Kayak made of polypropylene pipes. Do-it-yourself PVC pipe boat: photo, video. Necessary Materials for PVC Boat

An original idea for the summer for lovers of water recreation. Without bothering with complex engineering calculations and without using expensive materials, make yourself a small boat. Perhaps such a vessel is not suitable for traveling by sea, or another vast body of water. But for fishing or recreation on the water, it will definitely come in handy.

This option is more like an Aleutian kayak. A kayak, like a kayak, has a hull closed on top, which protects the boat from flooding with water.

PVC kayak.

Connecting parts and assembling the body, as they say on the knee. PVC pipes were used to create the frame, and the joints were made with adhesive tape.
If you doubt the strength of the structure, then remember that tape wound in several layers cannot be broken.

In addition to pipes, you will need two to three large spools of wide adhesive tape.

The finished frame is wrapped with a waterproof tarpaulin, which is pulled together from above with almost improvised means. The kayak turns out to be quite strong and light, due to the flexibility of PVC pipes.

We lay a piece of plywood for the seat on the pipes.

The oars are assembled from a piece of pipe with a plywood blade fixed at the end. Even easier to do.

Canoe made of plastic pipes.

Another homemade floatation design, from instructables.com. Classical canoes were made in this way, though from other materials.

The frame is assembled from plastic pipes, using adhesive tape.
Waterproof fabric stretches over the body and is fixed with a strong cord.
Here, in fact, not even a fabric, but a durable polymer film.

For safety, large empty cylinders are fixed in the bow and stern, not less than five liters each. Also, be sure to wear a life jacket, especially if you have children on the boat.

And remember, such boats are still not intended for long walks, their place is no further than a few meters from the shore.
I would also like to add that such a boat is going to be assembled within a few hours. You can take pre-prepared parts with you to nature, and assemble the product on the spot.

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In the modern world, do-it-yourselfers have a lot of inexpensive materials from which you can make a boat with your own hands.

In this article we will look at how to make a homemade boat out of PVC pipes.

The easiest way to make a boat out of PVC pipes is to assemble the frame of a home-made swimming device with adhesive tape and stretch a plastic film on top.

This way of assembling a boat with your own hands is very simple and does not require any tools, except perhaps a knife or a saw for cutting plastic pipes to size.

Watch a video of making a homemade boat from plastic pipes and film.

As you can see, there are practically no difficulties!

But the test of this boat afloat.

I must say that the not too adequate swimming qualities of this home-made boat lie entirely on the assemblers' handiwork.

In fact, all home-made boats using this technology have lawyer Yegorov's kayak in their prototype.

Only he approached the production seriously and the result he got was an order of magnitude better. It all depends on you!

You can not wrap a homemade boat with a film, but use a banner fabric. This will help to avoid leakage, and the strength characteristics with a tight-fitting boat with a banner fabric will increase by an order of magnitude.

Drawings of PVC pipe boats

The easiest way to get a drawing of a homemade PVC pipe boat is to use a 3D editor. So, for example, for AutoCAD there are special libraries with plastic pipes, fittings and fasteners. Using it, you can get a drawing of almost any homemade PVC pipe boat.

The second type of homemade PVC pipe boats is the manufacture using large diameter pipes.

Here is a video of testing such a homemade boat

Here it is already necessary to approach the manufacture with great labor costs.

The video below shows the process of making such a boat in a garage.

To connect PVC pipes, you will have to purchase a special extruder or make it yourself.

However, making such a boat is only half the time. The second part of your time will be spent on equipping a homemade PVC boat made of pipes with fittings, as well as installing a transom and seats.

It is worth talking about the price.

The cost of making a homemade boat made of PVC pipes of large diameter with your own hands depends heavily on the size. So, for example, a home-made boat 2.5 meters long at a cost price will cost 5-7 thousand rubles. And for a boat 5 meters long, it will take from 8 to 9 thousand rubles, while in the store, the cost for boats of this size with a hard bottom starts from 38 thousand for 2.5 meters and from 50 thousand for 5 meters.

As you can see, the economy of making a homemade PVC pipe boat is very justified.

A do-it-yourself PVC pipe boat is a simple design. Its manufacture will cost quite inexpensively, but you can get a lot of pleasure in the summer swimming season. You can make such a structure from plastic materials on your own. It's not a difficult job.

PVC pipe is the most convenient option for designing products with your own hands. These products are perfectly fastened with glue or soldering.

Even when the boat is damaged during use, there is no need to be upset. Such a repair on your own will not be difficult. Using the same glue, they simply patch the damaged area.

To the above, it must be added that the construction of such a boat with your own hands is a very interesting job.

It's a good idea to first make patterns of reduced sizes, and glue such a design from ordinary plastic bags. With such work, you can “feel” the material, which means that working with full-scale dimensions will be much easier.

After working out the patterns, they are proportionally increased. Masters advise to check the compatibility of the blanks by completing the design in natural dimensions from polyethylene.

This, of course, will take extra time, but it's worth it. If any errors are made in the calculations, then this will be clear at the initial stage, and you will not have to spoil expensive materials.

A home-made boat made of PVC pipes confidently occupies a leading position among do-it-yourself crafts made from this material.

The home craftsman can turn the most ordinary plumbing blank into an original water craft on his own.

