Wife and husband in women's clothing. “My husband wears my underwear”: how to relate to this? Fetishism or covert homosexuality

Then it seemed to be forgotten, then there were exams, institute. But even after entering, I often had to wear it when she had doubts about my friends. In general, she kept me in a bra until she started dating seriously.

Why am I writing in the green column? Yes, it's just ridiculous to imagine a man who chooses women's panties for himself in a store.

grolii. 01/31/10I thought we would talk about women who love / do not love, but here everyone is queers. And by the way, there’s nothing to run into corn, I’m also a girl, I wear underwear, but I don’t really like it. It’s uncomfortable, it’s constantly tight. I’ll just come home and take pictures of everything.

And how women's panties sit on his sexy ass. And how charming his body looks in silk peignoirs. And only a woman who likes her husband in women's clothes will be able to understand how much pleasure you get buying these things for him. You go to the counter, you see beautiful underwear, you imagine it on your husband. and you can't buy.

By the way, the substitution of concepts is also characteristic of modern society. So I will declare that someone who simply likes items of women's wardrobe is not necessarily a transvestite, much less a gay. I just have free thinking, I'm a bit of an anarchist, I think that freedom is the main thing.

Oleg Sharov. 05/12/12 Yes, you are. Guys? Are you tired of wearing women's underwear?

04/08/12, Andrew 974This underwear is softer and much more beautiful than men's!

25/04/12, irisha man My first girlfriend asked me to wear her clothes. It made her very excited. And they only had sex when I was in all women's attire.

04/26/11, Mrs Bean My love for women's underwear is reborn again and again. Probably because I love everything beautiful. Feel this beauty for yourself too. There is simply nothing so beautiful in a man's wardrobe.

29/07/10, olenams from a sense of hygiene after all! for those who like to sit naked in places of public use - do not understand. there are nesting dolls, which in total. toilet on the toilet seat obostsany sit down.

I don't know what to do in my heart I'm a Man!

10/04/12, denisosaikka it is comfortable to fuck in it, or rather it is convenient when you are being fucked. And in general, lingerie is much more beautiful and more comfortable. so I wear either women's panties or do not wear underwear at all. and no one can forbid me this. And men's underpants are the ugliest thing that has been invented by mankind.

Someone masturbated in them, then threw them away and bought again, but in the end it is impossible to part with women's panties, as well as stockings and bodysuits. People, wear women's underpants like I do! If you want, write about your fantasies. I will be very glad to your revelation.

I love lycra stockings, lace and silk panties, transparent peignoirs, miniskirts, bras. In general, a man in lingerie looks awesome erotic, unless he is a jock. I love it when a strong man fucks me, while I'm in transparent stockings and a bra. Just don't think I'm gay!

It's always more comfortable without underwear. And it’s more comfortable with stockings.

18/11/10, serggikI love to wear lingerie because it is so cool, it fits nicely. most of all I like to walk around in white lace panties and tights, it's a pity that I just have to hide it under my trousers. the wife buys. After the accident, when they began to undress me in the hospital, everyone was in shock, my wife could not come to her senses for a long time, I didn’t see all this for obvious reasons. not simple family men, but expensive lingerie, and even a complete set of silk nightgowns and a dressing gown that so pleasantly cool and smooth the skin. about it. It's just class.

01/14/11, real emo Well, not exactly feminine, of course, but unisex clothes. It's very cool and beautiful

18/11/11, Mejina I like to wear lingerie, it's natural because I'm a woman. But even more I love to see lingerie and women's clothing on my husband. There is nothing more erotic than seeing his slender legs in thin stockings with fishnet elastic.

01/05/10, Akai Roo I get turned on by the feel of lingerie on me. It's so light and sexy. I pretend to be a woman, or a faggot. It seems to me that I even smell like a woman, a female, when I am dressed up and made up. It's very exciting.

Soon there was a wedding, and everything was forgotten. And then, after 5 years, either my sister, or she herself told her wife that I had been sitting in her bra for almost 3 years. My wife was wildly excited and she also wanted to try. Oddly enough, both she and I enjoyed the experience. But she puts her underwear on me only with my consent.

