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In stores now you can buy fruits at any time of the year. On the shelves of supermarkets there are even tropical fruits. Russian buyers have already tasted the pomelo. But few people know that this exotic fruit is not only tasty, but also has benefits for the human body. The citrus fruit contains a large number of vitamins.

Description of pomelo (pamela)

This fruit is the largest citrus in the world. The weight of a pomelo can reach 10 kg. The second name of the fruit is sheddok.

On the shelves of Russian stores you can usually find medium-sized fruits weighing approximately 1 kg. This fruit came to us from China. It can be found in other areas as well. Eastern countries: Thailand, Israel, Vietnam. In the homeland of citrus, everyone knows about the benefits and harms of the fruit. Pomelo was brought to Europe in the 14th century, where the fruit quickly gained popularity. Russia got acquainted with an exotic fruit quite recently.

A pomelo is similar to a grapefruit, but much larger than its citrus counterpart and has completely different taste qualities. The pomelo fruit is pear-shaped, under the zest there is a thick loose layer resembling cotton wool. Such a peel protects the juicy slices inside the citrus. This allows you to transport it over long distances without harm to the fetus. Each pomelo slice is separated from the other by a thin film that is not suitable for food.

Signs of a mature fetus

You need to be able to choose a quality and ripe fruit. Then the benefits of pomelo will be significant:

  • The fetus should not be light.
  • The peel of a mature sheddock is elastic and shiny. When pressed with a finger, the zest is squeezed, but then restored.
  • There should be no spots, damage or dents on the skin.
  • The color is yellowish green, sometimes with an orange tinge.

Composition and calorie content of pomelo

The benefit of the pomelo fruit lies in its low calorie content. 100 g of citrus contains only 38 kcal, and in order to get enough, you need very little.

What is included in the product:

Useful properties and harm of fruit

Pomelo is rich in vitamins, which has a positive effect on the overall health of a person, on his immunity:

Contraindications for use

Like all citrus fruits, pamela is the strongest allergen.

In some cases, the use of sheddock is contraindicated for human health. Therefore, you can not get carried away with fruit in the presence of the following diseases:

  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Hypersensitivity to citrus fruits.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Nephritis.
  • Colitis.
  • Increased acidity of the stomach.

During breastfeeding, it is better not to use pamelo, so as not to cause an allergic reaction in the baby.

Most often, when buying a product, a person does not think about its benefits and harms.

Pomelo has a storehouse of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on health.

Attention, only TODAY!

If you decide to introduce pomelo into your diet, but don’t know how this product is useful / harmful, then this article is written especially for you. Consider the benefits and harms of the fruit.

Pomelo is a large citrus fruit of the evergreen tree of the same name. They are beneficial for women's health, primarily as a source of vitamin C. To obtain the daily norm of this vitamin, a woman needs to eat about 120-150 g of pomelo pulp that tastes good.

The chemical composition of pomelo has a positive effect on the immune system and metabolism of women. The essential oils contained in pomelo regulate hormonal metabolism and reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

These fruits contain alimentary fiber that normalize digestion. They also contain organic acids, which have a mild diuretic effect and help relieve swelling.

The low calorie content of pomelo allows women to include them in low calorie diets. The presence of vitamins, organic acids and other compounds activates lipid metabolism and accelerates the breakdown of fats.

Eating pomelo helps women get rid of "bad" cholesterol and keep blood vessels clean and elastic. The chemical composition of pomelo promotes the absorption of iron, which protects against the development of anemia in women.

It is harmful to use pomelo for women with an allergy to this fruit and during acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

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The benefits and harms of dried pomelo

In the process natural drying pomelo retains almost all of its useful properties. Like many dried fruits, dried pomelo is great for a quick snack to get an energy boost. During the drying process, the amount of water decreases and the carbohydrate content and calorie content of the product increase. This is what gives the body energy after physical and mental stress.