Work sequence:

  • Frame. PVC blanks, with a volume of at least 2.7 cm, are cut into four parts. Two two meters and a half each (for the upper part), and two with dimensions of 2.7 m (for the lower part). These pipes will serve as the supporting part of the structure.
  • Each end of these blanks should be cut at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Next, cuts are prepared slightly smaller with the following dimensions: 2 by 0.7 m, two by 0.6 m, two by 0.4 m and two by 0.35 m. These parts become supports for the boat frame.
  • The support pipes are attached to the frame. The ends of the blanks must be fastened tightly, otherwise everything will fall apart and go to the bottom. For fastening, you can use adhesive tape or epoxy glue. For reliability, you can drill holes in the tubes with a drill and fix the structure with copper wire.
  • A wooden board with holes is prepared and fixed on the bottom of the support frame. Plastic ties are used for fastening. The chair is attached to this board with the same fasteners.
  • After that, the frame is covered with a tarpaulin. It must be waterproof. It is laid diagonally, and all protruding places are wrapped in the inside. The tarpaulin is attached to the frame with plastic clips. If there are rings on the tarpaulin, then you can attach it to the frame after holes are made in it for this. All folds must be stretched as much as possible. This will prevent unnecessary resistance while moving through the water.


The keel made of a PVC pipe for a boat is used to endow the watercraft with increased stability. Most often, the keel is on options using an outboard boat engine.

The keel is installed so that its working part is in the bow area of ​​the floating aid. From amidships to the stern, the keel goes to "no".

Another advantage of installing a keel is that it partially raises the bow of the structure. And this, in turn, prevents splashes from entering the boat during a large wave.

Keel making

A homemade keel for a boat made of plastic pipe is simple. All the material that goes into work is durable, light weight and low cost. For a punt, such a keel is ideal.

For manufacturing, a four-section plastic profile is taken, which is used when assembling windows and window sills. Two sleeves made of foam rubber are put on it, which are used to insulate pipe materials.

For convenience, the keel is cut in half and, when connected, a PVC pipe (approximately 0.5 m in size) is inserted into the middle of the tetrahedron.

The keel of such materials does not get wet, does not emit toxic substances, and is not destroyed by exposure to the sun's rays.

Also, for flat-bottomed structures of the watercraft, you can also make a home-made floor (slan). For work, you will need four boards, about 0.9 cm thick.

The width of all pieces should be equal to the distance from the side parts of the structure. All these pieces are fastened with tightening plastic clamps.


The frame of the boat made of pvc pipes is the basis of the basics. The integrity of the structure will depend on its strength. How to build a frame correctly, you can find out on the provided videos.

If you approach this issue irresponsibly, then the constructed structure will fall apart at the first attempt to launch it into the expanses of water.

After detailed development and verification of the drawing, practical work on creating a frame can begin. You can fix the frame with the methods already proposed above, or you can use a soldering iron for plastic products to work.

Working with such tools is not difficult. Even a person who has no experience in this field can cope with these works. .

Buying for a one-time job in order to weld the frame, this tool is not recommended, justifying this with economic unprofitability.

It is better to use a rented device for attaching a frame made of plastic pipes. This service is offered by shops that sell soldering irons.

A frame made of blanks soldered with a soldering iron will last a long time. In addition, each joint of the frame will be characterized by high strength. So with your own hands you can make a very durable structure.

If any difficulties arise during work, then video materials will help to solve the problem of how to properly make a frame from PVC pipes.


Unlike a boat, which will take a little time to create, a PVC pipe boat cart is made quickly. It is intended for transporting a boat made of PVC pipes with an engine and adjacent cargo.

The presence of a trolley greatly facilitates the transportation of the boat. Having a do-it-yourself trolley, during transportation, you can do without outside help and stress.

On the provided photo and video clips, there is an opportunity to see various options for these mechanisms. After considering them, you can choose the most suitable option for building your own.

The dimensions of the trolley depend on the dimensions of the boat. And when calculating them, you need to keep in mind that the width of the cart should be such that the swimming facility is comfortably placed on it.

To create such a design with your own hands, you need to prepare a pipe with a volume of 32 mm. Experts recommend opting for products fiberglass reinforced.

You should also stock up on appropriate fasteners for pipes (couplings and crosses). You will also need a pair of wheels and a steel bar.

First, an axis is made of tubes with an inserted steel bar. Wheels are inserted on it and fixed with brackets. Further, a frame is made from the tubes, which is placed on supports above the axle.

On the frame, it is necessary to provide fasteners for the rope, with which the swimming device will be fixed on the trolley. That, in fact, is all the work.

Some more details

Now, how to make a boat out of pvc pipes is clear. This work will require a lot of patience, it will not take a short period of time, but in the end you can get great pleasure from such an addition to your rest in the open spaces as a great do-it-yourself boat.

For the convenience of swimming, you will need oars. They are also not difficult to make with your own hands. For this, not a thick PVC pipe is perfect.

It will take about two meters. Holes must be drilled at each end of the pipe. Then two strips 0.4 m long are cut out of acrylic.

These strips are attached to plastic tubes with self-tapping screws. Self-tapping screws are not advised to tighten very tightly, because acrylic can burst. And the lower part of the paddle is recommended to be slightly rounded.

For greater stability of the product, outriggers can be attached to its side parts. Their role can be played by two large plastic bottles on remote slats.

There are pluses in such an addition, for example, the formation of free space for storing the catch or any other trifles. But, there are also disadvantages in such a solution, it is a little more difficult to row on such swimming facilities due to lack of space.


A real fisherman does not give up fishing either in winter or in bad weather. When fishing in the summer, an awning can protect afloat from the scorching rays of the sun and from heavy rain afloat. With such protection, the river walk will not be hopelessly spoiled.

Fantasies our craftsmen do not hold. As soon as they do not use PVC pipes, both in the interior and in the summer cottage, even beds made of this material are assembled. There is a very original idea that we want to tell you about, it will be interesting for people who are fond of fishing, or just for those who like to spend time on the water.

