Diagnostic tests in English in universities. TOEFL or IELTS: which one to choose? How to quickly prepare for an English exam: tips for exam success

An international test or language exam usually has four components: listening, reading, writing and speaking. To successfully pass the exam, you must not only pass the test, but score the most points.

Who requires these certificates?

Universities, international companies, research centers and laboratories where you can get an internship.

What is it for?

The host organization must make sure that you speak the language at the proper level in order to study or work.

Where can I take the exam?

Language tests are held in special accredited centers around the world several times a year. Anyone can submit them. You must register for the test in advance on the exam website.

There are many language exams, is any one suitable?

As a rule, a certain type of exam is indicated in the requirements for the candidate. If the information is missing, then you can safely provide any certificate confirming knowledge of a particular foreign language.

How long is a language certificate valid?

As a rule, the validity of an international certificate is limited to several years.

Helpful Exam Preparation Resources

To make the exam go smoothly, StudyQA has put together 40 resources for you to prepare for international exams in English, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and French.

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)

Basically, this language test is passed upon admission to universities in the USA, Canada, Europe and Asia. The certificate is valid for two years.

TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication)

The test required to apply for a job in an English-speaking company. Every year, 4.5 million people take this exam.

Ets.org/toeic- TOEIC official site.

Trial tests

goodlucktoeic.com- here you can find answers to questions about what TOEIC is, how many parts it consists of, where you can take the exam, as well as many useful materials and trial tests for TOEIC.

4tests.com- a large TOEIC test, which consists of 200 questions in two parts of the test.

Online.kgic.ca- Trial exam in two parts of the test. You have two hours to complete the test.

English-test.net/toeic- several examples of the test with detailed tips for each part.


oral part

Toeic.youpla.be- a huge number of words that are needed when passing the TOEIC exam.

Quizlet.com- business idioms that will come in handy when preparing for the oral part of the exam.

www.examenglish.com- many useful resources, tests, tips for all parts of the test.

englishclub.com- examples of answers for the oral part of the exam.

TestDaF test for knowledge of the German language

Fabouda.de- free exam preparation materials.

Depending on your preparation goals, planned budget, and personal priorities, choose one of the methods listed below.

English courses abroad and in Russia

Training abroad is carried out on the basis of British language schools and universities. It is optimal to choose an English-speaking country for these purposes. Foreign educational institutions offer several groups of programs:

  • from the Upper-Intermediate level and above: form skills for passing the test;
  • from a level below Intermediate: "Language for Academic Purposes" (Language for Academic Purposes), which combines language learning with test preparation;
  • Foundation Program for prospective undergraduate students (combines language and academic preparation with preparation in the subjects that the applicant has chosen to study at the university).

Training abroad is immersion in the linguistic and cultural environment, getting to know the country and people. A barrier to such a choice can be cost, the inability to combine training with current work, study, and, paradoxically, poor knowledge of the language.

Preparation in Russia is carried out within the framework of specialized programs based on language schools, courses and accredited examination centers. They offer general and special programs of varying intensity.

For some people, working in a group serves as an additional motivation. It encourages students not to miss classes and complete assignments on time. However, most courses do not offer flexible scheduling, and missed classes will most likely have to be made up on your own or at an additional cost. Short-term intensive courses will help to systematize existing knowledge and get into conversation, but you should not hope to master the whole semester program in a couple of weeks.

No homework. Without teeth. Without textbooks

From the course "ENGLISH BEFORE AUTOMATIC" you:

  • Learn how to write good sentences in English without learning grammar
  • Learn the secret of a progressive approach, thanks to which you can reduce learning English from 3 years to 15 weeks
  • Will check your answers instantly+ get a thorough analysis of each task
  • Download the dictionary in PDF and MP3 formats, learning tables and audio recording of all phrases

5 Best Help Books

Since the IELTS test is so popular these days, there is a huge amount of preparation material on the shelves of bookstores and online sources. Among them there are and, and dictionaries, and collections of test tasks, and much more.

When choosing, you need to be guided by two important points:

  1. The presence in the team of authors of the manual of organizations that oversee IELTS
  2. The relevance of the manual, that is, its compliance with modern requirements.

