List of foods rich in fiber. Foods rich in fiber

The dietary nutrition of a modern person cannot be imagined without dietary fiber, which back in the 70s of the last century were considered absolutely useless substance for the body. Let's look at the portal "We lose weight without problems", is it really as useful as some advertising screams about it network companies. What foods are rich in fiber? And in what cases can coarse plant foods harm the body?

What is fiber?

Dietary fibers of plant origin are called fiber, which pass through the gastrointestinal tract practically unchanged, i.e. are not digested by the body and do not break down into its constituent parts. Various plants contain different amount dietary fiber, but their main concentration is the stems, seeds and peel.

Dietary fibers are divided into soluble and insoluble. The former are called pectins or alginates: they can be found in oat bran, some fruits and berries, and also in leafy ones.

Soluble fiber sources are soft and thin-skinned, so the body can break them down to a gel-like state to the best of its ability.

The gastrointestinal tract is not able to process coarse insoluble dietary fibers due to the lack of the necessary enzymes, so they leave the human body unchanged.

But they are able to absorb a huge amount of liquid in conjunction with slag and swell. Mushrooms, cereals, vegetables and seeds contain varieties of coarse fibers such as cellulose and lignin.

The most useful for the body is the symbiosis of pectins and coarse dietary fiber in a ratio of 3: 1, so the diet should be as diverse as possible.

Useful properties of fiber

  • We have to make a lot of effort to chew rough food. This process accompanied by the release of a large volume of saliva, which has an antimicrobial effect, which has a positive effect on the general condition of the oral cavity.
  • , stimulate the digestive tract and relieve constipation.
  • Plant fibers, getting into the intestines, cleanse the body of toxic compounds, toxins and allergens, and also prevent the formation of putrefactive masses.
  • There is a cleansing of the body of harmful cholesterol, the level of sugar in the blood decreases.
  • Food with a lot of fiber, after which a person feels full for a long time, effectively helps the process of losing weight.

So, it is difficult to overestimate the benefits of fiber for the body, especially during the period of weight loss. Therefore, dietary fiber is now also created under artificial conditions in the form of dietary supplements, but in terms of usefulness they are naturally inferior to analogues of natural origin.

For an adult to provide normal operation intestines require from 25 to 35 gr. fiber per day. So that you can easily determine the amount you need for yourself, in this article, foods rich in fiber are combined into a list. With a diet that is poor in dietary fiber, nutritionists advise eating about 1 tbsp daily. l. .

What threatens the deficiency and excess of fiber in the diet?

For a long time, plant fibers were considered by scientists as useless ballast for the body and their role in maintaining human health was underestimated. But it turned out that their lack of food can threaten such serious health problems as:

  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, which may be accompanied by constipation, decreased peristalsis, dysbacteriosis.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Cardiovascular disease, the threat of stroke and heart attack.
  • Diabetes.
  • Obesity.
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Malignant tumors of the rectum.

It is not surprising that most girls who want to quickly lose extra pounds quickly switch to foods rich in plant fiber. This approach is fundamentally wrong, because. Its excess can cause such phenomena as:

  • Constipation, diarrhea, increased gas formation, abdominal pain.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Dysbacteriosis, violation of intestinal motility.

Looking for high fiber foods

The list of such products is quite long, so do not rush to buy special dietary supplements at the pharmacy. At proper organization diet, even diet food can be varied and tasty, the main thing is to introduce such products in stages, determining the reaction of the body.

The undoubted leader among products in terms of dietary fiber content is bran. There are many of them in legumes, mushrooms, cereals, seed products, nuts, fruits, dried fruits, vegetables and berries. Below is a list showing the amount of fiber in 100 grams. product.

So, foods rich in fiber - table 1.

For your convenience, the fiber content in vegetables, fruits and berries is shown in Table 2.

In flour products, animal fat, vegetable oil, fruit and vegetable juices, meat and fish, there is practically no dietary fiber. And this is not a reason to completely abandon their use in favor of coarse plant foods, but you can gradually replace wheat bread with whole grains, and instead of sweet juices, do with the addition of fruits and berries.

