Moles on the face: red border of the lips. Moles on the face and their meaning. What do you have? Mole on the right side of the face

People are always looking for the secret meaning of the signs around them. The moles on our body were not left without attention. For many centuries, enthusiastic people have compared the location of nevi and noted how they act and affect the fate of their carrier. Thanks to this knowledge, today we can determine the meaning of moles on the face, as well as find out by the place of their appearance about what our fate is, or what inclinations your interlocutor has.

Nevi as an omen

Nevuses with their location can tell about our abilities, inclinations and fate awaiting us. Since moles on the face can grow, change, and even disappear without a trace, it is believed that a person in this way changes what was destined. These marks can promise us both good and positive, and negative. In any case, we can change what moles mean.

"Good" omens can be strengthened and strengthened, while "bad" omens can be avoided by choosing other paths.

Those birthmarks that exist on our skin from birth are considered permanent, and we are not able to change what the birthmarks given to us by fate mean.

The size of the nevus on the face indicates the degree of its influence. If the mark is located in a place that promises problems and difficulties, but at the same time it is barely noticeable, then you do not need to worry much - the difficulties promised by fate will also be insignificant. The large size of nevi enhances what facial moles mean and also makes positive and negative omens inevitable.

The shape of the marks also affects the meaning of moles on the face: rounded and regular ones have a positive meaning, while irregular ones and with sharp, angular borders have a negative meaning. Difficulties and obstacles promise dark-colored nevi and those on which hair is visible.

It happens that a cluster of nevi forms recognizable figures, while squares and stars are considered unfavorable symbols, and circles, triangles and ovals bring harmony, tranquility and happiness.

The meaning of moles on the face in men is practically no different from what the location of the marks in certain places promises to women.

Significance of marks on the face

The meaning of moles on the face is considered the strongest and most truthful. Nevi located on the back, chest or legs do not have such strength, although it is also worth paying attention. Physiognomy strictly distributes "zones of influence", while the main ones are areas near the axis of symmetry.


The interpretation of the marks located on the forehead is different. As a general rule, you can figure out what moles mean by relating them to the axis of symmetry and proximity to the hair or eyebrows.

  • A mole on the forehead, which has grown in its upper part, says that its owner will endure certain difficulties in his youth.
  • In the middle part, the mark on the forehead means that its owner has certain relationship problems. Such people often do not find a common language with relatives, colleagues, and even with a few friends.
  • Located on the axis of symmetry and practically at the eyebrow line, a mole on the forehead enhances the meaning of the mark and indicates that it is very difficult for its owner to communicate with people.
  • A birthmark on the forehead above the eyebrows is found in astute and very intelligent people. Politicians and diplomats have such marks.
  • A mole on the forehead in the upper right part speaks of a penchant for leadership and organizational talent. Such people can lead the crowd behind them, cope with the management of large teams. The mark on the forehead, located in this way, also indicates that their carrier does not like to compromise and is very stubborn.
  • A nevus on the forehead on the left side appears in supple people. The owner of the mark in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head will be soft-bodied and limp. If you notice a nevus on your interlocutor's forehead on the left, you can safely start convincing him of anything.
  • The presence of a mole on the forehead on the left can also indicate the extravagance of the owner and his desire to surprise, amaze and stand out from the crowd.

If the mark on the forehead is not single, then its meaning will add up with other signs. If the values ​​​​of the nevi are directly opposite, then you need to compare their sizes. A large mark will “win up” over a small one.


Moles on the face, located on the temples, are often invisible to others due to the fact that they are covered with hair or hats.

  • The mole on the temple on the right is very fateful. Such signs mark special people who have a specific mission. Talented and gifted individuals often have nevi on the temple on this side. The owners of such a mark by their actions greatly influence others, change the course of their destinies.
  • A person who has a mole on his temple on the right is very individual, has his own taste and opinion on everything that happens. Such people are extremely wise and objective, so they are often turned to for practical and wise advice.
  • If you have a birthmark on your temple, then you are very lucky. People with such marks feel the future very well, have intuition and the gift of foresight, and their dreams often turn out to be prophetic.
  • Owners of a mole on the temple, in addition to being endowed with the listed forces and power over people, are subject to negativity from the outside. Physiognomists and psychics recommend hiding it from others. The mark on the temple must be covered with hair so that no one can see it.
  • A mole on the temple, located to the left and far from the axis of symmetry, belongs to sentimental personalities, but who know how to hide emotions. Such people remember unpleasant little things and cling to them, completely forgetting about the main thing.

under the hair

  • A mole on the head, located under the hair, belongs to smart individuals, but prone to hermitism and isolation.
  • The mark on the back of the head speaks of a very secretive person. Such a mole on the head belongs to unsociable people who avoid society and do not want to maintain relationships.
  • A mole on the head near the right ear speaks of the wearer's tendency to boast, such people often want to seem not who they are. If this predisposition is correctly developed and negative manifestations are corrected, such a person can become an excellent actor or politician.
  • A nevus at the left ear predicts a person's excessive temper and difficulties in building relationships with people.