You do not need any complex engineering calculations or any expensive materials, just take a plastic pipe and the boat is ready. Do not think that you can do big swims on it, or you can travel on it, for this it is not suitable. But for fishing on the river, or just for a ride, this boat is just right. This product can be called a kayak, as there is a great similarity. It has a completely closed hull, preventing water from entering the boat, like a kayak.

plastic kayak

In order to create the body of this product, you need to take ordinary PVC pipes, we will fasten them together with ordinary adhesive tape. Do not think that this design will not be strong. Try winding the tape up a few times and tearing it apart. It is clear that you did not succeed, and during assembly, tape in several layers will hold the connection perfectly. You will need three rolls of adhesive tape.

And so we assembled the frame, now it needs to be closed. To do this, we need a waterproof tarpaulin or an awning for PVC boats made of plastic pipes. When stretching a tarpaulin, we do not need any special materials, all this is done from improvised means. So, we got a very light and flexible boat, you can launch it into the water.

But before that, you need to make a seat. An ordinary piece of plywood is suitable for this, you can also adapt the seat from a broken chair.

We also make oars from a pipe and pieces of plywood, which we attach to the end of the plastic.

PVC pipe canoe

We present another, fairly simple canoe design. We will assemble the frame following the example of the first, also from a plastic pipe and adhesive tape. We take a tarpaulin or other fabric that does not let water through, and fasten it with strong twine. You can take not the material, but a polymer film, which is also good.

For greater safety, you need to fix five-liter cylinders at the bow and stern. The bottles must be empty. Before you go to ride on this facility, put on life jackets especially if you are bringing children with you.

Do not forget that these boats are not designed to swim far, it is optimal for her a few meters from the shore.

Boat made of plywood with a frame made of profiled pipes

This design is assembled very quickly, so you can take the blanks with you and assemble it right at the place of rest, so you don’t have to carry the finished product. Although it is light, it is still bulky. After you have rested, ridden, it can also be easily disassembled and brought home without much effort.

From this versatile material, you can assemble a lot of designs from a chair to a bookshelf.

Summer is coming and so is swimming season. It would be nice to make a simple boat using plastic pipes. It will take approximately one month to create such a boat, and a school swimming pool is suitable for testing it.

Step 1. Required materials

For boat:
plastic pipes (PVC) - 122.5 cm
plastic pipes (PVC) - 401.3 cm
wooden board - 1 × 0.5 m
plastic clips - 50 pcs.
adhesive tape - 2 rolls
foam block - 2 pcs.
foam rubber - 30 × 30 cm - 2 pcs.
nylon thread
chair - 1 pc.

For supports (optional)
wooden slats - 122 cm × 5 cm
bottles (for water) - 4 pcs.
Super glue
screws (for drywall) - 8 pcs.

For oars
aluminum pipe - 225 cm
acrylic sheet - 40×40 cm
bolts, nuts, washers - any size, 4 pcs.

Manufacturing instructions:

Step 2. Boat frame

For the frame of the boat, it is necessary to cut the plastic pipes into 4 parts: (for the upper part) 2 × 2.5 m, (for the lower part) 2 × 2.7 m. These parts are the supporting frame of the boat. Each pipe must be cut at a 45 degree angle.

For the supporting part of the frame, you need to cut 1.3 cm of plastic pipe into 2 × 70 cm, 2 × 60 cm, 4 × 35 cm, 2 × 40 cm. The photo shows how to cut the support pipes on each side to secure them.

For the manufacture of the frame, it is necessary to connect the ends of two cut pipes of 2.5 m each with adhesive tape. They are fastened tightly "face to face" so that the boat does not break and drown. You can also use epoxy glue to better hold the frame parts together.

It is necessary to drill holes in the top and bottom of the frame, and then connect them with copper wire.

Frame support tubes need to be added.

Step 3: Attaching the Chair and Foam

The wooden board must be fixed to the bottom of the support frame using plastic ties. To do this, it is necessary to drill several holes in it. Also, several holes must be drilled through the chair and boards, and the chair must be fixed to the frame with zip ties.

Step 4. Sheathing the frame

In order to cover the frame with a plastic awning, it is important to first make sure that it does not let water through. To begin with, the kayak is turned over, and then covered with a tarpaulin diagonally, all the extra, protruding parts are laid inside the boat.

The tarpaulin is fixed with tapes on both sides and fastened with plastic clips to the frame. If the casing is with rings, then they can also be fixed to the frame; for this, holes must be made on the frame.

To avoid unnecessary resistance during swimming, it is important to straighten the folds of the skin as much as possible.

The foam at the bottom is added after fixing the skin, but carefully so as not to spoil it.

Step 5. Making the oar
To make an oar, you need 2 meters of aluminum pipe, in which 2 holes are drilled from both ends, at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Cut out 2 pieces of acrylic measuring 20x40 cm and round off the edges.

Acrylic is fixed with nuts, bolts and washers, having previously drilled the appropriate holes on the pipe and plate. It is necessary to carefully and carefully tighten the nuts on the plate, because. acrylic may crack.

Step 6. Attaching the remote buoys
If the boat is unstable on the water, you can attach 2 bottles to the outriggers on each side. You can limit yourself to one side, also effectively.

The boat keeps well on the water, but it is difficult to row on it due to the lack of space for a rope, fishing line. Outriggers can serve as such additional storage space.

Step 7. First test
You can use the swimming pool for swimming.

As the test showed, the boat is very stable without outriggers, but it is very difficult to maintain balance at certain points.

Outriggers provide better stability. To shift the center of gravity, you can move the chair further from the bow of the boat, so the kayak will not tilt as much.

Thank you for your attention.
Time to go!