Fiber and protein - a direct path to a dream figure

Sometimes strict diet or desire to become the owner relief body cause people to limit or completely eliminate carbohydrate intake by increasing the proportion of proteins. This can cause constipation, flatulence and lack of nutrients in the body. To continue to lose weight and gain muscle on a high-protein diet and still feel good, you need to diversify your menu with products with high content dietary fiber.

Below is a list of foods that contain both protein and fiber. They have one clear advantage for weight loss: they slow down the process of converting carbohydrates into glucose. A person stays full longer, and glucose is not deposited on the sides in the form of fat deposits.

So, food rich in fiber and protein, the list of products:

  1. Legumes and cereals: beans, soybeans, brown rice, nut.
  2. Seed products and nuts: pumpkin seeds, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews.
  3. Vegetables and fruits: avocados, bananas, spinach.

The list can also be supplemented with tofu cheese, soy asparagus and whole grains.

Modernization of the protein diet by including foods with fiber in the diet not only accelerates weight loss, but also makes this process comfortable for the body. In addition, fiber is a great tool to cleanse the body of bad cholesterol and excess sugar.

/ 16.05.2018

Which cereal has the most fiber. Fiber-rich foods, types of fiber.

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Foods rich in coarse fiber

Fiber is divided into two types: soluble (soft) and insoluble (coarse). The greatest benefit for our body is provided by coarse fibers, which are a glucose polymer. They are not broken down in the gastrointestinal tract, are excreted naturally, and are not a source of energy. Coarse fiber reduces the risk of cancer, helps to reduce weight, lowers cholesterol synthesis. Therefore, coarse fibers must be present in the diet of every person. Today we will tell you which foods contain coarse fiber.

Foods rich in coarse fiber are necessary for the human body to accelerate the synthesis of lipase in adipose tissue, regulate the amount of glucose in the blood, lower plasma cholesterol, normalize the intestinal microflora, remove bile acids, and also in order to avoid the formation of gallstones . In addition, fiber reduces the risk of constipation and hemorrhoids, and prevents the development of cancer.

Coarse fiber brings special benefits to women's health. If the representatives of the weaker sex regularly consume foods containing fiber and coarse fibers, then the risk of getting breast cancer or ovarian cancer is reduced.

Coarse plant fiber that enters the body from certain foods does not break down in the stomach, it begins to absorb toxins, harmful substances. This happens due to silicon, which literally attracts heavy metals, radionuclides and viruses.

The benefits of coarse fibers for the body do not end there. If you want to maintain body weight, reduce weight, then foods containing coarse fiber should be the basis of your diet. It not only has a low calorie content, but also slows down the digestibility of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. In the stomach, it increases significantly in volume, stimulating the work of the intestines and bringing a feeling of satiety. Regular consumption of such food leads to suppression of appetite, excretion of water and sodium, creating a feeling of satiety.

What foods contain coarse fiber: a list

Foods rich in coarse fiber include bran, wholemeal flour, cereals and muesli from hard cereals, as well as corn and brown rice. Add sprouted grains, bran, oatmeal to salads.

Vegetable products rich in coarse fiber also include vegetables and fruits: cauliflower, beans, broccoli, potatoes, pumpkin, cucumber, dill, Bell pepper. It is advisable to use them with the peel, since it is in it maximum amount coarse fiber. Therefore, do not peel pears, apples, peaches and other fruits. Note that heat treatment does not affect the amount of fiber. But still it is desirable to use them raw.

Rough fiber intake

We have presented you full list coarse fiber foods. Now it is important to talk about the rules and norms for the consumption of foods containing coarse vegetable fiber.

On the day of an adult, 25-40 grams of coarse fibers are enough. The exact daily requirement depends on physical activity, weight, health status. To get such an amount of coarse fiber, it is enough to eat 1.5 kg of fresh fruits and vegetables per day. Please note that this substance should be introduced into the body gradually.

Foods rich in fiber have a beneficial effect on the health of the whole organism, since the intestinal microflora depends on them. Fiber, the so-called dietary fiber, is a complex carbohydrate composed of non-starch polysaccharides, resistant starch and/or cellulose.

