Do-it-yourself pond aerator. How to make an ejector aerator from a pump. Pond aerator in winter How to make a homemade pond aerator

Breathing is the source of life not only for humans, but for all animals. It is known that even plants, which release oxygen through photosynthesis, at night, when sunlight missing, breathing, i.e. consume oxygen. Oxygen is needed not only by those who are on the surface, but also by those who live under water. Therefore, it is important to know how to make a do-it-yourself pond aerator.

Water aeration

AT vivo where water bodies flow one into another, the water is saturated with oxygen. Continuously spouting springs replenish reservoirs with microelements. But for ponds, forced aeration may be required. This is necessary for a number of reasons:

  • Seasonal and daily temperature fluctuations. The warmer the water, the faster the metabolism of the inhabitants of flora and fauna. This leads to more oxygen consumption.
  • Too much a large number of silt. This sediment interferes with normal oxygen exchange.
  • Excess vegetation. If the pond is not cleaned in time, then the algae occupy a large area and impede free gas exchange.
  • Too many inhabitants. The more representatives of the fauna, the more active the vital activity and the more its products stand out.
  • Rare precipitation. Rainwater It is also a source of minerals and makes it possible to increase the content of oxygen levels.
  • The need to mix the layers of water so that stagnation does not occur.
  • Aeration normalizes. temperature regime.

In order to determine whether the installation of an aerator is really necessary in your case, it is enough to observe a little what is happening in the pond:

  • If there is a fish, does it constantly rise to the surface to swallow air?
  • Has a film appeared that indicates stagnation?
  • Watch the snails. If they move freely on the stones - then everything is fine, if they are all on algae and try to climb as high as possible - there is reason to worry.

Types of aerators

If you have determined that it is urgent to save the living creatures in your pond, then special devices will come to the rescue that allow you to do this - aerators. They are divided into two large groups:

  • stationary;
  • mobile.

The first are mounted and used constantly. The second option can be applied to several reservoirs. Distinguish aerators and on ways of an arrangement.

Surface. These include units that move freely on the surface of the water. Their principle of action can be gushing. The pump draws water into itself and throws it out in the form of a geyser above the surface. Water, being in the air, is saturated with oxygen, ionized. When the water flows back into the pond, it transfers air to the inhabitants of the pond. In other embodiments, an ejector aeration method is used. The design of such a device can be provided with an engine with blades, which, hitting the surface with great force and speed, lead to the formation of air bubbles and mixing of the layers. In other cases, a pump is used that draws water into itself, mixes it with air and returns it back to the reservoir.

Bottom or coastal. This type is the most efficient. The principle of its operation is reduced to the fact that there is a compressor on the shore near the reservoir. Its purpose is to supply air through pipes to special diffusers that are mounted in several places at the bottom of the pond. The bubbles, passing through the space, saturate the entire water column with oxygen, the layers are also mixed and the sludge rises for further filtration. In order to prevent backflow of fluid and its entry into electrical appliance valve is installed.

Combined. They are often referred to as superficial. Here, as in the previous version, there is a compressor unit, which is located on the shore, it supplies compressed air, which dissipates into the upper layers of water through the floating head. In another option, a pump is installed. Water is taken through the moving module, it mixes with air and is fed back from the shore in the form of a fountain or waterfall.

Wind aerators. They are a floating or supported structure. The wind drives the blades, which transmit the moment of rotation to the underwater part, it creates a current, as a result of which air bubbles form on the surface.

It is not always worth stopping at the option that you personally liked. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics and needs of the inhabitants of the pond, including plants. Some of them do not like noisy falling jets, so you have to take care of the bottom options.


In most cases, you can save money by not buying a ready-made device. It is enough to take a good look around in your garage and you may find that you have all or part of the necessary components for self assembly. First, we will assemble an ejector-type aerator. For this we need:

  • drainage pump ;
  • sewer pipe with a diameter of 32 mm - 2 m and a branch pipe of 30–50 cm;
  • tee angled at 45°;
  • angle at 45°;
  • double braided wire.

