Non-food retail business plan. How to open a grocery store from scratch: a business plan

Retail trade is one of the most attractive activities in the medium and small segment. In this category, samples and examples of business plans are different. Usually they differ not only in the amount of investments, but also in types. An approximate trading plan should contain the subtleties of the business and the features of the product.

A good example of a retail business is opening a clothing outlet. As a rule, this does not require high initial investments. It also eliminates the risk of losing the product due to its damage. Retail Stores can be opened in various areas, including specialized ones. For example, sports nutrition and much more.

Sample Retail Business Plan

A sample sales business plan structure contains the following aspects:

  • Summary;
  • List of products sold;
  • Production plan;
  • Organization of activities;
  • Marketing;
  • Financial planning;
  • Prediction data.

The first section should indicate the purpose, type of activity and cost of implementation. The list of products must be presented in full and with an indication of the wholesale and selling prices. A trade project also requires the calculation of the total cost of production. The production section lists all initial costs. The store requires the rental of premises or its acquisition, as well as the purchase of goods and equipment.

The main part can be considered a financial plan with calculations. The calculation of revenue, taxable and net income, taxes, calculation of income and expenses, and much more should be presented here. Forecasting data can be compiled on the basis of financial calculations.

A store business plan with calculations will help you realize the idea of ​​entrepreneurship in the shortest possible time, since the trust of creditors and investors with its high-quality compilation increases significantly. Retailing is an excellent basis for starting a business from scratch.

A grocery store as a business can be a great start for newcomers to entrepreneurship, as it does not require large capital investments. Food products will always be in demand, remain one of the most sought-after goods for all countries and peoples.

But why do small shops and supermarkets often close, hardly starting their activities? Unscrupulous and unqualified staff, wrong pricing policy, bad location can lead to failures and financial losses, so it is very important to approach the process of planning and organizing a grocery store competently. Consider the basic steps of building a business.

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Format selection

In the food market, there are the following options for opening a retail outlet:

  • hypermarket- the largest store with an area of ​​​​up to 5 thousand m². The assortment is dominated by food products, the rest is related products. Location in most cases - outside the city.
  • Supermarkets are located in places with a high level of passenger traffic. Area - up to 2 thousand m².
  • Deli– stores up to 500 m². From the main assortment - perishable products of daily consumption, as well as a small part of household chemicals. Pricing policy in such places depends on the location.
  • Minimarket is a self-service outlet small area which is a convenience store.
  • small shops narrow specialization that sell competitive goods (meat, dairy, bakery shop).
  • Shop "at home"- the easiest option for organizing a business for beginners in places with high traffic of people, in residential areas. It can be in a separate building for residents of private houses, or on the ground floor of a high-rise building.

Location selection

What does it take to open a store that will make a profit? First, find a favorable location.

The main criterion is patency, which, in turn, depends on a number of factors:

  • For the profitability of the business, the store must be located in an area with a population of 1500-2000 people. This is approximately a small residential area or 6 five-story buildings.
  • Advantageous location near railway and bus stations, hospitals, schools, universities, metro stations, stadiums.
  • If a large supermarket is located within a radius of 2 kilometers, it will not be easy for a novice entrepreneur to compete with him.
  • After analyzing the products within a radius of 2-3 kilometers, you can sell something that is not enough from competitors.
  • Study the demand of the selected area, determine the target categories and submit goods for them - summer residents, pensioners, schoolchildren.
  • Next to the grocery department, you can organize the sale of related products - household chemicals, stationery, etc.

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Purchase of commercial equipment

The main equipment that is necessary for the functioning of a grocery store:

Product range selection

About 500 items of products can be placed on an area of ​​50 m². From the experience of successful entrepreneurs, regardless of whether you are going to open a point in big city or in rural areas, the structure should focus on:

  1. Daily consumption goods:
  • meat products;
  • bakery products;
  • milk products.
  1. Consumer Goods:
  • pasta, flour, sugar, salt, cereals;
  • matches;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, seasonings;
  • canned food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • coffee Tea.
  1. Goods in seasonal demand:
  • ice cream;
  • soft drinks, etc.

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Required documents

For those who are wondering "How to open grocery store from scratch?" bureaucratic moments can be a big obstacle.

In addition to registering an individual entrepreneur, documents are needed:

  • Confirmation of the rights to the premises for trade (purchase and sale agreement or lease agreement);
  • sanitary passport for the premises;
  • medical books for personnel who work with the goods;
  • a document on entry in the commercial register of a city or village;
  • product certificates;
  • permission from the fire department;
  • book of reviews and suggestions;
  • documentation on cash services;
  • certificate of correct measuring instruments.

This list may change depending on the specifics of the trade. The list of permits can be clarified in the tax service and local regulatory authorities.


