Is polyurethane foam really harmful? Is polyurethane harmful to humans - all about polyurethane mattresses What is polyurethane foam and is it harmful


civil engineer

It is useless to ask Reliable and K about this, because they absolutely do not know the material itself, they created a topic about the material itself, but they can’t really say about it, (this message of a reliable one shows well his knowledge of polyurethane foam
They all write about what cannot be used on facades. (So they would create the topic “you cannot use PPU on facades” and justify with their only argument “there is no technical certificate”, before they had the slogan “high cost of PPU”, then PPU is harmful, but then they switched to a technical certificate, because others good reasons use of PPU on facades NO.
The PPU material itself easily outperforms POLYFOAM in terms of properties, so the foam brethren stirred up

Styrofoam -

Styrofoam -

Styrofoam -

Styrofoam -

Styrofoam -

Styrofoam - there is no harm. .

Styrofoam -


I understand that I prevent you from recouping investments in your foaming pots with hoses, but what to do, not everything is suitable for building houses. Change your job... do, for example, contraceptives for men... although it's not necessary, with your quality on your knee in the garage, the young ladies' eyes will be scratched out... well, then I don't know what to do. But to fool the people with your spraying of PPU - stop.

Even in the dumb panorama from Yandex, you can see the blackness on the facade, from crumbling foam., Ulyanovsk, Novosondetskiy boulevard, 22&sll=48.580864,54.381601&ll=48.581282,54.381045&spn=0.041370,0.005311&z=15&l=map,stv&ol=stv&oll=4828.5812=4828.5812 dir:-4.735709522131145,37.156280290533076~spn:102.89093780465933,44.359120457019856

I was recently in Tula, that's where the PPU workers really cut their money, the number of both * facades of buildings rolls over.

Firstly, when PPU is pouring, it is not black, but red, and secondly, if you are talking about what is visible on the 15th floor, this is not PPU. I have already given photos of the third floor, and even "Reliable" the only negative that I found is a miserable appearance with which I was quick to agree. Otherwise, the facade has been living for at least 8 years and the signs of destruction are hardly noticeable.


  • Registration: 11/18/13 Messages: 1.192 Acknowledgments: 309

    Everything has been listed for a long time, refresh your memory:

    I wonder how PPU wins over PPS?

    PPU - does not have a Technical Certificate, and, accordingly, a permit for use for thermal insulation of buildings (neither roofs, nor walls, nowhere)
    Styrofoam - there is GOST, it is registered as a heater in all facade systems SFTC is used without any restrictions for thermal insulation of all building structures

    PPU - material price per cube - 10-12 thousand
    Styrofoam - facade grade 2 thousand/cu.m. For housekeepers, there is a brand 15 for 1.5 thousand rubles (but it is not recommended to anyone)

    PPU - You can’t spray PPU on your own, you need to learn, buy expensive equipment
    Styrofoam - self-installed without training, anyone can work with Styrofoam, no equipment required.

    PPU - the manufacturing quality of the material is unknown, as it depends on the equipment, on which everyone likes to save money, on the knowledge that is different for everyone. Almost all the PPU spraying that is offered is performed by single garage handicraftsmen, it is impossible to check the quality of the spraying, from which there are also no guarantees.
    Styrofoam - prefabricated material, the quality of which is constantly checked in laboratories of both output and input (raw) quality.

    PPU - it is impossible to make claims on the quality of the deposition, since there are no standards at all, approved technology, not a single court can be won, even if you go there. The customer will not be able to control the quality of foaming and application in any way.
    Styrofoam - all prefabricated material that has all the documents prescribed by law, for the quality of which the specific manufacturer of the material is responsible. It is not a problem to assess the quality on the spot.

    PPU - carcinogenic material (approved by the European Directive 2010)
    Styrofoam - there is no harm. Food packaging is made from expanded polystyrene.

    PPU - does not have laboratory tests, documentation to make calculations for "Heat engineering". Neither thermal conductivity, density dependence, nor vapor permeability are known. There are no technical data for calculations.
    Styrofoam - thoroughly investigated material, which has GOST and all the necessary chemical and physical data both for use and for all necessary calculations when designing building structures.

    Baikal, Enough to let the dregs already in the 10th round, tired. You have PPU sellers gossip only. There is no real proof. By the way, if you hate Styrofoam so much, then don’t buy products in the store packed in EPS, especially fish - it is all delivered in Styrofoam packaging, even fresh is in EPS boxes right on the display window. Also, throw out the computer, keyboard and all household appliances - this is also polystyrene (only not foamed) and ABS plastics, which are made from styrene. But I like polyurethane, I won’t refuse it ... excellent sealants, it’s even higher than barrier contraception, but foamed polyurethane, and for insulating buildings, is nuff-nuff.

    Here's a great post! This is what I called for from the very beginning. Clearly and point by point your claims to the material. Now you can also disagree on points, agree, or decide for yourself that some of this can be neglected.

  • I wonder how PPU wins over PPS?

    PPU - does not have a Technical Certificate, and, accordingly, a permit for use for thermal insulation of buildings (neither roofs, nor walls, nowhere)
    Styrofoam - there is GOST, it is registered as a heater in all facade systems of the SFTK, it is used without any restrictions for thermal insulation of all building structures

    PPU - material price per cube - 10-12 thousand
    Styrofoam - facade grade 2 thousand/cu.m. For housekeepers, there is a brand 15 for 1.5 thousand rubles (but it is not recommended to anyone)

    PPU - You can’t spray PPU on your own, you need to learn, buy expensive equipment
    Styrofoam - self-installed without training, anyone can work with Styrofoam, no equipment required.

    PPU - the manufacturing quality of the material is unknown, as it depends on the equipment, on which everyone likes to save money, on the knowledge that is different for everyone. Almost all the PPU spraying that is offered is performed by single garage handicraftsmen, it is impossible to check the quality of the spraying, from which there are also no guarantees.
    Styrofoam - prefabricated material, the quality of which is constantly checked in laboratories of both output and input (raw) quality.

    PPU - it is impossible to make claims on the quality of the deposition, since there are no standards at all, approved technology, not a single court can be won, even if you go there. The customer will not be able to control the quality of foaming and application in any way.
    Styrofoam - all prefabricated material that has all the documents prescribed by law, for the quality of which the specific manufacturer of the material is responsible. It is not a problem to assess the quality on the spot.

    PPU - carcinogenic material (approved by the European Directive 2010)
    Styrofoam - there is no harm. Food packaging is made from expanded polystyrene.

    PPU - does not have laboratory tests, documentation to make calculations for "Heat engineering". Neither thermal conductivity, density dependence, nor vapor permeability are known. There are no technical data for calculations.
    Styrofoam - a material studied in detail, having GOST and all the necessary chemical and physical data both for application and for all necessary calculations in the design of building structures.

    Baikal, Enough to let the dregs already in the 10th round, tired. You have PPU sellers gossip only. There is no real proof. By the way, if you hate Styrofoam so much, then don’t buy products in the store packed in EPS, especially fish - it is all delivered in Styrofoam packaging, even fresh is in EPS boxes right on the display window. Also, throw out the computer, keyboard and all household appliances - this is also polystyrene (only not foamed) and ABS plastics, which are made from styrene. But I like polyurethane, I won’t refuse it ... excellent sealants, it’s even higher than barrier contraception, but foamed polyurethane, and for insulating buildings, is nuff-nuff.

    I understand that I prevent you from recouping investments in your foaming pots with hoses, but what to do, not everything is suitable for building houses. Change your job... do, for example, contraceptives for men... although it's not necessary, with your quality on your knee in the garage, the young ladies' eyes will be scratched out... well, then I don't know what to do. But to fool the people with your spraying of PPU - stop.

    All estimates are in plus for expanded polystyrene - unequivocally refer to plus for rigid polyurethane foam boards, for the production of polyurethane foam boards in paper, in foil, in glass-canvas. I think that it is impossible to compare slab insulation with PPU spraying, because this different methods its application and use in structures. There are pluses and minuses, but regarding the comparison of the structure itself, chem. composition, - you can then operate with this data in defense or attack! after all, the topic is called in defense of PPU, PPU is polyurethane foam. I operate with polyurethane foam exclusively as a material in terms of environmental friendliness, resource, safety, fire hazard, thermal conductivity that is not lost over time (like foam plastic, for example) Also, the Q indicator is the compressive strength your foam plastic is resting) it has 2 tons per square meter. meter. PPU from 15 tons.
    Therefore, the creator of this post needs to decide! what did he mean about PPU? I believe that PPU is polyurethane foam. This is a material that is used in construction as thermal insulation. There are many PPUs. It is in all pillows that are sold in IKEA, for example, upholstered furniture and many other options. By the way foam and min. there is no cotton! and PPU is.
    It seems to me that it is necessary to add to the title of the topic - PPU as a spray method as a heater. And then you can argue about this method ad infinitum. But if you leave everything as it is. That PPU - polyurethane foam, then everyone who operates against this component, as a material that is used as a heater in construction, please compare PPU with your foams, wadding, extrusions, provide information with evidence that your material is better! I ALREADY SAID A LOT IN DEFENSE OF PPU and added certificates and laboratory results. So what are we arguing about next, about PPU or about the method of applying it to the surface?

