What is the best metal wok pan? What is a Wok pan for and what is cooked on it. Varieties of wok pans, selection criteria

The wok is a versatile cooking tool that has been used in Asian countries for generations. With its help, you can make any dish in the shortest possible time. Cooking has never been so pleasant, fast and delicious.

A wok pan is a traditional Chinese utensil with a round bottom and wide edges.

This dish will allow you to embody all your most daring experiments. If you are a lover of oriental dishes, then you should definitely try the possibilities of such a unique invention.

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Let's try to figure out what a wok is. Simply put, this is one of the most popular cooking utensils in Asian countries. In shape, it looks like a cauldron. It also has thin walls. This feature allows you to evenly heat each section of the dish, which cooks food instantly. This feature is used in fast food establishments.

The bottom of such a vessel is made in the form of a hemisphere, so it cannot stand exactly on the surface of the plate. Because of this, special adapted molds with a flat bottom have been created, which provides the necessary level of stability.

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It is wrong to call this type of dish only a frying pan, it is more like a wok pan.

A wok is a versatile cookware that can almost completely replace most of the modern kitchen utensils. Dishes prepared in this way are characterized by special taste and appearance. Among the features of the dishes prepared in such a vessel, the following should be noted:

  • a small amount of fat - one tablespoon of sunflower oil is enough for cooking, which allows you to steam food, eliminating unnecessary calories;
  • benefit - food is steamed at a high speed, so the dish does not have time to lose its beneficial properties, as happens during frying or cooking;
  • unusual taste - all dishes are characterized by a spicy aroma and pleasant taste compared to traditional cooking methods.

A multifunctional and versatile wok is gaining great popularity, especially among lovers of oriental cuisine.

Note! Chefs have even come up with a special way of cooking in wok pans, which is frying and stirring constantly.

There are special types of dishes designed for a fire and gas stoves. They allow you to cook a variety of dishes - from vegetables to meat or fish. In this case, you should carefully choose such dishes so as not to run into a fake. Now it’s clear what a wok pan is for. You should understand the nuances of how to choose such dishes.

What does wok mean

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A wok is a special frying pan that has been used in the countries of the East for two thousand years. In ancient times, peasants cooked on open fires. A vessel with thin walls made it possible to significantly speed up the cooking process. Now this tradition has gone far beyond modern China and other Asian countries.

In response to demand, supply appeared - woks in all their diversity are increasingly appearing on the shelves of utensil markets.

Note! Flat bottom models are common on the market. They are suitable for use on induction cookers, stoves, open fires.

Advantages and disadvantages of Chinese wok pans

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The Asian cooking utensil is characterized by such virtues.

  1. Product processing speed. Due to the convex shape of the bottom and thin walls, heat is evenly distributed over the surface. This allows you to significantly increase the speed of cooking and save time.
  2. Universal properties. This utensil can be used to cook a variety of foods - from plant foods to meat dishes. If the set also includes a grill, you can steam your meals.
  3. High quality food. During cooking, you do not have to use a lot of sunflower oil, which is an example of a healthy diet. Thanks to thin walls, food is cooked in minutes, while retaining useful trace elements. Such dishes are an excellent solution for those who lead a healthy lifestyle.
  4. Multifunctionality. You can stew vegetables or any other side dish inside, and steam the meat on the grill. Significantly reduces the cost of cooking. You can also save a little on electricity or gas.
  5. Modifications. Depending on the configuration and availability of additional functions, you can realize a variety of culinary experiments.

Initially, the WOK pan was really intended only for frying.

Among the shortcomings, the following should be noted.

  1. The size. Such a frying pan is quite large, so it is inconvenient to use it on small stoves.
  2. A pen. It is usually located directly above the fire, so it can cause a burn. You have to be very careful while cooking.

Varieties of wok pans

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On the modern market there are various models, among which you can choose the one suitable for certain functions. Usually they differ in dimensions, availability of additional equipment, production materials.

The functionality of the utensils made it possible to expand the scope of conventional use.

The diameter and dimensions depend on what you are going to cook inside. The wall thickness also varies, which has a significant impact on the cost of the product. The bottom is also different - it can be flat or convex, depending on which hob you are going to use the dishes on.

What materials are wok pans made of?

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This type of cookware is made from different materials, which should be considered. The quality of cooking, as well as the durability of the product, depends on this.

Carbon steel

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This is the most common type of product on the market. The service life usually depends on the quality of workmanship and the manufacturer. It should be noted such advantages of such kitchen utensils:

  • suitable for various processing surfaces;
  • has a high heating rate;
  • has a small mass;
  • sufficiently long service life.

Strong, durable material will last in the kitchen for a long time.

Pay attention to the cons:

  • at high temperatures, low-quality material is deformed;
  • if the coating is poor quality, the food burns or is not processed enough.

Note! When you buy a product, study the coating material. Your health directly depends on its quality. Some materials can release toxic substances that will spoil your food.

