Air conditioning drainage system: concept, installation. Air conditioner drainage system: concept, installation Drainage pipe for split systems

All evaporative-type devices, including air conditioning, operate based on the physical properties of the gas - with a sharp expansion, cool its volume. This process takes place in the evaporation chamber, the purpose of which is to cool the air.

But when cooling down, another law of physics comes into force called “reaching the point of growth”. In simple words, it looks like the appearance of small dew drops on a cooled surface, these droplets are called condensate.

In fact, they can be called a by-product of the functioning of technology, and for normal operation device, it needs timely removal of condensate from refrigeration systems.

Where does the condensate come from and where does it go?

Condensation is water droplets. Since the device of the air conditioner is difficult electrical connections and circuits, in some cases, excessive moisture causes malfunction or breakdown, and if the device is connected to the network, there is a possibility of a short circuit.

In one day, average household air conditioners can collect up to 10-15 liters of liquid that is in the atmosphere. And if there are many air conditioners installed, for example, in office buildings, hundreds of liters of condensate can accumulate per day. This volume is dangerous due to the risk of flooding.

It also adversely affects health. Wastewater serve as a good breeding ground for bacteria and mold dangerous to humans.

These points are enough to make a decision to install a special drain for the air conditioner. the main task which is the removal of excess condensate from the equipment.

Health impact

The main danger of condensate is far from the risk of flooding something or equipment breakdown, it is a threat to health. If the device has several components for comfortable reproduction of bacteria, namely water, dirt and heat, all this creates the conditions for a whole incubator of dangerous diseases and other infections:

  1. A nasty smell is the least of the evils. Such a “flavor” serves as a warning that it is time to overhaul the drainage.
  2. Pathogenic bacteria - there is one type of bacteria that causes pneumonia. It is also called "legionnaire's disease", the mortality from which is very high.
  3. Mold fungi - some types of fungi provoke diseases up to cancer.

Clogged drain pipe

How to remove condensate from the air conditioner

After the information obtained above, the question arises of how to properly remove condensate from the air conditioner. A frequently used and financially advantageous method is to bring the drain pipe outside by drilling a small hole in the wall. The main advantage is simplicity - I made a hole, stretched the hose and everything works. But there is also negative side, it consists in the effect of "raindrops" that will fall on the window sills and cause a lot of inconvenience to the neighbors. The aesthetic side is also a disadvantage. No matter how practical this method is, not everyone likes pipes hanging from the apartment; on a bare wall.

It would be much better to use the condensate drain to the sewer.

Drainage to the sewer

This option does not have any downsides. The waste from the air conditioner is drained into a system designed for this. It can be, as well as a common sewer channel, and a specially laid network of pipelines. The removal of all wastewater will occur without your help due to the slope of the pipes.

But there are also some subtleties in the implementation of such a system for draining condensate from an air conditioner:

  • To prevent the nasty smell from the drains from entering the room, it is necessary to install a water seal - this is a curved part of the drainage pipe in the form of the letter S. The operation of such a shutter is similar to the work of a siphon - it creates a barrier to odors that come from below.
  • If the air conditioner is idle for a long time, the air trap may dry out and the air coming out of it will begin to give off sewage. To avoid this, it is enough to pour several liters of water into the drain every 5-7 days.
  • When using the gravity flow option, it is necessary to accurately calculate the minimum diameter and slope of the system so that all air conditioner waste can flow freely through it.

Manufacturers usually include a detailed diagram that facilitates the installation process.

Condensate drainage scheme

Drain pipes for air conditioners

Drain pipes from air conditioners belong to the drainage system and are represented on the market by two positions:

  1. PVC and polyethylene pipes.
  2. Pipes are smooth and corrugated.

The first option is most often used if the length of the drain is small, while in other cases corrugated systems are used. At the same time, the second variety has another huge advantage - it is excellent flexibility. drain hose, so that during installation there is no need to use additional fasteners, as is necessary when working with smooth pipes.

Drain pipes for air conditioners

The installation process of the condensate drainage system

Despite the difficult descriptions of the actions, in practice the withdrawal process is extremely simple and requires only care from you:

  1. The first thing to do is remove the fasteners from the air conditioner, which are located below.
  2. A small container will be installed at the bottom under the fan to collect excess condensate. On its side, a branch pipe is visible, to it with the help of a clamp we attach the drainage pipe of the outlet.
  3. Next, assemble back and install the air conditioner in place. But it is important that the tube goes through the hole in the side of the air conditioner.