  • Registration: 30.04.13 Messages: 1.567 Acknowledgments: 1.616


    civil engineer

    Registration: 30.04.13 Messages: 1.567 Acknowledgments: 1.616 Address: Moscow

    PPU cannot be insulated at all. Only finished sandwich panels and pipe shells are produced. It's all.

  • Registration: 11/18/13 Messages: 1.192 Acknowledgments: 309

    PPU cannot be insulated at all. Only finished sandwich panels and pipe shells are produced. It's all.
    I remind you that you cannot use polyurethane foam for insulation, but if you really want to get rid of complete hack, let's assume ... take four different designs insulation and calculate the cost of such insulation.
    I'll spend my time hunting witches, so be it ... Suggest two designs. I will also offer two. Go?

    I would be interested in such a comparison! For me, the issue of the attic is relevant now. Roof area 102 m2. Configuration - 4 pitched. Structure from inside to outside - rafters (50 * 250), lathing with a board 25, corrugated board. There are no ventilation gaps, no counter-battens. Board of natural humidity (drying in the chamber did not pass). There are 4 skylights 1600*900.
    I propose this construct as one of the 4 protected ones.

  • Registration: 22.12.11 Messages: 104 Acknowledgments: 64

    and in terms of thermal conductivity, a foam plastic cube and a polyurethane foam cube are two big differences. Thus, one and a half cubes of polystyrene foam per cube of polyurethane foam are needed. This time. Thus, we get 3,000 rubles for the foam material and 3,000 rubles for the installation of the foam. Total 6000 for what can be called insulation. By the way, PPU is different. Open cell can be found for 5 thousand cubic meters.
  • Registration: 11/18/13 Messages: 1.192 Acknowledgments: 309

    and in terms of thermal conductivity, a foam plastic cube and a polyurethane foam cube are two big differences. Thus, one and a half cubes of polystyrene foam per cube of polyurethane foam are needed. This time. Thus, we get 3,000 rubles for the foam material and 3,000 rubles for the installation of the foam. Total 6000 for what can be called insulation. By the way, PPU is different. Open cell can be found for 5 thousand cubic meters.

    Let's leave the theoretical reasoning behind. Octagon offered to make the correct "natural" calculations. Is this not an objective comparison?

    That is, we take as a base the standards for the thermal conductivity of enclosing structures (I know that there are requirements, but I don’t know what they are). And we consider how much it will cost to achieve such results with the help of 3 materials - cotton wool, PPS, PPU.

    1. Elasticity and elasticity: the product allows you to well support the body during sleep, which ensures a comfortable good rest.
    2. Affordable price - against the background of analog mattresses, these are pleasantly surprised by the cost combined with quality. The price of a PPU mattress is quite acceptable for any category of the population, however, in the pursuit of cheapness, the main thing is not to overdo it. Still, the cheapest model will be inferior in quality and durability, and as a result, instead of the expected 10 years, the mattress will serve you only a third of this period. But at the same time, it's not worth overpaying. For example, mattresses with a "stuffing" of bilaxilast and waterlatex will cost more than polyurethane foam, although they are exactly the same in terms of characteristics.
    3. Viscosity - PU foam gives the mattresses softness and makes them pleasant to the touch. In addition, it is optimally suited for overweight people due to its ability to withstand strong pressure. The purchase of such a mattress easily solves the problem of co-sleeping for spouses of different weight categories. A fuller partner, due to its viscosity, does not push the mattress so much that it is noticeable from the other side, and as a result, the lighter one does not move out to the middle of the mattress.
    4. Orthopedicity is ensured by the ability of products to repeat the anatomical curves of the human body. Resistant to deformation, they are suitable for people with impaired spinal functions.
    5. Air exchange is achieved due to the cellular polyurethane foam and guarantees excellent hygiene and ventilation to the mattress.
    6. Convenience during transportation. Springless models of mattresses are convenient to roll, and upon purchase, you can immediately take them home, rolling them up in a roll, without waiting for them to be delivered to you. When you unfold the mattress, it will take on its original appearance with no signs of deformation.

    Environmental friendliness of PPU

    Over the past decade, the amount of use of polyurethane foam for various thermal insulation in our country has increased by more than one or two times, but as much as five times! It's worth thinking about this.

    At the very peak of the popularity of this wonderful heat-insulating material, a large number of different myths began to appear regarding the environmental friendliness and safety of sprayed polyurethane foam insulation, both for human health and for the environment.

    In order to understand everything, namely, how safe and environmentally friendly this heat-insulating material is, first of all, you need to know what polyurethane foam itself is and what it consists of.

    PPU for furniture

    Furniture production is another area in which this material is widely used, and it is elastic polyurethane foam that is in demand here. For the first time this material was created back in the 30s in Germany, and today varieties of this material are produced, which are used in the manufacture of mattresses and furniture. Due to the high quality of PPU, it can be used to design various areas. upholstered furniture, where density and rigidity are required, which protects the product from deformation. PPU is widely used in the creation of armrests and headrests, as well as seats, and the higher the quality of the raw material, the longer the material will last.

    Hygienic features

    Mattresses based on Ormafoam foam meet the most stringent hygiene requirements. Therefore, they are not only allowed, but also recommended for use in medical institutions, kindergartens and schools, sanatoriums.

    The foam does not emit chemical compounds dangerous to humans during operation. She is completely hypoallergenic.

    The structure of the material based on Ormafoam is such that mold, fungus and other dangerous microorganisms do not appear and multiply inside. The air inside the product circulates freely, providing a comfortable temperature and the right level of humidity.

    What is the mattress filler and what is it for?

    The fillers in the mattress are above and below the springs

    Fillers are small in thickness (usually from 1 to 3 cm, in elite mattresses up to 8 cm) layers under the cover.

    Their purpose is to level the surface, to give it the desired degree of softness or rigidity. They only increase comfort. Considering which mattress fillers are better, consider a number of factors, composition, wear resistance, price.

    Mattress fillers

    Only a few types of natural materials for mattresses are known in the world. There are more artificial ones, but very often companies patent trademark and practically indistinguishable materials are sold under various names. 100% natural, exclusively from natural materials:

    • natural latex
    • Coconut coir (varieties - latex coir and needle punched plate)
    • Sisal, dried fibers of the Agave succulent plant
    • Horsehair
    • dried seaweed
    • cotton wool
    • Sheep wool felt.

    Modern technology has led to the creation artificial and combined materials. Of the three types:

    1. Expanded polyurethane foam, . These are artificial latex, Ortofoam, Prolatex, Memorix and other patented types of highly elastic polyurethane foam.
    2. Thermally bonded synthetic fibers tightly packed into a felt. These are thermal felt, thermally bonded flax, bicoco.
    3. Volumetric synthetic fibers of special styling, in the form of an elastic structured mat - struttofiber, holofiber, periotec, etc.

    Each of these materials has advantages and disadvantages. Foam rubber is attractive in price, but tends to accumulate moisture; dust mites live well in it. Hollofiber is well ventilated and does not cause allergies, but it can become caked over time. Which mattress filler to prefer, decide taking into account specific conditions operation.

    In the table below, all materials used in mattresses can be compared with each other.

    materialsProbability of development of microorganismsRelease of harmful substancesMoisture accumulation, poor ventilationAbility to cause allergiesDurability
    natural latexNoNoNoYesvery high
    latex coconutNoNoNoYeshigh
    Needle Punched CoconutYesNoYesYeslow
    Pressed algaehighNoYesYeslow
    HorsehairlowNoNohighvery high
    Thermally bonded linenYesNoNoNohigh
    Thermal feltYesNoYesNoaverage
    Struttofiber comboYesNoweakweakaverage
    Foam rubber standardYespossiblyYeslowlow
    Highly elastic foamYespossiblyYeslowhigh
    Shape memory foamYespossiblyYeslowaverage


    Polyurethane foam and its properties

    Foam mattresses are made from polyurethane foam - artificial material having a foam structure. It is used to make various sponges, fillers, insulation materials and more. Since chemical components are used for its production, this causes numerous controversies regarding its harmfulness.

    There is confirmed evidence that foam rubber really emits a lot of harmful substances when burned in open flame . But whether the concentration of volatile components is sufficient to cause harm at rest is still unknown. Therefore, foam mattresses are not such a rarity. On the contrary, in the production of cheap mattresses, polyurethane foam has become the most common filler.

    Foam rubber has a lot of interesting qualities:

    • Does not burn independently (only in the presence of a flame source);
    • Quickly restores shape;
    • It is very cheap;
    • Low thermal conductivity;
    • High vapor and moisture resistance.

    Due to its properties it becomes an ideal basis for the production of heat-insulating and moisture-proof materials.

    Not without drawbacks:

    • Polyurethane foam is destroyed under the action of direct sun rays;
    • It does not tolerate prolonged contact with water;
    • Highlights harmful components (debatable issue).

    As for polyurethane foam mattresses, they also have their advantages and disadvantages. We figured out the polyurethane foam itself - now let's talk about mattresses.

    Component composition of polyurethane foam

    The main components that make up polyurethane foam and are necessary for the formation and attachment of polymer chains are polyol (component A) and polyisocyanate (component B). Sometimes domestic producers one more component can be added to the polyol - a catalyst. The main components of polyurethane foam have a specific smell and are a liquid of a fairly thick consistency with shades from light yellow to dark brown.