Qualified and honest staff - an important component successful business. Wages can start from 15,000 rubles (in the countryside). On average, an employee needs to pay 25,000-50,000 rubles, depending on his duties. If you shift the unloading of goods and cleaning the premises to the seller, the salary will be higher. To prevent theft, keep accurate records of income and expenditure.

Financial calculations

One of the key issues is financial accounting. How much does it cost to open a store? To organize a retail outlet, start-up investments are needed, their level depends on the area and the chosen format. Consider exemplary business plan a grocery store with calculations for a small store up to 50 m² located in a residential area.

Initial costs:

  • Purchase of equipment - 180 thousand rubles;
  • conducting repair work- 150 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of the first batch of goods - 250 thousand rubles.

Total - 580 thousand rubles.

Fixed costs:

  • Staff salaries (3 people) - 75 thousand rubles;
  • payment of utility bills - 20 thousand rubles;
  • payment rental payments- from 50 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods - 200 thousand rubles.

Total - 345 thousand rubles.

The average check in such a store is 200-300 rubles. The monthly income of such points varies within 500 thousand rubles. The profitability of the project is 30%. For more accurate calculations, contact the product suppliers and check the prices for the goods and equipment of interest.

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→ 06.03.2016


The page publishes only useful reviews for others, which indicate that the person had experience in this matter.


    I am writing for those who want to know how to open a grocery store small retail. I did it in 2010.

    First of all, I quit my job and sold my car to raise some seed money. Then he opened an individual entrepreneur - it is not very long and not too expensive. Registration took about a week. But for peace of mind, a number of procedures are still needed:
    - register with the pension fund - I pay them 1002 rubles a month;
    — write a letter for regional statistics;
    - ensure the taxation of UTII, that is, imputation;
    - submit a declaration once a quarter;

    FROM tax office it turned out less problems than with SES. There are a huge number of requirements related to grocery stores. It is necessary to provide a whole pile of documents.

    one). Application for placement of a store, which includes:
    - TIN details;
    - OGRN;
    - legal address;
    - the actual address;
    - OKVED, that is, what I am allowed to trade;
    - type of trade - small retail.

    2). Declaration, which must be drawn up independently; it contains:
    - Store Address;
    - retail space;
    - the number of employees in the largest shift;
    - How is garbage removed?
    – transport that brings the goods;
    - Where is the toilet located?
    — an agreement with a water utility for the delivery of water.

    3). Registration certificate of the building - obtained at the BTI and made for at least two weeks;
    four). Lease agreement or documents confirming ownership;
    5). Assortment list.

    Prepared documents must be submitted for consideration to the engineering department of the SES. Then they demand an application for measurements of the premises - it cost 5 thousand rubles. After payment, I had to wait a whole week for a call. The laboratory assistant who takes measurements must first be brought to the store, then taken back. She measures radiation, listens to the walls with instruments. The results of measurements could be picked up in a week. After that, a SANpin conclusion is issued that the premises meet the necessary requirements.

    To avoid wasting time, in parallel with the preparation of documents for the SES, one should begin to conclude contracts with suppliers. We must not forget about the firefighters - it is better to prepare all the documents in advance, without waiting for the check.

    Before opening it is necessary to order a sign, preferably with illumination. It cost me 6 thousand rubles. You can open only when everything is ready: the shelves are filled with goods, the cash register is installed, price tags are printed.

    My store was open from 7 am to 11 pm. It opened on September 20, 2010, but I wanted to do it in the summer. I sat down at the counter myself. The first customer showed up at 7:15 and bought a pack of cigarettes and a bag of 3in1 coffee. Revenue for the first day amounted to 4 thousand rubles.

    I live in the Urals, the population of the city is 100 thousand people. I think the location of the store is good: there is a metalwork factory opposite, there is a parking lot and garages near it. There are five more collective gardens in the district, and there is not a single store nearby at a distance of less than a kilometer. Permeability - 500 people per winter time and 950 in the summer, excluding passing cars. The average markup is 26%. People are happy that at least some outlet has appeared, albeit not the one we would like - without cheeses, sausages and dairy products.

    Quite a lot of money was required to repair the premises, which were in a terrible state. At the prices of 2010, the amount of 73 thousand rubles was spent on building materials, the construction of racks, counters and other trifles. 102 thousand - for goods, 1200 - for registration of IP, 5 thousand - for measurements of SES.

    Regarding personnel control. Advice on video surveillance and strokes is best discarded immediately. For effective control you need to understand where the goods go. A simple example: there is a video surveillance camera, we look - nothing all day. In the evening, a friend or one of the relatives of the seller came. He was given ten units of trade, and was charged for only five.

    by the most simple solution I think the system of motivation. Firstly, this is a salary, plus a targeted percentage. At the same time, it is important wages pay every week.

    Secondly, three documents must be prepared:
    - individual liability;
    — collective liability;
    job description salespeople, senior salesperson and others.