Dried pomelo preserves dietary fiber, which stimulates digestion and normalizes stools. Dried fruit contains many vitamins, minerals and organic compounds that improve the absorption of vitamin D and other substances important for health. It is useful for lung problems, including tuberculosis, as well as for the health of the joints and the musculoskeletal system.

It is harmful to abuse dried pomelo for obesity, diabetes and individual intolerance.

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The benefits and harms of candied pomelo

Taking into account the fact that candied fruits are cooked by boiling in sugar syrup with the addition of other chemical substances, then the benefits of candied pomelo fruits are somewhat lower than fresh and dried fruits.

They retain a certain amount of vitamins:

  • group B;

These vitamins have a positive effect on the state of the immune system and increase the body's defenses. Candied fruits retain a certain amount of essential oils, organic acids, which are useful for:

  • diseases of the blood and blood vessels;
  • heart disease;
  • inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system;
  • deterioration of vision.

You can use candied fruits in order to prevent the development of malignant tumors and such a formidable disease as cataracts.

Despite being boiled in sugar syrup, candied pomelo remains a healthy snack that allows you to almost instantly satisfy your hunger and get energy, improve mood and calm the nervous system.

You will have to give up candied fruits from pomelo if you are allergic to this product, as well as if high rates blood sugar.

pomelo originates in China, and to this day, is a symbol of well-being and prosperity. It was known as early as 100 BC.

At the end of the eighteenth century, the seeds of a strange fruit were brought to India. Europeans were able to get acquainted with pomelo only in the 19th century. Now pomelo is cultivated in Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia, Israel, Vietnam, Japan, California and the Tahiti Islands.

In the east there is a tradition - to give it to New Year. The Chinese also use pomelo in religious ceremonies.

In our country, pomelo is simply customary to use in cooking, less often in cosmetology and traditional medicine. As it turned out, not only with the help of lemon you can cure a cold, bring down the temperature and improve the condition of the patient's immune system. Most citrus fruits, including pomelo, have such properties.

Pomelo - a hybrid of what fruit?

Some believe that the pomelo is a type of grapefruit. But this statement is not true, but on the contrary, grapefruit is a degenerate descendant of a pomelo. The fruit has another closest "relative" - ​​sweety (oroblanco or pomelo), which is a hybrid of white grapefruit and pomelo.

In European countries, pomelo is often called "sheddock", since the captain with the same name brought the seeds of this fruit there. Also citrus can be called pomelo, pamela or pompelmus.

Pomelo belongs to the rue family, subfamily - citrus. The fruit peel is pale green, orange and yellow color. Inside the pomelo is red, white, yellow or green.

Ripe citrus has a juicy and sweet taste, without the bitterness inherent in grapefruit.

Chemical composition and calorie content

exotic fruit called "pomelo" has excellent quality characteristics regarding calorie content and composition.

By itself, the fruit has practically no calories, but it contains a lot of useful substances in its composition, which are not only able to dull the feeling of hunger, but also easily cope with the rapid breakdown of protein deposits and accumulated fat. He is often advised to introduce leading nutritionists into the diet of precisely the category of people who have long been struggling with obesity. By eating pomelo with other dietary products, the body can be transformed and brought into shape very quickly. Also, a feeling of lightness in the body, satiety and the absence of discomfort during a complex diet become noticeable very quickly.

Calories per 100 grams is 38 kcal.

1 peeled pomelo weighs approximately 609 g (231.4 kcal).

1 slice = 190 g (72.2 kcal)

The nutritional value: carbohydrates - 8.62 g, proteins - 0.76 g, fats - 0.04 g.

It also contains dietary fiber and ash.

Pomelo is 89% water.

Vitamins: B1 (0.034 mg), B2 (0.027 mg), B6 ​​(0.036 mg), C (61 mg), PP (Niacin equivalent) - 0.22 mg.

Chemical composition: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese.

Fruity peel pomelo is rich in bioflavonoids.