    Polyol during long-term storage tends to exfoliate, so it is recommended to mix it before use. Polyisocyanate interacts with water - upon contact, crystallization begins. During long-term storage for outdoors a film forms on the surface of the material. In my own way component composition PPU can be of two types - for spraying and for pouring.

    Harmful properties of polyurethane foam components

    The components of the polyurethane foam mixture in liquid form create potentially dangerous fumes, which cause possible harm from polyurethane foam. Therefore, personnel directly spraying PU foam, as well as people in the vicinity of the spraying site, must use appropriate protective equipment. Subject to all safety measures, even in liquid form, the mixture is not hazardous to health. Manufacturers rightly state that dried polyurethane foam is not harmful to health if the ingredients of both phases are properly mixed and reacted to the end. If the correct chemical reaction does not occur, the components of the mixture may release toxic fumes. Consider the harmfulness of polyurethane foam in this case:

    • Isocyanates found in paints, PU foams and other foam materials can cause asthma as an occupational disease in workers who come into direct contact with these substances without protection.
    • Amine catalysts can cause hypersensitivity and irritation resulting in blurred vision. Is liquid PUF harmful when constantly inhaled? Such contact can cause severe irritation, ulcers, and burns to the mouth, throat, and esophagus.
    • Polyol manifests itself only in direct contact with the body (for example, when swallowed), provoking vomiting, spasms and intoxication of the central nervous system
    • Flame retardants can accumulate in the body, causing chronic poisoning even at low doses of evaporation.

    You need to understand that polyurethane is harmful only if used incorrectly, using low-quality sprayers and lacking special protection when working with this material. Sprayed polyurethane foam is harmful only if safety rules are not followed.

    So where is the truth

    Polyurethane foam - what is it? Harm from it or benefit? A huge number of places where polyurethane foam is used in various areas of human life does not allow us to give an unambiguous answer to this question. For the construction industry, this is certainly a benefit, and a huge one. The ability to make a mixture and apply polyurethane foam on the surface to be insulated directly on the construction site reduces associated costs and allows you to create a monolithic PPU-surface without gaps during installation and cold bridges. Thermal insulation of main low-temperature pipelines of the chemical industry is also hardly possible today with the same efficiency provided by polyurethane foam.

    However, the use of this material in the production of goods for people (and for children in particular) is seen by many experts in this field as not entirely justified. The release of toxic substances can Negative influence on human health. Even before 2003, the technology for manufacturing domestic components for the production of polyurethane foam provided for the use of highly volatile ether compounds. Today, manufacturers claim that this technology has been abandoned. Within 3 days after application, the material is released from a small amount of gases remaining after the reaction of the components, and after that the polyurethane foam is environmentally safe.

    In general, in each specific case, before using PPU products, one must sensibly evaluate all the pros and cons of using this material in a particular area of ​​life.

    Polyurethane in everyday life is harmful or not

    For domestic purposes, polyurethane is used for insulation of residential premises, as well as a filler for mattresses and upholstered furniture. In this case, foam material is used, which, after complete drying, does not pose a danger to human health.

    However, polyurethane is still classified as potentially hazardous materials, because if it is used improperly, toxic fumes can be released into the environment. So, if the heat-insulating coating did not have time to completely dry or violations were made during its installation, then later phenol-formaldehyde derivatives will be released into the living room, which can lead to the development of symptoms of chronic poisoning and residents.
    In general, completely dried polyurethane foam does not pose a danger to human health. Therefore, manufacturers often refer polyurethane to environmentally friendly materials.

    Thus, we can conclude that, subject to all the rules of operation, polyurethane products do not pose a danger and harm to human health. However, experts do not recommend the use of polyurethane products in the nursery, as they can cause allergic reactions, headaches and other symptoms in children.

    The history of the appearance of the material

    The date of birth of polyurethane foam can be safely called 1937, when a small group of scientists from a laboratory in Levenkusen synthesized a material with unusual properties. Depending on what was the mixing ratio of the components of the new material and how quickly the reaction took place, the properties of polyurethane foam were radically different. On the one hand, the material was elastic and flexible, but rather fragile to breaking loads. On the other hand, strength, hardness, density, but brittleness in bending. The material had extremely wide prospects, but the Second World War significantly slowed down their implementation. However, since the 60s of the last century, the manufacture of PPU began to develop at a rapid pace.

    Some negative aspects

    Absolutely ideal substances do not exist. Except positive sides, rigid polyurethane foams highlight individual characteristics for the worse:

    • resistance to UV radiation, it is necessary to apply protection with plaster, or cover with panels, or paint.
    • limited use in places where excessive heating of surfaces or a high likelihood of fires is possible.
    • rather high cost in the case of spraying.

    The technical characteristics of the polymer will ensure its production and use for many years to come.

    • Liquid glass and its application
    • How many boards in a cube
    • Fiberboard or hardboard

    What is this material

    Polyurethane was first obtained in 1937 by Bayer Otto Georg Wilhelm, a well-known German technologist. In the same year it was organized industrial enterprise for the production of polymer, but in small quantities. Like everything new, polyurethane has been gaining a place in the industrial market for a long time. And only in 1957 it began to be widely used in the construction industry, rural industry, food and other industries. This material has almost unlimited possibilities due to its properties. Most of its composition is occupied by two types of raw materials: isocyanate and polyol. The remaining components that are present in the composition of polyurethane are: catalysts, blowing agents, stabilizers. Mixing all components in a liquid state and leads to the formation of an elastic polyurethane. Depending on the amount of additives, the material can be in the following states:

    • Viscous liquid.
    • Solid.
    • Highly elastic.
    • Less elastic.
    • Soft rubber.
    • Hard plastic.

    So polyurethane, containing a large number of additives, is part of polyester polyols.

    It is this type of synthetic product that has increased strength properties. The original shape of the product does not change when exposed to heat. Remains unchanged in contact with technical oils and fluids used in hydraulic devices. The material, which is more simplified in its composition, already has a reduced strength, but a maximum resistance to solvolysis. Products made of polyester-polyol are widely used in the Far North. After all, only this material does not lose its elasticity at the lowest temperatures. Increased resistance to bacteria makes it essential in particularly hot climates. Aliphatic polyurethane withstands ultraviolet radiation and sub-zero temperatures. This fact allows it to be used even in the space industry. The physical quality of polyurethane is due to technological methods of processing. Each type of synthetic is obtained by extrusion, pressing, casting or pouring. Thanks to various types, polyurethane has recently pushed into the background, previously widely used, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene and polyurethane.

    Elastomer, which is gaining popularity, is referred to as structural materials. Its mechanical properties allow it to be widely used in almost all industries - exactly where the requirements for resistance, wear resistance and environmental influences, especially aggressive ones, are very high. The density of polyurethane ranges from thirty to three hundred kilograms per cubic meter. Shore hardness (A, D) ranges from fifty to seventy-four units. Any mechanical property of polyurethane is tested on special samples. They are cast in special molds and are used only for laboratory testing. To begin with, the sample is well dried. Then it is placed in a kiln for firing. The whole procedure lasts about twenty hours at a temperature of one hundred degrees. Next, the hardened sample is closed in a chamber with a temperature of twenty-three degrees and a humidity of fifty percent for twenty-four hours. Further, in the laboratories, the obtained material is checked for tearing and tearing, the limiting possibility of frost resistance, a change in the composition of polyurethane and the amount of deformation after prolonged compression, the appearance of a violation of the microstructure after exposure aggressive environment and resistance to microorganisms. High test scores once again confirm the indispensability of polyurethane in modern industry. The range of mechanical properties of products made of polyurethane is very capacious. And all this thanks to a wide variety of types of material.

    What is the danger of having foam rubber in the mattress

    Environmental friendliness, durability, good orthopedic properties - that's what we need from a mattress. PPU filler fully meets these requirements if it is made in compliance with the standards and meets the certification. The problem is that due to the fact that starting a small business for the production of foam rubber and products from it does not require large expenses, in last years many small workshops sprang up. Some of them produce cheap foam Low quality, from which inexpensive mattresses are assembled, which do not stand up to criticism in many respects. Knowing the basics of the production technology of various foamed polyurethanes, it is not difficult to identify possible problems. Here they are:

    • The presence of foreign odors, the release of phenols and other harmful compounds.
    • Sagging foam from the load.
    • Mechanical fragility of products.

    The smell arises from the use of low-grade components in the production. European chemicals are more expensive than Chinese ones, and the desire to reduce production costs through cheaper additives leads to the presence of undesirable impurities in foam rubber. The inclusion of low-density polyurethane foam fillers in the composition of the mattress will necessarily lead to its early wear. The thin walls of the cells are deformed, and the foam rubber will not be able to restore its previous shape. Low elasticity, tensile strength become the reasons mechanical damage and destruction of foam rubber. The process is accelerated in the absence of sufficient ventilation.

