Heat meter vtd wiring diagram. Counter std operation manual re. The amount of data transferred


The principle of operation of the STD ultrasonic heat meter is based on the implementation of an algorithm for calculating thermal energy using the calculated mass and enthalpy difference corresponding to the coolant temperatures in the supply and return pipelines with a diameter of 15 to 1800 mm.

The volume flow rate of the coolant is converted into an electrical frequency signal, the frequency of which is proportional to the flow rate, by an ultrasonic flow meter US-800.
Temperature of the coolant in the supply and return pipelines is converted into electrical signals by a matched pair of a set of resistance thermocouples.
Overpressure in the pipelines of the heating network is converted into a unified current signal by pressure transducers.
Electrical signals from the US-800 converter, thermal converters and pressure converters are fed to the corresponding inputs of the VTD-V calculator.

As part of the STD heat meter(number and versions depending on the heat supply system) includes:

  • heat calculator VTD-V;
  • ultrasonic flow transducers US-800;
  • sets of resistance thermocouples with sleeves (type KTPTR);
  • pressure transducers (KRT type);
  • additional equipment that is not a measuring instrument (printer, cables, etc.).
Signals from flow, temperature, and pressure transducers are processed by the VTD-V heat meter, which provides measurement and registration of the following parameters:
  • current temperature, pressure, flow rate, mass, volume - for each metering unit;
  • average temperature and pressure for each hour and day - in each pipeline;
  • mass (volume) of the considered medium for each hour, day, reporting period - for each accounting channel;
  • energy for each hour, day, reporting period;
  • start-up time on the account, accounting for power outages for each day and reporting period;
    accounting for the time of work for each emergency situation for the reporting period.

Current and archive parameters (for 1080 hours, 63 days) can be displayed on liquid crystal display, printer, personal computer directly or through communication lines.

The main functionality of the STD ultrasonic heat meter is determined by the characteristics of the VTD-V heat meters used (maintenance of up to 2 metering units (heating, hot water) in heat and water supply systems, as well as for accounting, additionally, cold water consumption) the following performances:
  • VTD-V (2Q2T)- the ability to connect up to 2 flow sensors and 2 temperature sensors;
  • VTD-V (2Q2T2P)- connection of up to 2 flow sensors, 2 temperature sensors, 2 pressure sensors;
  • VTD-V (4Q4T)- possibility to connect up to 4 flow sensors and 4 temperature sensors;
  • VTD-V (4Q4T2P)- connection of up to 4 flow sensors, 4 temperature sensors, 2 pressure sensors;
  • VTD-V (5Q4T2P)- for maintenance of metering units: heating (sub-arr.), hot water supply (2 pipelines), cold water consumption metering.
  • VTD-V (4Q4T4P)- A node at the source or 2 metering nodes at the consumer.

VTD-V calculators are manufactured in plastic cases (protection IP54). A membrane keyboard (16 keys) and an LCD indicator of 16x2 characters (with backlight) are installed on the front panel; LCD, printer, IBM PC, Notebook, storage console.


    Availability galvanic isolation (as well as protection against overvoltage and interference in the network) in the ultrasonic flow meter US-800 provided high noise immunity and safety in any, even the most difficult operating conditions, the simplicity of the design of the flow part of the US-800 flow meter, no moving parts provide reliable operation for a long time.

    Each of the US-800 flow converter versions has wide range of measured costs, which makes it possible to select its standard size according to the diameter of the existing heating network pipeline (from 15 to 1800 mm).

    US-800 flowmeters have the ability to flow-free verification according to the existing approved methodology.

    Heat calculator VTD-V is programmable microprocessor device with wide operational capabilities (the ability to view on the indicator both current and archived data accumulated during operation, obtain reporting data using a printer or PC, etc.), and the use high-quality element base leading foreign firms made it possible to establish a guarantee for the calculator for 4 years.