PVC is a modern material with a lot of positive qualities. It is quite inexpensive, light, strong, durable, resistant to different climatic conditions and environments. In addition, plastic pipes are easily and quickly connected, ensuring absolute tightness of the joints.

Due to this, the use of plastic pipes has gained wide popularity not only in the installation of water pipes and sewer systems. Of these, "craftsmen" make many useful "things" with their own hands, ranging from racks and drinking bowls to sledges and boats.

In this article, we will tell you about how you can quickly and inexpensively make a plastic catamaran (with your own hands.

Article content

Why a catamaran?

There are a lot of options for boats, as well as their purposes. For those who live near water bodies, and especially for those for whom overcoming a water barrier is a vital necessity, a catamaran is ideal. This type of vessel has many advantages. in front of kayaks, boats or yachts.

  • for the manufacture of catamarans from plastic pipes, a minimum amount of material is required. In addition, the remnants of a recent installation of a sewer or water supply may well be used;
  • the catamaran is light in weight, so it does not cause problems in matters of transportation;
  • due to the design features - two cylinders connected by a deck, such a craft has high seaworthiness, strength, reliability and sufficient speed;
  • the ability to accommodate the required number of seats;
  • any type of engine can be installed on a catamaran.

What is a catamaran made of?

The catamaran has a large number of design features, in comparison with other watercraft.

That is why you need to know in detail its components, before proceeding with the drawings and installation work.

  1. The first and most important part of a catamaran is the floats. These are two chamber structures located on the sides of the craft. Their immediate task is to keep the ship afloat. Cylinders can be made of different materials, limiting the outer perimeter of the float. To do this, use a film from which inflatable balloons, polystyrene foam or PVC pipes are made.
  2. Connecting frame. It can be made of any materials, ranging from the same plastic pipes to wood or metal. The lighter the frame of the catamaran, the smaller the floats can be.
  3. Deck. This part is created to accommodate passengers, luggage and other things that will be transported by water.
  4. Steering wheel. The rudder function of any watercraft is performed by an underwater blade, which is installed parallel to the movement for direct movement, and is bent in one direction or another with the help of a rotary handle brought to the deck to turn.
  5. Oars, pedals, motor or any other device that sets the catamaran in motion.

Vessel size calculation

The diameter of the floats, as well as the width and length of the vessel, depend primarily on where and how it will be operated. The larger the crew is supposed to be and the more cargo will be transported, the larger the size of the craft and the diameter of the floats should be.

It is possible to increase the carrying capacity of the vessel by increasing the cross section of the cylinders or their length. The decisive factor in this situation is the volume of air inside the cylinders.

Optimal parameters for calculating floats, based on the crew and carrying capacity are as follows:

  • a single catamaran should have a length of 2-3 meters with a cylinder cross-section of 0.3-0.4 meters;
  • for the manufacture of a double vessel, cylinders 3.5-4 meters long with a diameter of 0.45-0.5 meters are used;
  • three and four-seater boats have a length of up to 6 meters with a float diameter of 0.5-0.6 meters.

A catamaran with a length of more than 6 meters is not recommended, since it will lose its maneuverability almost completely. Although, if you are going to swim mainly in a straight line, there are no restrictions on the size of such a “boat”.

The larger the size of the vessel, the greater its maneuverability and stability, but less maneuverability. This applies to both its length and width.

The width of the catamaran, first of all, is determined by its purpose and the method of actuation. If you are building a catamaran for river rafting using the kayak principle, its width should not exceed 1.2 meters. Otherwise, the capture of water by oars becomes impossible. If it is planned to board rowers on cylinders, the width of the vessel can be increased up to 2 meters.

If the catamaran will be fishing or recreational and it is planned to be equipped with a sail, motor or blades with pedals, its width can be increased even more.

The width of the catamaran must be at least one and a half times less than its length.

Manufacturing procedure

To make a catamaran with your own hands, you need to decide on its purpose and, based on from this, calculate the dimensions. We will consider two options for the vessel: the simplest single-seater and a tourist raft based on a catamaran.

Single catamaran

We begin the manufacture of the simplest single-seat catamaran with the manufacture of floats. We take two pipes of the same diameter and length (based on the calculations above, we need plastic pipes for external sewerage with a diameter of 0.4 meters and a length of 2 meters). On one side of both pipes we fasten. This will be the back of the catamaran.

The front part, for greater patency and maneuverability, needs to be raised. To do this, we use two plastic knees with a bend of 120 degrees. We fasten them to the second end of the pipes and also close them with plugs.

When assembling cylinders, pay special attention to the tightness of the joints. The slightest depressurization can lead to the sinking of the ship in the water.

The floats are ready. You can start assembling.

To connect the floats into one "whole" catamaran, you can use anything. Suitable plastic pipes of small diameter, wooden bars, metal corners and more.

  1. We make cross-beams 1.2 meters wide from the material of your choice.
  2. We install the cylinders strictly parallel to each other so that the bends look up and in the same direction.
  3. We fix the transverse strips on top of the cylinders. For fastening, both clamps and self-tapping screws can be used, with which the transverse strips can be screwed to the floats for greater strength.
  4. We install any comfortable seat on the transverse beams, take the oars in our hands and row where we want.

Do-it-yourself single-seat catamaran made of plastic pipes (video)

tourist raft

The basic principles for the manufacture of these two boats with their own hands do not have much difference. The only difference is that the pleasure raft will obviously not be designed for one person. And even better, if it also fits a load in the form of provisions, an umbrella from the sun, clothing, dishes and other things.