In other words, these are the fibers contained in plants, namely stems, roots, fruits, leaves and stems. Most often, such substances are found in plant foods with a low sugar content, combining with other useful substances. One of the main properties of fiber is to slow down the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which is very useful for weight loss and excess weight gain. Many people wonder what foods contain fiber? Answering it, it is necessary to remember that this substance is not found in products of animal origin, it is found only in products of plant origin.

What foods contain fiber

Ballast substances are divided into two types: soluble and insoluble. Both types should be present in the diet.

Soluble dietary fiber. Foods containing this type of fiber: cereals (rye, barley, oats), legumes (lentils, beans, beans, peas), as well as some fruits (avocados, prunes, raisins, apple, peach and quince peels). A characteristic difference of soluble fibers is their transformation in the intestines into a viscous gel upon contact with water. The jelly-like substance thus formed contributes to slowing down the progress of the nutritional content. In addition, the resulting gel inhibits the enzymatic processing of carbohydrates and lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood;

Insoluble substances are found in bran, unprocessed grains, legumes (both types of fiber), seeds, nuts, cauliflower, green beans, greens, broccoli, fruit peel. These fibers, on the contrary, accelerate the passage of food contents through the gastrointestinal tract. Having a laxative effect, they are used to prevent constipation. In addition, they normalize acidity and reduce the risk of cancer, as well as restore microflora.

Content in staple foods rich in fiber

Given the fact that there are a lot of products containing soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, several groups can be distinguished. So, foods high in fiber:

Whole grains

Whole oats are high in soluble fiber called beta-glucan. It is a sticky soluble substance. Studies have shown that this type of fiber lowers blood cholesterol levels.


Bran (wheat, oat, soy, rye) is an excellent source of fiber. As a by-product of flour milling, bran contains up to 30-40% dietary fiber.

When studying which foods contain fiber, buckwheat should be noted. Compared to other cereals, there are 1.5-2 times more insoluble dietary fiber in buckwheat. One glass of ready-made porridge contains about 20% of the daily intake of dietary fiber.


Peas, lentils, beans, beans, and peanuts are excellent sources of fiber, both soluble and insoluble.


Pectin is found in all fruits. it good source soluble fibers that are fermented in the large intestine with the simultaneous formation of fatty acids. Also, fruits contain cellulose and some insoluble fibers, which contribute to intestinal patency.

vegetable crops

Vegetables are foods high in fiber. Preference should be given to cabbage, spinach, broccoli and asparagus.

Flax seeds

If you are interested in what foods have a lot of fiber, then flax seeds are one of them. A tablespoon contains about 7 g.

What foods contain coarse vegetable fiber

Vegetable fiber and products containing it, getting into the stomach, do not break down as usual, but begin to absorb all the harmful and unnecessary substances in the intestines. If more people drew attention to the benefits of dietary fiber, then some digestive problems could be solved without the use of specialized medications which, in addition to the positive impact, also have a negative one. The uniqueness of dietary fibers lies in the fact that they contain silicon. Due to its properties, silicon forms charged particles capable of sticking microorganisms and viruses to itself. In addition, dietary fiber attracts and removes heavy metals and radionuclides from the body. And they are able to reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the plasma, preventing the occurrence of blood clots. Coarse fiber in products perfectly stimulates intestinal motility and normalizes intestinal microflora. These substances are able to reduce blood pressure, equalize the level of glucose and insulin. Fiber intake should be accompanied by plenty of water. By accumulating water in themselves and swelling in the intestines, they give a feeling of satiety. For the optimal amount of dietary fiber in the diet, you need to know which foods have more fiber.

But it is necessary to introduce the substance into the diet gradually, avoiding side effects. Experts recommend consuming 20-30 g of fiber daily, in which foods there is a lot of it, it is described further.

List: what foods are high in fiber

Considering the fiber content of foods, Special attention you need to give vegetables, since they should make up the lion's share of the diet. At the same time, the amount does not change depending on the method of preparation, whether it is a boiled, steamed or stewed vegetable.