Useful and medicinal properties

Scientists have found spermine in the chemical composition of pomelo - it protects cells from damage, slows down their aging. Studies have shown that this substance can prolong life.

Healing pomelo properties:

  • It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, thanks to the lipolytic enzyme contained in the fruit, which accelerates the breakdown of proteins.
  • Increases immunity. Used as a prophylaxis for influenza and other colds.
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system, due to the high content of potassium in it.
  • Bioflavonoids have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas, prevent the formation of cancer cells in the mammary gland. Therefore, it is useful for girls and women to eat not only the pulp, but also the pomelo peel, since these beneficial substances are concentrated in it.
  • Reduces pressure.
  • Prevention of malignant tumors.
  • Improves asthma.
  • The fruit has a low glycemic index, so it is safe. in diabetes. Its juice helps lower blood sugar.
  • Prevention of atherosclerosis (pectin).
  • It is used in dietary nutrition (low-calorie).

For women pomelo is not only a storehouse of health, but also youth. In winter, fruit juice is an excellent cosmetic product. If you regularly wipe the skin of your face and body with it in the cold, then by spring it will look younger and become visually refreshed. For oily skin, it is better to use the juice in its pure form, for dry skin, dilute it with boiled water in equal proportions.

Useful advice for men: slow chewing fruit pulp relieves hangovers.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Do not abuse sheddock during pregnancy, as this can lead to heartburn due to an increase in the acidity of gastric juice. 2-3 times a week pampering yourself with citrus will be enough.

The benefits of pomelo for pregnant:

  • Gives strength, increases efficiency.
  • Excellent thirst quencher.
  • Due to the presence of calcium (4 mg), it strengthens teeth and bones well.
  • Prophylactic against constipation.
  • Strengthens blood vessels and makes them elastic.
  • Improves mood.

At breastfeeding you should gradually introduce the fruit into your diet, watching the reaction of the baby. It is better to do this when the baby is 3 months old. If there are no allergic reactions, then you can safely eat pomelo. Doctors believe that what is good for the mother is good for the child.

Harm and contraindications

Since the fruit itself belongs to the citrus subsection, the number of contraindications is similar. The first is the possibility of an allergic reaction due to individual intolerance, or due to overeating. After all, as they say, everything is good in moderation. Pregnant women should especially pay attention to the item “abuse of citrus fruits”, because not only the health of the mother, but also her child is at stake.

Avoid eating pomelo, as well as other citrus fruits, it is necessary for stomach problems such as acid-base imbalance, ulcers, gastritis, nephritis and other exacerbations.

It is better to give up the appetizing fruit of the category of people suffering from urolithiasis or some form of hepatitis.

On my own pomelo cleanses the liver(due to the high activity of the enzymes that make up its composition), so for this reason an additional load is created on the affected organ. Exclude fruit from the diet in the presence of liver diseases and their complications.

Regarding whether it is worth giving pomelo to children, it can be taken into account that citrus fruits, as a rule, should be introduced into the children's diet last, like cabbage, legumes or corn. Although the fruit is very nutritious, its composition is rich in vitamin C and others, but the child's body is not yet adapted to such food. Before the age of one year, it is better not to introduce pomelo into the diet of children.

Also, the use of fruit may not have a positive effect on the body in case of diseases that are associated with sharp drops pressure. Pomelo lowers blood pressure.

So, to summarize, under what circumstances and characteristics of the state of the human body can a pomelo be harmful?

The main contraindications and restrictions on the use of pomelo:

  • acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (in this case, do not abuse the fruit so as not to aggravate the disease);
  • it is not advisable to use citrus for colitis, ulcers, hepatitis, nephritis;
  • should not be used in the diet of people with low blood pressure;
  • contraindication for kids: It is not recommended to use pomelo until the child is 1 year old.
  • prone to allergies.

How to choose?

