The professional ethics of a civil servant is a general characteristic. Professional ethics of a civil servant

First of all, it should be emphasized that the profession of "civil servant", the civil service as a special type of professional activity to ensure the execution of the powers of state bodies, must have its own professional ethics (as doctors, teachers and other professional groups have it).

This is necessary, firstly, because the authority of the authorities directly depends on the moral qualities of officials, their decency, honesty, selflessness in serving the state interests. Secondly, serious immoral misdeeds of civil servants are the strongest factor that destabilizes society and become the subject of close attention of the population. Thirdly, the very specifics of the profession - to be a conductor of the state will, always in the center of public attention, work with the population, a certain restriction of one's civil rights, and much more - dictates the need to develop specific moral standards of behavior.

Ethics public service- this is information adapted to the practical needs of the state and municipal service about the basic ethical concepts, patterns and trends in the formation service relations, about moral values ​​that inspire employees and their environment, about moral requirements for the forms, methods and style of service activities in the field of state and municipal government.

Of course, like any other professional ethics, the ethics of public service does not contain a single moral category that would not exist in universal morality. There cannot be any specific moral norm, peculiar only to a certain profession, an ethical quality that would not be positive for people of different professions. Responsibility, civic position, duty, honesty, communication skills patriotism, respect for a person of any nation or skin color, social origin or material wealth- all this is necessary for a civil servant no less than for a doctor, a banker, a teacher.

At the same time, the ethics of public service has its own specific features, priorities, and moral ideal. They are determined according to the relevant criteria, which also correspond to the moral character of a civil servant.

First, it must incorporate those moral norms and principles that are absolutely necessary (and not “optional”) for a person involved in public administration at any level.

Secondly, it is in the ethics of a civil servant that the rating of the importance of these norms and principles should be determined.

The considered system of ethical knowledge and practical advice is focused on the system of state and municipal service, which includes both intra-apparatus relations and relations that develop between the state and civil society institutions and individual citizens. Material carriers morality are not only individual employees, but above all the state apparatus of power as a system. Moral responsibility for implementation decisions taken are borne not only by individual employees, as "forced" performers, it lies with state structures and organizations, the system of power as a whole.

The answer to the question of who is the subject of ethical assessments of the actions and behavior of civil servants and state structures is determined by the fact that all these actions and deeds are evaluated not by civil servants personally and not even by individual bosses, but by society and legislation, voters and taxpayers. Employees in the process of performing their official duties implement not only their own moral ideas, but, above all, moral principles and norms, consecrated by public opinion, law and political guidelines of legitimate power.

According to the structure, the morality of a civil servant includes: moral values ​​are a set of moral principles, norms, beliefs that motivate specific behavior as opposed to all other ways of responding. On the general hierarchical organization of values ​​is built and individual system values, including the subjective value structure of each civil servant. The main values ​​of the ethics of a civil servant are humanism, professionalism, diligence, freedom, social justice, philanthropy, patriotism, internationalism. Many of these values ​​are, so to speak, officially recognized.

In general, moral values ​​are not imposed, they are not put forward as ideological attitudes that rigidly determine the actions of an employee and suppress his personality. In each specific case, the employee makes his own choice, justifies it himself, and bears responsibility for his actions and deeds. But, of course, not only officials are responsible. Indirectly, this responsibility lies with the state as a whole. After all, one can count on the high morality of the civil service only when civil servants are reliably protected socially and economically, protected by law from all kinds of rumors and rumors that undermine their authority and discredit their honor.

Secondly, this is a list of personal virtues of employees, their moral feelings and habits - honesty, modesty, discipline, compassion, respect, professional pride, self-esteem, in contrast to ambition, vanity, ambition, "power syndrome", etc. Moral feelings express both the subjective experiences of real relationships between people and the attitude of the employee to himself, to his place in society, in the service, in the immediate environment.

Thirdly, these are evaluative concepts - goodness, justice, incorruptibility, decency, honor, duty as the antipodes of bureaucracy, careerism, bribery, protectionism, servility, sycophancy. This kind of ideal requirements are the initial basis of strong moral foundations of administration, they set the prospect of a harmonious combination of personal, corporate and state interests;

Fourthly, these are the fundamental principles and norms of behavior in the service and in society - high-quality performance of official duty, loyalty to the authorities, patriotism. They are a kind of compass of the employee's behavior, form the motivation of his thoughts and actions, the moral position of the employee, the creed that he is guided by while performing his duties. They oppose irresponsibility and unprofessionalism, legal nihilism, pro-Westernism and separatism, disrespectful attitude towards their state and their people.

The main requirement for the professional ethics of a civil servant is that the moral position of a state and municipal employee, like no other employee, must be healthy and stable, as much as possible meet the moral ideal of a democratic, social, legal state. Of course, this is an ideal, in some ways even a utopian requirement. But one thing is undeniable: society and the state are harmed when people with a morally flawed, loose moral position, which easily changes depending on the situation and external circumstances, are detained in the service.

