Roof in a log house. The roof of the log house with chopped gables. Triangular gable roof

A wooden frame made of timber or logs is a traditional building for Russia, which is used both for housing and for utility rooms. The process of assembling such a building takes place according to long-known and constantly improving technologies, so the house turns out to be cozy, warm and comfortable for living. The device deserves special attention. roof frame, because many of the qualities of the roof and the functioning of the gable roof depend on its strength and reliability. It is important to know how to install the rafters on the log house so that they can withstand all the necessary loads and serve correctly for many years.

It is customary to call the rafter system the roof frame, a unique set supporting elements, giving it a shape, slope and sufficient bearing capacity. Such a roof foundation is made of dry and durable wood that has been treated with antiseptic preparations, or a metal profile. This frame evenly distributes all the loads falling on it between the bearing walls. On log cabins are used the following types rafters:

  • Hanging. Such rafters have only one point of support - Mauerlat, they rest against each other with the free end of the rafter leg, thus forming a kind of triangular arch. This design for a gable roof is used when the log house inside does not have load-bearing walls on which it would be possible to install racks. This truss system experiences a sufficient load on expansion, which is why it includes various kinds of puffs designed to compensate for such stress. hanging rafters differ in their massiveness and some complexity of installation.
  • Layered. This type of rafters has two points of support - the same Mauerlat and ridge run supporting vertical racks. This design is used provided that inside the log house there is at least one load-bearing wall or a number of columns on which the ridge can be unloaded. Laminated rafters are only under deflection load, so it is easier to install them.

The log house is made from the well-known natural building material - wood, which has unique properties. At the end of the assembly of the structure, the moisture content of the tree begins to level out, so the truss system usually shrinks over about 4 years of operation.

Important! The most significant changes in the size of the object occur in the first year, so it is recommended to fix the rafters only after this time has passed.

Mounting methods

Fastening rafters to a log house made of wood is a technologically rather complicated process, from correct execution which directly affects the strength, durability and integrity of the roof. When working, it should be borne in mind that the wood tends to settle during the drying process, so the geometry of the entire building changes. In addition, this material is subject to thermal expansion, so it is not necessary to fasten the rafters to the frame too rigidly in order to avoid deformation. Rafter legs to the log house can be fastened with two types of fasteners:

  • Movable. Such rafter fasteners are called special metal fasteners, which allow the structure to be given a certain degree of freedom in movement and resizing. With the help of them, the rafter legs do not receive a load on the deflection, and can also respond to the slightest temperature fluctuations, adjusting to the geometry of the log house. These products allow you to fasten the truss frame until the end of the shrinkage of the building without the risk of deformation.
  • Stationary. Fixed-type fasteners do not leave a margin of mobility when installing rafters, however, they guarantee the strength and rigidity of the structure to a greater extent. The role of such fasteners are nails, wooden dowels, self-tapping screws, metal staples, lining, and so on.

Important! A log house made of wood has one extremely unique ability - it can, as the people say, “breathe”. This means that the log house itself can regulate the humidity in the room, which is why its dimensions do not have a clear fixation.

Movable fasteners that can adapt to the shrinkage of walls and changes in the size of the material as a result of reaction to thermal effects - best option fastening to the frame of the rafters.

Assembly methods

After shrinkage wooden frame finally passed, start building truss system and roof construction. This process difficult and painstaking, especially if you work alone. There are 2 ways correct installation Mauerlat frame:

  • Installation of finished roof trusses. This process consists in assembling the necessary truss trusses simply "on the ground" with their further lifting to the desired installation site in the assembled form. To lift such massive and heavy structures, special equipment is needed such as a crane, aerial platform, a tractor, and the like. This is usually how layered rafters are installed, weighing less than other structures.
  • Assembly of farms "on top". In the presence of heavy weight and dimensions of the structure of the truss system, along with the lack of special equipment, the trusses are assembled right on the spot. The disadvantage of this technology is the complexity and inconvenience of such work.

It is worth considering that experienced craftsmen quite rarely they use the method of installing ready-made roof trusses, because these structures do not allow to achieve high precision fitting elements, although it saves a lot of time.

