Can induction cooktops be harmful? Installing an induction hob yourself: features and safety Why the Japanese don’t like induction cookers

If you are a lover of delicious food and lazy by nature, you must have an induction cooker in your kitchen. The thought of its harm does not even creep into your head: its convenience and speed of preparing food make you forget about all the negative nuances of use.

The less time a housewife spends on cooking, the more she communicates with her family. New technologies can significantly reduce the time spent at the stove. Thanks to innovation, the cooking process itself becomes secondary. An induction hob is characterized by a number of undeniable advantages, but there are also negative phenomena. Let's try to figure out whether an induction cooker is harmful or not.

The induction hob is characterized by improved ergonomics, plus it is very convenient, without ledges or stands, and goes well with any kitchen design.

The induction heating method has long been used in industry; now it can find application in every kitchen.

Under all the burners of such a stove there is an inductive coil - the main heating component. An alternating electric current of medium frequency is supplied to the coil. The coil becomes the generating element.

As a result of generation, a magnetic field appears, its flow penetrates the hob and creates eddy currents on the bottom of the cookware. The heat transfer of such an effect is high; the magnetic field works exclusively to heat the lower part of the cookware.

To cook food on such a stove, you need special utensils made of ferromagnetic alloys, which the greatest return transform the energy of eddy currents into heat.

Due to the fact that when penetrating the surface of the dishes, the amplitude of electromagnetic waves, the resistance value increases, heating becomes highly intense. Constant change magnetic field promotes additional heating.

The design of such stoves has a number of advantages over standard heating devices:

  • food begins to cook instantly as soon as the dishes with it hit the stove;
  • energy intensity is less than that of electric stoves;
  • as soon as the dishes are removed from the hob, the device stops working;
  • objects smaller than 12 cm in diameter do not heat up, so it is not scary to drop a fork on the stove surface;
  • Cleaning the surface is easy and can be started immediately after cooking.

Now we need to figure out whether induction cookers are really harmful or are these just speculations of illiterate people.

How harmful is an induction cooker to health?

The use of an induction cooker certainly makes the work of housewives in the kitchen easier. But doesn’t this device pose a health hazard, since you have to use it every day?


There are several opinions. Opponents of the use of induction cookers point to the harmful effects of the magnetic field and eddy currents on the human body.

Detractors of the use of this device cite the following arguments:

  1. Radiation does not affect the body only if the cookware completely covers the burner area. A safe distance is 30 cm from hob. These factors create inconvenience (note, no more) for children (are they cooking?), small people and pregnant women.
  2. If these safety measures are not observed, induced currents enter the body, which negatively affects the nervous system. As a result, headaches become more frequent, fatigue, and insomnia occur.
  3. Meat cooked using induction is completely deprived of thiamine, one of its main components. Only 25% of beneficial vitamins remain in fresh fruits and vegetables.

Now let's follow the opponents' arguments.


Attention! Induction panels operate on low-frequency radiation, quite comparable to radio frequency. The magnitude of this radiation is close to zero if the distance from the source is 5-30 centimeters. To avoid being influenced by eddy currents, it is enough to stay away from the stove.

Now remember how the cooking process occurs - is the housewife really standing right next to the stove?

The magnetic flux is aimed at heating the bottom of the cookware, but its frequency is so insignificant that there is no reason to fear for health.

Hence the conclusion: the sphere of influence of eddy currents and electromagnetic field limited by the dimensions of the utensils used.

In a number of studies, measurements of induced currents in the body and indicators of currents in nervous system. These values ​​were below normal.

If we simulate unfavorable conditions- the bottom of the pan is offset relative to the center of the burner, the diameter of the pan is less than the radiation area, in this case the norm is exceeded by a small amount at a distance of 12 centimeters. If you use dishes that are unsuitable for such a stove, the distance increases to 20 centimeters.

Induction-type cookers have an energy absorption function.

You can read that food cooked on an induction panel is radioactive. This is not true. The electromagnetic field of these devices cannot change the molecular structure of food, so the prepared dishes will be absolutely safe.

Information about vegetables and fruits losing up to 75% of vitamins is nothing more than an unverified rumor. In which laboratories were these measurements carried out? Which specialist carried them out? After all, no one reported on similar studies on gas or microwave ovens.