The ethics of public service is the professional morality of civil servants, which includes, ranked by importance, the basic moral standards and qualities necessary for the successful performance of official functions by employees of the apparatus of bodies. state power and local government.

It is possible to single out several blocks of moral requirements for employees, which make up the main content of the requirements taken into account in the selection for public service.

First of all, it is the moral ideal of the state as the leading moral construction of the state and municipal service. Such an ideal for us is the recognition of the inherent value of human life, the recognition and protection of the rights, freedoms and dignity of every person and citizen. This ideal organically fits into the system of democratic values, following it allows you to overcome the collapse of the social fabric, reduce the level of alienation of a person from power and power from society, and more tightly link the social life of each person with the realities of Russian statehood.

Such an ideal is achievable in the conditions of a democratic, legal, social, federal state - a state authoritative and respected both by its people and by the world community. It can rightfully be regarded as a powerful mobilizing factor and a benchmark for high-quality and efficient performance of official duty.

Next come the moral priorities that state and municipal employees should be guided by in their work: the interests of society and the state, the authority of the authorities, honest and responsible service, the protection of state and other secrets protected by law. Ultimately, as M. Weber formulated, any action of an official is subject to one of two fundamental principles: it can be focused either on the “ethics of conviction” (I act out of conviction and do not think about the consequences, I do not feel responsible for what will follow), or on the "ethics of responsibility" (I act with the consciousness of my own responsibility for the consequences of my actions).

We have already spoken about the principles of ethics of a civil servant as the most general requirements, expressing the essence of moral relations between an employee and the state, an employee and society, serving each other, including considering their legal consolidation (clause 1.1. of the work). Let's go back and take a closer look at them. They constitute the core of morality, act as a kind of spiritual guide for a person in a service environment. Note that the vast majority of them are not declared by the state, do not come down from above. They develop historically and express the interests of society and its requirements for moral essence a person endowed with power, in accordance with his special social status and appointment in the state system. Principles cannot be changed arbitrarily for the sake of momentary political gain or at someone's whim. Over time, the principles are enriched, filled with ever deeper content. Let's name the most important principles:

· loyalty to all branches of power, to the will of the voters, to state bodies and institutions, to the opposition and opponents of the government;

legality, i.e. strict observance of the letter and spirit of the law, the requirements of job descriptions;

· voluntary and conscious restriction by employees of some of their civil rights and freedoms;

conscientious and responsible performance of official duties - proceed from what is, and focus on what should be;

humanism and social justice.

Service in government is not a formal implementation of laws and job descriptions, but a meaningful activity in the name of a person, in the name of creating the most favorable conditions for the successful implementation of each citizen's interests, aspirations and abilities. Its main postulate is not power over people, but power for people.

For successful public administration in the name of creating a society worthy of a person, the state apparatus, the apparatus of local self-government bodies must be guided by the above principles.

Moral principles are implemented through compliance with relevant norms. These norms, like principles, can be classified. First of all, it is necessary to name the norms of a universal nature (this is the first block): honesty, truthfulness, goodwill, respect for the individual, etc. For example, with visitors, a representative of the authorities should behave calmly, with dignity, cultured, avoid frivolous promises. Of course, he should be modest, take care of his reputation and personal independence. A civil servant must avoid actions that shock others: drunkenness, carelessness, frivolity, disorder in family affairs, etc. are unacceptable.

These norms regulate almost the entire range of service relations, but their significance is especially manifested in the sphere of interaction between the state and society, the state apparatus and the citizen. Each employee must remember that his behavior and actions are judged not only about him, but also about the entire department, the authorities as a whole.

To the second block, we would include the moral norms of internal behavior: sociability, the ability to keep state and official secrets; discipline; rejection of such negative manifestations as servility, familiarity, gossip, intrigue. It is not proper for an employee to spread at work about his personal grievances and family troubles; you should not devote a third party to possible differences of opinion between him and the head of professional affairs; it is unacceptable to join groups that practice informal or incompetent interference in official affairs.

Finally, the third block is the moral standards for resolving official conflicts: personal balance, lack of extremism, the ability to find compromises, etc. An employee should not start litigation and lawsuits without the necessary grounds. If any, he is obliged to observe objectivity, to give accurate and reliable information.

Analysis, identification and study of the moral norms of the ethics of a civil servant, moral criteria for selection for public service are vital. These norms are the substantive basis in the work on the education of the necessary spiritual and moral qualities of state and municipal employees. They act as a criterion for assessing the professional suitability of a person to work in government bodies, institutions, career opportunities for an official. For the employee himself, they act as a "reference book", a guideline in resolving emerging moral conflicts.

Thus, the moral criteria for selection for the civil service serve to form the morality of civil servants, the socialization of the personality of a civil servant.

In general, the process of socialization of the personality of a civil servant is a continuous, rather contradictory and difficult process for many. Every day one has to make a choice between personal and public interests, between such concepts as duty, justice, patriotism, on the one hand, selfishness, personal material well-being, privileges, on the other. Moral regulators are often fear, shame, but the main thing is that conscience guides human behavior.

