Ethics of service relations. Service ethics of the head

2 Norms and requirements of professional ethics

Service ethics is the broadest concept in the field professional ethics. Service ethics is understood as the totality of the most general norms, rules and principles of human behavior in the sphere of his professional, industrial and official activities. These rules must be observed by every person who has begun to work. The number of these rules is small. The vast majority of them are formulated in the limiting general view, in order to be detailed in relation to specific activities. Business Ethics Requirements:

1. Discipline. The concretization of this concept occurs depending on the specifics and content of labor. For example, in animal husbandry, the concept of discipline will be defined life cycles the animals they care for.

2. Savings material resources provided to the employee for the implementation of production activities. These resources can be very different. The need to replenish lost resources is a heavy burden on profits and production costs, hence the requirement to minimize losses. This norm includes saving heat, buildings, equipment, materials, etc.

3. Correctness of interpersonal relations. A person in the sphere of his labor activity should behave in such a way that as little as possible interpersonal conflicts and that other people feel comfortable working next to him in direct and indirect interpersonal contact.

All these requirements are divided into two subgroups. The first subgroup: includes requirements in interpersonal contacts horizontally (subordinate - subordinate, leader-manager). The second subgroup: includes requirements in interpersonal contacts along the vertical (subordinate - leader). Here the main requirement for the subordinate is the recognition of the very right of the leader to give orders, which includes functional responsibilities assumed by the person employment contract.

The subordinate must, based on these duties, build his behavior accordingly, and not use various forms evasion of orders. Evasion can be open, public, with certain conditions imposed on the leader. It can be hidden, take on the character of a secret (with the help of facial expressions, gestures, individual words) provoking the leader to open actions against a subordinate. In these situations, the subordinate may often appear to the environment as the suffering party, and the leader's reaction to him may be inadequate. One of the reasons for such behavior of subordinates may be the desire to acquire a certain social capital, to look persecuted, to acquire the status of an informal leader, to achieve some benefits for themselves, etc.

The ethics of a leader lies in the need to combine the basic management principles (purely professional) with universal moral requirements and implies knowledge of the basic norms of relationships between people, between an individual and a group, a team, between teams.

Service ethics focuses on such norms of behavior that are directly related to the relationship of people in the process of implementing managerial functions.

She emphasizes the particular importance of complying with these norms. Thus, work ethics prescribes the leader to be objective and fair in relation to all subordinates, equal in treating them, to be principled in business, demanding and at the same time tolerant of people, tactful, to take care of creating a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team.

3 business card. Types of business cards

A business card, whether business, professional or personal, represents the owner or announces their immediate arrival. Quite often stranger first he will see the business card, and then only the person about whom it is spoken, therefore it is important that the business cards are verified in every detail and create a favorable image of your company and yourself. Unable to create best impression using second grade materials.

Top management, who understands this, adheres to such a rule for each employee of his company; otherwise, saving on them creates bad opinion about an executive who has finely engraved cards for himself and cheap, scruffy printed cards for his sales reps.

The best way check if your cards are flawless - ask an experienced merchant for advice stationery, but not from the inferior printers around the corner and not from any stationery dealer on the main street, as there are many bad quality cards for sale, although they may look smart and attractive.

All business cards should be printed with cliches on cardboard good quality. it general requirement applied to business, professional and personal business cards. Otherwise, the differences between these three groups are insignificant.

In modern practice, two types of business cards are used: business and personal, each of which has its own varieties.

Business business cards are an essential attribute of modern official communication. There are certain standards for placing text on such cards.

Imagine classic version: at the top in the center - the name of the company (organization, institution) in which the owner of the business card works, below in the center - the last name, first name and patronymic, even lower - the position held, as well as the title and academic degree. In the lower left corner, the address of the institution where the cardholder works is printed. Other information - office phone number, fax number, address Email, the address of the company's website - are placed in the lower right corner (usually each element on a separate line). In favor of placing the phone number in the right corner, in particular, the following consideration speaks: when dialing a number, a business card is usually held with the left hand, and if the number is printed on the left, then holding the card becomes inconvenient. At the same time, in order to "balance" the placement of elements on the surface of a business card, it is allowed to place some of the information in the lower left corner as well.