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a pomelo is its smell. The richer the aroma of citrus, the more juicy its taste will be.. The peel of a fresh ripe fruit should be smooth, with a beautiful sheen and slightly soft. It is better to choose a heavy fruit (so that there is more juice in its pulp) of medium size

It will be useful to know that fresh pomelo at room temperature can be stored for no more than a month. The peeled fruit must be put in the refrigerator, where it can lie for about 3 days.

fruit for weight loss

Fruit is considered dietary. It is often introduced into their diet by people who want to lose weight. Pomelo quickly causes a feeling of satiety, due to the content of vegetable fibers in it, saturates the body with essential vitamins and minerals.

With daily use pomelo for breakfast you can see real results(weight loss combined with skin tone) after 2 months.

How to clean a pomelo:

  • Vertical cleaning.

First, cut off the tops at the top and bottom of the fruit. Make cuts about 1.5 cm deep (this is the approximate width of the crust) along the slices. Pieces should be separated from top to bottom.

  • Spiral cleaning method.

It is necessary to make an incision in a spiral from top to bottom. After tearing the peel at the bottom of the citrus, tear it off along the entire circumference.

The white layer under the peel can be peeled off with your hands or with a knife.

The film is conveniently removed if the slices are placed on cutting board and it is easy to pry off the film by running the tip of the knife along the narrow part.

How do you eat pomelo?

They eat pomelo as an ordinary fruit, for breakfast, afternoon tea, as a dessert. Added to salads, used as a filling for pastries and pies, added to sauces.

Pomelo goes to meat fish dishes, spicy, sweet. Jam and marmalade are prepared from the peel.

  • Few people know, but pomelo juice is extremely useful during colds, a complication of which is an inflammatory process in the throat. Half a glass of juice diluted 50% warm water, are used not for ingestion, but for gargling.
  • The juice of an exotic fruit is very effective for exacerbations of bronchitis. Only in this case, a glass of pomelo juice should not be diluted. You just need to warm it up to 100 degrees and give it to the patient to drink. Such a simple trick will help get rid of phlegm and wheezing in the throat, which will greatly speed up the healing process.
  • Pomelo salads are very tasty, healthy and nutritious. Its pulp is so nutritious that it helps fight atherosclerosis disease. The recipe for preparing the dish is quite easy and simple: the fruit slices are peeled and peeled, then, for better assimilation, they are slightly sprinkled vegetable oil. Other ingredients can be added as desired. The benefit of regular consumption of lettuce is that it will also help get rid of cholesterol plaques that tend to form on the walls of blood vessels.

Most large fruit in the citrus family - pomelo. Other famous name- sheddok.

It looks like a grapefruit in smooth skin color and rounded outlines, but much larger and sweeter. A protrusion often forms near the stalk, making the shape pear-shaped.

Under the zest - the upper, thin layer of the skin, there is a white, loose subcortical layer that serves reliable protection for juicy slices.

Such a kind of natural packaging helps the transportation and long-term storage of fruits without compromising their taste.

The main territories where the pomelo fruit grows, like its homeland - China. The Chinese from antiquity and still treat the giant citrus with respect, love to give it to loved ones.

There are plantations in Thailand, Vietnam, Israel evergreen trees giving generous harvests. The height of the pomelo tree is different, depending on the variety and region. Citrus-record holder weighs 10 kg. Average weight- from 1 to 3 kg.

Flowering and fruiting of trees occurs 1-2 times a year. Fruit ripening lasts about 5 months. Numerous, green or golden ball-sized balls hanging on branches are a bright sight, amazing for tourists, residents of northern countries.

Pomelo calorie content and chemical composition of fruits

The edible part of the citrus is enclosed in leathery slices, consisting of individual vesicles-fibers filled with juice. The delicate taste of pomelo is pleasant, devoid of pronounced bitterness.