It is necessary to engage in moral introspection, self-control, moral self-education, develop ethical erudition, evaluate one's thoughts and actions.

All this is not easy, but only in this way is the moral character of the employee's personality formed. The science and practice of administrative activity cannot yet offer anything else.

In the process of moral socialization, an essential role is played by the moral diagnostics of an employee - the study of an employee in order to identify the level of his moral upbringing, moral culture. The following qualities are fixed in the structure of diagnostics: the depth of knowledge of the principles and norms of general and administrative ethics; development of moral consciousness and moral will; the nature of behavior in overcoming everyday and professional difficulties; style of behavior in extreme and conflict situations; resistance to the temptations of power. All these indicators act as a kind of indicators of the level of employee morality.

Moral diagnostics is extremely important in personnel practice. After all, it is no secret that when hiring a person or ensuring his career advancement, we look, first of all, at him as a specialist. What are his moral attitudes and spiritual and moral guidelines, what is the level of moral stability, we are rarely interested.

Self-assessment, self-control, self-affirmation, self-education, external moral influence are elements of one chain. All moral principles and norms seem quite clear and simple. But this is only at first glance, and they are only the minimum that must be mastered in order to become a civil servant of a modern formation.

So far, in our civil service system, the norms of civil service ethics are being introduced slowly, with great difficulty. Many of them are deformed or simply trampled. Age-old traditions, habits and stereotypes (and not only good ones) are very stable, old moral norms and assessments persist even when life has changed a long time ago. Therefore, today, more than ever, purposeful and consistent efforts are needed to purify the moral and psychological atmosphere of the apparatus and improve the way of life of the bureaucracy.

ethics civil servant

The transition from various forms of professional training to the improvement of its content, including ethics, is becoming relevant today. AT modern society Attention to the issues of ethics of civil servants is constantly growing. This is due to the increasingly pronounced dependence of the prospects for the development of human civilization on the moral principles and norms that employees are guided by in their activities.

The problems of ethical regulation of the activities of civil servants today are the subject of consideration of a special science - bioethics, within which the foundations of the moral regulation of the relationship between the civil service and society are developed.

The ethics of a civil servant is influenced by moral regulators. At the same time, the ethical model of action of a civil servant cannot be a simple consequence of the influence of general regulators. The civil service, as one of the central elements of social management, has a significant impact on the formatting of the elements of the social system. In other words, a civil servant, by virtue of his position, sets a moral model of behavior. Thus, the ethical regulators of the actions of a civil servant, on the one hand, objectively reflect the prevailing public moral system, and, on the other hand, influence it “only the aggregate moral and aesthetic values ​​​​learned and creatively processed by municipal employees, significantly exceeding the life values ​​established in each society. standards, allow him to occupy the status appropriate to his personality.

The abilities of a civil servant - features that are subjective conditions successful implementation management activities. These features have a complex structure that allows a compensatory mechanism to manifest itself, thanks to which strongly pronounced abilities can compensate for the insufficient development of others in managerial activity. The qualities and abilities of the staff are closely interconnected, it is sometimes almost impossible to separate them. And yet, the qualities of a civil servant are the result of the realization of his abilities in the process of managerial activity. Therefore, abilities are, as it were, hidden capabilities of the personnel, which are manifested and revealed under certain conditions. And since ethics is a component of professional activity, the effectiveness of the activity of a civil servant and the public service as a whole depends on it. The peculiarity of the ethics of a civil servant is that he must have knowledge of the characteristics of the relevant managed sphere.

When evaluating professional activity, it is necessary to take into account the following qualities: abilities, skills, knowledge, experience. In addition, personnel assessment helps to solve other problems:

  • 1) identifying the potential opportunities of a civil servant with the aim of his promotion;
  • 2) stimulation of advanced training and growth of professionalism of employees;
  • 3) application of incentive measures or liability to the employee;
  • 4) formation of professional personnel potential and personnel reserve;
  • 5) maintaining stability and legality in the civil service.

From our point of view, in methodological terms, the construction of an integral system of personnel policy of the state, region, region should take place in the following sequence: state ideology - doctrine (mission of the state) - concept (development strategy) - personnel policy - personnel program - specific action plan for implementation programs.

In the conditions of public service, specific opportunities have developed for the formation of professional ethics of bureaucracy. They are related:

  • 1) with external factors - economic, social, political situation, cultural and ethnic features of development, etc.
  • 2) with internal factors - the degree of formation of the regulatory framework, the state of the material and technical base of the civil service in the regions, professional experience, qualifications of officials, etc.

Based on this approach, the following features of the ethics of a civil servant can be distinguished, which are presented in Table 1.

Such concepts as "honor of an employee", "sense of professional duty", "professional solidarity" have always been and are being brought up in large stable structures and organizations of the world. In developed countries - France, Germany, Japan, England - the honor and responsibility of a civil servant are integral professional qualities that largely regulate the style of activity and influence decision-making. In our country, the education of a civil servant is currently being neglected, therefore, in the future we will not be able to count on the devotion of civil servants to their work and will be forced to satisfy their personal needs, as is most often the case now.