Also, for an important official, the president of the company, the owner of the enterprise, it is allowed to indicate his name above all other information.

The state emblem and flag are applied to the business cards of government officials. A business card without an official address does not comply with etiquette (with the exception of diplomats and senior government officials). If the organization has several branches, the business cards of its representatives can indicate the home address and telephone number, if necessary, enter it by hand, this even creates some confidence in communication. When changing the number, it is allowed to cross out the old one and carefully enter the new one, but it is not worth carrying out such operations with the address or position.

There are two types of business cards: representative and company card. On the representative indicate the name, surname, position and full name of the organization without any coordinates. They are used for special and representative purposes. By the way, there are business cards without indicating the position at all: these are awarded only to ladies.

The company card, on the contrary, includes full information about the name and location of the organization, as well as phone numbers and email address. They are used at presentations, exhibitions, when presenting gifts, congratulations from the company, etc.

The second type of business cards is personal. They can contain the name and surname of the owner, as well as any additional information that a person wants to enter there (company address, phone numbers, personal website address, e-mail, title or academic degree). A variation of a personal card is a family business card or spouse card. It is used when making acquaintances, sending greetings to family friends or attached to gifts. It must be remembered that the name of the wife on such cards is placed before the name of the husband, the address is indicated at will. Oddly enough, but children's business cards also exist. When making them, you can somewhat deviate from the rigid norms of the adult world and create something individual and interesting. Of course, this kind of business cards are not often in demand in business circles, but sometimes they can be very useful. For example, if a child gets lost in a supermarket or goes to a holiday camp, the number mobile phone parents entered in the card will always be with him, and if necessary, educators will be able to use it.

For scientists and creative workers, who often work at home, a combined business card was created, in which, along with service coordinates (in the lower left corner), home coordinates (in the lower right corner) are also indicated. True, women are most often limited to only a business phone number. When holding large events - conferences, presentations, exhibitions, festivals, their organizers order large business cards - badges indicating the name, patronymic, surname, academic title, position, company name, educational institution or scientific center that this member represents. Badges are pinned on the left side of the chest and are worn exclusively in the building where the event takes place. Perhaps the badge is the only business card on which it is sometimes appropriate to place a photograph of a person next to his name; such an object should not be placed on other cards.

A modern person, in addition to business, needs to have secular business cards. Firstly, it is considered bad form to use business cards in social life, and secondly, such a distinction will allow you to either emphasize the formality of relations or express your special friendly disposition without unnecessary emotional costs.

On secular business cards, it is permissible to indicate information about the profession, honorary and academic titles. A secular business card can be sent as an invitation to an informal reception or as an accompaniment of a check to a doctor, a notary. Business cards on parchment paper ordered from a calligrapher are considered especially chic.

Every man who considers himself a gentleman should have such exclusive business cards in order to send them to the ladies with flowers or a gift.

However, in Kodak and many other branches of foreign corporations, employees order business cards with photographs. Many consultants, product and service promotion managers order such business cards because they allow you to better remember their owners and invite you to further communication. But if you want to make a statement about your importance, it's best not only not to make business cards with a photo portrait, but also not to use a lot of colors. Two colors (black + any other) is enough. Colorful cards are made only by those workers who use them as an advertisement for their salon, shop, club. Colored business cards with drawings are suitable for all designers - from fashion designers to website creators. The main thing is that the business card confirms that its owner has taste and creativity. colored paper for a business card is justified if it is a detail of corporate style. It turns out that for both the poor and the rich, the simpler the better.

In a little business card modern owners strive to squeeze in as much information as possible: emblems and symbols, trademarks, photos, drawings of coats of arms and flags! But amid this confusion, there is a special class of professionally and artistically made, stylish business cards. Such business cards become works of art, "graphics of ultra-small forms", as well as subjects of exhibitions and various competitions. Manufacturers also surprise with the materials from which business cards are made: plastic, wood, fabric, leather, magnetized rubber, aluminium foil, tin, natural mica... It is worth noting that most often the cards created by designers for themselves and about themselves (or for their studio) become artistically valuable. Shoemaker - he can do without boots. But a true artist is simply obliged to have a business card - "self-portrait".