Now you need to bring the previously connected hose into the sewer or into the street. If the hose is retracted correctly, you will see the first drops that come out of the pipe.

Drainage scheme to the street

Cleaning the drainage system

AT living conditions without the help of a specialist, it is possible to clean the drainage system only if only the tub nozzle is dirty. For this you need:

  1. Unfasten the filter, which is located on the air conditioner housing and rinse it thoroughly.
  2. After removing the lower fasteners, disconnect the drainage tube and remove the bath.
  3. Rinse these parts, paying special attention to the holes.

For other failures associated with clogged drainage, you need to Technical equipment, it is better to call the master. Self repair can damage expensive equipment.

Air conditioner - popular today Appliances used to maintain a comfortable indoor climate. And like any other device with complex design, it contains a variety of replaceable parts. Including siphon, connecting and drainage tubes. These elements can be considered auxiliary, in fact, it is difficult, and most often impossible to do without them.

For example, this applies to the siphon. This device is used to remove condensed moisture from the air conditioner. Some owners of air conditioners do not pay due attention to the moisture dripping from them, because, usually, it is allowed to simply drain down the window. But this is completely wrong from the point of view of ethics and aesthetics. Dripping, and sometimes pouring from a height, moisture can get on bystanders. And if the house is private low-rise, then there is another problem: condensate accumulates around the facade in the form of ugly puddles, which, moreover, do not have the most beneficial effect on the state of the foundation. Installing a siphon allows you to avoid all this and make the operation of the air conditioner aesthetic and more comfortable with practical point vision.

This is a fairly simple device that drains condensate directly into the sewer system. At first, moisture accumulates inside the siphon, as soon as its amount becomes sufficient, a special shutter is activated and the water is drained into the sewer. And so that the odor does not come out of the pipe, the siphon is equipped with a special valve that does not let unpleasant odors into the room.

Depending on the type of construction, siphons are:

  • external - located in plain sight;
  • built-in - hidden in the thickness of the wall;
  • transparent - made of translucent plastic, so their condition is very easy to monitor, noticing overflow and contamination in time.
  • Siphons for air conditioners are made both by Russian and foreign manufacturers, each of which offers several models of such devices. They differ in the type of thread on the connecting elements, which should be considered when choosing a siphon. Built-in siphons have different depths to which they can be immersed in the wall, which is also important to know before buying. The main indicator by which the effectiveness of such equipment is evaluated is its throughput. For domestic needs, siphons with medium characteristics are suitable, and for industrial needs - exclusively with high ones.

    Correct operation of the air conditioner is impossible even without special drainage pipes OK. They are part of the discharge complex along with the siphon. Tubes of suitable size and length, properly mounted and hermetically fixed, will allow you to get rid of condensed moisture freely and in a timely manner. Drainage can be made up of hoses or capillary tubes. The hoses are made of PVC and have larger diameter than tubes. To give them rigidity and stability inside, they have a spiral. They are mounted together with the main air conditioning system, laid along the walls and connected to the sewer, and then covered with thermal insulation. Capillary tubes are usually used in conjunction with drainage pumps, they are used if moisture cannot be removed naturally, but must first be pumped out. They are also made of durable but flexible plastic, have a small diameter - 2-6 mm - and are often transparent. They can be easily installed even in difficult conditions and in rooms where it is not possible to install another drainage system for the air conditioner.

    Drainage hoses and capillary tubes- an important functional part working system conditioner. the right way the drainage complex mounted from them is necessary in order to divert water concentrates constantly formed in the process of cooling the incoming air outside the premises equipped with air conditioners.

    This system is formed from a selected number of drainage hoses, which are hermetically and reliably connected to the main distribution block of the air conditioning system. Under normal conditions, drain hoses are installed at an angle to the sump indoor unit conditioner, which provides a natural drainage of moisture. If the location of the air conditioner does not allow this, special drainage pumps are used, for the operation of which capillary tubes are laid.

