How to paint a wooden floor in a house: choice of material and procedure. How to cover a wooden floor: how to treat a floorboard, coating with pine wax and oil, wood processing Impregnations for wooden floors

When choosing flooring consumers primarily consider natural materials, among which wood is the most popular. Environmental friendliness, attractiveness, quality, reliability and ample opportunities applications - these qualities make wood a popular construction and finishing material.

But in addition to numerous advantages, wood has a number of disadvantages, among which its poor resistance to external factors stands out. In our article we will talk about means and methods of protecting wood from rotting.

What to process

Wood is subject to biological destruction, so if it is not treated, then, after a while, rotting will certainly begin. There are several reasons that cause this problem:

  • increased air humidity;
  • temperature changes;
  • poor drying of raw materials;
  • insufficient ventilation;
  • freezing;
  • condensation formation;
  • contact with wet soil.

To avoid rotting, you need to resort to prevention during preparation and storage. Previously, when wood production technologies could not boast of perfection, cutting down trees to make lumber began in the winter, and with the onset of warmth, the material was used for private house construction and the manufacture of floor boards. During this time, the moisture content of the wood decreased significantly. However, today, in the age of progressive technologies, it is no longer necessary to keep wood for such a long time, because a technological approach is used to protect it from rotting.

Floor protection products

Treatment of a wooden floor involves protecting the wood from exposure and penetration of moisture using special waterproofing. If the floor boards are laid on open veranda, then special paint is used for protection. And in the house, in order to prevent the formation of condensation, you need to create good ventilation and lay a vapor barrier coating, take care of the thermal insulation layer.

Protective means

Such compositions perform two useful functions:

  1. They preserve the wood and thereby prevent dangerous fungi from penetrating its structure, the impact of which leads to rotting of the wood.
  2. They maintain the integrity of the wood because they prevent it from cracking.

Depending on the components present and purpose, protective compounds are divided into the following groups:

  • Wax based products.

Water-repellent mastic for floors
  • Oil-based products.

Applying oil
Impregnating varnish

Each of these groups has its own properties and characteristics, we will talk about them in more detail.

Painting compositions

Varnish is made to protect wood and give it a well-groomed appearance:

Protection with polyurethane varnish
  • For coniferous species It is recommended to use an alkyl-urethane protective paint composition. Before covering the floorboards with it, their surface is first treated with acetone to get rid of the resin protruding from the wood.
  • If you need to treat flooring made of valuable exotic varieties trees, then it is recommended to use protective compounds for the manufacture of which natural ingredients were used. However, it must be taken into account that some flooring made from exotic species contains substances that interfere with the curing of the varnish, so the floor to be treated must first be primed. To do this, use a special wood primer, which gives additional protection to the boards and prevents the release of essential oils.

Antiseptic primer

Protective oils

Protective oils are universal formulations, which are used for different varieties wood. However, on boards for which certain varieties are used, for example, white meranti (merbau), stains may appear white, and this greatly spoils the visual appeal of the floor. Their appearance is caused by the fact that the oil penetrates deep into the structure of the wood and reacts there with certain substances. Therefore, before applying such protection, it is better to first consult with experienced people who will help with choosing the right composition.

Attention! Oils that are intended for processing wood flooring create high-quality protection for the floor and give the boards a pleasant softness to the touch.

However, a floor treated with this product looks attractive if there are no defects on its surface, because the oil does not hide them. Therefore, before resorting to such protection, you need to prepare the lumber in advance, that is, plan the floor boards, then sand them and smooth them. Only then coat the flooring with oil.

Floor protection


This is a natural remedy, it is reasonable to use it in conjunction with oils. When wax is applied to a wooden floor, a thin film is formed; it temporarily protects against moisture, but does not protect the floor from damage. In addition, the use of wax is not recommended for those types of wood that contain calcium carbonate or silica, because the wax will react with them, after which the internal structure of the wood flooring will begin to deteriorate and thereby cause deformation of the boards.

Functional protective compounds - impregnations

Wood is susceptible to mold, mildew and rot, and this material is also loved by rodents and insects. In addition, wood belongs to the line fire hazardous materials. However, all this can be avoided if special impregnations are used for protection. If you are interested in how to treat logs, in this case impregnations will come in handy. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Fire retardant impregnations. This type of protection is used in the construction of public buildings. But for the construction of private houses they are used somewhat less frequently. Among this line, impregnations that contain active salts stand out. When applied, they penetrate deep into the boards, and if a fire occurs, a gas shell is formed that prevents a fire from occurring. However, the floor boards will begin to char. For fire protection, putties and painting compounds can also be used, which also prevent open flames from occurring.

