How to install a round sink. Do-it-yourself installation of a sink in the countertop. How to fix corner, round and granite sinks

Kit kitchen furniture includes many components for various purposes. The central element of the headset in this room can be called a countertop. It's not just basic working surface, but also a kind of frame with which kitchen communications, shelves, cabinets and, of course, a sink interact. And if the communication connection is carried out according to typical schemes with given hole parameters, then the integration of functional elements into the very niche of the platform requires more serious preparation. The operations of cutting and performing fasteners are only a part of the working steps, without which the countertop cannot do. It is not easy to implement these and other tasks on your own, but it is possible if you follow the instructions.

Preparation for installation activities

Before the start of the work activities, it is necessary to prepare expendable materials, tool and directly washing. At this point, the countertop should be installed, and the material of its manufacture should correspond to the sink. The fact is that different countertops, depending on the size and material of manufacture, have different bearing capacity. Thin models based on composites can only withstand stainless steel sinks. If you plan to install a stone sink into the countertop, then you should focus on high load. AT this case or the tabletop must be made of at least artificial stone, or additional holders are provided in the pedestal itself under the platform.

As for tools, a set should be prepared measuring instruments, electric drill or jigsaw, screwdrivers, wrench, construction knife and a caulking gun. What consumables will be needed - it depends on the installation method, which will be discussed later. The universal list includes screws and sealant. In addition, do not forget about plumbing, the organization of which involves the use of a siphon, a water supply hose and a mixer.

Markup rules

This is a crucial stage, during which the configuration of the sink will be determined in accordance with its dimensions. Of course, one should build on the parameters of a particular sink, but there are also standard rules placement, which should not contradict the selected installation scheme. First of all, the cutting edge, that is, the line of contact between the sink and the countertop, should be located at least 50 mm from the edge. This value should be maintained regardless of the method by which the sink will be further installed in the countertop.

You can independently put the sink on both glue and hardware, but in both cases, the load on the edge must be minimized. The only exception is the area with the rear end, where the distance from the edge to the cut can be 25 mm, since in this part the pressure on the structure will be less. Also, when marking, you should remember about the communications that will be connected to the central washing point - they must fit freely so that both water supply and drainage to the sewer are provided.

Cutting the countertop to the size of the sink

After marking, the lines of the future cut should be ready. To perform cutting, two tools are used - a jigsaw and an electric drill. First, a drill comes into play, which will create niches for sawing. If installation is planned, then it is necessary to make holes with a depth of at least 10 mm in each corner. Next, from each hole with a jigsaw, you need to make a connection with another nearby point along a straight cut line.

A different approach should be taken if a round sink is installed in a countertop. It is more difficult to cope with this task on your own, since it will be necessary to perform not a straight cut, but a curved cut. But work should also begin by creating a hole with an electric drill. It will be one. To facilitate cutting, it is desirable to initially have a jigsaw designed for curly cutting. Then you should carefully guide the saw strictly along the intended circular line. It is important to avoid even small deviations, to cut smoothly and without jerks.

Installing a sink with glue

The adhesive method of fixing the sink is not the most reliable, but practical and, subject to a tight fit, can be quite durable. Before applying glue, it is necessary to process the edges of the countertop in the places of cutting. For this, fine abrasive materials are used in or fine-grained grinding wheel. Next, a sealant based on polyethylene is applied. Usually it is supplied with the product.

It is also worth noting that adhesive method a stainless steel sink is installed in the countertop, but not stone models, the shift of which can lead to a violation of the fixation. Both the places of future contact of the sink itself and the polished edges of the countertop are pre-lubricated with glue. It will be possible to use the sink for its intended purpose only after the complete crystallization of the composition - you need to wait about 24 hours.

Installing a sink with fasteners

Mechanical fixation will provide greater reliability, but there is one caveat. The adhesive composition increases the tightness of the convergence of the sink and countertop. In the case of screws, the use of water-resistant sealants in a larger volume will prevent the risk of flooding at the joints than in the case of glue mounting. Usually, fasteners are supplied in the kit, so you don’t have to look for special hardware.