Table 1. Features of the ethics of a civil servant

the formation and development of the professional and social competence of employees in the context of overcoming the crisis of society and stabilizing the economic, political and social situation correlates with the main determinants of the formation and development of the civil service and the socio-professional group (population)

the level of ethics of civil servants depends on personal characteristics

social adaptation of a civil servant to social transformations is directly proportional to ethics;

the ethics of a civil servant affects social well-being;

the level of ethics of a civil servant does not depend on the degree of career preferences;

the level of ethics in the self-assessments of a civil servant must be sufficiently high;

The assessment of the level of ethics of a civil servant by the population is influenced by:

  • a) objective reasons - the presence of unresolved problems in the public service, the relative closeness and inaccessibility of the administration
  • b) subjective reasons - a biased attitude towards all bureaucracy, personal characteristics

the socio-economic situation causes dissatisfaction of the population with the work of the civil service, which is undoubtedly reflected in the underestimation of the level of ethics of a civil servant;

the ethics of a civil servant, being an element of social competence, is directly dependent on the level of the latter;

information provided by the media has a significant impact on the formation of the attitude of the population towards the civil service as a whole and its individual representatives, often not quite adequate.

The ethical skills of a public servant include:

  • 1) The knowledge of a civil servant is the result of mental activity included in the management process and means the assimilation of facts, concepts, laws, etc. The level of knowledge, their tireless replenishment is one of the criteria for the effectiveness of managerial work. It is customary to distinguish between scientific and everyday knowledge, complete and incomplete, systemic and unsystematic. A special role in acquiring, consolidating and replenishing knowledge, in developing the necessary skills and abilities on their basis belongs to the system of continuous education of employees, which stimulates a creative approach to business.
  • 2) The skills of a civil servant are relatively stable characteristics that depend on the abilities, knowledge and the very nature of managerial activity. In essence, the skills of an employee are knowledge embodied in solving specific management problems, i.e. mastered and implemented in practice model of activity. These include the ability of an employee to quickly understand the essence of the matter, analyze the situation comprehensively, highlight the key problem, find its constructive solution, etc.
  • 3) The skills of a civil servant are skills brought to automatism, often carried out without thinking. They are acquired in conditions when in practice the employee constantly deals with typical managerial situations. Skills allow you to save time, act with a minimum of errors and miscalculations.
  • 4) The experience of a civil servant is a property formed through training and practice in a broad sense - the unity of knowledge, skills and abilities. Experience grows, as a rule, with work experience. As a result of the practical activity of an employee, he reflects the level of mastery of the "secrets" of managerial work, achieved by him on this moment. First of all, the employee gets acquainted with the structure of the organization, with his specific job. Masters the activities regulated by the constitution, charter public education, department regulations, job description and all the nuances associated with the situation, both in the organization and in the external environment.

So that government bodies the authorities could not only work optimally in a situation of such rapid changes, but also effectively influence these changes, it is necessary to pay more attention to such an important internal resource of the organization as human resources. The head of the administration or those institutions that train civil servants should have some model of the activity of a new generation of employees, a model for its formation, as well as an evaluation card that would not include a bare list of functional duties and rights, but would really help to evaluate and form qualities required of a public servant.

The spiritual image of a civil servant is inextricably linked with his professional activities. At the same time, not only legal, but also moral values ​​play a very important role in its responsible and versatile activities. Among them are such as honor and dignity, goodness, justice, duty, addressed to the service of the people and, according to their results, aimed at the prosperity of society. The famous Russian philosopher I. A. Ilyin drew attention to the importance of observing these qualities of representatives of the civil service. He wrote bitterly: “... It is impossible for wretched people with evil will to update and improve public life. The greedy will use all means to enrich himself in an unrighteous way, the corrupt will sell everything, the unspiritual will turn his whole life into a secret and overt crime... no threat..."

The professional ethics of a civil servant in Russian society is necessary for a number of reasons. Firstly, because the authority of the authorities directly depends on the moral qualities of employees: honesty, justice, decency, duty. Secondly, serious immoral offenses in the activities and behavior of a civil servant are an important factor that can lead to the destabilization of society, and is the subject of close attention of the general population. Thirdly, the specificity of the profession of a civil servant in Russia is associated with the implementation of the will of the state, activities with the population, substantiation of the priority programs of the leadership of the Russian Federation. And this, in turn, dictates the need to comply with certain moral standards of behavior.

It should be noted that the professional ethics of a civil servant is determined by the rules common to any professional morality. It should be borne in mind that it, like other professional systems (doctor, scientist, military man, lawyer, etc.), does not contain a single moral category that would not exist in universal human morality. So, responsibility, civil position, justice, conscience - all this, necessary for the activities of a civil servant, is also included in the register of mandatory moral standards for specialists in other professions.

The professional ethics of a civil servant is the professional morality of state and municipal employees, which includes a set of basic moral qualities, values, norms, prescriptions, ranked by importance, that are objectively necessary for the successful performance of their official functions.