The pump does not need to take the most expensive and powerful, it is simply not necessary. The cross section of the cable for laying the supply line is selected in such a way that the strength of the current consumed during continuous operation is maintained. Assembly does not take much time.

  1. The pump usually comes with an angled outlet and a hose fitting. AT sewer tee insert rubber seals. We connect it with a fitting. To do this, simply press them tightly against each other. To be safe, silicone sealant can be applied to the inner wall of the tee.
  2. On the other hand, we mount a short branch pipe in the tee.
  3. We set an angle of 45 ° in the upper outlet, and attach a pipe of greater length to it.
  4. Now we connect the corner adapter from the pump and the entire assembled structure.
  5. Summed up electrical wire. In order to make the connection more airtight, it is advisable to cut the plug. Next, the wires are twisted together, covered with several layers of electrical tape and placed in a sealed sleeve with glands or poured polymer composition. If there is no desire to cut off the plug so as not to lose the warranty, then you will need to make an extension cord, and place the socket with the plug included in several layers of polyethylene, and then wrap it with electrical tape.
  6. In order for the pump to be kept at a constant depth (0.7-1 m will be enough, but so that the intake pipe can be above the surface of the water), a mast must be installed. It can be made from metal pipe, which is simply hammered into the ground at the bottom. The unit is simply fixed with a wire.
  7. Well, if the pump is placed in a mesh container with small windows, then you can be sure that no living creatures will be harmed.
  8. Next comes the voltage.

If desired, you can make some changes that will improve the performance of the aerator. For this you need gusset from the pump to replace with a straight pipe, also in the pipe, which is on the surface, you can install check valve with soft spring. So there will be no reverse flow.

You might be wondering why you can't use a 90° tee? In fact, everything is very simple - at an angle of 45 °, air is drawn in and moves along with the flow, mixing with water. If you take a tee with an angle of 90 °, there is a high probability of a reverse air flow.

Next possible way manufacturing an aerator will not only be useful, but also improve the aesthetic appearance. We will need:

  • Centrifugal pump (better if it is self-priming) or pump.
  • Reinforced hose or HDPE pipe.
  • Connecting fittings.
  • Cable for supplying electricity.
  • Wild stone for decoration.

The number and diameter of fittings is selected depending on the specific landscape solution, as well as in accordance with the diameter of the pipes. The sequence of work is as follows:

  • If was chosen centrifugal pump, then you can install it right on the shore. It is not necessary for him to dig a hole, it is enough to provide comfortable spot for its storage (for example, a metal box or a canopy, where it will be protected from precipitation). It is desirable to place the pump in a cube of metal mesh and lower it into the water.
  • The supply hose is connected and connected to the pumping device. Do not forget to put a check valve on the fence, as well as a grid that will prevent large particles from entering the impeller.
  • Next, a hose is connected through which the output will be carried out.
  • On the selected section of the pond, a slide is being built from natural stone. The hose goes to her.
  • To make the runoff of water more spectacular, you can find a vase or other beautiful vessel, make a hole in its lower part and fix a hose in it, the rest of which will be covered with stones.
  • The electrical part is connected.
  • In order to facilitate the first start-up, it is better to fill the intake hose with water through a special hole on the pump.

At home, you can also build a bottom aerator. This is easy to do if you have a car compressor with a receiver. So, we will need:

You can make the latter yourself. To do this, for example, you can take several plastic bottles with a capacity of 0.5 liters. Holes are made in them with an awl. In order for the emerging bubbles to be even smaller, you can wrap the vessels in foam rubber.

How to make a compressor yourself using a compressor from a refrigerator, see below:

  • The compressor is located in a convenient place for you.
  • A central hose outlet is laid from it.
  • With the help of tees and clamps, a branch is made to required amount aerators.
  • In order to attach the hoses to the bottles, a herringbone connector with external thread by ½". It is fixed in the neck with a two-component polymer resin or other convenient way. On the herringbone, the hose is clamped with a clamp.
  • Aerators are fixed at the bottom. This can be done by carefully placing them under a cobblestone or by attaching them to a clogged pole.