Moles on the face, hidden from the eyes of others by eyebrows, basically predict the fate associated with love relationships and marriage.

  • Marks near the right eyebrow guarantee a happy relationship and a profitable marriage. For the owners of such marks, attachment to the chosen one does not collapse over the years.
  • Moles on the face near the left eyebrow, on the contrary, predict love suffering and the inability to build a strong relationship.


  • A mole under the right eye is present in people who are passionate, unbalanced and jealous. Such individuals are very irritable.
  • On the right side of the face, a mole under the eye predicts the wearer to choose professions that require special intelligence and creative abilities.
  • A nevus on the right eyelid indicates that its owner has a hard time enduring stressful situations.
  • The one who has a mark on the right side of his face has pronounced talents, but often loses inspiration and becomes depressed from this.
  • A mole in the eye speaks of a tendency to alarmism and excessive thoughtfulness.
  • The owners of the nevus in the eye on the right know how to love deeply, for a long time and faithfully, they are very sensual, kind and generous and capable of strong and sacrificial deeds.
  • A mole under the eye near the nose predicts the wearer that he will often get confused in life situations, change his mind and rush from one person to another.
  • A mole in the eye, which appears closer to the nose, belongs to overly emotional people who do not know how to hide their feelings or share them with strangers.
  • The accumulation of nevi on the head near the eyes endows its owner with a passion for travel and creative inclinations.
  • A mole under the left eye predicts excessive passion and a tendency to sort things out, such people are jealous egocentrics.
  • Those with a mark on the left side of the face are very sensual and constantly worry about anything.
  • A mole on the head near the left eye is possessed by individuals who are prone to self-flagellation. They have a very difficult and sometimes quarrelsome character, because of this, scandals often flare up in the family and environment.
  • On the left half of the face, a large mole under the eye or on the eyelid will speak of the diplomacy of the wearer, his ability to resolve conflicts that have arisen.
  • Moles on the face near the eyes are possessed by people in whom feelings often prevail as the voice of reason. They are fickle in love, often change their attitude and opinion.


Since this is one of the most visible parts of the face, the nevi on it are visible to everyone around. Fate seems to mark you and presents you to the world like an open book. Knowing what a mole on your nose means, your interlocutor will be able to understand what your character is and whether it will be easy to maintain a relationship with you.

A mole on the nose belongs to cheerful personalities. People with this mark are very optimistic and never lose heart.

  • The mark on the nose indicates that its owner is often lucky, they win the lottery and they accidentally get all the best.
  • People who have a noticeable mole on the tip of their nose have a very easy character, quickly settle down and find a common language.
  • A large mark on the nose reveals talented people with a great sense of humor.
  • A person who has a mole on his nose feels very comfortable in any environment and with a different interlocutor.
  • Otetina on the tip of the nose of a representative of the weaker sex predicts frivolity and a tendency to rashly change partners.
  • Men who have a nevus on their nose have good intuition, bordering on the gift of foresight.
  • If your friend has a mark on his nose at the base, you can safely trust him and ask him for wise advice.
  • A mole on the nose near the cheek predicts that its owner will be very reasonable, cautious and insightful. Such people rarely make mistakes and calculate their every step.


Moles on the face that have grown near the lips add some piquancy to a person’s appearance - after all, it was not for nothing that literally two centuries ago, women and men specially added flies to themselves.

  • The presence of moles on the face near the lips indicates the cheerfulness of their carrier.
  • A nevus on the lips means that a person is very refined and sensual.
  • A large mark on the lower lip belongs to individuals with a pleasant character, but prone to excessive sentimentality.
  • A nevus on the upper lip means that its carrier has a delicate taste and innate intelligence.
  • Moles on the face, formed at the border of the lips, predict weakness and inability to be independent, make decisions.


  • A mole on the chin from below suggests that its carrier in life will often feel misunderstood by others, and it will also be accompanied by failures in work.
  • Men with a nevus on the chin, located on the left, often enter into a turbulent but long marriage.
  • A mole on the chin on the left also marks frequent quarrels that will quickly end in reconciliation, such people are very jealous and quick-tempered.
  • The sign on the chin speaks of glibness, eccentricity and a penchant for carnal love.
  • Women who have a noticeable mole on their chin on the right will be successful in society and will always be surrounded by the attention of men.
  • Those who have a large mole on their chin in the center will have an extraordinary fate. They understand any business better than others, and they always turn to them for help and get good advice.
  • The mark on the chin in the center indicates that its wearer is chasing pleasure and loves to travel.
  • A mole on the chin, located right under the lip, belongs to faithful, generous people who put their children above themselves.
  • Fate gives a nevus on the chin to people who do not like drastic changes.