The light yellow or reddish bubbles are slightly crunchy and burst on the tongue with sweetness and freshness. You don't have to pay for this pleasure with savings. excess weight. The calorie content of 100 g of pomelo is minimal and amounts to no more than 40 kcal.
Fragrant pulp combines low energy value with the elements necessary for the body. For everyone who has metabolic problems, this is what pomelo fruit is useful for. 100 g contains:

  • 220-235 mg potassium,
  • 26 mg calcium
  • 26 mg phosphorus,
  • up to 1 mg of sodium and iron,
  • 40-50 mg of ascorbic acid,
  • 25-30 mg beta-carotene,
  • physiologically acceptable amount of B vitamins.

The low glycemic index of pomelo - 30 units - allows you to safely use it for diabetes. Half of a medium fruit will serve as a good snack, cause a feeling of satiety, quench your thirst, and be suitable for dessert.

The pulp fibers are denser than other citrus fruits and retain juice well, which is appreciated when making light vitamin salads.

  1. High content vitamin C is characteristic of all members of the genus Citrus. Most of all ascorbic acid in an orange. Pomelo is only 10 mg behind and can be used to prevent influenza, alleviate the course of SARS. The antioxidant activity of natural vitamin will maintain the purity of blood vessels, improve blood composition.
  2. From a nutritionist's point of view, a fruit with such a low calorie content is ideal for weight loss. There are other important properties as well.
  3. The lipase enzyme helps the proper assimilation of protein, activates fat metabolism, and protects against early atherosclerosis.
  4. Vegetable fiber moves through the intestines, carrying ballast deposits and slags to the exit. Saturation from food occurs more harmoniously and faster.
  5. Pectin works to help fiber, which improves metabolism, cleanses the digestive tract, protects the mucous membrane and stomach from excessive irritation with ascorbic acid.
  6. The allergist will warn you that you need to objectively evaluate the beneficial properties of the pomelo fruit and the harm that it can cause when overuse. allergic reactions on citruses - a frequent occurrence. Children should be given them with extreme caution, in small portions.
  7. The gastroenterologist will recommend avoiding the use of fruits in patients with colitis in the acute stage, peptic ulcer, gastritis with high acidity.

Pomelo fruit: benefits and harms for women

Colon cleansing is naturally important for beautiful skin. Women's beauty is vulnerable to heavy food, the aggressive influence of fats hidden in foods.

Constipation quickly affects the appearance, making the complexion dull. Sheddock fruit will help ladies and girls who have similar problems. You can include it in the diet regularly, if there are no contraindications for this.

Not only internal, but also external use of pomelo will increase elasticity skin. pure juice wipe the face for freshness and tone, add it to masks for normal oily skin.

Dry areas of the face respond better to diluted juice. The peel is used to rub nails and cuticles. Fruit acids make the nail fold smooth and the plate strong.

The harm and benefits of pomelo for women during pregnancy are evaluated, depending on the state of the immune and digestive system. Babies have a reaction even to the smell of citrus if future mom overindulged in them. Sheddok can be present in the diet of a pregnant woman 2-3 times a week in the amount of 100-150 g.

How to clean a pomelo properly

The fruit is peeled from a thick peel with a knife. The surface is cut into sectors and the zest is removed in fragments, along with a white loose mass. Cutting the peel with a knife in a spiral is possible, but difficult.

Starting from the top, with an effort to divide the cleaned ball in half, and then into slices. Free each slice completely from the film, only then eat the juicy pulp.

The pieces are dry, they can be easily divided into any parts. They can be stored in the refrigerator, in a bag or under a lid, for no more than a couple of days.

How to eat pomelo

Correctly cleaning a pomelo, as you eat it, is a simple matter. If the slices do not turn out whole and neat - it does not matter. Small pieces are suitable for salad. You can add shrimp, avocado, Chinese cabbage, herbs, olive oil.

About how Thais, skilled in cooking, eat pomelo, you can find a lot of information that looks like science fiction. In Thai cuisine, it is customary to combine slices with coconut, peanuts, seafood, hot pepper, garlic, sugar and even salt.

