Modern business etiquette. Business etiquette and its principles

Business ethics has long been an object of study. Even Aristotle equated profit with usury, and business was treated as one of the areas human activity . At all times, special attention was paid to the entrepreneur, the key element of entrepreneurship, the ethical foundations on which he bases his business. Business ethics is a business ethics based on honesty, openness, loyalty to the given word, the ability to function effectively in the market in accordance with the current legislation, established rules and traditions. Business exists in a complex ethical world, where the main thing is to avoid unethical steps in relationships. Humane management is more effective than aggressive management. The strategic goals of the company are easier to achieve, focusing on ethical principles. It is expedient to consider work in a modern organization as a group work, not an individual one. From this, the conclusion is clear about the importance of forming and using the possibilities of a corporate culture that gives people an idea of ​​the nature of the activity, generally accepted values, orientation and philosophy of the company. A high culture enables the manager to lead through norms and values, make decisions faster on the ground, offers clear quality standards, specific self-assessment criteria, and facilitates a comprehensive understanding of what is happening in the team. Corporate culture enriches people with a sense of confidence, gives rise to a sense of pride in the company, counteracts the possible departure of employees, which significantly increases the stability of functioning. People are the carriers of corporate culture. But in organizations with an established corporate culture, it sort of moves away from people and becomes an attribute of the organization, a part of it that has a powerful impact on its participants, transforming their behavior in accordance with the norms and values ​​that form its basis. The culture of an organization is a complex composition of various assumptions and prerequisites (and often not even amenable to formation), unsubstantiated, a priori accepted and shared by members of the team. Often, corporate culture is interpreted as the philosophy and ideology of management accepted by the main part of the organization's team, value orientations, beliefs, expectations, dispositions and norms that underlie relationships and interactions within the organization and beyond. The purpose of the corporate culture is to ensure high profitability of the company by improving human resource management to ensure employee loyalty to the management and decisions made by them, educating employees to treat the company as their home, which leads to maximizing the efficiency of production management and qualitative improvements in the company's activities generally. Ethics and etiquette are close, interdependent, complementary concepts. Ethics, of course, is a much broader concept. Etiquette - a system of rules of conduct in public places, in contact with other people. It concerns all forms of human communication, but above all, of course, communication in the business sphere. The general principles of a culture of behavior are specified by the basic requirements of etiquette: politeness, correctness, tact, delicacy, modesty, naturalness of behavior, accuracy, commitment. For a business person, the strictest observance of these requirements is the basis for achieving success. Tact and delicacy are of particular importance. Delicacy should not be excessive, turn into flattery, lead to unjustified praise. Tact is a sense of proportion that must be observed in personal and official relationships, the ability to feel the border that cannot be crossed in relationships with people. It is important to take into account the spiritual world of others, to understand what people can cause a negative reaction. A very important requirement of etiquette is modesty. A sign of a well-mannered person is his behavior, adapted to the environment, the ability to behave modestly. It testifies to the integrity of the individual, his versatile inner world, the ability to always control himself, which disposes to a person, contributes to the effective solution of business issues. In business relations, a lot depends on the nature of personal meetings, conversations, negotiations, meetings. Business ethics is a kind of mediator that allows you to quickly find the best solution, while smoothing out sharp corners, with dignity to get out of difficult situations. Any business meetings, negotiations are of an original nature: each time a different subject for discussion, new conditions and participants. The common thing that distinguishes them from other types of market activity is preliminary organization, compliance with the conditions accepted in the business world, in the relationship of participants in business communication. By observing business etiquette, you emphasize the significance and importance of your partner, create convenience and comfort for him. With your culture and well-chosen clothes, you demonstrate the importance for you and respect for the opinions of others. Business etiquette is not only a condition for career growth and a tool for building relationships, it is an integral part of the company's corporate culture. After all, each employee is its constituent element. In many prosperous companies, business etiquette, as part of the corporate culture of employees, has contributed to their development and advancement in the competitive world of business. When employees know that it is not enough just to greet the visitor, but also to stand up when he enters, introduce himself and offer to sit down - this will definitely be counted. It is impossible not to notice if the employees of the company are professionally dressed, treat each other and customers correctly and cordially, speak politely and quietly and do not gossip in the corridors. All these are elements of corporate culture. The constancy of good manners is the best way to inspire the trust of customers and partners. You are stable and professional, your behavior is largely predictable, and you are safe, which means you meet or even exceed people's expectations. Knowing the principles of business etiquette will help you easily overcome many of the undercurrents that arise in the process of business communication. The first principle of business etiquette is the ability to perform one's job functions without interfering with others' performance. That is, you must behave towards colleagues or clients the way you would like them to behave towards you. The second principle of business etiquette is the principle of positivity. You should always radiate an open and friendly attitude towards colleagues and clients. For example: always start and end business conversations with a smile; never gossip or allow discussion of the physical merits or demerits of anyone; if your sense of humor or irony humiliates others, refrain from such wit. Adopt the principle: if there is nothing positive or benevolent to say, it is better to remain silent. The third principle of business etiquette is the predictability of behavior in various situations. You seem to emphasize to others that you are stable, constant and reliable, that you know how to behave, and always fulfill your obligations. The fourth principle of business etiquette is that the rules of the relationship between a man and a woman, adopted in civil etiquette, are not transferred to business etiquette. There are no men and women in the business world, there are status differences. Business is a community of people without gender. Of course, business people at work remain men and women, but their gender should not be conspicuous or overemphasized. The fifth principle of business etiquette is the principle of appropriateness: following certain rules at a certain time, in a certain place, with certain people. Business etiquette represents a specific culture of business relations. It includes the established rules and customs of behavior in predetermined situations with common sense, rationality and usefulness of the content embedded in them. A serious entrepreneur is more likely to suffer a loss than violate business etiquette, the norms of entrepreneurial ethics. After a loss, you can always make a profit, but after a loss of reputation, it is not always possible to restore it. Thus, business etiquette is a set of rules, principles and specific forms of business communication. In etiquette, attentiveness and respect, the ability to listen, to render a service to those in need are highly valued. The ability to manage your negative emotions indicates good breeding and good manners. Therefore, the best way to overcome irritation and discontent in yourself and others is a human smile.

Modern business etiquette is a set of rules of conduct adopted in the business environment, and there is nothing superfluous in it, nothing that would interfere with doing business. On the contrary, business etiquette is a tool that increases the effectiveness of communication, creates partnerships, and generates emotional comfort.

Etiquette is based on respect for people. It originated as a court ceremonial during the time of the French king Louis XIV (1638 - 1715). His reign is the apogee of French absolutism. It is to Louis XIV that we owe the name "Etiquette".

At the palace receptions of Louis XIV, guests were given cards with written rules of conduct. From the name "card" - the label came the word "Etiquette".

Born in the seventeenth century. in the environment of Versailles, it began to spread throughout the world, penetrating into all languages ​​without translation and special comments.

Etiquette regulates what is permissible and acceptable in a given society or in a given group of people, and what is not. In contrast to the norms of morality, it is, as it were, the nature of an unwritten agreement of people.

Etiquette suggests that one must speak the truth and be treated politely. Etiquette states that state property cannot be used for other purposes. Ignorance of etiquette, awkwardness, self-doubt interfere with the development of a conversation in the right direction, limit initiative and fetter a person's behavior in any situation.

The rules of business etiquette help to bring together the economic and financial interests of business people, contribute to the establishment of business relations with foreign partners. Knowledge of business etiquette is the foundation of entrepreneurial success.

Etiquette business behavior is cost-effective. Many successful companies, forming their unique corporate identity, require impeccable business manners from employees. By doing this, they create a competitive advantage for themselves, which distinguishes them favorably in the eyes of customers and partners.

In the civilized world, business etiquette is considered an economic category. If it is observed by all employees of the company at all levels, then a friendly, comfortable atmosphere is created in the team, the psychological climate improves, there are fewer conflicts, labor productivity increases, working time is used more rationally, etc.

In addition, there is a well-known management axiom: only a satisfied internal client can create a satisfied external client.

In other words, if employees (internal customers) do not observe business etiquette within the company, if the manager does not consider it necessary to show good business manners, and employees are not satisfied with the leadership style and the quality of communication in the team, then it should not be surprising that such dissatisfied internal customers show coldness. , indifference, and sometimes rudeness, towards external customers.

It is necessary to train personnel in good business manners at all levels of the hierarchy in the company. It is useless to train only managers and assume that after the training seminar they will come to the workplace and transfer new knowledge to subordinates.

Knowledge of business etiquette, the ability to behave culturally is the basis of entrepreneurial success.

Business communication etiquette

Business communication etiquette is a set of moral rules, norms, ideas that regulate relations, as well as the behavior of individuals in joint production activities. Etiquette of business communication is a necessary part of human life, as well as the most important type of relationship with other individuals.

The main regulators of relations are ethical norms, which express ideas about evil and good, injustice and justice in people's actions. Communicating with his boss, subordinates, colleagues, a person spontaneously or consciously relies on the etiquette of business communication. depending on the understanding moral standards, content and degree of etiquette, an individual can make business communication effective, solve tasks, achieve goals, or vice versa, make it impossible.

Etiquette translated from French means a set of rules of conduct that relate to people (forms of address, behavior in public places, treatment of others, greetings, dress, manner).

Business communication etiquette manifests itself at various levels social system, as well as in different forms. Participants in business communication are in official status and are aimed at achieving specific goals. Its distinguishing feature is the absence of self-sufficient meaning, since the etiquette of business communication does not act as an end in itself, but directly serves as a means to achieve other goals. In market relations, this is getting the maximum profit.

The peculiarity of business communication is due to the fact that it arises about or on the basis of a certain type of activity that is associated with the production, for example, of a business effect or product. At the same time, the parties to business communication act in official (formal) statuses that determine the necessary norms and standards (including ethical ones) of people's behavior. The specifics of business communication is the regulation, expressed in obedience to established restrictions, cultural and national traditions ethical professional principles.

Speech etiquette in business communication is a complex process in the development of contacts between individuals in the service sector. There are "unwritten" and "written" norms of behavior in various situations of official contact. The accepted certain order, as well as the official form of circumvention, is called business etiquette. It forms rules that promote mutual understanding of people, and also creates convenience, practicality and expediency.

Business etiquette consists of rules: norms (horizontal) that apply between members of the team, as well as instructions (vertical) that are specific to the leader and subordinate.

General requirement Speech etiquette in business communication is considered friendly, as well as a precautionary attitude towards all employees, partners, regardless of antipathies and sympathies. The regulation of business interaction is noted in attention to speech.

Speech etiquette in business communication is the norms of linguistic behavior developed by society, standard ready-made formulas that allow you to organize etiquette situations, requests, greetings, thanks, such as “be kind”, “hello”, “pleased to meet you”, “let me apologize” . Sustainable structures are selected taking into account psychological, social, age characteristics.

Speech etiquette in business communication involves establishing contact between people, exchanging certain information to build joint activities, and cooperation.

There are the following stages in business communication:

Establishing contact, including acquaintance, as well as understanding of another person;
orientation in the current situation of communication, as well as its comprehension with pauses;
discussion of the problem;
exit from contact (completion).

Official business contacts are based on partnerships, built on mutual requests, as well as on the needs and interests of the business. With direct contact, namely direct conversation, oral as well as non-verbal communication is of greater importance. Telephone messaging or conversation are common forms of communication.

Business communication etiquette is a real art, which is impossible to master right away. Compliance with norms, culture, rules of conduct will have a paramount role in advancing career ladder. If you are an up-and-coming specialist, as well as the face of the company, then think and imagine yourself as part of a team. greeting "hello" Everyday life means: “I am disposed to maintain a relationship”, the absence of this etiquette is read as a lack of desire to maintain a relationship. Therefore, the norm is the greeting of customers, employees, visitors, both at the beginning of the conversation, and in the absence of intentions to enter into verbal contact.

In business communication, speech etiquette is a set of speech etiquette means, as well as certain rules for their use in various situations.

Business communication etiquette includes the following important points:

You must not be late for business meetings;
reception of guests involves careful preparation (development of a negotiation plan, discussion with colleagues);
corresponding strict appearance;
it is important before the meeting to collect information about those with whom you meet, to think over all the questions of interest.

The protocol includes a greeting, introduction, address, as well as a handshake. If you don't already know each other, please introduce yourself. According to the protocol of business communication, the head of the host party is the first to appear, then the head among the guests. Then they introduce the rest of the employees. If a large delegation has arrived, then name-calling is avoided by presenting lists of participants, where participants are indicated by name and position.

At a business meeting, the junior in position is always introduced to the senior, gender does not play a role; if you had to meet with a partner before, then you need to introduce yourself again. If someone has not introduced himself, you can safely ask him about it, but do not ask again. It is necessary to memorize the names immediately so that there are no awkward situations. A handshake at a business meeting is used as a sign of an agreement, and it is also used immediately after the words of greeting. When introducing you to another person, he is the first to extend his hand to you. A handshake is done with the right hand, if it is busy, they serve the left, but after apologizing.

The handshake initiative comes from the eldest and from the one who has a higher position. A woman is given the right to decide whether to give her a hand or not. According to etiquette, she is the first to give a hand for greeting. Approaching the group and shaking hands with one of the members, you must do the same with everyone. Oral greetings are limited if the group is large. If the outstretched hand for a handshake is not answered with a handshake, then this is regarded as an insult.

Ethics is a philosophical science, the subject of which is morality. The practical significance of ethics is noted in the sphere of human communication, and communication between people is an important component in the process of joint activity. The joint activity of people in relation to morality cannot be neutral. Compliance with the etiquette of business communication is the most important component that will determine success in business and in entrepreneurial activities, career advancement. Psychologists note that success in financial affairs or in the technical field is fifteen percent dependent on professionalism and eighty-five percent on the ability to conduct business communication.