Hello dear readers. From time immemorial, people have been interested in the meaning of the location of moles on the face. They firmly believed that according to the scheme of their location, number, size and shape, one can predict the fate of a person. I suggest you plunge into the world of esotericism and physiognomy in order to understand what moles on the face of you or your friends mean.

The value of moles on the face for women

Moles on a woman's face have always attracted attention. And, if now mainly from an aesthetic point of view, then during the time of the Inquisition, they looked at them especially closely. And God forbid you have the "Devil's mark" - accusations of witchcraft cannot be avoided.

Fortunately for the beautiful half of humanity, harsh and unfair times have passed. But the question of the meaning of moles still stirs inquisitive minds.

Moles on forehead

So, what should we expect from brown spots located on the forehead:

  • placement on the right eyebrow promises early marriage and a happy family life;
  • a mole on the left eyebrow promises a not very happy marriage. But its owner will be shrouded in sincere love and devotion of her child;
  • if the spot is located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "third eye", then its owner has well-developed intuition and logical thinking. If desired, she can engage in the occult sciences, reaching
  • significant success in predicting the fate of others. In addition, such a girl always strives for new knowledge, and is endowed with great willpower;
  • the location of the mole on the left temple indicates the gentle and sentimental nature of its owner. Such people are often scattered and inattentive, but throughout their lives they keep vivid memories from childhood. Very often, fate sends them prophetic dreams that help them find a way out of the most difficult situations;
  • a speck on the right temple indicates a psychic gift;
  • the presence of a mark above the eyebrows gives the woman insight and great intelligence. They should devote their lives to politics or diplomacy;
  • if the mole is located on the right side at the border of hair growth, this indicates the leadership and organizational inclinations of the young lady, as well as a stubborn and uncompromising character;
  • a brown dot on the left side characterizes a weak-willed person, prone to rash acts and often influenced by others.

Moles in the eye area

  • the location of the mark on the diagonal between the outer corner of the eye and the edge of the eyebrow speaks of the passionate nature of the girl, endowed with a sharp mind. She has a certain prudence and prudence. In marriage, under any circumstances, she will remain faithful to her partner;
  • placement on the right eyelid, closer to the inner corner of the eye indicates a poetic, open nature, which will certainly be happy in love. Unfortunately, failures in many cases somewhat overshadow her cheerfulness;
  • if the mole is under the left eyebrow, at the level of the outer corner of the eye, it can be confidently stated that the young lady is endowed with practicality and easily wins over those around her. Placement closer to the inner corner indicates modesty, kindness to others and at the same time an inability to open up to the world;
  • when a dark spot is located at the very corner of the eye, you have a balanced and sane person in front of you, who is very difficult to piss off. If the marks are somewhat shifted down, you have a jealous woman in front of you, who herself will not refuse short-term love affairs;
  • the presence of a birthmark under the left eye says that you have a frivolous, windy and amorous person in front of you. You should not associate fate with her if you cannot constantly provide her with new, vivid sensations and impressions;
  • and, on the contrary, a mole under the right eye indicates fidelity in marriage and the ability to carry love through the years, all the obstacles and trials prepared by fate;
  • if a speck hid on the bridge of your nose, you have a creative, extraordinary and very adventurous nature that cannot imagine life without adventures and travel.

Moles on the nose and mid face

  • the location on the tip of the nose indicates a constant craving for "forbidden fruits". But at the same time, such a girl has an easy character and a great sense of humor;
  • the marks adorning the wings of the nose indicate that you are a seductress who is not ashamed of shocking behavior or scandals with her own participation. These are very changeable and fickle persons;
  • girls with a birthmark under their noses are able to think logically and always give good advice;
  • a mole hidden on the right cheek promises the girl good luck and happiness in family life, and on the left cheek it promises many difficulties on the way to success. Such a young lady is very talented and ready for self-sacrifice;
  • the presence of a spot on the cheekbones speaks of a decisive nature, eloquence and leadership inclinations.

Moles on the ears

Birthmarks on the ears are of curious importance. Such girls will gradually accumulate wealth and know no need. They are practical and cautious, always making informed decisions.

The location on the left earlobe gives the young lady prudence and common sense, which will help them achieve significant financial success. A speck on the left earlobe will not allow you to accumulate enough money.

Interesting. Take a closer look to see if your friends have moles inside the auricle. Such a mark indicates the instability of the nervous system, too aggressive and unbalanced character.

