How to change windows to winter position. Adjusting plastic windows: switching to winter mode. Preparing the window block and fittings

Since PVC windows appeared in most houses, the life of their inhabitants has become more comfortable, and winters are much easier to endure. Plastic windows have great strength, are reliable and last a long time, but they sometimes require maintenance and repair. To prevent windows from letting you down in the cold season, to conserve heat and protect the house from drafts, you should carry out a series of preparatory activities. Only they can ensure the correct functioning of your window in winter. Photo and video illustrations are presented below.

Cleansing of accumulated dirt, routine care before the season change

  • The first thing you need to do when preparing your windows for winter is to wash them well. Double-glazed windows, profiles, window sills, slopes, if they are finished with plastic - nothing should be left unattended. To remove dirt, use non-caustic detergents, soft sponges, and rags. It is necessary to wash not only the inside, but also the outside. After opening the window, you should also clean the drainage channels; a sharp object, such as a toothpick, will do for this. If the window is well cleaned, then in the autumn - winter period the water will not linger in the drains, but will flow freely. The window sashes will be able to move freely without encountering any obstacles along the way.
  • You also can’t ignore moving elements. window fittings. Most of the pollution accumulates in those places where the pressure rollers are located. Because of this, they cannot function smoothly. It is more convenient to remove dust and old grease here using a hard brush.
  • Once the window has been completely cleaned, including hard to reach places, begin to lubricate all its mechanisms. For these purposes, imported silicone grease is preferable. It is not only thicker than domestic, but also lasts much longer. If it's too expensive, then Russian analogues Solid oil is quite suitable. Some people think that edible vegetable oils are suitable for these purposes, but this opinion is deeply mistaken. When applied, these oils dry out very quickly and turn into a kind of sandpaper that can damage mechanisms in just a year. When lubricating the rollers, you must constantly turn the handle so that the lubricant has the opportunity to spread evenly over the entire surface of the moving contacting parts.
  • The next step is to check the condition of the seals. Caring for them should be approached with the greatest responsibility, because... It is the seals that most determine the “weather in the house.” If extraneous noises begin to penetrate into the room, they begin to sweat and become covered with ice, then this sure sign his damage.

To extend the service life of the seal, it must be cleaned and lubricated periodically. Lubricate it with the same silicone grease or technical petroleum jelly along the entire length to prevent freezing and drying out. If, while inspecting the window before the onset of cold weather, you find that the seal has worn out, then it will have to be replaced. It is quite possible to do this yourself. To do this, purchase a sealant from the construction market, taking into account the shape of the seat, because it varies sometimes. Helping yourself with a flat-head screwdriver, carefully remove the worn material and place a new one in its place. To make your work easier seat treat with lubricant. Upon completion of the work on top, generously treat the entire sealant.

How to adjust windows for winter

As cold weather approaches, it becomes necessary to adjust the windows for the winter. It consists in pressing the frame more tightly to the window to eliminate drafts. This is done using a hex key.

Adjustment of the horizontal sides is done along the panels at the top and bottom. To make this possible, the window hinges have slots for a hex key.

To adjust the top panel, the window must be kept open. To lift the edge opposite the hinge, the hex key should be rotated right side. To lower - to the left.

If your window is low and you have access to it free access from the street side, the adjustment is made without opening the sash. In this way it is possible to move the frame by 2 mm, or eliminate the bevel by the same distance.

The loop located at the bottom makes it possible to adjust the vertical sides. To gain access to the hex hole, you need to remove the safety cap. To raise the window, you need to turn the key to the right; to lower it, you need to turn it to the left. The shift is also 2 mm.

When varying the pressing force horizontally or vertically, we must not forget that the eccentrics responsible for this are located along the entire frame edge at equal intervals. When you turn the handle, they each go behind their own clamping area.