Stainless steel

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This is one of the best options to buy, which is characterized by high performance properties:

  • does not give in to corrosion;
  • has an attractive appearance;
  • has a long service life;
  • not damaged;
  • does not warp or melt.

The main advantage of a steel wok is its long service life.

Important! Some models do not have a non-stick coating, so you should carefully monitor your cooking.

Cast iron

nrn (function(w, d, n, s, t) (rn w[n] = w[n] || ;rn w[n].push(function() (rn Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( rn blockId: "R-A-475261-49",rn renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-475261-49",rn async: truern ), function() (rn var g = document.createElement("ins");rn g. className = "adsbygoogle";rn g.style = "display:block;text-align:center;"rn g.setAttribute("data-ad-client", "ca-pub-3831680626356692");rn g.setAttribute( "data-ad-slot", "3871024108");rn g.setAttribute("data-ad-format", "auto");rn g.setAttribute("data-full-width-responsive", "true") ;rn document.getElementById("yandex_rtb_R-A-475261-49").appendChild(g);rn (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push(());rn ));rn ));rn t = d.getElementsByTagName("script");rn s = d.createElement("script");rn s.type = "text/javascript";rn s.src = "//an.yandex.ru/system/context. js";rn s.async = true;rn t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t);rn ))(this, this.document, "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");rnn

Such products are large in size and impressive in weight. At the same time, the material has the following advantages:

  • heat preservation;
  • high cooking speed;
  • uniform distribution of heat;
  • strength;
  • resistance to damage and scratches.

It is better to take cast-iron pans thick, otherwise the heated thin material will crack from a strong blow.

Among the shortcomings should be noted the likelihood of rust with improper care. Usually such products are used for quick cooking of meat or vegetables.


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Affordable and easy option. Differs in small weight and high speed of cooking. At the same time, cast aluminum alloy is characterized by a tendency to deformation and low temperature stability.

The main plus is the equipment with a Teflon coating that prevents food from sticking.

Non-stick coating for wok pans

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The quality of cooking also depends on the coating. The following materials are commonly used.

  1. Teflon. This coating provides protection against sticking. In order not to damage it, it is recommended to use special cutlery.
  2. Granite. Characterized by high strength and reliability. Provides fast heating of food. Characterized by ease of maintenance.
  3. Ceramics. Differs in reliability. It is possible to use different cutlery. In this case, you should not test the product for strength with temperature.
  4. Enamel. Extremely fragile coating that does not withstand shock or temperature fluctuations. It also has non-stick properties.
  5. Titanium. Differs in high safety and stability. It has non-stick properties, which allows you to cook different foods.

Food can be cooked over high heat.

Bottom shape type

nrn (function(w, d, n, s, t) (rn w[n] = w[n] || ;rn w[n].push(function() (rn Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( rn blockId: "R-A-475261-21",rn renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-475261-21",rn async: truern ), function() (rn var g = document.createElement("ins");rn g. className = "adsbygoogle";rn g.style = "width:336px;height:280px;margin-right:19px;margin-left:10px;float:left; display:block;text-align:center;";rn g .setAttribute("data-ad-client", "ca-pub-3831680626356692");rn g.setAttribute("data-ad-slot", "2444555502");rn g.setAttribute("data-full-width- responsive", "true");rn document.getElementById("yandex_rtb_R-A-475261-21").appendChild(g);rn (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push(());rn var g = document.createElement("ins");rn g.className = "adsbygoogle";rn g.style = "width:336px;height:280px;margin-left:10px;margin-right:19px;display:inline-block; text-align:center;";rn g.setAttribute("data-ad-client", "ca-pub-3831680626356692");rn g.setAttribute("data-ad-slot", "5166087610");rn g .setAttribute te("data-full-width-responsive", "true");rn document.getElementById("yandex_rtb_R-A-475261-21").appendChild(g);rn (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push(());rn ));rn ));rn t = d.getElementsByTagName("script");rn s = d.createElement("script");rn s.type = "text/javascript" ;rn s.src = "//an.yandex.ru/system/context.js";rn s.async = true;rn t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t);rn ))(this, this.document , "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");rnn

The shape of the bottom affects some of the cooking properties. In general, the quality and speed of cooking are no different.

convex shape

nrn (function(w, d, n, s, t) (rn w[n] = w[n] || ;rn w[n].push(function() (rn Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( rn blockId: "R-A-475261-50",rn renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-475261-50",rn async: truern ), function() (rn var g = document.createElement("ins");rn g. className = "adsbygoogle";rn g.style = "display:block;text-align:center;"rn g.setAttribute("data-ad-client", "ca-pub-3831680626356692");rn g.setAttribute( "data-ad-slot", "2557942433");rn g.setAttribute("data-ad-format", "auto");rn g.setAttribute("data-full-width-responsive", "true") ;rn document.getElementById("yandex_rtb_R-A-475261-50").appendChild(g);rn (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push(());rn ));rn ));rn t = d.getElementsByTagName("script");rn s = d.createElement("script");rn s.type = "text/javascript";rn s.src = "//an.yandex.ru/system/context. js";rn s.async = true;rn t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t);rn ))(this, this.document, "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");rnn

Recommended for those who have a gas stove at home. Traditional Chinese tableware is perfect for such occasions. If you have an induction cooker, you can buy a special holder to make it easier for yourself while cooking.