And she painted my eyes and lips. Trained for manicure and pedicure. Otherwise, you won't get enough tights. I have become softer in character when I wear everything feminine.

03/02/11, earthling26I love, just love, to wear women's panties, they are much more comfortable than men's. I also love wearing pads - an unforgettable experience.

01/04/11, Julius33 I tried it for the first time at the age of 16. Then my mother put on a bra with cotton pads under my T-shirt, because I had broken a lot of firewood. And then I put it on every day for almost a year, when I came from school. Well, at least the size of the breasts is not particularly large (3), in the winter it’s still nothing, and in the spring I had to sit at home almost without getting out.

02/09/11, QveenArthurI like guys in lingerie, it's exciting, I'm rightly one of those women who like men who look like women, i.e. sexy, I love them like a man. It’s somehow strange with this in my city, there are rarely such, or my taste is too refined: I love thin, sonorous, transparent men, I would love them, these cute and desirable! QveenArthur

07/19/11, ThanatoS It seems to me that this is already a kind of mental deviation and sexual perversion. After all, they also end up with it.

08/29/10, I'm just a lot prettier than a man's.and more comfortable.

01/16/11, PaRaZiT I love to wear lingerie, I wear: thongs, just shorts, mini skirts, bras, use pads and tampons. My girlfriend approved this, now we buy panties, bras for me and her, we wear pads and tampons together (by the way, I recommend kotex) and that's it. You should try, and it's especially cool to touch yourself in this all. Mmmmm)

In general, I do not see anything wrong with wearing women's underwear. I'm not a transvestite or a pervert. My wife and I are fine too.

07/18/11, alekc29I often buy gifts for girls, flowers, expensive underwear. And I notice right now many men buy for themselves. And I was interested in the sellers, they say yes, many buy and wear. I myself know who wear women's panties and they have a family and this does not interfere. So wear it in good health.

About wearing lingerie (rss)

Boycko. 01/16/11Wearing women's underpants is the surest sign of latent homosexuality.

01/05/12, Nikita91 yes I like to wear lingerie

15/10/10, Julia I won't say yes, because I'm a woman. But I don’t really like bras - I have very sensitive shoulder blades, and sometimes I just can’t stand the straps there! At home, I completely manage without bras.

At night, night, during the day when it’s like, if only it wasn’t noticeable.

Only for girls there are various panties, including lace and translucent ones, so I like them. If we attribute tights and stockings to underwear, then I also like them and there is nothing like this in the men's wardrobe. In general, I think that a person has the right to wear the clothes that he wants, and not the one that social stereotypes impose.

Under the cut - a selection of sexologist's answers from www.doktor.ru to questions related to the "topic"

As you know, Joan of Arc was burned at the stake for wearing men's clothes. I think that you were wearing trousers when you wrote this letter. This is not new to you, right? And your husband probably does not mind. And you attacked him because of supposedly women's underwear. I don’t think that underwear should become a subject of discussion with anyone - even with his wife. But if the husband was frank, he probably expected understanding. then offended ... Estimate what is better: a husband in women's underwear, but excited or in family shorts, but completely impotent? By the way, this option is not called transvestism - this is NOT for show, but for yourself. And homosexuality here is absolutely not moreover, he would not be happily married to you if his habit was a sign of homosexuality.So the BEST thing is - take his little whim as a personal feature and do not pay attention (although many wives in a similar situation themselves help their husband choose underwear, discuss models with him, etc. - it is clear that this is depends only on the degree of mutual trust). Good luck!



I try on and, if possible, wear my wife's kapron tights. I buy new ones, wear them, put them in order and put them in my wife's underwear.
she guesses that I'm doing this, but does not show the form:
sometimes joke about me trying on her pantyhose while the baby is not at home.
My wife likes to watch me manstrubate in front of her, sometimes she helps me herself:
I have a strong arousal and then effective sex with my wife.
Tell me it's not a perversion that I'm doing:.

A perversion is ANY behavior that interferes with a REGULAR act. What you described is just one of the elements of a love game. This is NOT perversion. Good luck!

Is it a perversion to dress a guy in women's clothes?


