Start a cosmetics business. How to open a cosmetics store: assortment and suppliers. What documents are needed to open a natural cosmetics store

One of the promising areas that can bring a stable income is the business of selling cosmetics and perfumes. Despite the unstable economic situation in Russia, the number of outlets selling these products is only increasing.

Why should aspiring businessmen pay attention to this niche? The answer is the possibility of opening your own business with minimal investment, as well as a fairly quick return on initial investment. Every person needs cosmetic products on a daily basis, therefore such a product is in high consumer demand, which ensures a quick turnover of funds and a constant profit.

Cosmetics market in Russia today

Aspiring entrepreneurs who want to open a cosmetics store from scratch should be clear about what this business niche is. domestic cosmetics market last years began to acquire colossal proportions: if only 7-10 years ago the bulk of trade and manufacturing enterprises of this sphere accounted for the capital and metropolitan areas, today there is a significant increase in their number in large and medium-sized settlements.

The target audience purchases not only organic food, but also cosmetics based on natural ingredients, and in large volumes, so the choice of a niche for business is obvious. It is also worth noting that a huge number of commercial enterprises sell their goods via the Internet. This fact means that businessmen may not invest in opening real stores at all and not spend money on their maintenance, while receiving a very tangible profit.

Studies in the cosmetics and perfumery market show that over a third of all products sold are low-quality fakes or contraband. Unfortunately, almost all of these goods are sold through online stores, the owners of which deliberately violate consumer rights.

In Russia, there are no specialized units that could fight the illegal circulation of cosmetic (and other) products of dubious origin. Even if law enforcement officers get on the trail of the store owner, they are unlikely to be able to prove his guilt, moreover, most Internet businessmen register sites in other states.

To avoid problems with the law and maintain the company's impeccable reputation, all cosmetics must be certified. It will also allow you to sell it over the Internet using the Google and Yandex search engines. Permits must not only confirm high quality goods, but also testify that it will not harm the health of consumers.

How to open a cosmetics store from scratch?

Let's consider the steps in order.

Business registration

The first step after drawing up a business plan for a cosmetics store is to register your activities. It is best to choose the IP form for this and go through a simple registration procedure at the FTS department.

Important: the entrepreneur needs to decide on the choice of taxation system. For a cosmetics store, UTII would be the best solution, but this format is only suitable for those outlets whose area does not exceed 150 m². If you need to further check your tax debt, you can visit the official website of the Federal Tax Service and get the necessary information.

When registering your company, you need to select the OKVED code. The following are suitable for this:

  • 52.33 - "Retail trade in cosmetics and perfumery products";
  • 52.33.1 - "Retail sale of cosmetic and perfumery products, except soap";
  • 52.33.2 - "Retail sale of toilet and laundry soap".

After registration, you will need to obtain a number of permits to open and operate your store. To do this, the entrepreneur needs to contact Rospotrebnadzor, the fire inspectorate and the SES. In addition, you need to open a bank account. The cost of registering an individual entrepreneur is 800 rubles. Taking into account the payment of the state duty, the costs will amount to about 2.5 thousand rubles. If you plan to create a large store, it is recommended to register the enterprise as an LLC. In this case, it is necessary to spend 4 thousand rubles for registration and 10 thousand for the authorized capital of the company. total amount costs will be at least 20 thousand rubles.

Premises selection

The next step in organizing a business is choosing suitable place for the operation of a shop selling perfumes and cosmetics. This step is one of the main ones, since the location of the outlet affects traffic and profit. It is necessary to look for premises that are located in places with high traffic of people. The following areas are ideal for a store:

  • densely populated residential areas;
  • shopping and entertainment centers;
  • markets;
  • metro stops and public transport;
  • the central part of the city.

To successfully sell cosmetics, you need to take care of the proper location of products in the outlet. Most entrepreneurs allow typical mistake, irrationally using the area of ​​the store. If you do not display products around the perimeter, but concentrate them in one place, visitors simply will not pay attention to them, which will affect sales. Therefore, it is worth studying the basic principles of merchandising. It is important to choose a room with tall windows so that the inside of the store is good daylight and visitors could view the products. A small outlet usually has an area of ​​30-50 m². It is also necessary to provide places for the location:

  • sanitary zone;
  • office space for staff;
  • product warehouse.

A good option would be to locate the store next to a beauty salon or massage parlor. This will allow you to receive daily additional profit on the sale of consumables. The room must have attractive design and exterior. It is also worth taking care of the presence of a bright signboard with the logo of the organization and outdoor advertising.

If you turn to a professional designer, he will be able to develop a store interior concept and create comfortable conditions to receive visitors. Taking into account the repair work and rent the costs will be about 200 thousand rubles.

Purchase of equipment

What should be shop equipment for a cosmetics and perfume shop? uniform requirements this item is not, however, its quantity will directly depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe outlet.

To equip a small hall, it is necessary to give preference to racks and showcases of a closed design to minimize the risk of product theft by unscrupulous visitors. An example equipment list would look like this:

  • vertical glass showcase - 30 thousand rubles;
  • hanging shelves - 30 thousand rubles;
  • glass counter (2 pieces) - 40 thousand rubles;
  • shelving for a warehouse (5 pcs.) - 20 thousand rubles;
  • furniture for staff - 25 thousand rubles;
  • cash register - 10 thousand rubles.

Total - for the cost of purchasing equipment will amount to 155 thousand rubles. New businessmen should be aware that cosmetics suppliers are interested in increasing sales and quality distribution. Therefore, most of them provide partners with shelves, display cases and other equipment.