The “cross” installation of the sink in the countertop is considered optimal. You can independently make such an installation either with a screwdriver or a screwdriver manually. The fastening strips are arranged diagonally, after which the complete screws are integrated into the technical holes.

Mortise and overhead sinks - differences in installation

Mortise sinks involve individualized installation, including with figured cutting of the countertop. Overhead models also rarely do without pre-treatment platform, but in this case, the markings for future cutting are made in straight lines. As a rule, a square or rectangular shape, and cutouts of this format are made in special panels even in the factory.

What is the benefit of installing mortise sink on the tabletop? Self-implement curly cutting for such a sink is more difficult, but in the end it will provide a higher degree of reliability, not to mention aesthetic appeal.

The nuances of installing ceramic sinks

Both ceramic and stone sinks are made using the inset technique only. For such models, the creation of a more resilient load-bearing structure with good fixation. Fastening is recommended to be carried out according to the combined method - that is, using glue and mechanical fasteners. In this way, the optimal installation of the ceramic sink into the countertop will be carried out.

You can also prepare an internal holding base yourself. This is done with the help of wooden planks that insure the niche of a heavy countertop under the cabinet. You can also fasten such strips with nails, but a more preferable option involves the use of self-tapping screws or screws.

Connecting the sink to communications

First connect the cold and hot water. On the one hand - to the mixer, on the other - to the water channel. The mixer integration point must contain a rubber seal. Next, a siphon outlet is introduced into the sink - it is advisable to use a curved model, since bottle outlets quickly become clogged. A sewer pipe is connected to the siphon.

If installation was carried out in the countertop, then the communication line should be used as rigidly as possible. For example, the nozzle may have a reinforced corner structure. At the final stage, it is necessary to check all connections and, if necessary, provide the joints with sealing cuffs.

During the installation process, regardless of the installation method, a sealant will be applied. You should not feel sorry for him, since the joints must be well sealed. However, excess that extends beyond the gaps must be removed before they dry out.

Another nuance concerns working with stone and ceramic structures. This is the most time-consuming installation of a sink in a countertop. It is physically difficult to make such an installation on your own in the kitchen, so it is better to work with a partner. And one more point concerns the choice of the method of tightening the screws. If possible, it is best to carry out such operations without power tools and manually, since excessive force can lead to deformation of the materials of the countertop and the sink itself.


How ergonomic a sink integrated into the countertop will be depends on many factors. Highest value will have the placement of the object in the overall configuration of the headset. Durability and reliability arranged structure in this case, it will be determined by the installation of the sink in the countertop. Self-assembly can guarantee the success of future operation only if the above recommendations are followed, as well as if high quality used consumables.

Particular attention in this context should be given to the sealant and adhesive composition. It is advisable to choose both products from the lines of large manufacturers recommended for use in the kitchen in harsh operating conditions.

Equipping a countertop with a sink is a rather difficult task. If you do not comply established requirements installation, you can ruin both the equipment itself and the cover of your table in the kitchen.

Several ways to cut

Let's take a closer look at how to cut a countertop for a sink. the main task, which should be solved correctly when installing the sink - compliance with the geometry of the hole for mounting in the worktop. On the initial stage We need to decide which installation method we will use.

Note! The main thing to consider design features sinks.

There are several types of mounting.

The top edges of the sink are located below tabletop level. Outwardly, this method looks strict and attractive enough; it is used to expensive headsets. When performing it, certain requirements must be met:

  • you should have special tools, washing certain forms;
  • cut table top edges without fail should be treated with a water repellent.

sink insert flush with countertop. It is important to do it right preliminary training surfaces:

  • the areas that will be in contact with the sink are worked out with a special tool, recesses are made equal to the thickness of the sides of your sink,
  • this work is quite complicated, the hole for the sink must be done with great care.