Hello! Please answer the question, is it a perversion to dress a guy in women's clothes? Nevertheless, there is a fear of homosexual relationships. Also, any high-heeled shoes and underwear are very exciting. What are the reasons for this? Is it worth fighting these?

You can call it a perversion, or you can call it a peculiarity of sexuality. If a guy in such clothes goes out into the street, then this is a perversion, but if he turns around at home, gets excited, and then goes to bed with a woman, then it’s normal. Hence the decision of the question whether it is worth fighting it. What are the reasons - is solved only in a conversation with a psychiatrist or sexologist.

I found other people's things at my MCH


Good afternoon. Familiar with my MCH six months. Once, when I was at his house and helped to put things in order there, I accidentally opened the mezzanine of the closet, and when I hit something, a package spilled out. Inside it lay a pile of women's and children's cotton tights of a rather large size and blue children's "harem pants" (as he called them) with a fleece. They have no children in the house, and as far as I know, there were none. Naturally asked the question: where and why? He was very embarrassed. He explained vaguely that he really needed these things for purposes that I did not understand. But when I suggested using all this for cleaning cloths, he strongly objected and wanted to take the package. It just pissed me off. Then he admitted that these tights and pants "turn him on" from his youth. He dreamed of having sex with a girl in such pantyhose, and he imagined his pants as large trousers of an oriental princess. He has kept his pants since childhood, and found tights on occasion. When I went through these things, it looked like he was actually turned on. Moreover, he suggested that I put on tights that fit the size. I was shocked. I was very annoyed, and took the package for myself, setting an ultimatum: either me or these things. He calls every day, confesses his love and at the same time asks to give the package. He suggests using them to "enhance his erotic fantasies" or keep them as a "dowry" for the child. He says that it is almost impossible to get these things now, and their loss will lead to a great tragedy. But he doesn't want to lose me either. I don’t know what to do with all this, he seems like a good guy. What should I do with these things and with our relationship?

Of course, it's a shame to know that besides you, a man is turned on by something else. And what is the crime of the situation? Well, his pantyhose and bloomers excite him - so what? You are probably excited by developed muscles and handsome men in expensive cars - you just DO NOT have a material realization of sexual fantasies, but MCH does. You could say he was lucky. The other side of the question: you put on pantyhose, the young man got excited - what do you think, to whom will he show his excitement? It seems to me that YOU, not pantyhose. Imagine that he would ask you to wear red panties to bed - this would not cause a protest, right? What's wrong with tights? It is quite possible that YOU had problems with something similar, so you react so sharply.
Of course, only you will decide what to do. And this decision does not depend in any way on whether your MCH is normal or whether it has its own characteristics that you do not want to put up with. It is unlikely that you will be consoled by the fact that what is described cannot be called a sexual perversion - you have your own vision of the problem. So think about what is more painless for you - to leave or stay, but at the same time put up with tights. Good luck!

Fetishism or hidden homosexuality?


Hello. my problem is the following. When we started dating, the young man insisted that during sex I should always be a) in high-heeled shoes b) in pantyhose or stockings. I didn’t find anything special in it, I liked it myself and I always dressed for him that way. Then he once asked me if I mind if he also wears pantyhose and stilettos during sex ... it scared me a lot, I refused ... he raised this issue from time to time, I agreed, although I was very hard. then I got used to it completely, relaxed. But then I read in one magazine with an article the opinion of a sexologist: “In the language of psychoanalysts, a high heel is a symbol of a missing male organ for a woman. that with all these disguises my boyfriend is trying to realize his attraction to a man? after I thought that my boyfriend wants men, I almost don’t let him near me .. I can’t ... for me, as a girl, this is unpleasant (
He puts on tights not only in bed, sometimes he puts them on under his trousers and goes to work like that. says that he is turned on, that no one except me knows that he is wearing them ... He also always chooses them very carefully, asks me which ones I like best, etc. He gets very excited when I ask him to wear a certain color, etc. From the outside, this is very reminiscent of female behavior when a woman chooses underwear for a date ... but I thought it was uncharacteristic for men. How can all this be explained?

