material secret.

Glass wallpaper is characterized by textured patterns with different weaves, and wallpaper of this type, intended for painting, is woven with cobwebs, which are ordinary painter's glass cloth.

These wallpapers are different high density. They have reinforcing properties - this means that fiberglass wallpaper prevents cracks from appearing on the surface. Average value the density of such wallpaper is 110-220 g per square meter. This kind wall covering resistant to fires and external influences. Under the influence of moisture, the wallpaper will not deform.

Fiberglass wallpaper is very durable. After all maximum term their operation reaches thirty years. In addition, such wallpapers are environmentally friendly.

Types of glass wallpaper

As mentioned above, there is great variety textures and structure of glass wallpaper. The structure of such wallpaper is similar to fabric. And fiberglass is based on the following components: clay, limestone, sand, and other natural materials. Due to these components, such an unusual surface is obtained.

There are two types of glass wallpaper: smooth and embossed. Smooth glass wallpaper is also commonly called fiberglass or gossamer. Such wallpaper is often used to seal walls. With their help you can easily hide cracks and irregularities, as well as level the walls before painting. Smooth glass wallpapers are characterized by a lower density than embossed ones.

Embossed wallpaper is used for the final decoration of walls. They, of course, have a high density. They are less likely to be torn or stretched during use. The texture of glass wallpaper depends on how they were made. For example, if they were woven on conventional looms, a geometric textured pattern appears on their surface (for example, herringbones, diamonds, chess patterns). But if jacquard looms were used for manufacturing, then the textured pattern turns out to be more complex and refined.

Advantages and disadvantages of glass wallpaper

The most important advantages of glass wallpaper are their:

  • environmental cleanliness and safety even for the smallest family members;
  • fire resistance;
  • waterproof;
  • electrostaticity;
  • the property of allowing steam to pass through, and they also help air circulation;
  • increased strength;
  • durability;
  • resistance to acid, chemical and detergents;
  • versatility, because wallpaper can be used to decorate any surface;
  • glass wallpaper can be repainted two dozen times, without risking loss of its appearance;
  • they are not exposed to moisture or temperature changes.

Of course, glass wallpaper also has disadvantages. For example:

  • Quite often on the Internet you can find reviews that purchased wallpaper fell apart in your hands. In order to avoid such a problem, be sure to pay attention to the fragility of such wallpaper - after all, brittle wallpaper indicates that it has low quality manufacturing;
  • Difficulties may arise when removing such wallpaper from the surface;
  • high price;
  • When painting glass wallpaper, a large amount of paint will be required.

Scope of application of fiberglass wallpaper

Due to the versatility of this material, fiberglass wallpaper can be used anywhere. This type of wallpaper is used in residential premises, and in work offices, and in restaurants, and in hospitals, and in shops and supermarkets.

They will be appropriate in the kitchen, nursery, living room or bathroom. They can be glued to any surface: concrete, fiberboard, drywall, brick, etc. You can also use glass wallpaper to decorate doors, furniture and windows.

Cost of fiberglass wallpaper in Moscow

To purchase such universal and incredible beautiful wallpaper possible via the Internet or in regular construction stores and supermarkets. On the Internet you can find websites of glass wallpaper manufacturers and order them directly.

The price range for first-grade glass wallpaper (usually the country of origin is Germany, Sweden or Finland) is 900-5000 rubles per roll (this is approximately 35-200 rubles per square meter).

Second-rate goods may be produced under European brands, but they are manufactured in China and Russia. Their average cost is 750-1250 rubles per roll.

Materials and tools necessary for gluing fiberglass wallpaper and painting it

To carry out such work we will need:

  • glass wallpaper;
  • special glue for glass wallpaper;
  • wallpaper paint;
  • paint roller;
  • roulette;
  • paint tray with grid;
  • brush;
  • wallpaper roller;
  • cutter;
  • trimming and wallpaper spatulas;
  • pencil.

Technology for gluing fiberglass wallpaper

Before applying glass wallpaper to the walls, it is necessary to prepare work surface. The surface can be any, but it must be clean and hard. After preparing the surface, you can apply special glue to the walls using a roller. Do not cover the entire surface with glue at once.

Before working with glass wallpaper, be sure to wear gloves and long sleeves. Measure the required length of the wallpaper and cut a piece to the required size. Be sure to leave 8-10 cm allowance. Once you have applied the glue to the wall, you must immediately apply the wallpaper. The canvas needs to be leveled and smoothed to avoid swelling. In the same way we glue wallpaper around the perimeter of the entire room. After you have glued all the wallpaper, you need to cover it with a layer of paint glue. For this purpose, it is best to dilute the glue with a small amount of water. Once it's dry, you can start applying paint.

The choice of paint is up to you. You can choose dispersion paint with a matte surface. This paint is resistant to washing and abrasion. You can also use acrylic paint, which gives a durable glossy film. Suitable latex paint. In a word, any wall paint will do. The advantage of such wallpaper is that the paint color can be changed quite often without harm to the glass wallpaper. There is one “but”: over time, the design may become less noticeable due to several layers of paint.