Formation of the assortment

In order for a cosmetics store to bring tangible profits, you need to correctly form an assortment, as well as find suppliers who will offer favorable terms of cooperation. How to determine exactly the products that sell best? First of all, you should understand what the target audience of the store will be, to which the assortment will be oriented. It is also worth visiting similar outlets and analyzing their work. You can not save on the purchase of goods and buy uncertified. This will be discovered sooner or later, and the store will suffer heavy losses, since a substantial fine is provided for this offense.

The entrepreneur can choose the products of Russian and foreign manufacturers who are required to submit permits for all goods. First of all, you should pay attention to famous brands because buyers know them. At the same time, expensive cosmetics and perfumery, as well as economy segment goods, are in good demand.

We must not forget that the city already has a sufficient number of competitors' stores. For this reason, it is necessary to create a unique selling proposition for buyers. A businessman should try to find a manufacturer of unique products that are poorly represented (ideally, absent) from other sellers. To increase sales in without fail display cases should include products such as body care and personal care products, as well as all kinds of expendable materials(manicure accessories, washcloths, toothbrushes, cotton buds and discs, etc.).

Personnel attraction

As a rule, neat girls are attracted to a store selling perfumes and cosmetics as sales assistants. They must know the range of goods well and be able to implement it. To motivate staff, many entrepreneurs set a rate and charge a percentage of sales to employees. Also, the payment can be fixed. Employees should be engaged in laying out products and putting things in order on the shelves.

For a small outlet, it is enough to hire two sellers who will work in shifts. Please note that most of the stores are open daily, so the schedule should be agreed with the staff. To work you will need to hire:

  • seller (2 people) - 30 thousand rubles;
  • cleaner - 10 thousand rubles;
  • administrator - 20 rubles;
  • accountant - 15 thousand rubles.

monthly expenses for wages store employees will amount to 75 thousand rubles. The duties of the director and administrator can be performed by the entrepreneur himself. In addition, you can entrust bookkeeping to remote workers, which will reduce costs.

Conducting an advertising campaign

One of the main issues in managing own business is the attraction a large number buyers. For people to enjoy visiting outlet, it is necessary to adhere to a reasonable pricing policy, as well as to have a large product range.

We have already talked about the importance of proper store location. The more potential buyers learns about a new point of sale of cosmetics, the faster it will bring a stable profit. Worth contacting advertising agency and order the distribution of leaflets and flyers in the area of ​​​​the store. It is also necessary to create in social networks thematic communities where subscribers will learn about your activities, upcoming discounts, promotions and assortment updates.

About 20 thousand rubles should be allocated for the advertising campaign. Buyers among themselves will distribute information about the new store. The presence of discounts for regular customers, sales on the eve of holidays, the ability to pay for goods in cash and using the terminal, free packaging of purchases will attract a lot of people and reach good level earnings.

Cosmetics store business plan

To find out the amount of initial investment and possible profit, you need to draw up a business plan for a cosmetics store. In many ways, the costs at the start will depend on the size of the outlet, the number and type of goods, suppliers and other important factors.

Let's calculate the one-time investments required to open a business. They will include:

  • business registration - 2.5 thousand rubles;
  • design and renovation of the premises - 150 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaign- 20 thousand rubles;
  • commercial equipment - 155 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods - 150 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 30 thousand rubles.

Total - the amount of initial costs will be 557.5 thousand rubles. It is also necessary to calculate the mandatory monthly expenses. These include:

  • rent of premises - 50 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - 15 thousand rubles;
  • taxes - 20 thousand rubles;
  • employee salary - 75 thousand rubles;
  • additional expenses - 15 thousand rubles.

total amount monthly expenses is 175 thousand rubles. How to determine the possible profit of the outlet? It is quite difficult to answer this question, since the margin, depending on the type of product, can vary between 30-90%. If we take the average performance of cosmetics and perfumery stores, then their profitability is about 15-20%. At the same time, the return on investment can be achieved in 12-18 months of operation.

Suppose that the revenue for 1 working day will be 10-12 thousand rubles. This means that the store will bring 300-360 thousand rubles for a month of work. From this amount, 175 thousand mandatory payments must be deducted, as a result, the profit will be 125-185 thousand rubles. It is also worth considering that on average, about 40 thousand rubles need to be set aside from earnings to buy goods for the store, so the estimated net income will be 85-145 thousand rubles per month.

How to sell cosmetics online?

Today, the Global Network opens up unlimited business opportunities for entrepreneurs. You can successfully sell clothes online, cosmetics of famous brands, accessories and any consumer goods. What are the benefits of this type of activity? First of all, it should be noted that the costs at the start will be much less.

If you draw up a business plan for an online cosmetics store, you can see that you do not need to pay salaries to employees, make repairs and buy commercial equipment. The main expense item will be the purchase of the site, its promotion using various advertising channels and the payment of taxes. To maintain a store on the Internet, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur.

As for suppliers - you can consider the option of working on dropshipping. To briefly describe such a scheme, the entrepreneur will be required to present a range of products on his website, attract the target audience, and the partner company, whose goods will be sold in the store, will pay a certain percentage of each transaction. The businessman also does not need to deliver the goods to the buyers, since the seller assumes these obligations. If you find suppliers and buy cosmetics on your own, you need to carefully study the needs of the target audience.

  • contextual ads in search engines;
  • targeted advertising;
  • e-mail newsletter;
  • posts in your own community.

Important: do not forget that on the Web, as in real life, works " word of mouth”, so it is extremely important to provide our customers with only high-quality and certified products.

You may also be interested

Opening a cosmetics store is a relevant and quite popular idea, which finds its implementation among middle-class entrepreneurs. This is due to several factors.

First of all, people care about their appearance, and when certain problems arise (wrinkles, age spots, skin peeling and other troubles), they choose cosmetics that help them solve these problems. In addition, a cosmetic store is simply impossible without a perfume department, and perfumes have always been a great gift for any occasion.