The sink is installed several above table top. The method is the simplest and does not require much effort. You can install the sink in this way yourself, having minimum set tools.

How to do this work yourself

For example, consider the installation of washing equipment in a countertop made of chipboard. Type of installation - above the table surface. The entire workflow can be decomposed into the following steps:

  • marking the future hole;
  • cutting a hole;
  • sink installation;
  • sealing of joints.

Work should begin with preparation necessary tools. Make sure that all necessary fasteners are supplied with the sink. Of the tools you will need:

  • building pencil;
  • level, corner and tape measure;
  • drill and drill for woodworking;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • silicone and screws.

You can get to work. Make sure that foreign objects do not interfere with you. It is desirable that the tabletop is not fixed to the pedestal frame. If the table is already assembled - it doesn’t matter, you can cut a hole like that. Carefully mark up. Consider how this is done under a rectangular sink:

  • Draw two lines with a construction pencil, perpendicular each friend. At the point of their intersection there will be a drain hole.
  • We turn the sink over, lay it on the countertop and outline its contour. At the same time, do not forget to take into account the level of the sink edge relative to the table doors.
  • We measure the width of the side of the sink and draw the inner contour. The cutting will be done along this line.
  • Once again, we double-check all the parameters and proceed to cutting.

Cut the hole with an electric jigsaw. To insert a file, you should drill technological holes in the countertop. Usually they are performed with a drill at the corners of the contour. All drilling work is carried out on the front side of the countertop. This will make it possible to do the job without any kind of chipping of the laminated sections of the table. Now you can take a jigsaw and cut a hole along the inner contour. After that, you should first try on your sink to the resulting hole.

Note! If there is a slight backlash, they cut it out correctly. If there is no backlash, additionally process the edges of the hole with a jigsaw.

Now you need to clean the edges of the hole. This is necessary so that the uneven edges do not interfere with high-quality sealing of the joints. This work is being done sandpaper with fine grain. After cleaning, we perform sealing. In this case, two methods can be used:

  1. Sealant.
  2. PVA glue.

The first method is good, but it should be done with great care so as not to miss sections of the countertop. It is best if you do not regret the sealant and apply it with a decent margin. The second method is more difficult - PVA glue should dry for almost an hour. But it reliably protects against moisture penetration.

Photo instruction


Having processed the edges of the countertop, you can proceed with the installation of the sink. Drain fittings are assembled according to the instructions, the sink is installed in the prepared hole. All connections are checked again and tightened securely.

Installation of a sink in a countertop made of other materials

Chipboard countertop is the most famous option. But there is also fake diamond– more durable material. If you want to have a kitchen set with such a countertop, order a countertop with a ready-made hole for the sink. If the hole has not been pre-drilled, you can take your table top to a specialist workshop to have the hole cut by professionals. You can work on your own - the order of operations is known. Only instead of a jigsaw you will need a grinder and diamond circle. Remember that a decent dust cloud is formed during sawing, so work should be done outdoors.

Round and corner sinks

There are some setup features here. The instruction we already know is taken as the basis. But! If the sink is round, technological holes are arranged in increments of seven to ten centimeters. This will allow you to cut without much difficulty. You will be very lucky if you find a template for cutting the required hole with the sink.

The corner version of the sink also requires some heightened attention. If the turning angles are less than 90 degrees, then technological drilling is performed quite heaps in the corners.

Granite sink is a special story. Here, the participation of professionals is definitely required, it is impossible to do such work on your own. After all, in the sink you will have to cut a hole for the drain - and this cannot be done at home.


See how they prepare the hole for the sink and install the sink itself:

Today you can install the kitchen sink that you like. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to contact a qualified specialist for this - usually such a procedure as installing a sink into a countertop with your own hands can be done quite well. But in any case, the kitchen sink has a truly strategic importance, and therefore its choice and especially installation should be approached with all responsibility.

Types of sinks by installation method

There are several technologies for installing a kitchen sink at once. The choice of one or another option depends, first of all, on the type of construction of the sink itself.