It is impossible to ignore the position that the professional ethics of a civil servant is inextricably linked and is part of philosophical science - ethics, which considers the objectification of moral norms and principles for the behavior of officials, including those working in the institutions of state power of the Russian Federation.

The basic moral qualities (norms) of the behavior of a civil servant in Russia can, although rather conditionally, be differentiated into a number of groups. The dominant ones are as follows.

The first is the qualities and norms of behavior determined by the characteristics of the activity of a civil servant. Such norms are: correctness, rejection of bribery, respect for any citizen who came to receive a certain service in a public institution; justice in solving various kinds of problems of certain associations of citizens or individual ones; voluntary restriction of one’s civil rights (for example, to public criticism of state policy; speaking in the media on the insolvency of the activities of certain high-ranking government officials; making promises to citizens and institutions to resolve this or that issue on their own without observing official procedures, etc. .); the need to keep state secrets; make critical statements abroad about the activities of government officials and institutions of the Russian Federation, etc.

The second is the specific moral norms of behavior arising from the nature of the work. structural features staff of a government agency. These are such norms as: self-discipline, organization, intolerance for such negative manifestations as evil, intrigue, servility, swagger, ignorance, etc.

It is noteworthy that the hero drew attention to the need to combat ignorance in the activities of state officials and their environment. Patriotic War 1812 humanist D. Davydov. He bitterly stated: “I, already old, will not be able to see the era of the revival of Russia. Woe to her if by the time when the activities of intelligent and knowledgeable people will be most necessary to her, our government will be surrounded only by a crowd of incapable and stubborn people in their ignorance! The efforts of these individuals to prevent the just demands of the century from reaching it can plunge the state into a series of terrible evils.

This should also include the characteristic norms for resolving service conflicts. These are such as the primacy of state affairs over personal and corporate ones; exactingness and integrity; the ability to find compromises in a contradictory situation; support for business stability in the workforce.

Identification and study of the moral principles and norms of professional ethics of a civil servant are necessary for his practical activities. First, they are the substantive basis for all activities aimed at developing the necessary moral qualities of civil servants. Secondly, they appear as a kind of criterion for the professional suitability of a person in public institutions. Thirdly, for the personality of a civil servant, they act as a certain guideline in resolving certain moral contradictions.

The researcher A.S. Kapto quite accurately expressed his opinion on this issue: “Truthfulness and honesty in relation to society and in relations between people are firm norms of political ethics. But, as you know, in life they were not always observed ... Modern politicians also succeed in this “craft”. This burden weighs on the political life of society, which hinders the process of its renewal.

Modern contradictory processes occurring in all spheres of life Russian society, require the improvement of the state and development of the moral climate in the public service system. Along with this, creating new forms of organizing the life of society, it is necessary to actively influence the level of the moral state of the personality of a civil servant. In this regard, an important problem is the nature of the moral requirements that apply to civil servants of the Russian Federation. They can be classified into the following:

- moral requirements of a professional nature;

- moral requirements in relations with colleagues;

— moral requirements for self-education and skill level;

- moral standards of communication with citizens;

- moral imperatives of off-duty behavior of the individual;

- moral requirements and relationships in the family and household sphere;

- moral norms of relations with the commanding staff.

In turn, the general moral values ​​of the behavior of civil servants can be represented in the following imperatives:

— conscientiously follow the oath and moral requirements of public administration;

- bring to the attention of the direct management all the circumstances and facts relating to the personality of a civil servant and affecting his moral authority;

- respect the human dignity, individuality, experience and efficiency of employees, provide them with the necessary assistance, do not shift their mistakes and miscalculations onto them, do not appropriate other people's successes and merits; the obligation to timely and accurately execute, within the boundaries of the law, the instructions and instructions of the management;

- inform him in detail about all the facts and phenomena directly related to the work; not to inform third parties of alleged contradictions in the field professional competencies;

— fulfilling their duties, comply with the law and legal norms, improve professional knowledge, engage in self-education;

- do not accept gifts (including his relatives) from persons or organizations officially associated with them;

- not to become a member of an organization pursuing prohibited goals, illegally operating political parties, religious sects.

A number of these provisions have received legal consolidation in the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”.

At present, the ethics of dignity and self-respect are becoming relevant in the professional activities of a civil servant. . It includes a number of important components of the spiritual world of a civil servant, on the basis of which a moral foundation is created that activates the development of ethics in general.

These components include:

1. Leadership. Naturally, a leader who occupies a certain position in the public service (unlike the leader, for example, of any campaign, who cares only about his own employees), has moral obligations not only to his subordinates, but also to society. Hence, it is very important that a civil servant needs such a style of activity, which is based on an understanding of a sense of responsibility for personal actions leading to the stability of Russian society in all its spheres.