Name Quantity Fiber in grams
Broccoli 1 cup 4,5
Brussels sprouts 1 cup 2,84
Bok Chow (Chinese cabbage) 1 cup 2,76
Mushrooms fresh 100 g from 0.7 to 2.3
dried mushrooms 100 g from 19.8 to 24.5
Cabbage 1 cup 4,2
Cauliflower 1 cup 3,43
Kale 1 cup 7,2
Green bean 1 cup 3,95
Peas 1 cup 8,84
puffed corn 1 cup 1,2
Potato "in uniform" 1 medium piece 4,8
Carrot 1 medium piece 2
Tomato 1 medium 1
Parsley 100 g 1,5
Green onion 1 cup 2,88
Onion 100 g 0,7
cucumbers 100 g 0,5
Celery 1 stem 1,02
Beet 1 cup 2,85
beet tops 1 cup 4,2
Bell pepper 1 cup 2,62
Pumpkin 1 cup 2,52
Spinach 1 cup 4,32
zucchini 1 cup 2,63
Dill 100 g 3,5

What foods have more fiber

If you are interested in fiber, a list of foods that contain it will allow you to find out where it is more and where it is less. This is, first of all, useful to those who observe established norm dietary fiber. A large number of these substances are found in fruits. Surprisingly, the same fruit can contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Apples are a prime example of this. The rind contains insoluble fibers, while the pulp contains soluble fibers.

Name Quantity Fiber in grams
Avocado 1 medium 10
Watermelon 100 g pulp 0,5
cherry plum 100 g 0,5
Apricot 100 g 0,8
Orange 1 medium 5
Banana 1 medium 4
Cowberry 100 g 1,6
Cherry 100 g 0,5
Grape 100 g 0,6
Pear 1 medium 5 g
Grapefruit 1 medium up to 7
Melon 100 g 0,6
Blackberry 100 g 2
strawberries 100 g 4
Dried apricots 100 g 3,5
Cranberry 100 g 2
Gooseberry 100 g 2
Lemon 1 medium 3,4
Mandarin 100 g 0,6
Raspberry 100 g 5
Peach 100 g 0,9
Red currants 100 g 3
Black currant 100 g 2,5
Plum 100 g 0,5
Sweet cherry 100 g 0,3
Apples 1 medium 5

What foods are high in fiber

When answering the question of which foods are rich in fiber, it is immediately worth mentioning legumes, which occupy a leading position in the ranking of foods containing dietary fiber. Remember that legumes contain both soluble and insoluble fiber.

Name Quantity Fiber in grams
Peanut a handful of 2,3
Walnuts nuts 3,8
Cashew nuts a handful of 1
Almond a handful of 4,3
chickpeas 1 glass 5,9
Soya beans 1 glass 7,6
black beans 1 glass 14,9
Flax seeds tablespoons 7
sunflower seeds quarter glass 3,1
Pumpkin seeds quarter glass 4,2
Lentils 1 glass 15,7
pistachios a handful of 3,1

Fiber in foods high in these substances

Name Quantity Fiber in grams
wheat bread 100 g 0,2
Rye bread 100 g 1,1
Protein-wheat bread 100 g 0,6
Bread protein-bran 100 g 2,1
bran bread 100 g 2,2
Khlebtsy 100 g 18,4

Foods rich in fiber

Fiber in food is found in no less quantity than in vegetables and fruits.

Name Quantity Fiber in grams
Buckwheat porridge 100 g 2,7
Semolina porridge 100 g 0,8
oatmeal porridge 100 g 1,9
Wheat porridge 100 g 1,7
barley porridge 100 g 3,8
Barley porridge 100 g 2,5
Millet porridge 100 g 1,3
boiled pasta 100 g 1,8
Cooked white long grain rice 100 g 0,4
Rice white medium grain cooked 100 g 0,3
Cooked brown rice 100 g 1,8
Rice wild cooked 100 g 1,8

Fiber is a dietary fiber made up of complex carbohydrates. These are food components that are not digested by digestive enzymes in the human stomach, but are processed by beneficial intestinal microflora.

Fiber cleanses the intestines well from food debris, waste products and toxins, it is considered indispensable element in healthy eating and has many useful properties.

If the body is not periodically cleansed, then slagging occurs, which threatens the development of various problems with the gastrointestinal tract, a sharp decrease in immunity, the manifestation of allergies and skin irritations. By the way, many skin problems - acne, pimples, greasiness, seborrhea - are the result of an uncleaned intestine. In this article, you will learn which foods contain fiber.