Technical characteristics of STD heat meter:

Archives of parameters (average temperature, pressure, mass or reduced volume, energy per hour, day) 1080 hours, 63 days for each accounting channel.
Pipeline diameters from 15 to 1800 mm
Versions of primary flow converters (DN 15-25) coupling
Versions of primary flow converters (DN 32-1000) flanged
Versions of primary flow converters (DN 250-1800) pipeline tie-in kits
The length of straight sections at the tie-in (Dn 15-25) before PP 0/ after PP 0
The length of straight sections at the tie-in (DN 32-1800) before PP 10/ after PP 3
The length of straight sections at the tie-in point (DN 100-1800 double-beam version) before PP 5/ after PP 3
Heat carrier temperature, °С up to +150 (+200 special orders)
Ambient temperature environment at the point of insertion into the pipe, ° С -40 to +60
Ambient temperature environment at the place of installation of electronics, °C from +5 to +50
Food 220 V +25 / -35V, 50 Hz.

Heat meters STD have a certificate of the State Standard of the Russian Federation and an expert opinion of the State Energy Supervision Authority.

STD meters are designed to measure volume flow, pressure drop, pressure, temperature, temperature difference, mass flow, mass, volume reduced to standard conditions, thermal energy, electrical energy in water and steam heat supply systems, gas supply and power supply systems.


The STD meter is a complex of measuring instruments, the components of which are a calculator, converters: flow, pressure drop, pressure, temperature and electric energy meters.

The STD meter may also include auxiliary devices that are not measuring instruments (printer, modem, interface converter, etc.)

The main functional element of the STD meter is a calculator that provides the conversion of signals from all primary converters, the calculation of mass flow (volume flow reduced to standard conditions), mass (volume), thermal and electrical energy, accumulation of parameter archives, calendar maintenance, accounting for power outages and emergency situations.

Distinctive features of various modifications of the STD counter are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Distinctive features of STD counter modifications

STD counter modification



Maximum number of accounting nodes

Application area

Water heating systems

Water and steam heat supply systems, gas supply systems (natural and technical gases)

Water and steam heat supply systems, gas supply systems (natural, technical and free petroleum gases), power supply systems, process control systems for gas and liquid flow

Water heating systems


1. The metering unit is a set of measuring channels that corresponds to the regulatory documentation for the accounting of various media.

2. In process control systems, it is possible to measure the flow rate of any gases (under operating conditions and reduced to standard conditions) and liquids, for which the values ​​of thermophysical properties are set in the calculator in the form of constants over a certain time interval

As part of the STD meter, it is allowed to use various combinations of converters: flow, pressure drop, pressure, temperature and electric energy meters, the choice of which is determined by the operating conditions of the metering unit and the requirements of regulatory documents for these converters.

The STD meter may include converters presented in Table 2.

Table 2 - Converters that may be part of the STD counter


Converter types

Volume flow transducers:





UFM 001 (Born No. 14315-00); UFM 005-2 (b. 36941-08);

US 800 (Born No. 21142-11); URZH2KM (b. No. 23363-12);

TAKEOFF-MR (b. No. 28363-14); PRAMER-510 (b. 24870-09); FLOWSIC 100 (b. 43980-10);

VEPS (b. no. 14646-05); VEPS-T(I) (b. 16766-00);

VPS (Born No. 19650-10); DRG.M (b. 26256-06);

Metran-300PR (year of birth No. 16098-09);

EMIS-VORTEX 200 (EV-200) (b. 42775-14);

PhD (b. No. 47359-11); PROWIRL (b. 15202-14);

YEWFLO DY (b. 17675-09); V-bar (b. 47361-11);

MasterFlow (b. No. 31001-12); EMIR-PRAMER-550 (b.b. No. 27104-08); PeterFlow RS (b. 46814-11); PREM (b. b. No. 17858-11);

VZLET-ER (mod. Light M) (b. No. 52856-13);

RISE EM (b. No. 30333-10); TAKE-OFF TER (b. No. 39735-14); IPRE-7 (b. No. 20483-13); VA2305M (55447-13)

VSKhd, VSGd, VST (b. No. 51794-12);

VSKhNd, VSGNd, VSTN (b. No. 61402-15);