Therefore, today we will talk about how to open a cosmetics and perfumery store. Let's take a closer look at all the stages of creating such a business.


Before you start taking any steps towards achieving your goal, you should register with tax office. It will be enough to register as an individual entrepreneur (IP). This will require the following package of documents:

  • a receipt confirming the payment of the state fee;
  • application for registration individual entrepreneur certified by a notary;
  • photocopy of passport (all pages);
  • photocopy of TIN;
  • a statement stating the chosen taxation system.

For the perfumery and cosmetics business, you should choose a simplified taxation system (USNO) or UTII.

In addition, to start a store, you will need permission from the SES and fire supervision. It is mandatory to prepare a lease agreement or property documents, a sanitary passport for the premises and, finally, an act from the BTI confirming the commissioning of the premises. Should be purchased cash machine, which must be registered with the same Tax Inspectorate.

When all the documentation is in hand, you can begin to act.

Cosmetics and Perfume Store Business Plan

Any entrepreneur knows perfectly well that in order to achieve financial success, one should have a well-defined list of actions that describe in detail each subsequent step. Let's take care of this and we. We will draw up a business plan for a cosmetics and perfumery store.

Choosing products

First of all, you should decide what you intend to offer your customers. The domestic market has several types of perfumery and cosmetic products, which differ not only in quality, but also in the client audience. The scheme for building the entire business will depend on the choice of the future assortment.

Main types of products

  • Original cosmetics and perfumery refers to premium-class products produced exclusively at the manufacturer's enterprises. Enough high price(for example, from several thousand rubles for a small bottle of perfume) immediately suggests a target audience, which is represented by very wealthy people. If you decide to sell a product of this class, then you should not forget that buying in bulk will cost a tidy sum. In addition, the premises of the future store will require appropriate stylish design, which means additional costs.
  • Licensed products are one step below the original cosmetics, but are also considered elite. Visually, it is almost indistinguishable from the original, but its quality is much lower. The initial investment for the business in this case will not be so mind-blowing. The client base consists of people with an average level of income, since the cost of products is about 5-10 times lower than that of the original product.
  • Bulk perfumery. The product is initially supplied in large containers, and then bottled in small bottles.
  • The sale of natural cosmetics stands somewhat apart, since not all customers can afford these rather expensive means. In addition, it has a short shelf life. Manufacturers of natural cosmetics occupy the same segment as well-known brands with original products.

Deciding on a business model

Reflecting on the question of how to open a cosmetics and perfumery store, it is worth discussing another important point. A potential entrepreneur needs to choose the most convenient business model for him. There are not so many options: your own store, a department in a shopping center and an online store. Let's consider each of them in a little more detail.

  • The organization of the store initially involves a fairly large investment. You will need to pay rent for the premises (or purchase your own territory, which is even more expensive), then you will need to fill the store with the appropriate product. The table below contains a list of the main costs. As an example, the average figures obtained on the basis of statistics are given:

The projected income of the store with such figures will be approximately from 300,000 to 350,000 rubles per month. The average monthly profit will be kept in the region of 100,000 rubles. You will be able to return the invested money in about 9-12 months.

  • The department is no longer a store, but only a rented area (comparatively small). In this case, the investment is not too large, in addition, it is possible to control the assortment by removing goods that are not in demand.
  • The online store of cosmetics and perfumery deserves more detailed consideration, and we will return to it a little later.

Funding volume

Any business plan (including a cosmetics store) is unthinkable without consideration financial matters. This is the key point.

First of all, you should definitely decide on the starting capital. If you are able to invest a large amount in your own business (from 3 million rubles), then it is advisable to offer customers original products. With a shortage of cash, opt for a licensed product.

If we consider the average figures, then the cosmetic store makes a profit of about 250 to 300 thousand rubles a month, so your investment will pay off in the first year of operation. The profitability of the cosmetics and perfumery business reaches about 30%.

Internet business

This business is interesting because it can develop well in the virtual space. Therefore, we will consider in more detail how to open a cosmetics and perfumery store in this format.

Today, the World Wide Web offers many services, including online shopping. You can buy everything, including your favorite cosmetics. At the same time, its price will be much lower. Therefore, for such a virtual outlet, the business plan will also look a little different. An online store of cosmetics and perfumes, of course, involves certain financial costs. First of all, you will need to develop a website, pay for the services of a web designer and hosting. Buy the right domain name. But all these activities will take much less Money than in the real world.

On average, it will take about 100,000 rubles to organize this type of business. But the amount can vary, both up and down. This will depend on the intended functionality of the site.

In fact, the owner only needs to decide on the type of product and the initial amount that he is willing to spend on his online cosmetics and perfumery store. Properly carried out in the network advertising company will provide the store with excellent attendance.

At this point, the question "How to open a cosmetics and perfumery store on the Internet" can be considered closed. Let's get back to business in real life.

Perfume and cosmetics store location

In continuation of the topic “How to open a perfumery and cosmetics store”, we will consider a very important issue regarding the location of the store.

If possible, it is best to open it closer to the city center. The perfect place will become big shopping center. The first floor of the building, that is, any place where people gather, is also wonderful. After all, what large quantity potential buyers will visit the store, the greater the likelihood of its early payback.

All women want to be beautiful, young and well-groomed. To help them, hundreds of shops with the necessary cosmetic products. modern woman I am ready to spend at least 15% of my income on the purchase of cosmetics and perfumes. Many are ready to save even on food, but provide for themselves necessary means beauty. Therefore, the business on these goods is consistently popular and has a constant demand. To launch a win-win business with minimal risks and clear efficiency calculations, you need to write a business plan for a cosmetics and perfumery store, an example of which we will present in this article.