To increase the pressing force of the frame, it is necessary for the eccentric to turn to the right, to decrease - to the left. Each eccentric has special marks that allow you to determine the clamping force. Thus, if the mark is turned in the direction of the seal, this means strong pressure, if in the direction of the street, therefore, the pressure is weakened.

Sometimes window eccentrics are designed in such a way that it is possible to turn them with ordinary pliers.

At the locations of the loops there are also devices that regulate the clamping force. It is recognized by the degree of protrusion of the tongue. The longer it is, the tighter the frame is pressed against the window. Its length is changed with a hex wrench.

To extend the tongue, the key must be turned to the left if the hinges are on the left. Therefore, when the hinges are on the right, the key should be turned to the right. It is best to press the frame tighter in winter and looser in summer. But when doing these manipulations before the arrival of winter, it is important not to overdo it, because... If you press the frame too hard, it will cause premature wear of the seal.

When preparing windows for winter, it is also worth adjusting the hinges and pressing them tighter. Remove the special cap from the bottom hinge and turn the perpendicular bolt.

Pressure force adjustment top loop only possible if there is a flap. Then it is installed for ventilation, making the hexagon accessible. Producing this operation, the window must be held, because it is fixed with a single hinge.

How to insulate windows in winter

If, after some time has passed after installing PVC windows, they begin to let in drafts and retain heat poorly, then you need to insulate the windows for the winter. But before that, it’s worth thinking about why the depressurization occurred. The most common causes and ways to eliminate them:

  • The rubber seal on the window is worn out. Then it should be replaced with a new one.
  • The junction of the frame and the slope was depressurized. To eliminate this drawback, you need to remove the slopes, insulate them, and install them back.
  • After installing the windows, the walls began to shrink. In this case, it is enough just to adjust the fittings.

It is possible to insulate plastic windows in winter using film. Although this method is quite expensive, it is very effective. Most often, the film is applied from the street side, but sometimes this is also done from the room side. This option is the highest quality. The film is stretched over the entire area of ​​the frame and secured along its edges.

While doing this, you need to simultaneously control the strength and uniformity of tension. If in one of the areas the film is stretched more loosely, then when strong wind a breakthrough may occur. If this has already happened, then seal the torn area with tape so as not to change everything.

When choosing a film for window insulation, you should give preference to frost-resistant ones. The most suitable material for these purposes is recognized by its yellowish tone. It is best to refrain from going to the market and purchase it at a large hardware store. In order not to disturb the aesthetics appearance room, it is better to choose film designed for greenhouses. It is, of course, somewhat more expensive than a regular one, but it can last a very long time due to its resistance to low temperatures.

Attach the film to the edges of the frame with regular tape. Sometimes they use buttons or construction stapler, but in this case damage will appear on the frame.

In addition to film, it is quite acceptable to use PVC insulation. This material is reliable and environmentally friendly, guarantees good thermal insulation. Such insulation materials are not afraid low temperatures and are not deformed. Their manufacturers guarantee that PVC windows will be reliably protected in winter.

Plastic windows protect from street noise and provide comfortable temperature air of an apartment, private house. However, once installed, they require periodic maintenance. Adjustment of the locking mechanisms is necessary every off-season - only then will the double-glazed windows perform their intended task. Today's article will tell you how to convert windows to winter mode, why is this needed when such actions are performed. Along the way, it is worth understanding the features of locking mechanisms, the design, and some of the nuances of operation. Photo and video instructions will help us, explaining in detail the algorithm of the actions performed.

Interseasonal adjustment of window sash locking mechanisms is necessary for its proper operation.

What does “summer” and “winter” mode of plastic windows mean?

Let us immediately make a reservation that if you lack knowledge and experience, our editors recommend turning to professionals in your field. Well, for those who still want to tackle this issue on their own, here is a little information.