Markings on the bottom of the face

Now we have smoothly approached the lower third of the face and continue to study what it means if the mole is located:

  • at the top lip. Indicates an easy disposition, cheerfulness and popularity with the opposite sex;
    on the upper lip. Characterizes a sensual and subtle nature, but slightly uncollected and careless in business;
  • on the lower lip. Indicates a person prone to excessive coquetry;
  • under the lower lip. Before you is a girl ready to make any sacrifice in the name of love;
  • at the top of the chin. Promises a happy family life and success in any business;
  • on the lower left side of the chin. Promises to receive great wealth;
  • on the side of the neck. Prepares for hard work, which in due time will bring worthy results;
  • throat. Promises a successful marriage, successful professional activity and material wealth.

Interesting. There are so-called witch marks. These are moles located on the temple and above the lip. It is believed that such young ladies have the ability to hypnosis, the gift of persuasion and highly developed intuition. Words thrown by them in the heat of the moment may well harm others and affect their mood.

Moles are benign or malignant unique marks on the human body. Often they are on the face, there are barely noticeable formations, and there are also frighteningly large ones. Surely, you will be interested to know the meaning of a mole on a woman's face, because they can tell a lot about their owner and her character and even fate.

How much a mole affects life is directly related to its size. The larger it is, the stronger the positive or negative impact it has.

As for the small points scattered all over the body, they have almost no effect on you.

It is very good if the mole has a rounded shape, but the angular, irregularly shaped formations are filled with negativity. Moles that are too dark in color with the presence of hair will tell about the difficulties and obstacles on the path of life.

Also, a certain figure is often formed from them:

  • square and star - are an unfavorable sign;
  • triangle, oval and circle - tell about harmony and happiness.

The meaning of moles on the face

On the top of the face

On the forehead

The location of the birthmark on top of the eyebrows or next to the bridge of the nose will indicate the insight, as well as the high intelligence of its owner. Such individuals become excellent diplomats, politicians and statesmen.

A mole on the forehead on the right, next to the hair - indicates excellent organizational and leadership characteristics of the individual, but also a very obstinate and uncompromising nature.

A spot on the forehead on the left side - describes a person who easily falls under the influence of others, weak-willed, who is distinguished by original antics.

Between the eyebrows

If the birthmark is located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "third eye", then the person has excellent intuition, has a sharp mind, a great craving for knowledge, mysticism and everything mysterious. The presence of psychic abilities is not excluded, so such a person can act as a medium or clairvoyant. But a mole in the indicated place is both a happy and a fatal sign.

On the bridge of the nose

Characteristic for a creative, fantasy and adventurous person who loves adventure and travel.

On the eyebrows

On the right eyebrow - tells about a happy and profitable marriage. As a rule, such individuals marry early and choose the right partner in their life, while love in such a couple lasts for many years.

On the left eyebrow - on the contrary, indicates a probable unsuccessful marriage.

At the temples

If the birthmark is located next to the left eye, it will indicate sentimentality, and also absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. Such individuals often experience the effect of "déjà vu", and their dreams are often prophetic.

A mole in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe right temple - often predictors of the future have. At the same time, they hide it in order to protect themselves from the evil eye.

on the cheekbones

The presence of a mole in the cheekbones, especially the right one, will indicate the determination and readiness of a person to fight for high ideals. For the most part, such individuals have eloquence and high authority in the team, often become bosses.

Before our eyes

The location of the birthmark at the outer corner of the eyes - will tell about the modest, calm and balanced disposition of its owner.

On the ears

Ears with moles speak of recklessness, boastfulness and the desire to deceive. But if a person has a high level of awareness, then such a mole will indicate extraordinary thinking.

If the formation is hidden in the depths of the ear, it will tell about a disturbed metabolism or nervous pathologies.

In the middle of the face

If you have a mole on your right cheek, you will always and everywhere be lucky with luck, you should have a happy fate, especially your personal life. At the same time, the closer the spot is to the lip area, the more happy and joyful the marriage will be. Be that as it may, such individuals do not recognize the need, they always have enough finances.

The presence of a mole on the left cheek indicates the difficulties that you will have to cope with, achieving success.

On the nose

A birthmark in the nose area is typical for sociable, cheerful individuals who are often lucky. The presence of a spot on the tip of the nose - tells about a light disposition and a great sense of humor. Also, such a mark (especially for ladies) indicates frivolity, frivolity and volatility.

And people who have a mole at the base of the nose on their cheek are distinguished by intelligence and insight, they can be trusted with their secrets, and also count on the received practical recommendation. Men with a similar mark are prone to extrasensory perception.

On the lips

In most cases, a mole in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lips has cheerful people who have a good character and a subtle sensual nature. At the same time, if the mole is large (especially in women) and is located in the region of the lower lip, these indicators will be enhanced. And in the region of the upper lip - excessive sensitivity is complemented by good education and delicate taste.

A birthmark located on the red border of the lips will indicate a weak-willed person who is not ready to take responsibility for his own actions and deeds. Such an individual constantly puts everything off until later and is often overcome by bad habits.