  1. We make floats in the above way. But you should take a pipe with a diameter of 500-600 mm and a length of 6 meters. This will make it possible to make a stable and passable vessel, on which you can take a nap without worrying about the life of the crew.
  2. We make a solid frame measuring 6 * 2 meters. Since the frame must not only hold the cylinders in the correct position, but also serve as a platform for the deck, it is better to make it from metal corners.
  3. Clamps are tightened onto the pipes from which the floats are made, to which, in turn, the frame is attached with bolts.
  4. On the frame, flooring is made of boards.

This design allows you to install any propulsion device on the catamaran, from pedal-driven blades to gasoline engines.

In addition, such a platform allows you to fully sunbathe in the sun, catch fish, in general, have fun and fruitfully relax in a narrow circle of best friends.

PVC is a modern material with a lot of positive qualities. It is quite inexpensive, light, strong, durable, resistant to different climatic conditions and environments. In addition, plastic pipes are easily and quickly connected, ensuring absolute tightness of the joints.

Homemade catamaran made of plastic pipes

Due to this, the use of plastic pipes has gained wide popularity not only in the installation of water pipes and sewer systems. Of these, "craftsmen" make many useful "things" with their own hands, ranging from racks and drinking bowls to sledges and boats.

In this article, we will tell you about how you can quickly and inexpensively make a catamaran from plastic (polypropylene) pipes with your own hands.

There are a lot of options for boats, as well as their purposes. For those who live near water bodies, and especially for those for whom overcoming a water barrier is a vital necessity, a catamaran is ideal. This type of vessel has many advantages. in front of kayaks, boats or yachts.

  • for the manufacture of catamarans from plastic pipes, a minimum amount of material is required. In addition, the remnants of a recent installation of a sewer or water supply may well be used;
  • the catamaran is light in weight, so it does not cause problems in matters of transportation;
  • due to the design features - two cylinders connected by a deck, such a craft has high seaworthiness, strength, reliability and sufficient speed;
  • the ability to accommodate the required number of seats;
  • any type of engine can be installed on a catamaran.

What is a catamaran made of?

The catamaran has a large number of design features, in comparison with other watercraft.

The basis for the catamaran are plastic pipes of large diameter

That is why you need to know in detail its components, before proceeding with the drawings and installation work.

  1. The first and most important part of a catamaran is the floats. These are two chamber structures located on the sides of the craft. Their immediate task is to keep the ship afloat. Cylinders can be made of different materials, limiting the outer perimeter of the float. To do this, use a film from which inflatable balloons, polystyrene foam or PVC pipes are made.
  2. Connecting frame. It can be made of any materials, ranging from the same plastic pipes to wood or metal. The lighter the frame of the catamaran, the smaller the floats can be.
  3. Deck. This part is created to accommodate passengers, luggage and other things that will be transported by water.
  4. Steering wheel. The rudder function of any watercraft is performed by an underwater blade, which is installed parallel to the movement for direct movement, and is bent in one direction or another with the help of a rotary handle brought to the deck to turn.
  5. Oars, pedals, motor or any other device that sets the catamaran in motion.

Vessel size calculation

The diameter of the floats, as well as the width and length of the vessel, depend primarily on where and how it will be operated. The larger the crew is supposed to be and the more cargo will be transported, the larger the size of the craft and the diameter of the floats should be.

It is possible to increase the carrying capacity of the vessel by increasing the cross section of the cylinders or their length. The decisive factor in this situation is the volume of air inside the cylinders.

Optimal parameters for calculating floats, based on the crew and carrying capacity are as follows:

  • a single catamaran should have a length of 2-3 meters with a cylinder cross-section of 0.3-0.4 meters;
  • for the manufacture of a double vessel, cylinders 3.5-4 meters long with a diameter of 0.45-0.5 meters are used;
  • three and four-seater boats have a length of up to 6 meters with a float diameter of 0.5-0.6 meters.

A catamaran with a length of more than 6 meters is not recommended, since it will lose its maneuverability almost completely. Although, if you are going to swim mainly in a straight line, there are no restrictions on the size of such a “boat”.

The larger the size of the vessel, the greater its maneuverability and stability, but less maneuverability. This applies to both its length and width.

The width of the catamaran, first of all, is determined by its purpose and the method of actuation. If you are building a catamaran for river rafting using the kayak principle, its width should not exceed 1.2 meters. Otherwise, the capture of water by oars becomes impossible. If it is planned to board rowers on cylinders, the width of the vessel can be increased up to 2 meters.

If the catamaran will be fishing or recreational and it is planned to be equipped with a sail, motor or blades with pedals, its width can be increased even more.

Catamaran on oars

The width of the catamaran must be at least one and a half times less than its length.

Manufacturing procedure

To make a catamaran with your own hands, you need to decide on its purpose and, based on from this, calculate the dimensions. We will consider two options for the vessel: the simplest single-seater and a tourist raft based on a catamaran.

Single catamaran

We begin the manufacture of the simplest single-seat catamaran with the manufacture of floats. We take two pipes of the same diameter and length (based on the calculations above, we need plastic pipes for external sewerage with a diameter of 0.4 meters and a length of 2 meters). On one side of both pipes we fasten plastic plugs. This will be the back of the catamaran.

The front part, for greater patency and maneuverability, needs to be raised. To do this, we use two plastic knees with a bend of 120 degrees. We fasten them to the second end of the pipes and also close them with plugs.

When assembling cylinders, pay special attention to the tightness of the joints. The slightest depressurization can lead to the sinking of the ship in the water.

The floats are ready. You can start assembling.

Making a seat for a single catamaran

To connect the floats into one "whole" catamaran, you can use anything. Suitable plastic pipes of small diameter, wooden bars, metal corners and more.