    Drainage hoses (pipes)

    Traditionally, drainage pipes are flexible hoses made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), reinforced from damage with an internal spiral. They can be used to transfer air, chemically active gases, cold vapors, smoke, they are not recommended for use for the distillation of gases with the possibility of sparking or hot vapors. The special design allows the drain hose to be flexible and highly resistant to fractures and kinks, withstand adverse weather conditions and low temperatures. Typically these pipes are White color and are supplied in coils of 25-30m in various diameters.

    Indoors, drainage pipes are usually laid along with other communication and functional systems air conditioner in one box. They are installed along the walls and through specially prepared holes they are taken out of the living quarters or connected to the sewer. At the same time, all technological openings must be thoroughly cleaned of debris and, if necessary, strengthened. After installing the drainage pipes, electrical wiring and the airway they close heat-insulating materials, which are usually played by various natural and synthetic soft fillers able to seal and withstand sharp drops temperatures for an extended period of time.

    Often, a variety of hoses, including ordinary rubber ones, are installed as temporary measures for repairs, however, this leads to the rapid occurrence of leaks in the most awkward places at the bends. For reliable and quality work it is important to use only specialized pipes for drainage systems.

    Capillary hoses (tubes)

    These products are usually used in conjunction with specially installed drainage pumps. Their use is the only solution for those situations where it is not possible to ensure the removal of condensate in a natural way in the usual way. Modern technologies production of drainage pumps allow you to install equipment in any necessary places, as well as use electronic sensors water control, which ensures a reliable and accurate result.
    Depending on the size of the premises, pumps are used different power and productivity, at the same time, the farther the output paths in the form of drains or sewers, the greater the footage of capillary hoses must be used. These tubes are made of durable plastic, which, depending on the manufacturer, can be either colored or transparent. Capillary hoses have high flexibility and a relatively small diameter - usually 6mm external and 2mm internal, which makes them easy to lay even in the most difficult hard-to-reach places residential and industrial premises.

    The drainage system is a connected tubes of the air conditioner, through which the condensate is collected in a drainage bath and then sent out of the housing. The entire water removal system is hidden in the housings, only the air conditioner condensate drain pipe is attached outside.

    Condensate drainage options

    There are several types of condensate drainage through the drain pipe of the air conditioner:

    • outside;
    • in a special tank;
    • using drainage pump(forced);
    • into the sewer.

    Depending on how the water will be discharged, it is necessary to purchase expendable materials: propylene air conditioner condensate drain pipes, drain hose, drain siphon, adapters and seals for drainage into the sewer.

    The standard diameters of the drain tube are 16 and 20 mm; it is produced in the form of a flexible corrugated pipe. Used to drain condensate into the sewer polypropylene pipe diameter 20 or 25 mm.

    Cleaning the drain pipes of the air conditioner

    With prolonged use, the tubes gradually become clogged, mold appears in the drainage bath. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically clean the condensate drain pipes of the air conditioner. The procedure is quite on the shoulder of the owner of the air conditioner. There are several ways to clean drainage pipes:

    • rinsing with water or grease solvent. Very good fit household chemicals. Flushing agent is poured through the evaporator, flows down through the drain hose;
    • With drain disconnect. The pipeline is blown, sometimes this can be done with an ordinary powerful vacuum cleaner;
    • With disassembly of the internal module. The indoor unit is disassembled, the hose in this case can be thoroughly blown and rinsed.

    But it is possible to completely clean the air conditioning tubes only under conditions service center. However, if you periodically flush or purge the system yourself, it will be maintained in normal operating condition. In order for the condensate drainage system to become heavily clogged, more than one year of work is required. Therefore, such deposits of dirt cannot be cleaned out with just one vacuum cleaner. But if calling professionals is not possible, you need to clean the drainage yourself. Otherwise, the condensate will spoil not only the air conditioner, but also the decoration of the room.

    Repair of the drainage system

    If the system of drain pipes of the air conditioner has failed for some reason and cleaning is ineffective, repairs are needed. The pipeline may be crushed or severely clogged, torn. If the air conditioner operates all year round, drainage tube equipped with a heater. Otherwise, an ice plug forms in it and the drain does not work.