VSKM 90 (b. No. 32539-11); OSVKh, OSVU (b. No. 32538-11);

SG (b. No. 14124-14); RVG (b. 16422-10);

RSG SIGNAL (b. No. 41453-13); STG (b. No. 28739-13)

Constriction devices

Narrowing devices according to GOST 8.586.2-2005 (diaphragms)

Differential pressure and pressure transmitters

ZOND-10 (b. 15020-07); Metran-55 (b.b. No. 18375-08); Metran-75 (b. 48186-11); Metran-150 (b. 32854-13); MIDA-13P (b. 17636-06); MT100 (b.b. No. 49083-12);

DDM-03, DDM-03-MI (b. 42756-09); DDM (b. 47463-11); DDM-03T-DI (b. No. 55928-13); SDV (b. No. 28313-11);

PDTVKh (birth no. 43646-10); Sapphire-22M, -22MT (birth date No. 44236-10); AIR-10 (b. 31654-14); AIR-20/M2 (Born No. 46375-11)

Temperature transducers according to GOST 6651-2009

KTPTR-01, -03, -06, -07, -08 (b. 46156-10);

KTPTR-04, -05, -05/1 (b. 39145-08); KTSP-N (b. 38878-12); KTSPR 001 (b. No. 41892-09); TPT-1, -17, -19, -21, -25R (b. 46155-10); TPT-2,-3,-4,-5,-6 (b. 15420-06);

TPT-7, -8, -11, -12, -13, -14, -15 (b. 39144-08);

TSP-N (b.b. No. 38959-12); ТМТ-1,-2,-3,-4,-6 (Birth name: 15422-06)

Temperature transmitters with unified current signal

TSMU, TSPU (b. No. 42454-15);

TSMU Metran-274, TSPU Metran-276 (Born No. 21968-11)

Electrical energy meters

Having a pulse output signal

The general view of the calculators is shown in Figure 1.

Places for sealing the case of the calculator by the manufacturer and for applying the verification mark are shown in Figures 2, 3.

To seal the connectors of the calculator, to which the signals of the transducers are connected, use a sealing cup installed under the head of the screw that attaches the mating part of the connector to the calculator's case (as shown in Figure 4).

Various modifications of calculators have similar basic functional characteristics (types of signal conversion channels, user interface structure, keyboard, liquid crystal display (LCD), communication interfaces with external devices), but differ in the composition and number of serviced channels, as well as overall dimensions of the case.

The calculator provides the transformation:

Output signals of resistance thermocouples, made in accordance with GOST 6651-2009, with NSH 100 M, 100 P, Pt 100, 500 P, Pt 500;

Current output signals of flow transducers, differential pressure, pressure, temperature in the ranges of 0-5, 0-20, 4-20 mA;

Frequency and pulse output signals of flow transducers.

Also, the calculator accumulates the total values ​​of volume, mass, energy from the moment of starting to the account, fixes the time of starting to the account and the time of stopping the account, keeps a record of power interruptions and records of the operating time for each emergency situation for the reporting period.

The calculator contains an archive of hourly and daily average pressure and temperature values, as well as volume, mass, and energy values ​​accumulated per hour, day, month.

Entering the configuration and parameters of the metering unit is provided using the computer keyboard or when using a personal computer (PC).

The current and archived parameters can be displayed on the LCD, printer or PC (directly or via communication lines).

The calculation of the thermophysical properties of water and steam is performed by a calculator according to GSSSD 6-89, GSSSD 98-2000.

The calculation of the thermophysical properties of natural gas is performed by a calculator according to GOST 30319.2-2015, free petroleum gas - according to GSSSD MP 113-03, dry air - according to GSSSD MP 112-03, nitrogen, oxygen, ammonia, argon, hydrogen - according to GSSSD MP 134-07 .

When using narrowing devices (diaphragms), the calculation of mass flow and mass (volume flow and volume reduced to standard conditions) is performed by a calculator in accordance with GOST 8.586.1, 2, 5-2005.

