Why can't you hang a mirror in front of the front door. Where you can and cannot hang a mirror: Feng Shui tips What to do if the mirror hangs in front of the mirror

Every person at least once in his life, but heard that it is not recommended to put a mirror in the bedroom opposite the bed. Unfortunately, few people think about all the consequences and neglect such advice from our ancestors. You can’t blindly think only about the beauty of housing and neglect the advice of the ancestors, who created all the signs from their own experience. It is important to think about such advice, since not only your fate, but also your life may depend on it.

Why you shouldn't have a mirror in your bedroom

Many people cannot afford to buy a spacious apartment or a large house, so they start using mirrors to increase the space in the house. But few people think about the fact that this is a very bad idea. Our ancestors were convinced that mirrors play a negative role in our lives. Since the old days, only bad properties were attributed to them. Ancient people believed that mirror surfaces were portals to other worlds. Sorcerers and witches used mirror attributes to summon otherworldly spirits into our world.

In the modern world, there is such a belief as to constantly close the mirrors if there is a dead person in the living room. This is justified by the fact that in the mirrors the soul of a dead man can get lost and never find peace. If such an unpleasant situation happens, then the spirit will constantly disturb the residents of the house and not give them a quiet life. Psychologists and interior specialists are convinced that negative energy can be reflected from such objects, which is released during sleep. Thus, you can never get rid of it, as it will be reflected from the piece of furniture, and again fall into your body.

Why can not be placed near the bed

Signs about the mirror in the bedroom have always been very popular among mankind. Our ancestors came up with beliefs that forbid sleeping and reflecting in such interior items. The whole reason is that evil spirits can remain in the mirrors. When a person sleeps, he has no protection, so evil and hostile spirits can come out and spoil human life.

Many are convinced that such interior solutions can play a cruel joke. The reason is rather banal. When a person sleeps, the mirror will begin to take all his strength and energy from him. As a result, the person will wake up in a bad mood, and will not have the strength for important things. Drowsiness and loss of vitality are often felt. It is quite possible the manifestation of nightmares, and everyday problems. It is clear that such objects cannot be placed in front of the bed, so as not to harm yourself.

What do signs say

It is not recommended to install a mirror in the bedroom opposite the bed for several reasons. Now it is necessary to disassemble each of them in order to fully study all the subtleties of such a sign. The first sign is that astral projection does not return to the personality. Few people know, but during sleep a person loses his astral soul. If there is a mirror in front of the bed, then the soul can get stuck in it and never return to its owner. This threatens the death of a person, because without a soul it is impossible to wake up.

The second sign says that a person can completely immerse himself in negative emotions. This is due to the fact that during your sleep, the mirror surface will pull out of you all the good things that happened during the day. Our ancestors believed that mirror surfaces are somewhat reminiscent of vampires that suck all positive emotions out of a person. As soon as a person wakes up, he will feel weakness, a general state of fatigue and will be in a bad mood.

The third sign is that the mirror opposite the bed can affect the fidelity of the spouses. Such an arrangement of the mirror surface will contribute to the fact that the wife and husband will begin to cheat on a friend. Our ancestors were convinced that mirror surfaces have negative energy. For this reason, they do not enhance the feelings of sleeping spouses, but only worsen them. If a broken mirror is located in the bedroom and you look into it, this will speed up the process of breaking family ties. There is another sign that suggests that the mirror surfaces near the bed can negatively affect a person. The thing is that lonely people should not sleep and be reflected in the mirror. This can serve to ensure that human loneliness will only intensify. Agree that few people like to be constantly alone.


Feng Shui mirrors: how to hang a Feng Shui mirror. Good Feng Shui apartments and houses. Natalia Pravdina

The meaning of mirrors in the bedroom

In the world there are a large number of different signs and superstitions. It is for this reason that many recommendations were invented that helped get rid of the negative impact of mirrored interior items. We can highlight the most common recommendations.

  1. Make sure that such an item does not display the front room door.
  2. Form is important. It is good to choose only a round shape. The thing is that the door always has a rectangular shape. Even in the other world there is such a rule. Rectangular objects cannot be placed, so if your room has a round mirror, otherworldly spirits will not be able to enter it.
  3. Always pay attention to the fact that only a new mirror is bought. Do not use old items. Experts do not recommend installing items with history. The thing is that it is never possible to find out who owned this item. Moreover, it is quite possible that someone died being reflected in this product. There are stories that mirrors negatively affected their owners, and they died.
  4. Hang a fabric on a reflective surface every night. It is best if it is made of non-illuminated material. Thus, you can protect yourself from all the bad things that happen without your knowledge during sleep.
  5. You can place a reflective object in the inside of the closet. It will be enough just to close the door, and you can sleep peacefully.
  6. Clean your mirror daily with cool water. This will remove all negative energy.

