Installing an induction hob yourself: features and safety. Myths and truth about induction cookers Why the Japanese don't like induction cookers

Despite the abundance of information, buyers household appliances there are still many misconceptions and prejudices that sometimes prevent them from doing so right choice and enjoy all the functions and capabilities that modern technology provides.

First of all, the experts decided to dispel doubts about purchasing induction (induction hobs). This technology has already conquered Europe, but still remains unpopular in Russia.

Myth #1: Induction is not safe for your health.

When induction operates, it is not the glass ceramics that heats up, but the cookware, which then transfers the heat to the surface. In conventional slabs there is a strip heating element Hi Light, and in induction cookers its place is taken by an electromagnetic coil, which generates heat in the cookware itself due to the action electromagnetic field. However, it disappears as soon as the dishes are raised even a centimeter from the surface.

To confirm the safety of the stove, an experiment was conducted comparing the voltage level of the magnetic field of induction and a conventional hair dryer. According to the test results for the hair dryer, this figure was 2000 µT, and for hob- only 22 µT (91 times less!). Such a magnetic field cannot harm human health.

Myth No. 2: When buying induction, you will have to change all the cookware.

This myth is exactly as old as induction hobs have existed on the household appliances market in Russia. Many of those who purchased an induction hob had no idea that, for example, their old enamel cookware, which is 15-20 years old, has ferromagnetic properties and is suitable for an induction hob. How can one not remember the story about aluminum cookware and the housewife who threw it away without thinking that the bottom of such a cookware could be made of another ferromagnetic material and it could be suitable for cooking on an induction hob?

This myth is very easy to refute. In order not to throw away everything old dishes, on which you are used to cooking, you need to check its bottom for ferromagnetic properties. This is done very simply: remove the magnet from the refrigerator and attach it to the bottom of the dish from the outside. If the magnet sticks, then the pot or pan is suitable for induction cooking.

Myth #3: Induction heats up like a regular glass-ceramic stove.

One of the most common myths, although the induction hob was created so that the glass ceramics would not heat up to high temperatures, but the dish would still be cooked. When destroying the first myth, it was found that when induction works, it is the cookware that heats up, not the surface. You can make sure that induction is much colder than glass ceramics using ice: just put it on the surface. The ice will melt much slower than on a regular stove. This means that culinary masterpieces are no longer in danger of burning.

Myth No. 4: Any metal object that comes into contact with a working induction unit will become very hot.

Some induction surfaces have a minimum cookware diameter requirement of 8 cm. If the diameter is lower, or total area If there is less heating, the hob will not turn on. It is also worth noting that if the cookware is not suitable for use, then it will not heat up. And some induction hobs have a sensor: they won’t turn on without the cookware - just like children, if they decide to press the buttons of the new “machine.”

Myth No. 5: Induction cannot be installed above ovens, dishwashers, or washing machines and other devices with metal surfaces.

Indeed, the electromagnetic coils are located parallel to the tabletop. And theoretically, the magnetic field should act both on objects located above the hob and below it. But there are hob manufacturers who have taken care of this. When creating them, the developers used a special insulating magnetic “heat sink”. Thus, nothing threatens the equipment located near the induction.

Myth #6: Induction cooktops are expensive.

This myth is easy to refute if you just study the market. According to statistics, in 2012, 42% of consumers in Europe chose induction heating technology. On the Russian market you can find induction hobs starting from 11 thousand rubles. As a result, the difference with traditional glass-ceramic panels is small.


This is all nonsense) we lived in an apartment before, there was a hotpoint induction system there. We liked it so much, we got used to it, that we want the same one for ours, or something similar

Studies only confirm the harm of magnetic fields (in microwave ovens, from induction cookers, etc.) “After irradiation, radiation signals appear in the samples different shapes, of various amplitudes at the same radiation dose and differently “superimposed” on the original signal. Based on this, it can be assumed that starting materials initially contained a small amount of free radicals. Under the influence of electromagnetic irradiation, the number of such paramagnetic centers in samples increases or new ones are formed. The concentration of paramagnetic centers or free radicals is directly proportional to the time and (or) the power of exposure.” In Russian: the accumulation of free radicals in the body with food altered by magnetic waves causes cancerous tumors.

12/14/2018 09:50:19, Pro

Induction rules! You just get used to it a little - and it’s a thrill; I don’t like a regular stove at all. We were given induction indesite as a wedding gift, I thought I would never get used to it, but no, I adapted very quickly, and now I just enjoy it.