Jen Yager, PhD, points out six principles of business etiquette:

1. Punctuality, timely performance of work;
2. Confidentiality (keeping the secrets of the corporation or the personal life of colleagues, the results of the transaction);
3. Friendliness, courtesy, goodwill in any situation; showing attention to others (to colleagues, boss, subordinates);
4. Respect for the opinions, criticisms, and advice of colleagues, subordinates and superiors (when expressing doubt about the quality of your work, show that you value the experience and considerations of other people);
5. Compliance with the dress code - code of clothing;
6. Control of your speech, the absence of swear words in speech.

Ethics and etiquette of business communication should be based on the moral qualities of the individual, as well as the categories of ethics: truthfulness, honesty, generosity, modesty, dignity, duty, conscience, honor, giving business relations a moral character.

The etiquette of a business meeting during lunch includes the following points:

Appointment of a meeting in an office or restaurant near the office of the invitee;
the initiator of the meeting reserves a table;
it is important to inquire in advance about the tastes and preferences of the dinner participants;
if you don’t know your gastronomic preferences, then find out the restaurant’s menu: how rich is the choice of meat and vegetable dishes;
a table is booked in a non-smoking room;
the initiator of the meeting arrives at the restaurant 15 minutes earlier;
the choice of dishes is limited to familiar dishes;
if the meeting is scheduled in the office, then it is held in the conference room or meeting room;
such lunch is served by the ordered personnel;
the main purpose of the dinner is a business conversation, which begins with general phrases, gradually moving on to the topic;
at this informal meeting, jokes, touching on abstract topics will be appropriate, but correctness and tact in everything are required.

Telephone etiquette in business communication

During telephone conversations, etiquette in speech plays an essential role, since the interlocutor does not see, but only hears you. It is important to monitor the volume of speech, clarity, speed, and also observe the following rules: the call should be answered no later than 3 beeps. In the event that you call yourself, then hang up no earlier than 5 beeps.

A greeting should sound at the beginning of the conversation. Before starting a conversation, find out if it is convenient for the interlocutor to communicate now. In case of refusal, specify when you can call back. Ends the conversation, and also calls back after interrupting the phone call by the initiator. If your call is on behalf of a third party, for example, you are a secretary, then name on behalf of which company you are calling and succinctly state the topic of the upcoming conversation. If you yourself are a third party and you are asked to be connected, specify the purpose of the conversation.

Make all personal calls outside business hours. Promised to call back - be sure to call back. Watch your tone of voice, do not chew during a conversation. Let the interlocutor complete his speech. Do not cross talk with other people during telephone conversations. If the connection is of poor quality, then it will be right to continue the conversation after a while. In this case, either party can initiate the end of the call.

Business Etiquette

In the business environment, as well as social life, there is a set of laws and rules called etiquette. This is a kind of a pass to the world of business people, a standard of communication in a business environment. Non-compliance or ignorance of business etiquette often becomes a stumbling block, a barrier in conducting successful negotiations, promoting your company and product on the market, and building a career. The image of a professional is not formed immediately, not suddenly, and business etiquette, together with experience and expertise, plays an important role in this. A person is judged by his deeds, by his behavior and ability to build competent relationships in a business environment.

Time is money

Punctuality, respect for other people's time and competent knowledge of the basics of time management are the basis of the foundations in the business world. You can be a bright charismatic presenter, a great negotiator, a professional manager, but you can always be late, steal other people's time, waste your life waiting, idle chatter that is not relevant. It is unlikely that in this situation it will be possible to build long-term cooperation with large companies: non-punctual people are not respected in the business world.

Partners, employers, colleagues, realizing that a person is constantly late, can pass a verdict-sentence to such a sufferer: unreliable, lagging behind the times, from the rhythm of modern life. Excuses, apologies will strengthen this impression, since politeness and respect for others do not need such companions.

There is only one way out: every business person must know and master the basics of time management, be able to plan their working day, competently sort cases into important and urgent ones, delegate part of routine tasks and control the course of events.

Dress code compliance

The first impression of a person is easy to put together by his appearance: a business suit, a neat hairstyle, harmoniously matched accessories. Appearance determines the status and position in society, can tell about the character and inner world of a person much more than his words. Information is carried not only by speech, but also by clothing, hairstyle, details of the toilet. The challenge and provocation in appearance is a protest against society, its laws and foundations.

In many large companies in the corporate book of sales, a separate chapter is given to the dress code. If the enterprise or organization does not have strict standards regarding the appearance of personnel, it is necessary to adhere to generally accepted norms and rules adopted in the business world.

The desktop as a mirror of the inner world

Order on the desktop - order in the head. This old postulate should be carved in golden letters on the doors of any business office. You don't have to be a psychology guru to understand how and which employees work just by looking at their desktop.

Heaped with unsorted papers, with a thick layer of dust on the table.

Virgin clean, without a single superfluous thing.

Lined with photographs of children, loved ones, flowers, souvenirs.

Strict order, even stacks of papers, books and folders. Everything is in its place.

Which employees, the owners of these desktops, are of interest to the employer in the first place?

Competent speech, business writing style

Having learned to speak beautifully, competently, it is not difficult to transfer thoughts to paper, to learn how to write business letters. The main thing is not to fall to the other extreme: official letters written in the dry language of textbooks cause boredom and a desire to quickly close them, throw them in the trash.

Respect for the interlocutor, partner, client

A selfish person who thinks only about himself, his own profit and income is not respected either in the business world or in his own company. The clerk who slammed the door in the face of a client who turned to him at the end of the working day or before lunch. An employee talking loudly on the phone in the office where his colleagues work. A leader who does not listen to his subordinates. A director who uses strong words and expressions in relation to others.

All these psychological portraits of characters who do not know business etiquette, people who are unable to understand the other, to hear him, to help, to solve the problem that has arisen. The ability to respect other people's opinions is an important component of business etiquette.

Compliance with trade secrets

Almost every company has confidential information that is not subject to disclosure. An old poster from 1941 by artist Nina Vatolina "Don't talk!" today it gets its second life and fits perfectly into the interior of many modern enterprises and organizations.

It is important for each manager from the very first days of work of his employees to issue an order on non-disclosure of trade secrets and collect signatures from the entire team to familiarize themselves with it. It is clear that such a step cannot completely solve the issue of keeping the company's secret information, however, this rule of business etiquette can serve as a marker for identifying disloyal employees.

At work - work!

If you take a picture of the working day of most employees of offices and enterprises, the picture will be very depressing. Eighty percent of working time is spent on gossip, smoking breaks, tea parties, visiting social networks, solving personal matters. And only twenty percent - for the very work for which the salary is paid.

An employee who brings profit to the company quickly makes a dizzying career. The secret of his success is simple: 80% of the working time he works while others "rest".

Ability to listen and hear the opponent

The rarest gift given by nature: the ability to hear another, to understand him. In business, this gift brings millions, it has an exact definition - a rumor for money. Each client, employee and business partner will definitely tell about what he needs, what torments him, what he needs help with. It is only important to be able to hear and make a counter offer. In the business world, this skill is also important because it helps save time, which is more valuable than money, since it cannot be accumulated.

telephone etiquette

Business communication is impossible without telephone conversations, ethics in this case helps to quickly establish relationships and conduct negotiations with dignity. Many business partners, customers judge the company by phone conversations and employees' answers on the phone.

You need to prepare for a telephone dialogue in advance: prepare questions that you need to ask the interlocutor, clarify the time, names and dates that may be needed in the conversation.

Personal calls during business hours are only allowed if absolutely necessary. Empty chatter on the phone interferes with colleagues, distracts the attention of employees and forms the image of a frivolous empty person.

Netiquet - etiquette of communication on the Internet

Without the Internet, no business can exist today. The ability to communicate in e-mail correspondence, comment on business articles and respond to customer requests and requests on the company's website shows the employee's business level.

Each appeal must be nominal, personal, the letter must be signed with the name of the performer, give full contact details - company name, postal address, phone number, Skype nickname, corporate website address, business hours.

Reception of delegations

The protocol reception of delegations is a separate part of business etiquette, which includes a long list of actions for meeting, accommodating, introducing, acquainting members of the delegation with representatives of the host country. The minutes of a business meeting, the presentation of gifts, business souvenirs, flowers, the presentation of a company and a product, behavior at a buffet table or a banquet - all these issues are scrupulously described in thick books on business protocol.

At the meeting of foreign delegations to the generally accepted code business rules features of national etiquette are added.

Business meeting

One of the most important rules of business etiquette is the ability to conduct competent negotiations and bring them to a concrete result. In order for negotiations to take place at a high level, it is necessary to define clear goals before they start, draw up an accurate plan, and choose a convenient time and place for both parties.

At the first stage of negotiations, it is necessary to capture the attention of the interlocutor, creating a trusting atmosphere. During the conversation, you need to mark for yourself the stages of the negotiation and complete them immediately after the intended goal is achieved. All results of the negotiations should be recorded and analyzed.

Relationships between boss and subordinate

According to the rules of business etiquette, the manager must treat all employees equally, equally, while maintaining a reasonable distance. Remarks to subordinates should always be made face to face, it is logical to organize a demonstrative public “spanking” after the employee has not responded to the censure of the boss.

It is necessary to give orders, give oral tasks to the boss clearly, specifically, receive feedback, control the process, and analyze the effectiveness of execution.

The subordinate must follow the orders and instructions of the head, while he has the right to express his own point of view, give advice on improving the solution of a particular issue.

Relationships between employees

The microclimate in the team largely depends on the relationships that have developed in the company between colleagues. Smooth, friendly, respectful relationships are the basis of a healthy team. If one of the colleagues makes a mistake or a mistake, it is important for colleagues to learn not to ridicule him, but to correctly point out the shortcomings in the work, offer their help.

Office romances, mutual hatred, the Cold War, gray cardinals and office plankton, intrigues against each other are evil forces that interfere with the working environment and the solution of the main tasks of the team.

business gestures

This part of business etiquette deserves several volumes of description with colorful pictures. Gestures, mannerisms, facial expressions can tell more than words about a person. The movements of the employee during working hours should be energetic, not lethargic, not slowed down. The gait is confident, while waving your arms and taking very large steps is not recommended. A straight posture, a confident look, the absence of fuss in movements are signs of a man of action.

A handshake is the only tactile gesture of touching an interlocutor that is allowed in a business environment. Pats on the shoulder, warm hugs, kisses and other gestures of friendliness are possible only among very close partners and relatives. When shaking hands, the hand should not be lethargic, wet or cold. Shaking or squeezing the interlocutor's given hand for a long time is not accepted.

It is not difficult to control words, text or thoughts, but it is much more difficult to control gestures and facial expressions. A smart interlocutor will instantly understand the intention or deceit by certain gestures and body movements. Business literature offers to help the books of Alan Pease "Body Language" and Paul Ekman "The Psychology of Lies. Lie to me if you can"

68% of business negotiations and transactions in Russia did not take place due to the fact that entrepreneurs did not know the rules of business etiquette. Ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility, leads to the loss of credibility, money and business.

The main difference between business etiquette and secular etiquette is that in this set of rules, the priority of subordination is in the first place. Regardless of age and gender, the subordinate is in the hierarchy below the leader.

Business is done by people who have not only smart thoughts, enterprise and creativity, but also emotions. Failure to comply with business etiquette always causes negative feelings. Only ten to fifteen percent of business people succeed, and business etiquette always comes first.

Features of business etiquette


Australians love sports and talk about it. You should be able to hold a conversation about horse racing, football, surfing, etc. Another common topic of conversation is recreation. Tell your partners how you relax at home, this will cause genuine interest in you. Australians are a drinking nation. During the conversation, you can emphasize the high palatability of Australian wines, especially reds, which compete with French and Californian varieties. Your interlocutor will be touched and will feel affection for you. When communicating with Australian partners, avoid extremes - excessive fussiness or excessive pedantry, behave calmly, without haste. Australia, unlike other countries, and business people can dress simply as they please. No one will judge you if you are visiting in a cotton shirt and jeans. Just don't come and guests empty-handed - grab at least a bottle of wine. Once at the Australian airport, heading to the customs desk, pay attention to the huge garbage cans with inscriptions urging you to part with canned food, sausages, etc., just in case. Even an apple core or half-eaten sandwich can cost $50,000 in fines. Australia has an abundance of inexpensive, tasty and organic food. Do not go bareheaded - here the sun is too bright and radioactive.

Arab countries

An important condition for success in these countries is the observance and respect of local traditions. During negotiations, the hosts treat you to coffee. It is very strong and sugar free. large quantity cardamom. After drinking, you give it to the owner, and he immediately fills it again. This can continue until you empty the coffee pot. If you no longer want coffee, shake the cup from side to side or turn it upside down. If soft drinks are offered before coffee, this means that the time allotted for the meeting is coming to an end. In the tradition of Arabic conversation, interject from time to time: “How are you?”, “How are you?” But this does not mean that you should talk in detail about your health or affairs. An even bigger mistake would be your question about the health of your spouse and other family members. If you are not friends with your interlocutor's families, it is appropriate to inquire only about his health. If you know Arabic well and speak it with a partner, but suddenly you hear in English: “Sorry, I don’t speak English,” don’t be too surprised and, moreover, don’t be offended. In this unusual way, your Arabic interlocutor apologizes for the fact that the conversation will be conducted in his native language.


Politeness consists in showing a great appetite and in the fact that you do well with substantial portions of each dish offered to you. A woman who, taking care of her figure, barely touches her food, causes regret among the Belgians. Whenever possible, say: "S "il vous plait" ("please"). This expression is used under any circumstances: whether you heard, whether you agree or refuse.

United Kingdom

Entering into business contacts with English firms, it is necessary to take into account some features:

English business- this is not only business communication, but also mandatory attendance at symposiums, congresses, seminars and exhibitions; membership in prestigious clubs. Of no small importance for the British elite is attendance at such entertainment events as tennis tournaments, horse races, etc.

Start communication with an English businessman with purely human problems: show him that universal human values ​​are no less important to you than commercial interests; underline your affection for the British people and their ideas. By acquiring a partner, you will acquire not only a business partner for the moment, but create the basis for establishing long-term business relationships.

