Tea to go business. Tea shop space. Steps to open a tea shop

Perhaps the most important thing is to approach the matter wisely. Tea has always been considered an exquisite drink that has not lost its relevance over the centuries. The variety of flavors and varieties of tea only increases interest in it. In many countries of the world, tea drinking has become a tradition, and brewing a drink has become a whole ritual.

Not surprisingly, teahouses are very popular. But legitimate questions arise. How to organize a tea business so that it is not unprofitable? What do you need to start your business with? How to write the right business plan? What nuances should you pay attention to when opening a teahouse from scratch?

Individual features of tea business

The business associated with the tea business is original and aimed at a certain circle of people who love and understand fine varieties of tea. After all, the cost of many elite varieties of tea is high, so whether your teahouse will flourish depends on the number of customers who can pay for good tea.

What you should focus on when opening a tea room:

  • A tea shop will be popular only if the product on offer is High Quality. There are so many fakes on the market.
  • High level of customer service with an individual approach to each. This primarily includes an explanation of the taste of each variety and advice on choosing the right one.
  • Properly selected staff is half the battle. Therefore, each of the hired distributors must understand the entire range of goods, know the advantages of each variety and be able to correctly convey information to the client.
  • Promotions and other marketing activities should be carried out regularly to draw attention to the teahouse. Expand your circle of customers by attracting new ones with the help of good advertising.

Is it profitable to open a tea shop? You can answer this question only after a thorough study of the market. For example, it is better to organize such an enterprise in major cities, and not in small villages, where there are hardly any connoisseurs of rare tea, and even more so they can pay for it.

Having decided to organize a tea house from scratch, every businessman must decide on the format of the future business. There are several options for organizing a tea shop, and each requires certain conditions.

  • The largest in terms of organization is a store with separate zone tea tastings. The advantage of this approach is the ability for the client to immediately evaluate the taste characteristics of one or more varieties of tea. Such a store in the future can expand to a tea cafe and increase profits. The other side of this teahouse option: it will require big investments:
    • room decor;
    • a wide range of products and related products for making tea, such as teapots, cups, etc.
  • Opening an ordinary tea shop without the opportunity to taste tea will require lower costs, but it can be located in the city center by renting a small room. And permits will require much less. There is also no need to purchase specific equipment. The cost of repairs and staff salaries will be reduced.
  • The most low-cost will be the opening of an ordinary tea stall, for example, in mall. This type of business will help those entrepreneurs who want to evaluate the profitability of the tea industry, find out if tea is popular and which varieties of tea are in greater demand. After work, the entrepreneur will be able to evaluate the profitability and in the future open a tea shop with less losses.

To determine the choice of a suitable business solution, it is worth evaluating possible risks, existing competition and the narrowness of the scope of demand in the city where you plan to open a tea shop from scratch.

We draw up a business plan

Before drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to carefully analyze all the components of the tea industry that will directly or indirectly affect the development of the tea industry.

  1. Acquaintance with the specifics of the tea trade.
  2. Organizational issues: on rent, repair, collection of documentary components, such as the necessary permits.
  3. Study of marketing in the tea industry.

In the course of studying the market for a guide for future entrepreneurs - a few basic questions, the answers to which will help proper organization business.

  • What is the popularity of tea products in the city where it is planned to open a tea shop.
  • Are there competitors in this area, studying their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Which tea varieties are in great demand among buyers.
  • The financial component of the consumer audience. It depends on which varieties of tea it is more profitable to pay attention to. For example, if the main buyer is the middle class, then it makes no sense to buy expensive teas in large quantities.

The main points of the business plan

Having studied the preliminary data, the entrepreneur can decide on the format of the future tea house, the price offer, and the choice of future tea suppliers. And to answer the main question: what does it take to open a tea shop? Here are the main points of a business plan:

  1. Describe in detail what assortment is planned for sale, who is the selected supplier of the goods and what are the exact delivery dates for each type of tea.
  2. All planned advertising manipulations and marketing solutions with the level of effectiveness of each channel of the communication sphere. And also the cost of them.
  3. Calculation possible costs to search for premises, the cost of rent and repair work. Assessment of the suitability of such premises for the opening of a tea shop.
  4. Tea shop schedule.
  5. List necessary equipment, furniture and lighting.
  6. detailed plan spending, investing and finding financial security options.
  7. Plan for future sales in a positive analysis.
  8. Financial calculations of the effectiveness of the future project.
  9. Assumed risks and options for managing consequences.
  10. A step-by-step plan for organizing and opening a teahouse from scratch. Designation of control points in control intervals.