Modern plastic windows are adjustable according to the pressing force of the sashes in three modes:

  • summer– the window sash is pressed weakly. This ensures air circulation in the room, implementing the ventilation mode. The wear of the rubber seals is minimal;
  • winter mode on plastic windows provides a tight clamp. There is no air circulation, which ensures heat retention in the home. The load on the sealing rubber bands is maximum;
  • standard– average position of the eccentrics (trunnions). More often than not, installers leave the locking mechanisms in this position. The only difference is that professionals who value their reputation show the owner how to switch double-glazed windows to winter or summer mode, while careless people (of which, unfortunately, are the majority) do not bother with explanations. The standard mode is intended for off-season use.

For this purpose, you can call a specialist, but it is better to do all the work yourself. If you want to do it well, do it yourself

Why switch the modes of plastic windows

It is enough not to switch the “winter-summer” mode on plastic windows for 2-3 years, so that after, even with the correct adjustments, it begins to blow from under the window sill or balcony door. Let's look at the problems that arise with incorrect settings.

The first is a violation of the microclimate of the room. Excessive humidity promotes condensation on frames, double-glazed windows and walls, which leads to mold. “Summer” settings in winter lead to heat loss, and the need for additional heating arises. The result is higher gas or electricity bills.

It is better not to touch this unit when adjusting if you have no experience in such work

Important! Usage winter position plastic windows V warm time years will lead to rapid wear of the seals. The result is the futility of any subsequent adjustments. The solution is to replace the rubber seals, which are not cheap.

Switching modes of plastic windows: advantages and disadvantages

Disadvantages in window adjustment can only occur if done incorrectly home handyman. If everything is done correctly, switching modes will only bring benefits. Let's figure out in what cases it is justified.

Trunnions (eccentrics) can be varied, but their settings are identical

Timely switching will extend the life of the windows, even if these actions have not been performed for some time. Drafts in winter or dust ingress in summer due to wear of the seals can be treated by switching the fittings to winter mode. Maybe not for long, but the repairs will be delayed for a year or two. Sagging loops are eliminated in the same way. Replacing fittings is a last resort measure.

Good to know! Incorrectly set modes can cause a window or door to jam separately in the ventilation position or together with opening.

Determining the possibility of changing the seasonal regimes of plastic windows

Not all models of plastic windows have the ability to change modes. To understand whether it is present on your double-glazed windows, you need to look at the shut-off valves. The eccentric located in the middle can be oval or have a hole in the center for an asterisk or hexagon. This indicates the presence of winter mode on plastic windows. The photos below will help the reader understand this issue.

The algorithm for adjusting windows with different trunnions is identical, but their position may differ. Let's try to understand in detail the types of eccentrics.

Shapes of eccentrics and nuances of mode transfer

The oval trunnion after installation is often located diagonally - this is the standard position, average between winter and summer. The horizontal position indicates winter mode, and the vertical position indicates summer mode.

If the eccentric shut-off valves round (hexagon), then its positions are as follows. Pushed towards the street - winter, located in the center - standard, recessed towards the apartment - summer.

The third option is a round hexagon pin that does not move when turning. In this case, there is a mark on it, which indicates correct position. To make it easier to understand, we offer pictures for viewing on how to switch windows to winter mode.

Some eccentrics can be turned by hand without the aid of a tool.
Hex eccentric - pay attention to the mark or marker
The most common eccentrics - the mode is determined as follows - the thicker side from the center inward is winter, vice versa - summer
This is the standard position. Installed from the factory and rarely changed by installers

How to switch windows to winter mode: preparing double-glazed windows

Before putting plastic windows on winter mode, you should preparatory work. The first thing to do is to remove the lubricant from the locking mechanism components with a rag so that dirt and dust do not get inside with it during adjustment. After all the work done, the mechanism is lubricated again.

Here the sealant is treated with silicone gel, but it is better to use a spray

Very important! The rubber frame seal should be treated before cold weather. You can do this with a lubricant (silicone or glycerin based), but it is better to use silicone spray, which is sold in all hardware and automotive stores.

How and when are plastic windows switched to winter mode?

