How to build a winter garden at home - the choice of design, heating and important supply systems. What mistakes in the design and choice of winter garden style should be avoided? Winter garden on the veranda in a private house

By organizing winter Garden at home, you will get your own corner of eternal summer. In a beautiful place where flowers grow all year round, you can relax and unwind. Its construction and maintenance can be difficult, because it is necessary to provide for a lot of little things, and the plants need constant care. But the result will undoubtedly be worth the effort.

Location and design

First, let's figure out what a winter garden is. This is the designation of a zone for growing plants that does not create special conditions for them. Unlike a greenhouse, the microclimate in it is comfortable for a person to find. It may be an extension, or it may be an independent creation.

The first important point is to determine the location of the winter garden in a country house. Choosing the right place is already half the battle. Focus on the architecture of the house and the cardinal directions.

  • East - the best option. Plants will get enough sunlight, but will not overheat.
  • A west-facing garden will store heat during the day and retain it throughout the night.
  • South side is another Possible Solution. This arrangement contributes to the long-term preservation of heat, but to avoid overheating, take care of the organization of powerful ventilation and sufficient watering.
  • Having decided to build a winter garden on the north side, do not skimp on heating: heat will be quickly lost. If possible, don't opt ​​for it.

From whether the garden stands separately or is an extension to the house, some of the nuances of designing a winter garden depend. Forms of buildings and roofs can be very diverse. We list the most common options that you can look at in a new way.

  • Classic - a rectangle with a pitched roof;
  • An extension to the outer or inner corner (quarter-polygon) of the house;
  • Non-standard structure with a combined roof.

Photos will help you choose the right design winter gardens in the house.



A suitable type of foundation is selected simultaneously with the material of the walls. The strip foundation is used when the garden is made of polycarbonate sheets, aluminum profile or wooden frame.

Brick walls in combination with metal-plastic windows and doors should be built on top of a monolithic or recessed strip foundation.


The walls of the winter garden consist of a frame and sheathing.

The most common frame material is metal-plastic. The structure of it has high rates sound and heat insulation, which is further enhanced by built-in chambers.

Aluminum construction withstands high loads while staying light. Among its advantages: low heat dissipation, resistance to weather surprises and rust, attractive appearance, no need for painting.

Glass partitions mounted in profiles, let in maximum sunlight, rigid, absorb extraneous sounds. Differ in speed of installation. Partitions are made of tempered glass 8-12 mm thick.

Sheathing material must necessarily transmit sunlight. Most often perform glazing of the winter garden. Glass has a number of advantages and is used in the lining of greenhouses, verandas, greenhouses. Stands out high bearing capacity and good heat dissipation. On the other hand, fragility and high cost. It is possible to save money by choosing glass of a smaller thickness.

Double-glazed windows can be an alternative. Modern manufacturers offer different glass and profile materials. For side walls, choose standard, for the roof - with triplex glass.

Polycarbonate is rapidly gaining ground in the construction market: it is a light, transparent material that is resistant to the gifts of nature. Great choice if you want to save both money and installation time.


The winter garden in a private house can be equipped with sliding, hinged or folding doors. They must be designed for heavy loads.

Sliding doors are mounted on aluminum rails, on which they move with the help of rollers. The material can be wood, PVC or aluminium.



Consider the material of your garden when organizing your heating system. Glass and polycarbonate save heat well, so additional heating is not required in the warm season.

For the winter period, a well-thought-out heating system is needed. The heater dries the air and significantly increases the cost of electricity, but is easy to install and mobile.

By connecting the garden to the central heating system, you will save money, achieve a constant temperature in the garden and indoors. It is quite difficult to organize such a system.


Plants need to get constant inflow fresh air.

Natural implies the presence of vents. Their area should be at least a quarter of the total area of ​​​​the walls. Manufacturers offer options with manual control or automatic. The supply and exhaust system provides air inflow from the holes at the bottom of the wall, and outflow through the vents.

Mechanical ventilation provides ventilation through fans. Their disadvantages are noise, increased electricity costs.

The maximum effect can be achieved using both systems.


Plants need light, especially at times of the year when natural light is not enough. Incandescent lamps prevent photosynthesis and get very hot - plants risk getting burned.

The main disadvantage of metal halide is a short service life.

Phytolamps designed specifically for plants favor photosynthesis. Fluorescent and LED versions are produced. The first wins even in standard version, providing a high level of illumination with low heat output and low power consumption.


The irrigation system must be early stages garden construction. Its mode of operation should change with the seasons: in summer - more plentiful, in winter - moderate.

Modern solution - system drip irrigation. Hoses are laid in the ground; through which water enters the soil. An artificial reservoir can become an auxiliary humidifier.

Photo of the winter garden in the house

The warm days are over. Autumn came with dampness and bad weather. Slowly the garden becomes sad, loses joyful colors. And we begin to miss the warm, full of bright greenery. summer days. But there is an opportunity to extend the summer for the whole year - to make a winter garden in a private house. Like everything “magical and wonderful”, it is not cheap and will require the help of specialists. And in order to make the right decision whether you need a “piece of summer” in winter, let's take a closer look at the complexity of the issue.

The history of winter gardens begins in the 16th century, but then they were just greenhouses for growing exotic plants. Only in the 18th century did the design of the winter garden change, it became a place of rest, fountains were placed there, comfortable furniture was placed, and exotic birds were settled there. In all rich estates, they sought to equip such a "paradise".

Now the fashion for winter gardens is back. After all, the rapid pace of modern life forces a person to look for a place where you can relax, be alone with nature, feel harmony and peace.

Do not confuse a winter garden with a greenhouse or greenhouse. The greenhouse is intended only for growing plants in conditions that are comfortable for them, and a place where a special microclimate is created for exotic specimens. But in these rooms, unlike the winter garden, only plants are comfortable, and a person can stay there for a very short time.

Features of arrangement of winter gardens

Starting the construction of a winter garden, you need to decide on its location and type of construction.

It can be an independent building, which should be combined with the overall landscape design of the estate. But this option is rarely chosen, since there is no direct connection with residential premises, which can cause some inconvenience.

Most often constructive solution winter garden happens:

  1. Integrated into the house (built-in) - penetrating inside the building. This type of winter garden is laid down at the design stage and is built together with a residential building. It can be integration into the depth of the house, or maybe in height - a two-story solution.
  2. Adjacent to the house - this is the most common option, since the desire to build a winter garden with your own hands most often comes after the construction of a residential building. Such an adjunction can be of several types:
    • Adjoining the house on one side (with a shed, gable or four-beam roof).
    • Attached to the corner of the building (external or internal).
    • Building over the house.