Can you really put a mirror in the bedroom? Yes, as long as you agree to comply with each of these requirements. Otherwise, you will have to abandon such an undertaking. Otherwise, it may negatively affect your life in general. It is important to remember that signs have the right to exist only if you are reflected only by a certain part of the body. If you can reflect to the full extent, then there will be no influence on you. For this reason, you should only choose mirrors with a large coverage area so that the dark forces cannot influence you.

Mirrors are an integral part of the interior nowadays. They are used not only for their practical purpose, but also as an independent art object. They decorate the doors of cabinets, of which they make up a variety of panels. However, mirrors should be treated with caution, because since ancient times they have been considered a link between this world and the other world.

Primitive magic warned to peer into your own reflection, as a ghostly double is capable of destroying a person, dragging him into the “mirror”. The ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks considered the mirror to be a magical object.

How should mirrors be positioned?

From the point of view of Feng Shui masters, mirrors are desirable home furnishing items. They help positive energy circulate around the apartment. It is best that the mirrors reflect something beautiful, then it doubles. If possible, it is desirable to hang a large mirror that would reflect the person completely, it is impossible ...

The mirror is the most amazing element of the interior: its possibilities are great. Such a reflective surface can "lower" the floor, slightly "raise" the ceiling, and even "push" the walls. Therefore, the mirror often serves as the main accent of the interior. It can be installed in different rooms, including in the hallway. Sometimes a mirror opposite the front door is even hung.

Of course, a controversy may begin over whether it is possible to hang a mirror in front of the front door. Supporters of Feng Shui believe that this should not be done. But if we consider this situation as a design move, then there seems to be nothing wrong with that.

Feng Shui

In general, Feng Shui literally means "wind-water" in Chinese. This practice originated several millennia ago, precisely at the time when most Eastern philosophical trends appeared.

Initially, the main idea of ​​​​Feng Shui was the harmony of the beginnings of Yin and Yang (hot-cold, darkness-...

Some people try to find answers to their questions with the help of various magicians, sorcerers, sorcerers. There were also prejudices: it turns out that one should sleep with one's head to the north, on the contrary, one cannot sleep in front of the front door, and so on. Many philosophical teachings, especially Eastern ones, specifically regulate the rules for placing mirrors in the house.

Beliefs of the peoples of the world associated with mirrors

The mirror is one of the most mysterious and enigmatic objects in everyday life of people. Since ancient times, various magical properties and qualities have been attributed to mirrors. With their help, divination rites were carried out in Rus'. But, of course, the greatest magical meaning was given in the cultures of the East and especially in the culture of ancient China. In particular, the ancient Chinese believed that the mirror symbolizes the night luminary - the full moon. The mirror is one of the indispensable attributes of the Sage.

In Japan, in the list of the emperor's treasures that were inherited, along with the samurai sword, ...

A glass surface that completely reflects the light falling on it, or, more simply, a mirror, has long become an integral part of our everyday life. It is used everywhere for interior decoration of premises, regardless of their functional purpose.

In addition to its main purpose, the mirror is often used for decorative decoration of walls, ceilings, furnishings, and so on. The bedroom does not do without it.

Here, this glass object can be found in various guises: a small mirror on the bedside table, mirrored cabinet panels, a dressing table, and so on.

However, many believe that such interior solutions have a negative impact on the physical and mental health of the occupant of the room. And although no instruction forbids doing this, most specialists and homegrown designers who develop room design sketches with their own hands refuse to use reflective glass surfaces.


Many people are concerned about the question of why the mirror should not be placed in front of the bed. In fact, everything is very simple. A person sleeping in such a room can become restless, irritable.

Many scientists are still arguing about the existence of the looking glass. People read literature about mirrors with pleasure and try to observe all the customs associated with them.

It turns out that you can’t sleep in a room in which there are mirrors. Or rather, it is impossible for sleeping people to be reflected in the mirror. This can be very dangerous. This is what most psychics think.

If there is a mirror in the bedroom, then it should be closed. For example, it is allowed to place a dressing table or a wardrobe with a mirror on the inside of the door in the room. When people sleep, their soul is able to travel around the room. Many modern esotericists believe so. If there is a mirror in the room, then there is a high probability that a person will fall into the looking glass. This...