The most important thing: do not read psychoanalytic articles - what they write there refers to strictly defined groups of people, but EVERYONE who is not lazy try it on themselves. The quote clearly has nothing to do with your man. Judging by the description (and this, in any case, is far from complete information), he has a fetishism with a bias towards transvestism. Even if it is regarded as a deviation from ordinary sexuality, it is completely harmless. You know how sometimes in women's magazines they advise: do not wear panties under a skirt to work - you will experience superiority over others from the fact that you have a SECRET. Apparently, the young man has something similar. There is no question of the desire to BE a woman, rather, one can talk about some desire to be LIKE a woman in order to understand her more and be closer to her. At the same time, as I understand it, this does not affect his sexual abilities, right?
On the other hand, there is also your position: In the last lines you assume the image of a man - as the opposite of a woman, active, not caring about the subtleties of the situation, etc. This discrepancy between your request and the image of a man is a much more serious problem than tights under trousers. But this is not a sexological moment at all, but an interpersonal one. You can adapt to each other - excellent, but if the personality of the partner is too far from the ideal image - and there will be no mutual understanding, the prospects are unimportant. Good luck!

My boyfriend expressed a desire to wear pantyhose and stilettos when we make love. Tell me how should I react to this? I am offended by his attitude to these two items of clothing, because it turns out that it is not me who excites him, but some kind of tights. I have no prejudices in this regard, I only care about the question, but am I interesting to him as a woman in this case? he himself tells me that he wants ME ... new so that he was in pantyhose.

A cool beginning of the letter, characterizing your attitude to the problem: reread the first FIVE words. The subconscious does not accept that a man wants to wear women's clothes. In fact, you have to decide for yourself what to do. The desire of a young man in no way detracts from his attitude towards you - just in tights and shoes he will have a stronger desire from coincidence with some kind of internal needs. So your question can be rephrased in this way: am I interesting to him as a woman, if he only requires me to intercourse in a position from behind, or is he worried about the position itself?
Of course, the young man has a peculiarity (or a perversion - it is not clear from the letter), but this is harmless, right? So the attitude of a woman does not fit into the medical theme, but remains at the level of a household decision. Good luck!

Nylon turns me on


Women's tights turn me on. How can I fight this, I want to be normal

And they turn me on. And 8 men out of 10 - too. And all 10 are normal. In sex, there are no uniform norms, a variety of PERSONAL features of attraction and the implementation of sexual function are considered normal. Who likes blondes, who likes bbws, who likes bra size 5, who likes pantyhose. PATHOLOGY is considered such a feature of attraction or implementation, which completely displaces ordinary sex and makes it impossible. FOR EXAMPLE: oral sex as part of a love game is the norm, but if a man (for example) does not want another sex and cannot have a normal sexual intercourse, this is already a deviation. It's called oralism. But even IF the mentioned man has a clear bias towards oral sex, but he can have normal intercourse, except for oral, then this will be perceived by his partner as the norm (albeit skewed).
In this regard, your letter does not say anything: well, excite - and WHAT? Is there no sex without them? Want to wear them? Want to steal them? Want to take them off? The problem is not disclosed in any way, but only mentioned. Either write in more detail, or (which is much more effective) come to the sexologist for an appointment PERSONALLY. If you are a Muscovite, you can contact the Federal Center for Sexology, there are excellent doctors: 963-12-90. Good luck!

This story will seem a little wild to you, but still I decided to write to your site to get some good advice. My name is Alexander and my wife is Irina. But I didn't always look so feminine.

We met Irina in a nightclub, where our two companies crossed, in which there were acquaintances and friends, and so we ended up at the same table. I immediately noticed her pumped up, athletic, well-groomed, and she, oddly enough, me. Although, as I understand it, she did not suffer from attention at all. To her that evening, many approached to get acquainted, quite pleasant and dimensional guys. But she brushed them aside as if they were annoying flies and did not take her drunken eyes off me. Although I am not a noticeable guy at all, tall, but slender, my character is soft, not decisive. They say about such people that "he should have been born a girl."

After a while, she sat down next to me, half an hour later she pulled me to her and hugged me, putting her hand on my shoulder from above. It was very pleasant to me, but it seemed wild. But still, in my heart I knew that I was damn pleased.

