How to own water at home. Management of the elements of water, air, earth and fire. Water element control

How to learn to manage water?

How to learn to manage water?


From time immemorial, people believe that water carries a certain magical power, full of incredible energy. Water brings with it not only goodness in the form of irrigation of the earth, fresh water necessary for man, but also destruction in the form of floods, floods, etc. Mankind both worships the power of water and fears it. Therefore, many people think that in order for water to be only a friend of a person, you need to make friends with it and learn how to manage it.

But how can this be done?

How to make friends with water?

When you want to get to know a person better and establish a good relationship with him, you try to spend as much time together as possible and learn more about him. The same should be done with water. Spend more time near the water. Watch her behavior in different places, try to hear her, feel her rhythm. In a word, try to relax and feel like water.

Try not to think about the environment, but just get into the rhythm and be the flow of nature.

It is very good if you spend this stage not just in the bathroom, but in a river, lake or sea, where the water is really alive and full of various energies.

Getting Water Energy.

To absorb the energy of water, to feel it, you need to be in the water. Try to mentally imagine yourself as water, waves, every drop that penetrates all the depths of the world, which dissolves minerals and saturates plants.

As soon as you become imbued with the essence of water, become it, then it will transfer its energy to you. You will understand this by your mood and inner inspiration.

Preparation for water management.

Now that you have learned to feel the water, you can move on to more active actions. But do not rush and run to a large accumulation of water to start changing it. Just enough tap water for now.

Go to the sink, open the water and try to feel the flow of water. To do this, close your eyes and trust your inner feelings.

Now move on to the bathroom. Pour water and lie down. Close your eyes again and imagine that you are the water. Break the calmness of the water with the movement of your hands and try to be in the same rhythm, one wave.

In the warm season, go to the river. Now try to feel even greater power of water. However, don't go too deep, lest you get carried away when you relax. You just need to go up to your knees and sit down.

Now let's try how much you have made friends with water and it is ready to succumb to you.

I warn you right away that you should not count on a quick result. You may have to do the next step for several days, or maybe weeks.

Pour water into a basin. Now, remembering that you are part of the water, and relaxing, slowly lower your palm to the water, lightly touching it. Do this again and again, spending more than one hour. And when the water is ready to receive you, you will see how it bends under your palm.

If this happens, you are on the path of patronage over water.

We manage water.

Pour water into a bowl and stand over it. Relax, throw all thoughts out of your head and feel like water. Place your palm above the water and try to feel its vibration, its "breath". Do this several times. Now ask the water to follow your movements. Smoothly make movements over the water and soon it will begin to bend in the way you direct it.

Let the temperature change be the next request. Just bring your palms to the water and connect your thoughts with the water.

Through time, through tons of patience and desire, you can even turn water into steam or ice. Just believe and feel!

And remember that water absorbs the energy of the surrounding world. If you try to manage water saturated with bad energy, then you may not succeed, she will be angry, upset. But if you keep a favorable atmosphere near her, then she will quickly succumb to your requests.

Magic, which is increasingly entering our lives, is based on the ability to control the elements. If earlier, when people led a natural life, it was completely natural, now you need to learn anew. Progress has played a cruel joke on humanity. Hiding among the “comfort”, we have completely forgotten how to understand and hear nature, and therefore, to use its natural capabilities.

A little about the elements and abilities

Fortunately, this is fixable. At the genetic level, everyone has the ability for such control. You just need to try to remember them. Believe me, it is much more difficult for a person who learns to walk again after an operation than for someone who has decided to regain his natural abilities.

There are four elements in nature: earth, water, fire and air. They are completely different. But there is one rule: you need to work with them according to the same principle, based on knowledge and respect. That is, in order for nature to hear you, it is worth letting her know that you feel and respect her. Let's talk about each in more detail.

Water element control

This medium is very powerful. If a small stream can cause calmness, then a huge ocean gives rise to fear. This cannot be allowed. Remember the basic principle: you recognize and respect, she submits. It means that between you and the elements (any) there is no aggression, negativity. It turns out that the fear of water can break the connection, prevent your desire from coming true.

The element of water is used if a person wants to control his patience, flexibility of thinking, determination and so on. To manage water, you need to “communicate” with it as much as possible. Do exercises, swim, talk to her. Everything can be beneficial. But, do not forget that the main test will be communication with the "big water". If you do not feel fear, then she will submit to you. You can check the contact in a very simple way. Pour water into a glass. Look at her carefully. Give the command to warm up. If you feel a change in temperature with your hand, then the contact is complete!

How to control the element of air

This power helps to make the right decisions. Contact with her is possible only when you are absolutely honest with yourself. The air does not like omissions and conventions. In order to establish contact with this element, “air meditations” should be carried out. This is done as follows: they sit down in a minimum of clothing and try to feel the air with the entire surface of the skin. You need to breathe deeply and evenly. When this becomes easy, introduce elements of meditation. For example, imagine that you are the wind, fly wherever you want, and so on.