When choosing the location of the winter garden, it is imperative to take into account its orientation to the cardinal points.

North. When placing a garden on this side, you should be aware that heat will be weakly accumulated and quickly consumed, this will require more enhanced heating and prolonged lighting.

South. In winter, heat will accumulate here well, but in the warm season, plants may suffer from overheating and additional cooling ventilation, watering and protection from sunlight will be required.

West. The heat on this side will be kept very well, but in the summer you will need protection from solar activity (blinds, shutters, awnings).

East. This direction is considered the best. From this side there is enough solar heat and light, and the morning sun, even in summer, is not very aggressive.

A characteristic feature of all types of winter gardens is the maximum glazing (front walls and even roofs). In this regard, it is very important to make the correct calculations for the structure, be sure to take into account the loads from strong gusts of wind, snow pressure. In such a matter, creating a winter garden in a private house with your own hands, you cannot do without the help of specialists. In addition, it is necessary to provide adequate protection against overheating or cold, sufficient light transmission, protection from the weather.

The winter garden should be at least 15 sq.m in area and at least 3 m high. The roof must have a slope of 20-45 degrees, this will ensure optimal penetration of sunlight for plants, avoid accumulation of snow and stagnant rainwater.

The basis of the design is a frame (frame) into which light-transmitting glass or polycarbonate elements are inserted. Such a structure is located on a strip concrete foundation.

So that during the construction of the winter garden there is no distortion of the structure as a result of curvature or cracks in the foundation, it is important to know how deep the soil freezes. The foundation must be at least 0.5 m deep, in addition, it must be laid below the soil freezing level by 15-20 cm.

It is also necessary to make proper drainage. For glass roofs in finished structures, it is already provided. The threshold should be at least 15 cm above ground level, if this is not possible, then a drainage groove should be dug in front of the threshold, which should then be covered with a metal grate.

Frame materials

During the construction of a winter garden, aluminum, wood, steel, PVC, as well as a combination of these materials, are traditionally used to form the frame.

Currently, aluminum profile winter gardens are especially popular. This material is durable, lightweight, resistant to adverse weather conditions, corrosion and fire. From aluminum, you can make a structure of any size. The color of the aluminum profile is traditionally white, but it can be painted with special paint in any shade. Aluminum thermal insulation is improved with polyurethane foam. Aluminum winter gardens have high price- this is their main drawback.

Plastic profiles are much cheaper than aluminum ones, and the thermal insulation of such a frame is much higher. But they are weaker withstanding loads and susceptible to temperature extremes. To avoid deformations, PVC structures are reinforced with metal inserts. But even after that, while building winter gardens big size, plastic structures are not used. To reduce the load, polycarbonate is inserted into such frames instead of glass.

You can make a frame for a winter garden from quality wood. This material is durable, environmentally friendly, expressive, creates a warm and cozy atmosphere. But quite expensive, heavy, needs regular care and careful protection against various atmospheric influences. Often for outdoor protection wooden frames use aluminum profile linings. When building a small winter garden with your own hands, you should not use wood for the frame, since the massiveness of such a frame will reduce the amount of light entering the room and will look bulky.

Steel frame structures differ in high strength, fire resistance, modern technologies have made them completely resistant to harmful effects natural phenomena. But such structures are very heavy and have a low level of thermal insulation (they need additional insulation).

As you can see, each of these materials has its positive and negative sides. Based on this, greenhouse frame manufacturers often combine these materials. A winter garden made of aluminum profiles using wood will be very successful. Wood retains heat well and creates comfort, while aluminum protects it from atmospheric influences.

Steel rods or inserts reinforce the plastic structure. And the combination of steel elements with an aluminum profile makes three-dimensional structures with large spans reliable and strong.

The garden has been known to people since the era of the most ancient civilizations. However, most often these were open gardens. Winter Garden -…

Features of glazing winter gardens

The glazing of a winter garden is a very important stage in construction, since most of the entire structure must be made of glass. Based on the features of such a design and its purpose, the material must provide a number of important requirements:

  • let in a lot of daylight;
  • have good thermal insulation;
  • be soundproof;
  • protect from various natural influences (snow, rain, hail, wind, active solar radiation);
  • be durable and safe;
  • have an aesthetic appearance.

There are many types of glass with different additional properties, namely: sun-protection, painted, energy-saving, reinforced, laminated, covered with a special film and others. Therefore, when glazing a winter garden, you can choose the right one for each specific type of building, its purpose, climate zone and other conditions.

Coping with the problems of soundproofing and heat retention, it was found perfect solution- double-glazed windows with energy-saving glass (best of all double-chamber). Inside the double-glazed window there is an inert gas with a very low thermal conductivity.

The glazing of the winter garden has one important principle Note: The larger the span, the thicker the glass should be.

For side (vertical) surfaces, safety glass is preferable, but for the roof, glazing should be even more durable, reliable and safe. In such double-glazed windows, tempered glass is used on the outside, and its inner side is made of impact-resistant triplex (triple laminated glass).

If desired, glasses can be given specific color- this will add a decorative touch to the design of the winter garden. Glass can be made mirror (or tinted) to protect from the scorching sun in summer heat or from prying eyes. If available in the winter garden, double-glazed windows with electric heating are installed. And for roof glazing, which is difficult to care for, a novelty - self-cleaning glass - will suit well.

If financial possibilities allow, then a very interesting solution would be to use glass with variable transparency. "Smart glass" has collected in itself best qualities modern glazing materials. Its main disadvantage is the high price.

A good alternative to glass is a polycarbonate winter garden. Cellular polycarbonate with a thickness of 10-25 mm is a relatively inexpensive, but at the same time strong, impact-resistant, flexible and lightweight material. It has more thermal insulation than glass.

Polycarbonate happens:

  • Transparent. The most widely used type of this material.
  • Matte. Weakly transmits light, therefore it is used in places with increased solar activity.
  • Dark. It lets in very little light, creates twilight. In a polycarbonate winter garden of this type, only small decorative inserts can be made to emphasize the design intent.

In addition, polycarbonate can be of various colors, which also makes the glazing of the winter garden very original.

But polycarbonate has some disadvantages:

  1. In dark, shaded places, polycarbonate turns green (microscopic algae appear from dampness).
  2. It quickly gets dirty, overwritten, and after prolonged use (after 10 years) it begins to turn yellow.
  3. Slightly less dense than glass.

When creating a winter garden made of polycarbonate, all its advantages and disadvantages should be taken into account. Therefore, experts advise using this material for the roof, and glass for the walls.