Delicious salads are prepared in expensive restaurants, and pure sheddok is eaten here all the time, in large quantities. Now the giant fruit occupies a worthy place on the shelves of stores around the world.

A real, ripe fruit is difficult to hold in one hand, it is so weighty. Light copies are not worth taking. The peel should shine, be elastic to the touch, wrinkle, but not push through too much.

There are tips on how to choose a ripe pomelo fruit by smell. The event is difficult, because most often this product is sold packed in a film. Polyethylene keeps the product fresh for 1-2 months.

Exotic in appearance, but already beloved pomelo gives the sun to the inhabitants of countries with a cold climate. Fruit travels thousands of miles to make people's food more varied and healthier.


And now a video on the topic.

Kira Stoletova

Among all tropical fruits, pomelo represents great value thanks to the unique and useful composition. The benefits and harms of pomelo for the human body, as well as contraindications for each organism are individual.

Description and habitat

China is the birthplace of the fruit. It belongs to the citrus family.

Today, pomelo grows in Israel, Vietnam and Thailand, where it is grown on a large scale. citrus-record holder weighs about 10 kg, its diameter is about 30 cm. The average fruit weight is 1-3 kg. Trees bloom no more than 2 times a year. It takes about 6 months for the fruit to ripen.

Depending on the variety, fruits are round, flattened and pear-shaped. The skin has a pale green or bright yellow color. Some varieties have an orange skin with a reddish blush. Under the dense and thick peel is red pulp, divided into slices, reminiscent of the pulp of a grapefruit.

The taste of citrus is sweet, slightly bitter. In some varieties, the flesh is yellow, green or pink.

The fiber size of the pulp is several times larger than that of a grapefruit, while being less juicy than that of an orange, lemon or lime. The pulp emits a pleasant honey aroma, reminiscent of the smell of a banana.

Composition and calories

The benefits and harms of red pomelo are known to few. The pomelo contains vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Its calorie content is only 40 kcal per 100 g of product, so pomelo can be safely included in the diet. diet food for those who want to lose weight.

Also included in the composition of the pomelo vitamin C, which increases the body's immunity and resistance to disease.

The energy value

For 100 g of pulp chemical composition next:

  • proteins - 0.8 g;
  • fats - 0.04 g;
  • carbohydrates - 8.6 g.

The rest is water - 88.5 g.

Vitamins and minerals

From minerals pomelo contains:

  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron.

The main vitamins that the fruit contains are B1, B2, B6, E, PP, A, C.


The glycemic index of fresh fruit is 30 units. Thanks to this indicator, the fruit is often included in the diet menu for second-degree diabetes.

What are the benefits of fruit

O useful properties pomelo fruit is said not only by traditional healers, but also by representatives of traditional medicine:

  • Normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system and stabilizes blood pressure.
  • It is used for colds, infectious and viral diseases. Useful pulp contributes to a speedy recovery.
  • Contains essential oils and vitamins that help strengthen the immune system.
  • It has a high content of potassium in fruits, which helps to normalize the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • It is a panacea for hypertensive patients: a slightly bitter fruit lowers high blood pressure.
  • It has a low calorie content, so nutritionists advise everyone who wants to lose weight to consume it daily.
  • Prevents the formation of thrombosis.
  • Improves the general condition, especially in case of stress, depression. With regular use exotic fruit can bring the body into tone, cheer up and increase stress resistance.
  • It is used in inflammatory processes, because the useful pulp has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • It is a powerful antioxidant, therefore it prevents the development of oncology and prevents the formation of cancer cells in people.
  • Contains limonides that increase mental alertness and improve memory.
  • It contains a lot of water, so it perfectly quenches thirst.
  • Can be used for atherosclerosis.
  • Helps to eliminate food poisoning, diarrhea, eliminates the symptoms of diarrhea and other related problems in violation of the digestive tract.
  • It helps if you eat it for coughs and acute pains in the chest and throat.
  • Includes vegetable fiber, useful for the intestines. Useful substances eliminate the problem of constipation, remove toxins from the intestines.
  • It has benefits in strengthening bone tissue. With regular use, the fruit contributes to the rapid healing of fractures.
  • It has a diuretic effect, so it is advised to use it for edema.