In gas supply systems, when using turbine, rotary and vortex flowmeters, the calculation of volume flow and volume of gas, reduced to standard conditions, is performed by a calculator in accordance with GOST R 8.740-2011.

The calculators have an RS-232 interface. The calculators can also be equipped with additional interfaces of various types to provide independent parallel access to users of information systems to read measurement results.

When used to account for thermal energy in heat supply systems, the STD meter complies with GOST R 51649-2014, the Rules for the commercial accounting of thermal energy, coolant, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 No. RF 12.09.2014 (registration number 34040).

Sealing cup for placing a seal

Figure 4 - Scheme of sealing the calculator connector


The calculator software is built-in, contains a metrologically significant part and is designed to implement the functions described in the operational documentation.

The level of software protection against unintentional and intentional changes corresponds to the “High” level according to R 50.2.077-2014.

The software version number is written as: 1.xx, where 1 is the version number of the metrologically significant part, xx is the version number of the metrologically insignificant part.

Table 3 - Identification data of calculator software

Identification data (features)

Value for calculator modification

Identification name of the software

Software VTD-UV

Software version number

Software digital ID



The conditions for the use of calculators are presented in table 4.

Table 4 - Conditions for the use of calculators

The conditions for the use of converters that are part of the STD counter must comply with the regulatory and technical documentation for these converters.


Permissible operating conditions for various media are shown in table 5, and the measurement ranges of the STD meter are shown in table 6.

Table 5 - Permissible operating conditions of media

Temperature range, °C

Pressure range, MPa

0 to +150

0.1 to 20.0

Saturated steam

from + 100 to + 300

0.1 to 8.6

superheated steam

from + 100 to + 600

0.1 to 30.0

Natural gas

from - 23.15 to + 76.85

0.1 to 7.5

dry air

from - 50 to + 127

0.1 to 20.0

Nitrogen, oxygen, argon, hydrogen

from - 50 to + 150

0.1 to 10.0

from + 10 to + 150

from 0.1 to 0.6

Free petroleum gas

from - 10 to + 150

0.1 to 15.0

Table 6 - Measurement ranges of the STD counter


Measuring range

Water temperature

from 0 to + 150 °С

Steam temperature

from + 100 to + 600 °С

Temperature of gases and process media

from - 50 to + 150 °С

Difference between supply and return water temperatures

from 0 to + 150 °С

Absolute pressure

from 0.1 to 30.0 MPa

Pressure drop across the constriction device (diaphragm)

0 to 1000 kPa

Volume flow

from 0 to 999999 m3/h

Mass flow

0 to 999999 t/h

from 0 to 99999999 m3

0 to 99999999 t

Thermal energy

from 0 to 99999999 GJ (Gcal)

Electric Energy

0 to 99999999 kWh (kvarh)

current time

from 1 s (internal calendar)

frequency signal

0.5 to 2048.0 Hz

Pulse signal

from 10-4 to 320 Hz (STD-V, STD-G) from 10-4 to 100 Hz (STD-L) from 10-4 to 35 Hz (STD-U, STD-UV)


Depending on the limits of permissible errors of signal conversion, three classes of calculators are produced: A, B, C (see tables 7 - 9).

Table 7 - Limits of permissible absolute error for converting resistance signals into temperature values ​​and temperature differences_

Permissible relative error limits for converting current signals into volume flow, differential pressure, pressure, temperature 5F, % are calculated by the formula

where F is the current value of the parameter, Fb, Fh are the upper and lower values ​​of the parameter (volume flow, pressure drop, pressure, temperature).

The values ​​of the coefficients a, b are given in Table 8.

Table 8 - Values ​​of coefficients a, b used in formula (1)

Table 9 - Limits of permissible relative error of frequency conversions

Permissible relative error limits for mass flow and water mass calculations: ±0.05%.

Permissible relative error limits for mass flow and steam mass calculations: ±0.1%.

Limits of permissible relative error in calculating the thermal energy of water: ±0.1%.

Limits of permissible relative error in calculating the thermal energy of steam:

Limits of permissible relative error in calculations of volume flow and volume of gas, reduced to standard conditions: ±0.02%.

