Which septic tank to choose: rating of the best wastewater treatment plants. How to make an effective septic tank without pumping out with your own hands An autonomous septic tank that does not require pumping out

A septic tank (colloquially a drain or cesspool) is a necessary facility for the improvement of a private estate, estate or country cottage, providing comfortable living in terms of draining the waste liquid. Its only inconvenience is the need to periodically remove the accumulated content for the possibility of further use. However, there is a way to build a unique septic tank with your own hands for home and summer cottages - without pumping for 10 years or more, it can accept drains, allowing owners to freely use water and a toilet. The whole secret is in the features of its device.

Read in the article:

How to create a reliable septic tank with your own hands without pumping 10 years for home and garden

The main difference of such a structure is that it is not an ordinary sewage collection tank. Country sewerage without pumping, it provides for the treatment of wastewater, their separation into fractions and the removal of the purified liquid into the soil. In fact, this is a multi-stage sump, each part of which plays its own role in achieving the main goal - to ensure the reception and distribution of liquid coming from home to in full.

However, the process of receiving sewage must be accompanied by their accumulation, filling the reservoir and, as a result, the need to empty it. To prevent this, the design of a septic tank in the country with their own hands without pumping out should consist of several parts that allow the distribution and disposal of solid heavy impurities, and most importantly, bring the main component of all wastewater into the ground - water. At the same time, by the time of withdrawal, it must be sufficiently cleaned so as not to infect the soil and not harm groundwater.

Therefore, before deciding how to make a septic tank without pumping out with your own hands, you need to figure out how it works and how the water purification process takes place.

Effective device and principle of operation of a septic tank without pumping

The figure below shows a do-it-yourself septic tank for a private house (scheme):

As can be seen in the image, such a septic tank device in a private house provides the process of processing and disposal of sewage as follows:

  • sewage initially enters the first tank, where the heaviest and largest fractions are separated, which fall to the bottom in the form of sludge;
  • a more clarified liquid moves to the second settling tank, where additional purification takes place due to settling and settling of fine compounds into a precipitate;
  • then the contents flow into the third container, where it is cleaned even more, getting rid of the lightest impurities, which slowly but inevitably sink down, and the clarified and disinfected water is distributed in the soil layers.

We should also not forget about bacteria, which day and night continuously process a huge amount of organic matter in wastewater. Thus, the amount of sediment in the tanks is reduced many times over, the water is purified to a state that is safe for the environment.

The cleaning system equipped according to this scheme is a non-volatile septic tank for giving without pumping out, since it does not require any costs (electrical or mechanical) during operation.

Ways to improve the performance of a septic tank to give without pumping

Quite often, users are not satisfied with the quality of water treatment passing through the septic tank: it has an unpleasant odor and visually looks contaminated. There are also situations when the number of people living in a country house increases, or for some reason the volume of water consumed increases. In other words, there is a situation in which the sewage treatment plant ceases to cope with the incoming masses and it becomes necessary to increase its productivity and the quality of cleaning.

There are several ways to achieve the desired result:

  • Do-it-yourself biofilter for a septic tank- the most popular method to increase productivity and quality of cleaning. This design can be "completed" next to an existing structure. The purpose of the biofilter is to create favorable conditions for the vital activity of microorganisms that process organic matter, which make up the bulk of the sewer masses.

The biofilter equipment is produced in a pre-prepared pit, dug next to the treatment plant. Its tank can be made of plastic, reinforced concrete rings, monolithic concrete. It is 2/3 filled with expanded clay, polymer granules or plastic nets large volume. These materials are great as infill because they create ideal conditions to grow the right bacteria. The cover of the tank must provide for ventilation and a cover for Maintenance. The structure should be equipped with water outlet to the soil layers. The biofilter will significantly speed up and improve the quality of the wastewater treatment process.

  • Do-it-yourself aerators for a septic tank- saturate the purified liquid with oxygen, which increases the activity and vitality of aerobic bacteria. These devices allow you to force air into the chamber, creating air bubbles from the bottom to the surface.

At homemade aerators air is supplied from the compressor through a hose to plastic pipe with a diameter of 50 mm, in which many (200-300) holes of 2 mm in diameter are evenly drilled. On the reverse side, the pipe is closed with a plug, so the air escapes through the holes, saturating the contents of the septic chamber. However, this system has a significant drawback: due to constant seething, rather large fractions of sewage can enter the adjacent septic tank and speed up its filling with sediment.

  • Air compressor for septic tank- pumps air into the septic tank, creating a pressure in it that is greater than outside it. Thus, the contents of the tank are saturated with oxygen, and bacteria useful for cleaning receive excellent conditions for your life activity. But in practice, this method has not found wide distribution, because the use of a compressor in conjunction with an aerator is much more efficient and practical.

The conditions for the location of the septic tank on the site, the rules governing its removal from various objects

When planning the installation of a sewer cleaning system, it must be taken into account that this facility has its own specifics and its location must meet certain standards provided for in the state, in particular SNiP (building codes and regulations). This document is a collection of regulations that approve various standards governing the processes associated with the construction of objects and their reconstruction.

Thus, the location of the septic tank on the SNiP site recommends designing as follows:

  • keep distance from sources drinking water(, columns, sand wells) not less than 50 meters;
  • withstand distance from bodies of water running water(rivers, streams) - 10 m, and with standing water (lakes, ponds, reservoirs) - 30 m;
  • proximity to a residential building - no closer than 5 m;
  • the distance to the border of the carriageway, as well as to the underground gas pipeline - 5 meters or more;
  • the distance from the trees must be observed over 3 meters.

The need to take into account natural factors that can affect the functioning of the treatment plant

In addition to issues with the location of the future facility for the collection and disposal of sewage, it is necessary to take into account regional climatic conditions, as well as the level ground water and its seasonal fluctuations. Improper installation can lead to sad consequences in the form of a septic tank floating or freezing its contents.

When building a septic tank with your own hands for a private house with a high level of groundwater, some recommendations must be observed:

  • start preparing the pit in the hottest and driest period of the year, when the level of the upper water carrier is at the lowest level and cannot affect the construction;
  • on the basis of the pit, a reinforced concrete slab is laid or a thick monolithic concrete screed is made;
  • the tank is installed and anchored on its surface.

This procedure will prevent the cleaning chamber from rising up or malfunctioning during a flood.