2. Moral self-esteem. It refers to a set of consistent measures taken by public authorities in order to overcome the low level of ethical literacy of their employees. The phenomena of corruption, lobbying for the interests of certain corporations, the political situation and other negative phenomena in the life of various levels of civil servants, often beyond the law and morality, are largely associated with the lack of objective moral self-esteem in such persons. That is why moral self-esteem and the problem of its formation in a civil servant call for a balanced determination of the degree of their moral obligations to society.

3: Courage. In state activity, it is important to possess this quality, despite the official position of the “subordinate-chief” link. Courage is also needed in relations both with comrades in the service, and between officials of various levels of power, representatives of expertise. Courage is necessary both in making various kinds of responsible decisions by civil servants, and in bringing them to realization in life: politics, economics, culture, and the social sphere.

3. Optimism. This is the quality of a public servant, based on a deep knowledge of their activities and responsible decisions. It enables the individual to see positive prospects in the complex, contradictory social development (or in certain areas of life). In the case when a civil servant does not have optimism, is not capable and indifferent, apathy and moral emptiness may set in, which do not allow him to effectively and purposefully serve the society.

In the context of the process of modernization of Russian society, the activity of representatives of state power, based on their individually high morality, acquires relevance. So, N. A. Berdyaev, noting the practical significance of this problem in relation to representatives of the right branch of state activity, wrote: “Protection of the order of life and honor can only be awarded to knights, and not to the scum of society, from whom the modern state recruits police.”

Thus, the rights and obligations of a civil servant determine not only the measure of his legal responsibility, but also the space in which his basic moral values ​​operate, as well as the sources that nourish the ethics of the individual, inseparable from the goals of serving Russia.

Lecture 1. Service ethics. Concept, essence.

It is an indisputable fact that there is no personality outside of communication. But the process of communication cannot be spontaneous, unpredictable. In order for it to proceed normally, without conflict, and lead to expected and significant results for both parties, it must obey certain rules of external behavior, the totality of which is denoted by the concept of "etiquette".

However, the unwritten rules themselves, regulating the external manifestations of human relationships, cultivating the habit of coordinating one's actions with ideas of respect, benevolence and trust, were developed much earlier. They are conditioned by the needs of the survival and normal functioning of the social organism, the need to muffle the natural instincts inherent in each individual and oppose them with the rules of communication based on mutual respect for interests and mutual support.

A fairly common point of view is that etiquette, as an element of a person’s external behavior, is not organically connected with his morality: a person with refined manners, who has absorbed the wisdom of politeness from childhood, can remain arrogant, inhumane, immoral. However, such a person is unlikely to be able to mislead the people around him for a long time regarding the right to be called a cultured, educated person. External form behavior, devoid of a moral basis, loses its meaning, acquiring only the appearance of disguised rudeness and disrespect for people, which will come out sooner or later. “Icy” or “boorish” politeness has nothing to do with the true culture of a person. The rules of etiquette, observed only externally, allow a person, depending on the circumstances and individual character traits, to easily deviate from them.

Service ethics 1 is the broadest concept in the field of professional ethics. Service ethics is understood as a set of the most general norms, rules and principles of human behavior in the sphere of his professional, production and official activities. These rules must be observed by every person who has begun to work. The number of these rules is small. The vast majority of them are formulated in an extremely general form in order to be detailed in relation to specific types of activity. Business Ethics Requirements:

Discipline. The concretization of this concept occurs depending on the specifics and content of labor. For example, in animal husbandry, the concept of discipline will be determined by the life cycles of those animals that are cared for.

Saving material resources provided to the employee for the implementation of production activities. These resources can be very different. The need to replenish lost resources is a heavy burden on profits and production costs, hence the requirement to minimize losses. This norm includes the conservation of heat, buildings, equipment, materials, etc.

The correctness of interpersonal relationships. A person in the sphere of his work activity should behave in such a way that interpersonal conflicts arise as little as possible, and that other people feel comfortable working next to him in direct and indirect interpersonal contact.

All these requirements are divided into two subgroups. The first subgroup: includes requirements in interpersonal contacts horizontally (subordinate - subordinate, leader-manager). The second subgroup: includes requirements in interpersonal contacts along the vertical (subordinate - leader). Here the main requirement for a subordinate is the recognition of the very right of the leader to give orders, which includes functional duties assumed by a person under an employment contract.

The subordinate must, based on these duties, build his behavior accordingly, and not use various forms evasion of orders. Evasion can be open, public, with certain conditions imposed on the leader. It can be hidden, take on the character of a secret (with the help of facial expressions, gestures, individual words) provoking the leader to open actions against a subordinate. In these situations, the subordinate may often appear to the environment as the suffering side, and the leader's reaction to him may be inadequate. One of the reasons for such behavior of subordinates may be the desire to acquire a certain social capital, to look persecuted, to acquire the status of an informal leader, to achieve some benefits for themselves, etc.

Lecture 2

1. Ethics of public service as a unity of professional and managerial systems

Civil service 2 - a specific type of activity related to the implementation of state policy and the implementation on behalf of the state of the main economic, social and political programs among the population. The origins of the civil service are looking for in the origins of the formation of the state, so in the twentieth century. BC In ancient Sumer there was the first uprising for social justice against the state apparatus, the beginnings of a bicameral parliament and ethical rules of the civil service appeared there.