We also use hotpoint, I can say that our electricity bill hasn’t changed much either, and the fact that we need special dishes, we’re already used to it, we bought enough required containers and now we can easily use our panel)

What I like about my Indesit induction is that now even in the least successful dishes, neither porridge nor scrambled eggs burn! and the water boils, on the contrary, faster

We’ve been using induction for almost two years now. I haven’t noticed at all from my electricity bills that it consumes a lot, as you say, maybe it depends on the model and manufacturer? I have a hotpoint model, by the way, which I am very pleased with, very easy to use and no problems with cleaning

06/24/2017 12:23:19, Mare

Hi all! I would like to say a few words about the savings of induction cookers. I myself have such a stove from Maxwell. The fact is that such stoves operate differently in different modes. In this case, it works for me as follows - at temperatures of 180 and 220 degrees it works constantly without turning off, and at temperatures of 120, 140 and 160 it works without interruption large number time and the lower the temperature, the longer the interruption in time. Thus, turning on and off saves energy. And the lower the temperature, the greater the savings. The maximum consumption of such stoves is 2,000 watts per hour, but due to the fact that periodic shutdowns occur, savings occur at least 2 times. The act of turning it off and on does not have any negative effect on the operation of the stove, but there are a lot of positive effects from it. For example, your milk will never run out, because during shutdown, and the cycle lasts from 5 seconds or more, the foam will have time to cool and settle. There is another plus, due to the fact that there is no contact with a hot surface and open fire, the dishes do not burn on the outside and therefore do not require great care and remains like new. I highly recommend it. I myself have been using it for more than two years and I have no complaints.

02/17/2016 12:33:42, KAE1972

A friend told me about an induction cooker, but this article does not say anything about saving energy. He proved to me about savings, and I read on the net how much it “eats.” I don’t remember the name anymore, but there are small ones like single-burner Sencor and First 2000 W and higher. That's 2 kilowatts. I now have a gas 2-burner, but the gas is 50 liters. Bolon lasts a long time. I will still look for articles about these miracle slabs. In terms of price, they are not expensive, from 30-odd euros and above, depending on the “gains”. Because of this, electricity in Latvia is not very cheap. I also have an 80-liter boiler hanging in my kitchen, heating water, and it’s also “eating.”

Induction - very modern tiles, and more economical and safer due to the fact that they do not heat up, and do not cost so much, and there is already a large selection of them. We took an induction cooker from Kitfort for testing (inexpensive) and have been using it for almost a year now, we have no complaints, and we are not even going to take a more expensive one, as they say here for 30 thousand, these 2 burners are enough! The quality was higher than our expectations!

I want to buy an Indian stove for my dacha, but in the summer the mains voltage is 200V! Will 1 or 2 burner Indian stoves work at this voltage? Thanks in advance for your answer

I’ve had induction for over a year now, I’m very happy, now I’m not afraid that my husband will melt a plastic glass or cup, I’m not afraid that the child will burn his hands, I’m not afraid that the milk will run away. I lifted the pan and it turns off instantly, I’m not afraid that my husband will forget turn off the stove. My husband is used to when he heats his food, he just sets it on the timer and goes to watch TV, the stove turns off by itself. When you switch the speed, the boiling instantly decreases/increases. The water boils faster than in a kettle, the energy savings are huge. I heat milk for a child faster than in a microwave. Now we are choosing a gift for parents at the dacha, so that in the heat they don’t steam near theirs gas stove and didn’t whine that their electric oven doesn’t work when the voltage in the network is low.

03/29/2014 19:21:52, Hedgehog

come on gentlemen, myths about unsafety, let's remember about leaded gasoline where the additive Tetraethyl lead is the strongest poison, lead was removed from the name so as not to scare the average person, you might think because of this it stopped working, and all over the world people are dying, especially in big cities from excess lead in the body, and here the magnetic field was compared in some unknown place with a hair dryer, supposedly and passed off as the ultimate truth.

02.11.2013 05:01:32, wqw

Compared to a standard product or a product with cast iron pancakes, induction panel safety is top notch. It functions according to electromagnetic induction. This principle means the appearance of electric currents inside a closed circuit. They occur when the flow through a circuit changes.

This phenomenon has been used since the mid-19th century, after its discovery by the famous physicist M. Faraday. This phenomenon is widespread in transformation devices. Essentially, an induction hob is a portable transformer.

What is induction in hob? Let's look at the model as an example. In it, this phenomenon is ensured by a special coil, which works like a winding. An electric current passes under it, the frequency of which reaches 60 kHz. The secondary winding is the cookware mounted on the panel. Its bottom receives the induction current. Initially, the cookware heats up, then the heat transfers to the hob.