No less important is the issue associated with deep freezing of the soil in areas with a cold climate. This problem is solved by significantly deepening the sewage treatment plant (below the ground freezing mark) and additional covering heat-insulating material(foam crumb, expanded clay, mineral wool, polystyrene).

Practical advice! If it is necessary to place a septic tank in a significant recess, it is recommended to place a reinforced concrete slab on top of it, at a distance of 30-70 cm from the ground and at least 50 cm from the tank. It will reduce freezing and create additional rigidity.

A variety of models of budget septic tanks for summer cottages without pumping: overview, characteristics, cost

The modern market offers wide selection sewer cleaning systems from domestic and foreign manufacturers. The functionality of the models, their design and performance can differ significantly, so the user must first decide on which object and for what purposes he acquires a cleaning drain system.

At the user's disposal are septic tanks of the most different models and modifications

If we are talking about a septic tank for a summer residence, do not permanent residence for two people, it can be an inexpensive two-chamber model with a capacity of up to 200 l / day. If the question is about the system for a country cottage on big family, which also likes to receive guests, then the performance of the product and its volume should increase to an appropriate level.

Based on this, choosing septic tanks for summer cottages without pumping out, which one can be best determined by technical specifications, the material of manufacture, the cleaning schemes used, the availability of post-treatment systems and, of course, the cost of the product.

Practical advice! When deciding on the purchase of a septic tank, it is necessary to assume a possible increase in water consumption, and, accordingly, an increase in the level of domestic and household wastewater. Therefore, it is recommended to buy a product that has a volume slightly larger than required for a given period of time. This will help to avoid subsequent restructuring and re-equipment of the existing system.

The price of septic tanks for a private house: description, analysis, comparison

The cost and its compliance with the practicality, reliability and functionality of the product plays an important role in making a decision in favor of one or another product. In order to study the price situation that has developed around sewer cleaning systems, the user is invited to familiarize himself with some models, their description and cost:

ImageName, short description productsPrice range, rub.

DCS, 3-chamber design with a biofilter. Productivity: from 250 to 2000 l/dayFrom 20000 to 115000

Clean S-5
"Clean", has 2 chambers, provides for the possibility of using additional systems post-treatment, capacity from 800 to 1800 l/dayFrom 26000 to 100000

Clean S-5

"Leader", three cleaning chambers, a compressor with an aerator, a capacity of 200-3600 l / dayFrom 71000 to 200000

Rostock country house
"Rostok", 2-chamber design with the possibility of using a biofilter for post-treatment. Productivity 250-2000 l/dayFrom 25000 to 45000

Rostock country house

Tank station wagon-3
"Tank", has 3 chambers, can be equipped with a biofilter, infiltration system, productivity 150-1800 l / dayFrom 20000 to 60000

Thermite standard
"Termite", a 3-chamber model, provides for the possibility of using a post-treatment system. Productivity 700-2000 l/dayFrom 26000 to 83000

Septic tank Termite pro

Cleansing 2000
"Cleansing", equipped with 2 or 3 cameras. May have a biofilter and aerator. Productivity 650-3000 l/dayFrom 32000 to 116000

Unilos Astra-10
"Unilos", a 3-chamber septic tank, equipped with a compressor with an aerator, has a capacity of 600-3000 l / dayFrom 60000 to 160000

Unilos Astra-10

These price values ​​are average indicators of the cost of products in online stores, therefore they cannot reflect the real situation on the market and be used to make estimates for the installation of sewer cleaning systems.

Related article:

After reviewing the information provided, you can get a more complete picture of the home sewage system and the wastewater treatment system and already consciously begin to choose the design of the treatment plant.

Independent equipment of treatment facilities for a private house: design options

Product prices industrial production quite high, so it makes sense to think about creating a treatment plant on your own. Having familiarized yourself with the principle of operation of the system for cleaning domestic and household wastewater from the estate and figured out how to make a septic tank correctly, you can start arranging it yourself.

The materials and construction methods used can be very different. Some of them will be discussed in this publication. The main thing during operation is to comply with the technologies that ensure the practicality of the structure, comply with the norms provided for by the current legislation and take into account the climatic conditions in which the system will be operated.

This process is laborious and lengthy, but the output should be a high-quality septic tank that works without electricity and pumping, capable of processing and utilizing the sewer mass coming from a private house.

Any construction is preceded by planning. It includes monitoring upcoming actions, their sequence, as well as taking into account factors that may affect the course of the entire event. Among the main points that need to be taken into account when installing a septic tank in a private house with your own hands, the following should be noted:

  • the location of the building; the depth to which the earth freezes in winter;
  • level of seasonal groundwater rise;
  • tank volume, system performance;
  • necessary materials and their quantity;
  • tool to get the job done.

To facilitate the necessary calculations, use the calculator developed by us.

Online calculator for calculating the required volume of a septic tank, based on the number of residents and the mode of water use

Send the result to my email

Do-it-yourself septic tank from barrels or plastic containers

As tanks for septic chambers, you can use plastic barrels or containers that can be found in the free sale of any size, shape and volume.

By connecting 2 or 3 containers through overflows, equipping the input of sewage from the house and the output of the purified liquid to the drainage, you can create a 2- or 3-chamber septic tank from plastic barrels with your own hands.

Depending on the capacity of the tanks and the reliability of the drainage system, it is possible to create a facility with the required performance:

Practical advice! Plastic barrels for sewage must be selected with a wall thickness of at least 5 mm. This is necessary to compensate for the loads in the form internal pressure the contents of the septic tank, as well as external influences from soil displacement, its compression and expansion, depending on humidity and temperature effects.

In the same way, you can arrange a system of three chambers or create an additional biofilter to improve the quality of cleaning and increase productivity. It all depends on the abilities of the user and the purpose of the structure.

Do-it-yourself septic tank equipment from concrete rings: layout and devices

The use of reinforced concrete products in the form of rings for the construction of a sewage treatment plant will provide strength and reliability of the structure, which can last for many years at proper arrangement.

The only inconvenience during construction is the need to use special equipment (crane) necessary to move and install heavy large-sized blocks.

You can build a structure guided by the following scheme:

To make a septic tank from concrete rings correctly, it is necessary to follow certain rules that will ensure its tightness and the quality of cleaning of the masses entering it:

  1. Between themselves, the rings are fixed with metal brackets to prevent displacement from the movement of the soil.

  2. The joints between the rings are walled up with clay or cement mortar.

  3. The finished structure is covered with bitumen or bituminous mastic to reduce negative impact moisture present in the soil.