There are also secular cards for special occasions. For example, it can be a bride's business card or a miniature newborn business card attached with a ribbon to the mother's card - a charming message to family and friends about the birth of a baby.

In the following ways: - Photographic method; - Printing on a printer or copier; - Printing on a digital printing machine; - Stencil method; - Offset printing. Finishing of business cards consists of three stages: 1. Thermography. 2. Hot stamping. 3. Cutting business cards. 2.2. Notes and inscriptions on business cards. For notes and...

But also, in turn, congratulate the partner. To do this, write p.r.f.N.A. - “to thank you and wish you a Happy New Year.” p.r. (pour remercier) - an expression of gratitude; Condolence. Business card with letters p.c. (pour condoleance) - as a condolence should be sent in the event of the death of a business partner. Farewell when leaving for a long time. If a person leaving...

Service ethics is the broadest concept in the field of professional ethics. Service ethics is understood as a set of the most general norms, rules and principles of human behavior in the sphere of his professional, production and official activities. These rules must be observed by every person who has begun to work. The number of these rules is small. The vast majority of them are formulated in an extremely general form in order to be detailed in relation to specific types of activity. Business Ethics Requirements:

Discipline. The concretization of this concept occurs depending on the specifics and content of labor.

Saving material resources provided to the employee for the implementation of production activities. These resources can be very different. The need to replenish lost resources is a heavy burden on profits and production costs, hence the requirement to minimize losses. This norm includes the conservation of heat, buildings, equipment, materials, etc.

The correctness of interpersonal relationships. A person in the sphere of his work activity should behave in such a way that interpersonal conflicts arise as little as possible, and that other people feel comfortable working next to him in direct and indirect interpersonal contact.

All these requirements are divided into two subgroups.

The first subgroup: includes requirements in interpersonal contacts horizontally (subordinate - subordinate, leader-manager).

The second subgroup: includes requirements in interpersonal contacts along the vertical (subordinate - leader). Here the main requirement for a subordinate is the recognition of the very right of the leader to give orders, which includes functional duties assumed by a person under an employment contract.

Business Etiquette- the most important aspect of the professional behavior of a business person. Knowledge of etiquette is a necessary business quality that must be acquired and constantly improved.

Service etiquette is based on the same moral standards as secular. The well-known researcher I. Braim, noting the relationship between business and secular etiquette, highlights the following common moral standards for them:

Politeness, which is an expression of respect for a person. To show courtesy means to wish good to a person. The essence of politeness is benevolence, correctness or the ability to keep oneself always within the bounds of decency, even in a conflict situation;

Tact is a sense of proportion, exceeding which you can offend a person or prevent him from “saving face” in a difficult situation;

Modesty - restraint in assessing one's dignity, knowledge and position in society;

Nobility - the ability to perform disinterested acts, not to allow humiliation for the sake of material or other benefits;

Accuracy - the correspondence of the word to the deed, punctuality and responsibility in fulfilling the obligations taken in business and secular communication.


The image of a business person is usually understood as a formed image, in which value characteristics and features are distinguished that have a certain impact on others. The image is formed in the course of personal contacts of a person, based on the opinions expressed about him by others. In this regard, we can formulate the following main components of the image of a business person: appearance(manner of dress), communication tactics (skillful orientation in specific situation, possession of mechanisms psychological impact etc.), Business Etiquette and protocol, ethics of business communication.

Moral character - distinctive features person, his character, outlook and behavior and their compliance with moral laws. The moral character includes a complete list of positive moral qualities and the presence of negative ones in a given person.

Moral character is a holistic characteristic of a person, in the unity of his consciousness and behavior, internal and external. Sometimes in a person this integrity is manifested through a dominant character trait, for example, “moralist”, “lamb of God”, “pure soul”, etc. The moral character is described in the characteristics of the personality.

mask - appearance, manners through which the true essence of someone or something is hidden.

Good image helps to look attractive, professional, successful, allows you to gain a sense of confidence and freedom, increase your authority among colleagues, get recognition from people around you with facial expressions, gestures, and movement.