If your English partner has invited you to lunch - do not refuse, but know that you should also organize something similar in return. During lunch, do not forget about the time. Before the meeting, ask how much time your partner has - thus you will show that you value not only yours, but also his time. Don't forget to give courtesies to those with whom you have ever met or negotiated. A greeting card for a holiday or birthday, greetings to your English partner's relatives will raise your business authority and indicate your politeness and good human qualities. In English business circles, gifts are very strict. Only very few things can be considered a gift and not a bribe. These are calendars, notebooks, lighters, branded pens, and at Christmas - alcoholic drinks. Other goods are considered as means of pressure on the partner. If it becomes known in business circles that representatives of some firms are involved in such actions, then their credibility may be undermined forever. Table manners are as, if not more, important than in France. Therefore, follow the basic rules of this ritual. Never put your hands on the table, keep them on your knees. Cutlery is not removed from the plates, as knife stands are not used in England. Do not shift cutlery from one hand to another, the knife should always be in the right hand, the fork in the left. Since various vegetables are served at the same time as meat dishes, you should do this: you prick a small piece of meat and use a knife to collect vegetables on this piece; vegetables should be supported by a piece of meat on the convex side of the fork tines. You must achieve this, because if you risk spearing even a pea on your fork, you will be considered ill-mannered. Never address strangers until you have been introduced to them. A handshake is used very rarely, only at the first introduction. Don't kiss hands. Do not give in public such compliments as yours Nice dress" or "how delicious these cakes" - this is regarded as the greatest indelicacy. Individual conversations are not allowed at the table. Everyone must hear the one who speaks, and, in turn, speak in order to be heard by everyone. If you are invited to dinner, then do not hesitate to wear a tuxedo, and for a formal evening - a tailcoat. If you want to be a gentleman, never say that word. Only in France they often allow themselves to say: “This is a real gentleman!” or "That's not a gentleman." An English proverb says: "A gentleman is one who never uses the word." Call Scots and Irish 'British' but never 'English'. In a restaurant, do not give tips in an underlined way, they should be discreetly placed under the edge of the plate.


If in front of your eyes the German partners have locked up a phone or a copier in the bureau, do not take this as an action directed against you. It's just German thrift - the phone is expensive. The Germans know how to conduct business telephone conversations. They do not waste too much time to start a conversation, do not use empty, meaningless words, but clearly pronounce the name of the subscriber or the name of the institution. The conversation itself is purely concrete. The Germans are neat and scrupulous. If you doubt whether you will be able to comply with all the terms and conditions of agreements with your German colleagues, it is better to refuse your offers in advance. It is desirable to take into account the commitment of the Germans to the titles. To do this, it is necessary to clarify all the titles of business partners even before the start of negotiations. Give the title of everyone you talk to. If the title is unknown to you, then you can address it like this: “Herr Doktor”. You will rarely make a mistake, since there is a whole gamut of doctors (literature, sciences, etc.). To married woman refer to her husband's title (Frau Doktor) or address her "Gnadige Frau" ("gracious empress"). Girls should be called "Gnadiges Fraulein", because simply "Fraulein" is called only maids or saleswomen in the store. Before drinking, raise your glass and clink glasses with the host. In a restaurant, greet everyone around you, even strangers, with the expression "Malzeit", which means approximately: "Bon appetit!" Our businessmen usually come with gifts, but you should not expect reciprocal gifts - here they are not accepted in business communication. The Germans have a habit of scheduling their business and private lives by the day and hour. Therefore, try to have your German partner record the meeting with you in your pocket calendar book. Recording allows you to better plan your time, which the Germans value very much. Tipping in a restaurant or cafe can not be given - they will already be included in the cost of your lunch. But if you still want to give them, then round up the tip to the full amount, for example, if dinner costs 4 marks 20 pfennigs, pay 5 marks. Big tips are not accepted. Board the carriage strictly in accordance with the class (first or second) indicated on the ticket. If you smoke, there is a special section for you. Do not take a large suitcase with you in the compartment - it is customary to check in bulky luggage in a special baggage car.


Be reserved, cold, keep your guard up. Avoid shaking hands, don't give compliments. Be exceptionally accurate with every meeting or invitation.


If you are going to Ireland, take an umbrella, raincoat and boots with you, and you can leave exquisite toilets at home. The Irish do not attach much importance to external gloss, they dress simply, modestly, sportily and inexpensively. Do not take to Ireland, as, indeed, to many Western European countries, hats and coats made of natural, especially rare fur. Perhaps your partners - active participants in the campaign for the protection of animals will react negatively to this. If you are in Dublin and you are going to a business meeting, choosing a bus as your transport, get off with a decent margin of time, the buses here run very late. It is much safer to take a taxi. But at the same time, the following must be remembered. Get into the car in the front seat (unlike Italian taxis!). You can offend the driver if you take the back seat - by this you seem to emphasize that you hired a driver to transport you, while all taxis in Dublin are owned by private owners. Unlike the precise to the point of pedantry Germans, Englishmen and others, the Irish are optional. They may be an hour late for a business meeting. But at the same time, they smile so disarmingly and sweetly that it’s impossible to scold them, you just need to take this into account. In Ireland, it is customary to arrange business meetings in bars. Buying something in stores, you pay, like all Irish people, a 10 percent tax. But for foreigners leaving the country, this money is returned. You just need to ask the seller for a special return check and present it to the special service of the airport before flying home.


If you are asked to stay for breakfast - do not accept this invitation: it is just a formality, so consider it! If it is repeated - refuse again. Only after the third attack you cannot accept the invitation, because this time it is sincere. Never visit during the afternoon hours. On the train, be sure to invite your neighbors to eat with you. They will refuse, just as you should if you are asked to. All this is just a courtesy rule.


Acquaintance with a representative of the Italian business world begins with the exchange of business cards, so you need to have enough of them. If you cannot give yours in response to the card extended, you must apologize, explain the reason, and promise to send it at the earliest opportunity. Italian businessmen attach great importance to the fact that negotiations are carried out between people who occupy approximately an equal position in the business world or society. Therefore, before business meetings, they seek to find out the working biography of potential sites, their age, position, etc. The texts on the business cards of Italian businessmen are printed, as a rule, in Italian and English. Great importance is attached in Italy to the establishment of friendly, informal relations with business partners during off-duty hours. Italians are very proud of their history and art, so show respect and knowledge in this area - this will quickly create a warm atmosphere. In case of contentious issues, the Italians strive for a reasonable compromise, in exceptional cases they resort to the help of arbitration. If you are going to negotiations and you need a taxi, do not try to stop a free taxi yourself. If you are in a hotel, ask the porter to call a taxi; if you are on the street, go to the nearest cafe and contact its owner. Such services are provided free of charge or at a very reasonable price. Pay by the meter or a little more, but not by much - Italians respect those who do not waste money. On the train, as in Spain, make a symbolic gesture of inviting you to eat with you. Refrain from accepting the same invitation from your fellow travelers, limiting yourself to wishing them “Bon appetito!” ("Bon appetit!"). Don't be stingy with tips and don't try to carry your suitcase yourself. Eat spaghetti by wrapping it around the tines of a fork. Men, be generous with kissing hands. Ask acquaintances first about their health, and then about their health.


It is not recommended to skip rituals and social events, as joint banquets, receptions, memory photographs, etc. create closer relationships that are so important for Chinese business practices. It is recommended to come to any social event (if it is not just a dinner in a restaurant) with a gift. It is better to give a gift not to a specific person, but to the whole organization. Wrapped gifts are not usually unwrapped before the guests leave. When invited to a wedding, birthday or funeral, it is customary to give a small amount of money in an envelope (in red - for the living, in white - on the occasion of death). A business acquaintance in Chinese society cannot be successful without exchanging business cards. It is recommended that you have business cards printed in both English and Chinese. The Chinese put the surname first when addressing. In Western practice, on the contrary, the surname is often put in second place, which can create confusion. If you have just met a Chinese person, call him (or her) by his last name. In Chinese society, dress is very simple, a suit and tie is required only at official receptions. Avoid a situation in which you can embarrass a Chinese person in the presence of his compatriots. If criticism is unavoidable, express it face to face. In some cases, it is more expedient to use the services of an intermediary, especially if we are talking about a person with a high social status. Do not undermine the authority of a senior Chinese by asking a question to his subordinate. At times, this requirement can be annoying, especially if the younger one knows better English and has the skills to communicate with you or is aware of the issues being discussed. Respond as quickly as possible to all inquiries, suggestions, correspondence and invitations. At the very least, send messages immediately that you will reply as soon as possible. One of the most common mistakes is the slowness with which Western companies respond to requests and requests from Chinese partners. If rice wine (shaoxin) is served at the table, it is preferable to drink it after the toast. The glass is held in the right hand, supporting it with the left. The return toast - "ganbei" ("drain the glass") and "sweyi" - is a common practice. The honored guest should be the first to try a new dish and get up from the table.


The most important means of establishing, maintaining and developing contacts with Peruvian businessmen are representative events: official receptions, business dinners, visits to spectacles, etc. Some Peruvian businessmen attach great importance to the formal side of communication and closely monitor the implementation of all the subtleties of the protocol. For example, if the official position of the invitee is incorrectly indicated in the invitation, or an invitation is sent to the bachelor to come to the reception with his wife, this will cause irreparable damage to the relationship. Violation of the basic seating rule at lunches and dinners - respect for seniority according to the official or social position of the guests - can be interpreted as deliberately damaging the prestige of the guest. Business lunches play a particularly important role in commercial practice in Peru. It is during table talks that the fate of many contracts is decided. Therefore, during lunch you should not relax, constantly analyze what is happening at the table. And it is very important, when accepting an invitation, to remember that it is necessary to return courtesy for courtesy. In Peru, it is customary to send postcards, letters and souvenirs to personal acquaintances on the occasion of some events. A tradition is also a gift - colorfully decorated baskets with a set of products for festive table, calendars, branded pens, notebooks, drinks and handicrafts. When receiving a gift, you must immediately open the package and express your admiration, otherwise the giver may regard your indifference as disrespect for him. Gifts must be accompanied by business cards, on which, depending on the nature of the relationship, phrases such as: “With best wishes, congratulate you on your birthday,” must be written in the third person. The text is not signed and is not dated.


Never ask for porto as an aperitif - there this wine is considered a dessert wine. Don't go out on a visit without first leaving your shoes to the street cleaners. Never call before 11 am. Don't compliment women in public.

The Republic of Korea

Following Confucian morality, Koreans are very hospitable and give their guests an unusually warm welcome. However, this technique does not mean at all that they are interested in a partner - this is politeness. Just like in Japan, contact with Korean businessmen cannot be established if you contact them only in writing. If Korean businessmen show interest in a partner, they seek a personal meeting - they do not recognize another way of negotiating. In South Korea, just like in other developed countries, business cards are needed. If a Korean does not receive your business card in response to an outstretched business card, this will be perceived as a slight. In South Korea, it is customary to address by position or last name. It should be remembered that in Koreans, the first syllable is the surname, and the next two are the personal name. But due to American influence in Korea, they began to write in a Western manner - first the name, then the surname. Therefore, in order to avoid misunderstandings, it is better to clarify with the interlocutor his last name. One of the important conditions for successful negotiations is respect for the status of Koreans. During negotiations, the Koreans, unlike the Japanese, are not inclined to discuss minor points for a long time. They rather prefer to "take the bull by the horns" immediately after mutual understanding is established. If a person who has come to negotiate with them is not authorized to make decisions and take responsibility, this is very disappointing for the Koreans. Koreans do not openly express their disagreement with a partner and do not prove him wrong (and they expect the same from the interlocutor). Koreans are scrupulous in matters of clothing - a strict business suit is required for men and women. It is not customary to smoke in the presence of elders in age and position. A junior in rank will never do anything in the least bit outside the scope of the instructions received from his superior.

North Africa

Don't drink while eating. In Morocco, agree to drink three (at least!) glasses of mint tea, which will be offered to you after your meal. After shaking the owner's hand, bring your hand to your lips. In Tunisia, greeting on the street, bow, bring right hand forehead, then lips, then heart. “I think about you, I talk about you, I respect you” - this is the meaning of this beautiful custom. Ask your master in detail about him, about his children, but never about his wife. And especially don't ask him if she's expecting a baby.

Never write "Mister" or "Mistress" in full on an envelope. Written in this way, these words take on a completely different - very pejorative meaning. Only "Miss" is written in full. If you want to meet friends in America, call in advance or, having notified of your arrival, wait for their invitation; if you have letters of recommendation to "mutual friends", then send these letters by mail, giving the initiative to invite these friends.


In Turkey, many business conversations start in cafes. If the negotiations in the cafe are completed successfully, everyone goes to celebrate it in the restaurant. If you're visiting your partner, don't forget flowers for the lady of the house. Turks love to give and receive gifts. Any reception hosted by Turkish businessmen ends with the presentation of small souvenirs. Turkish business people hold in special esteem the so-called "plaquettes" - a bronze or brass plate packed in a velvet box-stand with the company's emblem and a commemorative inscription. Present and you a memorable sign of the firm. Often there are aquariums, bird cages or potted flowers in the reception areas. Show interest in them, this will win over the owner of the office. Never come to a meeting with the Turks without having time to spare. A business conversation will certainly be preceded by “sohbet” - a conversation about this and that, tea or coffee. Often it is during such conversations that important problems are solved.


The modern Finnish commercial work ethic is distinguished by reliability, clarity, correctness and honesty in relationships and is not inferior to German punctuality and pedantry. In Finland, on holidays, especially Christmas and New Year, it is customary to congratulate your friends and colleagues. It is best to send a beautiful postcard. If you want to give a gift, then it should not be expensive. In Finland, samovars, handicrafts, especially painted items (trays, caskets, toys, etc.), as well as red and black caviar, and Russian vodka are popular. Many business issues are easier to resolve here in a sauna or a restaurant, so do not refuse such invitations and do not forget to reciprocate them.