  4. Arrangement of a ventilation system is a prerequisite for the vital activity of microorganisms that process organic substances that make up the bulk of solid impurities coming with effluents.

Having fulfilled the listed requirements, the arrangement of sewage for a private house from concrete rings can be done independently, ensuring comfortable living and free use of water resources.

Construction of a sewage treatment plant from monolithic concrete

This method can be called 100% self-made, because finished products are practically not used in its implementation. The process of building a concrete septic tank with your own hands is best reproduced in the form step by step instructions with a visual representation of each action performed:


Step one. Pit preparation. At the chosen place, a hole is dug in size and depth corresponding to the future structure

Step two. A reinforcing crate is mounted at the bottom and a concrete screed is made

Step three. The walls of the pit are covered with polyethylene, and a reinforcing mesh is created around its perimeter. Pipes of inlet and outlet drains are brought into the structure under construction in advance

Step four. Formwork from boards, plywood, chipboard is built along the walls and the transverse lintel. The overflow pipe between the chambers is fixed in place

Step five. The space between the walls of the pit and the formwork is filled with concrete. If concrete is ordered at the factory, then pouring is carried out at a time. If the batches are done manually, then the filling is carried out in stages with the obligatory compaction of each subsequent layer.

Step six. After the solution has dried, the formwork is disassembled, the top is covered with boards, covered with polyethylene and poured with concrete. Ventilation pipe pre-installed and maintenance hatches made

Step seven. If necessary, the roof of the septic tank is insulated with foam or other material, covered with roofing material and covered with earth. Entrance hatches with lids are formed on the surface.

On this, a monolithic concrete septic tank can be considered built and its operation can begin.

Do-it-yourself arrangement of a septic tank without pumping out of eurocubes

Eurocubes - containers for storing and transporting various liquids, have proven themselves as reservoirs for arranging septic chambers during the installation of a sewer treatment facility for a private house. Production material - thick-walled polyethylene. It has sufficient strength and durability, and for rigidity, each product is enclosed in a steel lattice.

The use of eurocubes to create a septic tank is similar to the use of plastic barrels. Of these, it is also possible to create a 2- and 3-chamber model of a cleaning system using a biofilter or aerator, at the discretion of the user.

The scheme of a septic tank from eurocubes is shown in the image:


Beautiful and comfortable cottage requires a solution to the problem of effluents. The old approach - arranging a pit - is no longer relevant. It must be pumped out periodically, and this is a costly undertaking. Budget septic tanks for summer cottages without pumping out are becoming more and more popular among summer residents, as they solve the issue of wastewater without being connected to a centralized sewerage system.

Country house with a septic system

What are septic tanks?

A septic tank is a system of tanks whose task is to collect and treat domestic wastewater. There are several types - models that require regular cleaning, and do not require.

Accumulating septic tanks

Accumulating - an analogue of a cesspool. From time to time it is necessary to invite a vacuum cleaner to pump out the contents from the tank.

Storage tank BARS-N

Special septic tanks

Special septic tanks, which are cleaned by bacteria that process the contents. There are several types of microorganisms for which such food is considered ideal. They feel great in a prepared environment, they work to purify wastewater. This is an expensive pleasure. Since special containers with bacteria are purchased in stores.

Scheme of operation of a special septic tank BARS-Bio

Septic tanks without pumping

The third option is septic tanks without pumping. This is a system of 2-3 containers dug into the ground. Budget and most affordable option.

Septic tank without pumping BARS-Aero in section

The principle of operation of a septic tank without pumping

Wastewater treatment in such a system occurs due to water settling. The best option is 3 containers, into which liquid waste is gradually supplied. The tanks are dug into the ground and connected at the top with a pipe. Each is vented for air intake.

Plastic septic tank of 3 containers of various sizes

Household sewage from the house is washed into the first container, and the main part of the heavy mass settles at the bottom. When the liquid level reaches the pipe connecting the first tank to the second, the water flows into another tank. This is already a purer substance, but still requiring purification. The liquid settles, the masses settle at the bottom. When the water level reaches the connecting pipe, it spontaneously flows into the third tank. This is a vessel, at the bottom of which a filtration system is equipped. The water enters the soil through the filter pad. This is already three times treated wastewater.

There are designs consisting of 2 chambers, but such purification is not effective enough.

Subtleties you need to know

The correct device for a septic tank that does not require pumping

In order for the system to work without failures, and the contents from the cameras do not fall on the surface, you need to take into account several points:

    a sealed bottom must be in all tanks, except for the one from which water enters the environment;

    walls should not let liquid into the ground (this is the main difference from a cesspool);

    it is necessary to equip the system at a distance of more than 5 meters from the dwelling, in the event of a pipe break, the water will not be able to flood the house;

    when arranging a septic tank, one should take into account the level of groundwater occurrence - they should be located at a distance of 2.5 m from the surface (water is purified naturally, not reaching groundwater);

    the first tank is the largest, water flows from it to other chambers through pipes installed at a slight slope so that the drain is independent;

    cameras are dug in at a distance of 50 meters from the nearest source of water;

    the distance between adjacent containers is chosen small to eliminate the possibility of clogging connecting pipes;

    the distance to the fence with neighbors is at least 2 m.

Video description

The device and principle of operation of a septic tank and sewerage for odorless cottages and pumping, see the video:

On our website you can find contacts construction companies, which offer the service of installation and design of sewerage. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Advantages of septic tanks without pumping

An important advantage of such a device is the absence of the smell inherent in wastewater. Significant money savings are equally important - septic tanks for summer cottages without pumping do not need to be connected to the sewer system, which is an expensive and troublesome business. In addition, many models do not need to be connected to electricity.

In addition, the entire system is completely dug into the ground, does not pollute the environment, so the supervisory authorities do not make claims to such areas.

The drain pit collects liquid household waste in normal soil. In such a situation, the soil around the "storage" is saturated with untreated liquid masses, which greatly violates the environment. If you add to this a specific smell, then the picture is quite unsightly.

The septic tank is fundamentally different from the old form of waste accumulation. This is an isolated system of containers, hermetically sealed, completely eliminating the ingress of untreated waste into the soil. Sealing chambers provides odor protection. The presence of a septic tank on the site can be guessed from the ventilation pipes.