This is a strict, conservative, seasoned style, belonging to the category international standards. In a business suit, preference is given to classic models of good quality clothing, discreet color combinations, classic shoes. It is better to refrain from using bright, eye-catching color combinations in your business suit.

It is not worth completely abandoning everything feminine in your appearance. Your colleague or partner must perceive you as a woman (since communication with a man follows one rule, and with a woman - according to others, and this does not mean at all that you are considered as a sexual object), and for this he needs some external landmarks.

During business negotiations and meetings, your posture should be both sufficiently free and restrainedly taut. A woman huddled on the edge of her chair, convulsively clutching her purse, shows stiffness, embarrassment, self-doubt with her whole appearance. Too loose a posture can be perceived as evidence of your swagger. It is better to sit straight and gesticulate freely within the so-called intimate zone a radius of about 45 centimeters around your body. It is better not to keep the bag on your lap, but to put it or place it next to you.

It is necessary to look kindly and attentively into the face of your interlocutor, showing that you are interested in what he says. At the same time, if you have a business relationship with your interlocutor, then direct your gaze to upper part face, just above the eyebrows, and to indicate attention - occasionally look into the eyes (a long gaze into the eyes can cause your interlocutor to feel discomfort). During emotional communication, the gaze automatically moves from the eyes to the lower part of the face - this is immediately felt.

The features of your voice also matter in communication. If you have a high voice, at least try not to make it shrill, as in this case you can cause the interlocutor to have an irresistible desire to close his eyes and plug his ears. The high timbre of the voice is very annoying and tiring, it is associated with tension or addiction. Therefore, try to make your voice chesty and pleasant by lowering it as much as possible. But do not speak too softly and uncertainly. Are you so afraid of your interlocutor! Too loud, deafening voice is also bad.


The measured pace of speech is best perceived when you allow yourself to make small pauses, showing that you are considering what you have heard before answering something. Immediately there is a feeling that you are a “reasonable person”.

In business and political circles, it is customary to shake hands. A handshake is a traditionally male way of greeting. For most women, it causes mild discomfort, since she does not know in advance whether her hand will be shaken vigorously as a party mate or will try to kiss. In order to avoid confusion and awkwardness, it is better to give a hand in vertical plane(as for a shake), not in a horizontal position (as for a kiss), but in an intermediate position at an angle to the plane: if you want to kiss, if you want to press.

Never fuss - it makes a bad impression anyway. If, coming to a business meeting, you quickly seep into the office, say hello quickly, fussily hand over some important documents, while dropping something, then consider yourself lost. It is much better to enter without haste, having calmly greeted each other, and ask where you can sit down. Do everything without fuss, excessive frequency in plasticity, speech, facial expressions. In a word, act as if you are a chic, luxurious woman and can afford to take your time. Sit down smoothly, slowly take objects, raising them as if they were alive, speak calmly - this will undoubtedly make a good impression on your interlocutor. Be friendly, open, restrained in emotional manifestations, do not show excessive assertiveness and self-confidence.

Here, as in many other things, golden mean. Gesticulation should be in proportion to the rhythm of speech and approximately correspond to what you are talking about. The more formal the communication, the more restrained the gesticulation should be. But at the same time, its complete absence is perceived as stiffness. Avoid neurotic gestures that indicate your shyness and nervousness.

Now let's talk about the distance established between people in any business conversation. Each person, depending on personal emotionality, determines the distance suitable for this case. Emotional people seem closer and more understandable, constrained and restrained move the interlocutor to a greater distance. Live facial expressions speak of reducing the distance, when they play with eyebrows, squint, smile, lively intonations, relaxed poses. As soon as the interlocutor wants to increase the distance, he immediately stretches himself, turning his face into an impenetrable mask, and begins to broadcast in the impassive voice of a loudspeaker or television announcer.
If you consciously want to increase the distance, just start calling the interlocutor by name and patronymic more often than necessary. In general, it is necessary to mention the name of the interlocutor in a conversation from time to time. If you talk to a person for two hours in a row and never call him by name, he may suspect that you have completely forgotten who you are talking to.