Before the first start, it is better to set the pressure to a value less than average. It can be added as needed. One of the disadvantages of such a system will be the impossibility of its continuous use, as well as the noise.

If you do not have a compressor, then it can be replaced with an engine from a conventional vacuum cleaner. In this case, it would be better to use not high-pressure hoses, but ordinary corrugated ones. You also need to correctly calculate their length so that the flow can easily push them through.

The next type of device will be especially relevant in winter, when the engines do not feel so good. It also does not require electricity and operates completely autonomously. For the manufacture we need:

  • metal corner or square 30 × 30 mm in size (more possible);
  • reinforcing bar round without ribs with a diameter of 20 mm or more;
  • bearings, the inner diameter of which will correspond to external dimension fittings, it is better to take a closed type;
  • 2 metal strips with a thickness of 2 mm or more (their width should be 20 mm larger than the bearing size);
  • plastic barrel;
  • fixing material;
  • Bulgarian;
  • roulette;
  • a propeller from a car radiator or something similar.

The build process will be like this:

  1. Sizes are selected according to specific conditions and the depth to which the product must be lowered.
  2. With the help of a grinder, 8 identical pieces of material are cut off.
  3. Two identical squares are made from them.
  4. In each square of metal strips, a crossbar is welded. In it, in the middle, it is necessary to cut a hole along the outer diameter of the bearing and install it inward, fixing it with tacks.
  5. With the help of four jumpers, these squares are interconnected so that a cube or parallelogram is obtained. The centers of the bearing holes must be strictly in the same plane.
  6. A rod made of reinforcement is mounted in the bearings. In order for it not to slip, it must be secured with tacks to the inner ring.
  7. The barrel is cut into two parts, they will serve as blades that catch the wind and rotate the shaft.
  8. They are attached to the armature with metal hinges.
  9. Next, the support legs are welded.
  10. A propeller from the radiator is installed at the end of the shaft.
  11. The whole structure is lowered into the water.

The wind spins the blades, through the shaft the force is transmitted to the propeller from below, which creates turbulence, saturating the water with oxygen and preventing it from freezing in winter time.

Blades can be made from any sheet metal or other material. Most importantly, arrange them so that they can catch the air flow. The platform itself can be made floating. For this, foam plastic, plastic barrels, old cylinders or bottles are used. So that the structure does not swim far, it is tied with a cable to the shore.

Based on these decisions, you can build a structure that will suit your needs. We are interested to know what happened to you personally. Share your ideas in the comments.


The following video shows how to assemble an ejector aerator from improvised means:

How to assemble a windmill for a wind aerator, see below:

Natural conditions fully and completely guarantee the water bodies flowing into one another, oxygen saturation. It turns out that constantly beating springs saturate the water with essential trace elements. If we talk specifically about ponds, then additional aeration may be needed. For a beginner, this sometimes sounds rather strange, but professionals understand what is at stake. There are many reasons for aerating a pond:

Is aeration necessary? This question is often asked by newbies. To do this, just watch your pond a little:

  1. If a film has formed on the water, aeration is necessary. Education speaks of the presence of stagnation.
  2. How often do fish rise to the surface to swallow air?
  3. You can watch the snails. The trouble will be if they are located on algae and try to rise higher.

Which aerator to choose

In any case, a pond aerator is essential. Who knows when it might be needed? So that you know exactly which one is needed in your particular case, let's define them by type.

Distinguish between stationary and mobile products. Already from the name it is clear that stationary are mounted for permanent job, well, mobile - for short-term.