    Next, we create forms for acts of delivery of inventory items. The first seller delivers, the second accepts. They also include equipment - cash registers, counters and the rest. A clause is introduced into the Instruction obliging to conduct an inventory during a shift change. Inventory is also required, which takes place once a week. If only one seller works, then this procedure should be carried out at least once every three days. Penalize in case of non-compliance.

    I propose to think about why the goods disappear. Is this theft or simple confusion? If it's theft, then why? Lack of money, or maybe someone can't make it from paycheck to paycheck? Moreover, there is a real opportunity to sell the goods without knocking out a check. Weekly payments should reduce the number of such cases.

    Now for the acts. Everything is not complicated here: sellers count the goods entrusted to them, which is evidenced on paper. A new shift arrives, which counts and reports the shortage. Otherwise, after the act is signed, they will be responsible, and not those who handed over.

    At the end of the week, a joint inventory is made, as a result of which the weekly salary is paid. Found missing? The act of the last acceptance of the goods is taken. If there were no calculations, you can safely roll in a fine for not conducting an inventory.

    Such a system will squeeze out a sense of injustice in people. They will begin to tense up because they are not doing the things that they themselves require. Discontent, of course, will be, but not much. This method, although tedious, is simple and effective.

    My grocery store opened in November 2010. It is located in a residential area, quite large, two hundred meters from the main street and transport interchange. A path passes by, leading from the bus stop to the houses. There are a lot of other grocery stores around, but only Magnit is one of the chain stores. True, the prices there are not at all Magnitovskaya - quality goods are unusually expensive.

    Before opening, completed repairs, put new equipment. I work by myself. I try to be kind with buyers, I don’t sell spoiled products. After some thought, I decided: I will specialize in exclusive goods, high quality, which can not be bought everywhere. For example: lemonades with sugar, not sweeteners, natural, non-powdered dairy products. There are no shops like this around here. The area of ​​the trading floor is 30 m². Behind it are two utility rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom.

    There were no problems with paperwork. In the first month of work, the average daily revenue was about four thousand rubles. Now it is ten thousand, and whether there is a possibility of growth is not clear.

    The range of products I have is not large - about two hundred items. The average markup is 22%. Goods for ordinary buyers are not familiar, but those who dare to try, as a rule, come again. There is no profit - everything goes to pay rent and taxes. But something manages to be postponed for development.

    I think that I still miscalculated with the district - there is only poverty and alcoholics around. There was also a shop in this building before me. When I rented a room, I was delighted: there was no need to convene buyers. But it turned out that there was a tavern...

    It takes a lot of strength and nerves to shop. Despite the fact that everyone considers summer to be the most shopping season, I don’t know what to do next. How long I can last, I don't know. According to my observations: it is not profitable to sell goods at present, the sale of services is more relevant.

  1. I have been running a shop since 2000 and a small kiosk. It used to be profitable, but now the kiosk still brings some profit, as it is located away from supermarkets. In the store, either the refrigerator will deteriorate, or other equipment, plus taxes and a communal apartment - an income of thirty thousand rubles barely covers everything. The sellers have also become cunning: without constant monitoring, I either find a leftist, or a shortage. Once upon a time, even before the New Year holidays, you could earn extra money. Now everyone tries to make large purchases in the supermarket. Well, at least the premises are your own - you don’t have to pay rent.

    In my store, the average markup is less than 17%. And this despite the fact that prices are higher than in large retail outlets, which are full on every corner. For example, for dairy products - 10%, bread and cereals - 15%, sausages - 15%. Is that beer and chocolate at 25%.

    I think he can turn the store into a self-service mini market. But money for this is not enough, and the staff will have to be added. Now we only have two salespeople, and self-service requires someone to constantly lay out the goods. Yes, and the area is small - 50 square meters may not fit.

And to engage in trade, the first question that will arise in front of you is: what exactly to trade? There are many options, but no matter what category of goods you choose, having weighed all the pros and cons well, sparing no time and effort on carefully considering the strategy and correctly calculating the business plan of the outlet, you can count on profit and satisfaction from your own activities.

The lion's share of retail space is occupied by food and clothing. Which is not surprising, because these are one of the most profitable categories of goods. Being engaged in the sale of products, you earn on turnover, clothes - on the cost, because in this case the margin reaches 200-300%. But in both cases, one cannot but take into account the huge competition, which is extremely destructive for the newly formed business. Therefore, if you are just taking the first steps towards your own prosperous business, it makes sense to pay attention to such a group of products as household chemicals. There are several reasons for this: firstly, the shelf life of such products is much longer than, for example, food products; secondly, many products from this segment are not subject to mandatory certification; thirdly, simple terms implementations that do not require special equipment, refrigerators, freezers, etc.

How to start your own business?

In order to start your activity, first of all, you need to register as legal entity, or, in the case of a retail outlet in the market, an individual entrepreneur.