Limits of permissible relative error in electrical energy calculations: ±0.05%.

Limits of permissible relative error of volume accumulation when using flow transducers with a pulse output signal 5Up, % are calculated by the formula:

&Up =±(0.01 + Nj, (2)

Limits of permissible relative error of the clock rate of the calculator: ±0.01%.

When using a mass flow converter, the limits of the permissible relative error of converting signals into mass flow values ​​are equal to the limits of the permissible relative error of converting signals into volume flow values ​​with similar output signals of the converters.

Table 10 - Dimensions, weight and power consumption

When operating under application conditions, the calculator retains its metrological characteristics and does not have an additional error from the influence of application conditions.

The time of establishing the operating mode of the calculator - no more than 5 minutes.

In terms of resistance to the effects of ambient temperature and humidity, the calculator belongs to group B4 according to GOST R 52931-2008.

In terms of resistance to atmospheric pressure, the calculator belongs to the P1 group according to GOST R 52931-2008.

In terms of resistance to sinusoidal vibrations, the calculator belongs to the N2 group according to GOST R 52931-2008.

The calculator withstands the impact of a constant magnetic field with a strength of up to 400 A/m.

The degree of protection of the calculator from the ingress of dust, foreign objects and water - IP54 according to GOST 14254-96.

The average time between failures of the calculator is 100,000 hours.

The average service life of the calculator is 12 years.

The calculator can be used not only as part of the STD meter, but also as a separate device in other complexes without changing its functions and characteristics, including without changing its software.


The limits of the permissible absolute error of temperature measurements when using resistance thermocouples are given in tables 11, 12.

Table 11 - Limits of permissible absolute error in measuring the temperature of water, gases when using resistance thermocouples, °C_

Limits of permissible absolute error in measuring the difference in water temperatures in the supply and return pipelines Dtp, °C are calculated by the formula:

Dtp = ±(AtpS + DtpK), (3)

where DtPB is the limit of the permissible absolute error of the calculator's conversion of resistance signals into temperature difference values;

DtPK - limit of permissible absolute error in measuring the temperature difference by a set of resistance thermocouples.

Limits of permissible reduced error of pressure measurements: ±0.1; ±0.5; ±1.0%

(in accordance with the limits of the permissible reduced measurement error of the applied pressure transducer).

For water heating systems, three classes of STD meters are produced.

Limits of permissible relative error in measurements of volume flow (volume) and mass flow (mass) of water dq, % are calculated by the formulas:

dq = ±(1 + 0.005 qB/q), but not more than ±3.5% - for class 1, (4) dq = ±(2 + 0.010 qB/q), but not more than ±5% - for class 2, (5) dq = ±(3 + 0.025 qB/q), but not more than ±5% - for class 3, (6) where qB is the upper limit of volume flow measurements, m3/h; q - current value of volume flow, m3/h.

Limits of permissible relative error of measurements of thermal energy in water heating systems dW, % are calculated by the formulas:

dW = ±(1.1 + 0.005qB/q + 3DtH/Dt) - for class 1, (7)

dW = ±(2.1 + 0.010qB/q + 3DtH/Dt) - for class 2, (8)

dW = ±(3.1 + 0.025qB/q + 3DtH/Dt) - for class 3, (9)

where DtH is the smallest measurement limit for the difference in water temperatures in the supply and return pipelines, °C;

Dt - current difference in water temperatures in the supply and return pipelines, °C. Limits of permissible relative error in measurements of mass flow and mass of steam: ±3%.

Limits of permissible relative error of measurements of thermal energy of steam: ±4%. Limits of permissible relative error in measuring the volume of gas reduced to standard conditions - in accordance with GOST R 8.740.

Limits of permissible relative measurement error of mass flow (volume flow reduced to standard conditions) when using restrictive devices - in accordance with GOST 8.586.5-2005.

Limits of permissible relative error of the STD counter clock run: ±0.01%. The average service life of the STD meter is 12 years, provided that the requirements of the regulatory and technical documentation for the corresponding converters are met.