There are options for the location of the aerator:

  • surface products. Their peculiarity is that they can move freely through the water. Due drainage pump water is sucked in and thrown out in the form of a fountain. As you already understood, the water is enriched with oxygen and falls back into the reservoir, thereby transferring substances.
  • Coastal, or, as they are also called, bottom. They are located along the coast, as there is a compressor on it. The installations themselves are located on the shore. Air enters the units through special tubes. Products emit air into the water, thereby enriching it with oxygen. This type aerators is the most efficient.
  • Wind aerator. The principle of its operation is that the wind flow sets the blades in motion. This causes the installation to rotate, creating a current. Thus, air bubbles form on the surface of the water, which saturate the water.

Do it yourself

Practice shows that a do-it-yourself aerator for a pond will make it possible to significantly save money and accurately select desired type for your situation. So, we need:

  1. Pump or centrifugal pump with self-priming function.
  2. Special reliable reinforced hose. In some cases, you can pick up a HDPE pipe.
  3. Fittings should be used to connect elements.
  4. Power cable for supplying electricity.
  5. Any wild stone to enhance the look.

When everything is available, we proceed specifically to work:

  • The centrifugal pump can be installed directly on the shore. No need to fool around with a hole, etc. Choose a convenient and safe place for installation. If we are talking about a pump, then it should be placed precisely in a cube of metal mesh.
  • Next, you need to bring the supply hose with a pumping device. To prevent large particles from entering, it is best to install a filter.
  • The next step is to connect the outlet hose.
  • We choose a comfortable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pond and make a small hill of stones there. The hose leads right to it.
  • All this is connected to the electrical network.
  • To make the first start go like clockwork, it is worth filling the intake hose with water through a special hole in the pump.

Private pond - worthy decoration any area, beautiful place for relaxation with family and friends, as well as an excellent haven for a variety of flora and fauna. In order for the country pond to always remain clean, it needs to be looked after. One of the most important components of pond care is the organization of the aeration process.

By reading the information below, you will general idea about aeration as such and consider the features of its organization in the cold season.

The aerator in its traditional sense is a hydromechanical device, through which the forced supply of oxygen to the reservoir is carried out and the water flow is organized, which minimizes the risk of the pond "blooming" due to stagnation.

There is no need to talk about the need to supply air to the reservoir: firstly, the inhabitants of the pond breathe oxygen, and secondly, aeration contributes to additional water purification - reacting with oxygen, pollution collects in foam on the surface of the water or accumulates in sediment.

Factory-made aerators are relatively expensive - they, in fact, account for one of the most significant cost items for arranging a private reservoir. But here, as they say, it’s better to spend money once and not know problems than to constantly think about how you can again revive the pond.

Features of devices for pond aeration in the cold season

Aeration must be adequate throughout the year. The situation remains relevant in winter: the ice shell on the surface of the reservoir does not allow oxygen to penetrate into the water, and this already threatens the death of the inhabitants of the pond.

Pond aeration - scheme

In addition, if you leave the pond without aeration for the winter, there will be no current in the pond and it will big share chances of freezing through, which is also unlikely to benefit your pets.

Factory aerators

The modern market is big choice aerators for private ponds. Of the factory-made units, it is worth noting the bottom models, which the best way suitable for winter use.

The setup is this: the air atomizer is placed at the bottom of the reservoir at its deepest point, it is connected by means of a hose to a compressor installed on the shore or in the room, the latter is connected to the mains and the aeration process starts. The air supplied directly under the ice floats up, at the same time creating a current and eliminating the possibility of freezing of the reservoir.

In terms of their power indicators, bottom aerators noticeably outperform even the most productive surface models, because. are capable of delivering oxygen more intensively while simultaneously ensuring its most uniform distribution in the water.

Important advice! When choosing an aerator, consider not only its power and the size of an artificial reservoir, but also the needs and life preferences of the inhabitants of the latter. Not all representatives of flora and fauna will favorably react to a surface aerator. The installation of a bottom unit will avoid such problems and eliminate the risk of adverse effects on plants, fish and animals.

Homemade aerators

If you wish, you can give preference to a homemade aerator. In the case specifically with the cold season, the choice will be limited to submersible type devices and wind deflectors. About them in the table.