The registration procedure is now greatly simplified. All you need for this is a passport, an individual taxpayer number, a completed application and 800 rubles to pay the state duty.

One of key points entrepreneurship is a successful interaction with suppliers. Try to negotiate payment in installments, wholesale prices, discounts. Many suppliers offer their own delivery, which will give you the opportunity to save on driver services. Do not lose sight of this point, because it is very important to reduce costs as much as possible, especially at the very beginning of your activity.

FROM special attention consider the choice of location for the outlet. If you decide to work in the market, of course, it will not be possible to completely avoid competition, but it is possible to minimize it. Try to choose a place with high traffic of people.

Remember that the most important thing in trading is the human factor. It depends on the seller whether your first buyer will become a permanent one. Do not forget also about the need to establish contact with the administration of the market.

As for the assortment, you may not be able to immediately determine which product to buy and in what quantities, this issue will become clear after 2-3 months of active trading, when you have already studied your potential buyer and his needs. Therefore, during the initial filling of the counter, the emphasis should be on the type of product and its price category. Act according to the principle: a little of everything. Take into account the fact that too expensive and exclusive goods are sold very slowly, and you need, first of all, a turnover. It is worth taking care to present related products in the assortment (light bulbs, napkins, brushes, diapers, gloves, etc.) As experience shows, the income from the sale of these products can be up to 30% of all profits.

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Basic calculations

As for the financial part of the business plan of the outlet, the following articles should be noted in the "Expenses" section:

  • rent: 192,000 rubles / year.

It is important to understand that this figure is taken from the calculation average price per sq.m. of retail space in Russia, so it can be very different from the prices that are currently relevant in your region. Keep this in mind when drawing up your own plan.

  1. Purchase of goods: 1,000,000 rubles / year.
  2. Salary: 190,000 rubles / year.

This refers to the salary of a substitute seller and payment for the services of an accountant.

  • Additional expenses: 50,000 rubles/year.

Total: 1,232,000 rubles/year. This is an approximate amount of annual investment, provided that you rent a retail outlet with an area of ​​10 square meters, act as a seller yourself, hire another employee to be able to deal with organizational issues, and also resort to the help of an accountant.

A retail network business plan is something that is in more and more demand every year. It is easier to open a business in such trade than in any other area. For this reason, the competition is simply huge.

What is a trading network

A retail chain is a set of stores that have certain common features. First, a network can be called at least two stores or more. Second, everything outlets must be united by a common host. Thirdly, such outlets have one supplier of goods for all stores. If the outlets sell products in large quantities, that is, in bulk, then there should be one buyer. The last thing that unites such stores is the same style of registration of all documents.

It can be added that retailers are more effective method running a retail business than running a few separate stores.

Benefits of creating a trading network

The chain of stores has many positive sides, but there are several main ones:

  1. A large number of stores will allow its owner to better regulate the range of goods, as well as reduce the price of it, if necessary. These two qualities are the key to successful trading.
  2. The business plan of a retail chain always includes the purchase of a large assortment of goods in large quantities. Such a bulk purchase has always been more profitable in terms of savings on shipping. In addition, wholesale buyers are often given discounts on products.
  3. The network of stores always has a single and centralized management. This suggests that all decisions are made quickly and clearly, and on the highest level. Plus, in such stores only highly qualified specialists most often work, which eliminates many of the problems in work that are present in smaller enterprises.
  4. It is quite possible to reduce the cost of goods due to the fact that there is no need to constantly search for places of sale, as well as in the absence of advertising. Because of this the final price will also be smaller, which will naturally attract more buyers.
  5. The business plan of the retail chain must also take into account that each individual store is located in its own area, and the demand may be for different products. That is, a little independence in the selection of goods for each individual point of a single distribution network will only be a plus for the entire enterprise.

Retail chain in numbers

If we turn to the figures, then the business organizations of the retail chain in foreign countries occupy almost the entire market. Only about 4% is accounted for by small shops or individual outlets. Everything else is occupied by full-fledged networks with a single owner. If we turn to the market for statistics Russian Federation, then here only 20-30% of stores are part of retail chains. All other stores and outlets are separate small businesses. However, observations suggest that this trend is improving. Every year there are fewer individual points, and the networks are growing.

It is also worth adding that the retail chain, which has 19 or more stores, is moving into the category of a trading chain. In other words, it moves to the next step of development. Some economists, after carrying out calculations and observations, have come to the conclusion that the most profitable chain will be the one that includes 21 or more stores.

Trade network structure

A stationary retail chain is not just a few outlets that follow the same goal. These are several independent enterprises, each of which is located in a certain territory and is intended to meet the needs of the population in a certain product or service. Retail chain management is the process of managing an entire network of outlets. The essence of management is that the director must monitor the quality of the services provided, as well as the availability of the necessary goods at these points, which are in demand. If necessary, it is necessary to revise the assortment so that it most accurately meets the needs of the population in this particular area.