The WOK pan is intended only for frying with constant stirring.

flattened bottom

nrn (function(w, d, n, s, t) (rn w[n] = w[n] || ;rn w[n].push(function() (rn Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( rn blockId: "R-A-475261-29",rn renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-475261-29",rn async: truern ), function() (rn var g = document.createElement("ins");rn g. className = "adsbygoogle";rn g.style = "width:336px;height:280px;margin-right:19px;margin-left:10px;float:left; display:block;text-align:center;";rn g .setAttribute("data-ad-client", "ca-pub-3831680626356692");rn g.setAttribute("data-ad-slot", "7122167111");rn g.setAttribute("data-full-width- responsive", "true");rn document.getElementById("yandex_rtb_R-A-475261-29").appendChild(g);rn (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push(());rn var g = document.createElement("ins");rn g.className = "adsbygoogle";rn g.style = "width:336px;height:280px;margin-left:10px;margin-right:19px;display:inline-block; text-align:center;";rn g.setAttribute("data-ad-client", "ca-pub-3831680626356692");rn g.setAttribute("data-ad-slot", "8001840802");rn g .setAttribute te("data-full-width-responsive", "true");rn document.getElementById("yandex_rtb_R-A-475261-29").appendChild(g);rn (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push(());rn ));rn ));rn t = d.getElementsByTagName("script");rn s = d.createElement("script");rn s.type = "text/javascript" ;rn s.src = "//an.yandex.ru/system/context.js";rn s.async = true;rn t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t);rn ))(this, this.document , "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");rnn

Commonly used on modern electric or induction hobs with flat tops. This solution provides the necessary stability.

Wok dimensions

nrn (function(w, d, n, s, t) (rn w[n] = w[n] || ;rn w[n].push(function() (rn Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( rn blockId: "R-A-475261-22",rn renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-475261-22",rn async: truern ), function() (rn var g = document.createElement("ins");rn g. className = "adsbygoogle";rn g.style = "width:336px;height:280px;margin-right:19px;margin-left:10px;float:left; display:block;text-align:center;";rn g .setAttribute("data-ad-client", "ca-pub-3831680626356692");rn g.setAttribute("data-ad-slot", "1131473834");rn g.setAttribute("data-full-width- responsive", "true");rn document.getElementById("yandex_rtb_R-A-475261-22").appendChild(g);rn (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push(());rn var g = document.createElement("ins");rn g.className = "adsbygoogle";rn g.style = "width:336px;height:280px;margin-left:10px;margin-right:19px;display:inline-block; text-align:center;";rn g.setAttribute("data-ad-client", "ca-pub-3831680626356692");rn g.setAttribute("data-ad-slot", "5543198424");rn g .setAttribute te("data-full-width-responsive", "true");rn document.getElementById("yandex_rtb_R-A-475261-22").appendChild(g);rn (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push(());rn ));rn ));rn t = d.getElementsByTagName("script");rn s = d.createElement("script");rn s.type = "text/javascript" ;rn s.src = "//an.yandex.ru/system/context.js";rn s.async = true;rn t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t);rn ))(this, this.document , "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");rnn

When choosing dishes, it is important to pay attention to the diameter. The larger it is, the more food you can cook. At the same time, it is not recommended to buy products that are too large for everyday needs, as they are very uncomfortable and take up a lot of space.

Oriental cuisine in all its diversity is often cooked on an open fire.

There are such types of pans depending on the dimensions:

  • up to twenty centimeters - portioned;
  • up to twenty-eight - a few servings;
  • up to thirty-eight - up to five servings;
  • up to fifty - about ten servings.

Variety of wok handles

nrn (function(w, d, n, s, t) (rn w[n] = w[n] || ;rn w[n].push(function() (rn Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( rn blockId: "R-A-475261-23",rn renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-475261-23",rn async: truern ), function() (rn var g = document.createElement("ins");rn g. className = "adsbygoogle";rn g.style = "width:336px;height:280px;margin-right:19px;margin-left:10px;float:left; display:block;text-align:center;";rn g .setAttribute("data-ad-client", "ca-pub-3831680626356692");rn g.setAttribute("data-ad-slot", "1603953414");rn g.setAttribute("data-full-width- responsive", "true");rn document.getElementById("yandex_rtb_R-A-475261-23").appendChild(g);rn (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push(());rn var g = document.createElement("ins");rn g.className = "adsbygoogle";rn g.style = "width:336px;height:280px;margin-left:10px;margin-right:19px;display:inline-block; text-align:center;";rn g.setAttribute("data-ad-client", "ca-pub-3831680626356692");rn g.setAttribute("data-ad-slot", "3566065486");rn g .setAttribute te("data-full-width-responsive", "true");rn document.getElementById("yandex_rtb_R-A-475261-23").appendChild(g);rn (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push(());rn ));rn ));rn t = d.getElementsByTagName("script");rn s = d.createElement("script");rn s.type = "text/javascript" ;rn s.src = "//an.yandex.ru/system/context.js";rn s.async = true;rn t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t);rn ))(this, this.document , "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");rnn

There are several types of designs depending on how the handle is placed. This affects the use of the product.

cantonese style

The classic version with two handles, which provides the opportunity to cook for a large company. This will make it easier to mix food during cooking and serve dishes on the table.