  1. We make cross-beams 1.2 meters wide from the material of your choice.
  2. We install the cylinders strictly parallel to each other so that the bends look up and in the same direction.
  3. We fix the transverse strips on top of the cylinders. For fastening, both clamps and self-tapping screws can be used, with which the transverse strips can be screwed to the floats for greater strength.
  4. We install any comfortable seat on the transverse beams, take the oars in our hands and row where we want.

Do-it-yourself single-seat catamaran made of plastic pipes (video)

tourist raft

The basic principles for the manufacture of these two boats with their own hands do not have much difference. The only difference is that the pleasure raft will obviously not be designed for one person. And even better, if it also fits a load in the form of provisions, an umbrella from the sun, clothing, dishes and other things.

  1. We make floats in the above way. But you should take a pipe with a diameter of 500-600 mm and a length of 6 meters. This will make it possible to make a stable and passable vessel, on which you can take a nap without worrying about the life of the crew.
  2. We make a solid frame measuring 6 * 2 meters. Since the frame must not only hold the cylinders in the correct position, but also serve as a platform for the deck, it is better to make it from metal corners.
  3. Clamps are tightened onto the pipes from which the floats are made, to which, in turn, the frame is attached with bolts.
  4. On the frame, flooring is made of boards.

This is what a tourist raft might look like

This design allows you to install any propulsion device on the catamaran, from pedal-driven blades to gasoline engines.

In addition, such a platform allows you to fully sunbathe in the sun, catch fish, in general, have fun and fruitfully relax in a narrow circle of best friends.

Boat made of plastic bottles and PVC

Summer is coming and so is swimming season. It would be nice to make a simple boat using plastic pipes. It will take approximately one month to create such a boat, and a school swimming pool is suitable for testing it.

Step 1. Required materials

For boat:
plastic pipes (PVC) - 122.5 cm
plastic pipes (PVC) - 401.3 cm
wooden board - 1 × 0.5 m
plastic clips - 50 pcs.
adhesive tape - 2 rolls
foam block - 2 pcs.
foam rubber - 30 × 30 cm - 2 pcs.
nylon thread
chair - 1 pc.

Manufacturing instructions:

Step 2. Boat frame

Frame support tubes need to be added.

Step 3: Attaching the Chair and Foam

The wooden board must be fixed to the bottom of the support frame using plastic ties. To do this, it is necessary to drill several holes in it. Also, several holes must be drilled through the chair and boards, and the chair must be fixed to the frame with zip ties.

Step 4. Sheathing the frame

The tarpaulin is fixed with tapes on both sides and fastened with plastic clips to the frame. If the casing is with rings, then they can also be fixed to the frame; for this, holes must be made on the frame.

To avoid unnecessary resistance during swimming, it is important to straighten the folds of the skin as much as possible.

The foam at the bottom is added after fixing the skin, but carefully so as not to spoil it.

Step 5. Making the oar
To make an oar, you need 2 meters of aluminum pipe, in which 2 holes are drilled from both ends, at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Cut out 2 pieces of acrylic measuring 20x40 cm and round off the edges.

Acrylic is fixed with nuts, bolts and washers, having previously drilled the appropriate holes on the pipe and plate. It is necessary to carefully and carefully tighten the nuts on the plate, because. acrylic may crack.

Step 6. Attaching the remote buoys
If the boat is unstable on the water, you can attach 2 bottles to the outriggers on each side. You can limit yourself to one side, also effectively.

The boat keeps well on the water, but it is difficult to row on it due to the lack of space for a rope, fishing line. Outriggers can serve as such additional storage space.

Step 7. First test
You can use the swimming pool for swimming.

As the test showed, the boat is very stable without outriggers, but it is very difficult to maintain balance at certain points.

Outriggers provide better stability. To shift the center of gravity, you can move the chair further from the bow of the boat, so the kayak will not tilt as much.

Thank you for your attention.
Time to go!

Your own master

Homemade PVC pipes: a storehouse of ideas!

It is unlikely that PVC pipes, which are mainly used for drainage and sewerage, are somehow connected with creativity and creative ideas in your mind. But it’s time to start thinking differently, because with their help you can ennoble the storage system, organize your workspace, decorate your house before the holidays, decorate a wine bar, make a frame for a bed, and even make a table lamp.

Homemade plastic pipes are easy and simple. But all sorts of useful little things serve for a very long time, because plastic is not subject to corrosion and is resistant to various kinds of influences.

Shelves and racks are quite easy to assemble:

Country tables and chairs for outdoor use

Many people have a question: Is it possible to replace PVC pipes with polypropylene pipes?". You can use polypropylene pipes, only in this case we still need a soldering iron.

Advantages of PVC pipes:
- snow-white color;
- you can connect pipes with fittings with glue, or without it at all;
- if you do not use glue, then the structure will turn out to be collapsible, and like a LEGO constructor, you can use fittings and pipes to assemble other structures.
Of course, polypropylene pipes are deprived of these advantages.

Camping folding chair

The author of the idea, who is very respectful of music, as well as art in general, suggested creating original furniture from scraps of plastic pipes and other building materials. So, using pipes in the form of legs, and fixing glass on top, he got a magnificent coffee table. The basis for the chair was also parts of pipes, folded in the form of an organ, in combination with a soft top made of dense bags with foam crumbs inside. And what an exclusive bed.

What about a baby crib? In my opinion, it's just brilliant!

Children's bunk bed

The arena can be filled with balls and the joy of the baby will not be the limit. And the material for the manufacture of this arena is ideal - after all, polypropylene pipes are soft and the child will not hit if he accidentally falls on them.

Notebook Stand

Waste and dirty laundry basket

Clothes dryer made of PVC pipes.