An important advantage of a septic tank without pumping out is complete sealing

Choose the size of the septic tank

An important point on which depends on how efficiently the entire system will work is the volume of the septic tank. It all depends on the amount of wastewater. How more family consumes water, the larger the waste tank is chosen. When calculating the size of the chamber, they proceed from the rate of water consumption for 1 person - 200 liters. That is, the volume of the septic tank = the number of family members x 200 liters.

For a family of 2 people, 2 cleaning chambers are enough. Planned laundry, showers, and other expenses are taken into account. At in large numbers consumed water, it is necessary to install 3 purification chambers.

Do not forget about drainage and filtration fields

Masters offer 2 post-treatment systems - drainage or filtration systems.

The drainage (filtration) well is the last chamber in the treatment system. Often it is a simple well without a bottom. Effluent treatment is carried out due to the gradual seepage of water through the ground, so it is important that groundwater is at a distance of no closer than 2.5 m to the surface. Sand or gravel is poured at the bottom, which becomes a filter pad. The technique is used for deep groundwater.

This is what it looks like drainage system septic tank that goes to the surface of the soil

Important! On the clay soils several drainage wells are being built. This is a cheaper option compared to the filtration field.

The filtration field is the pipes through which water passes in order to be completely cleansed. They occupy a larger area than a drainage well. With a large amount of water consumed, it can occupy an area of ​​​​several tens of m². This option is suitable for the close occurrence of groundwater, it is laborious and expensive. Before the construction of the field, it is necessary to correctly calculate its dimensions. To install a septic tank for a summer residence without electricity, the following are taken into account:

    number of water consumers;

    soil composition;

    diameter of pipes supplying wastewater;

    average annual air temperature.

To enhance the cleaning effect, a layer of sand or gravel is poured at the lower level of the field, having previously separated it from the soil with a special filter cloth.

What material is better to choose

Two-chamber septic tank made of reinforced concrete rings

Budget septic tanks without pumping out have a big plus - they are non-volatile. This significantly saves money for summer residents. Help save even more right choice material for filtration chambers. Various building materials are used:

  • tires;


    w / w rings.

Reinforced concrete rings have won the greatest popularity, but it is impossible to install them without special equipment.

Important! Reinforced concrete rings are fragile, voluminous and heavy. They require care during transport and installation.

Video description

The principle of operation of a septic tank without pumping out of reinforced concrete rings, see the video:

Installing a mini septic tank

Designs designed for low water consumption are called mini-septic tanks. The total volume of water in such tanks is 1 m³, the system purifies up to 300 liters of liquid per day. The best choice for a guest house or a small cottage. For this purpose, old plastic barrels or other materials are used to ensure the tightness of the contents.

When choosing mini-septic tanks for summer cottages without pumping out, pay attention to several parameters:

    the material from which the containers are made (the best choice is plastic);

    ease of maintenance;



    environmental friendliness.

Important! If the house has a bath, a mini-septic tank will not help out.

Video description

An overview of the Rostock mini septic tank can be viewed on the video:

What do manufacturers offer?

Industry Offers various models septic tanks for summer cottages without pumping out in the form of miniature and full-fledged systems.

    "Triton mini" - an option for two people. Compact, lightweight system that can be transported in a car. Cleaning is carried out by bacteria. To reach the planned capacity, it takes a couple of days for a certain volume of liquid to accumulate and the process to start.

The device and principle of operation of the mini-septic tank "Triton"

  • "Tank 1" - one of the models of the "Tank" line, with the most compact size (1 m³), ​​is able to process 0.6 m³ per day. Handles water used by three people. The containers are made of thick-walled material with stiffening ribs. Reliable and functional model.
  • "Rostok mini" - a cylindrical container, divided into 2 chambers. The structure of the tank is cast, without seams, with stiffeners to strengthen the structure. The purification quality of 80% is achieved by a biofilter installed in the system.
  • "Topol" - system Russian production made by german technology. Equipping equipment with Japanese mini-compressors increases the efficiency of the system. Has a big the lineup from which it is easy to choose suitable option, including mini. The body is made from environmentally friendly clean materials, durable, with a thickness of polypropylene sheets of 1.5 cm.
  • Bars-Aero is a patented Russian-made system. This is our own development, together with scientists from MGSU. Has a wide temperature regime operation (from -40 to +60 C). Easy to maintain and has a well-thought-out design, which avoids cases of disruption of the station itself. And the compressor of the station itself is taken out of its limits, which allows you to extend its service life and saves you money on its expensive repairs.
    You can more clearly see the main advantages of Bars-Aero in the picture below.

Comparison of the BARS-Topas septic tank with other offers on the market


Septic tanks are being installed more and more often, as the advantages of this method of wastewater treatment are obvious. This and the absence bad smell, and autonomy, and ease of installation, and a large selection of materials for cameras. Cozy and clean summer cottage with a beautiful floral scent became a reality thanks to a similar cleaning system.

Septic tanks for giving without pumping are budget great option cleaning system, if it is not possible to connect to the city sewer network.

This is one of the main factors of comfortable living outside the city, in addition to electricity and running water.

This design is practical in that it does not need regular cleaning. Each country homeowner can design it at no special cost. Money and time.

What is it and why is it needed

Most owners of summer cottages build cleaning structures on the territory of their possessions.

A septic tank is a specially designed structure that plays the role of a cleaner, working without the involvement of electrical energy, in which wastewater is processed on the territory of the sump.

Here, the decomposition of waste occurs thanks to an underground filtration system that does not require oxygen. The system acts as a small-volume water purifier.

It's important to know: a septic tank without pumping can be built in areas where the groundwater level does not exceed 2.5 meters. Otherwise, the mixing of waste and groundwater will be ensured, which threatens to flood the summer cottage.

Advantageous features of use in country houses

It is almost impossible to do without a cleaning system in country houses and summer cottages. If it is a biological design without pumping, then it has a number of good points, chief among which are:

  1. Wastewater treatment, according to SNiP, is 98%. At the same time, no negative impact on the environment and human life is observed.
  2. Working on the principle of activity of biological cleaning components, there is no need to regularly involve special equipment for pumping. Therefore, cost savings will be provided.
  3. Organic sludge that remains as a result of filtration does not require frequent cleaning (every 4-5 years). This is an excellent means of organic fertilizer garden plots.
  4. A well-made septic tank practically eliminates the occurrence of an unpleasant odor from drains in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits location.