With any French firm, business communication, correspondence must be carried out without fail in French. The French react painfully to the use of English or any other. Among French entrepreneurs, it is customary to interrupt an interlocutor, to make critical remarks or counterarguments during a discussion. This should not be taken as a sign of disrespect, for them it is the norm. The treaties concluded by the French are always specific, precise and concise. The French do not like it if their partners make any changes during the negotiations. In France, many important decisions are made at business receptions. They talk about business only after coffee, but not immediately, but after talking on neutral topics. Never bring up questions of religion, marital status, political affiliations, problems related to position in the service, income and expenses in a conversation with the French. If you are invited to dinner, you should arrive a quarter of an hour later than the appointed time. Bring gifts with you: colors (only not white or chrysanthemums, in France they are considered a symbol of sorrow), a bottle of champagne, expensive wine, a box of chocolates. Remember, rave reviews about the quality of food and drinks are expected from you during lunch. It is not customary to leave food on a plate, add salt to dishes to your liking, or use spices. When they receive you and, escorting you into the room, they let you go forward, do not bow at the door, go first. But during important meetings, meetings, the leader of the highest rank enters first. In France, it is not customary to address interlocutors by name, unless they themselves ask for it. Usually they use "monsieur" and "madame". It is considered impolite if traditional greetings like “bonjour” (hello) or “o Renoir” (goodbye) are not added with “monsieur” or “madame”. (In the business world, women are addressed with the word "Madame" regardless of their marital status.) When making a business acquaintance in France, you must provide your business card, but because education is very important here, it is recommended to indicate on the card the completed higher education institution, especially if it is enjoys a good reputation. The requirements for the appearance of a business person in France are basically the same as in other European countries, but there is one important rule: clothes must be of high quality from natural materials. Eliminate everything synthetic from your wardrobe. Upon entering the restaurant, take off your hat and coat. Ask the waiter to indicate a free table. The waiter in France is called “garcon”, the head waiter “maitre d” hotel (he does not wear an apron), the waitress “mademoiselle”. Do not make the waiter wait long when choosing your menu. drinks), if you really don’t want any wine. Because of false shame, you don’t need to take it. Calling the waiter, do not clap your hands, especially do not knock the glass with a knife or fork. Do not draw attention to yourself with remarks, reproaches. Under any circumstances be discreet.After finishing your meal, ask for the bill.If you disagree with it, make your remarks quietly.In many restaurants, the menu says: "Prices - including tips."If there is no such announcement, you need to add 10% to the bill.If you liked the service , you can tip in the first case.In restaurants « good manners» The bill is presented to the payer on a plate under a napkin to hide the amount from strangers. In this case, the board is placed under the same napkin. It is customary to answer the greetings of waiters and maitre d's, to give tips in the dressing room.


Don't kiss hands. Do not pay a visit without agreeing it the day before. Never enter an apartment without thoroughly drying your shoes. Bring flowers.


Use the word "tack" in all circumstances. "Thank you". It's easy to remember and will be your pass everywhere.

South Africa

Business etiquette in South Africa is similar to European: meetings begin by prior agreement, negotiations do not involve a long prelude on abstract topics, modest gifts are possible, but not required. Business breakfasts, lunches, dinners, invitations of business partners home are widely practiced. Oral agreements have equal legal force with written ones, however, their subsequent written confirmation is accepted.


If you want to establish business relations with Japanese entrepreneurs, please contact an intermediary. This should be well known to both parties by a Japanese businessman or an already well-established domestic entrepreneur or organization. In this case, the intermediary must be remunerated materially or with a counter service. An indispensable condition for meeting a Japanese businessman is a business card. As a sign of respect, read it carefully and hold it with both hands. The Japanese attach great importance to the fact that communication is carried out between people occupying an approximately equal position in the business world or society. When meeting with the company's management and negotiations, you must be punctual - the Japanese are painfully late, no matter what the reasons are. Always carefully listen to the point of view of the interlocutor to the end, do not interrupt or make any comments. If a Japanese businessman nods during a conversation, this does not mean at all that he agrees with you, but only that he understood you. Negotiations should not be rushed, just as the Japanese should not be rushed in written or telex negotiations. Be as polite as possible, as the Japanese themselves are generally very polite and highly appreciate the same treatment. Do not lose your temper, do not get excited in the presence of Japanese partners. Stay cool, smile and control yourself. Show that you are friendly, practical, sincere, responsive, sociable - these features are especially attractive to the Japanese, because often they are what he lacks. Do not deal with human problems coldly and indifferently, because by doing so you can affect the emotional mood of the Japanese partner. Learn to speak at least a little Japanese - your partners will appreciate your diligence. When meeting Japanese businessmen, do not offer them a handshake. It is best to confine yourself to a polite bow. If in a business conversation the Japanese use an expression like: “it is difficult now”, “we will consider this in the future”, etc. know you got rejected. Do not resort to overcomplicated sentences, to national jokes built on the play and ambiguity of words and expressions, and to anecdotes. You will not be understood. And if they understand, they are unlikely to translate adequately. You should not start a conversation with Japanese businessmen on the topics of religion and philosophy. Women are not recommended to do business in Japan: the Japanese treat women businessmen with great prejudice. Be careful when choosing flowers for a Japanese gift. Without knowing the flower symbolism, you can easily get into a mess. It is best not to give flowers to everyone unless it is absolutely necessary, but in this case, consult beforehand. In Japan, it is considered good manners to give gifts. However, avoid giving overly expensive gifts to the Japanese. Your expensive gift can put your friend in a difficult position. You should also not unpack the gift you received in the presence of the giver. If your Japanese partners invite you to a traditional restaurant Japanese cuisine, pay attention to your shoes and socks, so you have to take off your shoes. If you cannot eat the dish offered to you by the Japanese, try to overcome yourself and eat at least a piece of the food offered. If you are invited to a "karaoke bar" where the Japanese like to have fun, be prepared to perform there: sing something Russian folk or dance. If you are hosting Japanese businessmen, do not forget to serve tea or coffee at the beginning of negotiations, then soft drinks. In conclusion, it must be said that wherever our entrepreneur is, he must always be a worthy representative of his country. You should be extremely attentive to the customs and traditions of partners. It is recommended not to engage in political or religious-philosophical discussions without special need, not to speak badly about your homeland and not to criticize the order in the country in which you are. Tolerance, showing respect, dignity and tact towards partners will help to achieve a mutually beneficial result. Upon arrival in any country, it is recommended that you immediately familiarize yourself with the local rules of trade, travel in public transport, taxis, etc. and strictly adhere to them. It is better to keep receipts for payment for purchased goods until the final departure from the country, they may be required in case of payment of duties.

Business speech etiquette

Possession of speech etiquette favorably distinguishes a person in the eyes of others. In everyday communication, you can do without some conventions, but in the corporate world, everything is different. Here, an important element of the rules of conduct is business speech etiquette. The level of mastery of this skill can determine the fate of an important contract, an entire business, or even a career.

The course of a conversation can sometimes be disrupted quite unexpectedly, spontaneously and lead to irreparable consequences. Compliance with certain rules in a conversation is an important condition for a positive outcome of negotiations, achieving personal goals, maintaining the image of your organization. This is the basis for success when applying to a serious company, in teamwork, and career advancement of an employee. Each person may have his own ideas about how to behave and what to say to the interlocutor, according to the level of his upbringing. However, those who aspire to the world of business should carefully master the principles of corporate communication.

Business speech etiquette is a set of interrelated and mandatory principles of communication between management, staff, partners and customers in a variety of corporate situations. Competent communication, as part of interaction, facilitates cooperation, business processes, and determines their success. This applies to everyone possible types communications - correspondence, conversations between employees, management with subordinates, negotiations with customers and clients.

Basic principles of speech business etiquette

Fluency in behavior helps to resolve difficult situations. The attention paid to business etiquette directly depends on the corporate level, the status of a person. This level determines the degree of strictness of the rules, the importance of compliance with individual norms. For example, if the communication between a sales manager and an administrator can be less formal, then communication between a top-level manager of a company and the management of its branch takes place according to a more strict protocol.

The principle of hierarchical distinction

This is the need to comply with simple, but mandatory rules for verbal communication between a subordinate and a boss: do not interrupt the boss’s speech, listen to the end, and then ask your question or express your opinion. This principle is good not only in the corporate world, but also in other areas of life - demonstrating a respectful attitude towards the interlocutor without compromising one's dignity.

The principle of positivity

This principle prescribes to always encourage colleagues, partners, management to positive emotions. The speech etiquette of a business conversation should be positive in its manners, intonations. Even when talking about negative things, if the audience or interlocutor annoys you. No conversations “about a hard life”, “bad weather”, no complaints in anticipation of “pity” from the listener. Especially with non-verbal communication!

The principle of respect for the opinions of others

It is necessary to respect someone else's manner of speech, someone else's behavior on the podium, the image, the argument of the opponent. Having your own opinion about the problem, you should not “promote” it too stubbornly without special need. Learn to listen to your opponent, weigh and argue your statements, because speech etiquette in the business sphere does not tolerate groundlessness. Give arguments calmly, without imposing your non-alternative decision on the audience. If it comes to confrontation, take a step back and rethink your argument. Use the rule: first the main advantages, then the main disadvantages, on the contrary - nothing!

Don't worry about acknowledging the correctness of the interlocutor, it does not humiliate, but elevates, often opening the way to accepting your argument. The main goals of business communication are to coordinate positions, get out of a difficult situation, and develop an effective solution. Don't forget to thank your opponent at the end of the dispute (this is necessary even if your opinion was somewhat shaken).

The principle of taking into account the situation (relevance of the situation)

Behavior, actions, appearance must correspond to a specific situation. This applies, for example, to the ease of conversation, the free manner of dressing (in particular, the conversation “without ties” is becoming popular with politicians), confidentiality (everyone prefers the absence of “extra ears” when talking), etc.

Conversation in a relaxed atmosphere does not mean the abolition of neatness, grooming, manner of speaking, rules of conduct, including unwritten ones. It is especially important to think about the company's image for secretaries, referents, public relations managers, departments. It is necessary to maintain an appropriate level with your behavior, style of conversation, correspondence, manner of dressing, gait and even hairstyle.

The principle of predictability

This principle helps to avoid unpredictable and often awkward behavior in corporate communications. The conversation takes place according to a pre-compiled protocol, a standard of behavior in which everything is written in order to avoid emergency situations.

The speech etiquette of a business letter is also based on the above principles. By following these simple rules, you can greatly facilitate the process of business communication and even bring it to a whole new level!


You need to learn to conduct not only a business conversation, but also “just a conversation”. Oratory is the ability to clearly, reasonably, confidently and figuratively express your thoughts to the audience. Such abilities are not given from birth, they are developed in the learning process, and especially in the practice of non-verbal communication.

Plato said that reading and writing eradicated oratory. On the Internet and in real life, it is not easy to find people with such rare valuable qualities as the ability to speak, listen, gesticulate, and master facial expressions. Many, on the contrary, are afraid of the podium, the audience.

Business communication cannot be imagined separately from the concept of rhetoric. They often have common goals:

A professional in their specialization is a valuable resource for a company, and the demand for them in the modern world is steadily high. As for such a skill as business speech etiquette, it is a universal tool that allows you to successfully solve employment issues, achieve high results in labor activity up to starting your own business.

business man etiquette

The etiquette and image of a business person is not only the style of clothing, shoes, make-up and hair, but also the behavioral order that corresponds to the established model, which helps to avoid mistakes in communicating with business partners. main function etiquette is convenience. Business people value expediency and practicality, so they think through everything from the smallest detail to the most general rules and thus create a system close to everyday life.

The speech etiquette of a business person includes several basic rules:

1. The ability to listen and correctly understand the interlocutor's thought.
2. The art of clearly, intelligibly and clearly explaining one's thoughts in public.
3. An objective perception of a partner, regardless of the differences between you.
4. The ability to build good relationships with people regardless of their rank, whether they are superiors or subordinates.
5. The ability to find common interests with the interlocutor in the process of communication.

The main thing in communicating with a business partner is not the material benefits that you will receive from this meeting: a signed contract or a deal. Much more important are the emotions and feelings that you can convey to the interlocutor. The words will be forgotten over time, but the emotions experienced during the meeting with you will remain in the partner’s memory for a long time and perhaps this will become the basis for further cooperation.

However, one should not forget that in the culture of speech communication there are key indicators, which determine the level of your education:

In the modern world, the main role in business is given to the person of the company, and whether he observes the ethics and etiquette of a business person directly affects labor productivity and work results. Therefore, businessmen all over the world use the main postulate: good manners are profitable. After all, it is always more pleasant to work with a company that respects etiquette, which creates an appropriate psychological climate between business partners.

Principles of business etiquette

The well-being of thousands of people can sometimes depend on the outcome of negotiations. And how disappointing it is when contracts are broken due to ignorance of the basics of business ethics. It is important to observe the rules of business etiquette at the level of ordinary office employees. Otherwise, due to one illiterate employee, the reputation of the entire company and its leader may be damaged. Etiquette in business is somewhat different from secular. Therefore, it has its own specific rules. The principles of business etiquette should be known to everyone involved in office work and business in general in order to avoid any incidental situations.

Based on punctuality. The ability to arrive on time to a meeting, to the workplace, to perform functional duties without delay is highly valued in the business environment.

The next principle was positivity. A positive attitude to work, when communicating with colleagues, leaves only pleasant impressions in the memory. To maintain a positive conversation, it is best to avoid gestures that would indicate hostility, irritation, or insincerity. So, you should not keep your hands in your pockets, look around, fiddle with clothes. To maintain a good mood, it is important to match the occasion with clothes, hairstyles, intonation.

The principles of business etiquette are based on reasonable selfishness. Its essence boils down to the fact that in any situation, you must first take care of your interests. But at the same time, respect should be shown to the opponent. This does not mean that it is necessary to agree with the interlocutor in everything. It is enough to listen carefully to him and, in case of disagreement, express your point of view with reason.