The wok resembles a large plate with open edges and two handles.

northern style

This is the most convenient option for residents of Western countries. It looks like a classic frying pan. Differs in the small sizes.

Pan handle materials

nrn (function(w, d, n, s, t) (rn w[n] = w[n] || ;rn w[n].push(function() (rn Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( rn blockId: "R-A-475261-24",rn renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-475261-24",rn async: truern ), function() (rn var g = document.createElement("ins");rn g. className = "adsbygoogle";rn g.style = "width:336px;height:280px;margin-right:19px;margin-left:10px;float:left; display:block;text-align:center;";rn g .setAttribute("data-ad-client", "ca-pub-3831680626356692");rn g.setAttribute("data-ad-slot", "2252983811");rn g.setAttribute("data-full-width- responsive", "true");rn document.getElementById("yandex_rtb_R-A-475261-24").appendChild(g);rn (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push(());rn var g = document.createElement("ins");rn g.className = "adsbygoogle";rn g.style = "width:336px;height:280px;margin-left:10px;margin-right:19px;display:inline-block; text-align:center;";rn g.setAttribute("data-ad-client", "ca-pub-3831680626356692");rn g.setAttribute("data-ad-slot", "9939902144");rn g .setAttribute te("data-full-width-responsive", "true");rn document.getElementById("yandex_rtb_R-A-475261-24").appendChild(g);rn (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push(());rn ));rn ));rn t = d.getElementsByTagName("script");rn s = d.createElement("script");rn s.type = "text/javascript" ;rn s.src = "//an.yandex.ru/system/context.js";rn s.async = true;rn t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t);rn ))(this, this.document , "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");rnn

Handles can also be made from different materials. The ease of use of the dishes depends on this.


A classic option that is convenient to use in high temperature conditions. Usually these handles do not melt, so they can be used for cooking in the oven. Usually in this case, the body of the wok is also made of metal.

The bowl shape allows you to cook both in the center and on the sides, simultaneously making several dishes at once.


Modern material that provides reliable protection against overheating. Usually used as an additional cover for the handle.


It is often found on handles and is used to process handles on many products. Affordable material that reduces the cost of frying pan production technology.

The bottom in the form of a circle will prevent full contact with the heating element.


A type of plastic. It is characterized by high strength and temperature stability. Not subject to physical damage. There are no scratches on the surface. However, it is not recommended to use inside ovens, as such a handle is likely to char.

What is included in the frying pan

nrn (function(w, d, n, s, t) (rn w[n] = w[n] || ;rn w[n].push(function() (rn Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( rn blockId: "R-A-475261-25",rn renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-475261-25",rn async: truern ), function() (rn var g = document.createElement("ins");rn g. className = "adsbygoogle";rn g.style = "width:336px;height:280px;margin-right:19px;margin-left:10px;float:left; display:block;text-align:center;";rn g .setAttribute("data-ad-client", "ca-pub-3831680626356692");rn g.setAttribute("data-ad-slot", "9698065852");rn g.setAttribute("data-full-width- responsive", "true");rn document.getElementById("yandex_rtb_R-A-475261-25").appendChild(g);rn (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push(());rn var g = document.createElement("ins");rn g.className = "adsbygoogle";rn g.style = "width:336px;height:280px;margin-left:10px;margin-right:19px;display:inline-block; text-align:center;";rn g.setAttribute("data-ad-client", "ca-pub-3831680626356692");rn g.setAttribute("data-ad-slot", "7071902511");rn g .setAttribute te("data-full-width-responsive", "true");rn document.getElementById("yandex_rtb_R-A-475261-25").appendChild(g);rn (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push(());rn ));rn ));rn t = d.getElementsByTagName("script");rn s = d.createElement("script");rn s.type = "text/javascript" ;rn s.src = "//an.yandex.ru/system/context.js";rn s.async = true;rn t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t);rn ))(this, this.document , "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");rnn

There are many different models on the market, which include various add-ons. Please note that kits are more expensive. In this case, it is best to purchase a ready-made kit, since you will already have everything you need to start creating culinary masterpieces. This allows you to increase the functionality and performance of the product.

It is better to buy woks with a flat bottom, they are adapted for use on a gas stove.

The following items must be included in the standard kit:

  • vacuum lid - allows you to create conditions for cooking stews or steamed vegetables;
  • grate - increases the functionality of the wok, allowing you to simultaneously cook several different dishes inside.