During the cleaning of the bioseptic chambers from silt, it is necessary to leave 1/6 of the accumulated sediment. This is necessary for further work anaerobic bacteria.

Principle of operation

The cleaning facility can be planned at a distance of up to 20 meters from the house. Receipt of waste occurs through special outlets in the drain tank. Effluent components that are not amenable to self-dissolution sink to the bottom.

With the help of special anaerobic bacteria, the fermentation process is started, as a result of which methane is released. It is taken away by a special tube installed at a level of 1-2 meters above the roof of the house. Purified by 50-75%, the liquid enters the soil for further complete cleaning. The sediment that has accumulated at the bottom of the cleaning structure is removed from it using special sewage equipment.

In order to improve the quality of wastewater, a specialized biological filter is installed in the septic tank. Expanded clay is most widely used here. Wastewater treatment can also be carried out with the help of anaerobic bacteria. So, water entering the biofilter is preliminarily clarified.

Then there is a splitting of impurities, which pass into sludge. This sediment is removed from the septic tank from time to time as it accumulates. Purification of water in this process occurs up to 90%.

When it is cleaned, it enters a special well with anaerobic bacteria to further break down the existing impurities at the final level. Complete cleaning the resulting liquid passes into the stage of descent into the soil, because exactly how underground filtration provides the best purification.

Note: such a cleaning system is suitable for a family of 2-3 people. Where he lives large quantity people need to use layers of gravel and sand, building additional trenches to clean the septic tank.

To equip the system in a certain area, it is necessary to lay several layers of filter sand. The system consists of pipes with small holes. Along the perimeter they are lined with rubble.

Design features

The septic tank is a sealed structure with a special filtration system for waste water flows. Here they are cleaned as much as possible, brought to the ground, or a storage tank.

Septic tanks without pumping are characterized by partial filtration. In order for the purification process to be more significant, it is necessary to add some anaerobic bacteria to the system. They can live in oxygen-free environments, helping to break down waste into smaller particles, turning them into highly active sludge.

Need to monitor the amount of needle deposits. If it exceeds allowable rate, then an unpleasant odor will come from the septic tank, thereby reducing the level of filtration.

Location selection and options

In order for the constructed septic tank to perform its functions smoothly, it is important to responsibly approach each point of construction. So, it is necessary to correctly calculate what volume it should be.

The parameters of the system directly depend on the amount of water consumed. The optimal consumption rate of daily consumption per person is 200 liters of water. Triple value - daily rate families for 3-4 people. It is advised to add another 20% to the volume.

After the volume of the septic tank is calculated, you need to decide on its size. If, for example, it is necessary to construct a septic tank of 18 m 3 volume, then its optimal depth will be 3 m, length 3 m, width 2 m (if you multiply all sides, you get the desired volume). The distance from the bottom of the system to the drain pipe is best taken from 0.8 m.

The correct location of the septic tank also plays a crucial role in its future service. So, it is not recommended to place it closer than 5 m from the house. But it is also not necessary to build far from it - an additional increase in waste for laying the highway.

Independent phased construction

To date, the manufacture of a septic tank with one's own hand can be made from various kinds material. So, the most popular of them are: plastic cubes, bricks, concrete rings, barrels, etc.

Regardless of what material the treatment system will be made of, its design must be monolithic, reliable, and heavy. Or, it must be firmly embedded in the soil.

Septic tank from eurocubes

If choice building material fell on the eurocube (durable plastic material), it is worth noting its positive aspects:

  • light weight, which simplifies the installation of the structure;
  • long service life;
  • high level of tightness;
  • affordability.

The main negative aspect of a plastic tank is the obligatory reliable fastening to a concrete slab. Otherwise, during the season of groundwater activity, it may float to the surface.


For construction cleaning system from Eurocubes, you need:

  1. Dig a pit of the required volume. Its value should be 30 cm larger on all sides than the size of the cubes. The free space between the walls and the pit is filled with a substance of sand and cement in a ratio of 3:1.
  1. Compaction of the pit with an embankment of a sandy layer 20-30 cm thick, which must be carefully compacted.
  2. A concrete slab is lowered onto a pillow of sand, fastened to the cubes with anchors and chains.
  3. The chambers of the treatment plant are connected to each other using pipes.
  1. The bottom of the third chamber is cut off, covered with a layer of sand (20 cm thick) and crushed stone (30 cm thick). To make drainage more reliable, perforation is made on the relative lower edge of the cube walls.
  2. The last step is to lay the concrete slab on top of the structure, leaving room for ventilation pipe for cameras, inspection hatches.

After everything is ready, it is necessary to start anaerobic bacteria and start operating the septic tank.

Brick septic tank

It is unlikely that anyone will doubt the strength and reliability of brick as a material for a septic tank. It is characterized by durability, a high level of resistance to impact aggressive environment, not afraid of heaving groundwater.

as a building material for a septic tank without pumping, use a refractory type of brick. But, the wall thickness of such a design should be at least 25 cm, chamber partitions - at least 12 cm.


The phased work on the construction of a brick septic tank consists of the following points:

  1. Excavation of the required size of the pit. Bottom seal.
  2. Laying bricks for a septic tank. Moreover, its shape can be any, both square and semicircular.
  3. Installation of overflow pipes is carried out in parallel with the laying of bricks between the chambers.
  4. When the laying solution hardens, it is necessary to treat the walls of the septic tank from the outside and inside with bituminous mastic. The third camera can not be processed.
  5. The bottom of the septic tank compartments is strewn with sand (20 cm thick), rammed.
  6. The bottom is laid with a reinforcing mesh, poured with concrete (thickness 20 cm).
  7. The bottom of the third chamber of the system is made drainage, pouring a layer of sand and gravel in turn.

Take note: in order to improve the quality of the drainage of the septic tank, you can make small holes (3-4 cm) at the bottom even during the brick laying period.

  1. A concrete slab is laid on top of the septic tank, leaving space for ventilation pipes. But, first it is necessary to strengthen the walls with metal corners.

If the width of the septic tank is planned to be more than 1.5 m, then it is recommended to install a support pole in the center of each chamber to support the concrete slab.