A successful trading network is characterized by the fact that it is able to provide citizens with the necessary goods or services as quickly and efficiently as possible. At the same time, it is best to locate such establishments near a large crowd of people, that is, near offices or houses.

What characterizes the network

The retail trade network is characterized by several of the following points:

  • There should be a certain ratio between outlets that sell food and non-food products.
  • A certain percentage that the network occupies among the entire market for the sale of this product.
  • A certain percentage of outlets that sell specialized products/services from total number points.
  • The business plan of a retail chain should include a variety of methods for the sale of goods and services that currently exist.

There are several other indicators that characterize retail chains. Products with a short implementation time should also take a certain percentage of the total. Such stores must be equipped with refrigerators, since most often they sell goods such as dairy products or meat.

What you need to open a network

A retail chain business plan should have several specific points:

  1. The control center of the entire network should be located in one place or office.
  2. All activities associated with the purchase of goods should be carried out in a single place, from a single supplier.
  3. All commercial operations that are necessary for each store individually are carried out under the guidance of managers from the main office.
  4. All stores belonging to the same distribution network must be supplied with the best cash register equipment, which will allow you to keep an accurate count of finances and goods sold.

All points included in a single network must comply common standard in my own way appearance, as well as engage in the sale of goods, which are strictly determined by the main office.

How to create an effective network

The statement that opening your own store is very profitable is true only if you do it wisely and in accordance with all the rules. You can increase income from such an enterprise at times if you start opening not one point, but a whole network. It will be even more profitable to open outlets in different cities which are close to each other. It is quite possible to put this plan into action without unnecessary losses in material terms, if you follow some instructions:

  1. Drafting a well thought out business plan.
  2. Network registration and receipt of all papers.
  3. Choice correct premises to host a store.
  4. Conclude agreements with suppliers on favorable terms.
  5. Select professional workers.
  6. Run a good marketing campaign.

Organization of the network

  1. The first thing to do is to determine exactly the segment of products that will be sold, as well as the price criterion. The network can be engaged in the sale of both expensive goods and ordinary ones, which are used by ordinary citizens every day.
  2. The second step is, of course, the registration of the enterprise in the tax office. You can register a chain of stores as a limited liability company, or you can register as an individual business.
  3. If there are not enough funds for several points at once, then it is better to create one full-fledged one than several poorly equipped ones.
  4. When searching for suppliers of goods and concluding an agreement with them, it is necessary to discuss all possible conditions, as well as a system of discounts if the number of purchased products grows.
  5. It will be very important to choose good employees. However, the most important role will be played by the manager, who should be in each individual store.

Opening rules

There are only two options for developing your business. The first option is self-discovery and the second is a franchise. As practice shows, franchising is even more in demand in some countries than the independent opening of a new business. The first rule that will help in opening a franchise network is to find a successful franchise. It is necessary to thoroughly study the area in which you plan to work, as well as all the companies that can provide their franchise.

The second rule is budgeting. It is very important to draw up this document, because, firstly, all the expenses required to implement the idea will be taken into account, and, secondly, without a clear plan for the future, not a single franchisor will provide a franchise. In addition, it is worth remembering that the estimate should take into account the rental of the place where the store will be located. This is a very important point, since it is best to place a point in a crowded place, and, as a rule, rent in such places is several times more expensive than in remote ones.

Merchandising outlet

Commodity supply of a retail trade network is a complex of certain measures, which consists of commercial and technical actions, as a result of which the goods are delivered to the places of their sale. It is necessary to monitor this system very closely, as it must ensure the constant need of citizens for certain form goods.

Organization of supply

In order to organize a stable and constant supply of goods, it is necessary to follow some important requirements:

  • When organizing the delivery of goods from the manufacturer, it is necessary to take into account the territorial location of the supplier, as well as the volumes of products that he manufactures and the volumes required by the network of outlets for the sale of this product. The volume of supplied should be slightly more than the volume of consumption, but not too much, so that the goods do not have time to deteriorate.
  • The quantity of imported goods must also correspond to the turnover of the store and its capacity. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the point has all the necessary technical equipment to store purchased goods. Such equipment most often includes refrigerators for storing meat, dairy products, etc.
  • When placing an order for the next delivery of products, it is necessary to take into account the balance from the last delivery, and also add to this the average rate of the goods sold.
  • A properly created system for supplying a point of sale with goods is characterized by the fact that the shelf life of goods remains minimal.