In one very rich house, the hostess hung a mirror opposite the mirror. Both are large in size. She loved to admire herself in the endless corridors of the reflector.

She herself, beautiful by herself, the woman did not know that this could not be done.

Once, when she once again clung to the mirrors, one of them crashed with a crash, and the fragments flew right in her face.

This was the last vision of a woman, and her beauty turned into a nightmare.

Hanging a mirror in front of the mirror - no matter in which room, you create an astral, into which, like a trap, a wandering spirit falls, dreaming of getting back.

He rushes about in the infinite Universe of the subtle world, invisible to the human eye.

Wanting to find flesh, from the "kingdom of mirrors", he penetrates into the one who is between them.

That legend, which I told, was discovered on the Internet.

Is there any other reason to avoid the effect of...

on one of the trips at the sale, I bought a used table mirror, very nice. Everything is fine.
tell me how expedient it is to put a mirror in the career zone and have a dressing table in the house in general.
I read a lot of literature on this subject. I often clean the mirror with a church candle. Its right and left wings look at each other, thereby forming a mirror corridor - but meanwhile they do not reflect anything else - there is nothing else in the corner.
maybe move it somewhere else - there is no place in the kitchen.
I don't know how to insert a photo of this mirror here
Thank you
Layla ***************
and here is what I read in the mirrors

Do not hang a lot of mirrors in the house. The looking-glass world can be very dangerous....

How should mirrors be placed in the apartment? Mirrors are often used in small apartments to correct layout flaws, visually expand the space and increase sunlight. But according to Feng Shui traditions, mirrors are designed to take care not only and not so much about the visible part of the layout, but about the correct flow of qi energy, the “white” life energy in the apartment.

Mirrors and hallway

Feng Shui pays special attention to the hallway, since this is the way we (and the qi energy) get into the house. In no case should you place a mirror directly opposite the entrance, since in this case the energy will immediately leave the house. The mirror is best hung on the side to reflect living spaces, or at an angle to redirect the chi energy into the rooms. In our apartments, the bathroom is often located next to the hallway, so the energy immediately "leaks" through it. A mirror hung on the door will help correct this situation ...

amaze with their incomprehensible duality of the world. On the one hand, this
a material object, and on the other hand, an intangible reflection, a phantom.
Mirrors are:
- a tool that introduces a person into an altered state of consciousness,
- an optical device that helps to see the images of the subtle world,
- a device that allows the images that arise in the mind of one person to become available to other people.
From the history of mirrors
In Chinese tradition, the mirror was considered to banish evil, for the evil that
looks in the mirror and sees his ugliness, terrified. On social
on the plane it symbolizes loyalty, and on the spiritual it is an attribute
A sage who manifests his mind in the manner of a mirror.
In Japan
the mirror (yata-no-kagami) plays a primary role: it is one
from the imperial treasures along with the throne, the sword and the Three Pearls,
symbols of three...


Regardless of the size of the apartment and the number of rooms, any apartment type dwelling provides for a corridor or hallway. It can be a small corner between the bathroom and the wall of the neighboring apartment, a long and narrow room with rooms on both sides of it, or a fairly decent room with dimensions of 3x3 meters or more. In such rooms, they usually do not plan to install a large number of pieces of furniture, except for a closet, shoe cabinets, a chest of drawers and, of course, a mirror. The owners can arrange this few furniture at their own discretion and ergonomics. Knowledgeable people who are familiar with Feng Shui techniques and other folk signs ask the obligatory question: “Is it possible to hang a mirror in front of the front door?” Connoisseurs and folk signs give a negative answer to this question, and here's why. When mounting the front door and mirrors against each other, you cannot stop the flow of positive energy. With this arrangement, they will leave ...

Reflective surfaces are able to reflect and attract, visually reducing or increasing the space. It can be said that they have the ability to redistribute energy flows, both favorable and unfavorable.

Therefore, mirrors can bring both benefit and harm. So, their placement in the house should be given special attention.

Where from the point of view is not a suitable place for a mirror?