    What are the advantages

    To begin with, we note that this material is in great demand due to the fact that they can finish any premises, while you will be able to significantly save on further expenses. The distinctive features of this heater include:

    1. Ecological safety and non-toxicity: this is confirmed by repeated tests of the material.
    2. Sprayed polyurethane foam is easy to use and inexpensive.
    3. Improved thermal insulation properties, which reduces the cost of additional heating premises by almost 40%.
    4. Durability of operation: PPU can last about 30-40 years without losing its properties.
    5. Energy efficiency, which is ensured by the absence of joints, seams, thermal bridges.
    6. Since the insulation is applied by spraying, there is no need to use fasteners. And this means that they will not form and the building will maintain its integrity for a long time.
    7. PPU is resistant to fire, which is also very important.
    8. Polyurethane foam is characterized by heat and frost resistance and can be operated in the temperature range from -70 to +130 degrees.
    9. The material is resistant to chemical environments, gasolines, oils, bitumen, paints.

    Is a polyurethane foam mattress harmful to health?

    This controversial issue does not go unnoticed in modern world. Polyurethane foam is a polymer based on organic compounds. They are derived from oil - these are hydrocarbons. In the process of heating the material to the temperature of the human body, it emits a harmful odor and chemical elements.

    This fact is the main component of the opinion about the dangers of foam rubber. But there is one argument in favor of the filler. Toxicity is caused by improper production of foam rubber. Hence the conclusion that the purchase of a mattress with such a filling element should be based on the right choice.

    More about the material

    The structure of polyurethane foam is porous and cellular, and all the tiny cells of which it consists are filled with a gaseous substance. The remaining few percent of the volume is the solid part formed by the thin walls of these cells. The basis for its production are products of petrochemical processing, in particular, polyols and polyisocyanates. In addition, there is a technology for the production of PPU components from oils based on vegetable raw materials, however, due to the fact that the cost of the initial components with this production method is much higher, it is used only in exceptional cases.

    Depending on the proportion of the initial components used to create this material, polyurethane foams are produced with cells of various sizes and thicknesses, having different strength characteristics. These include:

    • PPU of the usual type;
    • With increased rigidity;
    • soft type;
    • Very soft;
    • Visco-elastic;
    • Highly elastic.

    In the construction industry, rigid polyurethane foam is used, with a density of 30-86 kg / m 3, which has high energy-saving abilities. PPU with a density of about 70 kg / m3, in addition to its strength properties, has a high ability to retain moisture owing to which it is successfully used in the waterproofing device.

    What is good polyurethane

    Polyurethanes are a class of synthetic elastomers used in various industries. One of the main advantages of polyurethane lies in its ability to be programmed - the elasticity of the material can be changed (from the consistency of a viscous liquid to a solid and even crystalline state) using a different ratio of base components. The main components of polyurethane are polyol and isocyanate (petroleum products).

    Photos from sites,,

    Application of polyurethane

    Each of us uses polyurethane products - in one form or another - almost daily. For example:

    • insulating materials for building construction;
    • furniture fillers and mattresses;
    • floor and protective coatings;
    • adhesive compositions;
    • automotive components and tires;
    • chipboard type panels;
    • sporting goods, clothing;
    • shoe sole;
    • implants;
    • insulating materials for refrigerators;
    • elements of interior decor - polyurethane stucco molding, etc…

    All this can be made of polyurethane.

    Physical properties of the material

    Polyurethane is durable, resistant to environmental influences and virtually indestructible. UV radiation, sea water, most organic solvents are not terrible for products made from this synthetic raw material.

    Polyurethane is the secret to the durability of your shoes

    The working temperature of the material is limited to the range from -60°C to +80°C, short exposure to high temperatures (up to 120°C) is allowed. Polyurethane is characterized by a low glass transition temperature and does not crack under load.

    History reference

    Polyurethanes were developed in 1937 by the German industrial chemist Otto Georg Wilhelm Bayer, who launched innovative material into production.

    After 7 years, in 1944, at German enterprises in industrial scale the production of polyurethane foams based on polyesters was launched. More cheap analogues based on polyethers later created in the USA. Until now, polyurethane is considered a material with universal capabilities.

    Polyurethane foam toxicity

    Speaking about this quality, we note that its toxicity is the same as flammability. If we talk about the safest material in general, then only wood and natural stone which are used without any pre-treatment with chemicals.

    Materials created from synthetic fibers and other bases of inorganic origin emit substances that cause certain harm or environment or human health. For this reason in normative documents the amount of excreted substances was recorded, which allow you to call the material safe. If you remember the smell of a new car, then you know how it smells. chemical compounds present in plastic parts. Everyone is familiar with this harmful substance, as formaldehyde, which poses a health hazard, is contained in the fiberboard from which furniture is made.

    If we transfer the conversation to heat-insulating material, then we can say that mineral wool - the most popular heat insulator at the moment, which is environmentally friendly, contains formaldehyde. It is characterized by allergenicity, therefore it is prohibited to use it in kindergartens and other institutions.

    As mentioned above, changes in the technology for the production of polyurethane foam occurred in 2003. Previously used in the production process chemical substances, which evaporated from the finished material in a few weeks. Now this shortcoming has been eliminated. After the manufacture of PPU, residual gases evaporate from its surface in a small amount within two to three days. After that, the material can rightfully be called environmentally friendly.

    Specifications PPU

    Advantages of PPU

    • low coefficient of thermal conductivity (0.019 ... 0.028W / M * K);
    • light weight 40-60kg/kb.m;
    • high adhesive strength;
    • no need for fasteners;
    • excellent anti-corrosion protection of metal structures;
    • lack of cold bridges;
    • the possibility of insulating structures of any configuration and size;
    • durability of coatings (not subject to decomposition and rotting, not destroyed under the influence of seasonal temperature fluctuations, precipitation, aggressive industrial atmosphere);
    • high environmental friendliness of polyurethane foam (PPU) (according to hygienic standards, it is allowed to use it in refrigeration equipment for food products);
    • by pouring polyurethane foam into a mold, it is possible to obtain molded heat-insulating blocks (“shells” for pipelines, plates, sandwich panels, etc.).

    Polyurethane foam is sprayed on almost any material: wood, glass, metal, concrete, brick, paint, regardless of the surface configuration. As a result, there is no need for special insulation fasteners. In addition, the polyurethane foam coating is inert to acidic and alkaline environments, can work in the ground, be used as roofing material. The only thing that polyurethane foam requires is protection from direct sunlight.

    Adhesion strength of polyurethane foam

    The material has excellent adhesive properties, perfectly adhering to horizontal and vertical surfaces of any material and any shape. The applied PPU coating does not require renewal and repair during the entire service life of the building. Thermal insulation can be applied to floors, ceilings, and walls.

    Long term behavior

    The durability of polyurethane foam is estimated at 25-30 years, but this is not the limit. In Germany, the USA, Sweden, Japan, experts dismantle the structures of walls, roofs, foundations, cut samples of polyurethane foam from pipes, poured in the 70s of the last century and correctly formulate - properties have not changed. There are no chemical reasons for the destruction of properly made foam. More than 90% of the PPU cells are closed, that is, they are plastic capsules filled with gas, with a thermal conductivity lower than that of air.

    The results of industrial operation confirm the behavior of PPU in laboratory conditions.

    The weather and climate resistance of rigid PU foam is remarkable: rigid PU foam has proven itself in practice in extreme climatic conditions various parts of the world for decades. During experimental tests rigid PU foam also shows excellent aging resistance in humid, changing climates without any significant degradation in thermal insulation properties.

    The results of full-scale tests again confirmed the high reputation of PPU among builders. Twenty years of experience in the successful industrial operation of rigid polyurethane foam made it possible to identify not only the limits of possibilities, but also the “additional” advantages of this material, which include, first of all, the ability to maintain low thermal conductivity for a long time.

    PPU fire resistance

    Refers to flammability classes G1-G4. Since flame retardants are included in the components for obtaining PPU, it burns only where the flame of an external fire source hits, and burns as long as this flame is there. If you remove the torch, the PPU goes out and does not smolder.

    In addition, polyurethane foam has unique property prevent the spread of fire: it chars and cokes only where it is exposed to an open flame.

    Biological stability of polyurethane foam

    Rigid polyurethane foam is resistant to rodents, fungi and microbes, i.e. resistant to decay and attack by microorganisms. Moreover, it is resistant to
    root penetration.

    PU foam resistance to chemicals

    Rigid PU foam is largely resistant to solvents, softeners, fuels, mineral oils, dilute acids and alkalis, exhaust gases and aggressive working atmospheres encountered in practical applications. Unlike other materials found on the construction site, rigid PU foam exhibits a chemically neutral and non-corrosive behavior.

    Mattress classification

    Polyurethane foam mattresses are classified as follows:

    1. To size:
    • Single (120x200 cm) - the most popular type, stuffed with high-density polyurethane, a very practical model, ideal for a long stay. Available in different colors.
    • One and a half polyurethane foam mattress, reviews of which are no less positive (140x200 cm), are similar to the previous sample, differing only in size.
    • Double (160x200 cm) - in this model, the mattress can be of different density on both sides. Or for a double bed, it is possible to purchase two 80x200 cm with different characteristics of elasticity and density, suitable for sleeping people with different builds.
    • Non-standard - made by the manufacturer on an individual order in accordance with the dimensions of the bed.