Now consider step by step instructions to open a tea shop.

Registering a tea house

Registering a teahouse will take time. Much depends on the direction of your business. First of all, an enterprise is registered with the tax authority as an individual entrepreneur or LLC if you plan to search for partners or expand your network. Study the available tax system in your area so that there is no friction in the future.

The above documents will require:

  • Lease agreement or ownership of the tea room.
  • Sanitary Service Permit.
  • Conclusion on fire safety.
  • Local administrative permission to trade.
  • Sanitary books for all employees of the teahouse.
  • Contracts for waste removal and disinfection works.
  • Conclusion about correct work scales, CCA certificate and other documents.

Suppliers must require quality certificates for tea products.

Nuances when choosing a room

A large percentage of the success of a future teahouse depends on the location. The place is important precisely because of the atmosphere, it is desirable to place it in the park part of the city, where a person can take a break from the hustle and bustle.

Saving on rent will not give positive results, but opening a teahouse in the city center does not always guarantee positive result. Ideal average value for money. Focus on the audience that is located near the teahouse.

The future tea room must meet certain standards:

  • well ventilated;
  • the area should be at least 30 m 2, a lot depends on the layout and design;
  • without problems with communal and sanitary services;
  • good street lighting on the adjacent tea street;
  • an easy way to find sellers in the area;
  • location of sleeping and business districts.

It also needs an assessment social status potential clientele and finding out if there is a bus stop or metro station nearby.

Carefully study the advantages of the rented premises: availability warehouse, separate bathroom, plumbing. Estimate what repairs will be required, only then conclude a contract.


No business can be organized without right approach to the point. Therefore, first of all, you should take care of finding suitable suppliers of goods. Do not forget that tea is a specific product and mostly imported. So before proceeding with the paperwork, you should study the supplier market.

The problem lies in the variable cost of goods and the high dependence on currency fluctuations. Ideally, it is better to select suppliers without intermediaries abroad, but the practical side shows the impossibility of implementing this option. Because for business you need to purchase expensive varieties of tea like:

  • indian,
  • Ceylonese
  • Japanese.

The purchase is profitable only in large quantities, and opening new business, there is no need to bear such costs. The search for foreign suppliers can only be considered when you have a whole network of tea houses.

Consequently, it will be necessary to look for suitable suppliers among domestic firms. When making a choice, you need to find optimal conditions partnerships:

  1. A wide range of teas, including elite varieties.
  2. specific delivery times.
  3. Profitable price for goods.
  4. Possibility to postpone payment for the received goods due to unforeseen circumstances.

Not every wholesale base is suitable for the supply of tea, especially if you are aiming for the quality of the goods. Many wholesalers offer franchises for optimal price, this will allow even a beginner to start a business without strong risks. The entrepreneur will be able to gain experience and learn a lot about the product, having determined for himself the right assortment for future orders.

Typically, the franchise price ranges from 300 to 400 thousand, this is overall size business investments of 1.5 million rubles.

What equipment is needed for a tea room?

To open a teahouse you will need:

  • electronic balance;
  • shelves, showcases, counter;
  • cash machine;
  • trays for tea, scoops to collect it;
  • lighting devices to visually ennoble the room and highlight certain types of tea;
  • outdoor sign;
  • advertising;
  • tea jars;
  • vendor uniforms;
  • packaging bags, preferably paper, so that the tea does not lose its taste. Can with brand logo for additional promotion,

If you are planning a tasting, then you need to equip the kitchen, as well as purchase special sets for brewing tea.

Selection of tea assortment

On the initial stage When opening a teahouse, you should choose one hundred of the most popular varieties of tea. Don't buy right away exotic species, perhaps there will be no demand for them, and the goods will be stale. Gradually, you yourself will be able to evaluate in practice what sells better, what does not. Perhaps there will be a demand for other varieties.

Types of tea costing from 200-400 rubles per 100 grams are considered to be popular, they should make up the majority of all stocks. Expensive varieties, the price of which is from 2500 rubles, should be purchased carefully and in small quantities.

Teas are classified by type:

  • white;
  • black;
  • green;
  • red;
  • yellow;
  • medical;
  • flavored.