The process of functioning of the burner in this type of panel (and similar ones) is clear. This is a chain of a number of components:

  1. dishes (pot or other item);
  2. eddy current;
  3. surface (glass or ceramic);
  4. a coil that is connected to the electrical network;
  5. magnetic field.

Consequently, the algorithm for the functioning of this type of slab itself looks like a sequence of a number of actions:

  • The coil is located under the stove itself. The material of this component is copper.
  • When an electric current is passed through a coil, it turns into magnetic fields, and begins to produce induced currents.
  • (or other dishes) becomes a conductor. Its circuit is completely closed.
  • The eddy current that the tile produces causes the electron particles in the bottom of the pan to move.
  • Electrons generate heat. It heats the cookware and starts the cooking (frying) process.

An induction hob cannot be heated to very high temperatures. This is due to its peculiarity - to heat it, you must first heat the bottom of the pan.

Induction heating provides minimal losses heat. Under its influence, the dishes heat up much faster than electric or.

The first devices made according to this principle were expensive and not accessible to everyone. They were not in great demand, and only after popularization they found their buyer. But many still doubt the advisability of installing them in the kitchen.

Pros and cons of induction hobs

Fast heating, safety and convenience, a large number of different programs make the induction hob popular among chefs, housewives and those who like to cook various delicacies.

Purchasing a device requires a detailed analysis of its positive and negative characteristics. Let's try to compare it with others that are more familiar to us. The result will help determine which is better - induction or:

  1. Operating principle. The electric stove heats the dishes only after it has warmed up. The induction hob remains cold, while the cookware itself remains hot.
  2. Whimsicality. For electrical devices, you can use any cookware; for induction cookware, only models with magnetic properties are needed.
  3. Safety. The induction cooker starts only after the dishes are placed on it (it should not be empty). It should only be a large container - a fork or spoon will not start the device.
  4. Speed. An electric stove takes longer to heat up.
  5. Energy consumption. Induction has 1.5 times less consumption compared to electric.

Cons an induction panel, in comparison with an electric stove, is associated with a very high cost of the former. It can also influence work near standing devices, slowing them down.

Now let’s look at the differences between induction and glass-ceramic hobs:

  • Efficiency. A task that would take 1-2 minutes for an induction oven to be completed will be completed by a glass-ceramic oven in at least 5 minutes.
  • Heating intensity. Induction panels do not heat up at all, which cannot be said about glass-ceramic panels.
  • Safety indicators. The induction surface does not get hot, therefore it protects the user from burns. This plate provides automatic function on and off. It is easy to operate - just remove the dishes or put them down. The operation of the glass-ceramic panel must be regularly monitored.
  • Resistant to damage. The induction cooker is afraid of “inappropriate” cookware, so you need to select special items for it. Glass ceramics are highly susceptible to scratches, impacts, and frequent heating.

The price of the induction hob is much higher than its analogues.

Choosing cookware for an induction hob

As noted above, this device is susceptible to kitchen appliances in which food is prepared. Therefore, it will need to be replaced with one designed for such tiles. needed for an induction hob?

We need special items that have ferromagnetic characteristics. You don’t have to visit specialized stores to buy them. This simple models pans and pots that attract magnets. You can also test your enamel saucepan for such abilities - if it copes with the task, then it can also be used.

It is strictly forbidden - products made of copper and aluminum. You should not purchase items made of glass for such panels; porcelain items are also not suitable. Ceramics are prohibited. A good solution is cast iron frying pans.

Cookware for an induction hob must meet a number of requirements:

  1. Thick bottom. The minimum permissible diameter is 12 cm, thickness is 2-6 mm. This is the only way to achieve the required area of ​​contact between the burner and the bottom.
  2. Marking. How do you know that products have the right properties? Look at the inscriptions and marks made by the manufacturer.
  3. Price. We need to prepare for what good dishes, which will fully interact with the panel, is not cheap.

These utensils can also be used on standard tiles. But this is rarely necessary, because with the advent of an induction hob, an electric or glass-ceramic stove loses its relevance.

Can be found combined models with standard and induction hobs. For them, you can use enameled objects, or made of stainless steel or cast iron.

Specialized cookware is not only a set of pots. Manufacturers present ladles, frying pans, and stewpans. In Europe they make items with a durable non-stick coating. These are expensive products designed for users who put quality first. Relatively inexpensive goods are presented by French and Czech companies.