Ancient Greece and Imperial Rome played a large role in the formation of the ethics of public service as prototypes of modern bourgeois states. The nature of power was analyzed in them, the concepts of "power", "interaction with society", "the role of law" began to form in philosophy.

A significant role in shaping the ethics of the civil service was played by the historical realities of the formation of the civil service in a particular country. They made ethical requirements more specific, conditioned by the historical realities of a given country.

The civil service assumes that each employee has a certain amount of administrative authority, therefore the ethics of the civil service includes all the main elements of the ethics and culture of management (decision-making, its preparation, implementation, anticipation of the consequences of decisions made, etc.). At different levels of public service, the volume of power-administrative powers is different. At the grassroots levels, the volume of these powers is small due to the strict centralization of the civil service, ordinary workers perform executive functions, but, nevertheless, they have a certain set of powers.

The ethics of public service includes a number of elements of the ethics of ideologized systems: the requirement that the main personal qualities be subordinated to the specifics of the idea being achieved (realized), the exclusion of all those who are unable to apply those methods and methods that are necessary to achieve the set goals. In the civil service system, there have always been formal or informal ways to monitor the behavior of public officials for compliance with their standards for civil servants in a given period. There is a system of internal punishments for civil servants.

In the organization of the civil service and its functioning, there are many specific points that operate in conflict with the moral qualities required of a civil servant. The morality of officials is decomposing, as it were, from within. Such features that negatively affect the morale of civil servants are:

Specific form of remuneration in the public service;

Its territorial structure;

Vertical alignment in the direction of activity;

The special nature of labor turnover;

Particular interest of certain segments of the population in the activities of the civil service.

Thus, the ethics of a civil servant seems to be a rather unstable, vulnerable complex of qualities that strongly depends on the circumstances. On the other hand, a civil servant is the face of the state and the nation, the key to the successful functioning of the state. Therefore, there are a number of qualities that a civil servant must necessarily possess. In this regard, law plays a decisive role in the organization of the public service.

4.1. Concepts of professional ethics and professional deontology. In the second section, we move from consideration of questions of theoretical ethics to problems of practical, applied ethics. This branch of the science of morality covers the mores of specific people and social groups. One of the varieties of applied ethics is professional ethics- the direction of ethics, which explores the morals of members of a certain professional community, their moral guidelines and the ethical problems they face. In the specific conditions of professional activity, general ethical values ​​are closely intertwined with the norms of professional morality. Such studies are analytical and recommendatory in nature.

The most important area of ​​professional morality is professional deontology. In the interpretation of specialists professional deontology- (from the Greek deontos - due, logos - teaching) is “a part of professional ethics that studies a set of moral norms that unambiguously regulate the proper behavior of a person in a certain professional field and bearing concrete-imperative character; unlike the norms of ordinary ethics, these norms do not give the right to choose, are fixed in official documents and are provided with administrative (ie legal) sanctions” 13 . Among the deontological acts are the texts of oaths, oaths, charters, moral codes and individual laws affecting the moral duties of representatives of a particular profession. Due to the special social significance, the principles of professional deontology to varying degrees regulate the actions of people in the professions of a doctor, law enforcement lawyer, military man, teacher, and official.

Below, in the chapters of this section, we will turn to the study of the morals of the community of civil servants, identify the moral regulators that they are guided by, outline the ethical problems of the civil service that concern society and the officials themselves, and try to understand possible ways to resolve them.

Professional ethics of civil servants- a system of norms regulating the behavior of officials in the specific conditions of the civil service. In Russia, according to the federal law “On the Fundamentals of the Civil Service of the Russian Federation”, only persons holding public positions are included in the category of “civil servants” in state bodies, i.e. endowed power institutions of the state, and not in any state organizations. “Public service” in Russian law is defined as work performed in state bodies, i.e. administrative structures of the state and differing in content and form from the executive labor of workers.

Therefore, the subjects work ethics persons professionally engaged in managerial activities in public service bodies act. The subject of civil service pro-ethics is the attitude of civil servants to the moral values ​​of society, the institution of the state and their profession, the embodiment of these moral guidelines in specific actual work and private life.

4.2. Civil servants as carriers of professional subculture. In order to begin to identify and describe the moral orientations of officials, we need to choose a perspective for isolating their internal socio-cultural organization. An "explanatory model" that allows us to consider bureaucracy as a specific professional community, a corporation with relatively common internal values ​​and problems, is the concept of subculture.