    Type difference:

    • Spring - produced in two models: with bonnel springs (durable, but without orthopedic properties) and with independent springs (silent, orthopedic, but require delicate use). In mattresses of these types, PPU serves as the top cover, the main load falls on the springs, on which the degree of comfort of the products depends.
    • Springless - equipped with a euroframe (side border made of more durable polyurethane foam), which keeps the shape of the product.

    Is polyurethane foam mattress harmful or not

    Orthopedists insist that you need to sleep on a sufficiently rigid base so that the spine is in a level position during sleep. Such a condition can be provided by orthopedic mattresses filled with coconut coir, independent spring blocks.

    If you press on the thick foam rubber and release your hand, it seems that it is quite dense and hard. However, under the weight of the body, the foam rubber easily bends and the spine is in the wrong, curved position during sleep, which over time will lead to its curvature. Sleeping on a foam mattress for a long time can lead to dangerous degenerative changes.

    Yes, sleeping on it may seem comfortable, soft, but in the morning you will be greeted by a headache, numbness of the limbs, tingling in the muscles. This is due to the foam mattress.

    Everybody is here

    A mattress with PPU-filler is especially dangerous for children's health, an unformed spine of a crumb. Hazardous substances emitted by the mattress are inhaled by the child, causing chronic diseases of the respiratory system, so you should not buy a sofa or mattress for a bed filled with foam rubber for a child.

    Polyurethane foam mattresses benefit or harm

    Foam mattresses are harmful to health. And the point here is not even the chemical properties of polyurethane foam. If we isolate the foam rubber from the external environment, then the mattress will still be dangerous. Let's see what its danger is.

    Human health directly depends on the condition of the spine. By exercising, following a diet, watching your posture and your weight, we are doing a good deed and give the spine health. But all efforts are often broken on dangerous polyurethane foam mattresses. The whole point is that orthopedists strongly recommend sleeping on fairly rigid grounds- especially for this, excellent orthopedic mattresses with coconut stuffing are produced, independent blocks springs and other goodies.

    Concerning foam mattresses, then they cannot provide a healthy environment for our back. They bend strongly, and the spine bends along with them - over time, this leads to its curvature and the appearance of degenerative changes that we can see on x-rays and tomograms.

    too soft. Many people think that sleeping on soft base very comfortably. But the body itself does not think so - if by morning you feel numbness, tingling in the muscles, stiffness in movements and a complete lack of mood, you should know that your foam mattress is to blame for everything.

    Composition, brands and GOSTs

    Expanded polyurethane foam (PPU) is obtained by mixing two liquid polymers: polyol and polyisocyanate. The frozen foam contains up to 90% of gas in its cells, which ensures high thermal insulation qualities of polyurethane foam. Depending on their proportion and the presence of fire retardant additives, the final product differs in structure, technical characteristics and scope.

    Soft and elastic foam rubber is used as a filler for furniture and household products. Foam rubber grades have different density (from 5 to 40 kg/m3) and rigidity:

    With the exception of the last brand, foam rubber refers to highly flammable substances according to GOST 30244, according to GOST 30402 to flammable, according to GOST 12.1.044 - to smoke-forming and toxic during combustion. For these reasons, foam rubber is not used in construction.

    PPU with flame retardant additives is called rigid polyurethane foam. It is characterized by increased density (30-86 kg / cm3), in ready-made loses elasticity, but has a lot of other advantages. It is used in construction for heat and noise insulation, and super-dense types (from 70 kg / cm3) are used for waterproofing in building foundations and on other surfaces.

    Construction polyurethane foam is prepared from two components: polyol (component A) and isocyanate (component B). Isocyanate serves as the basis of the chemical process and its composition does not change, and different polyols are used, which affects the foaming rate, density and combustibility. According to GOST 307302-2006, PPU belongs to the G3 flammability class (self-extinguishing, flame-retardant, flame-retardant) and is recommended for thermal insulation of buildings and pipelines.

    As a thermal insulation material, PPU is easy to manufacture and can be mixed on site, and components for polyurethane foam are often cheaper to buy and deliver to a construction site than to transport a finished product.

    With a professional foam generator high pressure and compliance with the proportions of the components, such PPU is in no way inferior to the factory one. Foam can be sprayed on various surfaces or make sandwich panels.

    Can polyurethane foam absorb moisture?

    To determine the ability of a thermal insulation material to absorb moisture, experts use the following method:

    • source material is taken and weighed;
    • then it is placed under a jet of steam;
    • then re-weigh it again.

    Such tests carried out with mineral wool showed that this material is able to absorb moisture up to 18% of its own dry weight. Another material - penoizol, is able to absorb up to 13% of its weight. If we consider polyurethane foam with a high density, then under the influence of steam it can absorb only 2% of water. The obvious conclusion is that polyurethane foam insulation is the least hygroscopic. The use of this insulation for thermal insulation of walls:

    • excludes their freezing;
    • the fungus on the surface of the walls with such insulation will not appear;
    • heat loss will be minimal when the pipelines are insulated with polyurethane foam.

    Important Points

    However, this is not without pitfalls. You should be aware that reducing the density of this material increases its ability to absorb moisture. If an unscrupulous contractor decides to save on material, then he can slip a low-density PPU under the guise of a dense insulation to the client. However, even if this happens, the hygroscopicity of the polyurethane foam in this case will not exceed 7% of the dry weight.

    In order to carry out work on the insulation of a building using a material that absorbs the least amount of moisture, it is necessary to give preference to high-density polyurethane foam when purchasing it

    Also important: . comply with the operating conditions;

    • comply with the operating conditions;
    • purchase material only from reputable companies.

    Orma Foam

    This is a very interesting modern filler with excellent characteristics. The structure of this material resembles foamed polyurethane foam. The mattresses made with its use are comfortable and convenient.

    • These products follow the contours of the body and evenly distribute the load on the surface, thus providing the necessary support to the spine.

    Do not discount such important characteristics, as the ability to remove excess moisture, a high level of ventilation and anti-allergic properties. Mattresses made with OrmaFoam are inexpensive and very comfortable.

    Maximum comfort while you sleep

    Ormafoam filler evenly distributes the weight of a person over the entire surface of the mattress. Thanks to this, you can take a comfortable position for yourself during sleep. You will not need to toss and turn from side to side all night to get into a comfortable position.

    After the load is removed, the cellular material immediately returns to its original shape. This property is maintained during the entire guaranteed service life. Even after 5-7 years, a hole does not form in the middle of the mattress, into which you will roll during sleep.

    Ormafoam has high wear resistance and resistance to aging. The properties of the mattress are preserved regardless of the temperature and humidity level of the surrounding air. Such an accessory can be successfully used for arranging beds both in summer cottages and in apartments for daily use.

    A mattress filled with Ormafoam will always be clean, fresh and comfortable. This is the choice of rational people who highly appreciate the comfort of sleep and the hygiene of bedding.

    By the way, now pass, discounts reach 71%. Hurry up, stock is limited!

    Specifications of polyurethane foam

    1. Thermal conductivity. This property of polyurethane foam depends directly on the size of the cells filled with gas. The more of them and they are larger, the worse the quality of thermal insulation will be. On average, with regard to hard material, this figure is in the range of 0.019-0.035 watts per meter per Kelvin. The thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam is lower than that of mineral wool, foam glass, gas glass and expanded clay gravel.
    2. Noise canceling ability. This parameter is determined by several factors: the elasticity of the material, the ability to pass air, the thickness of the insulation, the damping properties. For polyurethane foam, the ability to soundproof depends on the rigidity of the frame, the frequency of sound vibrations. Experimentally, it was determined that polyurethane foam of medium density and elasticity has the best sound-absorbing qualities.
    3. Chemical resistance. The material has good resistance to attack by caustic chemical vapours, gasoline, oils, alcohol, non-concentrated acids, esters with ketones and plasticizers. Polyurethane foam is more resistant to chemicals than another popular insulation - polystyrene foam. When applying a layer of heat insulator to a metal surface, the latter will not rust over time. This is due to the fact that the metal will be covered with triple protection: the actual foam and two films (inside and outside), which are formed during the solidification of polyurethane foam.
    4. moisture absorption. This material has the lowest rate of moisture absorption among all other heaters. For a day, it is 1-3% of the initial volume. At the same time, the denser the heat insulator, the less moisture it can absorb. In addition, special hydrophobic substances are additionally introduced into the composition of polyurethane foam. For example, castor oil can reduce the degree of water absorption by 4 times.
    5. fire resistance. Depending on the density, composition, polyurethane foams can belong to several groups according to the degree of flammability: C - self-extinguishing, TC - slow-burning, TV - hardly flammable. In general, the combustibility of the material is quite low. Increase the fire resistance of the insulation by introducing additional components into the composition. As a rule, these are phosphorus compounds and halogens. It is allowed to apply a thin layer of fire-resistant foam on a layer of ordinary polyurethane foam.
    6. Duration of operation. Manufacturers indicate a warranty period for the operation of the material at least 30 years. There is data that proves that the real numbers are much higher. For example, in some countries, houses built in the 70s are currently being dismantled, which were insulated during construction with polyurethane foam. Experts concluded that the heat insulator did not lose its qualities and remained unchanged from the moment of application. 9 out of 10 cells remained isolated, which still allow to keep warm.
    7. Environmental Safety. After 15-20 seconds after application, the material polymerizes and becomes absolutely harmless to humans. When heated to temperatures above five hundred degrees Celsius, it begins to emit carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.