Thus, purchasing an induction cooker requires additional costs. If you don't have suitable utensils in your kitchen, you will need to purchase them. Otherwise, the device will not cope with its purpose and will quickly fail.

Induction hob – harmful or beneficial?

The main reasons causing mistrust potential buyers, are known - this is the high cost of the device and an incomprehensible, unusual operating principle. It is believed that the effect of magnetic fields on the body is exclusively negative. But according to manufacturers, the field created by the induction surface has low frequencies and does not cause any harm.

If you use pacemakers or hearing aids, it is better to keep your distance from such a stove and not come closer than 0.5 m to it. It is advisable not to buy such a device at all - you are better off with a glass-ceramic stove. It is worth considering negative impact such a plate on other household appliances in the room.

Statements about harmful effects induction surface cannot be called completely untruthful. They form a vortex magnetic field, but its negative influence can be compared with the effect of mobile phone. It has very little negative impact.

Food cooked on such a panel is not radioactive. The stove body greatly limits the radius of influence of eddy currents. Their influence will be zero if you move away from the surface by only 0.5 cm.

Induction cookers continue to gain popularity. While some housewives take pride of place in the kitchen, others shrug their shoulders skeptically and talk about the unsafety of their use. Let's try to figure out whose side is right and whether it is worth changing the usual electric or gas stove to a new induction one.

Operating principle

The main difference between such a stove and a classic electric or gas stove is the principle of operation. With a gas stove, everything is obvious: the combustion of gas causes a flame that heats the dishes and food in it. A classic electric stove works by releasing thermal energy when an electric current passes through a metal heating element.

An induction cooker cooks using induction current. Electric current when passing through the turns of a copper coil located under the hob, it is converted into an alternating electromagnetic field. It creates an eddy induction current, which sets in motion the electrons in the bottom and heats it.

Features of choosing dishes

An induction cooker requires the use of special cookware. This is directly related to the principle of induction: the device of the stove is similar to a transformer from physics lessons, only the primary winding is a coil, and the secondary winding is a cookware.

Cooking on an induction hob can only be done in containers with a ferromagnetic bottom.

Manufacturers mark it with a special sign in the form of a spiral, and today a set of induction cookware can be purchased in almost any specialized store.

You can check whether your pan is suitable for an induction cooker using a magnet: if it sticks to the bottom, then you can safely use it.

If you place the wrong container on the burner, the stove simply will not work. During cooking, only the bottom of the pan and, accordingly, the food in it are heated, but not the cooking surface. Therefore, if a piece of food falls on the burner, it’s okay. The whites won't curdle, the onions won't burn, and you won't have to struggle to scrape off the coals.

When choosing dishes, you should definitely pay attention to its bottom, which should be smooth, without dents or bulges. Manufacturers recommend selecting cookware so that the diameter of the bottom matches the diameter of the burner: the smaller the pot or frying pan, the less power it will have.

What if you are used to drinking Turkish coffee freshly brewed in the morning? Then you will have to additionally purchase a special adapter - a metal adapter disk that will cover the surface of the burner.

This disc allows you to cook food in regular cookware not intended for induction cookers. However, it is hardly convenient to use it on an ongoing basis. Firstly, adapter manufacturers do not recommend turning on the stove at maximum power, which already limits you. Secondly, you still won’t have enough of one disk to simultaneously cook several dishes on different burners. It is advisable to think about purchasing it if you really have a need to use small dishes at low or medium power. For example, for brewing coffee or heating milk.


In induction, energy is not consumed to heat the contacting surfaces and air. Heat loss is eliminated because all efforts are devoted to heating the food.

Food cooks faster: there is no need to preheat the frying pan, the heating process begins instantly, and the heat is distributed strictly along the diameter of the bottom of the pan, optimizing What is Induction Cooking electricity consumption.

On the other hand, there is a possibility that you will have to replace the dishes with new ones.

Variety of designs and functions

Like classic cookers, induction cookers are available in different versions:

  • Full size- free-standing stove with oven and burners.
  • Hob- a built-in panel that can be installed directly into the countertop.
  • Portable- mobile stove with one or two burners.
  • Combined- equipped with both induction and classic burners.

Choose any option depending on your kitchen.

To make the cooking process even easier and more comfortable, manufacturers are not skimping and are introducing more and more additional functions, some of which may actually turn out to be unnecessary.