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In addition to the classic models, not the last place is occupied by electric ones. They are characterized by versatility, as they do not require a plate. Therefore, you can use the device even on the go, when there is no normal stove for cooking.

The walls are thinner, so food cooks an order of magnitude faster than in a conventional stewpan.

Among the advantages are:

  • quick heating of the working surface;
  • convenient fixation, which allows you to mix the products inside without problems;
  • retains heat for a long time;
  • the device does not overheat, as there is a control panel for setting the temperature;
  • There are several different settings to simplify the cooking process for beginners.

Important! In such devices, you can cook different dishes. There is a set of special modes for this.

What is the difference between a wok and a saucepan and a regular frying pan

A wok is a special utensil that allows you to quickly cook food. The peculiarity lies in the constant stirring of the ingredients, so you do not need a lot of fat for cooking. Such food is considered more healthy and dietary. The dishes are multifunctional and the ability to cook several dishes at the same time.

It is convenient to fry meat in the center, and vegetables on the sides - with the same cooking time, they will not burn.

The use of a saucepan, frying pan, pot or wok is characterized by both advantages and disadvantages. The difference lies in the result of cooking.

How to choose a quality wok

When buying, you should consider the following parameters:

  • manufacturer's company;
  • material for the manufacture of the body and handle;
  • coating;
  • availability of additional functions;
  • bottom shape;
  • diameter;
  • handle attachment.

It is believed that food cooked in WOK is distinguished by taste and naturalness.

How to cook in a wok

To cook in a wok, follow these rules:

  • prepare food in advance;
  • cut the ingredients into equal thin slices;
  • preheat the surface;
  • use vegetable oil;
  • observe the order of processing products;
  • always stir the dish.

The heat treatment time is much less, the products retain more vitamins.

Rules for the care of professional wok pans

To make your wok last longer, follow these recommendations:

  • wash the pan after cooking;
  • do not use aggressive detergents;
  • do not use the pan on high heat;
  • for stirring, use the recommended appliances.

Today, woks are made from a variety of materials.

Rating of the best models of wok pans

There are many different models on the market. Below is a list of the most popular among buyers.

Neva Metal Ware

The dishes are of high quality and the absence of toxic impurities in the composition. Meets quality standards and has world quality standards.

Such dishes weigh little, so they are easy to use.

TVS Mineralia

Suitable for cooking any food on different heating surfaces. It is characterized by convenience, as there is a temperature indicator on the case.


A high-quality product, which includes only safe and environmentally friendly materials. Differs in functionality, usability and attractive appearance.

Western models are available with a flat bottom or close to a flat bottom.


One of the most popular manufacturers. The product differs in versatility and quality. There is a temperature indicator that allows you to control the cooking process.

Rondell 114

A popular product used by professional chefs. Differs in simplicity and functionality. You can cook different dishes in any quantity.

They are suitable for use on modern induction and electric hobs.

Among other well-known manufacturers, Granchio, Stahlberg, Gipfel stand out. They are characterized by high quality and advantageous performance properties.

A wok is a convenient utensil that allows you to cook a variety of dishes for every taste. This is a great solution for those who do not like messing around with cooking. It is important to choose a quality product so that it lasts longer.

VIDEO: How to cook in a wok.

At the end of the last century, the fashion for oriental cuisine quickly burst into our lives. Some gourmets simply cannot imagine their life without overseas dishes and cook them in their kitchen. And here in the recipe it is written that it is better to do it in a wok pan. What is a wok pan for? This is what we have to find out.

New kitchen utensils

What pan are you used to cooking in? Every housewife has her favorite kitchen utensils, which she would not exchange for anything in the world. Cast iron, non-stick, ceramic. And modern housewives have already recognized that the Wok pan has become the best of the best. What's this?

Generally speaking, this is an ordinary frying pan with an unusual shape. Firstly, her bottom is always convex. Secondly, it has high sides and a long handle. Thanks to its shape, the wok pan significantly reduces the cooking time. Those who have already tried this pan in action are sure that food can be not only tasty and healthy, but also fast.

Let's weigh the pros and cons

So, you haven't decided yet whether you need a wok pan. Its pros and cons will help you make the right choice. Yes, and a few practical tips will come in handy when choosing such kitchen utensils.

Let's start with the benefits, there are undoubtedly many:

  • Due to the original shape of the bottom, the pan heats up as much as possible. The heat is concentrated in the convex part of the bottom, so the heat treatment of products is much faster.
  • Speeding up the cooking process is directly related to the amount of added fat or vegetable oil. You will notice that this product has become economical in your home.
  • In a wok pan, you can fry, stew, sauté vegetables, meat, fish, and some even manage to cook soup, grill meat fillet and cook a deep-fried dish.

  • Due to a significant reduction in the heat treatment time, the products retain a maximum of useful elements and vitamins.
  • When cooking in a wok pan, you need to constantly stir the ingredients. This speeds up the heat treatment process and reduces the amount of oil or fat used.

Let's summarize. In a wok pan, you can cook a delicious, and most importantly, healthy dish, and much faster than in ordinary dishes. In addition, its calorie content will decrease.