Experts recommend switching locking mechanisms from summer to winter only in extreme cases, when drafts become sensitive. However, this is only suitable for warm weather climatic zones Russia. It is optimal to switch at the beginning heating season.

A fogged glass unit or a slight appearance of ice on it from the inside may also indicate the need for adjustment.

Consequences of incorrect adjustment of double-glazed windows

Useful information! Before switching the windows to winter mode, you should carefully inspect the rubber seal. Perhaps the sash fittings are adjusted correctly, but the seal is cracked or torn. In this case, you must definitely replace it. You can buy cheap seals for one winter, but they don’t last more than a season.

Other adjustment options for plastic window frames

Having figured out how to switch the windows to winter mode using a hexagon, screwdriver or pliers, you can move on to the rest of the adjustment. After all, over time, the frame may move, and one side will fit tighter than the other, which is unacceptable. This creates a load on the window fittings and contributes to the appearance of drafts.

Various sash adjustments that you can do yourself

The sash is adjusted vertically and horizontally from the bottom hinge. Remove the plastic protective cover and find a screw with a hexagon hole located on top. When you turn the screw clockwise, the frame will begin to rise. Turning counterclockwise, lower the glass unit. In order to move the sash away from the frame or, conversely, to install it closer, we use a screw located on the side at the bottom of the hinge.

Important! If all adjustments are made correctly, and draft problems have not disappeared, this indicates wear of the seals, a manufacturing defect in the frame, or improper installation of the sashes. We check the rubber seals, and if they are normal, we file a complaint with the installer. That is why it is important to perform adjustments in the first year of operation - the possibility of warranty repairs and sometimes replacement remains.

Transferring plastic windows to winter mode: video and photo instructions

Let's start this section with photo instructions on how to switch windows to winter mode:

Illustration Action to be performed

Having opened the sash, we find eccentrics on the end part. There are three of them on a standard window. The photo shows the summer position of the axle (the marker is located closer to the street side). We need to move it in the opposite direction, towards the apartment.

To work you need a hexagon of suitable size. The most commonly used tool is 4 or 6 mm. But it’s better if you have a set of hexagons on hand different sizes(a thin tool is needed to adjust the sash vertically and horizontally).

Having selected the necessary key, we begin to turn the trunnion. The photo shows the moment of setting the “standard” position.

Having turned the eccentric further, we stop in the “winter” position. We perform the same actions with other eccentrics. Afterwards, you can check the tight fit of the sash to the frame.

But photo instructions are one thing, but a video will be easier to understand. So it’s worth watching a short, but very educational video how to switch windows to winter mode:

We hope that after watching the video, the question of how to switch Euro-windows to winter mode has ceased to be relevant.

Let's sum it up

Regardless of the design of the plastic window frame, adjustment is easy. The main thing is to follow some of the rules that were discussed today. If the double-glazed windows were installed recently and are located warranty service, it is best to call the craftsmen from the company that installed them. This service is provided free of charge. However, you should not hope that the settings will be 100% perfect. Be prepared to do some fine-tuning yourself. But they will make the basic adjustments, which will save the home handyman from unnecessary work.

Subsequently, by adjusting even one sash, you can perform such work completely independently.

If rubber seals cracked or torn, they should be replaced

We hope that the reader found the information in the article for which he came to our resource. If you are interested in other topics on construction or renovation, we suggest you look through other articles on our resource. We promise that the reader will find a lot of interesting and useful information. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them in the comments below.

And finally one more thing short video on today's topic:

In stock installed systems“winter-summer” or “winter-summer – autumn” with seasonal adjustment of fittings is available great benefits: in winter, waterproofing and thermal protection are maintained through the sealing of window parts, and in summer, there is sufficient protection from dust and heat.

Unfortunately, not every plastic window provides the ability to change settings; this does not depend on the quality of the double-glazed window, but on the class of the installed fittings.