  • Booster(Booster or Power Boost) - a function of transferring power from one burner to another. You simply borrow a little power from a free burner for a while if you need to cook a dish very quickly. Almost all models are equipped with it.
  • Quick start(Quick Start) - you turn on the stove and it automatically detects which burner has dishes on it.
  • Keep warm mode- with this function enabled, you can leave cooked food on the stove without it getting cold.
  • Timer with and without automatic shut-off- you set the cooking time, after which a signal will sound and the burner will turn off ( automatic shutdown), or will continue to work (without automatic shutdown).
  • Safety shutdown- will work if liquid gets on the hob: all burners will automatically turn off.
  • Power and temperature adjustment- you create optimal conditions for preparing specific dishes. Some cookers offer a choice of the appropriate cooking method, such as frying, boiling or stewing.
  • Pause- if you need to be distracted for a short time, just press pause and do your thing. In this case, previously installed settings will not be reset.

When choosing a stove, pay attention to those functions that you really need. The more variations they offer, the higher the price will be. But will you use them all in practice?


The operating principle of an induction cooker causes mistrust and fear among some housewives. Manufacturers assure that it is safe and nothing to worry about. Is this really true?

Various studies have been conducted on the safety of induction cookers. Fact sheet - Induction hobs, their results are slightly different, but agree that at a distance of less than 30 cm from the stove, the electromagnetic field still exceeds the standards SanPiN 2.1.8/ Hygienic requirements for the placement and operation of transmitting radio engineering facilities. Also, if you place a cookware with a smaller diameter than the burner on the panel, or place it slightly unevenly, the electromagnetic radiation will become stronger and the radius of influence will increase.

Vadim Rukavitsyn, environmental consultant

However, the expert clarifies that all this matters if you spend more than two hours a day at the stove. In other cases, the standards become less strict, which allows you to cook without any harm to health.

Compliance with instructions and safety precautions with any electrical appliances extremely necessary. An induction cooker is no exception. As stated earlier, it is necessary to pay special attention the diameter of the dish and the type of its bottom.

The electromagnetic field from an induction cooker does not affect food, since this radiation is not ionizing and acts mainly on the dishes, heating them. If we talk about the effect on the body, it strongly depends on the frequency of radiation, its power and exposure time.

In addition, it is especially important for people with pacemakers to follow safety guidelines. It is recommended to consult with before using your induction cooker.

There is a high probability that if you approach more than 0.5 meters to the switched on stove, the pacemaker may fail.

Vadim Rukavitsyn, environmental consultant

Majority household appliances and gadgets that we use every day, one way or another have an impact on our body. To ensure comfortable use of the devices to which we are so accustomed, it is important to comply with all safety requirements, not neglect the instructions and strictly follow all instructions. This way, first of all, you will protect yourself, and, of course, extend the life of your equipment.



  • Food cooks faster.
  • Energy consumption is optimized.
  • The arsenal has very useful functions.
  • The hob is easy to clean.
  • Less chance of getting burned.


  • The price will be higher than for similar stoves (gas or electric).
  • You may have to replace all your cooking utensils.
  • Additional adapters may also be useful to use containers with a small bottom diameter. For example, Turk for .
  • Some models may seem noisy compared to the usual classic stoves.
  • Strict operating requirements due to the peculiarities of the cooking method.

When purchasing a new induction cooker, you should not rush to plug it into one of the available outlets. In this case, first of all, it is necessary to determine the possibility of connecting a given household electrical appliance to a particular section of electrical wiring and select the most suitable the best way its connections. Let's consider the question of how to connect an induction cooker.

It should be noted that before purchasing an induction cooker, it is necessary to clarify what load limit is determined for the apartment (house) and evaluate the possibility of using a particular induction cooker, taking into account its maximum power consumption.

A tabletop induction electric stove, as a rule, has a cord and a plug for connection to a regular household outlet. That is, in this case there is no need to purchase an additional cord and plug to connect the electrical appliance. But in this case, it is very important to choose the right outlet to turn on the electric stove.

A very common mistake is to plug the electric stove into one of the free sockets without taking it into account. load capacity, that is, the amount of load that can be plugged into a given outlet.

In the best case, one of the circuit breakers in the electrical distribution panel will turn off - as a result of an overload in one of the electrical wiring sections. But if the wiring is not properly protected, for example, if several wiring lines are connected to one circuit breaker, an overload will damage the wiring.

Therefore, before you start using electric stove, you need to find out its maximum power consumption and make sure that this electrical appliance can be plugged into one of the available outlets. Power consumption is indicated in watts (W) or in kilowatts (kW) in the passport on the body of the electric stove, as well as in technical specifications in the operating instructions for this household appliance.