The rafter system on a log house, albeit a fairly common option on the territory of Russia, but the installation of rafters should always be approached with all responsibility, because the reliability of the gable roof and the entire building as a whole depends on it.

In Russia, the construction of residential buildings made of wood is based on many years of experience and ancient traditions. This reliable material our ancestors chose not by chance. Wood is still valued for little weight, ease of processing, low thermal conductivity and a healthy, healing microclimate that is formed in the walls wooden house. Many people who rebuild timber and log country, country and even city houses are wondering which roof is best suited for structures made of this material. In this article, we will talk about the most successful roof designs and roofing materials suitable for timber construction.

Roofing is an integral part of the construction of a wooden house, the quality of which determines the service life of the structure, the safety of the people living in it, as well as temperature regime in the cold and warm time of the year. The roof is considered one of the most difficult knots to build, as it consists of many elements and resembles a layer cake in structure. There are two types of roofing for a wooden house:

  • Cold. A roof is called cold if its structure does not include thermal insulation material. Russian towers traditionally had such a design. The attic of the cold roof was not used constantly, therefore, it was not the slopes that were insulated, but the floor coverings with the help of backfill thermal insulation material, most often sawdust.
  • Warm. A warm roof is called a roof erected over residential attics or simply heated rooms. Part roofing cake in this case, necessarily include insulation and vapor barrier. The construction of a warm roof is more expensive, but it helps to significantly increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house through the use of under-roof space.

Important! Modern wooden houses can be built with cold and warm roof depending on the project and the needs of the developer. Experienced craftsmen believe that for structures with an unheated second floor or used seasonally, it is better to choose a lighter and more inexpensive cold roof, which forms a natural air cushion that protects against overheating and hypothermia.

Varieties of forms

The shape of the roof of a wooden house can be varied. The choice of the type and number of roof slopes depends on the design of the structure, climatic factors, the nature of the use of the under-roof space and the taste preferences of the developer. The most suitable forms for the roof of wooden houses are:

Note! When deciding which roof to choose for a wooden house, pay attention to the angle of inclination of the slopes. The choice of this indicator is based on climatic conditions characteristic of the region of construction. For areas with large quantity rainfall in winter period constructions with a slope of 40-45 degrees are suitable, from the slopes of which snow easily rolls. For windy areas, sloping roofs are better suited, the slope angle of which does not exceed 20-25 degrees.

roofing material

The construction market offers huge selection roofing materials suitable for covering the roof of a wooden house. They are distinguished by high weather resistance, durability, long service life and aesthetic appearance. The roof of wooden structures should not interfere with their "breathing", creating a greenhouse effect, so experienced craftsmen recommend choosing among the following coatings:

Please note that it is better to use light, durable and non-combustible materials that do not weigh down the structure of the house to cover a wooden house. If you choose according to these criteria, then metal tiles and galvanized seam roofs become leaders.

The construction of a roof for houses made of wood is different from the construction of roofs for structures made of other materials. An inexperienced craftsman can make some mistakes that can lead to deformation or even collapse of the structure. To avoid problems in the operation of the house, it is necessary to consider the following factors:

  1. Time to shrink. Please note that timber and wooden houses shrink during the first time after construction, significantly changing in size. Therefore, the roof for them is erected only after a year of construction.
  2. Use of movable mounts. When humidity changes, wood changes in volume, so they say about wooden houses that they breathe. In addition, they shrink even five years after erection. Therefore, when erecting a truss system, it is recommended to use movable and sliding fasteners.
  3. Fire hazard. The tree belongs to flammable materials, therefore it is recommended to treat the elements of the truss frame with fire-blocking substances. It is better if the roofing for such houses is non-combustible, for example, metal tiles.

Important! For roof insulation wooden houses use only vapor-permeable environmentally friendly materials that do not create inside " greenhouse effect”, which leads to dampness or decay of the wood.

Roofing is one of the key stages of construction country house. The roof performs many functions, among which are the protection of walls from getting wet, drainage, wind protection. Since there are snowy winters in Russia, the structure must withstand significant loads, which can reach several hundred kilograms.

The roof of the house made of logs is built on the basis of a wooden truss system. natural material must be carefully processed, protected from corrosion and deformation. As a rule, the shape of the roof, the angle of the slope and other features have already been worked out in the project. However, it is always possible to make changes to the drawings if this does not conflict with safety requirements.