Tell me, where do you dry your laundry and clothes in the country? And if you also have a pool, then this design is absolutely necessary for you to dry towels. Tight ropes are somehow already in the past. A little work and here's a clothes dryer made from improvised materials

holder for small things

Embroiderers are also not forgotten: an embroidery frame and a loom.

Please have a mini bar at your service

And some beauty:

Everyone was outdone by fans of creative lamps:

Our smaller brothers are not forgotten either:

dog bed

And here the sewer pipes went into action. And the cat can mumble at any time.

Do-it-yourself bird aviary from plastic pipes

Suspended swing for giving

Fences and barriers made of plastic pipes

Grating grate made of plastic pipes that will always have a pleasant appearance.

From plastic pipes you can assemble hydroponics, you can use any pipes (including sewer)

Collapsible outdoor tents and tents made of plastic pipes

A greenhouse made of PVC pipes will serve you for many years, it does not need to be painted, and it will not rot or rust, as is usually the case with greenhouses made of wood and metal.

It is most expedient to make a greenhouse from PVC pipes, giving them an arched shape, since this design eliminates sagging of the film and increases its service life. A home-made greenhouse made of PVC pipes can be covered with both plastic wrap and polycarbonate. Such greenhouses are not suitable for all-season use, but they are quite suitable for early spring and late autumn cultivation of berries, vegetables and herbs.

Or make a chicken pen

Having attached, wheels we will receive rather convenient carts.

Children's car made of plastic pipes

Canopies for cars from plastic pipes

As you can see, plastic pipes can be used in any industry (and not just for their intended purpose), and where exactly to use them depends on your imagination.

Kayak from improvised means

In the first year of university, my friend and I decided to make a boat. No sooner said than done, after about a month the ship was ready, and we even managed to test it in the university pool 🙂

The boat turned out to be surprisingly successful, because I could stand in it, and at the same time it did not turn over 🙂

Step 1: Materials

Step 2: Making the frame of the boat

The base of the case is made of 4 PVC tubes with a diameter of 2.5 cm, two upper and two lower. The length of the upper 2.5 m, the length of the lower 2.7 m. In order for the pipes to be connected to each other in a quality manner, the ends of the pipes must be cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

These were longitudinal pipes, but we also need transverse ones - stiffeners. 2 x 70 cm, 2 x 60 cm, 2 x 35 cm, and 2 x 40 cm. Each end of each pipe must also be processed, or rather, “legs” should be made from it (see photo).

We return to the main body. We connect two 2.5 m pipes together and fasten with adhesive tape. It is very important to glue them firmly, otherwise the boat will fall apart and sink. If you have glue on hand, you can use that too.

Then we connect the upper pipes with the lower ones, for this we make holes at the ends of both and fasten the pipes with copper wire.

The next step is to attach the cross pipes. I think it is much easier to understand the scheme of their fastening just by looking at the photo, plus I have attached a scanned copy of the drawing of the boat.

Step 3: Fasten the Chair and Styrofoam

You have to sit in the boat somehow, right? Therefore, we need to install a chair, which we will do.

To begin with, let's take a furniture board, which will be the bottom / floor, make holes in it, attach the board to the transverse pipes of the frame. After that, we attach a chair to it, it can be on self-tapping screws, or on plastic holders (I don’t remember their scientific name) as we did. We have an empty place under the wooden bottom, put a piece of foam there, and fix it with glue - the foam will add buoyancy to the boat.

Step 4: Shape the Boat and Humanize it

The backbone is ready, you can pull a tarpaulin over it. Make sure that your tarp is waterproof so that there is no unexpected incident on the trip 🙂

To prevent the boat from looking like a slop pail, you need to smooth the tarp as carefully as possible. Ideally, perhaps, for a more aesthetic look, it would be better to use a few old raincoats instead of a tarp, but we didn’t have those, and buying new ones is not budgetary.

Step 5: Make the oars

Step 6: Attaching the Stabilizers

Step 7: Launching the boat

Our coach allowed us to test the boat in the university pool, which we did. At first we tried to ride it without stabilizers, but the design turned out to be very unstable, it took a lot of effort to maintain balance.

With stabilizers, everything is much simpler, you can stand in the boat and it does not roll over. And one more note - we placed the chair too far from the center, the boat turns out to be too heeled, so if you repeat our experience, it's better to place the chair in the center.

Do-it-yourself PVC pipe boat: photo, video

Fantasies our craftsmen do not hold. As soon as they do not use PVC pipes, both in the interior and in the summer cottage, even beds made of this material are assembled. There is a very original idea that we want to tell you about, it will be interesting for people who are fond of fishing, or just for those who like to spend time on the water.

You do not need any complex engineering calculations or any expensive materials, just take a plastic pipe and the boat is ready. Do not think that you can do big swims on it, or you can travel on it, for this it is not suitable. But for fishing on the river, or just for a ride, this boat is just right. This product can be called a kayak, as there is a great similarity. It has a completely closed hull, preventing water from entering the boat, like a kayak.

plastic kayak

In order to create the body of this product, you need to take ordinary PVC pipes, we will fasten them together with ordinary adhesive tape. Do not think that this design will not be strong. Try winding the tape up a few times and tearing it apart. It is clear that you did not succeed, and during assembly, tape in several layers will hold the connection perfectly. You will need three rolls of adhesive tape.

In addition to pipes, you will need two to three large spools of wide adhesive tape

And so we assembled the frame, now it needs to be closed. To do this, we need a waterproof tarpaulin or an awning for PVC boats made of plastic pipes. When stretching a tarpaulin, we do not need any special materials, all this is done from improvised means. So, we got a very light and flexible boat, you can launch it into the water.