In the humanities subculture- (from lat. sub - under) is the culture of a certain local social community. In this sense, a subculture is a set of values, meanings and means of expression, with the help of which a local human group, occupying a specific position in society, tries to assimilate and rethink the dominant value system. A subculture as a culture of a community or a corporation can also be defined in a certain context as a corporate culture 14 - we will use these concepts in our work as synonyms. The characteristic features of a subculture or corporate culture of a micro or macro community are:

    Organizational structure caused by professional traditions, activity profile and the specifics of the tasks being solved;

    “Corporate Consciousness” (self-identification, self-awareness, intellect, mentality, coordinate system that sets the mindset of community members);

    Deontology and regulators of behavior (professional norms, job descriptions, inner order rules)

    A peculiar "style" of behavior, involving the creation and maintenance of a certain image (image)

    Manners of behavior (etiquette, protocol, "rules of the game" adopted in the corporation);

    Jargon, language or speech standards and rules adopted in this group; this may also include the standards of the official, business correspondence, forms of greeting and formal address to management and colleagues

    Presentation of corporation members about their social “mission” as a program of social tasks and priorities that are not directly related to the commercial effect and making a profit, characterizing the impact of the service provided by the community on the style, quality and lifestyle of consumers;

    Understanding by the members of the corporation of the process of civilization as a moral and organizational improvement of themselves and their community

    Temporary rhythmization of life activity. Artificial adjustment of the rhythms of time, which, depending on the degree of intensity of experience, saturation with events, can be either spiral (cyclic, sluggish, stagnant) or linear (progressive, active, capacious, meaningful)

    Organization of the spatial landscape. Artificial construction of a professional environment and its reverse impact on the collective consciousness and psyche of people

    Mechanisms for entry (incorporation) and expulsion (culling) of corporation members. The "filters" used by the community for selection (professional, qualifying, intellectual, ethical qualifications - requirements, compliance with which is the basis for admission to the corporation, and non-compliance - for expulsion)

    Organization of power as a mechanism for control and distribution of social benefits (public recognition, organizational resources, salaries)

    Formal and informal "centers of power" and elites (persons and groups of persons with ethical, professional authority, which act as sources of moral and organizational impulses)

    The state of the socio-psychological climate.

    Ethical typology of subjects - members of the corporation, their pros and cons, optimal and undesirable roles, specific gravity, proportion of types, the search for their optimal combination;

    The ratio of traditions and innovations (established models of organization and new ideas, social, professional values, technologies)

    The ratio of "ritual" and everyday as a proportional combination of solemn events and everyday situations. At the same time, the ritual (corporate holiday, meeting, congress, oath, awarding) performs the function of moral and psychological adjustment of the team members to group, corporate values, leads to their inspiration. Between rituals, in ordinary situations, members of the corporation live in “exalted” states by inertia, and when the psychological “charge” weakens, a need arises for a new ritual.

    The ratio of "playful" and "serious" as a combination of free, creative, personal, informal and official relations; at the same time, a certain, harmonious balance is important;

    The historical “challenges” facing the corporation (global and local) and the “answers” ​​developed by the community in the form of new ideas, solutions and values. This also includes forecasts. problem situations, unfavorable scenarios, their prevention;

    The attitude of a corporation to other corporations - players in this cultural, social, professional field.

    Assessment of social, professional, economic efficiency applied strategies for correcting the socio-psychological climate, methods for cultivating high ethical and organizational standards.

Through the prism of some of these criteria, we will try to consider the mentality, corporate culture and work ethics of bureaucracy in the retrospective of Russian history. Or the subculture of bureaucracy in the retrospective of Russian history.

Questions for self-control

    What is the specificity of applied, in particular professional ethics?

    What is "professional deontology"?

    What is meant by the term "subculture"?

    How can the concepts of "professional subculture", "corporate culture" be interpreted?

    What are the main criteria for describing a professional subculture (corporate culture of the professional community)?

List of additional literature

    P.S. Gurevich. Subculture // Culturology of the XX century. Dictionary. - "University Book", St. Petersburg. 1997, pp. 450-453

    Pigalev A.I. The concepts of traditional culture, mass culture, subculture, counterculture // Pigalev A.I. Culturology. A course of lectures - Volgograd, Ed. VolSU, 2002

    Spivak V.A. Corporate culture. Theory and practice. - St. Petersburg, 2001

    Features of the professional ethics of law enforcement officers // Ethics of law enforcement officers - "Shield-M", M., 2001. - pp. 12-21

Control tasks for self-examination

Exercise 1.

Professional subculture is:

    a culture that radically opposes itself to other cultures

    professional community culture

    mass culture

Task 2.

Professional deontology is:

    attitudes and motivations of members of the professional community related to making a profit

    a set of norms that unambiguously regulate the proper behavior of a person in a certain professional area is enshrined in the texts of oaths, oaths, moral codes, charters, etc.

    the image of the professional community in public perception

Task 3.

The social mission of the professional community is:

    a system of sociocultural priorities that are not directly related to making a profit, characterizing the impact of the service produced by this community on the image, style, quality of life of the consumer

    motivations of members of the professional community related exclusively to making a profit

    setting to search for new resources for the development of the professional community.

Task 4. Choose correct option response:

The mechanism of incorporation into the professional community is:

    a mechanism for incorporating new members into the corporation based on certain requirements, qualifications, etc.

    mechanism for implementing innovations

    mechanism for the expulsion of discredited members of the community