Similar information.

Service ethics of the head

Service ethics is the broadest concept in the field of professional ethics. Service ethics is understood as a set of the most general norms, rules and principles of human behavior in the sphere of his professional, production and official activities. These rules must be observed by every person who has begun to work. The number of these rules is small. The vast majority of them are formulated in an extremely general form in order to be detailed in relation to specific types of activity. Business Ethics Requirements:

Discipline. The concretization of this concept occurs depending on the specifics and content of labor.

Saving material resources provided to the employee for the implementation of production activities. These resources can be very different. The need to replenish lost resources is a heavy burden on profits and production costs, hence the requirement to minimize losses. This norm includes the conservation of heat, buildings, equipment, materials, etc.

The correctness of interpersonal relationships. A person in the sphere of his work activity should behave in such a way that interpersonal conflicts arise as little as possible, and that other people feel comfortable working next to him in direct and indirect interpersonal contact.

All these requirements are divided into two subgroups. The first subgroup: includes requirements in interpersonal contacts horizontally (subordinate - subordinate, leader-manager). The second subgroup: includes requirements in interpersonal contacts along the vertical (subordinate - leader). Here the main requirement for a subordinate is recognition of the very right of the leader to give orders, which includes functional duties assumed by a person under an employment contract.

The subordinate must, based on these duties, build his behavior accordingly, and not use various forms of evasion from the execution of orders. Evasion can be open, public, with certain conditions imposed on the leader. It can be hidden, take on the character of a secret (with the help of facial expressions, gestures, individual words) provoking the leader to open actions against a subordinate. In these situations, the subordinate may often appear to the environment as the suffering party, and the leader's reaction to him may be inadequate. One of the reasons for such behavior of subordinates may be the desire to acquire a certain social capital, to look persecuted, to acquire the status of an informal leader, to achieve some benefits for themselves, etc.

Let us single out the main norms of service ethics for service workers:

  • - attentiveness, politeness;
  • - endurance, patience, self-control;
  • - good manners and culture of speech, developed verbal apparatus;
  • - ability to avoid conflict situations, and if they arise, successfully resolve them, respecting the interests of both parties.

Contact area workers, in addition to these ethical standards, must also exhibit:

  • - courtesy, courtesy;
  • - cordiality, goodwill;
  • - tact, restraint, care for the consumer;
  • - self-criticism;
  • - willingness to respond quickly, keeping in the area of ​​attention several people at once or different operations that are carried out in the service process;
  • - the ability to stay calm and friendly even after serving a capricious client or a busy day;
  • - ability to avoid customer dissatisfaction and conflicts;
  • - resistance to stress.

Service worker is absolutely contraindicated:

  • - rudeness, tactlessness, inattention, callousness;
  • - dishonesty, hypocrisy;
  • - theft, greed, selfishness;
  • - talkativeness, disclosure of private information about clients, discussion with someone of their shortcomings and weaknesses;
  • - intransigence, the desire to take over the client, to subordinate his interests to his own.

Serious mistakes of novice service workers are often associated with touchiness, with excessive aesthetic requirements in relation to customers, which indicates the personal vulnerability of the nature of such workers.

If an employee has made a mistake, he must find the strength to apologize to the client. It is advisable to adapt to each client (but not adjust), deploying your skills and abilities to meet his wishes. At the same time, it is important to ensure that during the service process these qualities do not turn into other, non-constructive ones (willingness to help the client should not turn into obsequiousness, cordiality - into obsession and servility, patience - into indifference).

In the service sector, the importance of ethical standards is felt not only in the interaction of workers with consumers, but also workers among themselves. The employee must adhere to many of the above moral principles and ethical norms in relation to colleagues. At a service company special meaning acquires a moral climate where there are no conflicts and squabbles, where everyone treats each other with respect and attention. It is extremely important to create an atmosphere of mutual assistance in the service team, the ability to work together and in a team. All this contributes to a common goal: to achieve effective customer service.