Beneficial features

So what are the benefits of fiber-rich foods? Main useful property– improve digestion and prevent constipation. This is especially important for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

During pregnancy, it is very important to establish proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract so that the fetus does not experience pressure from the intestines. And during breastfeeding female body hormonal failure occurs, the level of glucose in the blood rises slightly.

A sufficient amount of fiber allows you to keep your sugar levels normal and get rid of bad cholesterol.

Fiber is essential for people who want to lose weight. excess weight. There is an interesting nuance here: food rich in fiber needs to be chewed longer, which means that the brain receives a signal of satiety much earlier, you just don’t want to eat more.

What are the types?

Dietary fiber is divided into 2 types:

  1. Soluble.
  2. Insoluble.

Soluble fiber is fiber that can dissolve in liquid. This type of dietary fiber contains the following products: fruits (apples, pears, peaches, citrus fruits), legumes (lentils, peas), cereals (oats, barley, rye). The most famous component of such fiber is pectin. What is this substance in? Pectin is found in apples, red and blackcurrant, citrus fruits, that is, in those fruits and berries, from which it is good to prepare a variety of jelly different dishes(for example, natural apple marshmallow is a healthy food).

Insoluble fibers are essential for proper intestinal motility.

They do not dissolve in liquid and perfectly and quickly cleanse the intestines. This type of fiber contains all types of cabbage, greens, beans, nuts, bran.

What foods contain these food ingredients?

So, you are convinced that fiber is very important for our body. Let's learn more about which foods contain fiber.

A lot of fiber is found in vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains. Products containing vegetable fiber:

  • Of course, vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, beets.
  • Fruits: pear, grape, apple, peach, fig.
  • Dried fruits: raisins, prunes, dried apricots.
  • Highly more quantity dietary fiber, oatmeal, bran.

Please note that foods that contain fiber should be consumed fresh. At heat treatment fibers are modified and lose their valuable properties.

List of products by the amount of these beneficial fibers:

  • legumes - 13%;
  • White rice and wheat - 9%;
  • oats and barley - 8-10%;
  • almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts - 12-16%;
  • fresh vegetables - 3-7%;
  • berries (fiber is found in large quantities in raspberries and blackberries) - 2-6%;
  • fruits and citrus fruits (record holders are bananas and peaches) - 6–11%.

Consumption rate

Improving the children's menu

It's good when a child eats absolutely everything, but this is rare. But fiber is also very important for the child's body, as dietary fiber prevents the appearance of dysbacteriosis and helps to cope with constipation.

When should you start adding fiber foods to your child's diet? Answer: from 9 months. Children aged 9 months to 3 years need to eat about 19 grams of fiber every day, and after 8 years - 26 grams. Remember that food should be natural, without any additives. Try to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Slowly add vegetables and fruits to different meals for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
  • From 9 months, start complementary foods with a variety of cereals that are rich in fiber: corn, oatmeal, buckwheat.
  • It is best to avoid sweets altogether. Make it a rule to put a plate with a variety of fruits in a conspicuous place between meals. Believe me, the result will not be long in coming. Instead of cookies, rolls, sandwiches, the child will snack on delicious fruit slices.

Side effects and contraindications

Fiber is very beneficial for correct operation intestines. But everything is good in moderation. It is not recommended to immediately consume a lot of foods containing dietary fiber. Such food can lead to such troubles as flatulence, bloating or intestinal spasm.

Fiber should be introduced into the diet gradually. At the same time, it is very important to drinking regimen so that there is enough fluid in the intestines. If you do not follow this rule, then the abundance of dietary fiber can provoke indigestion or volvulus. Optimal quantity water per day - 2-3 liters.

Right choice

Shops all year round offer us wide selection wide variety of vegetables and fruits.

But it is worth remembering that not all of them are equally useful. Avocados, mangoes, pineapples, bananas are grown too far from where we live. They take a long time to transport, they are harvested immature and treated with chemicals to preserve their presentation.

The best choice is seasonal vegetables and fruits that have ripened in the strip where you live. They are much healthier and more nutritious than overseas curiosities. Try to buy products from trusted suppliers, ask for quality certificates, and even better, grow crops on your own plot. So you will definitely be sure of freshness and quality.