That night, we went to her. Her apartment was big and posh, it turned out she had her own business in the beauty industry. In general, she was almost professionally engaged in female bodybuilding, which is why she had such a strong, strong body. In bed, she dominated, even then I began to get the incredible impression that we had reversed roles. I loved kissing her toned shoulders, arms, legs...

After six months of courtship (rather her for me. Than mine), Irina herself offered to tie the knot in marriage, as she realized that she didn’t have it better than me. They got married and started living together.

Soon, Irina demanded that I quit my job, as she was able to support both of us. I agreed and began to manage the household - clean, cook, in general, do all the women's affairs.

Ultimate feminization

After some time, Irina suddenly told me that she would call me Alexandra and that it was time for me to become who I should be and, also, stated that I should understand who the "man" in the family really is, and who is not at all. I have already got used to such extravagant actions of my wife and reluctantly agreed.

However, it didn't end there. She began to buy me women's clothes, lingerie, and I had to wear all this (so far only at home). I had to grow long hair, visit all sorts of beauty salons for skin care, do depilation.

Also, my Irina calls stylists and others to the house, they teach me how to make up, create different images for me. In general, I began to turn into a thin, pretty girl. Honestly, I realized that this is my destiny.

In bed, we had a complete sensation. Various devices from sex shops began to appear, which finally made me a woman in everything. It was a special pleasure for Irina to put on a 25-cm strap-on and make me squeal with pleasure in all poses.

After some time, I began to live a full female life, Irina ceased to be interested in my "unit" in bed, but my buttocks in beautiful women's panties - yes!

Sometimes we go to other cities where I have to look like a girl in public places. At the same time, Irina introduces me as her friend and, you know, no one has ever doubted that this is not so. Since my voice, by nature, was almost female, high, and my appearance, after a ton of makeup and the right clothes, became 100% girlish.

Still, she has not abandoned traditional relationships and sometimes brings quite normal men into the house. He introduces me, as usual, as his girlfriend. Sends me to sleep in the living room, where I hear drunken speeches and laughter and, then, a long creaking bed from the bedroom. Often, she comes to me and, chuckling, sits on my face and makes me satisfy myself to the end. I have to do this, smelling her desire and the taste of the other man's nectar, which often just flows over my lips and I have to drink it all so as not to choke ...

Recently, she said that she wants to find a lover who would love both of us in bed. But I am tormented by doubts, nevertheless, is it right for me personally? After all, I'm hetero. Or, after all, Irina and all her desires are my destiny and there is no better life for me? I really want to see your answers in the comments!

Alexander(a) Petrov(a)

Question from the chat of Yuri Burlan's free online training "System-Vector Psychology"

Guest vk:
I'm quite an adult guy, I'm in my 20s, heterosexual. And I love girls and everything connected with them so much that I dream of becoming a girl at least for a while. Sometimes it comes to the point that I can’t sleep, dreaming of how I will transform into a girl and have fun with a friend who will take it positively. How to get rid of it? Or maybe you need to find a girl who will accept that a man puts on women's underwear, and will buy women's things for me in a store, paint, and then rage all evening, not looking at me like an idiot? But how to find such a girlfriend, to trust?

Victoria Vinnikova answers:

Indeed, there are men who have such sexual fantasies. At the same time, many women may not understand the desire of a man to dress in women's clothes. Although in one outrageous film, the very courageous Mel Gibson jumped in women's tights, trying to penetrate the secret of the female soul. But one thing on the screen, and quite another - in real life.

Therefore, in the depths of your soul, you are worried and even confused somewhere by another question - is it natural that a man wants to dress as a woman? Why do such desires arise - to wear women's underwear? And should we get rid of it?

In fact, this is how the characteristics of the sexuality of men with a skin-visual bundle of vectors manifest themselves, which are revealed by Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology.

Handsome, artistic, gentle, outrageous boy

Skin-visual boys are a unique natural phenomenon and a special life scenario. Their unconscious desires are arranged in a special way.

Beautiful, gentle, artistic, very sensual boys. Since childhood, these boys love to sing, dance, participate in a variety of performances and generally perform on stage. The visual vector is always an unconscious desire to be seen.