Septic tank made of concrete rings

The construction of a septic tank from concrete rings is a rather laborious process (if we are talking about concrete monolithic pouring). However, it is quite resistant, monolithic and durable material. A septic tank from it serves up to 50 years.

The main disadvantage of this design is the need to involve special equipment in the construction process, since concrete is a very heavy non-lifting material.


Making a monolithic septic tank with your own hands from concrete slabs consists of the following stages of work:

  1. Digging a pit required size for installation of 3 cameras.
  2. Formation of holes on the structure using a perforator for the installation of sewer pipes, hoses.
  3. Installation of rings is done on top of each other.
  4. The joints of concrete rings are treated with bituminous mastic (to achieve tightness).
  5. At the first two chambers, the bottom is concreted, but it is pre-filled sand cushion, lay the reinforcing network.
  6. Drainage of the third chamber is done with sand and gravel (in stages, scrapped at 20 cm each).
  7. On top, the built-in structure is covered with a concrete slab, leaving holes for inspection hatches and a ventilation pipe.

Barrel septic tank

If we are talking about the construction of a septic tank for a country house, then it is quite advisable to use barrels as a building material. The ideal option become plastic.

The installation of a septic tank must be carried out no closer than 20 m from a well (or any other source of drinking water).


To build a septic tank from plastic barrels, you need 3 containers: two for sedimentation tanks, one for drainage. If 2-3 people live in the house, then the volume of one barrel should be at least 1 cubic meter.

Installation of a structure made of plastic barrels consists of the following steps:

  1. In barrels that will serve as a septic tank, it is necessary to cut off the bottom.
  2. Dig a pit of the required volume (with the expectation that 1 m of depth should also be for the barrel that serves as drainage, as well as the backfill layer).
  3. At the bottom, alternately pour a layer of sand and gravel (20 cm each).
  4. Install a sewer pipe into the barrel using a cut into side wall containers, or by lowering the pipe into the septic tank to a depth of at least 50 cm, provided that the drainage system is at an angle.
  5. Cover the structure with a metal plate or lid on top. Cover with earth (approximately 50 cm layer).

Manufacturers overview

The cost of industrial septic tanks without pumping largely depends on the following factors:

  • design complexity;
  • the volume of the septic tank;
  • manufactured material.

If we consider the purchase of a septic tank in connection with the choice of the manufacturer, then the most popular brands domestic production"Tank" and "Topas" are considered. If we talk about the first model, then it consists of a two-chamber device.

The average cost is about 36 thousand rubles. The Topas septic tank model has built-in waste pumping systems up to 98% cleaning. The cost is about 80 thousand rubles.

It is worth considering the fact that one cost for a septic tank is not enough here. Its installation will in total be about 50% of the sum of the cleaning system itself.

Construction on a site with a high level of groundwater

In the event that the area country house characterized by the presence of a high level of groundwater, the construction of a septic tank without pumping will not work. Water in it will constantly accumulate and require regular pumping.

Most optimal solution problems of a high level of groundwater there is the construction of a septic tank with a storage tank. It refers to the volumetric container into which effluents will be collected. As it fills, the liquid will need to be eliminated using sewage equipment.

Remember: The tank housing must be sealed to exclude the possibility of groundwater ingress into it. These can be ready-made containers made of polymers or fiberglass. It is possible to build a reservoir from reinforced concrete.

The storage device can be buried in the ground or placed on the surface by connecting a booster pump.

The main drawback of a cleaning system with a storage tank is the need for regular cleaning. To do this, you need to constantly monitor the level of its filling.

Regardless of what kind of manufactured material you choose for a budget septic tank without pumping out, you must follow all the points of a phased installation. Otherwise, the septic tank will not fully perform its functions, and, even worse, will harm the environment.

If you decide to purchase a ready-made industrial cleaning structure without pumping out, you should pay attention to models from trusted manufacturers. From the point of view of the installation of such a design, it is also better to entrust this important matter to knowledgeable specialists, who, as a rule, provide such services directly at the place of purchase.

How to install a septic tank, see the following video:

Special attention summer residents give autonomous septic tanks without pumping out, which do not require frequent maintenance and calling a special sewage machine. In addition, such treatment facilities have other positive qualities, thanks to which they have earned such great popularity.

Autonomous septic tanks do not require frequent maintenance and call a special sewage machine!

Surely you already wanted to install such a turnkey septic tank in your country house, because it's simple, convenient and profitable. However, which treatment plant from this category to choose, and how do they work? The answers to these frequently asked questions will surely help you make the right choice.

How does a septic tank work without pumping?

The principle of operation of a septic tank, working without pumping wastewater, is simple. It consists of several chambers interconnected by an overflow system. The first tank acts as a sump in which solid sediment falls out of the wastewater and remains at the bottom of the chamber. Also in the first tank, the effluents pass through the primary mechanical cleaning with fractionation.

In the tanks that are located further, wastewater flows as the first chamber is filled (only light fractions merge there). In the last chamber, the wastewater passes the final stage of biological post-treatment, after which the purified water is sent outside the septic tank.

Certificates and expert opinion

Despite, autonomous septic tank without pumping it can function for a long time without pumping out solid waste generated at the time of separation of wastewater into fractions, pumping is still necessary. But this is not even waste, but the waste products of bacteria living in a septic tank. As a result of the operation of the station, a harmless sludge is formed, which can be pumped out by almost any submersible pump and dispose of yourself.

Which septic tank without pumping to choose?

If you do not want to bother with the need for annual cleaning of the septic tank from accumulated solid masses, pay attention to flow-through septic tanks. Due to the design features and special cleaning technology, these facilities do not need constant pumping of waste, like accumulative models. Thus, after installation, it will be possible to forget forever about calling a sewage truck and only rarely perform maintenance.

Do not know which septic tank without pumping to buy for your dacha? There are several types of septic tanks, each of which has its own characteristics. Which one to choose for a summer residence? To answer this question, you only need to decide what degree of cleaning you need at the exit from the septic tank and whether you have the opportunity to equip the zone additional filtration wastewater with soil: a drainage element or a filtration field.

Anaerobic septic tank Eurolos Eco

Non-volatile inexpensive, but effective septic tank for giving, which can provide all the necessary benefits. Ideal Solution to give with a minimum budget. However, before buying a flow-through septic tank, it should be borne in mind that it will be necessary to equip facilities for additional treatment of domestic wastewater - an aeration field, filtering drainage elements or a filtration trench. As well as the type of soil on the site, because such septic tanks can only be installed in well-permeable soils and at a low level of groundwater.