It is customary to distinguish three main types:

  1. Budget fittings. Provides basic functions - opening and closing window sashes without additional resources. Refers to low price segment and is often installed in new buildings.
  2. Standard fittings. There are adjustment systems, they are good quality characteristics. Average price category.
  3. Specialized fittings. Developments with elements of anti-burglary fortifications. Seasonal changes in settings “summer-autumn-winter” are provided.

What are they and why are they needed?

Switching the window to winter and summer mode

The concept of operating mode is associated with the degree of pressing of window fittings to the base and, accordingly, of the sashes to the frame seals. In winter mode, the setting maximizes the tightness of the structure. Thus, the isolation from external environment.

At the end of the winter period, it is time to reconfigure winter settings for summer ones in order to prevent wear of the fittings fastening parts and abrasion of the seal.

By default, when purchasing or installing windows, summer mode is always set to extend the shelf life of the internal seal. Unfortunately, when installing double-glazed windows, consumers are very rarely instructed on the functioning and operation of seasonal settings.

Summer and winter modes, as the main ones, provide protection interior space from drafts, guarantee comfort and tightness of plastic windows depending on the season. If there is such technical feasibility, it is recommended to carry out periodic adjustments.

Adjustment is available to any consumer; no need to call specialists. The only recommendation when changing the settings is to be careful not to damage the fittings and extend the life of the glass unit.

How can I check if a window can be translated?

If, during installation or moving into an apartment, it remains unclear whether the double-glazed window has season settings, then you can find out for yourself. First, open the doors and look at the fastenings. On the side there are special eccentrics, or otherwise trunnions.

This is the name given to a small mechanism that serves to hold the sash when it is closed. When closing the window, you can hear a characteristic click - this is the sound of a working pin. Thanks to this device, adjustments are made to the changing seasons.

The eccentrics must have holes for a hex key, a star screwdriver or a regular screwdriver. Their presence is a kind of confirmation of the ability to adjust the seasonal settings of the seal.

The oval shape of the eccentric also speaks of this. There may be several or one trunnion, depending on the size of the valves and the manufacturer. With their help you can change the mode.

If these holes are missing, you will not be able to change the seasonal settings. The solution to the problem may be to replace the fittings or sealing elements to ensure the sealing of the structure in winter.

How to change the mode yourself?

Trunnion adjustment diagram

Changing the seasonal regime on double-glazed windows is not a difficult task. But before you get started, decide whether this is necessary. Double-glazed windows are inherently reliable protection from the external environment. In mild, not too cold weather, it is not worth reconfiguring the mode, so as not to subject the seal to additional wear.

Step by step guide:

  1. Step 1. Preparatory. Open the sashes and use a damp cloth to clean the joints and connections on the end side of the sashes. It is important to prevent dirt from getting into the internal mechanisms and hinges. Use a hard brush to clean the fittings and remove traces of dried grease. If necessary, replace the worn seal and re-lubricate the adjustment screws and hinges with machine or vegetable oil. Available for sale special remedy for processing accessories in a syringe tube, convenient for use.
  2. Step 2. To avoid distortion or sagging of the sash, it is recommended to check the geometry of the window position. To do this, the closed sash is lightly outlined around the perimeter with a pencil. Then, the sash needs to be opened and the distance from the drawn lines to the frame opening measured. Ideally, it should be the same or have a small error of up to 5 mm. If there are deviations in the upper part, then you should remove the decorative inserts from the hinges and tighten the screws at the bottom with a hexagon. If there are deviations in the lower part of the contour, adjustments are made at the top. The load on the hinges must be uniform.
  3. Step 3. Count all the eccentrics, or trunnions. Their number may vary depending on the size of the window. Everything must be transferred to another mode.
  4. Step 4. Using pliers, a hex key or a screwdriver, you need to turn each eccentric clockwise so as to press the seal as much as possible. Some types of fittings provide for the initial pull of the pin towards itself before turning it, similar to the winding mechanism of a watch.
  5. Step 5. The result of changing the mode can be seen using simple sheet paper. Place the sheet so that it is sandwiched between the sash and frame and close the window. Try to pull out the paper. If you succeeded without difficulty, then the established summer mode has been preserved. If the paper is pressed tightly and tears in an attempt to pull it out, it means that the setting has been changed; the window is sealed in the winter format. Please note that the rotation window handle also began to be carried out with great effort.