    Disadvantages of polyurethane foam

    1. Low vapor permeability. This quality is especially inherent in rigid types of polyurethane foam. This negatively affects the microclimate in a room insulated with such material. If you use rigid polyurethane foam for thermal insulation of the attic, then its walls will become damp, mold and fungus will grow on them.
    2. Instability to the rays of the sun. Ultraviolet is detrimental to insulation. It significantly degrades its performance. Therefore, polyurethane foam must be protected immediately after installation. finishing materials when it comes to the facade or exterior walls.
    3. The need for special application equipment. Such professional equipment is quite expensive. However, it can be rented or bought non-professional equipment for domestic use.


    Many people complain that heels made from this beautiful material fall apart within one week. And sometimes in 1-2 days. What's the matter?

    This does not mean that polyurethane heels are bad or of poor quality. Of course, in terms of wear resistance and strength, they are inferior to eternal metal linings. But polyurethane heels are not as loud and do not leave holes and scratches on relatively soft floor coverings (wood, etc.).

    They quickly fail because unscrupulous shoemakers instead of polyurethane put heels of hard shoe rubber. And she just has a tendency to paint in a matter of days.

    Scope of application as a heater

    Due to its low thermal conductivity (0.019 - 0.03 W / m), low vapor permeability and good waterproofing properties, polyurethane foam is successfully used in construction as an effective and reliable means for thermal insulation of various buildings and structures. For example, during the production of such works as:

    • Creation of a heat-insulating layer in roofs and attics;
    • Insulation and acoustic insulation of internal and external walls, ceilings of buildings;
    • Installation of waterproofing and insulation of foundations;
    • Creation of a heat-insulating layer during the installation of main pipelines.

    The process of applying polyurethane foam

    Insulation of building roofs with polyurethane foam mixture is very popular in many developed countries, such as the USA and Canada. To protect against destruction due to ultraviolet radiation, such a coating is additionally covered from above with concrete or sheet metal.

    detailed instructions for insulating a balcony with polyurethane foam is given in our separate article.

    One of the most popular and affordable materials for insulation is foam. as a heater, we told on our website.

    Characteristics and properties

    Structure of polyurethane foam

    By their own thermal insulation characteristics polyurethane foam as a heater is significantly superior to other popular materials used in modern construction industry. It has a high density and has good heat-saving performance. The main influence on the thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam is exerted by the size and structure of its cells. At liquid formulations this indicator is in the range of 0.019 - 0.035 W / m K, while the thermal conductivity coefficient of another popular insulation - mineral wool, is 0.045 - 0.056 W / m K.

    The vapor permeability coefficient of closed cell polyurethane foam is µ = 50 according to ISO/FDIS 10456:2007(E), which 50 times lower than the value calculated for mineral wool(µ = 1). That is, when using polyurethane foam to insulate the interior of the premises or protect concrete surfaces with outside the penetration of water vapor into the structure of walls or ceilings is prevented. However, in the aquatic environment, the use of polyurethane foam insulation is not recommended due to the possibility of developing hydration reactions.

    Please Note: Low density polyurethane foam formulations with an open cell structure are vapor permeable and therefore require a vapor barrier when used indoors. . Specifications of polyurethane foam:

    Specifications of polyurethane foam:

    Advantages and disadvantages of polyurethane

    Polyurethane as a substitute for rubber and rubber has found the widest application in all types of industry. Including the shoe store. The advantages of polyurethane are resistance to chemicals, elasticity and heat resistance. Therefore, first of all, shoes made of polyurethane began to be made for protection in production from acids, alkalis, oil products.

    Although polyurethane is inferior in terms of heat resistance to thermoplastic elastomer (TEP), it can be used in a fairly wide range of temperatures (some types- from +80 to -60°С). At the same time, the weight shoes made of polyurethane favorably distinguishes it from rubber shoes. Polyurethane is 2 times lighter than rubber. Heat resistance, low thermal conductivity, water resistance and lightness have made polyurethane foam an excellent material for making winter and hiking shoes.

    Partially or completely polyurethane make shoes and for everyday wear, which we can find in any store. Slippers, pool shoes, slippers and summer sandals or their soles, rubber boots and galoshes are made from polyurethane instead of rubber to be lighter and more comfortable. Soles and heels made of polyurethane surpass all other materials with their practicality and versatility.

    But one drawback lies in the impermeability of polyurethane. These shoes are also breathable. When purchasing polyurethane shoes, be aware that your feet do not "breathe" in them and will sweat, as in ordinary rubber shoes.

    Insulation with polyurethane foam

    Polyurethane foam, the technical characteristics of which open up wide possibilities for its application in various fields, is formed by mixing two liquid components - polyol and isocyanate. When insulating walls, the installation of the material is carried out in two ways - by spraying or pouring. To positive moments The use of polyurethane foam as a heat-insulating material includes the following:

    1. Polyurethane foam material is ideal for finishing walls, roofs, floors, and work with it can be carried out both from the inside and outside.
    2. PPU is applied at finishing of any surfaces.
    3. Excellent sound insulation performance.
    4. High resistance to various chemical compounds - acids and alkalis.
    5. Possibility of operation in any temperature conditions.
    6. High mechanical strength.

    Sprayed polyurethane foam adheres well to any surface, be it concrete, brick or wood. Filling all cracks and crevices, the material forms a reliable and monolithic coating. When using spraying for finishing frame house its reliable protection against corrosion is ensured, in addition, PPU is resistant to decay, mold and microorganisms.


    Another fairly common filler is struttofiber.

    • This material is artificial and is a vertically arranged polyester fibers. This structure provides resistance to wear and constant loads.

    Most often, struttofiber is used as a frame, on top of which other fillers for mattresses are added. . It is these additional layers that determine the rigidity of the product.

    • Mattresses with strutofiber can be hard, light, warm, soft, have phytotherapeutic effects, etc.

    In any case, such a mattress will provide a comfortable bed with high orthopedic characteristics and will serve for a long time. It is a fairly long service life that is the main advantage of the strutfiber.

    PPU in light industry

    In this case, polyurethane foam for mattresses is very popular. The characteristics of the material in this case are as follows:

    • practicality;
    • functionality;
    • durability;
    • providing orthopedic properties;
    • a variety of mattress models - with springs, in several layers or with a modified product geometry.

    In light industry, PPU-based is used for the production of synthetic leathers, dubbed fabrics. The material is also needed in car building and aircraft building to create high-quality molded parts that are resistant to fire.

    The most widely used polyurethane foam for mattresses. The characteristics of this material perfectly meet the requirements of the manufacturers of these sleeping accessories, since they are in no way inferior to natural materials in terms of quality, and for the price, it is much more profitable to choose it. The use of polyurethane foam in the production of mattresses is advisable, since it differs:

    • strength;
    • durability;
    • elasticity;
    • security;
    • hypoallergenicity.

    The peculiarity of the material is its softness, so the mattresses are comfortable and provide comfortable rest. Moreover, it does not call allergic reactions, respectively, you can put such a mattress in the nursery, and in the room of an elderly person.

    Application of polyurethane foam

    According to the technical and environmental characteristics, polyurethane foam after hardening is absolutely safe for human health.

    Note ! At the dawn of the first attempts to use a material unusual in structure and technical characteristics, it was planned to use polyurethane foam products for the interior, without serious prospects for the future.

    To the pluses specifications polyurethane foam as insulation for various designs can be attributed to the excellent ability of the material to "stick" to any surface, regardless of the materials from which they are made, and the shape of the coating. The characteristics of the sprayed polyurethane foam allow it to be applied to various materials: wood, glass, metal, concrete, regardless of the horizontal or vertical arrangement of the structure. In addition, polyurethane foam has high adhesion and is easy to use, it does not need to be additionally fixed on the surface and treated with anything before coating.

    Due to its low weight, when used, polyurethane foam does not weigh down insulated structures, which is a significant plus in construction. The application of polyurethane foam increases the density of the structures on which it is sprayed. Polyurethane foam equally well tolerates both high and low temperatures, such characteristics make it possible to use it both outside and inside premises, both residential and industrial.

    Polyurethane foam, unlike other types of insulation (sheet or panel options), does not form seams or gaps that need to be additionally sealed. It fills the entire space around the insulated structure, allows you to seal various places that are inconvenient for other types of insulation, moreover, it does not require the use of additional means for fixing to the insulated structure.

    Polyurethane foam is quite cheap in storage and transportation due to the use of compact starting components.

    The characteristics of polyurethane foam are ideal for upholstered furniture; it is widely used as an elastic filler in armchairs and seats, sofas, and pillows. Foam rubber everywhere replaced cotton wool and cotton stuffing from household items, clothing and interior elements. Almost everyone is familiar with this material. Foam rubber is used for various household needs; according to its characteristics, few polymers can act as a substitute.

    It is used both as a filler for upholstery of upholstered furniture, and for warming clothes and shoes, and as a package that protects fragile and valuable items from shock during transportation. The total production of polyurethane foam products exceeded that of polyethylene products and polyethylene terephthalate (PET).