It should be remembered that ordinary household plug socket designed to turn on household electrical appliances with a rated power of no more than 3.5 kW, which corresponds to a load current of 16 A. That is, if the power consumption of the electric stove does not exceed this value, then it can be plugged into this outlet.

First, you need to clarify which cable is connected to the outlet, and how it connects to the rest home wiring. The cable feeding the outlet must have a cross-section of at least 2.5 square meters. mm.

If the cable is connected directly to the home distribution panel, then such wiring line can withstand the current of the household outlet; a circuit breaker of the required rating can be installed to protect such wiring line. This option is most preferable in terms of reliability.

The second common option is that the cable powering the outlet is connected to distribution box. In this case, you need to take into account the loads of other outlets connected to this junction box.

The cable that runs from the main distribution panel to the distribution box must withstand the total load of the outlets powered from it. Therefore, if the load on the induction cooker is an overload for a given section of the electrical wiring, then to turn it on, you should select another outlet of the appropriate load capacity.

Secondly, it is necessary to assess the technical condition of the electrical wiring. If the electrical wiring is in poor condition technical condition, then when a new load is turned on, it may be damaged (See -). In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the cable, in particular its insulation.

A cable with copper conductors is preferable, but if old aluminum wiring is installed in the house, then there is a high probability that such a cable cannot withstand the permissible load.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the condition of the electrical wiring contact connections at the cable connection point in the home distribution panel, socket, as well as intermediate contact connections in the junction box.

For connecting an induction cooker to the network. For safe operation of an induction cooker, it must be grounded, that is, plugged into an outlet with working grounding.

You also need to pay attention to the condition of the outlet. If the plug of an electrical appliance does not make good contact with the sockets of the socket, then the socket must be replaced.

An induction hob has more power; it is plugged not into a regular household outlet, but into a power outlet rated for a current of more than 16 A.

The power socket for connecting the induction cooker is selected according to its load. The total load of an induction cooker can be on average 25-32 A, depending on the number and power of burners.

To power the induction cooker, in this case, an individual electrical wiring line must be laid. The cable cross-section depends on the load of the induction cooker: for a current of 25 A, a copper cable with a cross-section of 4 square meters should be laid. mm, for a load of 32 A - 6 sq. mm.

For safe operation of the induction cooker, the electrical wiring must have working protective grounding. That is, for a single-phase network, a three-core cable must be connected to connect the induction cooker. Accordingly, the purchased power socket and plug set must also have a third grounding contact.

If it is not possible to purchase a power outlet of the required power, then alternative option You can connect an induction hob installed in the installation box. The terminal block must be able to withstand the rated current of the induction cooker connected to it.

As for the cable through which the induction cooker is connected, in this case it all depends on the configuration. If the power cable is included, then it is enough to connect it to the terminal block directly on the induction cooker, and then to the purchased power plug or in the terminal block, depending on the chosen method of connecting the induction cooker.

If the cable is not included, it must be purchased separately. When purchasing a cable, you must pay attention to its cross-section - it must correspond to the load being connected. It is necessary to purchase a flexible three-core cable with a cross-section of 4 or 6 square meters. mm for rated currents of 25 and 32 A, respectively.

To avoid errors, connect the cable to the stove itself, as well as to plug It is recommended to carry out according to: brown or black color - phase conductor, blue - neutral conductor, yellow-green - protective grounding conductor.

If the cable is already connected to the terminal block of the electric stove, then you need to check that it is connected correctly. The following terminal markings are usually indicated on the terminals of an induction cooker:

    L - phase output or L1, L2 (L3) - phase outputs for two-phase (three-phase) connection;

    N - zero output;

    PE is the connection point for the protective grounding conductor.

Two-phase and three-phase connection of an induction cooker

Certain types of induction hobs may provide a two- or three-phase connection to electrical network. If the house is installed, then such an electric stove is connected, as the manufacturer recommends, to two or three phases of the electrical wiring with a four or five-core cable.

The electric stove is connected to a single-phase household electrical network with a three-core cable, and special jumpers between the phases, which are usually included, are installed in the terminal block on the induction cooker. If there are no jumpers, then the connection to two or three phase terminals is made with a wire of a cross-section corresponding to the load of the electric stove.

It should be taken into account that if in included cable for a two- or three-phase connection, it is not designed for single-phase connection, since with a single-phase connection of an induction cooker, the load on the phase conductor increases to the total load of all phases.