The visual vector gives its owners an innate artistry, a special imagination and a rich fantasy. Such people from childhood are endlessly dreamy. With their eyes closed, they often travel through imaginary worlds. Such boys are very sensitive and cannot offend anyone, let alone kill. After all, the root fear in the visual vector is the fear of death in any manifestation. The sensual component of the visual vector includes a huge range of manifestations - from tantrums, when all the attention of others is attracted to oneself, to compassion and empathy for others.

The skin vector endows its owner with a wonderful sense of rhythm. The cutaneous-visual ligament potentially gives a person the opportunity to move and dance beautifully.

Skin Vector also rewards its wearer with tactile flair. The increased sensitivity of the skin allows such people to distinguish all shades of tactile caress. They are able to give tenderness and affection, which women really want. Such people not only love to receive a massage, but also give their tenderness to a partner.

The skin vector is also organizational skills and the ability to do business. So sometimes you can find such ads on dating sites: “ The guy is 25 years old, wealthy, accomplished ... And so on. I am looking for a girl who will dress me in lingerie...».

At the same time, the desire to change clothes has its deep psychological roots. So the intrigue and investigation continues.

Why does a volcano of passion awaken when dressed in lingerie?

In primitive times, skin-visual boys, like "extra mouths", were sacrificed, and girls were left to live. That is why, wanting to save their lives, skin-visual boys are unconsciously drawn to women's clothing. The desire to dress up as a joke is often manifested in such children as early as childhood. Thus, they remove some fears, and at an unconscious level, they save their lives. This happens if the boy lacks intimacy with his mother or the mother herself is in anxiety or bad conditions.

So. Often, at the time of dressing up, such boys experience sexual arousal. And this is no pathology! This is how their psyche works.

When such a boy grows up, he may have some peculiarities in the manifestation of his sexuality. And the desire to dress in women's clothes, the desire to look beautiful and even make up - can be one of such manifestations.

With the help of various kinds of dressing up, such men awaken their imagination and ... are excited when they attract attention to themselves. But if we dig deeper, we systematically understand that a man with a skin-visual bundle of vectors removes his fears in this way. Helps? For a short time, yes.

So is it necessary to get rid of such features?

In general, any of our psychological features are "treated" through social or sexual implementation. In the case of the visual vector, only the social realization of the properties of the visual vector can fill life with joy, just relationships are not enough. For example, it can be organizing holidays or shows where dressing is required. Or a theater studio where you can absolutely legally dress up in different costumes of heroes and express your feelings and emotions on stage. Recently I saw a wonderful skin-visual man who taught dance classes in a fitness club. Women follow him from club to club.

But what if you work in another area? Desire does not disappear anywhere and requires its fulfillment. It is absolutely natural that such men begin to gain pleasure through sexual fantasies and their realization. And here they often encounter internal contradiction and even the fear of being misunderstood. Such concern is not groundless, especially in our country with a urethral mentality.

Corps de ballet for two - a man puts on women's underwear

An intimate relationship is always just a relationship between two people.. No one has the right to condemn the specific intimate features that lurk behind the bedroom door of a man and a woman. Only here the pleasures of this kind are scanty in comparison with the opportunities that nature has given to a skin-visual person. By dressing up, he relieves stress, as in childhood, or tries to compensate for the lack of emotional connections with people.

And I could open the feelings locked inside, learn to establish spiritual relationships with people. And to receive in return a sense of meaningfulness and correctness of life, to feel safe in it. Deeply experiencing the emotions associated with other people gives relief from fears and anxieties.

What is needed for this? First of all, figure out how nature created you and why it arranged it that way.. In addition, the "Systemic Vector Psychology" training works on childhood traumas and false attitudes that do not allow you to express yourself and your talents.

And how will a woman react to the fact that her beloved wears lingerie? Different women may have different attitudes to such a feature, and this can be determined in advance.

At the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" you will be able to understand what kind of woman will accept all your features with joy and understanding.

The answer is written using the materials of Yuri Burlan's online training "System-Vector Psychology"

Take a measuring tape.