How to reduce harm from induction cookers

To ensure that there is no harm to health when using these devices, the following is necessary:

  • carefully study the instructions and try to adhere to the stated rules while cooking;
  • place only specialized cookware on the panel, place it in the center of the burner, choose the correct size of the cookware;
  • it is necessary to reduce the power of the hob when there is a need to be near it;
  • It is advisable to be located at a distance of 10 centimeters from the stove.

Positive reviews were scientifically confirmed in a study by Japanese doctors. The Swiss Health Center published the opinion of its doctors that these devices are completely safe.

A significant part of household electrical appliances - microwave ovens, computers, televisions, refrigerators - also use the principle electromagnetic induction.

Important! People with pacemakers and defibrillators should be careful. Electromagnetic influence on these devices can lead to disruption of their operation. A distance of 30-50 centimeters to the device is considered optimal.

The harmful effects of induction panels on humans have not been proven by science. This technology is comparable in safety level to other household appliances which we have been using for a long time. Such a stove does not burn oxygen in the kitchen; it cannot be a source of explosion.

If you follow all the rules for its use, the operation of the device will bring pleasure to any housewife.

Do induction cookers cause harm to health - the main question that should be asked if you want to purchase them. From the point of view of convenience and economy, no special questions arise. Induction cookers are much more practical and... Thanks to them, time and energy are saved and they are much more convenient.

The cookware heats up from the moment the stove is turned on, the heat practically does not escape beyond the cookware, as a result, the energy efficiency of such stoves is 90%, in contrast to electric stoves - 70%, and gas stoves - 50%. In addition, the automation turns off the stove; if you remove the dishes from its surface, you can very accurately observe the temperature regime, their glass surface easier to clean from dirt.

Operating principle

To understand whether an induction cooker is harmful to health, you need to understand the mechanism of its operation. It is based on the use of the principle of electromagnetic induction. The burners contain inductive coils that create an electromagnetic field when alternating current passes through them. The induction flow passes through the bottom in which conduction currents arise, and energy electric field goes into heat. Typically, the bottom of the cookware is made of ferromagnetic alloys or similar alloys with the highest heat transfer coefficient. Thus, heating occurs at the very bottom of the pan and good energy efficiency is ensured.

Are induction cookers harmful?

The health hazards were first studied in Japan, where their sales grew very rapidly at the turn of the century. The Takenori Ueda organization has found that the slabs create the greatest radiation among all types of household electrical appliances. When cooked at maximum power, the radiation was 16 times higher than the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) limit. Japanese scientists have called for data on electromagnetic radiation from induction cookers to be made more accessible.

There is evidence of a possible review of safety standards in Australia. Swiss researchers from Federal Center Public Health (FOPH), in order to find out whether induction cookers can cause harm to health, conducted their own experiment in which they obtained radiation data from three models of electric stoves manufactured according to the European standard.

One of the models was portable. Radiation has been recorded to significantly exceed the ICNIRP tolerances: at a distance of 20 cm if inappropriate utensils were used, at a distance of 12 cm if the utensils were off-center, and continuously at a distance of 1 cm. An electromagnetic field can influence the body by creating currents in it. ICNIRP limits are set at a level 50 times less than the level of excitability of human nerves. IN this study FOPH also conducted an experiment on people who were at a distance of 5 cm from the plates. People who were near stationary induction cookers had lower currents established norm, and near the portable one – higher.

Microwaves, which have already become familiar, are a source of more powerful radiation, but they have better protection, they are closing. Induction cookers, in contrast, are an open source of EMF.

Terms of use

From the study it becomes clear that when cooking food on it, certain rules must be followed:

  • use only special and high-quality utensils (especially applicable);
  • place the cookware exactly in the center of the burner;
  • , and other dishes should cover the diameter of the heating zone;
  • do not stir food when cooking with metal utensils;
  • do not get too close to the stove;
  • avoid or be careful with portable induction cookers;
  • It’s better to buy special dishes than .

Separately, it is worth saying that induction cookers can interfere with the functioning of pacemakers, so people who have them installed are not recommended to approach the stove more than 50 cm; they should discuss this issue with their doctor.


Whether an induction cooker is harmful, and to what extent, the consumer will have to decide for himself, because even scientists emphasize that the effects of EMF have not yet been sufficiently studied. Major studies are being conducted by various organizations; a competent monograph on the dangers of electromagnetic radiation can be read on the WHO website.