The roof can have a different shape:

  1. Dvuhskatnaya. Classic variant- the most affordable, and the design itself provides high strength, stability under external loads.
  2. Hip. original design roofs will highlight the cottage against the background of the general building, will help to realize various design styles.
  3. Shatrovaya. This solution is suitable for big houses where under the roof you can equip a rest room or bedroom.
  4. Mansard (broken line). Such a house roof made of rounded logs retains a maximum of usable volume and high level thermal insulation.
  5. Multi-forceps. The design, complex in shape, requires careful calculations, since it contains several ribs and skates at the same time.

The choice of a specific solution depends on the budget that the customer has. Mauerlat (support beam) is used in all designs: it is reliable and solid wood. Waterproofing is necessarily laid between the log house and the roof, which will prevent rotting of the crowns. It is important to make wide extensions that will protect the walls and foundation from moisture.

Various solutions are used as the base material

  1. Metal tile. Optimal combination in terms of price and quality, perfect solution with a small budget. Roofing can be done in various colors, including bright and cheerful.
  2. Soft tiles. A more expensive solution is lightweight, has a long service life (up to 50 years) and maintainability. However, only customers with high incomes can afford this option.
  3. Euroslate. The best option for giving is devoid of the disadvantages of asbestos coating. The easy-to-install material has a long service life (up to 20 years), and is safe for health.
  4. Fake roof. The outdated version is suitable only for styling the structure, since the cost of its installation is quite high. However, many customers choose this option, as it allows you to provide an authentic appearance of the structure.
  5. Decking. Rolled metal sheet is affordable, but does not suit many people in its own way appearance. However, covered PVC film, it receives reliable protection against corrosion and does not need additional processing.

The roof of the house is installed from rounded logs immediately after the “box” is assembled. This is necessary in order to extend the life of the house, to prevent wood decay. The cottage under the roof can easily stand 2-3 years before it decorative finishes. However, without protection from rain and snow, the material will not be able to demonstrate a long service life.

The company "SeverStroyLes" offers comprehensive service: construction of houses on the basis of rounded timber with installation of the roof. There are many options available to customers - from classic to non-standard. Each customer is guaranteed perfect compliance technical standards and rules, which will ensure high safety during the operation of the building.


A wooden frame made of logs or timber is a traditional building for the territory of Russia, which can be used as a residential building or a bathhouse. The process of assembling such a dwelling takes place according to technologies verified over the centuries, so it turns out to be warm, cozy and comfortable for life. This deserves special attention technological operation as the establishment of a truss frame, the strength of which depends on the protective qualities of the roof. In this article we will tell you how to properly attach the rafters to the log house so that they can withstand the weight of even the heaviest roofing material, but did not deform during shrinkage of the wood.

The truss system is called the roof frame, a set of supporting elements that, in interconnection, give it a shape, slope and significant bearing capacity. The "backbone" of the roof is made of dry, durable wood treated with antiseptic preparations, or metal profile. It serves as the basis for fastening the roofing, and also evenly distributes the load between the load-bearing walls. To block the log house, use the following types of rafters:

  • Hanging. Hanging rafters have only one point of support - on the Mauerlat, with the free end of the leg they rest against each other, forming a three-hinged triangular arch. This design is used if the log house inside does not provide load-bearing walls on which racks can be installed. The hanging truss system experiences a bursting load, so it includes various kinds of puffs that compensate for this stress. Rafters of this type are massive and difficult to install.
  • Layered. Slanted rafters have two points of support - a mauerlat and a ridge run, which is supported by vertical racks. This design can only be used if inside the log house has at least 1 bearing wall or a series of columns onto which the skate can be unloaded. The slatted truss system experiences a load only on the deflection, therefore it is easier to mount it.

Note! The frame is made from natural building material- wood with unique properties. After the assembly of the structure, the moisture content of the tree begins to level off, so it shrinks during the first 3-5 years of operation. The most significant dimensional changes occur in the first year of service, so it is recommended that they be performed only after this time.