Project Summary

Cosmetics and perfumes are sold everywhere, even in the smallest cities of the country. However, only girls and women with high incomes spend large amounts, so it is better to open such a store with a population of at least 500-800 thousand inhabitants, where there is a sufficient number of target audience. It is planned to open a cosmetics and perfumery store in major city Russia. Despite the strong competition in almost all areas, demand is high, so we will create a store that will combine a good assortment, excellent quality of goods, high level service and advantageous location of the outlet.

The store is open daily, from 10:00 to 21:00, without days off and breaks. Once a month - the last Monday of the month - the technical day for inventory.

Our store will provide offers for the most common cosmetics among the main target audience, as well as more than 30% of the range of natural cosmetics.

The main target audience of the store:

  • Women from 25 to 45 years old (40%).
  • Girls from 16 to 24 years old (30%).
  • Women from 46 to 60 years old (20%).
  • Men from 30 to 50 years old. (ten%).

It should not be forgotten that men often go to such stores to buy their beloved women with or without reason, and also buy hygiene products and perfumes for themselves. Basically, they buy perfumes, but every fifth male buyer can also buy some cosmetics (creams, hygiene products, kits).

Our cosmetics and perfumery store will target middle- and high-income customers.


  • Online stores of cosmetics and perfumery.
  • similar stores.
  • Hypermarkets with departments of cosmetics and other goods.

Each of the competitors can and should be fought. It is important to know the competitor "in person", to analyze the range and prices, advantages and disadvantages. Then it is not difficult to draw up your successful company policy and marketing strategy.

Main business risks:

To take into account all financial and marketing risks, you will need to draw up a business plan for a cosmetics and perfumery store with calculations, which will take into account all the main costs, investments in rent, interior, advertising, the cost of commercial equipment and the amount for the first purchase. This is necessary in order to calculate the profitability and payback period of the store opening project.

Registration and registration

To open a store, you will need to register with the tax authorities. Because we have one single founder, work with legal entities we do not plan, it will be enough to register an individual entrepreneur.

We will choose a simplified taxation system based on the “income minus expenses” system.

OKVED: 47.11 and 47.91.1, in case of online sales.

We do not need to spend a lot of time on reporting, to hire a separate accountant for this. All documentation will be maintained by the entrepreneur himself.

The cost of registering an individual entrepreneur is 800 rubles.

You still need to get permission from the Fire Inspectorate.

For everything about everything, no more than 2-3 thousand rubles will be needed.

Search for premises and commercial equipment

When opening a cosmetics store important point is precisely the location of the outlet, tk. in 90% of cases, women make such purchases impulsively. Therefore, we rent premises in a large area of ​​the city, always in an actively traveled place, close to public transport stops and next to other stores with a similar target audience.

For our store, average in terms of parameters, 30 sq. m. The main space is a trading floor; 10 sq. m - a bathroom and a mini-warehouse for goods. The cost of such premises will be about 30 thousand rubles.

Indoors will need to be done redecorating in the amount of 150 thousand rubles. Every month it will be necessary to pay utility bills of 5 thousand rubles.

Equipment is required to place goods. These are racks, shelves, showcases, furniture and equipment for staff. We will buy used equipment in good condition to minimize costs.

Equipment estimate:

Name price, rub. Quantity Amount, rub.
High glass shelving 5000 3 15 000
Low display cabinet for cosmetics 4 000 2 20 000
Showcase island for perfumery 5 000 2 10 000
Reception desk for cash desk 5 000 1 5 000
Armchair, laptop for cashier 20 000 1 20 000
Lighting ( spot lighting, shop window lighting) 20 000 20 000
Cash machine 5 000 5 000
Alarm system 5 000 5 000
Total 100 000

Assortment and first purchase

You need the right assortment to succeed and grow your revenue. It can be determined only after analyzing competitors, studying information on the Web, and communicating at women's forums in the city. The goal is to determine what women use, what they lack and what brands they prefer.

It is very important to make a successful first purchase. there is a high risk that half of the units will remain on the shelves for a long time. To do this, we analyze demand, draw up top positions that will be sold with the maximum guarantee, and buy a little bit of everything. With increased demand for certain items, it is better to promptly re-order goods than to buy unnecessary brands.

  • Makeup products (lipstick, mascara, shadows, etc.).
  • Face and body skin care.
  • Cosmetics for women 30+.
  • Hair care.
  • Body care in summer/winter.
  • Cosmetics for men.
  • Perfumes for women/men.

Estimated first purchase of goods:

Name Amount, rub.
Foundation 1 9 000
Foundation 2 15 000
Powder 1 9 000
Powder 2 6 000
Blush 8 000
Base for shadows 3 000
Shadows 6 000
Pomade 6 000
Mascara 1 12 000
Mascara 2 8 000
Eyeliners 9 000
Eyebrow pencils 4 500
Lip pencils 6 000
Tonics 9 000
Moisturizing cream 9 000
Nourishing cream, BB cream 10 000
Body cream 8 000
Anti-aging cream 1 16 000
Anti-aging cream 2 15 000
Anti-aging cream 3 20 000
Hand cream 1 3 000
Hand cream 2 5 000
Anti-cellulite cream 16 000
Face masks 15 000
Perfume for women 1 15 000
Perfume for women 2 50 000
Perfume for women 3 40 000
Perfume for men 1 15 000
Perfume for men 2 49 000
Total 396 500

This is a small fraction of what should be in a cosmetics and perfumery store. Categories of goods were combined, because face or hand cream alone should be at least 5-6 trademarks, as well as lipsticks, mascaras and various creams. As for perfumes, for women there should be at least 20-25 options to choose from, for men - at least 15 fragrances.

The second purchase should be more deliberate, based on an analysis of demand, the level of need and individual orders clients.