When is it time to transfer?

You can replace seasonal modes and adjust fittings along the way if the following reasons exist:

  1. Window sashes are blown around the perimeter in cold autumn, heat escapes and gets into the cracks cold air, dust. The fittings are operating in summer mode or you do not know their condition.
  2. Spring-summer period. It's time to free the windows from additional load to protect the seals and other parts from wear.
  3. Difficulty opening the doors, which may be due to winter conditions or sagging hinges.
  4. Presence of sagging sashes or offsets relative to the window. Perhaps the reason is a worn seal or incorrect setting of the seasonal mode.

It should be noted that reconfiguring modes for no reason is not recommended, especially for new windows. On average, fittings can be adjusted no more than once every six months.

Changing the “winter-summer” regime at plastic windows is carried out mainly by residents independently.

  1. Refer to instructions, if they are preserved, to study the features of the supplied double-glazed windows.
  2. Consult with specialists from window installation companies or experienced users of double-glazed windows.
  3. Correctly evaluate technical condition windows to carry out the adjustment: you can break the adjustment bolts or cause the seal to become deformed. As a result, it will be necessary complete replacement fittings and seals.

Generally, the right decision will allow you to create maximum comfort indoors at any time of the year, and your plastic windows will last for decades.

Windows prevent extraneous noise from the street from entering the apartment and ensure the desired air temperature in the room. Plastic structures require periodic maintenance after installation. First of all, you need to figure out how to switch windows to winter mode, why this is necessary, and when to carry out such procedures. In addition, it is important to study the operating principle of locking mechanisms, which have a number of functional features.

Don't forget about this wonderful regime in winter!

Window Modes

In the absence of theoretical knowledge and practice, it is advisable to contact specialists. They can give professional advice on pending issues and offer optimal options problem solving.

On plastic windows there are three modes with which you can adjust the pressing force of the sashes. Among them:

  1. Summer - the sash is pressed weakly. This position promotes air circulation in the room. The sealing rubber is minimally subject to wear.
  2. Winter - provides a fairly tight clamp. There is no movement of air masses, therefore heat is retained in the room. In this case, the maximum load on the seal is applied.
  3. Standard - middle position. Often, installers leave structures in this form. The difference is that real professionals explain to owners how to switch windows to winter (or summer) mode, while unscrupulous ones do not consider it necessary to tell this. This position is intended for the off-season.

In this video you will learn how to adjust plastic windows

Pros and cons of switching

It is enough not to put plastic windows in winter mode for 2-3 years, so that even after adjustment, it starts to blow from the window sill or balcony door. There are a number of problems that can arise if the euro window is incorrectly adjusted. The main one is a violation of the microclimate in the room.

Excessive humidity causes condensation to appear on the walls, frames and double-glazed windows. All this leads to the formation of mold. Summer mode in winter leads to significant heat losses; there is a need to heat the room additionally, which can lead to increased costs for electricity or gas.

If you use the winter position in summer, this will lead to rapid wear of the rubber seals. As a result, any subsequent adjustments will be useless. The way out of the situation is to replace the seals, which are expensive.

You should not use winter variations of using windows in summer

Disadvantages of window adjustment can appear due to incorrect manipulations that the owner carries out independently. If the procedure is carried out correctly, changing modes will be beneficial. First of all, you need to figure out in what situations switching will be justified.

Timely change of position increases the service life of windows, even if such manipulations were not carried out long time. You can get rid of drafts in winter or dust ingress in summer due to worn-out seals by rearranging the structures “for the winter.” This will delay repairs by one to two years. Sagging hinges can be eliminated in a similar way. The last resort is to replace the hardware.