On the one hand, you should not believe those sources that automatically equate the danger of induction cookers with the danger of other electrical appliances home use. They have different operating mechanisms and radiation strengths. On the other hand, life in modern world forces you to adapt to the fast pace of life, which is very difficult without using the achievements of progress; you only need to use them correctly.

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For several decades, induction hobs have been popular in America and Europe. Russian housewives continue to treat this piece of technology somewhat warily. Let's find out why and learn more about this type hob.


What are the advantages

An induction cooker has a number of advantages when compared with gas or electric panels:

  1. Operation is absolutely safe. The stove can be used even if there is a small, curious child in the house. When he grabs the working panel with his hands, he will not get burned and will not even feel pleasant warmth. Many experiments were carried out when a hand was calmly placed on the surface next to a pan of boiling water or a layer of paper was made under the dish - it did not catch fire.
  2. Efficiency. Efficiency is achieved (coefficient useful action) in 90%. This figure is the highest among competitors. The heating efficiency of glass ceramics is 50-60%, and gas stove – 60-65%.
  3. There is no dependence of power on network voltage.
  4. The heating speed of the panel is much higher, which means cooking goes faster. Scientists conducted an experiment: half a liter of milk at the same temperature was boiled on an electric, gas and inverter stove. Needless to say, in the latter case the milk boiled much faster - 4 minutes 10 seconds compared to 4 minutes 48 seconds on gas and 5 minutes 32 seconds on electric.
  5. Easy to clean. If porridge suddenly escapes from the pan or you break an egg past the frying pan, there is no reason to worry. Since it is not the stove that heats up, but only the dishes, the liquid remains a liquid, it will not burn or dry out. You can easily wipe it with a kitchen cloth, and the stove will shine like new.
  6. Economical consumption of electricity. Thanks to the high percentage of efficiency, energy is spent only on heating the dishes, there is no thermal effect on the air and the remaining panel. This is the main difference from an electric stove, where current is consumed to heat the coil. Here it is necessary to create a magnetic field in the induction coil, which is much less expensive. We will dwell on this in more detail when we consider the operating principle of an induction cooker.
  7. To turn on the burner, you need dishes of the appropriate diameter - at least 8 centimeters. This feature eliminates the possibility of frying a fork that accidentally falls on the surface. The smart panel also automatically calculates that the diameter of the bottom of the pan should be at least half the diameter of the burner.
  8. There are many built-in cooking programs, unlike a gas hob. This makes the housewife's life much easier and also saves money. large number time.
  9. Can't help but mention appearance convection stove. Smooth shiny surface, minimalist design, no extra buttons. By the way, little advice: a silver-colored panel will look more advantageous in the kitchen, since grease stains are less noticeable on it.

What types of induction cookers are there?

Convector stoves vary in size, functionality, and also in built-in options:

  1. Size. The panel can be either 30x30 centimeters or reach a size of more than 100 centimeters in length. It depends on the chosen shape: square, rectangle or hexagon. WITH interesting shape you can experiment and place tiles in the kitchen in different ways: it can even be corner.
  2. Functionality capabilities. An induction cooker can be equipped with various functions. Some of them are: keep warm mode, pause mode, electronic timer, power adjustment and so on.
  3. Embeddability:
  • the plate can be combined with induction furnace for the kitchen;
  • the combined version provides for the presence of several burners, the operation of which is based on different principles: two induction, two electric;
  • multi-burner surface that can be easily integrated into kitchen furniture. You can install storage shelves or an oven underneath it;
  • tile small size with one burner, which is convenient to move around the apartment or even take with you on a trip.


What are the differences from other plates

In addition to the qualities listed in the advantages, there are other features that distinguish the convection stove from its competitors in the market.

Firstly, this is the price. Here the difference is immediately noticeable. An inductive panel will be much more expensive to purchase than a gas or electric model, which have a similar set of functions. On the other hand, the simplest induction can remain inexpensive and still be of high quality. On the websites of hardware stores you can find many budget options with photos, descriptions and detailed reviews, revealing the advantages and disadvantages of all presented models.

Secondly, to cook food normally you will need special utensils. Cookware with ferromagnetic properties is required. Don't let this scare you compound word. More to the point in simple language, then a magnet should be attracted to pans and pots. Such cooking utensils can be found in any store; they are marked with a special icon indicating its properties. Additionally, you can take a magnet with you and check the authenticity. However, it is not necessary to change the entire set of cookware for a new stove. Proven items made of cast iron and stainless steel will do, even if they have a layer of enamel on them. Never use materials such as aluminum, copper, porcelain, glass, or ceramics. If you really don’t want to part with your favorite dishes, but... modern stove I want it, then there is a solution to the problem. Just buy special ones metal wheels, which attach to the bottom of your good old saucepan and make it suitable for use.