Wok pans differ in the diameter of the bottom and dimensions, the type of handles, as well as the material from which they are made. Today, in the domestic market, such pans are represented by three models:

  • cast iron;
  • aluminum;
  • steel.

The disadvantages of this kitchen utensils are the opinions of users. Some housewives say that the pan, due to its size, does not fit in the oven. Plastic or wooden handles get hot. Despite these little things, the benefits of the wok pan are much greater. Yes, you also need to purchase a special spatula for it so as not to damage the bottom while mixing the products.

Read also:

When choosing a wok pan, rely solely on your own preferences. If you're looking for long lasting cookware, look no further than cast iron. This frying pan is heavy, but high quality. And if anything, it will be possible to scare the spouse with her for educational purposes.

Frying pan Wok to the rescue

Have you already bought a wok pan? The recipes that can be cooked in it are pleasantly surprised by their simplicity and at the same time originality. Despite the eastern roots of this kitchen utensil, we will cook Italian pasta "Triolli" in it.


  • 0.2 kg of pork;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 pack of spaghetti;
  • 100 g fresh champignons;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1-2 pcs. sweet bell peppers;
  • 3 art. l. sauce "Teriyaki";
  • 3 art. l. wok sauce;
  • soy sauce to taste;
  • 100 g of Chinese cabbage;
  • 2 pcs. laurel leaves;
  • salt to taste;
  • for frying refined olive oil.


  • Let's prepare for starters all the products on the list.

  • Defrost the pork, rinse and dry with a paper or cloth napkin.
  • Cut the meat into portions and put in a deep bowl.
  • Add Teriyaki sauce to taste and marinate the meat for 2-2.5 hours.

  • We wash the sweet bell pepper, remove the stalk and seeds. Let's cut it into strips.

  • Next, let's move on to the mushrooms. They need to be thoroughly washed, preferably with a brush.
  • Now we separate the hat from the legs and chop everything into equal slices.

  • Then an onion appears in the culinary arena. We chop it in the form of half rings. And in order not to cry, we moisten the blade of the knife with cold water.

  • Peel the carrots, wash and cut into cubes. To make this easier to do, first chop the carrots into rings, and then chop each ring into cubes.

  • In conclusion, we finely chop the Chinese cabbage.

  • Pour water into a thick-walled dish, put it on moderate heat and bring to a boil.
  • Add salt and bay leaves.
  • We spread the spaghetti and boil them until cooked.

  • Now put the wok on the highest heat. At this point, we should have all the vegetables prepared.

  • Pour refined olive oil into the pan. It will heat up very quickly.
  • We send the onion to the pan first. One minute is enough for it to soften and acquire a golden hue.

  • Carrots follow the onion. Don't forget to mix everything.

  • Now put the marinated pork into the pan and mix everything well.

  • Next in line are sweet bell peppers and mushrooms.

  • Add wok sauce to taste and continue to fry the meat with vegetables.
  • In the meantime, spaghetti has already arrived. We put them in a colander.

  • Lastly, add Chinese cabbage to the pan. Mix everything again.

  • We send spaghetti to the pan, mix everything and turn off the fire.

  • In just a couple of minutes, fragrant pasta cooked in a wok pan can be served at the table.
  • It is best to decorate the pasta with roasted sesame seeds and sprigs of fresh parsley.

Do you think that you are well versed in professional cookware? Then you should certainly know what a wok is. If not, then immediately put aside all your affairs and familiarize yourself with the characteristics of this kitchen attribute.


The unusual name suggests that this item comes from an exotic country. So it is - he came to Europe from southern China. Most traditional South Chinese dishes require a special cooking technique called stir frying. That's what a wok pan is for - it allows you to fry food at a high temperature in a short time without losing their freshness and aroma.

Usually the wok looks like a hemisphere. It is of the correct round shape, quite deep. The bottom is convex. Also today you can find pans with a flat bottom. As a rule, the traditional version is used for coal stoves, and the modern one is used for gas and electric ones.

Wok pan: pros and cons

Such Chinese utensils stand out among others with undeniable advantages. Among them are the following.

  1. Cooking speed.

Agree, you often want to treat yourself to something tasty, but you rarely manage to find time to conjure at the stove. The walls of the wok heat up incredibly quickly, so cooking rarely takes more than half an hour.

  1. Polyfunctionality.

In shape, this dish resembles a cauldron for pilaf. And for good reason - a Fontignac or Tefal wok pan is suitable for frying, stewing, boiling, baking, steaming and deep-frying. In a word, your culinary impulses will not be limited by anything, and the kitchen cabinet will be freed from extra pots.

  1. Benefits of cooked food.

Products do not lose any nutrients, because they are cooked in minutes and without a lot of oil. They will retain a deep rich taste, aroma and, importantly, dietary value.

Of course, a wok pan has not only pluses, but also minuses. What are they?

  1. Ingredients of different sizes may not cook well.

If you don't want the taste of undercooked vegetables or meat to spoil all the fun, cut the food to the same size.