Table. Types of homemade pond aerators

Varieties of modelsDescription
It is assembled like this: take a car compressor, connect a supply hose to it, connect the other end of this hose to the membrane. The membrane can be made from a perforated pipe, plugged on one side.

The car compressor is located above the level of the pond. The plug and hose are lowered into the water. The compressor is connected to the mains and the aeration process begins. In winter, a longer hose can be used to allow the compressor to be installed indoors. AT this case the hose will need to be buried below the freezing level of the soil. If a excavation seems too laborious, you can run the hose on the ground, wrapping it with any suitable thermal insulation, and tie a load of such weight to the spray head so that the membrane sinks to the bottom and stays there.

From their factory wind aerators homemade variety differs, first of all, in the absence of a compressor: the transfer of wind energy is carried out on the blades installed in the water. The model cannot boast of a beautiful appearance, but it copes with its tasks by 100%. The design is somewhat more complex in execution compared to the above option. Here you will have to assemble the bed, the movable shaft, and the blades into a single complex.
When determining the optimal shaft length, we focus on the depth of the reservoir. The main disadvantage of this design is the dependence on climatic conditions.
For regions with prolonged and severe frosts, models with a compressor are best suited, though. in such conditions, wind deflectors are often covered with ice - even a few hours of calm weather will be enough.

Having decided on suitable type design, pay attention to its key technical characteristics. About them further.

What to consider when choosing an aerator?

Firstly, decide on power. To do this, we need to know the volume of the artificial reservoir. We determine it and compare it with the information given in the manufacturer's instructions for the aerator you like. We buy a structure with a certain power reserve - if we take everything accurately and under the calculation, the structure will work for wear, which will lead to a significant reduction in its service life.

Secondly, we pay attention to climatic conditions terrain. Even a "winter" aerator will have its own lower permissible temperature limit.

Thirdly, we take into account the features of the aerator. It is unlikely that you will be happy to install a device that is too noisy near your home. And the inhabitants of the pond will not like such tests with sound.

Fourth, we pay attention to the presence / absence of the possibility of changing the modes of operation of the structure. Do not forget that in winter and summer water requires varying degrees aeration.

Fifth, pay attention to the manufacturer of the design. German brands are recognized world leaders. But, if you are planning to purchase a modest aerator for servicing a miniature country pond, focus more on the budget and elementary prudence - it is unlikely that a quality product will be sold too cheaply.

Aerator for reservoirs "AQUA-MINI". Instruction. Download file

Remember a few helpful tips:

And the last point that you also have to decide: buy an aerator in ready-made or do it yourself. Decide for yourself: professional design for aeration of a medium-sized reservoir costs at least 40-50 thousand rubles, for big pond- from 100 thousand rubles, depending on specifications, manufacturer and other important points. Along with this, if the issue of improvement is being solved small pond on the suburban area, with a high degree of probability, a design with a power of about 100 watts is enough. Buying equipment with such characteristics, it is quite possible to meet 10 thousand. For the rest, the choice is yours.

Video - Aerator for a pond in winter

All living things, including those living under water, need oxygen. In natural conditions, nature itself takes care of this. But who will take care of the inhabitants of the pond, located on personal plot? For this you can do do-it-yourself pond aerator There are several types of such devices.

Why Pond Aeration Is Necessary

In nature, the saturation of water with the necessary gas occurs naturally - when one reservoir flows into another, from springs. In ponds, especially those created artificially, water stagnates, there is a lack of oxygen in it. That's why for water , in which fish, algae and other living organisms will live, people provide artificial aeration. The main reasons for the need for aeration:

  1. Ensuring favorable living conditions for fish, algae and other living organisms living in the pond.
  2. Stagnation prevention. This requires constant mixing of the layers of water.
  3. Temperature normalization. Aeration heats the water more evenly.
  4. Compensation for rare precipitation. Rainwater brings additional oxygen into the pond. With rare rains, it is not enough.
  5. Oxygenation in winter. Fishermen know such a thing as "zamor". This happens at the end of winter, when the oxygen supply in the ice-covered reservoir runs out and the fish begins to die.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the pond: regularly clean it of silt, remove excess algae and catch brooding fish. The more densely populated a body of water, the more it needs additional oxygen. To determine if additional aeration is needed, you need to observe the inhabitants of the pond. If the fish now and then rise to the very surface, and the snails climb high on the algae instead of crawling on the stones, they do not have enough oxygen. Also sure sign- the appearance of a film on the surface of the water.