Creating the right climate: heating, ventilation, lighting

The arrangement of the frame and the glazing of the winter garden is only half the battle. Now we need to create suitable conditions for the development of plants and human recreation, that is, a comfortable microclimate.

In the cold season, if the glazing was done correctly, the glass will penetrate Sun rays and heat objects located there (for example, furniture, floor) and this heat will accumulate. But it will not be enough and additional heating will be needed. But in the summer, the penetrating sun's rays will no longer carry heat, but a very strong increase in air temperature, which can adversely affect plants and human health. This is where shading comes into play. And, of course, at any time of the year, ventilation is very important for a comfortable microclimate.

Let us consider in more detail all the components of comfort in the winter garden.


The heat accumulated from the sun's rays and coming from the residential building through the doorway, winter period will obviously not be enough. When choosing options for additional heating, you should take into account the size of the winter garden, what types of plants will be there (for example, tropical ones require a higher temperature), whether you will go there only to care for the plants, or whether it will become a place of rest.

Types of heating can be different and each of them has positive and negative sides:

Stove heating. Firewood and coal will not cost much. In addition, the stove can create an interesting design for the winter garden. That's just such heating requires constant attention and is a fire hazard. And the inability to regulate the heating temperature can adversely affect the plants.

Electric heaters. They can be easily carried to any place, no need to specially install, you can adjust the heating temperature. However, such heaters greatly dry the air and consume a lot of electricity, which is financially unprofitable.

Air conditioners and UFO. Such heaters do not dry out the air, but they are expensive in terms of electricity consumption, in addition, the equipment itself is also expensive.

Steam heating. Equipping the winter garden with radiators and connecting them to home system heating, you eliminate the temperature difference between the rooms, get relatively inexpensive heat. In this option, there will be costs and some difficulties during installation and cutting into the overall system.

- "Warm floor". This system may be electrical or liquid heat carrier. Such heating has many advantages. The main one is the correct distribution of heat. But the arrangement of a warm floor is quite expensive, it needs to be done at the stage of building a winter garden. In addition, the repair of such a system is difficult.

Often, choosing the best heating option, combine several types.


Furniture placed in the winter garden and tall plants disrupt the circulation of warm air, and the difference between the outside and inside temperatures contributes to the formation of condensate and “stagnant zones”. Therefore, it is very important to make ventilation.

At any time of the year, without proper ventilation of the winter garden, it is impossible to create a comfortable microclimate. According to the laws of physics, warm air is at the top and cold air is at the bottom. Based on this law, the ventilation system is being equipped. It can be of two types: natural and forced.

Natural ventilation is achieved by opening equipped windows or transoms at the top and bottom of the room.

But for this type of ventilation to be effective, several conditions are necessary:

  • the height of the room is not less than 2.5 m;
  • the area of ​​open sashes is not less than 15% of the total glazing area;
  • temperature difference of at least 5 degrees.

The disadvantages of this system include the need to equip open openings with mosquito nets, the threat of penetration, the inability to open windows in bad weather.

Forced or mechanical ventilation consists of supply and exhaust units. In the supply hole is placed technical device, and in the exhaust - a fan. According to the principle of placement of these nodes, forced ventilation is of two types:

1. The hood is installed on the roof ridge, and supply devices(most often two) at the bottom of the front wall. In this case, the natural direction of the air flow is used.

2. Transverse ventilation implies the arrangement of nodes on opposite side walls of the building, and the exhaust opening must always be higher than the inlet, and the distance between the nodes should not exceed 6 m.

The disadvantages of modern mechanical ventilation systems can be considered a significant consumption of electricity and the need for maintenance.

Progress is moving forward and by now the very idea of ​​​​creating a summer shower for a summer cottage with heating does not look scary ....


Light is vital for plants, so in winter and cloudy days they need additional illumination. Lighting in the winter garden should be as close to natural as possible, it is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of the plants located there.

It is important to choose the right lamps for the winter garden, because lighting in this type of garden is primarily functional rather than decorative.

Incandescent lamps do not have blue rays important for plants in their spectrum, and they also emit a lot of heat, which can lead to leaf burns. Therefore, they are not suitable for a winter garden.

Blue-blue enhanced spectrum fluorescent lamps are more suitable, but they are very sensitive to voltage drops and constantly flicker. This adversely affects the eyes of people and reduces the life of the lamps. When using them, you need to use light-limiting caps.

Metal halide lamps are representatives of gas discharge lamps, small in size, but with a very high light output. They have a radiation spectrum close to natural. Suitable for very large spaces.

Sodium lamps high pressure give a lot of light. Their reddish emission spectrum has a positive effect on root formation and flowering. These lamps are manufactured with a built-in reflector. They are recommended for use with metal halide lamps to balance the spectrum.

Metal halide lamps are ideal for illuminating plants. They have an improved emission spectrum, high power. However, they have a high price.

Phytolamps are specially designed to illuminate plants. There are fluorescent and LED energy-saving. However, they are not suitable for lighting a recreation area in a winter garden.

Lamps to illuminate plants are best used with mirror flasks (reflectors) - they will not allow light to scatter and direct it to plants.

The arrangement of lamps must be carefully considered. The main rule is that there should be at least 20 cm between the lamp and the plant.

Of course, in addition to lighting plants, the winter garden should have general and decorative lighting, as well as local lighting of recreation areas.

Protection from strong solar radiation

Protection from strong solar radiation is also a very important issue. If in winter the plants need to be warmed and additionally illuminated, then in summer the effect is the opposite - the plants must be protected from overheating and active solar flux.

In this matter, very good decision there will be glazing of winter gardens with “smart glasses”. But since this is not available to everyone, and such glass will not completely solve the problem, we will consider other protection options.

The winter garden can be protected from overheating and excessive sunlight both from the inside and outside.

External means of protection are more effective. But these are expensive structures that require special installation and durable, weather-resistant materials with a reflective surface. Most often these are systems of vertical curtains, awnings, awnings. Awnings, creating a shadow, do not interfere with admiring the beauty surrounding nature. The fabric on such awnings does not heat up and protects the walls of buildings from heating. When creating a winter garden with your own hands, natural barriers can be used as a means of external protection from the scorching sun - tall sprawling trees and shrubs, weaving dense plants. This will not only create shading, but also decorate the facade.

Internal protection means are less effective, but they are much cheaper and easier to install. it various curtains and blinds, which are made of fabric, plastic, thin wood, bamboo. Do not use aluminum blinds, as they quickly heat up and give off heat to the room. Means of internal protection perform not only a practical function, but are an excellent element of decor when decorating a winter garden, creating a cozy atmosphere in the room.