Fiber in food really plays a very important role in the body.

If it is not enough, problems with the stomach and intestines begin, a person gains weight and cannot get rid of it for a long time, various rashes appear on the skin, allergies appear and depression torments.

Eat right yourself, teach children to healthy food from an early age. Remember that many diseases will not appear at all if you take care of observing the simplest rules in advance.

Fiber is an important component of any healthy diet. Fiber is found only in plant foods (grains, fruits and vegetables) and increases the mass of our food, allowing digestive system easier to move digested food. Consuming enough fiber on a regular basis prevents constipation and certain types of cancer (colon and rectal cancer). However, for diseases such as diverticulitis and chronic diarrhea, the patient may be prescribed a diet low in fiber. In addition, some people suffer from fiber intolerance and too much fiber can lead to stomach discomfort and diarrhea. Follow a low-fiber diet prescribed by your doctor to ease the disorder gastrointestinal tract and feel much better.


Avoid high fiber foods

    Eat less fiber than the recommended amount. If fiber is bad for your health or causing some discomfort, you may want to start consuming less fiber than recommended for the average healthy person.

    Minimize the amount of fiber in your meals and snacks. Fiber is found in a number of foods, including grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Reducing the amount of fiber in foods and snacks will reduce your overall fiber intake and may help relieve gastrointestinal symptoms.

    • Opt for low-fiber fruits or cut out the fibrous parts of fruits. For example, eat applesauce and not the apple itself, as the peel contains a large number of fiber, or drink 200 ml of juice daily. Fruits that are low in fiber include: canned fruits, cooked fruits, and fruits without skins or skins.
    • Opt for low-fiber vegetables or omit the fibrous parts of a vegetable. For example, peel potatoes or remove seeds from zucchini. Low-fiber vegetables include canned vegetables, cooked and very soft vegetables, seedless vegetables, and 100% vegetable juice.
    • Opt for grains that are low in fiber. Avoid foods that are 100% whole grains as they are high in fiber. Examples of low fiber cereals are: white rice, White bread, semolina or rice cereal, as well as pasta.
  1. Reduce your intake of insoluble fiber. There are two types of fiber - soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fiber is sometimes referred to as "tough food" because its main job is to speed up digestion.

  2. Minimize your intake of fiber-rich foods. Many food companies are now adding fiber to various products to increase their intake. Fiber can be added to foods that usually contain very small amounts of it. You, in turn, should reduce the consumption of such products to a minimum. Examples of foods to avoid are:

    • Orange juice with pulp and added fiber
    • Artificial sweeteners with added fiber
    • Yoghurts with added fiber
    • Soy milk with added fiber
    • Granola or bread with added fiber (before adding extra fiber, these products have a low initial fiber content)
  3. Stop consuming fiber supplements. There is a wide variety of nutritional supplements that can increase your overall fiber intake. But if fiber is detrimental to your health, you should stop taking such supplements.

    • Stop taking stool softeners and looseners that contain added fiber.
    • Do not take vitamins or fiber capsules.
    • Do not add crushed fiber or psyllium husks to food or drinks.
  4. Make a meal plan. Making a plan will help you plan all your meals and snacks for the day and ensure general scheme which you will adhere to throughout the week.

    • Calculate how much fiber will be in each meal or snack, as well as your total fiber intake per day.
    • The meal plan will allow you to change meals, replace or eliminate foods so that you do not eat more fiber than you should.
    • Take the time to plan your meals and snacks throughout the week. Include in this plan all the foods and snacks that you normally eat every day. If necessary, make similar plans for the following weeks.

    Returning fiber to the diet

    1. Consult your doctor. Quite often, people start on a low-fiber diet for medical reasons. Before starting a high-fiber diet or returning to high-fiber foods, you should always consult your doctor.

      • Your doctor will give you specific deadlines for returning fiber foods, or tell you about restrictions on fiber intake.
      • Be sure to ask him about what types of fiber you can eat, how you should return the fiber to your area, and what the long-term prospects are for you.
      • Keep in mind that any time you add or take away a large amount of fiber, you are more likely to experience bowel changes such as bloating or constipation.