It is not surprising that representatives of the latter group are most popular today. They, unlike overhead models, provide high-quality sealing, but at the same time they are much cheaper than under-table counterparts. In short, the best value for money.

Kitchen sink prices

kitchen sinks

Key features of choosing a sink

Even before buying a sink and starting work, you must decide which product you will install. It is better to give preference to deep sinks and fairly low faucets - splashes in this case during washing dishes will be minimal. The large depth of the sink is needed so that it is convenient for you to put dirty dishes there or wash large pots.

In addition, pay attention to the material - it is much easier to embed a traditional sink made of "stainless steel" on your own. Although enameled steel can be considered another good option.

On a note! As for a particular manufacturer, here one should proceed solely from financial capabilities and personal preferences.

What do you need to tie in a kitchen sink?

To insert the sink into the countertop with your own hands, you must prepare the following materials and tools:

  • pencil;
  • electric drill, metal drill for it (1 cm in diameter);
  • roulette;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • building corner;
  • sharp knife;
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • sealant (sanitary or universal);
  • self-tapping screws (dimensions - 4x30 mm).

Note! It is important to prepare everything necessary equipment even before proceeding with the installation, otherwise you will have to spend time looking for them already in the course of work.

How to embed a sink into a countertop - step by step guide

At first glance, the installation procedure is nothing complicated. However, there are a number of nuances that pop up immediately after the start of work. Such nuances will be discussed - traditionally, in the form of an illustrated step-by-step instruction.

We have already talked about the criteria for choosing a kitchen sink, we will only add that if you want to purchase a budget option– we recommend paying attention to the German Franke sink, made of stainless steel. It will cost more than Chinese models, but it is made of thin high-quality steel, and not of “thick foil”, like them. It is such a sink that is installed in this example.

Almost all modern mortise sinks are sold in cardboard box, which additionally plays the role of a template for cutting into the countertop. This template first needs to be cut out for the subsequent installation of the sink.

Next, the cut out template must be placed on the countertop, and then aligned parallel to its sides. Then you should check if there are any elements under the chosen place that can interfere with the installation of the sink. When will be chosen optimal location products, the template must be fixed with masking tape and circled with a pencil.

Now you can start cutting the template, for which it is convenient to use an electric jigsaw. But first it is necessary to drill initial holes in the countertop with a diameter slightly larger than the size of the jigsaw blade.

It is also desirable to protect the perimeter around the future cutout with the same masking tape, otherwise the jigsaw may damage the countertop. It is not worth rushing directly during cutting, because the saw may deviate and the cutout will turn out to be crooked as a result.

When the opening is cut out, its edges should be treated with sanitary silicone (this will make the cut waterproof). Then you need to wait until the silicone hardens.

In our example (as you can see in the image below), you have to cut not only the countertop itself, but also certain elements of the kitchen furniture.

If so, once again you need to use the cardboard sink template, but this time on the inside of it.

Now you need to cut out the elements of the opening under the sink, and, again, treat all saw cuts with silicone.

After that, the sink can be tried on and see if everything fits. If everything is fine with this, you can proceed to further work.

Everything you need to assemble the siphon (it must be purchased separately) should be unpacked and checked, then there is a careful study of the assembly instructions.

There is nothing complicated in the assembly of the siphon itself, except that one of the tubes will need to be cut to size.

All communications must be completed before the sink is installed. In our example, this gas pipe from the balloon (she orange color) and water pipes(they're green).

Holes for water pipes should be made in the kitchen cabinet. Work should begin with marking the future location of the latter.

All excess must be cut with a jigsaw.

The next step is another treatment of sections with sanitary silicone.

Now you can lay water pipes (preferably, as in the example, polypropylene) to the sink and water purification filter.

Here is a diagram of the piping under the kitchen sink.

Before installing the sink, you should install a tap for drinking water.

Preparation for installation of the mixer. To mark the holes for it, you need to take a cardboard template in order to transfer their projection.