On the tongue

It should be noted that moles on the tongue are more common among the fair sex than vice versa. At the same time, they signal sensitivity, soreness, suspiciousness, suspicion and talkativeness.

In the lower part of the face

On the chin

If a man has such a mark, this indicates his dominance, despotism and aggressiveness, or indicates a sense of purpose and a desire to improve himself.

In girls, the presence of a mole on the right side of the chin is a very positive sign, which is designed to make them generous, optimistic, wise, tactful, and also able to achieve their goals.

If the birthmark, on the contrary, is located on the right side, then this characterizes its owner as an egoist, weak morally, indulging her whims and bad inclinations.

A speck in the central part of the chin indicates stubbornness, uncompromisingness, a tendency to dictate one's own terms and a desire to be a tyrant. Lucky and successful individuals often have such a mark.

Around the jaw

The presence of a birthmark in the jaw area warns of poor health that can negatively affect a person’s career.

The meaning of moles on the body

  • Moles in the shoulder area. If they are irregular or ugly in shape, this is a bad sign. Such individuals are oppressed by various circumstances, problems and unresolved issues of the past. But at the same time, the owners of such spots have great patience and endurance, thanks to which they cope with all obstacles in their path with their heads held high.
  • Moles in the chest area are more important for women than for men. For example, the presence of a mark on the left chest indicates frequent disappointments in love. And on the right - it changes its meaning to the exact opposite - such a girl is a wonderful wife, beloved, wonderful mother and keeper of the hearth.

A bad sign will be the presence of a birthmark on the nipple, which will tell about illness or misfortune.

  • Birthmarks on the back. The back meets the increased requirements. According to Slavic belief, such individuals run the risk of being betrayed by their inner circle.
  • Birthmarks in the region of the ribs. If you have moles on your ribs (regardless of which side they are located on), then you are a rather weak morally and cowardly person. Therefore, it is important to work on yourself and improve yourself.
  • Moles in the abdomen. Indicate selfishness and greed. People with moles on their stomachs often suffer from panic attacks, and also love alcohol very much, abuse carnal pleasures and gluttony. Girls with moles on their stomachs are hysterical and eccentric.
  • Moles on the lower back. People with moles on their lower backs are distinguished by diligence, amorousness and devotion. They always deservedly achieve success in life.
  • Moles in the region of the priests. Do you have moles on your buttocks? This indicates a desire to sit back and give in to others. But in the case of a close location of the mole to the back, you are distinguished by such qualities as adherence to principles and courage.

Now you know what these or those moles on your body mean. In conclusion, we recommend watching the following video:

I think there is no need to explain what moles are. This concept is known to all. Someone wants to get rid of them, and someone wants to get a couple of such pretty dots. People sometimes look for a mysterious reason for the appearance of moles or consider the shape of these formations to be fateful.

Science has proven that a child comes into the world without a single mole. They appear on the body throughout life. What is the reason for the appearance of nevi on the skin and what does the location of moles on the face indicate, we will tell you in this section of our website.

The appearance of moles on the face

The cause of the appearance of neoplasms on the face can be associated with various factors. A person gets his first moles at the age of 1-2 years, they are barely noticeable. Moles appear in adolescence during puberty. Their number is increasing. The reason for this is the hormones that provoke the appearance of nevi in ​​pregnant women. Moles on the face are also born under the influence of ultraviolet rays, as well as some infections. That is why it is necessary to closely monitor any changes that occur with moles.

Medical studies have confirmed that moles on the face appear most often. This may be because the face is often exposed to sunlight. People who have a lot of moles from nature should refuse to visit the solarium and prolonged exposure to the sun.

Types of moles on the face

On the face of a person, moles can be of various types:

Types of moles Their brief description
Hemangiomas These moles are vascular in nature. They form on the very surface of the skin, look like hanging moles, red or small nodules. Hemangiomas are also non-vascular. They often look like small warts or ordinary age spots.
flat moles This is the most common type of nevi on the human body. They are formed in the upper layers of the skin due to melanocytes, and almost do not react to ultraviolet light, and also do not grow in large numbers.
Convex moles Convex moles look like formations of a bumpy or smooth type. They form in the deep layers of the skin. Often these moles are no more than 1 centimeter in diameter and have a growing hair.
blue moles Blue moles can be of different sizes and different colors, ranging from bluish to dark blue. They rise above the surface of the skin in the form of not very large hemispheres. Blue moles are most often smooth and dense.
Huge, pigmented spots It often happens that these moles in a person are congenital. They constantly increase in size along with the maturation of the body. These are usually gray or brown moles, but they can turn black over time.

What do moles on the face of a woman and a man mean?

The meaning of moles on the face of a man:

The meaning of moles on a woman's face

You can read more about the meaning of moles on the face in this section of our website. Here you will find the following information: the meaning of moles on the cheek, the meaning of moles on the forehead, the meaning of moles on the nose and much more.