Financial costs of opening a teahouse

How much does it cost to open a tea shop from scratch? For this, it is worth analyzing options business and consider the cost of organizing a tea shop.

  1. Opening a teahouse with a tasting room will cost an entrepreneur from 1.5-1.8 million rubles. Much depends on the chosen design and repair costs.
  2. An ordinary tea shop without tasting services will cost about 800 thousand. For this option, a room area of ​​​​20 m 2 is sufficient.
  3. Opening a tea stall will help save even more on renting a room: only about 10 m 2 will be required. And at a cost, a tea stall will cost 300 thousand rubles.

The increase in costs depends on the accompanying factors, so the option of additional costs should be considered. So, when planning, add 10-15% of the total amount to the estimated figure.

Is it profitable or not to sell tea? If you are planning to build a business on tea, then first of all you should study the market, weigh all possible ways of implementation and proceed with the implementation of your plan.

The tea market is divided according to the following principle. The lowest price range includes cheap Ceylon tea and tea domestic production. At the middle stage are premium varieties. They are sold by weight or already packaged. The most expensive are collection varieties. Independent estimates agree that about 400 Moscow residents are ready to buy tea at a price of 3,000 to 30,000 rubles a month in one store. Prices for individual varieties can even reach 300 thousand rubles per kg. But for such purchases you need to understand tea

The success of a tea shop consists of three components: a favorable location, the professionalism of the sales assistant, and the quality of tea.

Over the past few years, the demand for quality tea has increased significantly.

This trend can be traced not only in Moscow, but throughout the country as a whole. Customers began to better understand the offers of the market. Many are gradually abandoning tea bags and moving from cheap varieties to more expensive and high-quality ones.

How to find and equip a room

A profitable tea shop is located in crowded places. Therefore, you need to start by looking for a room. Often buying tea is an unplanned action. The consumer can simply walk by, notice the display case and make an immediate decision to buy tea. In Moscow, the rental price of a 30 sq. m. will be from 90 to 150 thousand rubles a month. You can instruct the agency to find appropriate place. The price of services will be equal to the cost of the monthly rent. The owner of the premises will require payment several months in advance. In this way total costs will be about 350-500 thousand rubles.

The tea shop must have a utility room with an area of ​​no more than 10 square meters. m. Tea will be stored here. Utility room should be dry and dark with good ventilation. Choosing expensive and high-quality tea, the client first of all pays attention to the smell. Properly equipped premises will help maintain the quality of the product.

Next, the room needs to be put in order and properly designed aesthetically. You can simply paint the walls, install cabinets and spread mats in the tasting room, or make expensive repairs and order furniture from well-known manufacturers. On average, the manufacture and installation of furniture takes 30-45 days. Prices can vary in the widest range from 30 to 750 thousand rubles. Decoration inner space premises will cost from 30 thousand to 1.5 million rubles. It all depends on your taste and financial capabilities. the main task- create conditions for the client to have an easy and pleasant pastime, so that he feels calm and comfortable in your establishment and wants to come again.

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The staff as the face of the store

The store must have at least 3 employees with a minimum salary 30-40 thousand rubles. For successful performance in the work, it is desirable to accrue bonuses. Good wages will ensure low staff turnover and will stimulate the interest of employees to increase sales. The staff must be well trained. Despite the increased interest in high quality tea, there is still no culture of drinking. Most consumers know only two categories of tea - the first and all the rest.

One of the main responsibilities of employees is to expand the knowledge of customers. Therefore, you need to pay Special attention qualifications. The staff must understand the technology of brewing, the history of tea, know a lot of parables and legends in order to maintain a conversation and quality service. Therefore, a certain hierarchy is established at the point of sale, where at the lowest level are trainees with a minimum salary and a small amount of knowledge. After a few months of internship, they take exams. Successful surrender pushes them further career ladder to the level of full-fledged employees with proper pay. The highest step is, of course, the administration. The administrator is the most experienced and valuable employee.

Practice suggests that it is best to hire women to work in a tea shop. They are prone to cleanliness and order, executive, inquisitively delve into every little thing, very diligent and conscientious. Sellers are not allowed to sit idle during the working day. This condition is dictated by the psychology of the client. To sellers inattentive, immersed in themselves and indifferent to everything else, a negative attitude is formed in advance. Therefore, make sure that your employees are polite, filled with energy, so that they can guess the desires of the client from a half-word. This approach will create a positive name for the institution.