Types of eccentrics

It is not possible to change the modes on all plastic windows. To figure out whether such a system exists on specific double-glazed windows, you need to pay attention to the locking mechanism. The eccentric located in the middle can be oval. In addition, there are parts that have a hexagon hole in the center. This indicates the presence of winter conditions in window structures.

Algorithm for adjusting plastic structures with various types The fittings are identical, only their position differs. Before you get started, you need to study all the types of trunnions:

  1. Oval parts after installation are often located diagonally - this is the standard position, the middle between winter and summer mode. Horizontal position means “winter”, vertical position means “summer”.
  2. On a round pin for a hexagon, you can determine the position as follows: if the part is extended in relation to the street, this is winter mode; placed in the center - standard; recessed towards the room - summer.
  3. The third option is a round eccentric for a hexagon, but it does not move when rotated. This type of fittings is equipped with a mark indicating the position of the windows. The meaning is similar to the previous option: if the label is located towards the street - “winter”, towards the room - “summer”, in the middle - “standard”.

There are several types of tools for regulating winter conditions

Preparatory work

Before adjusting the fittings of plastic windows for winter mode, it is necessary to perform a number of additional manipulations. First, use a rag to remove the grease from the locking mechanisms. This is necessary to prevent dirt and dust from getting inside during the adjustment process. After the procedure, you need to restore the lubricant layer.

Then you need to find all the eccentrics, the number of which depends on the size of the window. If there is a mosquito net, you need to dismantle it, wash it and put it aside until warmer weather arrives.

Before the onset of cold weather, the seal should be treated with silicone or glycerin grease. Experts recommend giving preference to silicone-based sprays, which can be purchased at automotive or hardware stores.

Many craftsmen believe that the fittings should be switched from “summer” to “winter” when drafts are felt. But this option is optimal for those areas of the country where a warm climate prevails. Most the right time- the beginning of the heating season. In addition, the need for adjustment is indicated by fogged glass or frozen ice with inside PVC windows.

Before changing the mode in plastic structures You need to carefully examine the rubber parts. There are situations when the fittings are adjusted correctly, but the seal has become unusable (torn or cracked). In such a situation, it is imperative to replace it. You can buy cheap products for one season, but they won’t last more than a year.

After a detailed study of the fittings and how to transfer them, you can move on to the adjustment itself. For example, over time, a window frame may become warped, causing one side to fit more tightly than the other. This situation is unacceptable, because it creates an additional load on all components and drafts appear, so it is important to configure it correctly.

You need to start adjusting the sash horizontally or vertically from the bottom hinge. To do this, you need to remove the protective plastic cover and find a screw with a special hexagon hole, which is located on top.

When turning the part clockwise, the frame will rise, and when rotating counterclockwise, it will lower. To move the sash towards the frame or, conversely, place it further, you should turn the screw located at the bottom of the hinge.

Step by step instructions

Having understood the theory, you can move on to practical setup window designs. Step by step guide How to winterize plastic windows:

  1. After opening the sash, find all the pins on standard windows there are three of them. If the marker is closer to the street, it needs to be moved in the opposite direction so that it is located towards the room.
  2. To work, you will need a hexagon of a suitable size; a 4 or 6 mm tool is often used. It is advisable to have a set of different keys at hand during the manipulation, because thin products will be needed for vertical and horizontal adjustment.
  3. Having picked up the tool, start turning the trunnion. Carry out similar manipulations for the remaining eccentrics. Then check the tight fit of the sash to the frame.

Regardless of the frame design, adjustment is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is important to follow certain rules and follow step by step instructions. If the windows were installed not so long ago and are still under warranty, it is better to call a specialist from the company that did the installation. This procedure is free, but you cannot hope that everything will be done perfectly, and you should not exclude the possibility of finishing the structures yourself. After setting up at least one leaf, subsequent maintenance can be done yourself.