Therefore, when using a four (five) core cable to connect to a single-phase network, two (three) phases on the plate are connected to the cable cores, and at the other end of the cable, when connected to a plug or terminal block, the phase conductors are short-circuited with each other and connected to one phase of the electrical network . Or a new three-core cable is purchased, which has sufficient load capacity for a single-phase connection of an electric stove.

The process of connecting an induction hob with an oven is no different from connecting one induction hob. The only difference is the higher power consumption, since in addition to the induction hob, oven power is added. Accordingly, it is necessary to select the correct cable cross-section, as well as a set of power sockets and plugs to connect the electric furnace to the network.

There are types of induction cooktops with ovens that limit the maximum power consumption by turning off one of the burners during operation oven. That is, you can operate all the burners of an induction cooker at the same time, but when you turn on the oven, the ability to turn on one burner is blocked. This option is most suitable for houses with a limited power limit, which does not allow the operation of sufficiently powerful electric stoves.

Protective devices

When connecting an induction cooker, it is very important to correctly select the necessary protective devices. To protect the induction cooker, as well as the power supply wiring, a circuit breaker is installed. Rated current circuit breaker selected based on the power of the induction cooker. In this case, the closest one is selected higher value current, but the characteristics of the electrical wiring are also taken into account - it must protect all elements of the electrical wiring.

To ensure the safe operation of the induction cooker, it is installed in the distribution board, which protects against electric shock, as well as fire in the event of current leakage through damaged insulation. The RCD must be designed for the rated current, taking into account the possible load on the electrical wiring lines.

For example, if a 32 A circuit breaker is installed on the line, then the RCD must be designed to operate at a higher rated current- 40 A, since the thermal release of the circuit breaker does not turn off immediately when the current exceeds 32 A, but after a certain time delay. To protect a person from the negative effects of electric current, the differential operating current of the device protective shutdown should be no more than 10 mA.

Alternatively it is possible to use combined device- performing the functions of the two above protective devices.

Andrey Povny

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For several decades, induction hobs have been popular in America and Europe. Russian housewives continue to treat this piece of technology somewhat warily. Let's find out why and learn more about this type hob.


What are the advantages

An induction cooker has a number of advantages when compared with gas or electric panels:

  1. Operation is absolutely safe. The stove can be used even if there is a small, curious child in the house. When he grabs the working panel with his hands, he will not get burned and will not even feel pleasant warmth. Many experiments were carried out when a hand was calmly placed on the surface next to a pan of boiling water or a layer of paper was made under the dish - it did not catch fire.
  2. Efficiency. Efficiency is achieved (coefficient useful action) in 90%. This figure is the highest among competitors. The heating efficiency of glass ceramics is 50-60%, and that of a gas stove is 60-65%.
  3. There is no dependence of power on network voltage.
  4. The heating speed of the panel is much higher, which means cooking goes faster. Scientists conducted an experiment: half a liter of milk at the same temperature was boiled on an electric, gas and inverter stove. Needless to say, in the latter case the milk boiled much faster - 4 minutes 10 seconds compared to 4 minutes 48 seconds on gas and 5 minutes 32 seconds on electric.
  5. Easy to clean. If porridge suddenly escapes from the pan or you break an egg past the frying pan, there is no reason to worry. Since it is not the stove that is heating up, but only the dishes, the liquid remains a liquid, it will not burn or dry out. You can easily wipe it with a kitchen cloth, and the stove will shine like new.
  6. Economical consumption of electricity. Thanks to the high percentage of efficiency, energy is spent only on heating the dishes, there is no thermal effect on the air and the remaining panel. This is the main difference from an electric stove, where current is consumed to heat the coil. Here it is necessary to create a magnetic field in the induction coil, which is much less expensive. We will dwell on this in more detail when we consider the operating principle of an induction cooker.
  7. To turn on the burner, you need dishes of the appropriate diameter - at least 8 centimeters. This feature eliminates the possibility of frying a fork that accidentally falls on the surface. The smart panel also automatically calculates that the diameter of the bottom of the pan should be at least half the diameter of the burner.
  8. There are many built-in cooking programs, unlike a gas hob. This makes the housewife's life much easier and also saves a lot of time.
  9. Can't help but mention appearance convection stove. Smooth shiny surface, minimalist design, no extra buttons. By the way, little advice: a silver-colored panel will look more advantageous in the kitchen, since grease stains are less noticeable on it.

What types of induction cookers are there?