In accordance with the projection, holes should be drilled in the sink, through which the mixer will be attached.

The next step is to directly mount the mixer.

After that, you need to try on the fasteners for the sink. According to German developers, plastic latches for some reason will be quite enough to hold the product.

Note! In addition, in some places such latches are simply inconvenient to mount.

An alternative is to use bands mounting tape(they need to be threaded into the "ears" of the fasteners).

Also, before installing the product, the edges of the opening should be glued with a sealant.

The sink must be fixed with self-tapping screws through the mounting tape.

Everything, the kitchen sink is installed in the countertop! Now it remains to process all the gaps with a sanitary sealant, and cut off the remnants after the material has hardened.

Video - How to embed a sink into a countertop

Installation example without using the cardboard template

If such a template is missing for one reason or another, do not be discouraged, because the shell insert can be done without it. The procedure itself in this case is also nothing complicated, but short instruction installation instructions are shown in the table below.

Table. Master class on installing a kitchen sink in a countertop.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

By choosing appropriate place, you need to turn the sink upside down and put it on the countertop where the product will be located. The position of the sink is leveled, for which a tape measure is used.

When installing the sink, do not forget about the overhangs of the countertops, as well as connections kitchen cabinet. For this reason, the sink should be positioned in such a way that the fasteners do not rest against the connections of the lower cabinet, and the product itself does not protrude beyond its front surface.

Next, you need to outline the outline of the sink.

Sidewall lock. The width of the mortise opening will be less than that of the sink. In most cases, such sides are 1.4 cm wide, but it is advisable to check this.

The dimensions must be transferred to the countertop, and then mark the cut line.

Next, you need to take a drill with a diameter of 0.8-1 cm and use it to do in the corners of the contour through holes. The latter, as in the previous instructions, will be required in order to start a jigsaw file.

Insert a jigsaw file into one of the holes, and then cut the opening in accordance with the markings.

The hole is almost ready.

Now you need to carefully remove the sawn piece of the countertop.

The edges of the opening must be coated with silicone without fail. In the absence of a special device that can squeeze silicone out of the tube, you can use the handle of a simple hammer for this.

So, the edges are smeared with silicone.

Next, you need to prepare the seal and fasteners (all this should also be included in the kit).

The fasteners should be installed, but it is recommended to degrease the sides before gluing the sealant (for example, with the "646" solvent).

After that, the sides must be pasted over with a sealant.

The next step is to install the sink with all its fasteners in place. Before tightening the fasteners, you should once again check the position of the product and, if necessary, align it.

At the end, the fasteners must be tightened.

Everything, the sink is safely installed. Now it remains only to screw the mixer, hang the drain and connect the communications, but all this has already been described in detail in the previous section of the article.

Video - Installing the sink in the countertop

Finally, a few more useful tips. If you want to properly install and connect the sink, remember three important nuances.

  1. Instead of rubber seals better use silicone sealant. The fact is that rubber is unable to provide a snug fit, and its service life is short. But the sealant will qualitatively fill all the cracks and gaps.
  2. Fixing the sink with self-tapping screws is recommended to be done exclusively by hand. If you use a tool, this can lead to strong stress and, as a result, damage to the structure.
  3. If the sink is made of stone (artificial or natural), then a minimum of two people will be required for installation to avoid falling and damaging the product.

Note! When connecting the sink to communications, you must use rubber gaskets so that the joints are better sealed.

Caring for your stainless steel sink

The main thing is to prevent scratches and microcracks on the surface, and also follow the recommendations below.

  1. Avoid abrasive cleaners and metal sponges altogether. They leave cracks on the surface of the product, which (albeit not visible to the naked eye) will “grow” over time and become a serious external defect.
  2. No need to put heavy objects on the sink - they can lead not only to the damage mentioned above, but also to deformation.
  3. It is better to give preference to gel detergents because they are less aggressive.

If you follow these simple rules, you will be able to extend the life of the stainless steel kitchen sink and maintain the external attractiveness of the product for many years.