Additional technical characteristics of the converters that are part of the STD meter are set in the regulatory and technical documentation for the corresponding converters.

Type approval mark

is applied to the title pages of the passport and operating manual of the STD meter in a typographic way, as well as on the front panel of the calculator by the silk screen printing method.


The delivery set of the STD meter is presented in Table 13.

Table 13 - STD meter delivery set









The composition of the supplied meter is determined by the order card


RE 4218-X11-40637960-2015

X=1 for STD-V X=2 for STD-G X=3 for STD-U X=4 for STD-L X=5 for STD-UV

PS 4218-X11-40637960-2015

Verification procedure

MP 4218-011 -40637960-2015

Note - Separate transducers as part of the STD meter are supplied in accordance with the order card and technical documentation for these transducers


carried out according to the document MP 4218-011-40637960-2015 “STD counters. Verification Methodology, approved by FSUE VNIIMS on November 10, 2015.

Positive verification results are certified by a brand imprint and the signature of the verifier in the passport of the STD meter or in the verification certificate, as well as the verification mark on the front panel of the calculator.

Basic means of verification:

SCR calibrator of class B or higher (limits of permissible relative error of measures: active resistance ±72x10-6, direct current ±72x10-6, frequency ±30x10-6);

Means according to the methods of verification of used transducers.

Instead of the SCR calibrator, other reference MIs with characteristics no worse than those of the SCR calibrator can be used.

Information about measurement methods

given in the operating document.


GOST 8.586.1-2005. Measurement of flow and quantity of liquids and gases using standard orifice devices. The principle of the measurement method and general requirements.

GOST 8.586.2-2005. Measurement of flow and quantity of liquids and gases using standard orifice devices. diaphragms. Technical requirements.

GOST 8.586.5-2005. Measurement of flow and quantity of liquids and gases using standard orifice devices. Measurement technique.

GOST 8.733-2011. System for measuring the quantity and parameters of free petroleum gas. GOST 8.740-2011. Consumption and amount of gas. Measurement technique using turbine, rotary and vortex flowmeters and counters.

GOST 6651-2009. Resistance thermocouples made of platinum, copper and nickel. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST 30319.1-2015. Natural gas. Methods for calculating physical properties. General provisions.

GOST 30319.2-2015. Natural gas. Methods for calculating physical properties. Calculation of physical properties based on density data under standard conditions and nitrogen and carbon dioxide content.

GOST R 51649-2014. Heat meters for water heating systems. General specifications.

GOST R 52931-2008. Devices for control and regulation of technological processes. General specifications

MI 2412-97. GSI. Water heating systems. Equations for measuring thermal energy and the amount of coolant.

MI 2451-98. GSI. Steam heating systems. Equations for measuring thermal energy and the amount of coolant.

MI 2553-99. GSI. Thermal energy and coolant in heat supply systems. Measurement error estimation technique. Basic provisions.

MI 2714-2002. GSI. Thermal energy and coolant mass in heat supply systems. Measurement technique. Basic provisions.

Instrument setup

You should check the interface speed for this, dial the code K006 4300000 (RS-232 9600).

Connection to ASUD-248

The ASUD-248 software and hardware provides information retrieval from heat meters via the RS-232 interface.

  • RS-232
    • Counter - RS-232 - KCC-IPM - Computer network - AWP-dispatcher
    • Counter - RS-232 - KCC-M - TL-line - Remote PC


The amount of data transferred

Service information

Data is displayed by double-clicking on the device in the window Step 2 of the ASUDBase program

[[File:|300px|center|Service data]]

Current measurement results

[[File:|300px|center|Current measurements]]

Highlighted parameters (parameter name highlighted) are available for modification from the software.
To change a parameter from the ASUDBase program, select the parameter, press the right mouse button, select "Write value".

If the value of the parameter is highlighted, then this indicates that the value has gone beyond the boundary values.

Average data acquisition time: 1 s.

Archived data

Average time to receive one archive record: 1 s.

Registration in the ASUDBase program

Heat meters are registered in the ASUDBase program as a STD device.