If you have the idea to open your own business, what kind of activity to choose? Of course, this depends on personal preferences and inclinations. There are many options, but the article will focus on relatively young business for Russia - its own tea house.

Advantages of the tea business

  • Starting capital within reasonable limits.
  • Tea is not a perishable product. It's easy to store it.
  • The product always sells well. Seasonal fluctuations are not significant.
  • Designed for mass consumption and any wallet.
  • There is an opportunity to run an associated business.
  • The tea business itself is very elegant and aesthetic.

How to make a tea business? It seems that everything is quite simple: I bought goods from wholesalers, sold them at retail, earned money. The essence is really reflected correctly. But so that the chain “bought-sold-earned” does not turn into “bought-NOT sold” or “bought-sold-NOT earned”, you need to properly organize your business, take into account some nuances.

What you need to have in your assets to start a tea business from scratch

  • Money. No business grows in a vacuum. There is no way to do without financial investment. How much will it take? It depends on the scope of the businessman - one outlet or a network of branded stores opens. In any case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to meet less than 200 thousand rubles. If the accumulated savings are not enough, you can turn to the bank for help. A loan can be taken both for business development and as individual. These types of loans are fundamentally different in terms of registration - a package of documents, interest rate, terms, collateral, purpose and further supervision by the bank. It is easier, of course, to issue a consumer loan. But this is another article.
  • Enthusiasm and optimism. No matter how trite it sounds, but businessmen are not weak personalities. They should have enough moral strength to be friends with government bodies, tax, suppliers and landlords. Clients, by the way, are loved absolutely sincerely, since they are the main source of income.
  • stock of sedatives. Useful at first. When the business picks up and the skin gets thicker.

How to take the first step

You need to start by registering an LLC or IP. Practice shows that IP is quite enough to trade tea. You can do the registration yourself or entrust the process law firm. It’s cheaper on your own, with lawyers it’s somehow calmer. If, nevertheless, we deal with the design personally, then we go through step by step:

  1. Registration Center of the Federal Tax Service.
  2. Regional body of statistics.
  3. Print manufacturers (optional, but more solid and calmer).
  4. Bank to open a current account (the account number must be provided to the tax office).
  5. Pension Fund.

After all, the businessman will have a package of IP documents in his hands.

Where to anchor

Now it's time to look for a place. Tea - small retail goods, so fit trading place or a pavilion with an area of ​​10-30 sq.m. A prerequisite its location should be a good crowded place. It is better not to buy a room, but to rent it. Why? Because first you need to unwind, and then score goals.

It is advisable to conclude a lease agreement for at least 6 months. Maybe for a year. The final rental price must be specified in the contract without a clause stating that the landlord has the right to change the fee at his discretion.

After completing the package of documents, the individual entrepreneur needs to buy a cash register and register it in his tax office, specifying where the machine will be installed (address of the rented premises).

The room must be equipped with racks, showcases, cabinets for storing products. Here it is important to correctly place the accents. Everything matters. And the color of the furniture, and the style, and even jars for storing tea and bags for packaging it. From the point of view of psychology, tea belongs to the goods of impulsive consumption and is associated with home comfort. Therefore, for decoration it is better to use warm brown, beige and dark colors. yellow tones, vertical or slightly sloping racks and special tea containers.

For the tea business, you can buy a franchise. Then the pavilion will be decorated strictly in certain style. In short, a franchise is the right to use the brand, logo, trademark and business model of the franchisor. The most obvious example of a franchise is McDonald's. You can find franchisors online. If the contract is not registered with the tax office, then it will not have legal force. As practice shows, this can be very beneficial for the owner of the tea house in litigation with the franchisor.

The equipment necessary for the tea trade is scales, packing bags, a coffee grinder, and so on. Why a coffee grinder? It is good to dilute the tea assortment with coffee, hot chocolate and similar drinks. This will increase turnover and profit. But it is possible without coffee with a coffee grinder.

Helpers needed

The business of selling tea will require a lot of attention from the owner. It will be necessary to deal with deliveries, keep accounting records, quarrel and put up with regulatory authorities, and organize advertising. When to trade? That's just the very process of trading is better to entrust a neat smiling seller. You can find one by posting a job posting in your local newspaper, online, or through a recruitment agency.