Autonomous cleaning station Eurolos Bio

The Eurolos Bio septic tank is an autonomous productive pumping station, capable of serving both small country houses and cottages of impressive size, while maintaining a high degree of wastewater treatment at a level of up to 95%.

The high degree of purification makes it possible to use the obtained purified water for technical purposes or simply dump it harmlessly directly onto open ground.

Hi all! Marat Nauruzbaev is in touch with you. Today, the article is not on a computer topic, but a household issue from personal life. In this article I will tell you how to build a septic tank with your own hands without pumping out for 10 years for a house and a summer residence. I will tell you how to properly build a septic tank with a filtration well made of concrete rings, with high groundwater and how I built it, what materials I used for construction, I will calculate the cost, show the septic tank in a 3D view and show the construction process in photos and videos.

A septic tank (sump) is designed to collect and treat household wastewater from individual residential buildings, low-rise buildings, cottages in the absence of central system sewerage. The work of the septic tank is based on the principle of gravitational settling and biological post-treatment using bioenzymatic preparations ... Link to Wikipedia.

Who lives in the private sector, the issue of draining sewage is the most acute. Someone is digging a simple drain hole, someone digs in concrete rings and it turns out a drain well (most of them are), and someone builds a septic tank with their own hands from concrete rings ( best option) as I did.

In general, initially I wanted to make a septic tank for a permanent residence completely monolithic from reinforced concrete. This is the best stand-alone version of a septic tank, although labor-intensive. Why is it the best, because it is the maximum in terms of the area of ​​waste drainage into the ground. I have already made all the calculations for the quantity and price of materials, drew drawings and a 3D sketch of this septic tank, and then, due to lack of time to build it, I decided to make a septic tank from concrete rings 🙂

For those who are interested in the option of a monolithic concrete septic tank, below I will give you a ready-made Excel file for calculating materials for a septic tank.

There are also options for purchased septic tanks or autonomous sewers, but we do not consider this option in the article, since they are much more expensive and require electricity and regular maintenance.

I made a single-chamber septic tank with a filter well and an additional filter cassette from cast iron bath.

In general, there is nothing difficult to build a septic tank from concrete rings. AT in general terms the construction of a septic tank consists of these parts:

Calculation of the volume of a septic tank

In general, I didn’t go into the theoretical part of the septic tank calculation much, I read only some articles by A. Ratnikov, a specialist in the disposal of liquid waste and water supply to country cottages.

According to the rules the volume of the septic tank should be equal to three times the daily inflow of wastewater. During this period, the bacteria must process given volume sewage.

The daily norm for one person is 200 liters.. From these figures, the entire calculation of the volume of the septic tank is made.

Those. if you have family of 4, calculation of the volume of the septic tank: 4 * 200 * 3 \u003d 2400 liters (2.4 m 3).

Therefore, when using, for example, well rings (Ks 15-9) (diameter - 1.5 m, volume - 1.59 m 3), you when building a single-chamber septic tank, you will need two such rings. Keep in mind that the volume of the rings is “dirty”, that is, you will not be able to fully use the volume of the upper ring, since it will not be completely filled with drains.

Much still depends on the filtering capacity of your soil and the level of groundwater. Septic tanks for summer cottages with a high groundwater level (UGW) should preferably be built at a shallow depth and should have a shallow filter well, preferably to the surface of the groundwater.

If the soil is mainly made of clay, it is necessary to increase the area of ​​​​the filtration well several times, because. clay does not filter water very well.

The working depth of the septic tank, equal to the distance from the level of wastewater in the septic tank to its bottom, must be at least 1.2 m, width 0.75 m (or 1 m in diameter for round septic tanks). The greatest working depth of sewage in a septic tank should not exceed 2.5 m.

So, for a family of four, a septic tank with a volume of at least 2.4 m 3+ filtration well (FC), with a volume and area sufficient for your type of soil + preferably a filtration cassette for a “volley” discharge of wastewater (for example, after draining a bath) or if the FC will not cope with the filtration of wastewater.

Digging a pit for a septic tank

After you have decided on the volume of the septic tank and the filtration well, as well as the number of chambers in the septic tank, you need to dig a pit (pit) for it. The fastest way to do this is with an excavator, and with a low groundwater level, this is the only digging option, since digging manually with a shovel in the mud is not very easy 🙂.

In order to save money, I decided to make a single-chamber septic tank with a filtration well and a filtration cassette (infiltrator).

The septic tank will consist of two reinforced concrete rings with a diameter of 1.5 meters and a height of 90 cm, set on top of each other. The lower ring of the septic tank should be with a bottom, so it is more correct from the point of view of ecology and sanitary and epidemiological checks. I made it without a bottom, because I wanted to increase the filtration capacity and its efficiency in general 🙂 .

The filtration well (FC) will also be made of two reinforced concrete rings, but without a bottom, since there will already be settled drains (cleaner) from the septic tank. In the FC, wastewater will be filtered into the ground.

I made a filtration cassette (infiltrator) from an inverted cast-iron bath. It is intended for additional filtration of wastewater, if the FC starts to fail to cope with wastewater or for a “volley” discharge of wastewater. You can make a filtration cassette out of two or even three tubs or other containers that can withstand a lot of soil under them and not collapse for a long time.

So, the size of the pit should be under approximate size septic tank + FC + infiltrator. My pit size was 400 cm long, 200 cm wide and 200 cm deep

Nearby, I dug another hole for a filtration cassette 200 cm long, 100 cm wide and 100 cm deep. All sizes are approximate and naturally “dance” while digging with an excavator 🙂

Since my groundwater level (GWL) is high (about 1.5 meters), the dug pit immediately began to fill with groundwater! It was necessary to fill the bottom of the pit with rubble for drainage as soon as possible and better filtration Wastewater.

Backfilling the pit with rubble

So that the bottom of the filtration well (FC) does not silt up as long as possible and for better drainage of wastewater, it is necessary to fill the bottom of the FC with crushed stone with a thickness of at least 20 cm. Crushed stone for drainage is needed large (fraction 40-70 mm).