    Main application

    The process of insulating the roof from the inside with polyurethane foamThis common polymer has found wide application in various areas of human life. It is most widely used in construction: insulation with this material is very effective.

    It is also used as a cold insulator and arch support. Often, many manufacturers make polyurethane foam and filler for upholstered furniture, mattresses and pillows, since it is soft enough in foam blocks.

    Attention: a mattress or pillow made of such material can really harm human health, although suppliers claim otherwise.

    Polyurethane foam as a filler for upholstered furniture

    Why is polyurethane foam in furniture harmful? There are several reasons, the most common of which are:

    1. Volatile chemical compounds in the form of phenol and diethylhexanoic acid are very dangerous when inhaled by humans. They lead to the appearance of cancerous tumors.
    2. Polyurethane Foam MattressIn the manufacture of furniture material, resin, catalyst, solvent and phenol are used. These substances are not safe.
    3. All substances in this material emit toxic fumes. Toxicity is not lost or reduced.
    4. The consequence of exposure to elements in the PPU may be seizures in the form of headaches, loss of consciousness, impaired coordination in movements.

    Of course, not everything is so bad. Many manufacturers have refused to include toxic substances such as phenol in PUR. So modern furniture quite environmentally friendly and safe, but you should not “blindly” trust the words.

    Review from the manufacturer: “When creating polyurethane foam products, phenol is no longer used, which negatively affects human health. All volatile compounds disappear and evaporate with special treatment.

    This is important: when choosing furniture, you should give preference to safer materials or buy PU foam items from trusted manufacturers.

    Polyurethane foam insulation is a reliable barrier to retain heatSo, let's sum it up. To date, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question “is PPU harmful or not?” Polyurethane foam is one of the commonly used and useful materials in construction.

    However, its impact on human health when buying furniture and goods is not fully known, since many scientists and chemists argue about the dangers of insulation, while manufacturers deny this.

    In general, it is up to the person to decide whether or not to use this material at work, to buy things and products from it or not. But, of course, it is worth thinking about the choice several times, weighing all the pros and cons, since polyurethane foam is not as simple as it might seem.

    See overview video, telling in detail about polyurethane foam insulation and its properties:


    Thus, the characteristics of polyurethane foam material are completely different. For furniture, for example, one variety is suitable, for insulation - a completely different one. And if in the first case there are simply no alternatives to this material, then in the case of housing insulation, you can choose from a variety of options. And all modern builders, and those who are engaged in the thermal insulation of their homes on their own, give preference to PPU. First, it's inexpensive. Secondly, it is applied simply and in several ways, which allows you to choose the best solution for each user. Thirdly, with proper application, it will not leave joints and seams, which will be hermetically treated a priori. So, your house will definitely be warm. Mattresses filled with polyurethane foam are of no less quality, which once again speaks in favor of his choice.

    Polyurethane foam appeared on the Russian market relatively recently, but in a short period it could become a fairly common heat-insulating material. Many owners of houses and buildings, when solving the problem of insulating walls and other surfaces, most often opt for polyurethane foam. Due to the increased demand, the production volumes of this material are only increasing every year. There are many myths associated with this material about its advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are true, while others are pure fiction.

    If we talk about the shortcomings, then we note that when it comes to polyurethane foam, its flammability and toxicity are most often noted. It is extremely rare to hear about such a minus as its high hygroscopicity. Some argue that over time, the heat-insulating layer of this material becomes darker, and after some more time it completely falls off. Another disadvantage of polyurethane foam is also stated - high cost.

    Such minuses are reported, as a rule, by unknown sources, and the information itself is more like rumors than statements by reputable experts. But, despite this, in order to clarify everything with the disadvantages of this material, it is worth dealing with them and dispelling these myths.

    Polyurethane foam - a fire hazardous material

    To be honest, it really supports combustion. In accordance with the standards existing in our country, PPU belongs to the group of combustible materials - G2, G3. Included in it and heaters on polymer base. If we talk about non-combustible thermal insulation materials, then there are only two of them:

    • basalt fiber;
    • expanded clay.

    In the production of heat insulator fire retardant is added to its composition, which is trichloroethyl phosphate. This allows us to say that if a third-party source open fire is absent, then combustion of this material is excluded.

    This material consists of two components, which experts conditionally call A and B. The first one did not have a flame retardant in its composition until 2003, since its presence reduced the service life of the material. The flame retardant was added immediately before the use of the material during thermal insulation work.

    Many companies benefited from not using this substance at all, as it slowed down the foaming process. This led to an increase in the consumption of materials, and, consequently, an increase in the cost of work on the insulation of buildings. In addition, the use of a flame retardant-free material in the room in which it was used made it fireproof. Even welding work could lead to the appearance of an open fire.

    At the moment, the technology for the production of polyurethane foam without fire retardant has been abandoned. Manufacturers add it in the manufacture of insulation, and in addition to it, they also introduce effective components that provide this heat-insulating material with such a property as self-extinguishing.

    Polyurethane foam toxicity

    Speaking about this quality, we note that its toxicity is the same as flammability. If we talk about the safest material in general, then only wood and natural stone can be considered as such, which are used without any pre-treatment with chemicals.

    Materials created from synthetic fibers and other bases of inorganic origin emit substances that cause certain harm to either the environment or human health. For this reason the amount of emitted substances is fixed in regulatory documents, which allow you to call the material safe. If you remember the smell of a new car, then you know what the chemical compounds present in plastic parts smell like. Familiar to everyone, such a harmful substance as formaldehyde, which poses a health hazard, is contained in the fiberboard from which furniture is made.

    If we transfer the conversation to heat-insulating material, then we can say that mineral wool - the most popular heat insulator at the moment, which is environmentally friendly, contains formaldehyde. It is characterized by allergenicity, therefore it is prohibited to use it in kindergartens and other institutions.

    As mentioned above, changes in the technology for the production of polyurethane foam occurred in 2003. Previously, the manufacturing process used chemicals that evaporated from the finished material in a few weeks. Now this shortcoming has been eliminated. After the manufacture of PPU, residual gases evaporate from its surface in a small amount within two to three days. After that, the material can rightfully be called environmentally friendly.

    To determine the ability of a thermal insulation material to absorb moisture, experts use the following method:

    • source material is taken and weighed;
    • then it is placed under a jet of steam;
    • then re-weigh it again.

    Such tests carried out with mineral wool showed that this material is able to absorb moisture up to 18% of its own dry weight. Another material - penoizol, is able to absorb up to 13% of its weight. If we consider polyurethane foam with a high density, then under the influence of steam it can absorb only 2% of water. The obvious conclusion is that polyurethane foam insulation is the least hygroscopic. The use of this insulation for thermal insulation of walls:

    • excludes their freezing;
    • the fungus on the surface of the walls with such insulation will not appear;
    • heat loss will be minimal when the pipelines are insulated with polyurethane foam.

    Important Points

    However, this is not without pitfalls. You should be aware that reducing the density of this material increases its ability to absorb moisture. If an unscrupulous contractor decides to save on material, then he can slip a low-density PPU under the guise of a dense insulation to the client. However, even if this happens, the hygroscopicity of the polyurethane foam in this case will not exceed 7% of the dry weight.

    In order to carry out work on the insulation of a building using a material that absorbs the least amount of moisture, it is necessary to give preference to high-density polyurethane foam when purchasing it. Also important:

    • comply with the operating conditions;
    • purchase material only from reputable companies.

    Fragility of polyurethane foam

    If polyurethane foam was used to insulate the walls, and the heat-insulating layer itself has no protection, then during operation its destruction will occur at a rate of 1 mm / year. If a layer is applied on top oil paint, then this will extend the life of the insulation up to 30 years.

    One of the features of polyurethane foam is its high adhesive properties. It can stick to almost any surface. This is ensures its reliable application not only on horizontal and vertical, but also on an inclined surface. It sticks well:

    • on metal;
    • on the tree;
    • on a brick;
    • on concrete.

    In order for the material to be securely fixed on the insulated surface, only one requirement needs to be met- The surface must be dry and free of grease. If the owner of the building fulfills these conditions, then during the insulation, a significant force of attraction of polyurethane foam to the surface of the walls will be provided.

    polyurethane foam price

    To be honest, that's the way it is. Polyurethane foam is superior in cost to mineral wool and any heat-insulating material roll type. However, there are some nuances here. The cost of thermal insulation materials does not include the cost of its installation, and this is a significant part of the funds - the cost of working with plates or sheets. But for polyurethane foam installation work is not required because it sticks to the surface itself. Therefore, the entire volume of work performed on thermal insulation is included in its cost.

    polyurethane foam insulation, then he should know one more of its features: when walls or other structures are insulated with polyurethane foam, then no need for special membranes, which ensure the removal of moisture in air layer, since it is absent between the surface and the insulation. Another point worth paying attention to: for a long time, polyurethane foam retains its original properties.

    Polyurethane foam is a material that has a lot of advantages. Of course, it also has certain disadvantages. However, they do not seriously affect the quality of insulation. It is combustible, but it supports combustion only if it is exposed to a source of open fire. If there is none, then it will not cause a fire. It is toxic, but only in the first three days after manufacture. Once the chemicals have evaporated, it becomes completely safe. Its cost at first glance is quite high. But if we compare the cost of other materials and the cost of installation work, then polyurethane foam - cost-effective solution for thermal insulation of buildings for various purposes.