Remember that if your parents have a lot of moles on their faces, most likely you will inherit them. If the moles do not bleed, do not change color, do not increase, then you have nothing to worry about. If at least one symptom appears, you should consult a doctor.

Be attentive to any formations on the skin of the face. Rashes, irritations, allergies, acne may well provoke an inflammatory or infectious process.

Regarding the safety of moles, you should consult with your doctor. Only he, and not a beautician, will tell you whether it is necessary to remove moles on the face.

Professionals distinguish 2 cases when it is necessary to get rid of moles:

  • when they are in a place where mechanical injury is possible;
  • moles carry any oncological danger.

When choosing a method for removing moles on the face, doctors often insist on surgical excision, but this leaves a scar on the skin. The best way to get rid of an unwanted mole on your face is laser removal. Thanks to this method, there will be no trace of a previous mole on your skin.

Removal of moles on the face. Prices for this service

The table below shows the methods for removing moles and the prices for this service in Moscow. The price is indicated for the removal of a small mole, which occupies only a few millimeters in diameter.

It is still not exactly established why moles appear on the face and body. The general mechanism of their appearance is not yet well understood. Why do some people have a lot of them, while others don't? Is there a semantic meaning of moles on the face or body? Scientists have not yet come to a consensus regarding the function of numerous moles. Can they be useful for a person or is it just a mistake of nature, the result of a malfunction in the body? What do moles on the face mean?

There is an opinion that they are a kind of protective reaction of our body, a response to a certain aggressive influence of the external environment. In many countries of the West and East, people tried to interpret the meaning of moles. This took into account their location. If we interpret the location of the mole on the face, the meaning for men and women may be different, or may be the same. The appearance of moles in many cultures was associated with the interpretation of the character of a person and his fate. Such a “reading” of moles is still popular today. After all, at all times people wanted to somehow look into the book of their fate. Many people still believe that by the location of moles you can find out the fate of a person, interpret his character and attitude. For example, it is believed that the abundance of moles brings wealth. But this is a very dubious proposition.

The value of moles on the face directly depends on their location. If you know some patterns of their localization, you can draw conclusions about the character of a person, his tastes, abilities. We will try to tell you in detail about what is customary to attach importance to the location of moles on the face of men and women.

What is a mole

It is difficult to find a person who does not have a single mole on his face or body. But what are they? These dark spots appear on our body even before birth. It's just that in babies they are so tiny that they are not visible. There are also those that appear later in life. In fact, this is an accumulation of skin pigment - melanin. At one small point it turns out to be too much, so it takes on a more intense shade - from light brown to almost black. It is not exactly established what specific function these crumbs perform. According to some scientists, in this way the body protects itself from the dangerous influence of the environment. According to others, they significantly increase the likelihood that a person will get skin cancer.

Since ancient times, moles have been given a lot of attention and great importance. They were constantly credited with certain magical important properties. Based on how they are located, magicians and soothsayers could read the fate of a person, talk about his character, abilities, possible talents, and relationships with others. So what are the so familiar to us, and such mysterious moles, really? Moles are growths on the skin. They are of good quality. Such neoplasms can be very different in size, shape, color. For example, there may be moles that are flat (they consist of pigment), or they may rise above the skin (warty), or they may be on a tiny leg. Quite strongly they can differ in size - from a millimeter to several centimeters. Such large samples are already referred to as birthmarks. Hair may or may not grow on their surface. There are also vascular neoplasms - angiomas. They differ from others in their color. They are burgundy, and if you press on the angioma, it will turn pale.

The most common and common are pigmented moles. They most often appear at the very beginning of our lives, as well as during adolescence and pregnancy. Very often their formation is associated with sunburn. That is why you should not stay too much under the scorching sun. By themselves, pigmented moles do not pose a danger. But it is important to ensure that they are not reborn. You should be especially careful:

  • owners of fair skin;
  • pregnant women;
  • those who often sunbathe;
  • those who have freckles;
  • if the mole is larger than 5 mm;
  • owners of a large number of age spots, as well as moles.

Is it possible to "read" moles

If a mole appears on the face, can it carry any meaning, tell us about something? We note, first of all, that moles can talk about a person’s predisposition to all kinds of talents, about his vices and addictions. But do not take this interpretation too literally. Even if there are moles on your face, indicating that you have a talent for something, it must be developed. You can not rely only on the influence of the moles themselves. In order to achieve success in any business, you should make a lot of effort. And a mole is just a kind of hint in which direction you should go, what talents and inclinations to develop. If there are moles on the face, the meaning for women and men may differ. Well, if you suddenly notice a mole in yourself or a loved one, which speaks of a vice or a certain lack of character, then you should take this as a warning. Just take this fact into account, but in no case do not build all your conclusions and opinions about a person based only on how his moles are located. With such important tips, you can avoid many mistakes, and you can also help loved ones get rid of certain vices and inclinations.