The rhythm of product delivery is very important. First, this feature must ensure the delivery of goods at regular intervals. Secondly, a properly tuned rhythm of the delivery of goods will supply the store with a constant small stock of products, which will ensure constant sales and eliminate shortages at a certain moment. The most important thing in the supply of goods to a retail network is its efficiency. It is also important to monitor the cost-effectiveness of supply, which implies the minimum cost for the delivery of products.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income - 1,050,000 rubles.
  • Net profit- 250 750 rubles.
  • Initial costs - 1,999,300 rubles.
  • Payback - from 8 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will make detailed business plan shop women's clothing with calculations. But remember that this business plan can be applied to absolutely any clothing store (not just women's).

Service description

The business plan discusses the features of opening a women's clothing store designed for the middle price segment. Let us recall once again that this business plan can be applied to menswear, to outerwear, to underwear, etc. The amount of investment will differ depending on the cost, type of product and its quantity.

The entrepreneur manages his own store, which is located in mall. It also contains information that may be useful to the reader about other formats and possibilities in case of working with them.

Market analysis

Many people, dreaming of their own business, think about opening a clothing store. Some want it to be a luxury boutique located in the very center of the city, others choose an online store, others decide to open a clothing discount center. Of course, all this can bring income when right approach to work. But still, before choosing one or another store format, you should carefully analyze the market, because there are quite a few competitors on it.

I must say that many people believe that opening your own clothing store requires a lot of money. This is not always the case and depends on many factors. There are also formats that require investments only in the purchase of inventory and some other expense items. To understand the picture, you need to consider in detail the possible formats of the store.

Today, in a broad sense, the following options for opening your own clothing outlets are being considered:

  • “real-time” stores (these are ordinary stores where customers come and see the available goods, can try on, choose suitable clothes);
  • online shopping (this may include large online stores, one-page sites or shops in social networks).

Both options need to be considered separately in order to understand the aspects of working in them.

I want to warn start-up entrepreneurs : Many people naively believe that the main thing in the success of the store is investment. No one is more interested in the success of the business than the investor, because in this situation he risks a large amount of money. Experienced businessmen advise not to give the management of the store into the wrong hands, at least for the first six months. People who did otherwise, in most cases, failed and became bankrupt.

Now let's look at specific store formats.

  1. general store

This format is the most common. Two sub-formats can be included here, each of which has its own specifics:

  • Shop located in the mall

In such stores, things are usually sold in the lower and middle price segment. The undoubted advantage is the absence of the need to spend a lot of money on placing additional advertising. People, coming to the shopping center, most often visit several departments at once. That is why it is very important to choose a shopping center where the right audience will go.

  • Shop located in a separate building

In such stores, they usually sell things in the price segment above the average. This includes luxury, designer goods and creative pieces from talented designers. You will have to spend a lot of money to attract customers.

When calculating the necessary expenses, you will need to include in them:

  • purchase of a product range;
  • rent;
  • necessary equipment;
  • staff salaries;
  • taxes.

The cost of expenses per 1 m 2 on average is about 50 thousand rubles. And this is if the store sells goods of the middle price segment.

You need to understand that initially the store will cover the initial costs. There will be net profit, but in fact it will cover only the amount of invested funds for some time. Therefore, it is very important to have a certain reserve of money "just in case".

Another very interesting option for a "real-time" store is the so-called showroom at home. This option is suitable for those who have a very small amount of initial capital. There are benefits in this case, they are quite large:

  • no rent;
  • no payroll costs.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. For example, not everyone decides to arrange a similar store at home. Indeed, in such cases, people should be invited to their territory to try on and view the available things. It is very difficult to find customers here, it is even more difficult to attract them and persuade them to buy. Although, if they come, they probably intend to buy something.

Such stores are usually used as a source of additional income. Often such impromptu outlets are opened by hairdressers, manicurists working at home.

  1. Online store

Today, such a type of clothing sales as sales through an online store is gaining particular popularity. It is very important to assess the opportunities, competition and occupy the most preferred niche.

The savings here are significant. You do not need to spend money on equipment, staff salaries, renting premises for a store. Everything happens online. Customers do not come to try on outfits, they buy them by seeing the image on the Internet.

Most often, novice businessmen who want to work in the fashion industry start with such stores.

Above is a graph of sales and forecasting it for subsequent years. As you can see, every year there is a significant increase in the volume of products purchased via the Internet. This is a positive factor for those who are going to open a similar outlet.

According to this graph, the category "clothes and accessories" is the most popular among the population. However, we see that only 14% make purchases of these products via the Internet, while the rest prefer to visit stores on their own.

From this we can conclude that a greater volume of sales can be obtained by opening a store in "real time" mode.

I would like to add that it is better to open an online store for residents of a particular city, and not for the whole country. At least at first. Later, you can increase the reach of potential customers.

When opening an online store, you should not scatter at once on many categories of goods. It is better to stop at one variety and establish sales.

Most often, people buy clothes on the Internet on those sites where there is no pre-order. However, in this case, a large investment will be required in order to be able to send the goods immediately after the customer has placed an order.