Mounting methods

Fastening rafters to a wooden frame is a technologically complex process, the strength, integrity and durability of the roof depends on the correct implementation of which. In the work, it must be taken into account that the tree settles during the drying process, so the geometry of the structure changes. In addition, this material undergoes thermal expansion, so too rigid fastening of the rafters to the frame causes deformation. There are two types of fasteners rafter legs:

Important! A wooden frame has a unique ability to "breathe", it regulates the humidity in the room itself, therefore it does not have rigidly fixed dimensions. Movable fasteners that respond to wall shrinkage and thermal expansion of the material are the best option for fixing rafters to a log house.

Assembly methods

After the complete shrinkage of the wooden frame, the craftsmen begin to establish the truss frame and erect the roof. This process is painstaking and complex, especially if you perform that task alone. There are 2 ways to install the frame on the Mauerlat:

  • Installation of finished roof trusses. This technology consists in assembling roof trusses "on the ground" and further lifting them to the installation site in ready-made. To lift massive and heavy structures requires special equipment (aerial platform, crane or tractor). In this way, layered rafters are installed, which weigh less.
  • Assembly of farms "on top". If the design of the truss system is large in weight and size, and the builders do not have special equipment at their disposal, then the trusses are assembled right on the spot. The disadvantage of this technology is the complexity and inconvenience of the work.

Please note that experienced craftsmen rarely use the technology of installing ready-made truss trusses, as it does not allow precise fitting of elements, although it saves a lot of time.

Sequence of work

The main factors in the quality of the truss frame are the accuracy of calculating the height of the ridge and the length of the rafters and the detailed adherence to the technology for the production of work on the construction of the roof. In order for the roof to well protect the log house from penetration precipitation, it is necessary to fasten the rafter legs as follows:

  1. First you need to take flat boards of wood conifers no cracks or knots. To increase the service life of the rafter legs, they are processed antiseptic and flame retardant. To reduce the consumption of impregnation, it is better to cut the wood.
  2. Then a rafter leg template is made, which serves as a model for the production of the remaining rafters.
  3. First, the first and last pair of rafters are installed, and then a cord is pulled between them to align the rest of the rafters.
  4. Strengthen the rest truss pairs, cut the ends of the legs so that they are even, and then install the crate.

Video instruction

The roof of a log house, like the roof of any wooden house, should be simple. Gable roof a log house with an attic is reliable and easy to use. Attic insulation is easy to arrange, and special costs and expensive materials it does not require, and the effect is excellent. in winter attic roof a log house helps keep the house warm, and cool in summer.

The main elements of the roof of the log house

The main elements of the roof:

  • Rafter system consisting of truss trusses. Farms, in turn, consist of rafters (another name is a rafter leg) and racks. The rafter legs are connected with the help of pieces of boards called crossbars. Crossbars and posts give rigidity to the roof truss and distribute the loads from the weight of the roof, snow and wind. For the overhang device, the rafter legs are lengthened with pieces of boards, which are called fillies.
  • The overlapping of the log house is made of timber or logs, called matitsa. From below, the mothers are hemmed, forming a ceiling, the floor of the attic is laid on top. For insulation, an insulating layer is laid in the gaps of the mats.

  • To prevent rain and snow from falling on the walls of the log house, organize an overhang of the roof. The horizontal projection of the overhang is 750-800 mm.

  • The ends of the attic are lined with boards, forming pediments. Peaks are located under the gables to divert atmospheric water from the walls of the house. A residential attic can be arranged with an attic. The insulated attic is a very attractive option, it increases living space home and gives the house charm, but we must remember that its repair is quite complicated. To insulate the attic, it is required to lay a heater between the roof rafters, along all slopes. During operation, it is not always easy to eliminate possible leaks, and the insulation dries for a very long time, and the wet insulation does not fulfill its task. The appearance of frost in winter on the ceilings of insulated attics is not such a rare occurrence. It is worth remembering these difficulties when choosing a heater and the type of attic insulation.
  • Roofing can be made from almost any material that the modern construction market offers in abundance. Slate, ondulin, ceramic tiles, metal tiles, cement-sand and bituminous tiles - they all have a lot of advantages, and inevitable disadvantages. Soft roof, which is not afraid of wind and repairs, has additional unique advantages and a serious minus - high cost.