Winter garden on the roof

Not always the area of ​​​​the personal plot allows you to make a winter garden in the form of an extension or a separate structure. In such a situation, the solution would be a winter garden on the roof of a private house. This can be the roof of not only a house, but also a garage or other premises. An important point that requires careful verification is how strong the foundation of the building is and whether it can withstand the additional load. Be sure to also take into account the possibility of conducting the necessary communications to the winter garden on the roof.

For installation on the roof, you should choose a winter garden made of aluminum profiles. Since this is a fairly light material (it is desirable to minimize the additional load on the foundation). The assembly of the frame and its painting takes place on the ground.

Glazing of winter gardens of this type is also carried out on the ground. The materials used are glass or polycarbonate. Glass has a constant transparency, is denser and more resistant to rubbing. The main advantage of polycarbonate in arranging a winter garden on the roof is its lightness and good thermal insulation properties. But any of the selected glazing materials must necessarily be covered with a film that reflects ultraviolet radiation.

The construction of the winter garden, completely assembled on the ground, is installed at the top of the house. Then proceed to the installation of communications. The winter garden on the roof also needs heating, ventilation and shading.

Ventilation in this case is quite natural with the necessary number of opening transoms. Shading is only available internally. The best option for heating would be the arrangement of a warm floor.

As a winter garden on the roof of the house, you can use a skylight (a dome consisting of a frame and glass). Antiaircraft lamps can be installed even on sloping roofs with any angle of inclination. The variety of their forms is almost limitless.

We tried to figure out step by step how to make a winter garden in a private house. Of course, this is a complex process that requires certain costs. But a wonderful green oasis can bring peace and balance to your soul, drive away the blues and despondency, give strength and vigor. Taking care of your favorite plants or relaxing in the midst of greenery and flowers, you will receive a sea of ​​positive energy, then it will become clear that all the efforts to build a winter garden were not in vain.

The most common mistakes in its creation are:

Placing absolutely all plants near windows is not desirable. This leads to the fact that it will become quite difficult to admire the beauty of nature. Since, flowering plants that reach for the sun will turn away from the "contemplator".

A more correct spatial solution is a multi-tiered placement of greenery along the walls. And it is preferable to install furniture near the window, and admire the beauty of plants. Placement of absolutely all plants on the lower or middle level. As a result, the upper level of the space remains without plant flora. You should worry about the presence of climbing plants, it is recommended to hang them from the ceiling in a flower pot or run them up the grid.

Climbing plants should be placed on the ceiling

A great idea would be a multi-tiered placement of flowerpots with plants

Under natural conditions, various green spaces necessarily grow in groups, for this reason, in landscaping, it is necessary to combine a variety of structures and textures. For example, a broad-leaved monstera with narrow yucca leaves, caps of blooming hydrangeas with small “eyes” of primrose. Lack of water with an abundance of tropical crops. To maintain an optimal level of humidity, a source of natural water evaporation should be placed. For example, it can be a fountain, a waterfall, a pond, an aquarium, including a pool. It is possible to create an imitation of a water pool by using reflective materials for the floor and walls. Lack of relationship between the constituent elements landscape design. All constituent elements should look harmonious due to the perfect combination of textures.

To maintain an optimal level of humidity, a source of natural water evaporation should be placed

In the winter garden, it is desirable to grow all the plants in a group

For any person, no doubt, it is considered an important task to create comfort and coziness in their own home. Especially in the cool season, there is a desire to equip the spring environment with the help of various plants. A home greenhouse can become your personal paradise, a haven of harmony and beauty. In a private house, it can be created with the help of a glass structure attached to the kitchen or dining room.

A winter garden in a private house can miraculously transform a living space. This is a great place for family tea parties. A quiet pastime among nature has every chance of becoming a glorious tradition.

When planning the decoration of the territory, do not forget that it must be divided into 3 rational zones.

  1. Space for transplanting and caring for flowers.
  2. Place for rest.
  3. Enough spacious hallway.

This is not only an addition to the living space, it is also a significant characteristic sign of a comfortable existence.

Home greenhouse can become your personal paradise

In a private house, an extension with a winter garden can be made of glass

The winter garden in a private house is able to miraculously transform the living space

Winter Garden: design features

The best option would be the construction of a new building, combined with the house.

The best solution for such a building would be a frame with glass built into it. In addition, glass may be replaced by the most innovative and lightweight materials, such as polycarbonate.

An important advantage of such used material is its cheap cost. If the choice is made on glass as a material, then its properties should be taken into account, and strong glass should be preferred, with the expectation that it can withstand precipitation.

The layout of the winter garden should be carried out in advance

Choose only high-quality materials for the winter garden

Its creation is inspired by many different ideas. And, before its implementation, the plant flora should be correctly formed. In particular, it should create comfortable conditions for the vegetation of such exotic crops as citrus fruits, orchids, begonias, cacti, palm trees and others. Place shade-loving plants in the center, and place light-loving plants closer to the windows. A high-rise greenhouse will significantly expand the possibilities of decoration.

It is confirmed in practice that the gifts of flora grow well where they are constantly taken care of. An attractive site, created with one's own hands, will undoubtedly give a great moral return for the means and forces applied to it.

before the implementation of the winter garden, the plant flora should be correctly formed

Shade-loving plants should be placed in the middle of the room

Place light-loving plants near windows

A modern site can be decorated in any style you like, thanks to the wide range presented in flower shops. For comparative analysis Here is a brief description of the most common options for decorating the territory.

Table. Comparative characteristics various styles

Dominant color

Types of trees and plants

Characteristic accessories


Climbing roses, living green hedge.

Separate large stones and boulders.

1–2 sculptures of the classical type.


Dazzling white, azure, and light pink with gold

Fruit crops, ornamental apple tree, thuja, barberry, thunberg, clematis, capricole honeysuckle

sage, wormwood, bearded irises large groups, lilies, foxglove, stock-rose, ferns of different varieties, both in groups and in single plantings, climbing roses, hydrangeas, lavender (in our conditions, mullein or veronica is better), various types of geraniums.

Fountains. As a rule, such a plot is decorated with a decorative mini-garden on a raised "bed"

Flower beds with herbs.


All shades of pink, yellow and blue.

Juniper, barberry

ficus, pistachio; thuja (smaragd, danica), citrus, oleander, olive, laurel, periwinkle, cotoneaster, magonia, columnar thuja, lavender, veronica, creepers.

bright flowers in beautiful pots. Numerous fountains, unusual shapes.