The fourth principle is built on the predictability of behavior, which prevents the appearance of unpleasant embarrassments. The direction of any action in the business environment should be consistent with the developed rules and the sequence of their application. For example, meeting a new person at a business meeting. In this case, the rules of good manners require the following sequence. First you need to greet your partner. Then the interlocutors will be introduced to each other, followed by an exchange of business cards. At the same time, you should first look at the business card, and then hide it. We advise you to read the article about the rules for using business cards.

The principle of status differences involves the division of office workers into classes. The leadership is in a more privileged position. Therefore, the subordinates without fail should be the first to greet their boss, let him go ahead. The same rule applies to visitors to the boss.

The sixth principle of business etiquette states the appropriateness of the chosen manner of behavior in the environment.

The final principle is efficiency. It refers to the use of business etiquette to achieve economic benefits. The principle may relate to the optimization of the workflow, the reduction of the deadlines for fulfilling the obligations assumed, the increase in the number of contracts concluded.

Business etiquette

The norms of business etiquette involve the neutralization of the costs of formalizing business relations. To do this, employees of the organization should organize various events where they can relax together. In order to eliminate the negative consequences of observing the subordination of business relations, one can resort to psychological training, which is usually carried out with staff outside working hours.

To date, business culture and business etiquette are being actively studied, due to the need to improve their level. They should be taken into account both in relations within the company and between third parties. Without such standards of behavior, some employees will feel uncomfortable.

In professional behavior, business etiquette is of the greatest importance, which determines the norms of behavior in public places. Signs of self-confidence and respectability are appearance, compliance with the rules of telephone conversations and correspondence, as well as speech etiquette.

Business culture can be called a phenomenon of the modern world. In its study, various methodological strategies are used. You can apply a functional, structural or historical method. However, the activity approach will be the most universal. It allows you to understand the details, taking into account the regional characteristics of business cultures.

From the point of view of the considered approach, business culture is a set of guiding rules, systems of behavior and stable stereotypes that operate in a market society, and are also characteristic of all subjects of economic activity. However, considering this concept, it is worth distinguishing it from economic culture. This is due to the fact that it represents the methods of carrying out economic and economic activities that are characteristic of any period of history.

In addition, economic culture covers the behavior of not only producers, but also consumers. It should also be noted that its material component is technology and equipment.

Business culture is the culture of business, that is, economic activity that brings profit. Its subjects can be called only participants in the receipt of income. At the same time, material resources are not part of the business culture. First of all, it is a method of self-organization, which is aimed at the efficiency of profit.

Business culture and business etiquette are closely related concepts. Having learned what business culture is, it is worth considering the concept of "etiquette". It represents a demeanor that first arose in Italy in its familiar form. Etiquette prescribes the norms of behavior at work, diplomatic and business receptions, in public places, etc. Unfortunately, people often face disrespect for their personality and rudeness. The fact is that the culture of behavior is underestimated.

Manners are an external form of behavior, a way to behave, as well as expressions and intonations used in speech. They should also be called gestures and facial expressions that are characteristic of a person. Good manners presuppose restraint and modesty in the manifestation of actions, careful treatment of people and the ability to control oneself.

Bad manners are always cheeky behavior, as well as the habit of laughing and talking loudly, groomed appearance, unkindness, rudeness and the use of obscene expressions. Manners are one of the components of the culture of behavior and are regulated by etiquette. It is worth remembering that human actions should be based on moral principles.

Business etiquette is a set of rules governing behavior during official and business contacts. For the professional behavior of a person, it is most important. Business relations do not take place without an internal culture, despite the fact that only external forms of behavior are established by etiquette.

Culture of business etiquette

During a conversation, the basic rule is unconditional respect for the interlocutor. In most cases, the rules of good manners do not allow discussing money matters, physical defects, illness of the interlocutor or others. As a rule, the conversation should not concern others, and topics that may give rise to accusations of slander should be avoided. It is unacceptable to make personal attacks, hostile remarks to the interlocutor.

You should avoid talking in a raised voice, tactfully move away from topics and issues that you or your interlocutor can “flare up” when discussing. In a conversation, try to avoid being edifying, showing inattention to what the interlocutor has said, striving to hastily give “assessments” to what he said. At the same time, those who are always ready to immediately agree with any statement leave a bad impression.

A skilled interlocutor will always find an opportunity to let the speaker speak, directing the essence of the conversation with short remarks. The ability to listen, to pause is highly valued in society. A skillful interlocutor will not argue, speak in an orderly or threatening tone, and will try not to give intrusive advice.

Try to concentrate your attention on the interlocutor as much as possible, respond to what he said with a gesture, look, interjection or remark. Inattention can be regarded as arrogance and tactlessness.

In most cases of communication in protocol situations, you should not hold the attention of the interlocutor for more than ten minutes - otherwise you may be considered an annoying person.

Try to gradually update the circle of interlocutors, involving them in a conversation and switching to new topics of interest to them:

The rules of etiquette, dressed in specific forms of conduct, indicate the unity of its two sides: moral and ethical and aesthetic. The first side is an expression of a moral norm: precautionary care, protection, etc. The second side - aesthetic, testifies to the beauty, elegance of forms of behavior.
- For greetings, use not only the verbal (speech) means “Hello!”, “Good afternoon”, but also non-verbal gestures: bow, nod, wave of the hand, etc. You can indifferently say: "Hello", nod your head and walk past. But it’s better to do otherwise, say, for example: “Hello, Ivan Alexandrovich!”, smile warmly at him and stop for a few seconds. Such a greeting emphasizes your good feelings for this person, he will understand that you appreciate him, and the sound own name- a pleasant melody for any person.
- Appeal without a name - formal address: whether it be a subordinate or a boss, a neighbor landing or companion in public transport. Appeal by name, and even better - by name and patronymic - is the appeal of the individual.

By pronouncing the name, patronymic, we emphasize respect for human dignity, demonstrate our mental state. Such a greeting speaks of a person's culture and creates a reputation for him as a delicate, well-mannered, tactful person. Of course, people are not born with such qualities. These qualities are brought up, and then become a habit. The sooner such education begins, the better: the sooner it becomes a habit. It is especially difficult to form good habits intellectual businessmen of the first generation, since they have to go through trial and error for the most part. It is not for nothing that the English say that to become a gentleman, one must have three university diplomas in the family: grandfather, father and son.

In addition to the rules of etiquette, there is also professional etiquette for everyone. In life, there have always been and will remain relationships that provide the highest efficiency in the performance of professional functions. Participants in any interaction always try to preserve the most optimal forms of this interaction and the rules of conduct. From a beginner, they will require strict adherence to the tried and tested rules of business communication, as they facilitate the performance of professional functions and contribute to the achievement of goals. In a particular team, a group of workers, employees, business people, certain traditions develop, which over time acquire the strength of moral principles and constitute the etiquette of this group, community. In the practice of business relations there are always some standard situations that cannot be avoided. For these situations, they develop forms and rules of behavior. This set of rules constitutes the etiquette of business communication. Here is one of the definitions of business etiquette - this is a set of business behavior that represents the outside of business communication.

First of all, it should be remembered that business etiquette includes strict adherence to the rules of a culture of behavior, which implies, first of all, a deep respect for human individuality. The social role played by this or that person should not be self-sufficient, nor should it have a hypnotic effect on the business partner. A cultural entrepreneur will equally respect both the minister and the ordinary technical worker of the ministry, the president of a company, a firm and an office cleaner, i.e. show respect to everyone. This sincere respect should become an integral part of nature, but only if you learn to believe in the decency of people. Behavior should be based on a moral assessment: a business partner is a good person! Unless, of course, he did not prove otherwise by his actions.

A culture of behavior in business communication is unthinkable without observing the rules of verbal (verbal" speech) etiquette associated with the forms and manners of speech, vocabulary, i.e. with all the style of speech adopted in the communication of this circle of business people. There are historically developed stereotypes of verbal communication. They were previously used by Russian merchants, entrepreneurs, and now they are used by cultural Russian and foreign business people. These words are "ladies" and "gentlemen". Among other social groups, such appeals are not yet widely inculcated, and we often observe how people experience a feeling of internal discomfort at meetings, meetings, because they do not know how to address each other: the word “comrade” seems to belittle their dignity due to a certain attitude to this word, which has developed under the influence of the media.

Among business people, the appeal "mister" has the right to life. This word emphasizes that these citizens, social group free and independent in their actions more than any other social group in contemporary Russia. Moreover, this form of address is not blindly borrowed anywhere in the West or East. Thoughtless borrowings, most often launched into circulation by our not very cultured television and radio journalists, reporters, as a rule, cut the ear and emphasize the wretchedness and pretentiousness of such borrowings, for example, “a presentation took place”, “a new Russian mentality is being formed” or “opening day sponsors” and etc. "Master" is a native Russian word. It has the most common meaning as a form of polite address to a group of persons and an individual, used in the privileged strata of society. In addition, in its other meaning - "the owner of property" there is also a respectful attitude towards a person.

In a business conversation, one must be able to answer any question. Even for the simplest ones, asked several times daily: “How are you?”, It is always necessary to remember a sense of proportion. Do not answer anything or impolitely; grunt "Normal" and walk past, also impolite, if not rude; indulge in long discussions about their affairs - pass for a bore. In such cases, business etiquette prescribes to answer something like the following: “Thank you, it’s normal”, “Thank you, it’s a sin to complain”, etc., asking in turn: “I hope that everything is fine with you?”. Such answers are neutral, they reassure everyone, they follow the norms that have developed in Russia: “Do not jinx it when things are going well.” However, the Czechs, Slovaks, Poles and Yugoslavs to the question "How are you?" the rules of business etiquette are not forbidden to briefly talk about the difficulties, complain, for example, about the high cost. But they talk about it, cheerfully emphasizing that a business person overcomes difficulties - there are many of them in his business, but he knows how to cope with them, and is proud of it. And without difficulties and worries, only a loafer lives.

In verbal (verbal, speech) communication, business etiquette involves the use of various psychological techniques. One of them is the “stroking formula”. These are such verbal turns as: “Good luck to you!”, “I wish you success”, well-known phrases: “To a big ship - a great voyage”, “No fluff, no feather!” etc., pronounced with various shades. Speech signs of location such as "Salute", "No problem", "Oh, kay", etc. are widely used. But such obviously stinging wishes as "Your bad wolf calf is to be eaten" should be avoided.

In the speech etiquette of business people, compliments are of great importance - pleasant words expressing approval, a positive assessment of business activities, emphasizing the taste in clothes, appearance, the balance of the partner’s actions, that is, the assessment of the business partner’s mind. It is not in vain that the heroine of the once popular film “Big Sister” said that a kind word is also pleasant for a cat. From this point of view, a compliment is not a mechanism for flattery. Flattery, especially coarse flattery, is a mask behind which mercantile interest is most often hidden. A compliment, especially if you are dealing with a female partner, is a necessary part of speech etiquette. During business communication, there is always real opportunity for compliments. They inspire your business partner, give him confidence, approve. It is especially important to remember the compliment if you are dealing with a beginner and, for example, who failed at first. It is no coincidence that open criticism of their employees is prohibited in Japanese firms: it is unprofitable for the firm, since labor activity and initiative are declining.

Business etiquette prescribes strict observance during negotiations of the rules of conduct of the country - a business partner. The rules of communication between people are connected with the way and style of life, national customs and traditions. All this is the result of centuries of life experience, the way of life of previous generations of this or that people. Whatever the traditions, rules of conduct, they have to be followed if, of course, you want to succeed. The proverb “They don’t go to a foreign monastery with their charter” is true. Often you have to follow all the rules even if you don't like them. The interests of the case are higher than your tastes and passions. Many more examples of the peculiarities of the rules of conduct for businessmen of various countries can be cited. If, for example, the Americans, emphasizing their location, pat you on the shoulder in a friendly way and willingly accept such a gesture from you, patting a Japanese on the shoulder or trying to give a friendly hug to a Chinese or Vietnamese, you can ruin your deal.

Business etiquette requires special behavior in dealing with customers. Each type of service provided to clients has its own professional subtleties in behavior. You should always remember that the most important principle determines the relationship with the client: the client is the dearest and most desired person in your office (shop, enterprise). If there are many customers, then they usually try, first of all, to serve ladies and the elderly. But in any case, you need to be a good psychologist when working with them.

An important role in communicating with customers is played by the culture of speech. Familiarity, "poking", foul language are unacceptable. Such treatment causes persistent personal antipathy and resentment.

The secretary is obliged to notify the people appointed for the appointment in advance, informing them of a different time or redirecting them to competent people. Often, most issues can be resolved by the deputy head of the institution. Some leaders have adapted to receive several visitors, hoping that then people will not play for time, seeing others waiting around them. This is a disguised disrespect for the needs of people who cannot always fully state their case in the presence of outsiders, especially if it is of a personal nature (trouble, family relationships, etc.). Then it is inconvenient for those present to be witnesses of an intimate conversation. Often, the reception of visitors is interrupted to resolve urgent matters, telephone conversations. It also creates inconvenience and interferes with a focused conversation, insight into the essence of the matter. Of course, like any person, a leader can have a spoiled mood, poor health. A good leader will make sure that this does not affect business, people, does not show a bad character.

The same applies to the labor sector. In production, where a person spends most of his life, the level of culture of leaders, who are called upon to organize, unite and direct the work of the team in the right direction, is of great importance for people. It is pleasant and interesting to work under the guidance of a benevolent person who respects his subordinates, who shows culture and tact in dealing with them.

In a team headed by such a leader, an atmosphere is created conducive to the disclosure of the creative possibilities of each employee, which has a beneficial effect on their productivity and health.

And, on the contrary, by their behavior, based on disrespect for people, another leader contributes to the creation of a difficult, tense environment at the enterprise or institution, leading to disruption of tasks and chronic emotional overstrain of employees. This, over time, negatively affects their health and reduces productivity.