For the active operation of the store will require a small staff. The entrepreneur himself, together with one hired sales assistant, can also sell goods. In the future, another consultant will be needed, and the entrepreneur will act as a store administrator.

The cost per employee at the start of the business will be about 20 thousand rubles. It is imperative to prescribe the motivation for the seller, which will be based on sales.

The seller's work schedule will be 2/2 in accordance with the store's opening hours.

Accounting, purchase and delivery of goods will be carried out by the entrepreneur independently, as well as an advertising campaign.

Marketing and Advertising

In a competitive environment, even at the stage of creating a business, an analysis of competitors and the target audience will be required. Therefore, marketing and analytics should not be shelved. In addition, do not forget about monitoring competitors at least once a week for similar products and brands.

To open a store, you will need to spend funds on the following tools:

Every month it will be necessary to spend about 40 thousand rubles on promoting groups in social networks, flyers, promotions. Discounts and promotions must be agreed with suppliers, periodically hold promotions together with manufacturers.

You can use the following suggestions:

  • When buying 2 sets of eau de toilette, the third - with a 50% discount.
  • Loyalty card ( storage system discounts, depending on the volume of purchases).
  • Birthday/birthday girl 20% discount on any eau de toilette.

Expenses and income

Here we look at the picture of costs and income, calculate the potential profitability for the 3rd-4th month of the store, determine the sales plans, on the basis of which the requirements for the sales assistant will be formed. We also calculate the profitability and payback period of the initial investment.

Starting costs


In the first few months, there will be sporadic sales by passing potential buyers. Starting from about the third month, the store will be visited more often not only for impulsive purchases, but also a base of regular customers and those who came on the basis of a review will be formed.

Indicative plan for sales from the 3rd month of the store:

Name Purchase price, rub. Quantity Amount, rub.
Foundation 1 300 20 6 000
Foundation 2 500 10 5 000
Powder 1 300 20 6 000
Powder 2 600 10 3 000
Blush 400 10 4 000
Base for shadows 300 10 3 000
Shadows 300 15 4 500
Pomade 300 20 6 000
Mascara 1 400 30 6 000
Mascara 2 800 10 8 000
Eyeliners 300 30 4 500
Eyebrow pencils 300 15 4 500
Lip pencils 300 20 6 000
Tonics 300 10 3 000
Moisturizing cream 300 10 3 000
Nutritious cream 500 10 5 000
BB cream 500 10 5 000
Body cream 400 10 4 000
Anti-aging cream 1 800 10 8 000
Anti-aging cream 2 1 500 7 10 500
Anti-aging cream 3 2 000 5 10 000
Hand cream 1 150 20 1 500
Hand cream 2 500 10 5 000
Anti-cellulite cream 800 5 4 000
Face masks 150 50 7 500
Perfume for women 1 1 500 10 15 000
Perfume for women 2 5 000 10 25 000
Perfume for women 3 8 000 5 40 000
Perfume for men 1 1 500 10 15 000
Perfume for men 2 7 000 7 49 000
Total 277 000

Excluding the share of suppliers, our income will be about 200 thousand rubles a month.

After deducting monthly payments and taxes, about 90 thousand rubles a month will remain.

Return on investment will be about 50%.

The payback period of investments will be about 8 months. Taking into account the fact that the business will not reach the indicated profitability immediately, we should expect a return on investment in 1 year.


Retailing cosmetics and perfumes in a major city is very profitable business. Despite the high level of competition, there is every chance to make good money, actively develop your business, because this area has a high level of demand. The project for the year is to open 2 more such stores throughout the city. In addition, in order to increase sales in the future, an online store will be created with the delivery of products in the region. Profits will increase several times over.

If you understand cosmetic brands, then by studying the topic of how to open a cosmetics store from scratch, you can become the owner of a profitable business.

♦ Capital investments – 450,000 rubles
♦ Payback - 1.5 - 2 years

If the automotive business can be called masculine, then activities related to cosmetics and perfumery can be a great startup for the fair sex.

If you are well versed in cosmetic and perfume brands, then, having studied the topic in detail, from scratch, you can become the owner of a profitable business.

The launch of this startup does not require the purchase of special trading equipment or large capital investments. But decorative cosmetics, personal care products, consumables, perfumes will always be in demand among consumers.

How to open a cosmetics store: advertising and competitive advantages

For new stores, the main thing is not an expensive advertising campaign, but a favorable location (in a place with high traffic), a reasonable pricing policy, a good assortment of goods and satisfied customers.

  1. Beautiful and large sign, which would be visible from afar.
  2. A cot placed on the sidewalk in front of the store, which will attract the attention of customers.
  3. Leaflets handed out around the opening of the market.
  4. Social networks and urban forum.

It is also very important to take into account the high level of competition in this sector in order to be able to distinguish yourself favorably from other stores.

Your competitive advantage can be:

  • promotions and sales during the pre-holiday periods;
  • discount system for regular customers;
  • selling a unique cosmetic or perfume brand;
  • friendly and qualified sales assistants;
  • low prices;
  • free gift bags if the customer purchases a gift set;
  • the ability to pay not only in cash, but also by card, etc.

How to open a cosmetics store: assortment and suppliers

Whether your store will be profitable or not depends largely on how competently you form the assortment of goods and on how favorable terms you conclude agreements with suppliers.

No matter how much you want to save money, work only with those suppliers that can provide you with a guarantee of quality, otherwise during the check you may run into a fine, and if someone suffers as a result of using cosmetics purchased from you, then the punishment may be even more serious.

You can work with foreign manufacturers, and with domestic ones, the main thing is that their products are certified.

You can only work with professional brands, those that make products for the work of cosmetologists, in this case you will have to study the nuances of how to open a professional cosmetics store.