Thirdly, the convection stove makes a certain noise. It quietly hums or buzzes - this is the sound that the working coils make when they interact with the dishes. The humming, however, is not too loud; it dissolves in the everyday atmosphere of noisy fuss in the kitchen. Moreover, than more modern model hob, the quieter the sound it makes.

Working principle of an induction cooker

Let's finally deal with the question that has been tormenting all readers from the very beginning of the article. It's time to learn how an induction cooker works.

We owe the existence of the induction cooker to the famous English physicist Michael Faraday. It was he who discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction in 1831. In order not to delve into the history of science, let us turn to practice. Let us answer the question, what does an induction cooker mean?

The hob consists of glass ceramics. Below it is an induction coil made of copper wire, which in appearance resembles a flat snail with numerous coils on the shell. Electric current with a frequency of 20-60 kHz passes through all turns of the coil, an alternating electromagnetic field appears, and then an induction current. Cookware with a ferromagnetic circuit, which was already mentioned above, becomes part of the electromagnetic circuit. Thus, the induction coil acts as the primary winding, and the cookware on the stove is the secondary winding. The bottom of the pan is heated by inductive eddy current.

In this case, heat losses are minimized. The main forces are directed towards heating the dishes, the food in the dishes is heated, and the glass-ceramic surface is heated by the dishes on it. And as soon as the frying pan is removed from the panel, it automatically turns off and cools down in a matter of minutes.

  1. Never use cookware made from materials that are not suitable for use with an induction hob.
  2. There are models that automatically turn off after 2-3 hours. You should keep an eye on your stove if you are cooking something for an extended period of time.
  3. Not every induction hob has the opportunity to place an oven, dishwasher, microwave oven and other metal equipment. When choosing a model, pay attention to this and consult a specialist.

  • insufficient heating - associated with incorrect diameter or position of the cookware, as well as overheating of the copper coil;
  • one of the burners or a whole row does not work - most often due to the incompatibility of the dishes with the type of stove;
  • there is no connection - you need to check the fuse and power supply;
  • The residual heat indicator is broken - run a software test to check the operation of the temperature sensor.

There are not many malfunctions, and all of them can be solved. In extreme cases, a specialist in repairing inverter cookers will be able to help you.

What the market offers, main manufacturers

Moscow hardware stores offer a variety of various models and manufacturers. The most famous of them: AEG-Electrolux, ILVE, BOSCH, Hansa, Zanussi, Samsung, Siemens, Gorenje. Among the proposed options there are both more economical brands and those aimed at the premium class of consumers.

Induction hob technology is the most advanced and modern in the world. It is still just gaining popularity, but has already received well-deserved respect from cooking enthusiasts living in advanced countries.

Chefs working in restaurant kitchens catering, are already accustomed to cooking on electric (less often gas) stoves. They have long learned to take advantage of the advantages and, if possible, minimize the disadvantages of using these plates.

However, today almost ideal induction technology is gaining increasing popularity. Electromagnetic induction cookers are the innovative future restaurant business. Why only restaurant? Simply, despite the fact that this phenomenon was discovered by Michael Faraday back in 1831, kitchen equipment using this technology remains to this day the most expensive. The price of a single-burner panel is about 150 thousand rubles.


In the USA, as well as a number of European countries, induction cookers are actively equipped in the kitchens of establishments in the HoReCa segment. This process has been going on for the last 20 years. In Russia it is just being launched.

Of course it's expensive. But those owners who see several steps ahead understand: spending money today will pay off with interest tomorrow.

Main difference The difference between an induction hob and a conventional electric glass-ceramic hob is based on the principle of heat generation. In a standard electric burner, heat first comes from the heating element to its surface. Then it heats the bottom of the pan and only then the heat is transferred to the product being prepared.

In an induction cooker The heating process is shortened as much as possible. The heat produces a magnetic field generated by the copper coil and the high-frequency current. And it goes straight to the bottom of the dish. There are simply no heating elements or intermediate links. Heat from the bottom of the pan (pan) heats the food. The temperature of the burner itself usually does not exceed 60 ºС and already 6 minutes after turning it off it cools down completely. Whereas a gas burner will require 24 minutes, and an electric burner more than 50.