Blue, bright white, yellow-green, terracotta

Alyssum, gaiania, osteospermum, periwinkle, snapdragon, plumbago, geraniums, poppies, lemons, limes, oranges, tangerines, and perennials.

Wicker rattan, bamboo chairs, terracotta clay pots.

Consider the above options in more detail.

There are several styles of winter garden design.

A tall greenhouse will give more room for decoration.


The British are sophisticated connoisseurs of antique interiors. It is just right to confidently characterize them as the founders of many architectural trends. The English design of the winter garden suggests a classic space for leisurely conversations during tea parties and family vacations. great importance in this case devoted to decorating windows and floors. Often, it is possible to meet a huge floor carpet and magnificent stained-glass windows in it. The atmosphere is dominated by antique or antique furniture - another important component of the interior. In addition, the English style is distinguished by large doors and decorative components on the roof ridge.

To create a British flavor, it is important to choose suitable plants. For example, the English site cannot be imagined in the absence of roses. Weigela - this bush can be seen quite often in British greenhouses. If you look through the antique folios, then you can see that in the 17th century the British loved to plant hazel, lilac, and euonymus.

In a spacious space, it is possible to plant individual specimens of large flowers. It is important that they stand out for their decorative effect. The remaining plants are a safe base background.

English winter garden design suggests a classic space

Often a huge carpet is laid in the garden

An English-style garden suggests a calm and pleasant atmosphere.


The French style originated in France, and subsequently successfully spread to many countries of the world. His characteristic features are smooth paths, precisely trimmed bushes, and exact symmetry.

This option is useful for people who value wealth, pomp and solemnity. In case you wish to build cozy room for heartfelt conversations, a plot with a French design can be the best option.

This one is so refined interior can be found in the following interior solutions:

  • furniture with copper-bronze elements;
  • expensive vases;
  • ceramics;
  • mirrors;
  • many flowers and fruits.

The color palette is a combination of snow-white, azure and light pink with gilding. Often here, it is possible to meet a cabinet for porcelain, and a bergère chair is spacious easy chair with armrests and long back. Plants are at a low height so that they are perfectly visible from any viewing option. There are a large number of vegetable and medicinal herbs. It highlights such spaces - man-made order in absolutely everything.

French winter garden will give a feeling of relaxation and comfort

French style is suitable for people who value wealth, pomp and solemnity.


A characteristic feature of the territory in the Mediterranean version is the simplicity and impeccability of the contours. It looks like a building adjacent to the building with pitched roof. For this reason, this option is suitable for a veranda or greenhouse. It stands out for its functionality and durability. It is usually preferred by lovers of southern flavor.

Used in the interior decorative tiles“under antiques” and walls of gentle tone. When choosing textures, it is very important to achieve the impression of the interior, as if the floor and walls were burned out under the glimpses of the burning midday sun.

The Mediterranean interior of the winter garden in the house contains:

  • statues;
  • decorative pond;
  • pottery vintage vases;
  • forged table with glass top;
  • sundials and pergolas wrapped in roses.

Generally, given design can be expressed in words like - insulated, clear and fragrant. This is a great place to relax. The special elegance of the Mediterranean appears in the darkened patio covered with flower beds with herbs. This interior is used mainly in numerous southern states, in which it is interpreted in its own way.

What crops are preferred? This, of course, is all kinds of fragrant spices - saffron, rosemary, basil, coriander, celery. And, of course, lavender, rose and junipers. These cultures are equally suitable for flower beds and vases. Various small trees are also in demand, for example: citrus, pistachio and olive, and small palm trees. Mediterranean style is a great platform for creativity.

The floor is tiled

Winter garden in mediterranean style will be a great place to relax

In a Mediterranean-style winter garden, everything should be simple

Mediterranean Provence

Among the varieties of Mediterranean interiors in France, Provence is a prominent representative. Its distinctive feature is considered to be the absence of distinct lines, and naturally the amazing smell of lavender and other herbs. Flowers are also placed in pots - flower beds, along the paths and instead of a lawn.

Elegant furniture is used as interior items. forged furniture: screens for climbing plants, bridges, chairs and benches with soft cushions.

Among the varieties of Mediterranean interiors in France, Provence is a prominent representative.

Flowers are also placed in pots - flower beds, along the paths and instead of a lawn


To demonstrate the atmosphere of Greece, blue, bright snow-white, yellow-green, terracotta tones are used in the decor of the site. Be sure to use these colors for furniture.

The inhabitants of Greece while away a large amount of time in nature: talking, eating, and relaxing. For this reason, the Greek site is decorated with a large number of comfortable seating areas located in the loggias, and a set of garden furniture certainly has a huge dining table. Wicker rattan and bamboo chairs perfectly emphasize this style.

Windows are decorated with weightless light curtains or blinds, they are designed to protect from the heavenly body at noon. The main green plantings of the Greek site can be conifers. If they are in containers, it is possible to swap them, and thus instantly change the visual image. Flower cultures look great against the background of conifers the brightest shades and forms.

Aromatic herbs will be a great addition. They are recommended to be planted in flower beds, in flowerpots, in hanging pots, or placed near the windows.

Video: Do-it-yourself winter garden design

50 photos of winter garden design examples:

In the conditions of the harsh Russian climate, I want to keep the summer as long as possible and not give free rein to the winter, protecting it from it in my home. Since mid-autumn, nature begins to fade, with the onset of the first frosts, it freezes in deep sleep until spring awakening. A depressing picture: snowdrifts, "bald patches" of dirt, black trees with bare branches. Such a landscape really sets you up for depression and causes a breakdown. But who said that you have to let winter into your house? It is easy to stop it, keeping a piece of greenery, flowering and life. Summer is simply “preserved” in a separate room where numerous plants are grown. This is not an ordinary corner of living flora, and not a group of flowers in pots, but a real winter garden, with its own atmosphere and special microclimate. Its appearance and development is closely connected with the emergence of primitive heating, irrigation systems and methods of isolation. individual rooms, for the sake of keeping warm. In closed structures, a strictly defined temperature is maintained around the clock; in expensive options, special equipment is used that imitates various natural phenomena (rain, wind). The design of the winter greenhouse, in fact, is a mixture of interior design and landscape on suburban area. We will talk further about how to equip a beautiful, impressive winter garden, in which there is a place for both exotic and ordinary “summer” plants.