Where to find the product

The most important thing is the product! Suppliers can again be found on the Internet or, for example, in the catalog wholesalers. If the business is conducted on the basis of a franchise agreement, then the franchisor is worried about the supply of goods. The entrepreneur will only need to order the necessary volumes of products on time.

The assortment can be as wide as the owner of the tea shop wants to see it. Mark-ups are made in the amount of approximately 50-100% of the wholesale cost. Here you need to correctly navigate the capabilities of the consumer and the offers of competitors.

Related features

To attract customers and expand their business, many open small cozy tea rooms at the store or set up a couple of tables right in the pavilion. For tea, cakes, homemade cookies and other sweets can be offered (for money, otherwise you won’t get enough). A discount card, symbolic gifts for purchases, discount coupons and other chips can become a bonus for buyers. Many in the tea department sell utensils for tea drinking, teapots, sugar. All this will increase sales and profits.


Now the businessman has a certificate of IP, premises, equipment and the product itself - high-quality fragrant loose leaf tea. There is information about how to open a tea shop. There is a great desire to succeed and grow your offspring. So go ahead, and may luck smile at you!

Many people are increasingly thinking about starting their own business, which will bring them the opportunity for self-realization and financial independence. Among the huge variety of ideas, you need to choose the most successful direction. One of them is a tea business from scratch.

Features and benefits of the tea business

First of all, you should figure out whether the tea business is profitable or not. To some extent it depends on the scale locality: in large and medium-sized cities, the chances of success are much greater than in small ones. True, in a small town you can also succeed in the tea business, but only if you become the very first person to bring this idea to life.

Selling tea as a business has quite a few important benefits that an aspiring entrepreneur should take into account:

  • to start such a business, there is no need for too large amounts of start-up capital;
  • good tea is always in great demand and popular - the buyers of this product are people with any income level;
  • tea is very easy and simple to store, as it does not belong to the number of products that quickly deteriorate;
  • tea business high level aesthetics;
  • with successful business, there are prospects for opening a whole network of tea boutiques.

There are no shortcomings in the tea business, with the exception of too high competition in this area. Therefore, if you choose this direction for yourself, you will have to work hard to become the best for your customers.

Where to start

Are you interested in how to start a tea business? To take the first successful step in this direction, you will need money, enthusiasm, a positive attitude - in fact, as well as for any other type of business.

What amounts of cash investments are relevant in this situation - it completely depends on your own goals: whether you are going to open one small store or a whole extended network.

In any case, at your disposal should be an amount of at least two hundred to three hundred thousand rubles.

If you feel a lack of Money, you can always take advantage of the possibility of obtaining a bank loan. You can get a regular consumer loan or a special loan for business development - by the way, the first option is simpler, faster and more affordable.

But only one start-up capital for opening successful business won't be enough. Here you still need enthusiasm, a good supply of moral and physical strength, as well as unshakable confidence in your success.

What is the tea business like?

If you are seriously interested in selling tea as a business, the very first thing you need to do is to define the concept of your activity. There are at least three formats outlet for the sale of tea:

  • a small stall on the territory of a large shopping and entertainment center;
  • specialized cozy and comfortable tea shop;
  • a large store with a spacious area and its own tasting room.

Each of these options has individual characteristics. If you are thinking about how to open a tea business from scratch, you can first try the first option with a small stall. Cash investments are minimal - this is the most important advantage of this option. And its disadvantages include not enough wide selection elite varieties.

A specialized tea shop as a business opens up more opportunities. In a room with an area of ​​10-15 square meters You can arrange a good assortment of delicious and fragrant teas. It is very important to find right place for your shop. It is best if it is adjacent to a large office center or a residential area - the people who live and work here will surely become your regular customers.

And, finally, the third option is a large tea shop equipped with a special room for product tasting - it is he who is the most promising business. The business idea of ​​such a tea shop implies the presence of large areas and significant cash costs. However, when competent organization its fruits will be tangible in the near future. It is best to place your store as close to the center as possible - this will positively affect its attendance.

Success factors

Success in the tea selling business depends on such important components as:

  • good and constantly expanding customer base;
  • original design of the premises and high-quality equipment;
  • reliable suppliers;
  • competent professional staff;
  • a wide range of products of impeccable quality;
  • thoughtful advertising and promotion.

In addition, the sale of related accessories for a great tea ceremony will arouse even more interest from customers in your establishment.

Growing tea and checking its quality: Video