Types of aerators

Aerators can be mobile and stationary. The former are used where there is no need for constant saturation of water with oxygen. They can be used seasonally or serve several ponds in turn. Stationary install once and for all. These devices are of the following types:

  1. Surface. During operation, it sucks in part of the water and abruptly throws it back, while it is saturated with air. It may look like a small waterfall or fountain, and therefore is often used for decorative purposes.
  2. Ejector. It is also on the surface. Here the water is mixed with the help of blades.
  3. Donny. In this type, the compressor is located on the shore, and tubes are lowered into the water to the very bottom, through which oxygen enters. Great option for a big pond.
  4. Combined. It is a cross between surface and bottom. The compressor is on the shore, and the tube creates a fountain of water near the surface.
  5. Wind. Eco-friendly, works without electricity. The wind spins the blades, and they transmit rotation to the propellers located under water.

The first two types work noisily, therefore, with constant use, they create discomfort for underwater inhabitants. Combined is less noisy. And the most quiet and comfortable for fish is the bottom aerator. But the wind farm can work fine without human intervention, even when the owners rarely visit their pond.

We make an aerator with our own hands

Build simple varieties pond aerators you can do it with your own hands.


To aerate ejector type with your own hands, you will need:

  • medium power drainage pump;
  • sewer polyurethane pipe (approximately 2 meters in length and 50 millimeters in diameter);
  • a branch pipe of the same diameter as a pipe, approximately 40 cm in length;
  • angular tee with a bend angle of 45 degrees;
  • high-quality cable in a waterproof braid.

The tee must be connected to the pump and the fixation point must be secured with sealant. Attach a pipe to the other end of the tee. Insert a 45-degree angle and pipe into the top outlet. Connect the wire to the pump. For tightness, it is better to wrap it with electrical tape and put it in a waterproof case.


To build a bottom aerator you will need:

  • compressor;
  • hoses;
  • clamps;
  • tees;
  • sprayers or nozzles.

The compressor taken from the pump from an old vacuum cleaner or refrigerator. Plastic bottles with holes are suitable as nozzles. To assemble the entire structure, determine the location of the compressor near the pond. A hose is connected to it, the length of which should be enough to reach the reservoir. After that, using tees, you need to make bends for the nozzles - as many as planned, install them and fix them. Sprayers need to be fixed at the bottom of the pond with stones, metal pieces of reinforcement or other improvised means.


For homemade wind aerator you need:

  • a metal plate measuring approximately 30 by 30 cm;
  • long metal rod;
  • sealed bearings suitable for the rod in size;
  • two metal strips slightly larger than bearings;
  • plastic barrel;
  • car waste fan.

Two identical cubes should be made from metal plates, inside each of which a transverse partition should be inserted, and a bearing on it. Connect two bearings with a rod. From plastic barrel make the blades windmill and fasten them to the top of the rod. And attach the fan blades to the bottom, which will be located under water. After that, it is required to strengthen the upper blades on the mast. Wind do-it-yourself aerator is able to function all year round without human intervention.

Features of winter aeration

So that the inhabitants of the pond do not experience oxygen starvation winter , aeration is especially needed. Underwater devices are more suitable for this. Either bottom or wind aerators are suitable for this role. Climatic conditions should also be taken into account: in a harsh winter, the wind aerator will freeze into ice, so it is wiser to use the one in which the compressor is involved. Winter aeration of the pond will allow fishing all year round, without knowing such a phenomenon as "sunburn".