Curious fact. Even if you find a mole with a negative meaning in yourself and remove it, this will not at all remove this influence of the mole from you. And if you decide to remove it for cosmetic purposes, then keep in mind that over time it may reappear in the same place. By the way, they can only be removed by a dermatologist or cosmetologist. In no case do not risk removing moles yourself! This can be very dangerous and in some cases can even trigger the development of melanoma. The meaning of moles on the face of women and men is not much different karmically. However, there are slight differences.


For a woman, it is better if the mole is located on the face in the lower part. Do you have them located mainly on the left half? It means that you are destined to constantly struggle with difficulties, to experience endless troubles. Most likely, such a woman will find the long-awaited peace of mind only upon reaching old age. But she will be surrounded by loving and grateful relatives. The family of such women is very often large and friendly.


Chocolate color indicates that a woman is waiting for harmony and happiness in her personal life. But shades of red indicate that many years will pass before a woman finally meets her true love. Their owners are often overly irritable. This is what often repels many men from them. It will be more difficult for them to start a family. Also, the red color can indicate that a woman is inherent in pride. This quality of character significantly complicates her life. She will go through many difficulties, but in the end she will come to the long-awaited reward, recognition.

Black moles are quite rare to find. This is a sign of the cruelty of the person who possesses them. They can also talk about a serious illness in childhood or in old age. Light moles on the face of a man speak of numerous pleasures and frequent joy.

Localization around the eyes


  • A mole on the right side of the left eye can speak of success after a difficult journey.
  • The red mole, which is located in the corner of the eye, is a sign of the philosophical nature of its owner.
  • But the bright one promises considerable prosperity, long years of life and a successful marriage. A black mole located on the left side of the left eye may be a harbinger of some kind of loss in the future. And if she has a different shade, then the man is very lucky - he is waiting for a calm, measured life without any special worries and hardships.
  • Localization on the right side of the right eye speaks of future success in important business endeavors.
  • And if it is located on the upper right eyelid - be careful, this is an important warning that signals a possible danger in case of a wrong choice. In addition, this is a powerful message of a sexual nature.
  • The location on the upper left eyelid speaks of prosperity, which will bring only hard selfless work.


  • Localization on the right side of the left eye means a lack of understanding, such an important support from others. Often such a woman can even be neglected. She is well aware of the betrayal of loved ones or friends.
  • Localization in the outer corner of the eye - the woman herself is able to commit betrayal or treason.
  • The value of moles located on the upper right eyelid is the same as in men. But instead of bright and uncontrollable sexuality, she speaks of weak vital energy.
  • Localization on the upper left eyelid - craving for knowledge, interest in learning everything unusual, new, as well as additional abilities and opportunities.
  • For women and men, the presence of large birthmarks on the eyelids indicates excessive emotionality, instability and frivolity. These not-so-good character traits can often show up in relationships.

Localization on the lips and around the mouth


  • The location above the upper lip - to the charisma of a man, his ability to influence others, the ability to quickly persuade them to convince them that he is right.
  • Localization on the upper lip - to sociability, as well as a considerable degree of popularity among women. Such men are easy to communicate with, it is interesting and fun to be with them. Many seek to communicate with them, and also dream of maintaining a permanent relationship. They have many friends. They easily communicate with women and are popular with them.
  • A mole on the lower lip - to success. Their owners are diligent, they are successful in their studies. Not surprisingly, they achieve a lot in life as a result.


  • Localization above the upper lip on the right - in her youth, this woman should have a very important fateful meeting. Subsequently, it will negatively affect her entire future life and bring a lot of trouble. Therefore, such women should be very careful about the choice of their acquaintances, friends, girlfriends. While studying at school and after it, you should try not to enter into conflicts, treat classmates and classmates kindly and openly.
  • The location on the left above the lip - to a strong marriage, prosperous. It is likely that you will live a comfortable life, find a good interesting job.
  • But localization on the lower lip is a sign of spinelessness, poorly developed sensuality and a weak nature.
  • For both sexes, a mole on the left side of the lower lip is a sure sign of happiness in the future.
  • But if it is located on the right, some false information may affect the fate of its owner. It is possible that he may be slandered.
  • Moles on the right in general always portend trouble. They negatively affect the fate of a person.
  • The mole on the upper lip on the left has the same meaning.
  • Localization at the top right is a sure sign of activity, restlessness and curiosity of its owner.

Localization on the bridge of the nose

This arrangement is treated the same, regardless of gender.

  • It is believed that the mole is strictly on the bridge of the nose - this is a kind of "third eye". Such a person may have extrasensory perception abilities. It is possible that he can become a medium or predict the future.
  • There are teachings that consider such a mole as a sign of certain diseases - pathologies of the cardiovascular system, frequent migraines.