Humanity, correctness, tact in dealing with people, especially with people subordinate in the service (of course, combined with the necessary exactingness), should be integral qualities of someone who is entrusted with leading other people.

It is also very important to follow certain rules regarding clothing and appearance. You don't have to wear a fancy suit. The costume must be appropriate for the place and time. If negotiations with partners are scheduled for the daytime, a light-colored suit will do. Pants and a jacket can be of different colors. But if negotiations are going on in the evening, the suit must be dark, the shirt must be fresh, ironed, the tie must not be flashy, the shoes must be cleaned. The elegance of a business man is determined by the shirt, tie and boots, and not by the number of suits that he brought with him.

It must be remembered that there are no trifles in business relations. For business, etiquette means a lot. Clothing, behavior of an entrepreneur, manager - this is his calling card. They begin to make up an idea about the guest in advance, collecting information about him. The sources of information are the behavior of a businessman on the way to the place of a business meeting, behavior in a hotel, as well as during the meeting itself.

business correspondence etiquette

There is a certain etiquette for writing business correspondence.

The letter should be short, clearly express the idea of ​​the sender and avoid double interpretations.

Do not underestimate the impact that the appearance of your letter has on a business person.

It is customary to write business letters on printed letterheads of a company (organization, institution).

The form contains the name and address of the sender. This information should be easy to read and at the same time be designed by a professional designer. The opinion of the recipient of the letter about your company depends, among other things, on the appearance of the letterhead, the level of printing performance, and the quality of the paper.

Details on the form intended for correspondence with foreign partners must be on English language(can be duplicated in the state). In addition to the full address of the firm, telephone numbers, telex, fax, web address of the company's website and e-mail should be indicated.

It is desirable that the letter in the envelope should always be folded with the text inside no more than once. For especially important letters, an envelope of such a format is selected so that the sheet remains unfolded.

Large envelopes in which letters are sent unfolded should be made of thick paper so that their contents do not wrinkle during transmission.

On the envelope, you can place all the details available on the form, including the company logo.

The recipient's address is written only on the envelope. If the letter is enclosed in an envelope with a transparent window, then the address is written once - in the upper left corner of the letter. In this case, the letter is folded in such a way that the recipient's address is visible through the window of the envelope.

The envelope must contain the full and exact address of the recipient of your correspondence. It is customary to print it in capital Latin letters.

In the first position of the address - To whom? - the surname of the addressee, his position and the full name of the institution or company are indicated:

If the name of the official is unknown, then the addressee is indicated as follows: “Director”, “General Director”, “Commercial Director”, etc.

The sender's address is written both on the envelope and on the page with the text (in the upper right corner).

Both informal and formal letters are written on white or tinted paper and only on the front side of the sheet. If you do not fit the text on one page, continue on the next. Don't save paper - use a new whole sheet even for one paragraph.

A business letter should be written clearly, phrases should be easy to read, a large number of participial and participial phrases is undesirable, nominative sentences, rhetorical questions, metaphors and other means of expressive speech are unacceptable. The traditional, classical (from the point of view of grammar) construction of phrases is recommended: subject - predicate - circumstance of place, etc.; a minimum of adjectives, an almost complete absence of pronouns.

The style of a business letter is efficiency, the absence of extraneous phrases.

Grammar - both spelling and vocabulary - must be impeccable.

A short, competent, logical business letter is a sign of respect for the addressee.

A business letter should give the impression of impeccability in everything:

Impeccable style;
flawless spelling;
flawless paper on which the letter is printed;
impeccable font (legible, not small, not imitating handwriting, bold enough).

Business etiquette requires documents to be reliable, evidence-based, objective, and convincing. Accuracy in the selection of facts, assessment of the situation is especially necessary in documentation that reflects conflicts in the field of business relations. If, for example, a denial of a request is being prepared, then it should be written in a friendly tone with convincing explanations so that the business relationship can continue. Therefore, you should not start the letter with a refusal, first you need to explain what caused it.

Although documents are usually written in a neutral tone, the style of the document itself can be regarded as friendly or rude, polite or tactless, and so on.

Often in documents, behind the external neutrality of tone, sharpness and disrespect for the addressee are visible. However, one should not go to the other extreme - compete in excessive politeness.

The misunderstanding of business courtesy leads to the appearance in documents of expressions like “Do not refuse the courtesy ...”; “Be so kind...” etc.

You should not start a letter with the pronoun “I”, and the pronoun “You” in a business letter in all cases is written with a capital letter.

If the letter takes more than one page, then at the end of it they write: "to be continued." In international business practice, the text, as a rule, fits on one page.

Arabic numerals are used for numbering; the number is not put on the first page.

The main text of the letter should be divided into paragraphs for ease of familiarization with it. Recently, the all-block style has become increasingly popular, in which paragraphs start flush with the left margin of the page. At the same time, in order to separate one from the other, each new paragraph is printed not in two, but in four intervals.

The width of the field on the left side is at least two centimeters (in order to make it more convenient to hem). The text is printed in two or at least one and a half intervals. The paragraph starts with a red line - five intervals from the margin.

Those who usually type letters on a computer should abandon this wonderful technique if they need to send a thank you letter, invitation, congratulations or condolences.

It is customary to write an appeal to the addressee without a paragraph. Word wrapping should be avoided.

Corrections in the text of the letter, even the most accurate ones, are not allowed. Business correspondence rarely covers multiple topics. If, nevertheless, several issues need to be covered in the letter, then it is advisable to separate them visually from one another, i.e. number.

Best Option- when a business letter contains an answer to only one question or homogeneous information. In this case, the letter is accurate and concise.

The final courtesy formula depends on the official status of the person you are addressing.

The signature is located under the final courtesy formula.

“Ceremonial” is recommended to be observed in the practice of signing business papers. It consists in the need to comply with the official level when signing documents. In particular, a response to a letter signed by a director must also be signed by the director and not by his deputy. A response to a letter signed by the Deputy Director may be signed by the Director.

The signature must be handwritten, regardless of whether the letter was written personally by you or dictated to the secretary. Facsimile in business letters is not allowed, as it indicates disrespect for the addressee or lack of interest in him. Further below indicate the position and name of the company.

If the letter is signed by someone else, then "on behalf of" or "on behalf" of such and such must be indicated.

If, after writing a letter, it is urgent to report events that occurred later, then in this case, P.S. is put at the end of the letter. (postscript) and the necessary information is added. After the postscript, the signature is again put.

If you send any documents along with the letter, then you should list them after the word “attachment” or indicate their number on the sheets.

When characterizing modern business correspondence, it is necessary to emphasize that it is customary to give an answer to all letters, even if the answer is negative or the addressee found it difficult to answer (the essence of the answer in this case should be exactly this - "I find it difficult to answer"). Response deadlines in the business world must also be met. Failure to respond or failing to meet deadlines will be seen as a failure to do business properly, and the consequences will not be long in coming.

For example, a reply to a telegraphic inquiry must be given within three days.

By letter - before the expiration of ten days. If it is not possible to give a detailed, exhaustive answer in time, then it should be reported within three days that the letter has been taken into account, and the final answer should be given no later than thirty days later. If you are unable to comply with the request in the letter, please let us know immediately.

If there is a need to apologize in a letter, then it is written by hand. Be sure to respond to the apology letter. Condolences are written by hand. If this is not possible, it is better to send a telegram.

Remember that in some cases business etiquette recommends that information be shared only when writing: for example, an invitation to a business reception, congratulations on an anniversary date, an expression of condolence, etc.

Moreover, in some cases, this written message can be made necessarily by hand, for example, gratitude for congratulations (on promotion, on the occasion of marriage) is also recommended to be written by hand.

Postcards are not used in business correspondence. You can send a telegram. Congratulations are answered shortly.

The expression of condolence is never printed. Mourning envelopes (with black lining inside) should only be used to express condolences or to invite you to a mourning ceremony.

In Western countries, much attention is paid to the formal side of official business correspondence. The absence, for example, of a traditional compliment at the end of a letter significantly changes the tone of the message and can seriously offend the addressee. The etiquette of business correspondence must be strictly observed if you want not to spoil relations with foreign partners.

In addition to business correspondence running between organizations, there is also intra-organizational correspondence.

For the internal exchange of information, both letterheads and plain paper.

The letter should be concise;
the date is required;
no personal insinuations in internal correspondence;
one should be careful and careful about information that, if disseminated outside the organization, can damage the latter;
a legible signature is required.

It is customary to make resolutions on the received correspondence only in pencil. If - in ink, then the resolution should be on a separate sheet, which is pinned to the letter.

Business protocol and etiquette

The interaction of people, including business, in various situations has long been regulated and ordered by the norms and rules of etiquette.

Etiquette is a set of rules of conduct that regulate the external manifestations of human relationships (treatment with others, forms of communication and greetings, behavior in public places, manner and clothing). Etiquette, like communication, can be divided into business and informal. Speaking about the image of a business person, it is necessary to focus on business etiquette, which regulates the behavior of people related to the performance of their official duties. But, a modern business person must know and follow the principles of both business and informal (secular) etiquette, depending on the environment in which he is.

An important role in modern business etiquette is played by business cards - this is a small sheet of thin cardboard (or high quality thick paper) on which basic information about its owner is printed.

In the process of developing business cards as elements of business communication, two of their most important functions were identified:

representative function.

When performing this function, the following types of business cards are most famous:

A card for special and representative purposes, which indicates: full name, full name of the company, position, but does not put down the coordinates - address and phone number. Such a business card is given upon acquaintance. The absence of an address and telephone number indicates that the cardholder does not intend to continue contact with the interlocutor;
- Standard business card, which indicates: full name, full name of the company, position, office phone. It is awarded to establish close relationships. The home phone number is indicated only by representatives of creative professions. This type of card is used only for business purposes;
- Card of the organization (company), which indicates the address, telephone, telefax. With such a card, congratulations, gifts, flowers, souvenirs are sent on the occasion of significant dates;
- Business cards for informal communication, which indicate the full name, sometimes - the profession, honorary and academic titles, but do not put down the details emphasizing the official status. Their variety is "family" cards, which indicate the names and patronymics of the spouses (the wife's name is usually written first), home address and telephone number. Such cards are applied to gifts that are presented on behalf of the husband and wife, left during joint informal visits.

Business cards are printed on thick coated paper. Classic option a white business card with a strict black font is considered; other colors can be used.

When holding events such as symposiums, conferences, etc. use large business cards - badges indicating the name, surname, academic title, position, organization, educational institution or scientific center. Badges are pinned on the left side of the chest and are worn only in the building where the event takes place.

Function of a written message. Currently, in the upper left or lower corner of the business card, the designations established in the international protocol (the initial letters of the corresponding French words) are affixed, indicating the reason for which the cards are sent.

The exchange of business cards is a mandatory attribute of the first personal meeting with business partners. When meeting, the first to present a visiting card is the junior in position to the senior, in case of equality of social status and in informal communication, the youngest in age is the first to give the senior.

When presenting a business card, they pronounce their last name aloud, upon receipt - the name of the presenter. This is done to avoid mispronunciation.

It is recommended that a business person always carry at least ten of their business cards with them. The presence of a business card for employees of the company helps to communicate with partners in accordance with generally accepted international standards of business etiquette.

Thus, a business card is a "portrait" of a particular person, so it must be handled very carefully.

Etiquette of greetings and introductions is a set of rules and initial interpersonal interactions regarding the external manifestation of attitudes towards people. In modern business etiquette, some rules have been developed regarding introductions and greetings, depending on the gender, age and position of the contacting people, as well as whether they are in a group or alone. The set of these rules assumes several basic qualities of the ethics of relationships: politeness, naturalness, dignity and tact.

Politeness includes such important elements as: greeting (including a handshake) and introduction, which are a special form of mutual respect, and requires the following rules:

In any situation, a greeting should show your disposition and goodwill, i.e. the nature of the greeting should not be affected by your mood or negative attitude towards the other person.
- In the process of relationships, various situations can develop that have the specifics of greetings, introductions to each other or handshakes. This specificity is expressed mainly in who has the right or is obliged to be the first in these actions.

In addition to the etiquette of the introduction and greeting procedure, there are also rules of verbal etiquette associated with the style of speech adopted in the communication of business people. For example:

Instead of addressing by gender, it is customary to address “ladies”, “gentlemen” or “sirs”, “madames”.
When greeting and parting, in addition to the words “Hello”, “Good afternoon” and “Goodbye”, it is desirable to add the name and patronymic of the interlocutor, especially if he occupies a subordinate position in relation to you.
If the conditions and time of the conversation allow, an exchange of neutral phrases is possible: “How are you?” “Thanks, it's okay. I hope everything is going well for you.” – “Thank you, yes.”

It is allowed to use psychological techniques, such as, for example, parting words and a brief assessment of communication. These are verbal turns of the type: “Good luck to you”, “I wish you success”, “It was nice to meet you”.

Experience shows that legal norms alone are far from sufficient to ensure normal relations with business partners. It is also very important to observe certain protocol rules and customs, which are presented in the business protocol.

business protocol- a set of rules, in accordance with which the order of various ceremonies, dress code, official correspondence, etc. is regulated. Any violation of these rules will create difficulties for the party that committed the violation, because she will have to apologize and find a way to correct the mistake.

The need for business people to follow the protocol is as follows:

The protocol observed during negotiations, preparation of various treaties and agreements, by its solemnity, attaches greater importance and greater respect to the especially important provisions contained in them.
The protocol helps to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere at meetings, negotiations, receptions, which contributes to mutual understanding and the achievement of desired results.
A well-established and observed ceremonial and protocol allows the well-established mechanism of business relations to work normally, without interference.

Business Etiquette

In order to improve the culture of business interaction in the modern world, they study the etiquette and ethics of relations in the business sphere. A civilized, modern businessman, who is a model of moral behavior, strives to cultivate the same qualities in his colleagues and business partners.

Business etiquette includes two types of rules:

The norms in force in the field of communication between equal in status, members of the same team (horizontal);
instruction that determines the nature of the contact between the leader and the subordinate, between senior and junior colleagues (vertical).