    Air conditioning, like any refrigeration unit, works on the basis physical property refrigerant - cool with a sharp expansion in volume. This process takes place in a special device called an evaporator. It got its name only because droplets of liquid (vapour) appear on the body of the device, it is also condensate from the air conditioner, which is collected in a special bath and removed from the household appliance.

    Functions of the drainage system of the air conditioner

    It is, in fact, ordinary water. And the air conditioner is a complex electromechanical device. That is, condensation can cause the failure of the air conditioner. Moreover, up to 20 liters of moisture can be released from a working device in one day. And she must be taken away.

    Condensate drainage options

    There are several ways to drain air conditioners. The easiest way is to make a hole in the wall or window and pass a hose through it to the street, which at one end is connected to the nozzle of the bath located under the evaporator of the indoor unit of the unit. It is the simplicity of the operations performed that is considered a big plus of this method.

    But it also has negative sides:

    • a hose hanging from the side of the wall does not increase presentability in any way appearance buildings, especially for a private house;
    • from the free end of the hose, during the operation of the air conditioner, water will drip all the time, which, if it gets on the neighboring ebb of the window (lower), will lead to a scandal with the neighbors.

    The second option for draining condensate is to connect the drain pipe to the sewer. The method is ideal for many rooms, but he has one a big problem- the absence of a sewer section in the room where the indoor unit of the air conditioner is installed. Way out:

    1. Carry out installation sewer pipes in this room with a slope of up to 3%.
    2. Carry out the installation of drainage pipes to the nearest sewer section with the same minimum slope.

    Which option to drain condensate from the air conditioner to the sewer to choose, everyone decides for himself. But it must be noted that lowest cost both in terms of finances and in terms of the complexity of the work carried out, they belong to the second method. Firstly, drainage pipes can also be laid inside the wall along the strobes made, followed by sealing repair solutions, and on the floor base with subsequent finishing.

    Secondly, any hollow products of a sealed type can be used as drainage tubes. More often for this, a corrugated pipe of small diameter is purchased.

    Attention! To prevent unpleasant odors from entering the premises from the sewerage system, at the junction of the connection of drainage pipes and pipes sewer system a water seal is installed in the form of a conventional sewer siphon. If there is no possibility of mounting a siphon, then the corrugated tube is bent in the form of the letter "S". It's also an effective option.

    And one moment. If the air conditioner is not used for a long time, the water seal dries up, which leads to the penetration of unpleasant odors from the sewer. Therefore, periodically a little water must be poured into the drain system. And this is probably the only disadvantage of this method.

    The third option for condensate drainage is the installation of a special pump. This method of drainage is used only in two cases: a large length of the drainage system, there are drops in it. AT domestic air conditioners pumps are not included, although they are sold as separate element, and purchase it, plus mount it will not be great work. In almost all industrial units, drainage pumps are installed at the factory.

    Pumps must be included standard equipment cassette and duct air conditioners. There are pumps that are installed in outdoor units, but more often they are installed in internal ones. Usually they are equipped with an additional container in which condensate is collected. And already from it the pump pumps out liquid.

    Drain pipes for air conditioners

    The system for removing condensate from air conditioners includes drainage pipes that are on modern market represented by two raw material positions. These are pipes made of PVC and polyethylene. And two positions in the form of manufacture: smooth and corrugated.

    The former are most often used if the drain itself has a short length, in other cases corrugations are used. At the same time, the second variety has one big advantage - the high flexibility of the hose. Therefore, during the installation process, there is no need to use additional mounting fittings, as is the case with smooth tubes.

    Installation of a condensate drainage system

    This process is very simple.

    1. It is necessary to remove the lower fasteners from the air conditioner housing so that it can rise.
    2. In the lower part, under the fan that blows the evaporator, there is a tray for collecting condensate.
    3. On its side there is a branch pipe, it is to it that it is necessary to attach the drain pipe for draining condensate from the air conditioner using a clamp.
    4. The body of the indoor unit is lowered, installed in place. At the same time, it is very important that the corrugation passes through it through a special hole made in the side wall.
    5. Fasteners are screwed into place.

    Now it remains only to bring the attached corrugated hose either into the sewer or into the street. If the withdrawal process will be associated with the installation of a drainage route, then it is necessary first of all to decide how easier and more convenient it is to carry out the entire process. As already mentioned above, best option- make strobes in which to lay the hose. The most important thing is to maintain a tilt angle of at least 3%.