The element of fire and its use

pretty hard. She does not accept fear, does not like lies, like the previous ones. But there is still a small subtlety: the fire is very changeable. It will not be able to merge with you if you are static, that is, do not accept your every second change. Therefore, it is recommended to practice self-acceptance meditation. Then you need to look at the fire (let it be a candle) and merge with it.

After some practice, you will feel that he "hears" you. Make sure to capture the moment. It is necessary to immediately give a command, even the simplest one: turn left. You will see that this is exactly what will happen! When the first result is obtained, you need to continue working. If the “subtlety” is caught by the inner eye, it will go on easier.

How to learn to control the elements of the earth?

Let's not talk much about this power. It is quite static, difficult to master. It is used as the basis of life (which it is). In order to feel the earth, one must imagine it and place it “in the heart”. This meditation is not difficult. You should sit down calmly, imagine a globe in front of you and “introduce” it into your chest. At the same time, feel the feeling of love!

The described exercises are aimed at making friends with the elements. If it seems to someone that this is not enough to control them, then they are mistaken. The only condition that allows the magician to command these tremendous forces is complete, unconditional mental contact, which makes him - them. They merge into one. Those who truly desire to learn will understand themselves after a few trainings.

Without water, there would be no life on Earth, because it was in it that living organisms originated. This element is capable of much, so it is not surprising that it plays a huge role in magic. Many would like to subordinate it to themselves in order to gain power. Below will be described how to learn to manage water.

How to manage the water element

In order to learn how to manage the water element, it is necessary to accept the fact that it is a living substance, which should be treated with respect. Only in this case you will be able to achieve reciprocity, and you will be able to cooperate with her.

Feel one with the water

First you need to feel oneness with the water. It is recommended to spend more time with this element. At first, you will need to pour water into a container (jar, bowl, flask) and just look at it. During this exercise, think that you are part of it, there is no reason for you to be at enmity, on the contrary, you are destined to be only friends. Taking a bath or shower, washing your face, ask the water to give you healing, talk to it. You can also open the tap and tell the water about your problems, joys, tell her your secrets. This is how you build trust in each other.

After that, you can go to the river, spring, stream, lake and communicate with living water. Tell her that you admire her strength, idolize her and would like to befriend her. Surely she will give a sign that speaks of her positive attitude. It can be a ripple, a wave, or the stream will beat more intensely.

After that, you need to spend more time near lakes, rivers. Get in the water and trust it, let it carry you with the flow. You will experience an incomparable sensation.

Ask the water for help

When you achieve rapprochement with water, you can ask for help. Note, do not order, namely ask. After all, you are friends. You can make a request to this element: heal the disease, heal the wounds. You can also stop rain, flood, stop drought and so on. It is best to ask at the reservoirs, since it is there that the water is alive, but if this is not possible, then tap liquid is quite suitable.

Spell use

To take control of the water element, you can use various spells. There are several types of them. There are those that make the element obey you, and those that first bring you closer to it, after which you can ask it to complete a particular task. The second is preferable, since water can avenge the use of its power for selfish purposes, so it is better to be friends with it.

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Magic at home: learn the magic of water!

Many people dream of learning magic.

It turns out that an ordinary person may well learn the art of magic.

But, first, you need to understand that magic is not so much spells and rituals.

A person who wants to become a magician must change himself. Its goal is self-improvement and gaining wisdom.

After all, the very word "magic" means "wisdom."

To engage in self-improvement is to develop willpower, fortitude, the ability to concentrate on one specific thought.

It is very important for a magician to develop his intuition, to learn to feel people, to understand their thoughts. This is achieved through a highly developed imagination.

Self-improvement should become a habit.

Magic at home is possible if you acquire wisdom at the same time as working on yourself. It is useful for a future magician to study astrology, read books of predictions, study the magic of protection, learn how to make amulets and talismans. Books will tell about spells and conspiracies.

Usually, the magician chooses for himself the element that gives him strength and energy.

Many consider water to be such an element. Water is a special substance, which, according to scientists, has remarkable properties. Water is healed, conspiracies are made on it.

No wonder novice magicians want to know how to learn water magic at home.

It is important to know that in order for water to acquire the qualities necessary for the magician, you must first tune into the same wave with it, make friends with water. You need to constantly think about water, watch its jets, the flow in the river.

The next stage is to get energy from water.

To do this, you need to dive into the water. In the water you need to make rhythmic movements. You can also just sit near the pond. But, most importantly, you need to focus on the murmur of water, mentally dissolve in it. Concentrate your imagination and imagine how, together with water, you penetrate into the endless oceans and seas. Only by becoming part of the water, it will give its energy to the novice magician.

You can experiment with water.

Pour a small amount of water into a container and lower your palm, lightly touching the surface of the water. Raise your hand and lower again. Such exercises need to be done many times and more than one day. And soon the curve of the palm will appear on the surface of the water. That's the magic of water.