Origin story

The winter garden is a complex engineering and technical system. The first mentions of growing plants in houses are found in the written sources of Ancient Egypt. These documents are over 4,000 years old. The Egyptians at that time had just begun to apply the practice of planting plants and trees in pots of earth and stone vases. Pictures with similar decor are found on the walls of tombs and temples, where scenes from Everyday life Egyptians. The Romans liked the method very much, and they went much further. They began to use specially designated places for pots - window sills. And then the first perestiliums appeared - "inner" courtyards, which were fenced on all sides by a colonnade. Gardens were laid out in them, additionally decorated with fountains and large sculptures depicting deities and heroes of the epic. Although they were under open sky, the isolation of plantings became the first prerequisite for the creation of winter structures. Since modern polycarbonate, of course, did not exist in those days, primitive greenhouses were covered with a layer of mica, which had a relative transparency, which allowed the surface to pass scattered sunlight. The Mediterranean climate was ideal for such experiments. In the Old World, the king of Holland, Wilhelm, was the first to test the method of preserving summer plants in the palace in winter. His servants insulated the room so well that gentle representatives of the flora were not even afraid severe frosts. The guests who arrived for the celebration were amazed by what they saw.

At the same time, an active trade in exotic plants begins and open new way transportation - in Ward's boxes, which became the prototype of modern florariums. For popular in Europe orange trees construct "orange houses" - a kind of greenhouses. For other citrus fruits, date trees and heat-loving palm trees create special greenhouses. But the nobles and their retinue liked not only to occasionally visit their "green corners", but also to spend holidays in them, so the greenhouse method of planting plants in partially isolated soil was replaced with "room", that is, in pots and tubs. This made it possible to free up more space, and the winter gardens themselves were moved to the spacious pavilions of the palaces. And so they appeared in the form that is familiar to each of us. To create a full-fledged winter garden, designers, architects and professional gardeners were involved. Until now, one of the most beautiful greenhouses in the world remains the Versailles, which was built during the time of Louis XIV. The king had a weakness for citrus fruits, so most of the garden is occupied by oranges. The greenhouse is still functioning, although it has gone through restorations and redevelopments that have changed its authentic appearance. For a long time, the winter garden was considered the lot of private property, and only by the end of the 19th century they began to be placed in fashionable apartments. Churchmen were the first in Russia to adopt the idea of ​​planting plants indoors. The monks thus cultivated vegetables and fruits all year round.

In the conditions of the Russian climate, there is simply no other reliable option, except for the winter garden, for the preservation of exotic, heat-loving plants. Orange, pomegranate, lemon, and mango trees are sometimes planted outdoors, but are surrounded by a solid structure with thermal insulation for wintering, which is associated with annual chores in anticipation of winter.

Features of creation and location options

To create a winter garden at home, you need to take into account a few rules, non-observance of which will make the entire campaign a failure:

  • the greenhouse should have good lighting, sufficient for the growth different plants. For this reason, its walls and roof are often made of glass or other transparent material;
  • think over good location communication lines of heating and ventilation systems. The first will be required in the winter, and the second in the summer. There is no need for them if the winter garden is located in a buffer room;
  • if the budget allows, then the greenhouse is also equipped with an automatic irrigation system. This will remove most of the worries about the garden from the owners. In economy options, you will have to independently water with a watering can and a spray bottle.

In addition, you will have to carry out all the usual procedures for gardeners and gardeners: loosen and replace the soil every couple of years, cut, remove diseased or weak branches, fertilize and treat plants from diseases, pests, plant overgrown bushes or transfer them to more spacious tubs, where all will fit root system. Depending on the functional purpose, winter gardens are classified into three types:

  • residential - they are comfortable not only for plants, but also for humans;
  • greenhouses - this room is intended exclusively for flora;
  • buffer garden - it is equipped in a "cold" building, which can only be used in certain seasons (summer).

Depending on the location of the winter garden relative to the main building (country house, cottage, dacha), they are divided into three groups:

  • Embedded. They are located inside the dwelling and are often used in city apartments, where it is not possible to equip a winter garden separately. As a "victim" they usually use a balcony or loggia. Private rooms converted into a winter garden only in rare cases, if the apartment is too spacious with an excess of usable area or the cottage has a second (third) floor. The solution with the placement of the greenhouse under the glass dome-roof looks great.
  • Attached. They are an additional pavilion, which is usually built much later than the construction of the house. To get into such a garden, you do not need to leave the house. Buffer extensions, as a rule, separate the dwelling from the street, that is, in fact, these are converted verandas.
  • Freestanding. If the size of the private plot allows, then you can equip a huge greenhouse, which will completely replace the open garden. Such a solution will be effective in conditions of too capricious climate, which "kills" most of the seedlings. Ennobled arbors also look beautiful, which are insulated and made with tubs and pots with plants.

Depending on the location relative to the cardinal points, winter gardens are classified into four types:

  • Northern. Most of their windows "look" to the north. Although the room will quickly accumulate heat, it will not be able to keep it for a long time. In such gardens, it is recommended to install a high quality heating system.
  • Oriental. The best option of all. Plants will receive enough light, but they will not overheat.
  • Western. They are characterized by the preservation of heat for a long period. However, in hot, dry summers, this advantage is reclassified as a disadvantage, as the winter garden turns into a steam room.
  • Southern. In such gardens, by analogy with Western ones, overheating occurs during the hot season. It will be necessary to equip ventilation for the circulation of air flows and an irrigation system for irrigation.

Types of structures

The designs of winter gardens differ in the shape of the buildings themselves, the types of roofs (single-slope, gable, four-five-beam, with a break, domes) and in the materials of execution. If the first two characteristics are completely dependent on the style of landscape design of the site and the design of the exterior of the house to which they are adjacent, then in the latter case, strength and functionality play a role. For the construction of winter gardens use:

  • Aluminum. Durable, reliable and lightweight material that is not subject to corrosion. It is usually used to create mobile structures that are easily assembled and dismantled. Aluminum beams are not deformed, and due to the special strength of the material, the profile is made thin.
  • Wooden. classic material, which was used back in the days of the first greenhouse structures. Wood is capricious and impractical, because it will have to be systematically treated with special compounds that protect against moisture, pest invasions, fungi and mold. Otherwise, the wooden structure will begin to rot, deform and eventually become unusable. For the construction of a winter garden, birch, oak, pine, larch are used. The indisputable advantage of solid wood is its naturalness and special beauty.
  • Polyvinyl chloride. PVC is relatively cheap, and custom-made designs will allow you to realize the most daring decorating ideas. However, plastic greenhouses do not withstand heavy loads, so the overall premises will have to be further strengthened.
  • Metal-plastic. This material has collected the advantages of two main "components". From plastic, he adopted lightness, anti-corrosion and the ability to take any shape during manufacture, and took strength and relative flexibility from metal alloys.
  • All-glass. For such structures, a special type of tempered, laminated glass is used. It perfectly transmits light, but at the same time it does not react even to strong blows, since the triplex has super strength. If the surface still manages to strike a crushing blow, then it will only be covered with a pattern of cracks, keeping the fragments in place.