And switching plastic windows to winter mode will reduce heat loss from the house. You can perform this operation yourself. Switching windows to winter mode does not require large quantity tools and special skills. Our article describes in detail the sequence of actions that are understandable even for people without technical skills.

What is winter mode in windows?

Modern plastic windows have several functions that allow you to control and regulate the microclimate in a living space. Manufacturers and sellers do not always inform buyers about availability given opportunities plastic windows. An independent study of their characteristics and a careful inspection of the frames will reveal the presence of an eccentric, which is a fit regulator window sashes to the frame.

Most apartments are equipped with plastic windows. Indeed, they are easy to use, durable, come in different sizes and can have varying degrees of insulation. However for the right choice Such a window will require proper measurements. will help you correctly take the appropriate measurements yourself.

Plastic window modes

There are three modes, differing in the position of the valves and characterized by maintaining different temperatures:

  • summer - this mode is recommended to be installed on frames in the spring and before the onset of autumn. The loose fit of the sashes to the frame allows for sufficient air flow into the rooms;
  • winter, which is installed with the onset of cold weather. The tight fit to the frame makes it possible to make minimal losses heat from the room;
  • The standard position is characterized by the middle position of the eccentric, which regulates the degree of fit of the sashes to the frame. It can be left for the whole year due to the most optimal air flow into the room.

Due to deformation of parts of the product under the influence of temperature and humidity, correcting the fit will reduce the degree of wear on window parts.

When to set winter mode

The onset of cold weather can be considered the reason for changing the regime in a plastic window.

However, the following situations should also be considered reasons why it is recommended to switch windows to winter mode:

  • blows from the window. In summer, such blowing entails excessive dust entering the apartment, and in winter it leads to a decrease in the overall temperature in the apartment;
  • sash sagging. This defect can be eliminated by replacing the fittings or tightening the hinges. A tighter connection of the sash to the window frame, that is, winter mode;
  • poor closing or opening of the window. This may result from an incorrectly set window mode.

The listed reasons should be considered a sufficient reason to switch the window to winter mode. The process of setting this mode is described in the next chapter. Correctly performing the above steps will allow you to save for a long time normal functioning windows will provide warmth and comfort in the house.

Switching windows to winter mode

Often, owners of plastic windows call an employee of the company from which these windows were purchased to transfer them to a certain mode. However, if done correctly necessary actions, then you can independently set the required window mode.

Sequence of actions

Before translation, the location of the trunnions should be determined. The number of eccentrics depends on the size of the sashes and windows. You should find all of them, because when you switch to a certain mode, you need to adjust each of them.

Usually there are three of them on the side where the handle is located, and one on the opposite side, where the hinges and awnings are.

  • Before exposure begins, all fittings should be thoroughly cleaned. This will keep her from mechanical damage, will ensure flawless functioning in the future;
  • Apply lubricant and wipe again. This action will allow the translation to be carried out more accurately. Warning probable breakdown the window mechanism guarantees the expected result: blowing, dust entering the room;
  • after transfer to desired mode the mechanism can be re-lubricated;
  • carefully examine the eccentrics. You should find all the marks that mark the modes. This is usually a stripe and the position of the trunnion relative to the horizon line;
  • Now you should directly transfer to the desired mode. A hexagon or pliers can be used for this. The oval-shaped eccentric is more convenient to move using pliers.

After completing the manipulations, you can check the degree of air penetration into the room as follows. Place a thin piece of paper between the flaps closed window. If it vibrates or flies out of it, it means the window is in summer mode.

It must be remembered that some manufacturers of plastic windows have eccentrics recessed into the sash. Before carrying out manipulations to switch the mode, you should first pull it out.

After completing the transfer to the desired mode, set it to the original mode. It is most convenient to perform this action with pliers.

Winter mode is usually marked with a flat line, which is turned inward. If the trunnion is oval-shaped, then the dash or dot should be located horizontally. This general requirement to all types of plastic windows that have the function of switching to different modes.