You can start casting water spells. She's already ready. To do this, water must be poured into a container and left for three days in a place where the sun's rays do not fall on it. During this time, all negative energy will come out of the water. Now you need to speak a conspiracy, a spell, a prayer on the water, that is, words that come from the heart.

In a conspiracy, be sure to name the person for whom it is spoken out. The plot should contain no more than five sentences. Such charmed water can be washed to remove a curse or evil eye. Or use it for drinking.

Those who study water magic should remember the following. Water does not tolerate envious and evil people. Becoming part of the water, you need to change yourself. Strong faith in the magic of water and in miracles - and then everything will work out!

Water is the very first element discovered by mankind. Residential settlements are based only where there is a source of water, this is the main condition for life.

Moreover, the human body is eighty percent water, so it is very difficult to overestimate the role of this element in human life. Without water, a person can live no more than three days. And, according to scientific research, life on our planet originated in this element.

Water magic is considered one of the most responsive elemental magic. Water is the primary element opposed to fire in the alchemical four.

Her symbol is an inverted triangle, which symbolizes a falling stream as opposed to a fiery rising pillar.

According to the Chinese Wu Xing system of elements, water is born from metal and nourishes wood. She also suppresses fire, and she, in turn, suppresses the earth.

Since ancient times, the water element has been considered feminine due to its softness and fluidity. The goddesses who ruled the reservoirs were called by the Slavs coastlines, and the spirits of the swamps were called mermaids. The great spinning goddess Makosh controlled the water sources, and to please her, the girls threw their own knitted yarn into the wells. Of the seasons, water governs autumn, and among the directions it corresponds to the west.

Water magic, basic properties

The water element governs emotions and feelings in human life. These are not ideas that are patronized by fire, but rather, relational aspects and everything related to intuition. Therefore, water magic is most often used in love spells. In addition, numerous legends about dead and living water, which can either kill a person or cure him and even resurrect him from the dead, have led to the fact that water magic is often used by healers and healers.

The negative aspects of the elements include such qualities as tearfulness, indecision, hesitation, idleness, deceit, excessive emotionality, changeable mood, secrecy and lack of persuasiveness.

How to master the magic of water, training and practice

Water magic training should start small. Increase the amount of pure water in your diet. To learn how to confidently control the elements, you should let it into your body as often as possible. It is best to drink unboiled spring water, but before drinking, make sure it is clean. Otherwise, your training runs the risk of ending in the hospital without really starting.

Along with this, imagine the phenomena and objects that you associate with water.

Daily replenish the list of such associations, this will help you learn to delve deeper into the essence of the elements and speed up learning.

After you have done these two exercises, you should get to know the elements better. A bath or pool will not work in this case; you will need a natural reservoir, river or lake. Dive into the water with your head, breathing through a straw. Let the waves rock your body and feel one with the elements. It is not difficult to pass this stage of learning, as the first fuzzy memories of being inside the mother emerge in memory.

After you have felt contact with the water element, it is time to continue your training with meditation on the element. Close your eyes and imagine that not eighty, but one hundred percent of your body is made up of clear, pure water. Imagine its coolness and moisture, let your body relax and take a comfortable posture while learning meditation. This exercise will help you learn to fully merge with the elements and control it more effectively.

Tools for controlling the element of water

Some internal forces to work with the elements may not be enough. You can strengthen your own abilities with the help of amulets and talismans.

Experienced magicians use the following magic items in spells and rituals:

  • An inscribed alchemical symbol of water or a protective Slavic pattern depicting waves;
  • Cups, bowls and cauldrons filled with water, or a card - in Tarot, water is controlled by the suit of Cups;
  • Figurines of fish, dolphins and undines;
  • Among the stones: aquamarine, blue topaz, citrine, moonstone, sapphire, pearls;
  • Incense: ambergris is best, lotus and myrtle also enhance spells well;
  • From plants - water lilies, chamomile, jasmine.

Rituals and spells of the water element

Water has cleansing and healing properties. Therefore, water magic is often used in various health spells and love spells. Also, the element of water is used to receive initiation into magical practices. Water can also be charged with positive thoughts, so that when it enters your body, it strengthens your health and improves immunity.

Even in the last century, scientists conducted an experiment that proved that water is able to absorb both positive and negative vibrations. They took two flasks with water and placed them in different rooms. Near one of the flasks, classical music was turned on, near the other, a recording of explosions and shooting. Then the water from both flasks was frozen. In the first, the crystals had a regular hexagonal shape, and in the second, their structure was disturbed.

How to make a water amulet with your own hands

An excellent talisman of the elements of water will be a pearl bracelet or a pearl necklace, which can be received as a gift from loved ones. You can choose other stones, as long as they are blue or light blue. In the manufacture of amulets, seafood is used: mother-of-pearl, shells, seahorses and "chicken gods" - pebbles with a through hole.

The chicken god "in itself is considered a strong amulet, especially if the owner found it himself on the seashore.

Also very popular are pendants in the form of a fish or a shell. It is best to make them from light silver or other white metal. Water "loves" silver, because it is not in vain that it is so strongly associated with the moon.