Our solution for fixing a sink - strips of mounting tape threaded into the lugs of the fixtures

From the author: Good day, dear readers! Today we will introduce you to the algorithm for performing work on installing a kitchen sink. Organize water supply in the kitchen - milestone any repair work. You may need the help of a professional to install a countertop sink. But if you are sure own forces and have already been engaged in the repair of premises, you can try to perform this procedure yourself.

What tools are needed to install the sink?

Installation of the sink, produced independently, will not do without special tools. You will need:

  • hacksaw;
  • screws;
  • drill;
  • jigsaw (tool for woodworking);
  • cardboard, pencils, scissors and wide adhesive tape;
  • sealant (silicone is best);
  • brackets and elements for fasteners;
  • drills in a set;
  • sandpaper;
  • rag.

Be careful with the canvas of the countertop: in case of unsuccessful movements, you may have to change it. Before starting work, check how strong you have purchased the sink, and build on this knowledge during the installation process.

What are kitchen sinks

There are several types of structures. They differ in how they are installed.

  1. Overhead. Such a sink implies any supporting structure, for example, a cabinet. After installation, between the structure and the countertop itself, there should be small space. Such products are usually made of loose, thin material.
  2. Underbench. Made from a more durable material than overhead sinks, these sinks must be mounted below the surface of the countertop. This strengthens the structure and "hooks" it to the supporting pedestal.
  3. Mortise. The type of sinks that we will talk about today. A similar design simply crashes into the countertop during installation. It does not require additional supporting pedestals and similar structures.
  4. Mounted. Such a thing is convenient: it provides fast access to all pipes.

In addition, sinks can be various forms, have more than one bowl, and be made from materials of varying strength. Stainless steel, ceramic, acrylic, glass or granite are the most common materials used for kitchen and bathroom sinks. You should pay attention to these characteristics in order to understand how you need to work with your chosen product.

Don't forget about additional elements which may also require installation. Such elements include filters, special valves, secondary outlets that complement the main outlet.

How to install a mortise structure correctly?

If possible, do not use a screwdriver. Manual screwing is considered the strongest and safest. Without a screwdriver, you do not injure the sink, which may be subject to deformation.

How to attach a sink to the wall without using a cabinet?

You will need mounting brackets. They can be purchased at the repair and construction supply store.

  1. Mark the wall at a height of eighty centimeters from the floor.
  2. Measure back wall models. After that, make a second marking on the wall below the first by as many centimeters as you got after measurements. These markings will be the bracket attachment lines.
  3. On the product, the mounting points of the brackets are already marked. You will need to measure the distance between these locations and transfer the measurements to the attachment lines. At the resulting points, you need to drill small holes.
  4. Start screwing on the brackets. Do this with special tools, not with your hands! You will need as many fasteners as the number of points for connecting them to the sink is indicated in the plan that comes with your purchase.
  5. Fix the model with brackets. You do not need to additionally protect the wall with various gaskets.

Choose the strongest brackets. They should last you as long as possible, so you should not save on such materials.

How to choose a kitchen sink?

Pay attention to functionality. Choose a sink that will suit you with the number of taps, wings, bowls. In addition, it is important to consider the availability of space for drying. In sinks that are mounted in the countertop, such a place is usually provided.

Don't forget capacity. If you cook daily big family you will need a roomy, deep sink.

The material from which the model is made is important. The stronger it is, the more durable your purchase will serve. Check the reviews of a particular company's products on the Internet to choose the design that suits you personally.

In the design of the sink, nothing should confuse you. The sink should be comfortable, aesthetically attractive. In addition, the design can not argue with the design kitchen sets, so choose the one that fits perfectly with your surroundings.

If it is important for you to have a separate faucet with filtered water, pay attention only to those models that comply with this requirement. Do not buy a sink that does not satisfy you completely. As a result, such a model will not please you with durability, since you will see only one drawback.