A kind of "vertical" communication is the contacts and negotiations of an entrepreneur with requisitioners, extortionists from law enforcement agencies and government services, etc. The common thing between all these types of "vertical" interaction is that one side has the ability to determine the goals of communication, dictate the conditions for their achievement , to choose means of influencing the other side, etc., since behind it is either official status (power) or physical strength. In any case, the other side is forced to strictly adhere to the observance of the status hierarchy, the etiquette of interaction, to clearly control their actions and reactions of the counterpart.

"Horizontal" business communication is, as already mentioned, the communication of partners with approximately equal social status. The range of varieties of such communication is quite wide and, therefore, their psychological characteristics are complex and multifaceted. One thing is the interaction between two employees of the enterprise regarding the solution of production or other service tasks. Another thing is communication between two businessmen about the purchase and sale of an enterprise.

In the first case, communication has a pronounced personal connotation; only individual role-playing elements appear in it. Ethical norms of interaction are present rather as a background and can be omitted from time to time.

In the second case, on the contrary, the role-playing elements of communication prevail, the norms of etiquette are fixed and observed, and the personal characteristics of partners acquire only a background character.

But, in addition, there are universal requirements. A general requirement is a friendly and helpful attitude towards all work colleagues, partners, regardless of personal likes and dislikes.

The first person of any organization (institution, enterprise) is the Head. And by the extent to which he knows the rules of etiquette and implements them in everyday life, we can talk about the degree of his upbringing. Entering the office, a leader of any rank must greet everyone he meets on the way (security guard, cloakroom attendant, cleaning lady, etc.). The leader is not obliged to shake hands with his subordinates, he can greet them with a nod of his head.

If the boss is in his office and a visitor (not a subordinate) enters the office, then the owner of the office gets up, fastens his jacket (if it was unbuttoned), leaves the table and greets the visitor. At the same time, the owner of the office is the first to give a handshake. Experts in the field of business etiquette draw attention to the fact that a visitor should not go to a meeting with an outstretched hand. Also, you can not stretch your hand for a handshake across the table. Then the leader invites the visitor to sit down.

If his subordinate is going to enter the office of the boss, then, not finding a secretary in the reception room, he does not knock on the door, but opens it slightly and asks permission to enter. Without receiving a positive response, you can not enter the office! An employee who has received permission to enter must say hello, go to the side table for meetings and stop. (You should not sit down without permission or invitation.) The boss is not always obliged to invite the subordinate to sit down, even if it is a woman. By the way, a woman should always remember that she is a subordinate in the service and the rules of business etiquette constantly apply to her. For example: at work, a woman does not give her hand first to her boss, as in other cases of life.

Despite the fact that the business world is often ironic about "Russian business", nevertheless, it develops, improves, acquires good traditions based on knowledge of business communication etiquette. Today the business is rejuvenated. Aspiring young leaders sometimes make mistakes in pursuit of the image of a democratic boss.

Business etiquette experts recommend:

1. Avoid familiarity in relationships. Turning to "you" and patting on the shoulder is not a sign of true democracy in a relationship.
2. Set a certain distance with subordinates, do not fawn, but do not be arrogant either.
3. In business relationships, be demanding, but treat the subordinate with respect.
4. Do not say words to your subordinates with negative value: "I can't", "I don't need", "I can't". Soften the words: “your thought (idea, point of view) is constructive (interesting, worthy of attention), but we will consider it later,” etc.

Summing up this chapter, we note that the ethics and etiquette of business communication is based on the norms of behavior of business people that contribute to the development of cooperation and strengthen business relations. Compliance with the ethical standards of business communication is accompanied by a number of psychological effects that make the interaction orderly, stable, predictable, comfortable, psychologically safe and effective.

Modern business etiquette

Business etiquette is the established order of conduct in the field of business and business contacts. A kind of secular etiquette, but based on the military. The main difference between business etiquette and secular etiquette is the priority of subordination over the gender differences of employees and their age.

Business etiquette includes the following sections:

1. Technologies of non-verbal communication: gestures of good tone, gait, how to sit correctly, getting in and out of the car, shaking hands, etc. Who greets whom. Who is ahead of whom.
2. Protocol issues of receiving delegations: meeting, address, presentation, acquaintance, seating in cars, hotel accommodation. Protocol of negotiations. Business Cards. Gifts, souvenirs and flowers.
3. Leadership manners. Subordinate Manners.
4. Classification of techniques. Seating format techniques: rules for hosts and guests. Communication in a cafe, in a restaurant, as well as with servants. "Tips". Receptions of the standing format. Table setting. Cover cards. What they eat with what, including special dishes and desserts.
5. Business clothes (dress-code), shoes and accessories of good taste: for receptions, for work (male and female). Seven principles of proper dress.
6. Rituals and rules for drinking alcohol. Selection of wines and other drinks. Major common mistakes.
7. National features of etiquette (Russia, Latvia, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Japan, China, Korea, Hungary, USA, Arab countries, etc.).
8. Etiquette of telephone conversations.
9. Speech etiquette.
10. Network etiquette (netiquette).

Etiquette determines the forms, technical aspects of communication: how to argue without hurting the feelings of the interlocutor, how to behave at the table, what gifts to give, how to receive guests, how to behave in public places, on the street, etc.

Naturally, etiquette issues are of particular interest to those who, by the nature of their work, often have to communicate with people of different professions, different living conditions, and not only in their own country, but also abroad.

The rules of etiquette, unlike the norms of morality, are conditional, they are in the nature of an unwritten agreement about what is generally accepted in people's behavior and what is not. Every cultured person should not only know and observe the basic norms of etiquette, but also understand the need for certain rules of relationships.

Manners largely reflect the internal culture of a person, his moral and intellectual qualities. The ability to behave correctly in society is very important: it facilitates the establishment of contacts, contributes to the achievement of mutual understanding, creates good, stable relationships.

There are several types of etiquette:

1. Court etiquette - a strictly established procedure and forms of treatment at the courts of monarchs. It is currently used at courts and in secular society of countries with a monarchical form of government.
2. Military etiquette - a set of rules generally accepted in a given army, norms and manners of behavior of military personnel in all areas of their life and activities in units, on ships and in public places.
3. Diplomatic etiquette - the rules of conduct for diplomats and other officials in relations with each other and at various official diplomatic events (receptions, visits, presentations, negotiations, meetings of delegations, etc.).
4. General civil etiquette - a set of rules, traditions and conventions observed in communication among themselves by private individuals of a given society.

Being cultured and educated is the right and duty of every person. Neglect of the rules of etiquette, as well as ignorance of its elementary requirements, not only significantly complicates communication, but also causes irreparable harm to business relations.

The term etiquette, i.e. established rules behavior, forms of treatment accepted in society or in any part of it, passed to us from the French language.

The root of this word is Greek (in translation - custom), the word ethics comes from it, meaning:

1) philosophical doctrine of morality, morality;
2) norms of behavior, a set of rules adopted among members of society, any social or professional group, etc.

In the business environment, as well as social life, there is a set of laws and rules called etiquette. This is a kind of a pass to the world of business people, a standard of communication in a business environment. Non-compliance or ignorance of business etiquette often becomes a stumbling block, a barrier in conducting successful negotiations, promoting your company and product on the market, and building a career. The image of a professional is not formed immediately, not suddenly, and business etiquette, together with experience and expertise, plays an important role in this. A person is judged by his deeds, by his behavior and ability to build competent relationships in a business environment.

Image of business etiquette

The image of a business person is made up of styles of clothing, hairstyles, shoes, makeup, accessories, as well as a style of behavior corresponding to the status.

Modern business man

One of the main styles in clothing and business life is classic. It has existed for so long that it seems that the very concept of style came from people who dress according to certain rules and lead a certain lifestyle. It originated in the UK - a country of refined manners and strict etiquette. The modern version of the business image is a set of business ethics, manners and dress code. A business person gives the impression of an impeccably moral smart individual who knows how to control any situation, calm, self-confident, not allowing familiarity, slang, rudeness in communication. His reputation is much more important than financial condition, and in appearance, manner of communication should be adherence to principles and honesty. Manners, speech, clothing are called upon to correspond to this. Modern classical style is now accepted in all spheres of life, covers all promising industries. Based on the best old elements of the classical style, a new, more relaxed and democratic image of a business person of the 21st century has been formed.

business man clothes

Almost all businessmen consider suits to be their main clothing. This is the calling card of business people. People around often associate the appearance and activities of a person. For example, the neatness of clothing is often perceived when meeting as evidence of organization in work. And an untidy appearance is associated with forgetfulness, fussiness and disorganization.

Business people should have strict suits of classic cut, not overloaded with decorative details. A two-piece suit includes trousers and a jacket, while a three-piece suit consists of trousers, a jacket and a vest. Three is perfect for work activities businessmen, meetings, official meetings, presentations, etc. The classic suit has an English collar. Let's say a single-breasted or double-breasted jacket. Usually suits are made to order in the atelier, since the main thing in a business image is a perfect fit. Its strict cut demonstrates the serious attitude of a business person to work. The fabric is allowed to be printed, a small pattern should not be catchy. The vest, trousers and jacket must match in color, type of material or fabric texture.

When choosing clothes for work, observe the following rules:

Provocative and bright clothes, extravagant jewelry and bright make-up, fantasy hairstyle will not contribute to career growth in any way. Rather, on the contrary, they will aggravate relations with colleagues, cause dissatisfaction with the leader and, perhaps, dismissal. Dress for work strictly and neatly.
business suit - perfect choice for both men and women. Men are required to wear a tie. Without it, in accordance with business etiquette, suits are not worn. A sports jacket is an exception, but it falls out of business attire. Particular attention should be paid to the taut classic style. Tight-fitting women's clothing at work is nonsense.
Too light suits do not correspond to business etiquette. Best Colors- dark gray and dark blue.
Sports bags are not compatible with the suit. All Required documents and things should be carried in a folder, briefcase or case. If you need to use a bag, choose a single-color option.
A business person should not wear colorful and dark shirts, bright ties with catchy patterns, light-colored socks. When in doubt about the color, choose black shoes and a white shirt.
The cuffs of a shirt worn under a business jacket, according to etiquette, should be visible from under the sleeves by 2 cm. There should not be chest pockets on the shirt.
The long end of the tie should not be visible from behind the front.
The tie, when tied, touches the belt buckle with its lower end. In color, it should be darker than the shirt, but lighter than the suit. Width - in proportion to the lapels of the jacket.
A woman can wear a dress with a semi-adjacent or adjacent silhouette, but it is best to have a few strict dark-colored office skirts and blouses in soothing shades. A man - a three-piece or two-piece suit, a tie. Needless to say, all clothes must be perfectly clean, ironed, buttoned.
Shoes for work are also chosen not flashy. For men - office shoes are dark in color, strict and always well cleaned. Women for the office need shoes with low or medium heels. Let's also high heel, but at the same time, the shoe model should be close to the classic boat, not pretentious and not evening.
Men should wear dark colored socks and women should wear tights or stockings, preferably natural skin color, not fishnet or mesh.

Jacket buttons must be fastened in a formal work environment. Weekend, full dress should always be in order, as well as cufflinks, socks, shoes. Dark suits are worn in the evening, a lighter color is acceptable during the day. In the theater or during dinner, you can unfasten the buttons completely, but when you get up, you should fasten the jacket to the top. Choose a suit that is comfortable to wear. Bow ties are worn exclusively with dark suits. A business person should have two handkerchiefs - a worker in a trouser pocket and in an inner jacket pocket, absolutely clean.


It is advisable for a woman to always have an emergency set at work - spare new tights, a pack of pads or tampons, deodorant and a nail file in case you need to urgently put your hands in order. But artistic unnatural manicure for the office is also not suitable - everything should be in moderation. Lacquer of soothing shades, daytime natural make-up.
Men should not use cologne with a strong smell, and women - spicy perfumes. Both women and men are suitable for light toilet water. Men should always be perfectly shaved.
Large gold chains around the neck of a man, an abundance of jewelry or gold jewelry on a woman in a working environment is a violation of business etiquette. Allowed wedding ring, cufflinks, tie clip, small earrings, watch, thin bracelet.

Manners and behavior:

Do not engage in personal activities during work. Never and under no circumstances.
Try to be kind to everyone, participate in conversations at corporate parties, but do not be there until the end and do not drink alcohol. Keep your glass full, clink glasses, but don't drink. Be sober.
Do not stick out, do not deliberately show off, do not demonstrate your dignity. And at the same time, don't be afraid to suggest smart initiatives in meetings, conferences, or face-to-face talks with colleagues who are in charge of the area you have interesting ideas about.
Try to think, analyze all the situations that occur in the work process. Do not rush to conclusions, do not rush to criticism.

National business etiquette

When doing business in Peru, it should be remembered that Peruvians adhere to all the formalities of business etiquette, and their violation is regarded as an insult. Even sitting in an unintended seat at a dinner party, you run the risk of causing serious offense. Business relations can give a strong crack due to the fact that in the invitation to the bachelor there will be a postscript “with his wife” or the position of the invitee is incorrectly named. In Peru, almost all important business issues are decided at dinner parties, so this should also be taken into account.

In Israel, most people speak English, many Russian, and one or two other languages, especially in business circles.

After one or two meetings, you can switch to "you" (call by name). And even at the first meeting, an Israeli may offer you to call him pet name. An unmarried woman is addressed by adding "gieveret" (equivalent to "miss") to her name.

The main quality of the Israelis is openness and directness, frankness, which they bring to business relations. This finds expression in particular in business attire, which is very informal here. Shorts, shirts, sleeveless jackets are quite acceptable; ties for men are optional.

Work week in Israel starts on Sunday morning. It is common to discuss business over food - this is one of the forms of business activity. In the tradition of business life - inviting business partners to dinner after work. During the meal, it is customary to talk about professional and family matters. In this, Israel differs from other Middle Eastern countries, where the mention of someone's relatives during a business conversation is considered offensive.