Also, the designs differ in the types of doors and windows with which they are equipped.


Proper lighting is the key to the well-being of the "inhabitants" of the winter garden. It would seem that it could be easier than installing a couple of lamps and spotlights to flood the plants with light. But in fact, everything is not so easy. Some plants like shade (for example, tropical ones), while others need plenty of light for comfort. The power of the lamps and the intensity of lighting should be selected in accordance with the rules for growing certain species. This is especially important in our climate, since the sun rarely peeks out in winter, which means that the lack of his attention will have to be compensated artificially. In principle, a winter garden can be equipped even with ordinary incandescent lamps, but they are more suitable for rooms where people live, not plants. Their light spectrum is devoid of blue and red rays, which are necessary for the full growth of the flora. In addition, they have a high heat dissipation, which can burn the leaves of plants and cause them to wilt. Experts recommend choosing fluorescent lamps. They give a powerful stream of light, have low heat output and excellent energy-saving characteristics.

Ventilation and heating system

In addition to central or autonomous heating devices located around the perimeter of the room, it is necessary to install special infrared heaters. They are panels that are fixed on the walls or ceiling. This fallback option comes in handy during particularly harsh winters when the main system may not be up to the task. Such reinsurance is necessary in winter gardens, the design of which consists of more than 50% glass. Another option for additional heating is a modern "warm" floor, the temperature of which can be regulated. It will be comfortable not only for plants, but also for people walking around the greenhouse in slippers. The ventilation system can be artificial or natural. One way or another, fresh air is vital for plants. If unpretentious species are grown in the garden that can easily tolerate average temperatures, then natural ventilation will do. An artificial or mechanical option is used for capricious plants that react sharply to any changes in environment. Such ventilation allows you to control and adjust the circulation of air flows.

The winter garden, like the house, has its own stylistic solutions. For its design, ethnic directions are mainly used, since the practice of decorating these premises in each country has gone its own way of development. A group of European styles is considered popular, which includes Dutch, French, English and Mediterranean. In these countries, the winter garden has become an integral part of country estates. For lovers of exotic flora, an African, Moorish or Mexican pavilion is suitable.

Classic style

In the classic winter garden there is a place for every member of the family. The floor is finished with stone, and the walls are plastered. window frames are dyed white. Decorate the room with wood panels. To preserve the spirit of conservatism, a soft sofa with coffee-colored upholstery is chosen from the furniture, a couple of armchairs to match it, a large round table for dinner, covered with a tablecloth. It would be appropriate to place an antique cupboard for dishes. From plants choose palm trees, ferns, clematis and creepers. A stylish element in the decoration of the winter garden will be a fireplace.

English style

The British fell in love with winter gardens so much that they still spend most of their free time here. In the greenhouse they relax, drink tea, receive guests and even arrange modest family holidays. English style is divided into several areas that correspond to a certain era in the life of the country:

  • Victorian. The style appeared during the reign of Queen Victoria. In the interior, they do not save on decorations, and the design itself has rectangular shape with a rounded end and a gable roof.
  • Georgian. The structure is in the shape of a semicircle with a flat roof. Windows are decorated with frequent internal partitions.
  • Edwardian. The winter garden has a strict rectangular shape, and its ridge is necessarily decorated with exterior decor. In interior design adhere to the principles of restraint.

In English winter gardens, windows are decorated with stained glass, and the floors are covered with large, soft carpets. Furniture is chosen antique, preferably antiques. You can also use wicker chairs and sofas. The coffee table is covered with a tablecloth with a floral pattern.

french style

In the French style, strictness and orderliness are observed. Shrubs in the winter garden are always neatly trimmed. Furniture is used soft and voluminous, as in a full-fledged living room. The color palette is dominated by pink, blue, white and gold. The interior of the winter garden is ideal for personal meetings and relaxing holidays alone. Its furnishings are luxurious. Flowers and exotic fruits prevail in the living "filling", medicinal plants, vegetables and herbs. The tubs and pots with them are placed on special elevations so that the greenery is clearly visible from anywhere in the winter garden. Furniture is chosen massive with expensive upholstery. The decor includes mirrors in gilded vases, stucco molding, skillfully made porcelain vases, sculpture and floor lamps with a floral pattern.


The Mediterranean style is laconic. The floor of the winter garden is finished with ceramic tiles, and the walls are painted in colors that give the impression of “burnt out” under scorching sun surfaces. The structure, as a rule, has a rectangular shape and is adjacent to the house. A warm climate has settled in this part of Europe, which does not spare anyone in summer, so the room is used as a saving oasis from the heat. Plantations are dominated fruit trees and spicy herbs. Decorate the room with sculptures, fountains and romantic pergolas entwined with climbing roses. Furniture is used simple and concise with forging elements.

Japanese style

It is quite difficult to create a Japanese winter garden without deep knowledge of Eastern philosophy. A decisive role in its design will be played by the correct construction of the composition. The Japanese, using a complex scheme, identify "energy" points, that is, accent zones, of which there are four in traditional versions. The winter garden becomes a place where three elements collide: air, earth and water. In the room there are necessarily artificial reservoirs, rock gardens, compositions from dwarf trees, moss and stone lanterns toro. Rest on wide benches. The Japanese winter garden is the best place for tea ceremonies and quiet rest in solitude.

We all try to create the most comfortable, warm and cozy atmosphere in our home. And what could be better than a year-round summer in your own greenhouse? Rest surrounded by lush greenery, exotic plants, in the midst of winter frosts is the dream of many of our compatriots. Nowadays, you can create your own winter garden not only in private households, but also as part of a home in apartment building. Of course, you will have to make efforts not only to create your own green oasis, but also to constantly devote time to the greenhouse to maintain plants and premises in proper condition. We offer you an impressive selection of 100 designs of a wide variety of greenhouses and we hope that they will inspire you to your own achievements in creating a green corner for rest and relaxation.

Origin of winter gardens

These days, greenhouses can be safely called green oases, a concentration of beauty and harmony for rest and relaxation. But for this, rooms with plants have come a long way. Also in Ancient Rome winter gardens originated as a phenomenon in architecture itself. Later, from the southern countries, moving westward, greenhouses literally conquered all of Europe. The most widespread free-standing structures made of glass and wood were in England, in the households of noble and wealthy people.