What to consider when choosing a factory aerator

To choose a ready-made aerator, you need to carefully consider the recommendations written in its instructions. Each device is designed for a certain volume of liquid. If there is more oxygen than required, this can also harm the underwater inhabitants. The instructions also indicate what climate the device is designed for.

Important characteristics that you need to pay attention to when choosing a system:

  • device power;
  • temperature range of use;
  • noise (excessive noise can harm the fish);
  • producing country.

As for the last point, it is believed that the most reliable aerators are made in Germany. However, at present, there are worthy manufacturers in every country. You need to look first of all at the characteristics. Do-it-yourself pond aerator it's not that hard to make. But the main thing that you need to pay attention to is not simplicity and cost savings, but comfort and convenience for the inhabitants of the reservoir. After all, for the sake of them, they arrange a pond on a personal plot.

Popularity artificial ponds never faded. Now such reservoirs have reached new level, they can be found in many private estates. Sizes can be very diverse, depending on the purpose of their creation. For normal functioning reservoirs, you need to take care of creating an aerator for the pond with your own hands, which is quite possible so as not to spend money on ready-made models.

What are aerators for?

First of all, they provide purification and simultaneous saturation of water with oxygen, and this, in turn, prevents water from stagnating. In addition, without purification, the water will bloom, and the smell from it will become unbearable.

Factors indicating the need to install an aerator

Pond and pond aerators are installations compression type, whose main task is to mix water with oxygen. Such units are also called air compressors.

In natural waters this process occurs by itself, since air constantly penetrates into the water as a result of the mixing of water flows: rivers flow into the seas, waters are filled with precipitation, blow strong winds, filling occurs through underground springs with natural trace elements. Accordingly, in artificially created ponds, such interchanges do not occur, so they must be created with your own hands.

Home ponds have their own ecosystem, which operates on a different principle. This is due to the fact that when creating a pond or lake, the bottom is lined with waterproofing material, which becomes an obstacle to the penetration of oxygen from the soil. Surface area artificial reservoirs often small, and they are located mainly surrounded by trees, in this regard, neither the air currents that carry the wind, nor precipitation cannot fully saturate the water with everything necessary.

The lack of oxygen in the water leads to the death of plankton, fish, snails, frogs and other living creatures. As a result, silt, rot, bottom sediments appear in the water, and only a swamp remains from a beautiful reservoir.


The lack of oxygen in the reservoir is indicated by the formation of a film on the water, fish are often shown on the surface of the water, snails rise from the bottom, silt appears.

Types of pond aerators

The aerators are divided into two groups:

  1. Stationary- units of a capital type of installation, which are intended for installation in a particular pond and carry out their work on an ongoing basis in a given mode.
  2. Mobile devices are designed for seasonal use, their power is enough to fully serve several ponds. Aerators of this type are best suited for small ponds or for those that do not need constant oxygen filling.

Pond aerator classification

According to the type and place of installation, as well as the features of work, it is carried out into several types.

outdoor aerators compressors for ponds . These installations look like fountains large sizes or waterfalls. Often used for installation in domestic ponds, in order to add an attractive appearance. An important point such units is that not all the inhabitants of the pond will appreciate the noise of falling water. Features of the operation of outdoor aerators are that the pump draws water from the pond, and then releases it in the opposite direction. When a stream of water is in the air, oxygen saturation occurs.

The principle of operation of these units resembles the features of outdoor compressors, with the difference that water is not sucked from the pond. The process of saturating water with oxygen is carried out by blades, which are driven by a motor. The blades hit the water with a certain force, mixing it and saturating it with air. It should be noted that these installations also emit a lot of noise.

Bottom aerator for pond . This is a new device for ponds, which has gained a reputation as the most efficient to date. A compressor that makes noise is installed on the shore of a reservoir, and a tube with a diffuser is lowered into the water. Oxygen enters through small holes, passing through layers of water. The result of this operation of the installation is the saturation of the pond with oxygen and the mixing of all layers of water. This aerator is quiet.