It is not necessary to come to a business dinner in a private house with a gift, but a bouquet of flowers for the hostess or a toy for a child will not be superfluous.

Arab and Muslim traditions dominate in the countries of North Africa. English is spoken in most countries, but in a number of states the language of the former colonies remains dominant. Political conversations should be avoided, especially if they may concern countries that have occupied the region in the past.

In South Africa, Africans usually invite their business partners to a restaurant or home. In the latter case, you can bring a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of alcohol as a gift. During negotiations, special respect should be shown to the eldest. According to local customs, the host passes through the door first, followed by a woman or a guest. For the behavior of the inhabitants of this country during conversations, it is specific that they can often touch their faces with their hands and cover their eyes, which, however, does not mean a loss of interest in the problem under discussion or fatigue. A handshake at a meeting has an important meaning, because. demonstrates the absence of aggressive intentions, disposition towards a person, and also emphasizes social equality. When shaking hands, it is not customary to look directly into the eyes.

Sometimes people look ridiculous during business meetings due to ignorance of the norms of proper behavior. Business Insider reviewed the book Essentials of Business Etiquette and spoke with its author Barbara Pachter, after which the resource published a selection of the most important tips on how to properly introduce yourself, how to dress and order in a restaurant. It turned out that many of these rules are just as good for everyday life.

1. Stand up when being introduced

Barbara advises you to rise to assert your presence. It's easy for others to ignore you if you're not standing up. In the case when you were caught suddenly and there is no way to get up, lean forward, showing that you would stand up if possible.

2. Always use your full name

In business moments, you should use your full name. And if it is too long or complicated, then change or shorten it. Or you can write correct pronunciation your name on business cards and distribute them to others.

3. Always initiate a handshake if you are a higher-ranking person.

Pachter writes that the person in the higher position should, regardless of gender, be the first to lend a hand. In the United States, like many other countries in the world, a handshake is a business greeting. If you want to be taken seriously, you must shake the other person's hand and do it right.

4. Dress appropriately

Clothing, as an important form of non-verbal communication, can enhance a person's professional reputation and vice versa. By choosing clothes, you send a certain message. Always find out what dress code the event, meeting or restaurant requires and stick to it.

5. Say "thank you" once or twice during a conversation

You should only say this once or twice, because otherwise you may seem helpless and needy in a certain way.

6. Send Separate Thank You Letters to All Members

You must send thank you letters within 24 hours, separately for each person you want to thank. Before deciding whether to use regular or email, keep in mind that a regular letter can take several days to reach the addressee, while an email travels the distance in a few seconds.

7. Leave your smartphone in your pocket

Almost everyone carries their phones with them everywhere they go. But this is definitely something to avoid during business meetings. Of course, you can try to discreetly use the phone, but in any case it is noticeable and rude.

Also, don't put your phone on the table while meeting someone. By this you tell the interlocutor that you are ready to leave him at any time for the sake of an answer to someone else.

8. Use professional face photos

Always post professionally relevant photos on LinkedIn and similar sites. You want to look like a reliable person, not like a beach person.

9. Always double check if you have chosen the correct email recipient

Be careful when entering an email address from the address book in the "To" field. You may well choose the wrong name.

10. If you forget someone's name, admit it.

Everyone sometimes forgets names after meeting. When this happens to you, then apologize and ask your interlocutor to give his name again.

11. Greet people at work

Say hello and good morning» to people you know and even to those you don't know. Remember that the person you say "hello" to on your way to a meeting may be the one sitting next to you in the same meeting. And if someone at work greets you, be sure to respond in kind.

12. Keep your fingers together when pointing

Show with an open palm, while keeping your fingers together. If you use your index finger, it seems aggressive, says Pachter. As a rule, women use the index finger more in such cases.

13. Don't pull out a chair for someone.

ok to keep open doors for your guest, but you must not pull out a chair for someone, regardless of gender. In a business setting, you have to drop these social gender rules. Both men and women can move their own chairs.

14. Break bread with your hands

Do not use a knife to cut off a piece of bread. Break the bun in half with your hands and butter only the part of the bread that you are going to eat immediately.

15. Don't order anything too expensive.

You should not order an expensive steak or, for example, a lobster during a business meeting. However, if the interlocutor who receives you makes recommendations, then choose any of the suggestions. In other matters, it is still better not to order the most expensive. The same goes for wine.

Also be careful when ordering a "special" dish. Many waiters do not specify the price when they offer a dish that costs 10 to 40% more than usual on the menu. Asking the waiter for the price is not very convenient, so it’s better to refuse.

16. Order for the same amount as your interlocutor.

This means that if your interlocutor orders an appetizer or dessert, then you should follow suit. He will be uncomfortable if he has to eat alone.

17. Never ask to pack leftovers.

“You are there for business, not leftovers,” Pachter writes. During professional events, do not pack food to take with you.

18. Remember, the inviter must pay

This rule applies regardless of gender.

19. Stay sober

Don't get drunk at business meetings. Alcohol ruined many careers and resulted in many layoffs because drunk people indulged in inappropriate actions. Alternatively, you can order a drink you don't like and sip it little by little throughout the evening.

20. Prepare a polite goodbye

Don't forget to let us know in advance. It is also worth preparing a phrase in case you need to interrupt the conversation, such as "See you at the meeting next week." You can also apologize and let them know that you're going to the toilet, to eat, or to catch someone before they leave.

There are ten rules that a business person must adhere to.

1. "Time is money"

The basis of business etiquette is the impeccable observance of time management along with punctuality and respect for such a concept as "other people's time". Unacceptable and gross violations are constant delays and abstract conversations that are not related to the business sector. Such behavior can lead to the loss of long-term cooperation with influential enterprises and organizations. A business person who is not distinguished by punctuality will not be respected and taken seriously in the business environment. Colleagues and partners will form an opinion about him as an unreliable person who cannot be relied upon for anything.

6. Trade secret

Each organization has information that is not subject to disclosure. One of the duties of a good leader is to ensure that employees do not divulge trade secrets. It is unacceptable that the people who make up the team of the enterprise pass on secret information relating to its work to unauthorized persons. This is one of the main rules of business etiquette.

7. "No to idleness!"

It is regrettable, but for most offices it is not uncommon for employees to gossip, smoke, drink coffee, use social networks and go about their personal affairs instead of doing their job duties. For a company, a valuable employee is someone who at least 80% of their working time is occupied with work. A business person who wants to be successful goes to work to work, not to indulge in idleness.

8. Subordination

According to business etiquette, the leader is supposed to treat all his subordinates equally, while maintaining a distance is a prerequisite for communication "leader-subordinate". It is unethical to reprimand an employee in the presence of other team members.
Photo: Depositphotos

The manager needs to learn how to give orders or tasks with clarity and specificity, provide feedback, control the labor process.

Subordinates are supposed to carry out the orders of the leadership. They have the right to voice their opinion and make recommendations regarding the improvement of the enterprise.

9. Favorable microclimate

Depending on the existing relations between employees, the so-called microclimate is formed. Thanks to smooth, friendly, respectful relations in the team, good conditions are created for its effective work.

10. Business demeanor

A business person is characterized not only by clothes and speech, but also by gestures, manners, facial expressions. According to business etiquette, he should be distinguished by energetic movements, confident gait, good posture, directness in his eyes, and the absence of fussiness. Lethargy and slowness of movement is not welcome.

The only touch gesture allowed in a business environment is a handshake. A familiar pat on the shoulder, a hug, a kiss and other gestures that speak of a friendly attitude and sympathy are unacceptable.

There is a constant process of communication between people, in the public and business environment. Knowing the rules and norms of business etiquette helps to establish the necessary connections, increase the level of loyalty of a client or colleague towards oneself. One of the significant elements of the culture of business communication is the decent behavior of people, their moral values, manifestations of conscience, morality. The success of an enterprise largely depends on the microclimate in the team. If employees competently and clearly, and most importantly, harmoniously, perform their duties, then the company develops and grows.

Etiquette is the norms (laws) about manners, features of the proper behavior of people in society.

Business etiquette is a system of principles and rules for professional, official communication / behavior of people in the business sphere.

Compliance with the rules of etiquette is necessary for all self-respecting people, but it is especially useful for those who seek to build a career (business). In business interaction, such factors as reputation, information and connections are of great importance. The more information, the better communication can be built.

The fundamental rules of business etiquette include:

  1. Timely fulfillment of duties, punctuality. Lateness is not allowed in a business environment. It is also not ethical to make your opponent wait during negotiations.
  2. Non-disclosure of confidential information, observance of corporate secrets.
  3. Respect and ability to listen. A friendly and respectful attitude, the ability to listen to the interlocutor without interrupting, help to establish contact and resolve many business issues.
  4. dignity and attention. and their knowledge / strengths should not turn into excessive self-confidence. It is necessary to calmly accept criticism or advice from the outside. Consideration should be given to clients, co-workers, management or subordinates. Provide help and support as needed.
  5. Correct appearance.
  6. Ability to speak and write correctly.

An important indicator of business culture is the order in the work area. It indicates the accuracy and diligence of the employee, the ability to organize his workplace and working day.

In the culture of business communication, attention should be paid to non-verbal (wordless) manifestations of etiquette. Do not turn away from the interlocutor. When explaining, you do not need to gesticulate or grimace strongly.

According to the rules of business etiquette, the person occupying the dominant position enters the workroom first, then all the rest, according to the ladder of the business hierarchy. The business order corresponds to the following division:

  1. Status.
  2. Age.
  3. Gender differences.

The man must accompany the woman to her left. This rule is due to the fact that in the old days, the gentleman, being to the left of the lady, occupied a more dangerous place when moving along the road. Carts with horses moved at the same time as passers-by, since in those days there were no sidewalks.

In business relations between and a subordinate, subordination must be observed. It is customary to point out employee errors on a personal basis, not in the presence of the team.

Business correspondence

Business correspondence is a system of requirements (standards) that must be followed in order to correctly and competently draw up a document. First of all, you need to decide on the type and urgency of the delivery of the letter. And also with the degree of accessibility of the document for the recipient, it will be one letter or several, with clarifications / lists / suggestions. The letter must be correctly written in terms of spelling and style.

The design of the document must comply with existing templates, depending on the type of letter (for example, a cover letter). When compiling a document, it is necessary to be guided by the standards on the requirement for the execution of documents [GOST R 6.30-2003].

The business letter must include the name of the company that acts as the sender; the date of dispatch and the address of the recipient. It is also necessary to indicate the initials, the position of the recipient or the department to which the letter was sent. The body of the letter consists of an introduction/address, a subject and a brief description of the purpose of the document, followed by the body and conclusion. At the end of the document, the sender's signature is put, and attachments or copies, if any, are indicated.

— document type;

This is necessary to avoid a situation where an incoming message ends up in the spam folder, and the recipient can delete the letter without reading it.

The letter should be simple and understandable, without an excessive amount of professional terms. In business correspondence, the use of slang expressions and phrases with a double meaning is not allowed.

If the letter has an international focus, then it must be written in the language of the recipient or in English. The response to the letter must be provided:

- by mail - no later than ten days;

– when negotiating via the Internet – from 24 to 48 hours.

Business correspondence should be prepared with high quality and double-checked several times before sending. An incorrectly composed letter with spelling errors can harm the reputation of the company, since a business document is the hallmark of the company.

business rhetoric

Rhetoric in the business world is the art of eloquence, the ability to effectively and convincingly convey a thought to the audience. Diction, correct speech, intonation are important here. A significant aspect is the ability to present not only information, but also yourself. In business rhetoric, the principles of speech influence are used:

- availability;

- associativity;

- expressiveness;

- intensity.

Business communication rules

A significant condition for business communications is the culture of speech, which manifests itself in literacy, correctly chosen intonation, vocabulary and manner of speaking.

A necessary condition for communication in business circles is respect, goodwill and the ability to hear the interlocutor. In order to show a serious attitude to the words of the speaker, you can use the technique of "active listening", selectively repeating the spoken statements or slightly paraphrasing them.

The stages of business communication have the following division:

  • Preparation for the discussion of issues (business meeting). It is necessary to draw up a plan of negotiations, the concept of conducting a conversation, arguments and counterarguments, study the opponent's point of view on various issues, and prepare proposals for solving the problem.
  • Introductory part (greeting, appeal), establishing communication between partners of a business conversation. The correct, respectful start of communication is important, the creation of an easy trusting atmosphere, it is also necessary to interest the interlocutor, arouse interest in the problem and discussion in general.
  • Statement of the essence of the issue, argumentation, argumentation and counter-argumentation. Discussion of the problem, search for ways to resolve controversial issues.
  • Establishing the optimal solution and formalizing the agreement.
  • The final part (appeal, words of farewell / parting words).

Phone business rules

For telephone communication in the business sphere, the principles provided for by the general rules of business communication and rhetoric apply. Speech should be literate, intonation friendly, information should be presented in essence, without introductory words or long pauses.

The incoming call signal must be answered no later than after the third ring of the telephone set. The next step is a greeting (the phrases “hello”, “listening” are not allowed). It is necessary to say hello, then announce the name of the organization and introduce yourself. Then clarify the reason for the call, clarify the opponent's questions and say goodbye politely. If you need to make an outgoing call, the rules for conducting a telephone conversation are the same as in the first case. The only exception is the need to ask the called subscriber whether it is convenient for him to talk and whether he can give you his time. You should be interested immediately after the welcoming speech.

If the caller asks for an employee who is currently absent from the workplace, the person who answered the call should offer his help, in case of refusal, you should ask what needs to be conveyed to the absent employee.

Business style clothing

Compliance with generally accepted norms and rules in organizing your appearance is a mandatory aspect in the rules of business etiquette. Some large companies have a corporate dress code. You need to choose clothes in classical style, too frank, bright things, with elements of torn fabric are not allowed. The appearance must be neat and tidy. Attention should be paid not only to the correct selection of clothes, but also to the appearance in general (the condition of nails, hairstyles, shoes, makeup for women).