The above professional and social requirements for the ethics of service activities should not create an idea that in after-sales service can only work perfect in moral attitude personality.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the desire of the employee himself for internal development. A person who, by his character traits and social qualities, is able and really wants to work in the service sector, sooner or later will come to recognize the importance of high ethical requirements and cultural norms. He will have a sincere desire to form in himself similar qualities of character and be guided by the corresponding principles of behavior. He will not consider it shameful to learn from those service masters who have such principles deeply developed. His conviction in the effectiveness of this style of communication will be the stronger, the more clearly he sees: what successfully regulates the relationship between service providers and clients facilitates labor process allows you to work more productively.

The process of mastering the principles of professional service ethics is available to most service workers. But in order for this process to be successful, the employee must make a lot of efforts to form appropriate value orientations, character traits, and habits. It is not easy and requires a lot of effort. In many ways, this process is facilitated by strict adherence to the rules of office etiquette.

The official etiquette of service workers is a set of fixed norms, non-alternative rules of conduct, due to the official position of the company's employees, which the employee must follow habitually, almost automatically.

Service culture is impossible without aesthetic components. Service aesthetics is associated with artistic aspects services, with external forms surrounding objects that are rated as beautiful, harmonious. Seal good taste, convenience and harmony should be felt on all material objects that accompany the maintenance process (on the building and its architecture, the interior of the premises, on the organization of workplaces; Special attention should be given to lighting and color of the interior).

The aesthetic culture of a service worker is associated with his appearance (clothes, shoes, hairstyle, accessories). Its appearance as a whole should correspond to official purposes and be consistent with the interior. Therefore, many firms prefer to dress employees in uniforms that are designed specifically and should not look dull or standard. Elements of aesthetics should also be present in the logo of the company, reflected in the design of equipment, on the packaging of goods accompanying the service, etc.

Thus, we have singled out the ethical foundations for the activities of SC&T employees, in the following presentation, using the data obtained, we will highlight the main ethical standards women leaders in the field of CS&T, focusing on psychological characteristics leadership women in particular and on the gender aspects of this problem in general.

business etiquette civil service official

“Office ethics is the broadest concept in the field of professional ethics. Service ethics is understood as a set of the most general norms, rules and principles of human behavior in the sphere of his professional, production and official activities. These rules must be observed by every person who has begun to work. The number of these rules is small. The vast majority of them are formulated in an extremely general form, in order to be detailed in relation to specific types of activity” Ethics and culture government controlled. Proc. allowance / Ionova A.I.-2nd ed.-M.: Flint: MPSI, 2005. . Business Ethics Requirements:

Discipline. The concretization of this concept occurs depending on the specifics and content of labor. For example, in animal husbandry, the concept of discipline will be determined by the life cycles of those animals that are cared for.

Saving material resources provided to the employee for the implementation of production activities. These resources can be very different. The need to replenish lost resources is a heavy burden on profits and production costs, hence the requirement to minimize losses. This norm includes the conservation of heat, buildings, equipment, materials, etc.

The correctness of interpersonal relationships. A person in the sphere of his work activity should behave in such a way that interpersonal conflicts arise as little as possible, and that other people feel comfortable working next to him in direct and indirect interpersonal contact.

Here the main requirement for a subordinate is the recognition of the very right of the leader to give orders, which includes functional duties assumed by a person under an employment contract.

The subordinate must, based on these duties, build his behavior accordingly, and not use various forms of evasion from the execution of orders. Evasion can be open, public, with certain conditions imposed on the leader. It can be hidden, take on the character of a secret (with the help of facial expressions, gestures, individual words) provoking the leader to open actions against a subordinate. In these situations, the subordinate may often appear to the environment as the suffering party, and the leader's reaction to him may be inadequate. One of the reasons for such behavior of subordinates may be the desire to acquire a certain social capital, to look persecuted, to acquire the status of an informal leader, to achieve some benefits for themselves, etc.

Management ethics is the second largest concept after service ethics. “This is a set of norms, rules, principles, ideals that determine the behavior of people in the sphere of exercising power and administrative powers, i.e. in the field of management” Ethics and culture of public administration. Proc. allowance / Ionova A.I.-2nd ed.-M.: Flint: MPSI, 2005 ..