But before that, you need to make a seat. An ordinary piece of plywood is suitable for this, you can also adapt the seat from a broken chair.

We also make oars from a pipe and pieces of plywood, which we attach to the end of the plastic.

PVC pipe canoe

We present another, fairly simple canoe design. We will assemble the frame following the example of the first, also from a plastic pipe and adhesive tape. We take a tarpaulin or other fabric that does not let water through, and fasten it with strong twine. You can take not the material, but a polymer film, which is also good.

The frame is assembled from plastic pipes, using adhesive tape.

For greater safety, you need to fix five-liter cylinders at the bow and stern. The bottles must be empty. Before you go to ride on this facility, put on life jackets especially if you are bringing children with you.

Do not forget that these boats are not designed to swim far, it is optimal for her a few meters from the shore.

This design is assembled very quickly, so you can take the blanks with you and assemble it right at the place of rest, so you don’t have to carry the finished product. Although it is light, it is still bulky. After you have rested, ridden, it can also be easily disassembled and brought home without much effort.

From this versatile material, you can assemble a lot of designs from a chair to a bookshelf.

Do-it-yourself PVC pipe computer desk

A boat made of pipes with your own hands is made with minimal cash costs and in a fairly short period of time. The finished boat can be used for walking in natural waters, fishing and so on. How to make a boat yourself? What materials will be required for the construction of the structure? Answers next.

Homemade boat made of plastic pipes

Design choice

From plastic pipes you can make:

  • an ordinary single or double boat (picture above);
  • a catamaran-type boat that can be propelled by an oar, a small motor or a pedal drive.

Paddle boat type catamaran

The advantages of a catamaran over a conventional boat are:

  • the minimum amount of materials. A catamaran made of PVC pipes can not be sheathed, not equipped with a keel and other structures that ensure comfortable use;
  • light weight, which facilitates transportation;
  • strength and reliability achieved due to the balance of the craft;
  • the ability to develop high speed;
  • the ability to install multiple seats.

Catamarans, unlike conventional boats made of pipes, can be equipped with small motors, which will increase ease of use.

Making a catamaran

To make a homemade catamaran-type boat with your own hands, you need:

  1. develop a design drawing;
  2. prepare materials and tools;
  3. assemble the structure.

Preparation for the manufacture of a catamaran type boat

To ensure the maximum level of safety when using a homemade boat, it is necessary at the first stage to develop design drawings and determine the overall dimensions of the boat.

Its size depends on factors such as:

  • number of seats;
  • control method.

If you plan to build a single boat, then its length should not exceed 1.5 - 2 m. Double boats can be made 3.5 - 4 m long. greater length, then the indicator of maneuverability will decrease and the complexity of control will increase.

The width of the boat when choosing a rowing method of control should not exceed 1.2 m. If it is planned to make a catamaran for installing a motor or a sail, then the width of the craft can be increased to 2.5 - 3 m.

Scheme of a catamaran

For manufacturing you will need:

  • plastic pipes, the diameter of which depends on the length of the catamaran. It is also possible to make a catamaran from an aluminum pipe, but the cost of construction will increase significantly;
  • knee with a bend of 120 ° - 2 pieces;
  • wooden bars, metal corners or plates, pipes of small diameter for fastening float pipes;
  • clamps, self-tapping screws and other types of fasteners;
  • sealant;
  • seat;
  • oars.

Assembling a catamaran

The assembly order is as follows:

  1. elbows with bends are attached to the pipes. Joints are securely sealed;
  2. the main float pipes are installed on a flat surface strictly parallel to each other and fastened with crossbars;
  3. installation of plugs;
  4. seat is installed.

An example of assembling a catamaran type boat

The manufacturing process of a more complex catamaran design with the ability to control is presented in the video.

Production process

To make an ordinary boat from HDPE pipes of large diameter or other types of pipes, you must:

  1. make a boat frame;
  2. sheathe the frame of pipes with any waterproof material;
  3. make your own hands from pipes and plastic or purchase oars.

Additionally, you can:

  • make and install a keel for a boat, facilitating the management process;
  • make a cart for transporting boats. The trolley for the boat is made of pipes in accordance with its overall dimensions.

Means for transportation

Frame assembly

To make a frame from sewer pipes, at the first stage it will be necessary to develop a drawing of the future design. The shape and dimensions are not of fundamental importance, therefore they can be determined by the user independently, based on the level of comfort during use.

The boat can be equipped with one or more seats. To give the structure additional strength and stability, it is more expedient to equip the bottom with a rigid base, for example, a wooden deck, which is fastened with clamps (screeds).

When assembling the frame, you can use:

  • , characterized by a large margin of safety and tightness;
  • adhesive tape. The least durable design, characterized by speed of manufacture.

Boat base

After the complete assembly of the frame, you can proceed with the installation of the seats. A chair in a boat made of PVC pipes can also be made independently. Most commonly used:

  • seats from chairs;
  • wooden boards;
  • metal plates.

Finished base for a homemade boat

All connections must be as tight as possible.


For sheathing the frame, you can use:

  • tarpaulin. The material is more durable and durable, but at the same time more expensive;
  • transparent polyethylene film. The material is less durable, then the finished boat looks more original.

For fixing the selected sheathing material, the following are used:

  • adhesive tape;
  • plastic clips;
  • plastic rings.

Before sheathing, the material is checked for integrity and the absence of damage that could lead to the formation of a leak. When fastening, it is recommended to smooth the skin from the outside as much as possible, and remove all the folds that prevent free movement inside.

Boat ready to use

You can build other designs of home-made boats, which will be based on pipes. It all depends on the imagination of the builder and his ability to work with these materials.