    Major drainage problems

    The most common malfunction of the condensate drainage system from the air conditioner is the clogging of the opening of the bath. Dust and dirt with condensate settles to the bottom of the pan, where sludge is formed. It grows and closes the branch pipe. The result is a flow of water over the edges of the bath. The liquid begins to drip onto the floor and leak along the walls.

    And other faults:

    1. If the air conditioner works for heating in winter, then often the drainage pipe on the street simply freezes.
    2. The slope of the drainage route was set incorrectly.
    3. If the pump fails.
    4. If the amount of refrigerant in the system has decreased, which leads to icing of the evaporator and supply pipes, so the ice begins to melt along the entire length of the route, pouring water onto the floor.
    5. The evaporator may freeze over if the pressure regulator stops working. If the temperature outside the window began to decrease, this can lead to a decrease in the temperature of the freon due to a drop in its pressure.

    Cleaning the drainage system

    With your own hands, you can clean the condensate drainage system from the air conditioner only if the tub pipe is clogged. For this you need:

    1. Remove the filters located on the body of the device in front of the evaporator. They must be washed well.
    2. The air conditioner housing is raised.
    3. Disconnect the drain tube from the sump.
    4. The latter is removed and washed. Special attention exactly the hole.
    5. If the tube is clogged in the same way as the drain hole, then it must be purged. If it does not work, then you will have to replace it with a new one.
    6. All other steps for assembling the condensate drain system are performed in the reverse order.

    For other malfunctions associated with the failure of one or another device or part, it is better to call the wizard. Independent actions can lead to irreparable consequences.

    An air conditioner is a unit with the help of which optimal climatic parameters are maintained in the premises. Working in automatic mode, it provides cooling and heating of air, cleaning from dust, and in individual cases and air exchange with environment. The principle of operation of the air conditioner is to change the state of aggregation of the refrigerant depending on the temperature and pressure in a closed circuit. This process is accompanied by the formation of condensate, for which a special drainage system is provided in many models.

    Functions of the drainage system

    Education and accumulation a large number Condensation inside the air conditioner units causes water to leak onto the facade of the house, as well as on the walls and furniture in the rooms. In addition, the presence excess moisture inside the appliance may cause short circuit electrical wiring, which will disable it.

    Depending on the selected operating mode, condensation forms on the surfaces of the condenser or evaporator, which gradually accumulates inside the air conditioner. The reason for its appearance is the temperature difference between the refrigerant circulating through the tubes and the air passing through them. In order to avoid excessive accumulation of water, a special system for draining condensate is provided in the design of the device. It consists of a container (tray) for collecting moisture and drainage tubes, through which condensate is removed from the air conditioner.

    Take-off place:

    • To the street - the easiest way, implemented in budget models of air conditioners. Drainage tubes simply come out through holes designed for other communications. The disadvantage of this method is the formation of puddles near houses, water drips on the walls, etc.
    • Down the drain - more difficult option without flaws budget option. At the same time, the drainage of the air conditioner into the sewer provides mandatory installation a water seal (siphon), which will prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
    • Using a special drainage pump. This method is used in cases where it is impossible to provide the necessary slope along the entire length of the pipeline. The pump allows you to "raise" the condensate to required height, from where the condensate from the air conditioner will merge "by gravity".

    Drain pipes for air conditioners

    It is easier to lay a drainage route with corrugated pipes

    The drain pipe of the air conditioner, with the help of which the condensate formed inside is removed from it, is made of polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride. These materials are not affected by water, and products made from them are highly durable. In practice, manufacturers complete air conditioners with two types of reinforced tubes - smooth and corrugated. Smooth tubes are most often found in budget models of air conditioners. Their installation without special fittings is impossible.

    Fittings - an element used to form bends when laying pipelines for various purposes.

    Usage smooth pipes with fittings for laying a drainage pipeline, it is advisable when the air conditioner is located in the immediate vicinity of the sewer. If the point of connection of the tube to the sewer is at a sufficiently large distance, the use of fittings greatly complicates the installation of the pipeline.