Localization - on the eyebrows


  • The location on the left eyebrow makes bad sense. It can signal illnesses of loved ones, including children.
  • The location on the right eyebrow promises a man wealth and happiness in the future.


  • Localization on the eyebrows right in the middle - to wealth and a happy strong marriage.
  • Localization on the left promises passionate love from the husband, long happiness in family life.

Location on the cheekbones


  • The location on the right cheekbone promises universal and sincere respect, undeniable authority. Such men can often easily occupy a high position in society. These are leaders and fighters.
  • The location on the left indicates a weak character, isolation, a tendency to melancholy. It is not easy to find a common language and understanding with such men.

Location at the temple


  • The right temple is an undeniable success. Such men are waiting for material well-being and rapid career advancement. But in order to succeed, all your actions must be well weighed. Then success in business is guaranteed to you. But in the event that a man acts thoughtlessly and impulsively, he will soon suffer loneliness, friends will turn away from him. However, in both cases, such an arrangement also threatens with numerous quarrels with friends. It is possible that soon the closest of them will not be able to adequately share your success and move away.
  • Left temple. This arrangement is interpreted equally for men and women. It means sentimentality. Their owners believe in feelings and attach great importance to them. They strive to fill their lives with meaning and for this they are looking for their soul mate. Sometimes it can take half a lifetime. But if they really fall in love, then they are ready to carry this serious strong feeling all their lives. They are ready to give a lot of strength to a loved one. If it is not there, such people can become depressed, melancholy.
  • Small paired moles of a pink hue, located on any temple, are a sign of love. Their owners are distinguished by a calm, albeit secretive character. Remember that pink moles have always been ruled by the unchanging goddess of love, Venus. The disadvantage of such people is their frivolity. Despite the fact that they are ready to go to the ends of the earth for a loved one, they tend to change their preferences often. They do not differ in constancy even when the relationship is sealed by marriage.
  • The closer the mole on the temple is located to the hair, the greater the likelihood of a happy and long marriage. This interpretation is equivalent for men and women.
  • A large mole, which is visible on the temple in men, is rare. She can warn of a difficult fate and possible loneliness. Such men need to be patient in order to achieve happiness. Often you will interfere with the meanness of others. A lot of difficulties await you, but in the end, you will succeed. The main thing is to be confident in yourself and fight for your happiness.


  • If a woman has a large mole on her temple, she can talk about an unsuccessful marriage and a bad relationship with her husband. Also, grief from children and misunderstanding on their part are possible. This does not mean that such women should not get married. You just need to be very careful about choosing a partner and build relationships in the family competently. Remember that the location of the mole is only a clue.

Now about the general tendencies. People who have moles on their temples can often suffer from debilitating headaches. This may be a signal that the blood circulation of the brain is impaired. This is also evidenced by the frequent forgetfulness of a person. If street names, last names, and even single words are constantly “flying out of your head”, this is a sure sign that the brain is not getting enough nutrition due to poor blood circulation. This problem is worth tackling. Oriental medicine attaches a lot of importance to moles that are located on the temples. They can tell a lot about the karma of their owner.

Here are the general trends for the location of moles in men and women in the temple area:

  • Both temples are a very good sign. They talk about unexpected success in the future. Such success is the result of the merit of numerous incarnations of a person in different lives.
  • Left temple - this arrangement is a very good sign. This is a sign of good karma, especially when the mole is located as close as possible to the edge of the eyebrow.

Localization on the eyeball

Oddly enough, moles can appear even on the eyeballs.


  • Right on the right eye - to wealth, good luck. Such people are minions of fate. They are able to succeed often in a deliberately lost case.
  • Right on the eyeball, below - a sign of wealth, a high degree of sexuality.
  • On the left - poor health, even chronic diseases of the genitourinary system are possible. Therefore, you should carefully monitor your health, avoid infection. Separately, it should be said about the sexual life. Such people should not have many sexual partners, so as not to risk contracting sexually transmitted diseases.


  • On the right on the right eye - an unsuccessful family life, which will also be supplemented by poor health. Occasionally, such an arrangement can warn of a possible cardiovascular disease or pathology of the respiratory system in old age. By the way, this interpretation can be found in Ayurveda.
  • Bottom left on the left apple of the eye - happiness in marriage, pleasant chores. There is another designation - perhaps you will suddenly receive a large amount of money. It could be an inheritance or a prize.
  • Bottom left on the left apple - good luck.

You can believe or not believe in a similar interpretation of the location of moles on the face. And it is best to treat them as clues that can help. If a mole promises you a win or favor of good luck, this does not mean at all that it is time to quit your job and wait for the mercy of fate. It's just a reason to believe in yourself again. You should also not build a final opinion about a person, only based on the "tips" of his moles.