This leads to the following advantage. Ambient the air practically does not heat up. No matter how ideal kitchen ventilation is, any chef will say that operating temperature indoors is usually always far from comfortable. By the way, in kitchens equipped with a line of induction equipment, you can save a lot on the ventilation system. Professional ventilation- pleasure is not cheap. And its periodic cleaning (again, professional) is another expense item.

Next plus induction hob is wide heating power range. It can vary from 50 to 3500 W. Moreover, it changes very smoothly with the help of many cooking modes. For example, food can be stewed perfectly at minimum power (like on low gas). But the maximum level can bring water to a boil much faster than a gas stove. 1.5 liters boil in just 3.2 minutes.

It is interesting that with such a power difference heating accuracy provided up to a degree. And this is another advantage of induction technology. The temperature change occurs instantly. If necessary, you can use the booster function. It allows you to transfer the power of one burner to another in a matter of minutes.

Other advantages of induction cookers include time saving, electricity and, as a result, money. Firstly, it is automatically selected optimal mode. That is, only the bottom of the pan is heated, even if its diameter is smaller than the burner itself. Secondly, the system automatically adjusts the previously set temperature. The programmed limit is instantly reached, and then it is maintained by turning the stove on and off. Thus, preparation takes a minimum amount of time and significantly energy is saved.

And the last two advantages are ease of maintenance and maximum safety. Since the stove practically does not heat up, it is impossible to burn anything on it. The entire cleaning process boils down to periodically wiping the panel with a damp cloth. At the same time, the safety of the stove has been brought to almost perfection. The burner will not turn on if there is an empty pan on it (without water or other food), if the diameter of the object is less than 12 cm (whether it is an abandoned fork or other small cutlery). Accordingly, it is impossible to get burned.


The main thing, as you already understood, is price. With a single-burner model costing about 150 thousand rubles, purchasing the most optimal 6-8-burner unit will not only be costly, but very expensive. Such a purchase is only possible for restaurants with high price segment and establishments with original cuisine.

Another drawback is the prohibition of installing induction cookers over conventional ovens, refrigerators and any devices with metal surfaces. These are the disadvantages of the electromagnetic field. If there is an urgent issue with usable area , then such a problem can cause a serious dilemma.

Due to the electromagnetic field, heating on such stoves can only be carried out special dishes with a bottom made of ferromagnetic alloy. When purchasing, it can be easily identified by a special marker. It can be made of stainless steel, cast iron or even enameled. However, copper, brass, aluminum and thermal glass are in this case useless because they are unsuitable for induction.

A feature that can also be considered a disadvantage is thin pan bottom. When cooking, even on the most low power Possible “intermittent boiling” effect. But the problem is solved by purchasing a high slab price category(although much more expensive).

Another small drawback, again concerning the so-called “inexpensive” models, is slight noise when operating at low power.


Among professionals, as usual, only quality is valued imported equipment. Among the manufacturers of induction cookers, the leaders are Bartsher, Virtus, Mastro, Heidebrenner, Schooll (Germany), Electrolux, Bertos (Italy), Garland (USA).

IN recent years Manufacturers from Asia Better (China), Kocateq ( South Korea). And, it should be noted, they do it well. Their products are cheaper, but the quality and reliability are at the proper level. Considering the already fairly high cost of induction equipment, buyers often choose Asian model.

In an effort to gain customer trust, manufacturers are constantly improving induction technology. Thus, models have appeared on which you can cook on any metal utensils. And as more economical option You can purchase special linings for regular dishes. The electromagnetic field heats it first, and from the lining it flows to the bottom of the pot or frying pan.

For establishments with ethnic (oriental) cuisine, models have appeared in the range of induction cookers wok. They create the effect of cooking on a “live” fire due to high temperature. True, such stoves also require appropriate utensils. For example, wok pans with a spherical bottom.

Other new products include a mobile induction wok cooker from German company Heidebrenner (for catering), as well as a 4-burner induction cooker-stool.

But Whirlpool has gone even further and is launching a new eco-friendly induction oven. The technology is the same, but, according to the manufacturer, it can bring energy savings up to 30% compared to a conventional class A electric oven. Moreover, the cooking speed has also increased by almost 25%. The oven can carefully stew food, fry (including grill), steam and bake.