  1. Constant stirring is required.

Food will cook quickly only if it is in constant motion. After all, the walls do not heat up as quickly as the center.

  1. Food should be cooked in portions.

A wok pan, whether Fontignac or Thomas, is not at all suitable for cooking for a week at a time. The more you fill it with food, the slower they will cook and the worse they will fry. The number of servings depends on the diameter of the pan.

How to choose?

If you decide to update your kitchen utensils and replenish your collection with the famous Chinese frying pan, pay attention to the following parameters.

  1. The form.

Since we already talked about what a Chinese wok is, you know that compatibility with the stove depends on its shape. Therefore, for a gas or electric stove, we recommend looking for a model with a flat bottom. Otherwise, additional accessories will be required to simplify the process of cooking with a traditional wok.

  1. Dimensions.

The amount of cooked food depends on the capacity of the dishes. Love to throw a feast for your family? Then pay attention to the wide and deep models.

  1. Lid.

We mentioned what the South Chinese wok is for - in addition to frying, it is great for boiling and stewing, steaming. Here, a convex lid is the best choice, as it retains heat better and contributes to the creation of a large vapor layer inside.

  1. Wall thickness.

Although such a frying pan can withstand high temperatures, it also tends to become unusable over time. Therefore, experts recommend purchasing models with walls no thinner than 3 mm, so that they do not undergo deformation due to thermal effects ahead of time.

  1. Material.

An Amway or Fontignac wok is usually made from cast iron, steel, aluminum, or ceramic. Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. You can choose the ideal option for yourself by deciding what is more important: price, weight, duration of operation or heating rate.

  1. A pen.

Models are mainly produced in two types: with small handles on the sides or with one long one. It all depends on your preferences and priority cooking methods. Cookware with small side handles is usually used for baking, and the second option is convenient to use on the stove.

How to take care of such utensils?

It doesn't matter why you need a frying pan called a wok. In any case, you need to properly care for her.

First, discard metal kitchen utensils and sponges for washing - they scratch the surface. Secondly, do not allow temperature fluctuations - you can not rinse a hot frying pan with cold water or put food on it that is just out of the freezer. This is enough to keep the dishes in working condition.

As you can see, the wok is quite easy to use. Ready to test what he can do? We will be happy to help you choose the right option!

Being very convenient and multifunctional, the wok has recently become very popular among those people who like to experiment while cooking and prefer oriental cuisine.Fortunately, wok pans have recently been presented in all their diversity on the shelves of supermarkets and specialized stores - models differ both in their functional characteristics and in price.


Having a Chinese origin, the wok, however, is widely used in other cuisine cultures of Asian countries - Filipino, Japanese, Thai, Indonesian, etc. Its initial and main purpose is frying meat, vegetables, fish and others at high temperature in oil. products, which is carried out on an open fire. This method of cooking is especially good for vegetables. With this frying, vegetables become crispy, while retaining almost most of the trace elements and vitamins.


In appearance, the wok pan looks like a flattened cauldron. The bottom of the pan has a small diameter, which allows you to get the right depth, even when using a small amount of oil. Having high walls and expanding upwards, the wok pan allows you to mix the products placed in it without the use of a special spatula. At the beginning of its use, the wok was installed on a wood-burning stove. Therefore, classic wok models have, like a cauldron, a concave bottom. However, the modern deep wok, which is used for cooking on electric and gas stoves, comes with a flat bottom.


A wok can be used not only for frying food, but also as an alternative to a saucepan or saucepan - for classic frying, steaming or stewing. Many Asians replace utensils such as a saucepan, a stewpan with a wok for making soups.


When choosing a wok, be sure to pay attention to the material from which the pan is made, because the functional qualities of any cookware depend on it.
Today, a wok - a frying pan, is made from a wide variety of materials - it can be aluminum, cast iron, stainless or carbon steel. But, the most popular wok is cast iron and aluminum.
The advantage of aluminum is that it has excellent thermal conductivity and is ideal for home use. In this case, the property of aluminum to distribute heat well over the entire surface of the dish is important, because during the frying process you will intensively and continuously stir the cooked products. Chinese cooks appreciate aluminum wok pans because they are cheap, light, heat evenly and quickly, and are also durable.
A cast-iron wok, in terms of its functional properties, is not much different from a regular cauldron and is more suitable for long-term languishing than quick frying. Cast iron wok pans are often used outdoors or in a summer open kitchen.


A deep wok that you plan to use for frying food in oil over an open fire should meet two main characteristics: be light in weight and have a comfortable handle. At home, with gas or electric stoves, it is better to use woks with long handles, especially if you want to learn all the secrets of the Chinese art of cooking.
A deep wok with a short handle made in the form of a loop is also often used by professionals in the art of cooking, but it is not suitable for home cooking, as it is used only in a special oven.
Wok pan with non-stick coating is ideal for classic frying of foods. It is very easy to take care of such a frying pan - it is easy to wash it, and when cooking - it does not need to be ignited for a long time. If you treat such dishes with care, then the non-stick coating will serve you for more than one year.
The SCOVO collection offers you an excellent aluminum wok with non-stick coating -

It can be considered an international dish. The form in which she was recognized in Russia is due to China, America, and other countries. The history of WOK noodles dates back more than 2 thousand years, and the recipe has received mass distribution and respect over the past 100-150 years. It is cooked in a special frying pan, from which it took its name - Wok.