    The corrugated pipes are highly flexible and the installation of the drainage pipeline can be carried out without fittings. The drain hose for the air conditioner, assembled from corrugated tubes, can be bent at any angle, which greatly simplifies the process of laying the pipeline.

    Installation of a condensate drainage system

    Starting the installation of the drainage system of the air conditioner, it is necessary first of all to design the entire pipeline route. This is especially true in cases where a decision has been made to drain condensate into the sewer or it is impossible to provide the necessary slope along the entire length of the pipeline.

    When laying a pipeline for draining condensate from an air conditioner, it is necessary to ensure that the angle of inclination of the horizontal sections is at least 3 °, and the angles of rotation of the pipeline are not more than 45 °.

    In addition, it is desirable to make all connections using fittings, installing them on a sealant.

    When installing a water seal at the inlet to the sewer, it must be taken into account that there must always be standing water in it. Otherwise, the room will seep bad smell from the sewer.

    A drain pump (pump) is often built into air conditioners. He represents one of the most important nodes condensate drainage systems. Its design depends on the type of air conditioner and its location in the room. If the piping route is characterized by a large height difference between the air conditioner and the condensate drain point, it is necessary to install additional pump. The choice is made based on its ability to draw water from the pump below.

    Main malfunctions

    One of the most common problems with any air conditioner is leaking. Such a defect occurs most often due to clogging of its drainage system. At the same time, the hole in the pan, designed to drain the condensate, is clogged with dust and debris, which are brought by the water flowing into it. As a result, the pan overflows and water begins to flow out, bypassing the drain system.

    Disruption of the drainage system occurs for other reasons:

    • If there is not enough refrigerant in the system, the temperature of the heat exchanger drops, which leads to the formation of ice on its surface. The flowing water at the same time does not fall on the pallet, but flows out onto the floor of the room.
    • If there is no pressure regulator in the air conditioner or the pressure regulator is out of order, when the outside air temperature drops, the pressure in the system drops. This also reduces the temperature of the refrigerant in the evaporator and icing occurs.
    • When using the air conditioner in cold weather, the outlet of the drain pipe may freeze, causing the drain pan to overflow with water.
    • Errors during the installation of the drainage system: lack of slope when laying the pipeline, “dry” water seal, poor-quality drainage pipes, depressurization of connections, “pseudo-siphon” device, etc.
    • Failure of the drainage pump or clogging of its float chamber, due to which the pump stops working.
    • If there are problems related to a drop in the refrigerant level, a decrease in pressure, a failure of the drain pump and other malfunctions, right decision will contact a specialist service department. Their qualified specialists will quickly and efficiently eliminate faults.

      Cleaning the drainage system

      Eliminate water leakage from the air conditioner, which was caused by clogging of the drainage system, the user can independently. At the same time, it is necessary to clean not only the drainage system, but also the heat exchanger filters. Otherwise, the dust accumulated on the evaporator will again clog the drain hole of the drain pan. In order to clean the drainage system, you must:

    1. Disconnect the air conditioner from the power supply.
    2. Remove cover and filters coarse cleaning.
    3. Carefully remove the tray where the condensate collects. To do this, disconnect the drain hose.

    Next, you need to thoroughly rinse the pan, cleaning the drain hole from accumulated debris and dirt. Then check the condition of the drain tube. If it is clogged, blow it out with air. In case of severe clogging, it is necessary to pour a special liquid for cleaning air conditioners into the tube. Then, after waiting 20-30 minutes, remove dirt with a vacuum cleaner.

    Do not use wire or the like to clean the drain pipes. So you can get only a short-term effect. After a while, the blockage will be restored, and the flow of water from the air conditioner will resume. In addition, thin-walled plastic tubes can be damaged by wire. Repairing these damages will require time-consuming and costly repairs.

    Chlorhexidine disinfects air conditioner parts

    The removed coarse filters are also thoroughly washed and then dried. The evaporator is cleaned of dust using a soft brush and a vacuum cleaner.

    Completing the process of cleaning the drainage system, many experts recommend disinfecting it. To do this, use a solution of chlorhexidine, which is used to process the pan and coarse filters. In addition, a small amount of the drug must be poured into the drain pipe, after waiting 15-20 minutes, it is washed running water, at the same time removing debris and dirt from the drainage pipeline.