Combined aerator. The principle of operation of the installation is based on the operation of a pump or compressor. The compression unit is installed on the shore of the reservoir, and the diffuser is mounted in the water. The head of the diffuser remains above the surface of the water, and air saturation is carried out due to the flow of water, which beats like a fountain.

Wind aerator for pond . This installation is different from all other types of aerators offline work. The unit is driven by the force of the wind. The design is mobile and stationary, it is created from large blades located on the water surface, as well as a propeller immersed in water. The principle of operation is as follows: the wind drives the blades, they activate the course of the propellers, which mix the water and form a seething.


Aerators wind type most often used in the country, as well as in those areas that remain for a long time without the participation of people. The installation is able to function year-round without process adjustment by the owner of the reservoir.

We create an aerator for the pond with our own hands

Making an aerator for a pond on your own is not difficult. The main thing is to study the assembly instructions, as well as stock up necessary materials. Price ready installations not small, but self-manufacturing you can save a lot of money.

For ponds small sizes it is enough to use an aerator of a simple design, which can be assembled from materials that the summer resident always has at hand.

Assembling the ejector aerator


  • drainage pump with low power;
  • a piece of pipe with a cross section of 32 mm and a length of 2 m;
  • branch pipe 40 cm long and 32 mm in cross section;
  • tee angle 45º;
  • double braided cable.


The importance of choosing a tee with an angle of 45º is explained by the fact that when the pipe is connected at an angle of 90º, there will be a constant flow of water into the unit.

Assembly process:

  • The sewer tee is attached to the drainage pump using a fitting for connecting the aerator hoses for the pond. To ensure the reliability of the connection, a silicone-based sealant is used.
  • On the reverse side, a branch pipe is inserted into the tee, the length of which should be less.
  • An angle of 45º is inserted into the upper outlet, then a two-meter pipe is fixed.
  • An electrical cable is connected to the aerator. The wire must be sealed with electrical tape, which is wound in several layers, after which it is placed in a corrugation.
  • The pump is placed at a depth of 70 - 100 cm of the water surface, and the water intake pipe should be on the surface of the water. In order for you to succeed, steel pipe make a kind of mast and fix it at the bottom of the reservoir.
  • On the last step an aerator is attached to the mast and electric current is supplied.

Assembling the bottom aerator

The cost of assembling an aerator of this type with your own hands is small. To do this, you will need to find a compressor from a car with a receiver.


  • High pressure hose;
  • collar;
  • Tees;
  • Nozzles, sprayer.


The nozzle can be made from plastic bottle by making a hole in it. To reduce the size of air bubbles, the bottle is wrapped with foam rubber of small thickness.

Assembly process:

  • The compressor is placed near a reservoir or hidden in a nearby outhouse.
  • The central hose is connected to the compressor and stretched to the pond.
  • With the help of tees, bends are made depending on the number of nozzles. For secure fixation brackets are used.
  • Diffusers are attached to tees and placed at the bottom of the reservoir. To prevent them from rising to the surface, you can put heavy stones on them or fix them at the bottom with pins with curved ends.


The work of bottom aerators for the pond cannot be continuous, in addition, the unit makes an annoying loud sound. Devices of this type are used to periodically saturate the water in ponds with oxygen.

Assembling a wind aerator for a pond in winter with your own hands

Installations of this type are best suited for operation in the winter season. It is not difficult to assemble it, you will need the most common parts that can be found on the farm.


Assembly process:

  • Cut out eight pieces of squares from metal and connect them into cubes. A cross member is installed inside each of them, in which a hole is cut out and a bearing is inserted. The central parts of the bearings must be in line.
  • A steel bar is placed in bearings.
  • A plastic barrel is cut into two parts and blades for a windmill are obtained.
  • With the help of metal loops, the blades are fixed at the top of the rod.
  • At the bottom of the steel bar, blades are attached, which as a result will be located above the surface of the water.
  • The assembly of the mast for the wind-type aerator is carried out at the last stage and after that it is installed in the reservoir.

A floating wind aerator for a pond is created with the help of fixed to the mast plastic barrels, bottles or styrofoam.