Here are some tips for forming an assortment for those who want to open a cosmetics store:

  1. Sell ​​well-known brands (both expensive and economy class) that people like and the wave suits your customers with value for money.
  2. Try to find a manufacturer of unique cosmetics and perfumes, whose products are not represented by others.
    This will become your competitive advantage.
  3. Do not clutter up your store (especially if it is a small store) with a large abundance of goods.
    You are unlikely to have time to sell it before the expiration date, and it will be difficult for the client to navigate.
  4. Expand your customer base by selling products for men, women, and children.
  5. Your store should sell not only decorative cosmetics, but also:
    • care products for your face, body, hands, feet;
    • consumables: washcloths, cotton pads, manicure and pedicure supplies, etc.

The two most effective ways placement of goods - by:

  • manufacturers;
  • purpose (shampoos, balms, face creams, hand creams, mascaras, lipsticks, etc.).

How to open a cosmetics store: registration

Interesting fact:
In the Dead Sea region, archaeologists have discovered an ancient cosmetic laboratory from the 1st century BC. On its territory were found millstones for grinding medicinal herbs, cauldrons for aromatic mixtures, amphoras with fragrant substances.

The easiest way to launch a startup from scratch is to register as an individual entrepreneur.

This form does not require a complex registration procedure and is suitable for aspiring entrepreneurs.

As for the form of taxation, you can also go for the easiest way and choose - UTII, however, in this case, the area of ​​​​your premises should not be more than 150 squares.

But novice businessmen will not need a larger room, because in order to open a large cosmetics and perfumery store, you need to have a huge start-up capital for rent, purchase of commercial equipment, and so on.

When registering, select the code corresponding to your future activity in OKVED: 52.33.

The prerequisites for starting a business also include:

  • opening a bank account;
  • obtaining permits for the operation of the premises from government agencies: Rospotrebnadzor, Fire, Sanitary Service, etc.

Where exactly should you open a cosmetics store?

For the profitability of the business, the location you choose to open a cosmetics store is very important.

If you, wanting to save money, rent a room somewhere on the outskirts, then you will go bankrupt pretty quickly.

It is very important that the cosmetics and perfumery market is located in a place with high traffic of people.

Ideal locations are:

  • shopping centers;
  • markets;
  • a separate room in the city center;
  • densely populated residential areas.

It would also be nice to find a place near your potential clients, for example, - , hairdressing.

Of course, these specialized establishments will not buy cosmetics from you, but consumables in the form of cotton pads, sticks and other things - yes.

Where to open a cosmetics store?

In order to open a small cosmetics store from scratch, it is enough trading floor for 20-25 squares.

This area is enough to accommodate all commercial equipment and demonstrate your product in the most favorable light.

In addition to the trading floor, you will have to equip a service room for staff, a small storage room + a bathroom.

That is, to open even small business Requires an area of ​​at least 40 sq. meters.

If you dream of a mini-supermarket with a large selection of cosmetics and perfumes, then look at the premises of 100-150 square meters.

Attention should be paid to the interior of the future market.

If you want to sell luxury cosmetics and perfumes, then do not spare money on decorating the premises, because you will be visited by wealthy clients.

In this case, it is better to invite a professional designer to develop an interior concept for you.

If you decide to open an economy-class cosmetics store, then you can limit yourself to light walls and ceiling, so as not to distract attention from the product itself.

But, whatever the concept of your future business, take care of quality lighting premises so that buyers can have a good view of the products sold.

Commercial equipment for a cosmetics store

There are no uniform requirements for what trade equipment should be in a cosmetics store.

Each owner is guided by the area of ​​his premises and the concept of the market.

For example, if you open something similar to a supermarket and label products with anti-theft elements, then you can buy more open windows and racks.

If we are talking about a small shop with one seller, then it is better to order closed glass shelves and display cases to reduce the chances of thieves to steal.

Let's say you decide to open a small (sales area - 25 squares) store of inexpensive cosmetics and perfumes.

In this case, you will have to purchase such trading equipment:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:100 000 rub.
Glass showcases
30 000
Open shelving fenced off with glass showcases
20 000
Closed hanging shelves
20 000
Cash machine
10 000
Other20 000

And also take care of the equipment of the service room and bathroom for the staff.

Buy minimum set furniture can be for 40,000 rubles.

Another 10,000 rubles. will go to a rack for storing goods in a warehouse or in a service room.

That is, spending on commercial equipment for a small cosmetics store is about 150,000 rubles.

Who should be the staff of a cosmetics store?

Of course, you need sales assistants, because they are the ones who sell the goods.

How many salespeople to hire is up to you, based on the size of your store and its opening hours.

If you decide to open a small cosmetics store, then it is quite possible to get by with one seller per shift.

Since most markets are open seven days a week, you will need two vendors to work in shifts.

And every store needs a cleaning lady and an accountant (at least part-time).

You can deal with procurement and administrative issues yourself.

The payroll costs of a small cosmetics and perfumery store would be:

How much money do you need to have to open a cosmetics store?

It is difficult to name the final amount that is needed to launch this startup.

It all depends on how big a cosmetics store you decide to open.

For example, to become the owner of a small (25-30 squares) store, you need to have at least 450,000 rubles.

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:450 000 rub.
Registration20 000
Repair of the store premises (cosmetic)80 000
Equipment150 000
Purchase of the first batch of goods150 000
Advertising10 000
Additional expenses40 000

But the monthly expenses (which the owner of the market must expect) directly depend on the city in which you are going to open a cosmetics store.

For example, prices for rent and wages in a small district center will be small, but in Moscow or another metropolis of the country, this amount will increase several times.

How to open a cosmetics store: a calendar plan

After you think through all the stages of launching a startup and calculate how much money you need to open it, make up calendar plan to understand exactly when you can open a cosmetics store.