But the expectation is suitable for those stores that offer the consumer some unusual or exclusive goods. For such things, people are willing to spend some time waiting. By the way, this includes not only expensive things, but also those that, on the contrary, are very cheap.

I would like to note that today entrepreneurs go to work on regional markets in one of the following ways:

  • opening your own store;
  • work as a distributor;
  • work on the franchising system.

It is worth noting that the latter option is most in demand today.

According to statistics, at least 1.5 - 2.25 million rubles are needed to enter the clothing market. To exit to international level it takes 5 times more.

So, we have decided that an “offline” store can bring big profits in the long run. It is his discovery that we will consider. Now you need to decide what clothes to sell (women's or men's) and what criteria to pay special attention to.

More women follow fashion than men (72% versus 45%). Yes, it is ladies who shop much more often than men. That is why it is best to open a women's clothing store. If possible, you can combine both directions at once.

When choosing clothes, people pay attention to the following features:

  • suitable item (60%);
  • quality (15%);
  • practicality (7%);
  • compatibility with other wardrobe items (7%);
  • exclusivity (5%);
  • brand awareness (1%).

Therefore, our store should sell high-quality, practical and comfortable things that fit the size.

It must be said that the middle-income stratum makes up the vast majority of the population. It is on them that you need to focus when opening a store.

Therefore, our store will sell women's products at affordable price on the territory of a shopping center with a focus on women aged 18-45 years.

I would also like to say that any consumer has hidden needs. Based on them, you need to choose a work strategy.

This table informs about the latent needs of each category and helps to understand how to work with it.

SWOT analysis

Before opening your own store, you need to analyze the hidden threats and opportunities that can significantly affect the functioning own business. In such cases, factors are usually divided into external (which cannot be changed) and internal (which can be changed).

External factors include:

  1. Capabilities:
  • high and constant demand for goods in this category;
  • relative inelasticity of demand in a given market segment;
  • the possibility of expanding the assortment with other categories of goods and adding items for men and teenagers to the product matrix;
  • the opportunity to order goods at competitive prices.
  1. Threats:
  • high level of competition in this market segment;
  • lack of a controlled market share;
  • increased competition;
  • it is possible to tighten the legislation, which will create obstacles for work in this segment;
  • economic downturn affecting economic indicators shop.

Internal factors include:

  1. Strengths:
  • increasing the motivation to work among the staff;
  • the ability to find bona fide suppliers;
  • the ability to work at high wages;
  • a wide range of goods;
  • the ability to set a fairly wide range of prices for goods;
  • convenient and advantageous location for sales;
  • convenient working hours.
  1. Weak sides:
  • lack of experience in this field;
  • lack of knowledge;
  • lack of business reputation and loyal consumers;
  • lack of a circle of regular customers;
  • lack of a network of suppliers;
  • unknown store;
  • lack of trained personnel.

Opportunity Assessment

Our store will operate according to the following schedule:

Total: 79 hours per week, 338 hours per month.

There will be 2 shifts in the store according to the schedule 2 through 2. There will be 2 workers in each shift, since the premises will be quite large. Cleaning will be done by the staff of the shopping center.

Through the online store, the entrepreneur will not sell products. It will be necessary to promote your own brand, attract customers.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. Perhaps or. It is worth noting that the registration of an LLC in this case is inappropriate.. When registering, it is important to indicate codes according to OKVED. In this type of activity, this can be:

52.42.1 Retail sale of men's, women's and children's clothing;

52.42.2 - Retail sale of underwear;

52.42.3 - Retail sale of fur products;

52.42.4 - Retail sale of leather clothing;

52.42.5 - Retail sale of sportswear;

52.42.6 - Retail sale of hosiery;

52.42.7 - Retail sale of headwear;

52.42.8 Retail sale of clothing accessories (gloves, ties, scarves, belts, suspenders, etc.);

52.43 - Retail sale of footwear and leather goods;

52.43.1 - Retail sale of footwear;

52.43.2 - Retail sale of leather goods and travel accessories.

Note! In your case, there may be more codes or some of the presented ones may be missing. Therefore, it is important to accurately understand what you will be doing in your own store in order to reflect all types of planned activities at once, and not to make changes to the documents every time.

  1. An entrepreneur can choose either UTII. In the second case, two options are possible - STS "Income" 6% or STS "Income minus expenses" 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  2. A certificate of entry in the general commercial register is required. In our case, the store will be opened on the territory of the shopping center, which will lead to the receipt of the necessary document.
  3. You will need to obtain a permit to carry out trading activities.
  4. Conclusions of the State Fire Supervision and Rospotrebnadzor are required.
  5. Be sure to have an official lease agreement, a contract for garbage collection.
  6. You will need a permit for outdoor advertising, if any.
  7. Do not forget to fix the KKM in the tax office.
  8. Goskomstat codes will be required.
  9. If you plan to sell any products that require a license, then you will need to obtain it.
  10. Employees must have medical books (do not forget about the regularity of passing commissions).
  11. You will need a list of goods and certificates for them.
  12. Do not forget about the need for a sanitary passport.
  13. For cashless payments, it is necessary.