It was in England that significant changes took place in the very approach to growing plants in special facilities all year round: the methods of space heating underwent changes. From the most primitive measures, when holes were dug in the ground and filled with hot coal, to the appearance of a spiral chimney and, ultimately, a water heating system. By the middle of the 19th century, winter gardens began to appear not only in private dwellings, but also in multi-storey buildings.

In Russia, the first winter garden appeared in the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery. The first stone greenhouses in our country with heating system appeared right there. The monks were able not only to cultivate a wide variety of plants in rather harsh climatic conditions, but also to grow vegetables in their greenhouses all year round.

In the 19th century, in Russia, winter gardens received a serious impetus in the development and distribution among famous nobles. Not only the Moscow GUM and the St. Petersburg Peter and Paul Passage were equipped with their own greenhouses, many noble persons could acquire indoor gardens in their estates. Over time, glass structures have ceased to be just a place for growing plants, but have become the focus of a relaxed pastime with the nobility. In the greenhouses, living rooms were practically located, guests were received. The fashion for indoor winter gardens with beautiful decoration was gaining momentum very quickly - not only exotic plants appeared, but also fountains and songbirds.

With the advent of Soviet power, winter gardens as a place for exquisite relaxation surrounded by exotic plants experienced a serious decline. Most compatriots had to worry at least about a roof over their heads and poor food. Nowadays, there are no restrictions in building and finishing materials, systems for creating a certain temperature and air humidity will help create optimal conditions for growing plants of the desired varieties. By using modern technologies can be difficult to create comfortable spot for growing plants, but a really comfortable space for rest and relaxation.

Features of creating a greenhouse

It is obvious that for successful cultivation plants need to create and maintain certain conditions. If the different crops in the greenhouse are not comfortable, then the whole operation of building, decorating and maintaining an indoor green garden will fail. In order for the creation of a winter garden to be effective, at least two basic conditions must be met:

  • the greenhouse room should have a high level of natural light (which is why most often these buildings are almost completely made of glass);
  • for a certain type of plants, special conditions are created and maintained - the desired level of temperature and humidity, timely watering and fertilizing of green spaces.

There are three options for creating a greenhouse in a private household:

  • the greenhouse is designed at the construction stage and is an integral part of the structure;
  • the winter garden is attached to the main building after the completion of construction work (it is possible that a lot of time has passed since the construction of the house);
  • the greenhouse is a separate building with its own systems of heating, lighting, ventilation and creating a certain humidity.

Of course, the best (in terms of cost and effort) is the way to create a greenhouse when designing a house. In such a situation, the winter garden and the foundation for it are laid initially, all communications are carried out together with the main building. But this method of erecting a steep garden is rarely used, due to the fact that the owners at the construction stage either do not yet plan to grow plants all year round, or this project does not fit into the overall financial estimate.

Most often, when building a greenhouse, the owners follow the second path - attaching a glass structure to finished building. This method is relatively economical: the wall of the house acts as one of the walls of the winter garden. But saving on laying the foundation will not work. Glass structures (even of the most modest sizes) are only seemingly airy, weightless - glass is a heavy material and the foundation or plinth must be “drowned” deep enough. The size and depth of the foundation will depend on the height of the greenhouse, because many grow in their indoor garden not only undersized plants but also dwarf trees.

The least commonly used method is the construction of a separate building in which plants will be grown and a place for rest and relaxation will be arranged. The unpopularity of this method is explained by the high cost, the need to use the free area of ​​the yard or land, and also "pull" all communication systems at some distance from the main building.

Ways to design a winter garden

The choice of plants for the greenhouse is an individual decision of each owner. But in the ways of organizing recreation areas you can find interesting ideas from famous designers. So, what can be organized as part of a greenhouse with plants? The first and most logical decision that comes to all future and real owners of the winter garden is the arrangement of the living room. Rest, receiving guests and just family gatherings surrounded by lush greenery of plants is a pleasure not available to every city dweller. That makes the time spent in such a relaxing atmosphere more valuable.

Garden furniture looks most organically in the interior of the greenhouse, namely, wickerwork. Armchairs and sofas, coffee tables and coasters made of wicker or rattan incredibly harmoniously fit into an atmosphere close to nature, creating a cozy and comfortable environment. In order to increase the level of comfort in the greenhouse recreation area, it is enough to equip wicker furniture with soft seats and decorative pillows.

In a spacious greenhouse, you can not stop at the installation of upholstered furniture and coffee table for the arrangement of the recreation area. Fountains and small waterfalls (imitation of water falling from a certain height) are appropriate in a room literally filled with greenery. Built-in lamps and ribbon lighting of plants and a fountain will add originality to a refined atmosphere.

The second, no less popular way to design a greenhouse is to arrange a dining room. Any meal surrounded by lush greenery becomes more pleasant and tastier. It is enough to find a place for a small dining table and chairs. Depending on the size and shape of the room, you can use round or oval (the most organic arrangement option dining area), square or rectangular table. Depending on the model of the table, chairs are also selected. Very often, garden furniture is used to equip the dining area.

In some cases, it is convenient for the owners to arrange in the greenhouse full kitchen with working and dining area. But at the same time, it must be borne in mind that plants must be chosen resistant to temperature changes. The working kitchen segment must be equipped with a powerful hood to save the plants from getting even the smallest drops of fat.

Even a very modest extension with glass walls and a roof can be turned into a small green oasis if the available space is properly distributed. The arrangement of plants in tiers, the installation of shelving for plantings of small sizes, the creation of so-called eco-walls or "green walls" will allow even in a small greenhouse to find a place to install a round table with a couple of chairs to organize a place for short meals, relaxation and admiring lush greenery .

Exterior of the greenhouse

If we are not talking about the internal content of the winter garden, but its exterior, then the facade of the greenhouse, of course, must be in harmony with the appearance of the main building, regardless of whether it was originally designed, added after the main construction, or is a separate building. Most often, the walls of the greenhouse have a plinth, which is laid out of brick or stone. For the construction of the basement, foam blocks or hollow types of bricks are rarely used - such structures may not withstand heavy weight glass walls and a dome or transparent roof.

The plinth, trimmed with stone in harmony with the design of the main building, looks luxurious. Glass surfaces bring airiness to the overall image of the entire building. Even a small greenhouse in this case significantly changes the appearance of the facade of the household.

A similar situation develops with the use of bricks as a building or finishing material. Modern facade brick (intended for decorating house facades) can be textured, with fezzes, made in a wide variety of colors.

874 Dix https://www.pngDix 2017-07-26 18:58:04 2018-11-30 11:15:12 Winter Garden: 100 Modern Greenhouse Ideas