  • Opposite the front door. It is strictly forbidden to hang a large mirror here. In this case, all the favorable Qi energy will be reflected and go back. And our goal is to attract positive energy into the house, and not repel it.
  • In the bedroom, if it reflects sleeping people. Placing mirrors in this way can cause infidelity in a relationship. The so-called mirror ceilings are especially unfavorable. If the bed and the people sleeping on it are not reflected, then this is quite acceptable.
  • There is also nothing good in mirrors facing each other. It is believed that such placement adversely affects mental clarity, leading to rash acts and instilling fears and other gloomy emotions in the residents of the house.

The best places for a feng shui mirror

  • For example, if the hallway in the house is cramped, and more space needs to be added, then there is just a place for beautiful mirrors. After all, it symbolically expands the space! Rotate it accordingly - and the hallway will acquire the missing volume. But at the same time, do not forget that the front door should not be reflected!
  • If the front door, bedroom or living room is opposite the bathroom, then the so-called "toilet Sha" appears. In other words, everything good - money, health and relationships are "under attack". Here, the mirror will be able to partially correct the situation - place or hang it in such a way that the toilet bowl along with the cistern is fully reflected in it.
  • In long corridors where Chi energy accelerates and turns into harmful Sha, installing mirrors will help slow down the sharp flow.
  • In Feng Shui recommendations, a mirror is sometimes used to symbolically complement the missing sector in irregularly shaped apartments. This allows you to partially mitigate the disadvantage of the missing zone in the house, but only partially.

In any case, there is a mirror in a good or bad place, it should not be broken and cracked. There is a sign that this promises misfortune. From the point of view of Feng Shui, there is also nothing good in such defective mirrors - it is better to throw them away immediately.

Mirror tiles have a similar effect, as the reflective surface is divided into many fragments. Objects reflected in this way are symbolically divided into parts, which is not very good.

A piece of furniture familiar to us has amazing properties that most of us are not even aware of.

Mirrors can amazingly adjust the surrounding space, making it harmonious, and just as well bring chaos if they are not positioned correctly. In feng shui, they are also used to attract additional energy, block and correct the movement of qi energy in rooms.

To begin with, let us denote taboo presented to this subject in Feng Shui.

It is important to remember that mirrors symbolically double everything they reflect.
Therefore, you do not need to place mirrors where there is a mess and something that has an unsightly appearance. If the mirror reflects a street garbage dump or a shabby door to the next room, then consider that you also have a garbage dump at home, and there are two shabby doors in your apartment.

In no case should you use broken and cracked mirrors in the house. They must be thrown away immediately.

The same goes for mosaic mirrors and mirror tiles. If your bathroom has mirror tiles - it's bad, if the same thing in the hallway - it's very bad, worse can only be mirror tiles in the bedroom.

In no case should mirrors be placed opposite the front door and opposite the bed. This taboo is especially true for the bedroom of the spouses. It is believed that a mirror located opposite the matrimonial bed can provoke infidelity.

And if the mirror is located opposite the front door, then the energy entering the house is sent back like a boomerang. And our main task is to attract beneficial energy into the house, and not to block it.

It is very unfavorable to place mirrors opposite each other, since it is believed that the mirror corridor formed in this way takes away the clarity of thinking, leads to rash acts and instills fear and depression in the inhabitants of the house.

If a large mirror is located opposite the workplace in the office, which reflects the desktop, then symbolically it doubles the amount of work. And if there is such a workplace in your office, then you should notice that its owner is more often than others late at work and it is difficult for him to cope with all his duties.

Mirrors are believed to have memory. Of course, this memory is different from ours, but it is much more powerful than the ability of any other object to store information about the past. Therefore, you need to be very careful with antique and antique mirrors. If you don't know the history of the mirror, treat it with great care. Try to feel how it makes you feel. And do not be afraid to part with a thing that causes you negative emotions.

If you are the owner, for example, of an antique dressing table with an old mirror, then change the mirror itself to a new one. As a last resort, clean it with salt water and a candle flame.

In general, any mirror should be cleaned at least once a week. If in your house or office there are often unpleasant people, quarrels and conflicts are frequent, wash or wipe the mirror every day, as energy dirt sticks to it most quickly.

You can put a candle next to the mirror and light it periodically, taking into account the influence of the Flying Stars.

According to Slavic beliefs, a mirror located opposite the dining table is wrong, but in Feng Shui it is good, provided that a beautifully served and rich table is reflected there.

It is desirable that at least one mirror in the house be large enough to reflect all family members to their full height and at the same time you do not have to bend over to see your reflection. But you do not need to have a lot of mirrors at home.

Traditionally, in Feng Shui, mirrors are used to symbolically complement the missing sector of the house when it has the shape of an incomplete rectangle.