Convector stoves vary in size, functionality, and also in built-in options:

  1. Size. The panel can be either 30x30 centimeters or reach a size of more than 100 centimeters in length. It depends on the chosen shape: square, rectangle or hexagon. You can experiment with an interesting shape and place tiles in different ways in the kitchen: it can even be corner.
  2. Functionality capabilities. An induction cooker can be equipped with various functions. Some of them are: keep warm mode, pause mode, electronic timer, power adjustment and so on.
  3. Embeddability:
  • the plate can be combined with induction furnace for the kitchen;
  • the combined version provides for the presence of several burners, the operation of which is based on different principles: two induction, two electric;
  • multi-burner surface that can be easily integrated into kitchen furniture. You can install storage shelves or an oven underneath it;
  • tile small size with one burner, which is convenient to move around the apartment or even take with you on a trip.


What are the differences from other plates

In addition to the qualities listed in the advantages, there are other features that distinguish the convection stove from its competitors in the market.

Firstly, this is the price. Here the difference is immediately noticeable. An inductive panel will be much more expensive to purchase than a gas or electric model, which have a similar set of functions. On the other hand, the simplest induction can remain inexpensive and still be of high quality. On the websites of hardware stores you can find many budget options with photos, descriptions and detailed reviews, revealing the advantages and disadvantages of all presented models.

Secondly, to cook food normally you will need special utensils. Cookware with ferromagnetic properties is required. Don't let this scare you compound word. More to the point in simple language, then a magnet should be attracted to pans and pots. Such cooking utensils can be found in any store; they are marked with a special icon indicating its properties. Additionally, you can take a magnet with you and check the authenticity. However, it is not necessary to change the entire set of cookware for a new stove. Proven items made of cast iron and stainless steel will do, even if they have a layer of enamel on them. Never use materials such as aluminum, copper, porcelain, glass, or ceramics. If you really don’t want to part with your favorite dishes, but... modern stove I want it, then there is a solution to the problem. Just buy special ones metal wheels, which attach to the bottom of your good old saucepan and make it suitable for use.

Thirdly, the convection stove makes a certain noise. It quietly hums or buzzes - this is the sound that the working coils make when they interact with the dishes. The humming, however, is not too loud; it dissolves in the everyday atmosphere of noisy fuss in the kitchen. Moreover, than more modern model hob, the quieter the sound it makes.

Working principle of an induction cooker

Let's finally deal with the question that has been tormenting all readers from the very beginning of the article. It's time to learn how an induction cooker works.

We owe the existence of the induction cooker to the famous English physicist Michael Faraday. It was he who discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction in 1831. In order not to delve into the history of science, let us turn to practice. Let us answer the question, what does an induction cooker mean?

The hob consists of glass ceramics. Below it is an induction coil made of copper wire, which in appearance resembles a flat snail with numerous coils on the shell. An electric current with a frequency of 20-60 kHz passes through all turns of the coil, an alternating electromagnetic field appears, and then an induction current. Cookware with a ferromagnetic circuit, which was already mentioned above, becomes part of the electromagnetic circuit. Thus, the induction coil acts as the primary winding, and the cookware on the stove is the secondary winding. The bottom of the pan is heated by inductive eddy current.

In this case, heat losses are minimized. The main forces are directed towards heating the dishes, the food in the dishes is heated, and the glass-ceramic surface is heated by the dishes on it. And as soon as the frying pan is removed from the panel, it automatically turns off and cools down in a matter of minutes.

  1. Never use cookware made from materials that are not suitable for use with an induction hob.
  2. There are models that automatically turn off after 2-3 hours. You should keep an eye on your stove if you are cooking something for an extended period of time.
  3. Not every induction hob has the opportunity to place an oven, dishwasher, microwave oven and other metal equipment. When choosing a model, pay attention to this and consult a specialist.

  • insufficiently powerful heating - associated with incorrect diameter or location of the cookware, as well as overheating of the copper coil;
  • one of the burners or a whole row does not work - most often due to the incompatibility of the dishes with the type of stove;
  • there is no connection - you need to check the fuse and power supply;
  • The residual heat indicator is broken - run a software test to check the operation of the temperature sensor.

There are not many malfunctions, and all of them can be solved. In extreme cases, a specialist in repairing inverter cookers will be able to help you.

What the market offers, main manufacturers

Moscow hardware stores offer a variety of various models and manufacturers. The most famous of them: AEG-Electrolux, ILVE, BOSCH, Hansa, Zanussi, Samsung, Siemens, Gorenje. Among the proposed options there are both more economical brands and those aimed at the premium class of consumers.

Induction hob technology is the most advanced and modern in the world. It is still just gaining popularity, but has already received well-deserved respect from cooking enthusiasts living in advanced countries.