History of wok noodles

According to one version, the wok appeared in Canton, and after that it traveled a long way to get to Russia. A huge cone-shaped thin-walled frying pan with a slightly rounded bottom was a traditional kitchen utensil in China, and then nomadic peoples. Its great advantage was that the products in it were prepared very quickly.

The wok was used by the poor, who did not have the opportunity to install expensive stoves, and had to heat their special small stoves with grass and straw, which burned quickly and did not provide much heat. For the same reason, the wok took root among the nomads. The bottom, small in diameter, had time to heat up to the required temperature, transferring the necessary heat to the high walls.

Noodles were also considered the food of commoners. It was used along with boiled rice, soybeans and wheat. With the advent of woks, it practically replaced them from the diet, mainly due to the simplicity and speed of preparation. Boiled pieces of Mien Pien dough used to be whole fried in a wok, only centuries later, the noodles acquired their usual form. According to one legend, it symbolizes longevity, so the longer the noodles, the better.

wok noodles today

Today, WOK noodles are considered a tasty and affordable dish. It is served in national restaurants in China, in various countries, as a dish of Chinese or Pan-Asian cuisine, and also on the street, offering it as an analogue of fast food.

In a very small amount of oil, but on a very high heat, a huge wok is heated and all the ingredients are fried very quickly, gradually adding each of them. At the same time, the cook constantly stirs the contents of the vat. This cooking technique is called stir-fry. Virtuosos even toss food into the air, and some recipes require the "caress of fire." This is the name of the process when a cooked dish is set on fire and the fire burns inside the pan for several seconds.

Wok Noodle Recipes

Today, WOK noodles are not just pieces fried in a wok, they are a complex dish that combines vegetables with meat, fish or seafood fried in a pan. And of course noodles.

Only noodles can be chosen from 5 options:

  • Udon;
  • Funchoza;
  • spinach;
  • Soya;
  • Corn;
  • Wheat.
  • For fillings, beef, pork, chicken, red fish, and a seafood cocktail are most often used. But there are also purely vegetarian combinations.

Another essential element is refueling. It can be very simple, consisting of salt and oil, or it can be complex, multi-component. In this case, lemon juice, soy sauce, sesame seeds, spices, kimchi dressing, vinegar and other ingredients can be added to the dish.

Cooking method

All ingredients are pre-cooked for roasting. Cooking on fire takes 5-10 minutes, so you simply don’t have time to cut anything in the process, so all products are chopped and laid out in separate cups and bowls before the pan is put on the stove. It is very important to cut the ingredients thinly or into small pieces. This will make roasting faster and more even. Most of the meat and vegetables are chopped into thin long strips so that these products go well with noodles of the same shape.

When it comes to frying, any wok noodle recipe starts with adding oil to a frying pan and heating it up. A good degree of calcination is when white smoke begins to come from the oil, or bamboo sticks dipped into the oil begin to “boil”. Then you can add products.

The ingredients are added one by one. The ones that take the longest to roast are stacked first. As a rule, this meat, after a minute or two of intensive stirring, carrots and other hard vegetables are added to it, the last ones that require minimal heat treatment, such as tomatoes, cucumbers or lettuce, are laid out. Lastly, pre-boiled and well-washed noodles are laid out, and dressing is poured at the end. Everything is thoroughly mixed, heated in a pan and served to the table or laid out in boxes.

The most common WOK noodle recipes are:

  • Rice noodles with chicken and eggplant;
  • Wheat noodles with beef;
  • Egg noodles with pork and green beans;
  • Buckwheat noodles with cheese and vegetables;
  • Funchoza with seafood;
  • Wheat noodles in sweet and sour sauce;
  • Soy noodles with teriyaki sauce;
  • Udon with pork and vegetables.

The principle of cooking is the same everywhere: the one described above. The main thing is to follow the three rules of Wok - cook on high heat, at high speed and constantly interfere.

WOK noodles in a box

In many films, Chinese noodles are eaten not in restaurants or at home, but on the street or in a car made of cardboard boxes. It is sold in take-away cafes and even from wheels and carts on the street. Such boxes for noodles were invented not by the Chinese, but by the Americans. When the fashion for Chinese noodles came to them at one time, they made it an analogue of fast food, and instead of the author's packaging they began to use oyster boxes. It was for this sea delicacy that the boxes were originally designed and manufactured.

It became unprofitable to sell oysters in the fast food format, the prices for clams jumped sky-high. But a worthy analogue came from the skies. Noodles in boxes not only took root in America, but turned into an independent dish and were warmly welcomed in many countries.