We wish you good luck in choosing and installing a mortise sink! This type of sink is considered the most convenient and durable in operation. Using similar sink moisture does not accumulate between the cabinets, and the products themselves are very practical. Usually mortise models are made of very durable materials, which significantly increase the service life of the product. Be careful when installing such a product and do not forget about safety precautions so as not to accidentally damage either the objects around you, or yourself or your assistants.

Often the manufacturing company mounts the bowl itself. But it happens that the service is not registered in the price list. In this case, the owner has to carry out the installation independently or by the hands of specialists. But this is no cause for concern. Required set tools and expert advice will help you successfully complete the task.

The topic of today's article is installing a sink in a countertop. This work is not particularly difficult, but you need to have certain carpentry and construction skills. The tips outlined in the material will help you figure out how to embed the sink into the countertop with your own hands, and do it competently and quickly enough.

Installing the sink in the countertop yourself - stages of work:

  • Making a hole in the middle of the array.
  • Edge processing.
  • Installing the bowl, fixing it from the back.
  • Sealing the space between the sink and the lid.
  • Supply of communications and connection of the structure to the water supply and sewerage.

High-quality fastening of the structure is determined by such factors:

  • Fastening reliability.
  • High quality fit and seal.

Important! moisture is aggressive environment for the material from which the cover is made, in particular for chipboard. High-quality installation does not allow it to swell or dry out, which makes it possible to significantly extend its service life.


This is perhaps the most responsible and serious stage if you need to embed the sink into the countertop:

  1. Place the sink in the center of the lid. The distance from the countertop to the edge of the sink should be from 5 cm. If this gap is smaller, then the sink needs to be deepened.
  2. The interval from the corner plinth is 3 cm or more, so that there are no problems with cleaning. If dimensions allow, it is advisable to leave a little space on both sides to accommodate sponges and household chemicals.
  3. If the manufacturer supplies a template for mounting the bowl, then the task becomes much easier. If there is no template, then you need to install the sink on the lid upside down and circle its contour with a washable marker.

Important! If a round sink is to be installed in the countertop, then the hole along the contour will have a round shape.

How to embed a sink into a countertop: a hole for a bowl

To properly make a hole, you need a jigsaw. It - suitable option for structures made of chipboard or wood. With more durable materials, a jigsaw cannot cope:

  • Prepare four centimeter holes along the vertices of the rectangle. The marking line should not be crossed.
  • Put a file with a 2 mm tooth length on the jigsaw.

Important! The direction of the tooth must be chosen opposite. In this case, there will be no chips on the front surface of the countertop.

  • Secure the wood plank across the sawn lines with self-tapping screws so that the cut-out portion of the countertop does not fall prematurely under its own weight.
  • Delete the cut out part.
  • Coat the edges of the resulting hole with silicone.

Installation work

Now - a direct answer to the question: how to embed the sink into the countertop. You will again need liquid silicone:

  1. Step back a few millimeters from the edge of the hole, apply a layer of silicone in the form of a tourniquet. At the same time, the height of the silicone layer should slightly exceed the side of the sink.
  2. Then apply another silicone “tourniquet”, stepping back from the first one by about a centimeter.
  3. After about 30 minutes, the silicone will dry.
  4. Insert the bowl into the pre-prepared hole so that the silicone “wires” take the shape of the sink, and leave for a few minutes.
  5. Then remove the bowl and check the silicone layer. If it is not broken, then everything is done correctly, and the structure will receive an additional silicone rim.
  6. Fasten fittings to the countertop to install the hose and faucet.
  7. The siphon is more convenient to attach to an already installed structure.
  • The hardest part is getting the hole right. If it turns out to be prohibitively large, then the sink simply cannot hold on. You need to cut the hole, slightly stepping back from the markup inward.

Important! If the bowl does not fit in the resulting hole, then you can expand it to the desired dimensions using a rasp.

  • Different types of silicone harden differently. If you rush to expose the sink, then an additional side will not work, because the silicone may burst.