Below are the top 5 most requested books by Cambridge authorship from the official certification site:

  • Grammar for IELTS will provide you with training in the grammatical foundations of the language. One of the main benefits, it includes all the necessary explanations and tests.
  • Objective IELTS comes in different versions for Intermediate, Advanced levels and provides comprehensive training in all 4 modules. Comes with audio CD.
  • Vocabulary for IELTS will help you identify and complete your exam. An indispensable book for those who have not had time to expand their English vocabulary to the desired level.
  • Action Plan for IELTS is a quick preparation guide for those with very little time. In a compressed volume, all 4 testing modules are given with examples. Gives self-confidence.
  • Cambridge IELTS- the latest comprehensive manual, also aimed at the comprehensive preparation of the candidate. All necessary materials, tests and exercises plus the correct answers for self-examination.

Useful Internet Resources

It is worth noting that in preparing for the exam, the entire English-speaking Internet can help you as a platform for practicing language skills. Below we note several sites of a more informational orientation.

Grading system

IELTS testing uses a 9-point scale, that is, according to the test results, you can get a score from 0.0 to 9.0. Half points like 6.5 are also possible. Getting 9.0 is almost impossible. The certificate indicates both the total score for the results of all stages of the test, and each task is assessed separately.

The calculation of the assessment of the Listening and Reading stages is made depending on the number of correct answers in the test tasks. At the same time, the criteria for the general and academic modules are different.

At the stages of Writing and Speaking, the assessment is given by an expert examiner, depending on compliance with the following standards:

  • content ;
  • clarity of expression of thought;
  • correct grammar and punctuation;
  • vocabulary size;
  • pronunciation.

You can learn more about the system for calculating marks for the exam by clicking on the link below:

Exam stages

The IELTS exam consists of 4 main stages that allow you to fully assess your language skills:

  • listening() - the first stage at which you will need to listen to an audio recording on a topic and complete a series of test tasks(choose the correct answer, agree or disagree with the statement in the text, insert the correct word/date). You have 30 minutes to complete and another 10 minutes to complete the answer sheet.
  • Reading(reading) consists of 3 parts. In general, according to texts, the total volume of which is 2 thousand-3 thousand. words, you need to answer 40 test questions. 60 minutes are allotted for this step and no additional time is given to complete the answer sheet. The subject of texts, as a rule, is scientific and journalistic articles or media materials.
  • Writing (written part) is the writing of 2 texts, 150 and 250 words minimum. The first text is an explanation of the information provided, the second is an essay "on my own". The first part is given 20 minutes, the second - 40. The score is also divided by 1/3 to 2/3. It is considered the most difficult stage.
  • Speaking (oral speech) is a 3-part conversation with the examiner. First you get to know each other, then you answer questions on a certain topic, and then you discuss this topic. This stage is the shortest, only 10-20 minutes, and can be done separately from everyone else (not on the same day).

The total duration of the exam is thus about 2.5 hours. Each of the stages of the exam is evaluated separately, and the overall score is calculated from the arithmetic mean.

Particular attention should be paid to filling out the test answer forms - your inattention during the test is not taken into account, and you cannot regain lost points, therefore.

The test results will not be available to you immediately, but after the deadline set by the organizers.

When will you receive the results?

You will only be able to find out how you passed the IELTS exam after 13 days from the date of passing the test. The results are published online on the official website at midnight (00:01) on the fourteenth day.

You can get a paper certificate in the center BKC IELTSCentre, which is located on Tverskaya street, house 9a, on the 1st floor, in office 114. If you took the exam at the regional center, then the certificate will be delivered to you by mail. All details about obtaining the results should be clarified at the testing centers where you were tested.

Official website of IELTS

All the necessary information about passing the exam - terms, addresses, prices, obtaining a certificate - you will find on the official website:

Good luck with your preparation and passing the IELTS exam! Remember that the key to your success lies in daily workout.

English language tests designed to determine the level of language proficiency. There are not many internationally recognized English language tests. Among these tests - TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, FCE ... Variants of these tests in English are presented in this section. These tests determine the development of the tested four skills: listening, speaking, writing and reading. English language tests from this section can be used both to check the readiness to perform a real test, and to determine the level of knowledge of the language. Each of the tests has an evaluation scale, using which you can determine the level of preparedness of the tested. Each of the English language tests is distinguished by its specific focus and task format.