Be sure to let the paint dry well for at least a day. Only then can you unscrew the screws and hammer nails into the wall.

After you finish all the work of gluing the wallpaper and painting it, be sure to ventilate the room well so that fiberglass particles do not enter your body. This is especially true for living rooms.

Caring for fiberglass wallpaper

Fiberglass wallpaper is so versatile in care that almost all cleaning products are suitable for it. When choosing detergents, you should pay attention to the recommendations of the manufacturers of paint with which the canvas is coated. Fiberglass wallpaper can easily withstand frequent washing with a brush. The advantage of such wallpaper is the fact that dust does not collect on it.

Such wallpaper should be wiped once a month or as needed. Despite the fact that glass wallpaper is resistant to mechanical damage, do not forget that if you touch it with a sharp object, damage may occur on its surface.

One of the most durable and durable materials used for wall decoration are glass wallpaper. Their service life is more than 30 years, while the coating retains its original appearance.

After watching various photos glass wallpaper in interiors, you can be sure that they look very aesthetically pleasing, are suitable for any style, will perfectly decorate every room in the apartment, fit perfectly into overall design premises.

Description of glass wallpaper

The name of this finishing material speaks for itself; it is wallpaper made of glass. By using special technologies it is melted and glass threads are drawn out, which are subsequently used to make the canvas.

The resulting finished fiberglass is treated with a special starch-based composition and sent for drying.

There are two main types of glass wallpaper:

  • “cobweb” called fiberglass;
  • fiberglass wallpaper.

The first option is a very thin glass sheet, which is used mainly for leveling and reinforcing walls, as a base for painting. various surfaces. Its production is based on pressing chopped glass fibers mixed with an adhesive mass.

Direct wallpaper based on fiberglass has a denser structure and has various geometric patterns on its surface: “rhombus”, “matting”, “herringbone”, etc. You can find out more about how this or that texture looks in the photo of glass wallpaper made in various ways weaving.

These fabrics are produced on special weaving machines. This type is used for finishing walls and cabinet furniture indoors.

Fiberglass wallpaper is intended for subsequent painting. You can repaint the canvas up to 20 times, changing the color of the walls along with your tastes and mood.

Key Benefits

IN lately This coating material is becoming increasingly popular. This happens thanks to the following distinctive characteristics glass wallpaper:

  • environmental friendliness and safety. Fiberglass is made only from natural, environmentally friendly and harmless to humans components: sand, limestone, clay, etc.;
  • unsurpassed density;
  • resistance to mechanical damage– it is almost impossible to accidentally scratch or tear off such wallpaper;
  • fire resistance is absolutely non-flammable type coatings;
  • breathability;
  • the possibility of repainting the canvas multiple times;
  • resistance to wet cleaning - such wallpaper is not afraid of unpleasant dirt or children's drawings;
  • maximum service life - more than 30 years;
  • antibacterial – mold or mildew cannot form on fiberglass, so this material is perfect for decorating rooms with high humidity.

All these advantages undoubtedly speak about the quality and reliability of this type of wall covering. However, along with all the listed advantages, glass wallpaper has some disadvantages, namely:

  • difficulty in dismantling the coating;
  • high cost compared to vinyl or non-woven wallpaper;
  • greater paint consumption compared to painting simple walls;
  • small selection of patterns and coating textures.

In order to choose the best glass wallpaper, you need to focus on the following basic parameters:

Density. This criterion directly affects the strength and durability of the canvas. The higher this indicator, the longer the guaranteed service life will be, and the more larger number since the wallpaper will need to be repainted.

Wallpaper chosen for high-quality and long-term finishing must have a density of 100 g/m^2 or more.

Pattern on the canvas. Of course, the choice of textures on fiberglass is quite limited, however, from the available assortment you can choose a texture that is ideal for your apartment.

Whether it will be a “herringbone” or “rice paper” pattern depends only on your preferences, but pay attention to the volume and depth of the relief, this will determine whether the applied pattern will not be lost when the wallpaper is repainted multiple times.

Compound. High-quality wallpaper should contain 70 percent fiberglass and 30 percent special impregnation. Be sure to study this information on the product packaging. If you find a product whose composition does not correspond to these proportions, it is better to refuse to purchase it.

Of course, it is necessary to note both the brand of wallpaper and its manufacturer. Some companies have proven themselves in the construction market finishing materials, therefore choosing good product this must also be taken into account.

A wide selection of high-quality glass wallpaper is demonstrated in Leroy Merlin, the available products are represented by both Russian and foreign brands.

Fiberglass wallpaper will be an excellent alternative to the paper, vinyl, non-woven fabrics we are already familiar with, decorative plaster. This material is characterized by high strength, durability, moisture resistance, wear resistance, and safety, so it is perfect for finishing any room in an apartment or office.

And the ease of pasting and painting fiberglass sheets will help you quickly make high-quality repairs yourself.

Photos of glass wallpaper