Documents such as a contract for the removal of solid waste may not be needed if the cleaning is carried out at the expense of the landlord and he has a general contract for the maintenance of the entire building. In this case, a certified copy will suffice.

Marketing plan

Of course, in many respects the promotion and advertising of the department will depend on the shopping center. Some of them take on the job. But do not forget about your own promotion. So, the marketing plan will include the following promotion methods:

  • Increasing customer loyalty. This technique is based on holding commodity days, when the cost of specific goods is reduced to the cost price or close to it. At the same time, it is very important to present the idea in an interesting way so that the store is remembered by the consumer, and he came here to shop again.
  • Informing your consumers through a group in social network, own site. It is very important here that the site and the group are active. To do this, it is necessary to timely add to them the current and interesting information- about possible promotions. You can hold draws, for example, to receive a 50% discount.
  • Contextual advertising. This method will also be effective and more or less affordable. But it's still not worth getting carried away with them.

Placing information in the media will cost a lot. Yes, and these costs are unlikely to pay off. Therefore, it is better to refuse such methods of promotion if we are talking about a small store intended for representatives of the middle price category and below average.

Calculation of projected income

Make a calculation possible income pretty hard. We will proceed from the sum of the costs for the purchase of goods and the average size of the commodity margin in the industry.

The average margin in this industry is about 100%, sometimes more. Let's take the revenue equal to 35,000 rubles per day. The amount is averaged, based on the indicators for the whole week. Subsequently, revenue will increase.

Thus, the monthly income will be about 1,050,000 rubles. And the cost of purchasing the product will be 525,000 rubles.

Production plan

The shop premises will have an area of ​​70–90 m 2 . You can rent it in a shopping center for 80,000 - 90,000 rubles.

At the same time, special repair costs will not be required, but it will simply be necessary to equip it. You will need:

  • signboard (40,000 rubles);
  • shop windows (25,000 rubles);
  • racks (20,000 rubles);
  • mirrors (35,000 rubles);
  • hangers (45,000 rubles);
  • KKM (8,500 rubles);
  • computer (30,000 rubles);
  • anti-theft system (40,000 rubles).

We will also need furniture:

  • shelves (15,000 rubles);
  • mannequins (60,000 rubles);
  • sofas (35,000 rubles).

You will also need various lamps and other ways of lighting.

The salary of employees is 30,000 and 25,000 rubles for a senior seller and an ordinary one, respectively, including taxes. The total cost of wages is 110,000 rubles.

organizational plan

Financial plan

  • Profit before tax: 1,050,000 - 755,000 = 295,000 rubles.
  • Tax (calculate the simplified tax system 15% of the difference between income and expenses): 44,250 rubles.
  • Net profit: 295,000 - 44,250 \u003d 250,750 rubles.
  • Profitability: 250,750/1,050,000*100% = 23.88%.
  • Payback period: 1,999,300/250,750 = 7.97. Therefore, the store can pay off in 8 months.


The following risks can be identified:

  1. An increase in the cost of rent.

This risk can lead to a serious decline in sales revenue. Another option is a forced increase in the cost of the proposed product. This, in turn, has a negative impact on demand and sales.

To avoid this risk, it is necessary to work out in detail the contract of the agreement with the landlord. Important conclude a contract for a long time, fixing the cost and the critical point of attendance, upon reaching which the parties revise the rental price.

  1. Increasing competition.

Due to the onset of such a situation, the number of visitors will decrease, as well as sales volumes.

The following ways to overcome the situation are possible:

  • develop and use a unique store concept;
  • to offer its customers a unique product;
  • conducting various promotions and offering discounts.
  1. Unprofessionalism of sellers and other staff working in the store.

As a result, visitors may not be satisfied with the service. As a result, the overall sales volume will decrease, and the business reputation may turn from positive to negative.

It is possible to overcome these risks with an integrated approach, including:

  • ongoing staff training related to sales and service trainings;
  • informing about the features of fabrics, materials, goods and care for them;
  • development and use of financial and non-financial motivational levers;
  • placement of CCTV cameras (they will also reduce the number of thefts in the store).
  1. The exit of goods from fashion, their irrelevance.

This can lead to a rather serious freezing of positions, a decrease in the purchase price and, as a result, a decrease in the overall profitability of the business.

To avoid such problems, it is necessary to constantly monitor the media and other sources of information. Additionally, it is worth holding regular sales so that there are no leftovers of stale goods.

franchise business

You can also consider opening a franchise clothing store, where you will receive a full step by step model opening a branded store. Franchising is a less risky start because the business model has been tried and tested and works well.

Use ours to find a franchise!

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for your attention!