    As is often said, human fears and concerns are the product of ignorance or the unknown. This is also true when a person chooses a particular product in the market. Rather, preference will be given to, albeit not the best, but a proven and more than understandable solution. Since entering the market new technology or a product, even if it is obviously more effective, before the moment of its extensive use and distribution, there is a huge and thorny path in the minds of consumers.

    In our opinion, polyurethane foam and polyurethane foam (PPU) spraying technology are now making a similar path. Despite the fact that PPU was invented back in 1937 by a chemist from Germany named Otto von Bayer, its widespread use in the Russian thermal insulation market began relatively recently. While the markets of Europe and North America PPU is well known, widely used and occupies a significant market share, for Russia it is a niche “newcomer”. Compared to expanded clay, mineral wool and glass wool, which have been used for decades, polyurethane foam has been used in Russia only since the beginning of the 90s. Since then, the PPU market has grown tenfold. This can be judged by the growth in the consumption of PU foam components and PU foam processing plants. This, of course, cannot but rejoice. However, the product could win much a large share market, if it were not for the wandering myths and distortions of information about PSP (often by competitors).

    An excellent illustration of the fact that end users do not understand this material was a social survey. The survey was conducted in construction supermarkets, markets and construction sites. 1500 respondents were polled. The question was posed like this: "What is your opinion about polyurethane foam as a heater?". Here are the responses received:

    • PPU is dangerous to health - 64%
    • PPU fire hazardous material - 55%
    • PU foam absorbs water like a sponge - 18%
    • PPU is short-lived, afraid of the sun, falls off - 10%
    • PPU expensive material - 12%
    • Not familiar with the material and its properties - 14%
    • They think that polyurethane foam and polystyrene are one and the same - 5%
    • Good and reliable insulation - 7%

    Of particular interest is the fact that respondents who gave negative statements about PPU found it difficult to answer the question about the facts, studies and evidence regarding their judgments.

    Let's try to understand each of these theses.

    PPU is hazardous to health. Is it so?

    We live in the age of polymeric and composite materials, which is also PUF. We lay linoleum based on polyvinyl chloride on the floor, install plastic windows, we use brushes made of synthetic polymer materials for brushing our teeth, we wear clothes and shoes partially or completely made of artificial fibers, we sleep on a mattress and pillows made of elastic polyurethane foam, we drive a car that is half made of polymers (including chairs, a panel and PU foam steering wheel). Whether we like it or not, but polymer materials are used everywhere today. Of course, each material is certified for safety for health. There are SanPiN norms for permissible emissions from materials that are safe for health. Polyurethane foam used for thermal insulation of buildings and structures is no exception. PPU has all the necessary certificates, has approvals for the construction of even kindergartens and hospitals, is not an allergen (unlike mineral wool insulation) and does not accumulate moisture in itself, which creates a good environment for pathogens. In addition, the peculiarity at the chemical level of PU foam is such that component A is inherently more than a safe oil (polyester), and component B (polyisocyanate), which for any reason may be residual, is completely neutralized by air moisture in a short period of time . As an illustration, we can cite PPU hives, which are so chosen by bees around the world. Bees are so capricious about their ecosystem that they cannot even live near power lines or cellular stations.

    In the "certificates" section on our website you can see examples of hygiene certificates for PPU:

    PPU is a fire hazardous material. Is it so?

    Let's start with what we mean by combustible and non-combustible material. To do this, we turn to GOST 30244-94 “Construction materials. Test methods for combustibility. In this document Construction Materials are divided into combustible (G) and non-combustible (NG). Non-combustible materials include metal (and even then not all alloys), stone, glass, expanded clay, basalt, etc. All wood or polymer-based materials are combustible and are divided into combustibility groups:

    • G1 - low combustible(for PPU, this means that it is not capable of igniting, resistant to open fire and thermal radiation, but under the influence of flame it loses mass, smolders)
    • G2 - moderately combustible(resistant to open fire and thermal radiation, does not support combustion, self-extinguishes in the absence of a flame)
    • G3 - normally combustible(in the absence of a flame it self-extinguishes, cannot be a source of ignition)
    • G4 - highly flammable(supports combustion and may be a source of ignition)

    In addition, the tests take into account other factors - flammability, smoke emission, mass loss, flame propagation speed, decay time, release of toxic substances and a number of other factors. After such comprehensive studies, a conclusion and a fire safety certificate are issued, which regulates the scope of a particular material in construction.

    Polyurethane foam is good because, depending on its composition (type and amount of fire retardant used), it can belong to all four flammability groups. And the choice depends directly on the scope and wishes of the Customer. So, for example, polyurethane foam with flammability groups G1 and G2 can be used as a heater in residential and industrial facilities with open access to the heater (roofs, facades, plinths, etc.). While the use of PPU with a flammability group G3 and G4 is justified for refrigeration units, at the conclusion of PPU between other non-combustible building structures, etc.

    In the "certificates" section on our website you can see examples of fire safety certificates for PPU:

    PU foam absorbs water like a sponge. Is it so?

    Water is the number one enemy of any insulation. Water can get into the insulation in different ways - direct precipitation, water from the ground, humidity from the air, vapors from inside the room, the “dew point” phenomenon. When a heater with low thermal conductivity absorbs water with a high thermal conductivity, it begins to lose its thermal insulation properties, that is, it ceases to be a heater. In addition, wet insulation is an excellent environment for the development of mold fungi and pathogenic bacteria. For mineral wool insulation, water is also terrible because it increases the weight of the insulation sheet and contributes to its clumping, slipping and overconsolidation, which leads to the appearance of cold bridges and cold corners and joints.

    To determine the hygroscopicity of the insulation, special tests are carried out. Compare the weight of a sample of dry material and the same sample after saturation with water. Saturation with water is carried out either by a jet of steam or by immersion for a long time under water. All tests are regulated by GOSTs.

    The table shows the test results:

    As can be seen from the table, PPU has the best resistance to moisture absorption. This is determined primarily by the rigid closed cell structure. The higher the density of PPU, the greater the number of closed cells, and, consequently, the lower the moisture absorption. This does not mean that it is necessary to choose PPU of only the highest density - it will cost more and will not have the highest thermal insulation performance. Everything should depend on the destination. So, PPU with a density of 60-80 kg / m 3 is usually used only for places with constantly high humidity or even as an additional waterproofing. PPU with a density of 40-60 kg / m 3 has found the widest application, since it combines excellent thermal insulation properties, mechanical strength and more than moderate moisture absorption. This density is suitable for a wide range of purposes - from roofs and facades, to filling the inter-wall space. PPU with a lower density is preferably used indoors or where there is no risk of direct contact with precipitation or moisture.

    PPU is short-lived, afraid of the sun, falls off. Is it so?

    Polymeric materials really do not like direct sunlight. PPU is no exception. This process is called aging or UV degradation. What can I say, even wood dries, darkens and slowly decomposes without special weather protection. There are protections for PPU.

    Elementary coloring of the PPU surface or applying mastic will allow PPU to serve faithfully for more than 30 years, even on an open facade. If the polyurethane foam is hidden under the facade structure (siding, clapboard or porcelain stoneware), then you can not worry about its safety even without additional means of protection. By the way, PPU is not "Snegurochka", which melts in the sun. Only the upper layers of polyurethane foam are subject to destruction, not more than 1 mm per year (depending on conditions). This layer will darken and will tend to crumble. But the inner layers will retain their structure and properties. During installation, these processes can generally be neglected.

    Almost no one knows that foam rubber is a polyurethane foam composition, which was imported to the Land of Soviets by the well-known Scandinavian company Porolon.

    Since then, the name has stuck with it and is still practiced, since it is rather difficult to call it polyurethane foam in everyday life.

    Today, when our fellow citizens are finally worried about the harmfulness of household items, it's time to write about the properties of this elastic material.

    According to its properties, the material is an elastic, soft foam made from polyurethane. The hollow cells contain air, which explains its very low weight.

    The scope of its application is quite wide, but the main areas remain heat and sound insulation, giving softness and elasticity to most household items, such as upholstered furniture.

    In the manufacturing process of foam rubber, a large number of foam stabilizers, isocyanates, polyol, and catalysts are used. It is now generally accepted that these components can evaporate and cause substantial harm the health of those who come into contact with them. Until this fact is confirmed, and the manufacturers themselves insist that all these components are in a bound state, so they simply cannot stand out. If they are released, then under the influence of moisture in the air, they almost immediately decompose into harmless substances.

    True, in some cases, polyurethane foam can be harmful to human health, since when burned, this substance emits highly toxic gases, so the material should not be allowed to ignite.

    Producers, to confront high temperatures thermosetting substances are added to the composition of the foam rubber, but they have not yet completely got rid of the flammability of polyurethane foam.

    It is impossible to ignore the fact that the life of the foam rubber does not exceed ten years. In the future, the chemicals in its composition begin to actively stand out in the process of decomposition of complex compounds. These substances have pronounced carcinogenic properties, therefore it is not recommended to store polyurethane foam for more than ten years.