Usually, such business projects can be implemented 4–6 months after the idea has arisen.

Registration, account opening
Rent and repair
Purchase of equipment
Formation of a product line

how to choose the right cosmetics in a specialized store:

Possible income of a cosmetics store

The trade margin for cosmetics and perfumes is 30-100%.

The lower the selling price of a product, the higher the markup will be, and vice versa.

The average profitability of this business is 10%, that is, you can recoup capital investments no sooner than in 1.5–2 years.

Get ready for the fact that in the first few months you will operate at a loss, because few customers will shop in your newly opened market.

Your task is to attract customers as quickly as possible.

In six months, it is quite realistic to reach such indicators of daily revenue: 5–8,000 rubles per day. If your store will work seven days a week, then the monthly revenue will be 150–210,000 rubles.

From this amount, 100,000 (mandatory monthly expenses) should be deducted and at least 30,000 rubles should be set aside for the next purchase.

Thus, the net profit of a cosmetic store with a formed customer base will be 20–80,000 rubles per month.

Before the holidays (March 8, February 23, February 14, New Year) will increase exponentially.

Popular stores can collect quarterly revenue during the two-week pre-holiday period.

As you can see, the income indicators of this business are not too high, but for many entrepreneurs they are enough to get interested in the topic, how to open a cosmetics store.

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* Calculations use average data for Russia

Starting investments:

Average check:

Payback period:

Direct sales of cosmetics are still popular, as they benefit not only companies and their distributors, but also consumers, by allowing them to bypass store markups. But the amount of profit in this business depends entirely on the seller.

Direct sales - suitable option for your own business, especially if these are your first steps in entrepreneurship. The idea is relevant for women, mothers on maternity leave, students and anyone looking for a part-time job. Direct sales are an alternative to traditional work and a source of additional income. If desired, you can build a full-fledged and profitable business on direct sales. This option is also suitable for novice entrepreneurs. After all, organizing your own business based on direct sales is quite simple: you do not have to rent a room, buy equipment and invest large sums. Main element direct selling is the entrepreneur himself. The success of the business will depend only on his personal qualities.

You can start your own business for little money. To do this, you will need to purchase an inexpensive distribution kit. To start making money on direct sales, you need a budget from 0 to 15,000 rubles. This distinguishes direct sales from franchising and other types of investments that require significant costs. It is rather difficult to name the exact amount of investments: each company has its own strategy and policy (both in terms of attracting distributors and paying for their work). Therefore, study carefully different variants and choose the one that seems to best suit your expectations and requirements.

Direct sales are beneficial not only to companies and their distributors, but also to consumers. Firstly, it is a quality service: product demonstration, personal consultation, home delivery and guarantees. Secondly, it is savings - often the prices for cosmetics sold directly are significantly lower. Thirdly, it is an opportunity to acquire unique goods, which are not on the shelves of traditional stores.

Direct sales: the situation in Russia

In Russia, the direct sales market has been developing for over 20 years. According to research, the main customers are women aged 30-55, and the average amount of each purchase is about 1,500 rubles.

Majority large companies, engaged in direct sales, sell cosmetic products. In this area, high customer loyalty is observed: when purchasing the company's products from one representative, most buyers return with other orders to him. This form of interaction with the client allows for an individual approach and inspires confidence in the buyer. Therefore, it remains relevant. So direct selling is still a popular channel for cosmetic products.

Currently, the market for direct sales of cosmetics is growing rapidly. In 2016, it grew by 11% and reached almost 120 billion rubles and continues this trend. At the end of 2017, direct sales of cosmetics amounted to more than 58 billion rubles. The popularity of direct sales is due to the fact that consumers are trying to save money by bypassing intermediaries (shops) that make a high margin.

You should also evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the business in order to understand what working conditions await you.

Advantages and disadvantages of direct selling for the seller



Interaction with the buyer. The seller sees the reaction of the buyer and can adapt to his needs. Personal presentation of goods for each consumer

Different sellers may interpret product information differently. This makes it difficult to deliver a single cohesive message to all consumers.

No point of sale costs. No need to invest in the equipment of the trading floor, utilities and protection of goods.

Audience coverage is limited by the high cost of this type of sales. Hard enough to grasp big number potential buyers

The level of income from direct sales is proportional to the efforts made

Reaching large audiences through a personal selling channel can be expensive

The obsession of sellers who by all means strive to sell as much as possible

There are no requirements for education, work experience, financial or physical condition. People of all ages and backgrounds can excel in direct selling.

The success of direct sales largely depends on the personality of the seller and his ability to communicate with people.

Can be used as a source of additional income, flexible working hours

Orientation to a specific market and consumer

Unlimited potential for personal and financial growth

Opportunity to receive support from the company and receive training

Consequently, direct sales of cosmetics have advantages both as a business and as a service format.

How to start a direct selling business

Starting your own direct sales business is quite simple. The main thing is your ability to interest people and the desire to succeed. The rest of the nuances will be taught to you, and as you work, you will gain the necessary experience.

First, let's understand the meaning of direct selling. This refers to the sale of goods or services that occurs through personal contact with the buyer. Such sales take place in a place convenient for the client: office, apartment, restaurant, etc. – outside of standard retail outlets.

Direct Selling Features:

    Direct contact with the client on the territory convenient to him;

    Personal presentation of products or services;

    Exhaustive advice of the seller;

    Opportunity to try the product before buying;

    This is both a service and a presentation at the same time.

In general, the algorithm for doing business in direct sales of cosmetics includes 5 main steps. Next, we will analyze each of them in more detail.

Step 1. Choosing a company and products

All direct selling companies are members of the Direct Selling Association (DSA). Choose those that follow the AMS ethics rules and regulations, conduct business ethically, and provide quality service. The list of companies can be found on the APP website.