Crushed stone must be poured to the bottom of the pit, to the place of the proposed installation of the FC. Since I have a septic tank without a bottom, I covered the rubble over the entire surface of the pit. The crushed stone had to be poured into a pit already flooded with groundwater, and leveled already in the water with a shovel.

I used the same crushed stone at the bottom of the pit for the filtration cassette.

Installation of concrete rings

Then we install concrete rings. I did not capture the installation process in the photo, as I was busy directing the reinforced concrete rings while lowering them into the pit with a manipulator.

I didn’t put the rings perfectly exactly on top of each other, but it’s okay, they will hold on 🙂

In general, it was necessary to seal the joints between the reinforced concrete rings, but I did not attach any importance to this and did not bother.

While the reinforced concrete rings were being installed, the pit began to crumble from the sides, as the soil got wet due to the rising level of groundwater. A certain amount fell into the well, I had to climb into the pit in boots and scatter wet soil around the corners of the pit. A certain amount of soil still remained on the rubble, which of course is not good.

Because entrance gate into my yard is narrow, a KAMAZ-manipulator (thief), who brought me reinforced concrete rings, barely squeezed into them and bent the pillars from these gates for me. The situation was aggravated by the fact that he could not pass under the gas pipe that runs over my gate, the end of his tap rested on the pipe. I had to dig in this place the soil by about 30 cm.

Moreover, the manipulator got stuck on this dug area and began to slip, and the driver was cursing (I noticed this from the malicious facial expressions of his face and the moving lips of J).

The driver had to swear 2 times, since the fourth reinforced concrete ring on the manipulator turned out to be above the level of the gas pipe and he had to first unload one ring outside the yard, and after installing three rings in the pit, return for it ...

In general, everything worked out, I mean gas pipe, but the gate will have to be repaired 🙂 .

So take into account the dimensions of the manipulator and tractor when working on the site!

Installing the filter cassette

To increase the drainage capacity of the septic tank and the filtration well in general, I additionally installed a filtration cassette in the form of an inverted cast-iron bath. Instead of a bath, you can use any other container that can withstand the mass of soil and does not corrode for a long time.

The filtration cassette should also be installed on a layer of coarse gravel, at least 20 cm high.

I inserted a coupling from a sewer pipe (50 mm) into the drain hole of the bath to install a ventilation pipe into it

I inserted a ventilation pipe into this coupling in the form of an ordinary sewer pipe (50 mm) 🙂 and fixed it with two self-tapping screws

I made the ventilation pipe from two halves, connecting them with a coupling, it’s like “fool protection”, if someone wants to pull out this pipe, it will come off at the junction of these two halves above the ground, and not underground, at the junction with the bathroom ... Yes, and it will be more convenient to check the level of drains in the bath through a short pipe, having previously separated them

It turned out such a ventilation pipe, according to the norms, it should be installed 70 cm above ground level

At the end of the bath, I cut a square hole with a grinder for inserting a sewer pipe into the bathroom (110 mm)

And I connected this pipe to the filtration well, having previously drilled a hole in the reinforced concrete ring of the filtration well

Inside the well, I put on a tee with an enlarged lower elbow on this pipe. A tee is used to take a lower layer of wastewater (to retain floating substances)

It turned out like this (without a ventilation pipe)

Sewer pipes

Now it remains to bring the sewer pipes from the house to the septic tank and connect the septic tank and the filtration well with a pipe.

To do this, we dig a trench, lay sewer pipes in it and connect them together.

I used pipes as pipes outdoor sewerage(red) with a diameter of 110 mm and a length of 2 m. I tried to make the slope of the pipe according to the norms - 2 cm / meter.

The distance from the house to the septic tank I got decent - 16 meters

In order to use the effective volume of the septic tank as much as possible, I laid the sewer pipe near the house at a depth of 5 cm underground (from the top wall of the pipe). At the entrance to the septic tank, the depth of the pipe underground was 52 cm.

The hole for the inlet pipe to the septic tank was drilled with a perforator (with a drill for concrete) around the circumference, followed by knocking out the hole with a hammer

I connected a fan (ventilation) pipe to the beginning of the sewer pipe (near the house) and brought it to the roof of the house

Now the septic tank and the filtration well, together with the filtration cassette, will be ventilated with incoming air from the ventilation pipe on the filtration cassette (bath) to the fan pipe on the roof of the house.

I connected the outgoing pipes from the house through a tee (110 / 110x90) to the main pipe

At the beginning and in the middle of the pipe installed revisions

Since the section of the pipe passes under the entrance of the car at the gate, I dressed this section of the sewer pipe in an asbestos pipe

Now it remains to connect the well of the septic tank and the well of the filtration well with a pipe. To do this, I drilled holes in the reinforced concrete rings with a perforator and inserted a 110 mm pipe section into them, thereby connecting these two wells

In the well of the septic tank, I put a tee on the end of this pipe

On the other side of this pipe (in the filtration well), nothing needs to be put on the pipe

I drilled several small and two large holes in the walls of the filtration well in opposite sides wells for sewage drainage.

I inserted a piece of a sewer pipe (50 mm) into one of the large holes. I didn't put anything in the other hole. I don't know which of these holes will drain better...

You can drill more drainage holes in the seepage well, or purchase RC rings with pre-drilled holes right away.

On this, the main work on the construction of a septic tank was carried out. It remains to make a formwork for the revision pipe, dig in a pit and a trench, and make or purchase manhole covers.


Before building a septic tank, I studied this topic a little and talked on the forums. I sketched a drawing of a monolithic concrete septic tank with dimensions on paper. Then I decided to make it in three dimensions. Studied free program for interior design sweet home 3D” and made a 3D project of the septic tank, as well as in a two-dimensional view with dimensions. I also took a photo and video from this project, which you can see below.

Since in the program Sweet Home 3D» missing objects sewer pipes and concrete rings, I had to search for them on the Internet and then translate them into a format understandable to this program.

I also created an Excel file for the convenience of counting the materials used in the construction of a septic tank.

And all these developments I I give you a Like!

  • Projects of a septic tank from concrete rings and a monolithic concrete septic tank in the Sweet Home 3D program, as well as their photos;
  • Additional 3D objects in OBJ format (concrete rings, sewer pipes, bathtub);
  • Excel file "Calculation of the cost of materials for a monolithic concrete septic tank with a filtration well";
  • A. Ratnikov's book "Autonomous sewerage systems for dummies in cottages" in PDF format (62 pages).

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