The strength of the log house materials - logs and beams - allows you to use any type of roofing.

Installation of a building system for the roof of a log house

Features of the installation of the truss system of the log house

  • Mats serve as supports for the rafters. Their protrusions beyond the walls of the log house are aligned “along the cord”, and to bring upper surfaces matrices to the horizontal of their plane are either squeezed or raised by nailing a plank desired thickness. The thickness of the leveling boards and the scaling depth are also determined using a stretched cord.
  • To assemble the first truss, special precision is needed, because after fitting this truss will be used as a template for all subsequent trusses. Truss assembly is done on nails 100 mm long (hundredths).
  • It is important to ensure that the rafter legs are installed tightly in the recesses at the ends of the mats; for this, a spike template is made at the end of the rafter leg and all ends of the stops are cut along it. Tools for making recesses of mats - a hammer and a chisel. The recesses are selected according to the pattern of the spike of the rafter leg, on equal distances from the ends in each matrix.

  • After marking the recesses, the first template truss is dismantled and the required number of elements for all trusses is prepared according to its details, fillies are also harvested in the right amount- two per farm. Fillies are harvested one meter long from boards 50 * 100 mm.
  • The entire assembly of trusses is done at the bottom, also with honeycomb nails. Special attention give control of distances along the spikes of the rafters. They must correspond to the distances between the lower points of the recesses of the mats.
  • Two workers are required for the installation of truss trusses, since the installation is done with a vertical adjustment to the plumb line. Temporary rigidity is achieved by fixing with boards - struts.
  • The fastening of the rafter legs to the mats is done with nails of 200 mm, with a drill of 6-8 mm, in order to prevent splitting of the wood of the ends of the rafter legs.
  • When all farms are installed, mount the racks. Racks are attached to the rafter legs at the top with the help of double-sided pads. The verticality of the uprights is adjusted with a plumb line, then the upright is inserted with a spike into the recess of the mat and adjusted in height by trimming in place.
  • For the overhang device, fillies are installed with a release for the rafter legs of about 300 mm, while the projection of the roof overhang on the ground will be about 800 mm, but not less than 750 mm for organization reliable protection walls of the house from rain and snow. Of course, the release of fillies can be of a different length, it depends on the design features of the truss system used. But in any case, it is irrational to make an overhang less than 450 mm for a brick house and less than 600 mm for a wooden one.

  • To install fillies, recesses are made at the ends of the mats, next to the rafter legs, using chisels and a hammer (mallet). Nails for nailing fillies are also used - weaving, and the installation of fillies along the length is set “along a stretched cord”.

The device of the subroofing construction of the roof of the log house

Traditionally, this design consists of a rough flooring, waterproofing and lathing with a counter-lattice and must ensure the reliability of fastening the roof, even distribution of the entire load from the roof to the rafter system, and ventilation of the attic space.

  1. For the device of rough flooring use edged board, plywood, chipboard and fiberboard, as an economy option is possible unedged board with underlay when laying. In order for the flooring to create additional rigidity, two or three nails are hammered at the joints of the flooring boards at the level of the rafter legs. The flooring serves as the basis for waterproofing and counter-lattices, forms gable overhangs, and for roofs with a small angle of inclination, the flooring acts as a crate. The lower floor boards are cut and even, and the overlap of the gable overhangs is more than 600 mm, for further trimming in place.
  2. Any roll materials are suitable for a waterproofing carpet. But if waterproofing is arranged for an insulated attic, then the material must have both waterproof properties and vapor permeability. Laying roll material done from below, horizontally, overlapping technical specification material, but not less than 150 mm.
  3. The counter-lattice is stuffed from the bottom up, over the waterproofing layer and consists of bars 25 * 60 - 30 * 70 mm. The spacing of the counter battens is from 30 to 60 cm and depends on the type of roofing, this information is given by the manufacturer in the installation manuals of the material.
  4. After the installation of the under-roof structure, the installation of the roof is performed.

Gables and gable canopies complete the arrangement. The pediments of the log house can be made of different materials– asbestos-cement flat plate, metal tiles, plastic, plywood, it all depends on the construction budget and preferences.