In some cases, mirrors are powerful activators to attract energy of the right quality to a particular sector of the house.

In long corridors where the chi energy accelerates and becomes aggressive, mirrors are used to slow down the flow of chi.

To change the trajectory of the energy entering the room, mirrors are also used, placing them accordingly. In this case, it must be remembered that the mirror in this case plays the role of an object that attracts a flow of energy and reflects it.

. In Feng Shui, in some cases, they use bagua mirror . This is a round mirror in a frame in which trigrams are depicted in a circle. This is a very powerful Feng Shui accessory, which is used to reflect the unfavorable external environment, for example, a cemetery, a construction site, or any other object that carries sha energy.

But this item must be used very carefully, as the reflected energy can be redirected to where it is not expected at all. For example, to a residential building, the residents of which will receive a portion of negative energy reflected from an unfavorable object.

The Bagua mirror can only be hung outside the house, but in no case inside, and it is imperative to observe the moral aspect of using this accessory.

However, it should be borne in mind that most of the Bagua mirrors sold in souvenir shops do not have the power attributed to them, since most of them are not even a mirror per se. It will be more effective to reflect negative qi using an ordinary mirror, especially a convex one, pointing it at the sha object.

There are many other ways to use the power of mirrors to achieve any goals, for example, very often mirrors are used for magical rituals, for predictive practices.

If you are not a magician or a medium, then it is enough to follow these simple rules to make mirrors your helpers, and not insidious destroyers.

Where did this belief come from?

Even our grandmothers were extremely careful and careful with mirrors, and it didn’t even matter what faith or culture a person considered himself to be, because a mirror was a kind of object for almost all religions, peoples and cultures of the world. There was a firm rule - a person who is sleeping should not be reflected in the mirror. Where did this belief come from?

In fact, there are many reasons for the occurrence of this sign. Firstly, it is believed that the astral spirit that flies out of the bodies of people during their sleep can be drawn into the looking glass, from which it is sometimes impossible to get out. Secondly, there is an opinion that it is mirrors that “suck out” a person’s potential and positive energy, which subsequently negatively affects a person’s health and well-being. It is said that such people often suffer from insomnia, and also feel bad even after a long sleep, become nervous and irritable.

It is for these reasons that it is advised to remove mirrors from bedrooms or hang them up so that during sleep a person can fully relax, recuperate and relax.

In addition, at night it is not very pleasant to see your reflection in the mirror: chiaroscuro plays unpleasant games with us, scaring people, creating terrible images and ugly pictures.

They also say that it is the reflection of the marital bed in the mirror, as it were, that attracts possible betrayal. The situation is aggravated even more if the front door to the bedroom is also reflected in the mirror. Many people consider all these beliefs to be stupid myths that have no logical justification. Nothing prevents a large number of people from falling asleep near the mirror, they sleep well and do not complain about either health or adultery. If so, then probably the mirror will not be a hindrance to you in the future.

However, few people argue that mirrors are able to “absorb” old energy, old quarrels and troubles, and retain negative emotions. It is for this reason that when consecrating a room, special attention is paid to old mirrors.

Christians believe that mirrors must be closed in the house where a person died and not opened until 40 days from the date of death, that is, until the soul of the deceased person leaves the Earth. It is necessary to close the mirrors so that the soul of the deceased is not reflected in the mirrors after death and does not frighten the residents of the apartment.

If we consider the sign of the ban on sleeping near a mirror from the standpoint of old Russian traditions, we can recall that most Christmas fortune-telling was associated with mirrors, people also believed that it was impossible to look into a broken mirror. Grandmothers said that even breaking a mirror means being unhappy for 7 years. Pregnant women, as well as women after childbirth or menstruation, were not recommended to show off near mirrors for a long time, since their magical powers could be stronger than a weakened female body. Old Russian signs explained why it was impossible to sleep near a mirror. They talked about the fact that at night a double lives in the mirror, which can steal the soul during sleep.

According to the signs of Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese science, a mirror is considered an energy vampire that can quickly deprive a person of his energy. According to Feng Shui, it is not recommended to place a mirror near the bed, as it will reflect the corners in which, according to legend, evil spirits lurk.
It is also impossible to put mirrors opposite each other, thus forming a mirror corridor for evil spirits.

Of course, most of these signs are just myths, however, it is up to you to decide whether to believe in them or not. The main thing is to smile more often near the mirrors so that only the positive energy of your kindness is preserved in them.