Collect high yield positive emotions and save money financial resources– this is the primary goal of a person arranging a kitchen space.

Induction cookers are gaining popularity among our fellow citizens, due to their competitive advantages and distinctive properties from other types of plates.

Operating principle

How does this type of stove work? The whole process goes like this:

  1. The glass or glass-ceramic hob hides underneath a coil consisting of copper wire.
  2. When electricity passes through the turns of the coil, it creates a high-frequency electromagnetic field, which further produces an induced current.
  3. Delivered on hob dishes with magnetic permeability close the circuit, acting as a kind of conductor.
  4. The electrons in the bottom of the dish begin to actively move, thereby forming thermal energy, heating the contents of the container.

We figured out how induction cookers work. What are they like relative to their sizes?

Tabletop and built-in stoves

In order not to complain that a huge slab eats usable space V kitchen area You can buy a tabletop stove.

Household appliances that do not take up much space will allow you to prepare your favorite dishes with the same speed and efficiency. Compact induction hobs are ideal for small kitchen or dachas.

Manufacturers suggest choosing tabletop tiles with one or two burners. Such a device will completely satisfy the household needs of the average person.

This is often professional kitchen appliances for restaurants, cafes and other establishments where you need to cook a lot. Possesses high performance. In most cases, it has four burners with a lot of controls temperature regime timers and other operational benefits.

You can install such a stove at home, if finances allow, because it costs more than a small tabletop induction stove.

What kind of cookware can I use?

Before purchasing a new induction cooker, you need to learn about the features of its operation. The choice of pots and pans will now be more scrupulous than for the usual electric and gas cookers.

This is all explained by the fact that not every material reacts to the electromagnetic field, which sets in motion the electrons in the bottom of the dish.

Many people who want to buy a tile that works on the basis of electromagnetic induction often have a question: is it possible to leave old dishes for cooking food.

Ceramic pots, aluminum pans and other containers are not suitable for induction panels. You only need to use metal utensils. It’s very easy to check which containers are suitable for cooking food.

You need to take a magnet and try to attach it to the container. If the magnet sticks, the cookware is ideal for use on induction hobs.

The most suitable cookware for induction cookers is made from stainless steel or cast iron. Let's look at the materials in more detail:

  • Stainless steel.

The material is resistant to corrosion and oxidation. Food products, prepared in stainless steel containers retain the lion's share of nutrients.

Such dishes can be placed in the refrigerator. It will not change the taste and aroma of food.

From the refrigerator, the stainless steel is immediately placed on the induction cooker. The only drawback of this material is the nickel content, which causes an allergic reaction in some people.

  • Enameled cookware is made from various metal alloys.

Suitable for induction cooking surfaces. It is better to buy saucepans with a flat bottom.

  • Cast iron.

Although this material is heavy and fragile, it is often used for cooking on induction cookers.

It is also indispensable for people who prefer healthy eating, because this material does not distort the taste characteristics of food, and also allows you to preserve the maximum amount useful elements in cooked food.

How to determine whether a particular kitchen utensil is suitable for use on an induction hob?

One more small addition. The sides and lids of kitchen utensils do not have to be made of materials that react to magnetic waves.

Nowadays, manufacturers often equip the bottom of ceramic, copper cookware and cooking containers made of other materials with a special lining made of ferromagnetic metal. These kitchen utensils can be used on induction cookers.

Here are some practical tips to help you get the most out of your induction hobs:

  • Although manufacturers of modern kitchen utensils are increasingly improving their products, making them suitable for use in different conditions and on different heating elements, but old cast iron cookware should not be thrown into a landfill. After purchasing an induction cooker, you can safely take it out of the pantry - it will last for many more years.
  • Special cookware for induction surfaces is ideal for use on other heating elements: gas and electric.
  • Old pots and pans that have passed magnetic testing should not be placed on the induction hob. It is necessary to check the condition of the bottom. It may have irregularities and defects from mechanical damage, which can scratch the glass-ceramic surface of the new hob. A bent bottom may prevent the bottom of the container from making proper contact with the induction surface.


This technology is relatively new, so it has a whole string of advantages. An induction cooker has the following advantages:

Like all electrical appliances, an induction cooker has disadvantages:

It's up to you to decide whether to buy a new stove or use an old electric or gas one. If your friends are thinking about buying an induction cooker, share the above information with them.