All norms of management ethics can be divided into two groups: norms related to the decision-making process and norms regulating the process of communication with subordinates and other leaders (horizontally and vertically).

The rules governing the decision-making process can conditionally be divided into three subgroups:

a) Rules governing the process of raising a problem and preparing a solution.

All decisions of the leader must be permeated with responsibility. The requirements of management ethics apply to all levels of management, from the lowest to the highest, and vary depending on the level of management. The volume of ethical requirements varies depending on the level of management, at the upper levels it is higher. At the grassroots levels, the requirements do not differ very significantly in various types activities, and on the upper ones - the specificity of the type of activity imposes significant differences on moral requirements. The manager is not always aware of the complexity of the mechanisms that hinder decision making.

The next necessary quality of a leader is the ability to foresee the consequences of decisions and predict the results. The presence of imagination helps in making a decision. A feature of foresight and forecasting is the need to calculate the moral consequences of decisions. There are no decisions that would not have moral consequences, only these consequences can be more or less profound. The peculiarity of moral consequences is that they can change the meaning from a positive initial result to a negative one later on and vice versa.

In a broad sense, a leader needs such qualities as professionalism, competence, confidence in his competence, will, organizational skills and a general set of leader qualities: self-confidence, the ability to captivate people, the ability to “ignite” interest in a business, etc. But any of these qualities, presented in excess, can turn into its opposite. So the will to achieve the goal turns into the imposition of one's desires, confidence in one's competence - into faith in one's infallibility.

Faith in infallibility, combined with excess will, gives rise to specific type a leader who feels himself always right and strives under any conditions and, regardless of possible consequences, insist on your own at all costs.

The opposite type of people among managers receives the characteristics of "taught", "suggestible", etc.

At the first stage of preparing managerial decisions, a contradiction often arises between knowledge of the need for specific changes and ignorance of the specific ways, methods and means of these changes, ignorance of the functioning mechanism of the object that needs to be managed. It is necessary to clearly understand the fact that any emerging management problem has at least two, and more often many possible solutions. Solutions vary:

  • * The duration of achieving the desired result;
  • * Material costs;
  • * The number of attracted funds and structures;
  • * Feature to meet the palette of interests various people, social groups, organizations, political forces interested in this decision.

Society is becoming more and more fragmented. This also applies to a specific organization, which reflects the processes taking place in society. Due to the presence a large number different groups there is a fragmentation of interests, which changes the very concept of professionalism. Under the professionalism of a manager (especially in the field of public service) is increasingly understood as the ability to communicate with representatives of various interest groups in the process of preparing and making a decision, and in the process of this communication, strive to understand the nature of interests, the specifics of their possible consideration in management decisions, the possibility of achieving agreement of interests in various options solutions. The more a society grows, the more difficult the decision-making process becomes (one must strive to satisfy as many groups of the population as possible, and at the same time, the number of options in decision-making increases).

c) Norms governing the process of discussion and decision-making.

At the stage of discussion and decision-making, the leader should strive to ensure that, if possible, representatives of all groups, strata of the population, all those whose interests may be affected by the decision taken, take part in the discussion. It is necessary that perhaps more complete examination data and statistical data on options solutions.

When preparing examinations and reviews of each of the solution options, it is necessary to present well-reasoned positions “for” and “against” each solution option in everything related to material costs, necessary resources, the involvement of various structures and the specifics of possible positive and negative consequences.

If during the discussion it becomes obvious that the decision preferred by the leader is less satisfying to the interests of various groups than any other, the leader leading the discussion must have the courage to abandon his opinion in favor of the majority, and not insist on the wrong solution, which he chose it.

c) Execution and control over the execution of the decision.

There is a point of view that the execution of a decision is a purely administrative process, which includes the execution of a decision, the identification of executors, bringing to their attention the tasks set, drawing up a plan for the implementation of the decision, etc. In fact, the main thing in the execution of the decision is that at the moment of its execution, the decision made in relation to any organization (system) can introduce this system into a state of instability. The main responsibility of the manager in the process of monitoring the execution of the decision is to monitor the state of the system to detect signs of instability. If such signs appear, it is necessary either to stop the process of executing the decision, or to carry out any corrective actions.