To prepare for the delivery of the real English language test in addition to the materials in this section, you can use numerous preparatory manuals. In any of them there is a lot of additional information on passing the test: the order of delivery, duration, strategy for preparing for the test. As a rule, the manuals provide one or more complete versions of the English language test, as well as preparatory exercises. Preparatory exercises, or mini-tests, are designed to prepare for one specific part of the English test (reading, listening, etc.). Most of the manuals come with CD-ROMs with listening materials. These materials will help the student to feel the pace of speech, develop an optimal strategy for completing this part of the test, and simply practice listening to English speech.

Due to certain circumstances, both when preparing for the English language test using a printed manual, and using materials on the Internet, the testee does not have the opportunity to check the results of such parts of the English test as writing and speaking. For these parts English language tests it is recommended to prepare under the supervision of an experienced teacher who has extensive experience in preparing for this type of test and will be able to objectively evaluate the results.

I would like to note that an important place in the system of preparation for passing tests in English is occupied. This element, although it is not included in a separate part of most tests, plays an important role in passing tests in English. Indirectly, it is checked both in oral speech and in writing. Doing it will help you train the application of grammar rules.

When preparing for passing tests in English, it is advisable to use not one, but several sources. It will be useful to use the English language learning forums, where people who have passed the test in English share their personal experience of preparing and passing the test.

Preparation for English language tests should be comprehensive. This means that you must be competent in each part of the test. Knowing that you may have trouble writing an essay, for example, spend more time preparing for that particular skill. Many educational institutions, when applying for study, organizations when hiring, pay attention not only to the overall result of the English language test, but also to individual parts of the test. So with an overall good result, a large imbalance in the development of different skills, you may not achieve the desired goal.

In difficult times, many begin to think about emigration. But one desire to change the country is not enough. Abroad, they are mainly waiting for people who have good professional skills and, moreover, who know a foreign language well.

To pass an interview at the embassy, ​​the applicant for a residence permit must pass special language tests that confirm the degree of language proficiency. To successfully pass the tests, almost every applicant must undergo special training at an English language school that has the appropriate certificate.

For many years, British Skylines has been preparing graduates who intend to continue their studies abroad and adults who plan to live and work abroad for the TOEFL and IELTS language tests.

On the basis of many years of practice, methodologists have worked out special educational systems that allow in a fairly short time (taking into account the starting level of knowledge) to get the highest possible result according to the results of testing. The test preparation program is designed for students whose knowledge level is not lower than Pre-Intermediate and is designed for approximately five months.

Passing the exam and preparing for the IELTS test in English includes two major blocks:
- systematization of knowledge, filling in gaps in education, increasing vocabulary and mastering special vocabulary;
- development of the test execution system. As you know, one must not only have knowledge, but also be able to use it, understand how the written part of the test is filled out and what examiners expect during an oral interview.

The tests include four blocks of tasks: understanding of spoken English, checking reading, writing and speaking skills. A feature of the TOEFL and IELTS tests is the need for special vocabulary. Therefore, during the preparation, students are also recommended to watch news and educational programs of the BBC news and Discovery channels in English, and read scientific journals.

To pass the test successfully, it is important to be able to analyze the text and clearly articulate your thoughts in order to give the correct answer to the questions.

The oral part of the test can be especially difficult, since the applicant is required to have a high level of language proficiency, the ability to formulate complex sentences and a willingness to discuss any topic. Not only dialogue skills are important, but also the ability to speak on a given topic, to pronounce a monologue until the examiner stops.

As the teachers note, you can prepare for the tests on your own, but this is a rather difficult task that does not protect against mistakes. Certified English teachers of “British Skylines” are proficient in methods that allow you to quickly assimilate educational material, work out ways of self-presentation, dialogue, presentation of projects, help you learn how to analyze English texts of different styles.

Meanwhile, it should be remembered that the maximum learning effect is achieved through high personal motivation. Any teacher acts solely as a coach. Each student is required not only desire, but also certain efforts to master the material, including doing homework and practicing in conversation clubs.