  • Measure your chest under your nipples, add a couple of inches if you want to wear a bra - that's your chest.
  • Measure your waist, about a centimeter above your belly button - this is your "natural" female waist. Also measure your waist a few inches below your belly button. This is your female "low waist" (probably your male waist).
  • Don't worry about the hips. "Go to any site," says JC Penny, "and find a women's size chart." Find your size. It won't be accurate. Waist measurements are the most important, as they allow you to adjust the chest. You will realize that, depending on the style of the dress and the manufacturer, dress size is an inexact science. Also measure your wrist size for the bracelet. Here's what you'll need:
  • Wig. Don't wind your wig if you don't want an afro. Do not take wigs with too long hair, as such wigs are synthetic, hair below the shoulders tangles faster and is difficult to care for. Also buy a wig comb. Ask the appropriate query in the search engine and get ready to pay about 3,000 rubles for a wig. Colour? Try to combine... Multiple colors on the tips, highlights or highlights. Size: They come in a variety of sizes and come with instructions on how to measure your head for a wig (small, regular, or large). Wigs under 1500 rubles are most likely made of nylon and should not be used.
  • Shoes. Add one size to yours and you will have your women's sandal size. Add one and a half sizes to yours and you will get your size of women's boots and pumps. You need wide or even extra-wide shoes if you are a big girl. About heels. 12 centimeter heels certainly look great in the photo, but if you weigh less than 55 kilograms, they will be impractical. If you are going to walk in heels, choose heels 5-7 centimeters high. Black or black patent leather shoes will be just right.
  • Bra. Buy yourself a bra. Go to the store with your measurements (maybe 1-1.5 cm more) of the chest (not the chest). Black bra is universal. Cup size? Well, if you weigh under 75 kilograms, choose B or C cup, weigh more than 85 - C or D cup. If you are a bigger “girl”, you should in theory buy a D or DD cup. Breast shape ... It will not be difficult for small "girls" to find the right size, but big ones will have to try.
  • Tights. Tights are leg cosmetics. They allow you to mask scratches, cuts and other physical imperfections. Try pantyhose closer to the waist so you can see your underwear. See the size chart on the back of the package. BETTER TAKE A SIZE BIGGER. Perhaps you, like some girls, are the owner of long legs and are tall in themselves. If so, you probably don't want the codpiece of your tights hanging near your knees. If you wear pantyhose and they hang on you, take a size down. Put a spare pair in the trunk of your car for the first time. Use garters for stockings. Yes, sounds funny, save them for short skirts, rock and roll clubs or dates ;>)
  • Corset. Perhaps now you have everything in order with the figure, but who knows... The rago 21 model is the best. Buy a corset one or two sizes too small.
  • Okay, now let's make you fit. Tops, skirts and dresses. Do you want to look younger? Look for sites with youth clothes for big girls. Are you skinny and like a fetish? Again, look for relevant online or local stores. If you're big, try something like surplice, v-neck tops, or turn-up tops. Little "girls" can try deeper necklines, boat necklines, square necklines, or drapes. From below, put on something lush or, on the contrary, tight-fitting. Are your hips small and compact than most girls? Flared skirts will round you up a little, especially if you wear some bright belt or scarf around your waist. Or go the other way - wear a tight skirt to make your legs look longer. Black is slimming, but don't wear it too often. A little black dress is a good wardrobe staple, but it needs to be accessorized with jewelry or accessories.
  • Accessories. You will need at least one bracelet, ring and necklace. Handbag. Ideally, the color of the handbag should match your shoes, but this is not necessary. Black will be very practical. For beginners, the shoulder strap will make you feel like you've lost your wallet. Size: The little bag is very cute, but what are you going to put in it? Money, lipstick, compact powder, pen, paper - all this will fit, but add a phone, a camera to this, and it becomes clear that you will need a larger size. An inside pocket keeps your ID, credit cards, and driver's license from falling out when you're rummaging through your bag. And remember what your mother told you: "If there is no tampon in the purse, it is not a purse." The girl in the next stall can be your best friend forever.
  • Makeup. Without exaggeration, there is a lot to advise here. The best investment is to go to a good beauty store, stock up and get a free makeover. They may try to impose a lot of products and funds on you, but pay only for the foundation, eyeliner, mascara and one lipstick. Be careful when asking questions. You can go to a beauty salon where there is a makeup artist (call them in advance if you want to come at a quiet time). So you spend much less money and you can learn something.