The main requirement for the product is that it must be a unique and profitable offer that is not available for purchase in ordinary stores. The market is oversaturated with the same type of offers, so if you find something new (improved, adapted to a narrow target audience, more budgetary, but no less high quality) - it will be easier for you to sell such a product. First, you will be able to interest customers. People are drawn to new things. Secondly, you will not lose interested consumers, since you are the only seller of such a product (the only one in the customer's field of vision). Thirdly, it will be easier for you to select key benefits product and make an attractive presentation.

Please note that the uniqueness of the offer is not only new product but also services. Combine new product and convenient service. Come up with a new service that will make you stand out in the market. Ideas will prompt the buyers themselves. Listen to them, consider their interests and expectations. Your job is to offer optimal solution your client's problems.

When choosing a company to work with and products to work with, ask yourself the following questions:

    How much money will it take to cooperate with this company?

    Is there demand for your product or service? How new to the market is your product or service?

    What training system does the company offer? Give preference to the company that provides education and training.

    What is the reward system in this company? Learn all about earnings, bonuses, commissions and liabilities.

    What product warranties does the company provide? Is a product return policy available? This is important for both you and your clients. Returns are part of the service.

    What are the conditions for exiting the business? The reasons for leaving may be different: you did not like the actual terms of cooperation, you wanted to switch to another business, you did not receive enough profit, etc. Therefore, it is better to clarify all the nuances in advance, so that later you can do without unpleasant surprises. Code professional ethics The APP requires member companies to take back any unused product purchased within the last 12 months in case the seller decides to go out of business. At the same time, compensation for the return of products must be at least 90% of the original cost, if no bonuses and commissions for these products have been paid.

Step 2. Determination of the target audience and methods of sales

It is necessary to determine the target audience and find customers. Your target audience is likely to be women between the ages of 30 and 60. The first buyers, most likely, you will find among your friends. But in order to succeed in this business, you need to continuously recruit and develop a client base. The Internet will help. Find groups and forums where the female population of your city is concentrated. Leave an ad there. Create your work account on social networks and add friends to your potential clients.

The standard method of direct selling involves 2 main ways to attract customers. The warm market is made up of your acquaintances. Cold market - employees of offices, shops where you come with catalogs. But it is not always advisable to spend money on buying a stack of catalogs. If you are looking for clients via the Internet, it will be enough to send a link to the electronic version of the catalog.

The sale of goods involves a phased interaction with the client. It is necessary to think over the strategy and each stage: from acquaintance to the conclusion of a deal.

The success of direct sales depends entirely on the professionalism of the seller, which includes the ability to:

    identify customer needs;

    present a product;

    affect people emotionally

    find an individual approach to each client;

    deal with failures.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are stopped by the stereotype that only "natural sellers" can engage in direct sales - i.e. people who are able to sell without special training. However, this is misleading. Everyone can master the method of direct sales - the main thing is desire and a well-designed strategy.

Step 3. Choosing a strategy

First of all, you need to clearly define your goals. In the cosmetics business based on direct sales, there are three key goals:

1. Find products that can be profitable to sell;
2. Sell additional products to the same customers, increasing profits;
3. Build a customer base - i.e. create lists of electronic and mailing lists.

Ready-made ideas for your business

After you have decided what products you will sell, you need to choose a method of work. The first option is to purchase the most popular products and sell, first of all, the existing assortment. Two advantages converged here: product demonstration and instant purchase. This makes the service more convenient for the buyer. After all, cosmetics are products that are better to choose not from catalogs, but in reality. Catalogs cannot convey the exact shade, structure, smell of cosmetics. So the presence of the proposed product will locate the client to you. In addition, people do not always buy cosmetics for the future - many people remember that they need to buy mascara when it is over. In such cases, it is unlikely that the client will wait several days until the order goes through the entire chain from you to the manufacturer and back. Therefore, the opportunity to buy products "here and now" also increases consumer loyalty. The main disadvantage of buying goods is money issue. This will require considerable investment, which may not pay off. There is a possibility that some positions will not be able to be sold, and they will hang like a dead weight among the assortment. This can be avoided if you clearly understand the needs of your audience.

The second option is to act as an intermediary, and thereby do without investments. In this case, you will proceed as follows: you fill out a receipt for each individual order and send it to the wholesale supplier, who forms the order and mails the goods directly to the customer. That is, in fact, the wholesale supplier acts as a warehouse. Your profit is the difference between the wholesale and retail price. It is possible that the generated orders are returned to you, and you personally transfer the order to the client. With the main advantage, everything is clear - you do not have to invest your own funds and take risks. But the disadvantages should include:

    the cost of time and postage for the delivery of orders to the supplier;

    the wholesale purchase price goes up and your profit goes down.

In most cases, entrepreneurs use both options in their work: they invest in the stock of the most popular product, and use intermediary for rarer items.

Another milestone- data collection. Be sure to record information about each customer, including information about what exactly and when he purchased. This will help to assess the demand for specific products and determine the needs of each client in order to interest him in the future with a new offer. Also collect the names and addresses of your customers. This is how you build your mailing list. If you use the collected data wisely, it will become the basis of your success in the field of direct sales.

It is best to compile a computer database. The mailing list should contain the following information: the name of the client, his postal address and email address, phone number, notes with data about when and what exactly the customer ordered. By the way, your mailing list itself can become a valuable commodity - some intermediaries will be willing to pay for a customer base.

Step 4. Researching the Legal Question

Whatever area of ​​business you work in, it is important to know the legal nuances of your activities.

Direct sales in Russian legislation are considered as a peddling trade and are a type of non-stationary retail trade. Currently, direct selling companies in the course of their activities rely on:

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