Benefits of pomelo peel and juice

The bright and dense peel of the pomelo has pleasant smell and a number of useful properties.

The composition of the crust includes substances important for the body - bioflavonoids (vitamin P). They increase the body's resistance to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

You can not eat the peel fresh, because it is bitter. The peel dries up then, it is added to tea. In addition, the benefits of pomelo are manifested in the use of the peel for the preparation of fragrant sweet dishes and desserts. Jam, candied fruits, juices are prepared from it.

Fruit juice is sour, slightly bitter in taste. Nutritionists recommend using it various diseases stomach and intestines. The high content of vitamin A and C helps the body recover quickly.

The use of pomelo in diabetes

Due to the reduced sugar content in healthy pulp and low calorie content, the product should be used by diabetics. For such people, its usefulness is as follows:

  • saturates the body with vitamins and minerals;
  • improves immunity;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • elevates mood and relieves depression.

The use of pomelo for women

For women's health, citrus is of particular value.

First, the pulp rich in fiber, promotes bowel cleansing. And this directly affects the condition and health of the skin.

Secondly, they are also used externally. Freshly squeezed juice wipe the skin of the face. After such procedures, the epidermis becomes elastic, velvety and elastic.

Juice is also used to improve nails and cuticles, rubbing these areas daily with a cotton swab dipped in juice. Fruit acids make the nail plate strong and healthy.

The benefits and harms of pomelo for the health of women during pregnancy are assessed taking into account two factors: the state of the immune system and the digestive system. Doctors advise not to abuse this fruit during pregnancy - the maximum serving is 100 g and not more than 2 times a week.

The use of pomelo for men

For men's health fruit is especially useful. It contributes to the overall strengthening of the body, saturates it beneficial substances, gives strength and energy.

For men, this fruit is an aphrodisiac that has a beneficial effect on potency and increases libido. Pomelo helps to facilitate and accelerate the treatment of prostatitis and inflammation of the genitourinary system in men.

It well eliminates intoxication of the body, which means it is useful for men during a hangover.

Harmful properties of pomelo and contraindications

The harm of red pomelo is much less than its benefits. Nevertheless, there are some contraindications to the use of pomelo:

  • Like any citrus, pomelo is an allergenic fruit. If there is an allergy to one of the members of the citrus family, it should not be consumed. For children with an allergy to citrus, such a product is introduced into the diet in small portions and observed for signs of an allergic reaction.
  • You can not abuse the fruit in the presence of a stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis and hyperacidity. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, they refuse for a while.
  • It is harmful to use it for hepatitis, nephritis, colitis and cholecystitis. For the period of treatment of diseases, it is worth abandoning such pleasure.

How to use pomelo

Fruit should be eaten fresh. Its pulp contains the largest number useful ingredients. Heat treatment leads to the loss of almost all useful components.

First, the fruit is peeled, then edible fibers are removed from the film. You should not eat the film, despite the fact that it is not harmful: it is rough and bitter in taste.


Pomelo - BENEFITS AND HARMS | pomelo benefit vitamins, pomelo taste, pomelo hybrid of which fruit?

For bronchitis and wet cough

With bronchitis and a wet cough, it is worth drinking citrus juice. 50 g of freshly squeezed drink is heated to a temperature of 40°C. Drink should be in small sips. This helps to remove mucus from the bronchi.

For bowel cleansing

To free the intestines, breakfast is replaced with 1/2 of a pomelo. The next meal after eating the fruit should be no earlier than 5 hours later.


The benefits of pomelo are invaluable to humans. Exotic fruit helps to prevent and cure many diseases, improves general condition and improves mood. You can not deny yourself the pleasure of eating fruit, only in this way it is possible to truly appreciate its unique properties.