Fire retardants
  • Mechanical protection or drying of floor boards in chambers specially designed for this purpose helps to get rid of excess moisture in lumber, protecting them from destruction. If the floor boards are well dried, then even after many years service they will not be affected by fungus and mold. To increase the service life of the flooring, it is necessary to ventilate the boards from time to time in the summer through holes that are specially provided for this purpose in the foundation.
  • To reliably protect a wooden floor, universal ones will come to the rescue. antiseptics: Novotex, Pinotex and others. It's very strong chemicals which contain sulfuric acid, it completely eliminates the possibility of rotting. This product is successfully used for treating subfloors and joists. However, you should be careful when using it because sulfuric acid is not safe for humans.
  • Water-repellent impregnations. These products provide reliable protection to the floor boards; in addition, they prevent the spread of insects.
  • Insecticides. Such compounds protect lumber from pests.

Any such composition is applied to the surface of a wooden floor very carefully. If the floor boards have already been processed at the factory, then they do not require additional protection, but “clean” lumber requires high-quality impregnation. Therefore, before you buy raw materials or finished lumber, ask the seller whether the processing has been completed. If yes, then find out for what purposes: from exposure to moisture, fire or fungal damage.

Protection of logs from insects

Protective treatment of flooring is an important process that must be approached responsibly. However, to ensure reliable protection wooden floor not enough, you should also think about the lags, which are most often subject to attacks by rodents and insects. Logs, like boards, are treated with special means that will provide reliable and high-quality protection. In private house construction, resin is often used for this purpose, which is heated very much before application and applied to the surface of the lag. After the resin hardens, it forms a reliable protection for the wood structure and thereby protects it from pests.

You will find out what wood impregnations are available by watching this video review:

The main enemies of a wooden floor are moisture and various kinds of bacteria and microorganisms. Under the influence of these factors, the construction material begins to rot and loses its original aesthetic properties and serves much less than it should.

To prevent the occurrence of the mentioned problems, the wooden floor must be coated with a special protective composition. Modern market offers large selection such means that not only help to increase the durability and other important performance indicators of wood, but also make its appearance more noble and attractive.

After reading the information below, you will get a complete understanding of the features of the selection and use of existing compositions, which will allow you to independently cope with this event.

Reliable and effective protection wooden structure from harmful external influences can be ensured using the following compositions:

Each option mentioned will give the wooden floor an attractive appearance, while at the same time ensuring increased resistance of the material to various types of influences and loads and helping to extend its service life.

Next, you are invited to familiarize yourself with a description of the basic properties of varnish, wax and oil, as well as study the technology for applying each of these materials. But first you should definitely understand the procedure for preparing the surface for subsequent processing.

Instructions for preparing a wooden floor for coating

The procedure depends on whether you are working with a new floor or a previously used structure.

Guide for a new floor

First of all, check the condition of the fasteners that secure the deck boards. The heads of screws and nails need to be “sunk” into the material by about 2-3 mm. Next, the remaining recesses are covered with a sealing agent. Instead, you can use a special putty designed for wood processing. It is important that the color of the material matches the color of the boards as much as possible.

Cover the deck with starter varnish and let it dry. The drying time is determined by the moisture content of the boards. If the material humidity is more than 12%, the varnish will dry for a very long time - up to several months. If the boards have been well dried, the waiting period will be reduced to 2-3 weeks.

Guide for old floor

If the existing deck boards are in good condition and do not require replacement, preparation begins by removing the existing paint or other coating. If you find defective boards, be sure to replace them before starting work.

Paint can be easily removed using scraping machine. But it is not advisable to buy this unit for single use. If your place of residence does not provide such tools for rent, use the old and proven manual method.

Prepare the following:

  • iron (preferably one that you don’t mind);
  • paper. Take it with a reserve, it will take a lot;
  • special paint remover;
  • electric plane;
  • grinder with an attachment for sanding wooden surfaces;
  • several spatulas;
  • sandpaper. Practice shows that it is most convenient to work with material having a grain size of 150-180.

Proceed to remove the old one paint coating. Place paper on the base and place a well-heated iron on top of it. As a result of this treatment, the paint will come off the floor and stick to the sheet. Remove the remaining areas of the coating with a spatula and knife. If the paint has become embedded in the floor material, apply a stripper according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Video - Removing old paint from the floor

Remove thin boards from cleaned boards top layer material. An electric plane will help you with this. Make sure that the fastener heads do not protrude above the boards.

Electric planer

Important! The work is quite dusty, so for your own safety, wear a respirator and safety glasses.

Sand the surface using a grinder with the attachment mentioned earlier and sandpaper. Collect the dust, but do not throw it away - it may be useful to you in the future.

Fill cracks and other flooring defects. In the absence of a special primer suitable color, use a mixture of PVA glue and wood dust. Add dust until the desired color is obtained. If you use the second option, be careful and attentive: any excess glue that appears must be immediately removed from the surface. This is easily done with a damp cloth.

Finally, all you have to do is apply a starter varnish to the floor and let it dry. The recommendations are similar to the previous case.

Types of material

There are quite a few on the market wide range varnishes Before you start, be sure to familiarize yourself with the features of the most popular representatives of this category.

Table. Properties of different wood varnishes

Type of varnishCharacteristics
Water solubleAdvantages:
dries quickly;
adheres well to the base;
doesn't stink.
One- and two-component modifications are available for sale. The first ones usually last no more than 2-3 years - after this time the floor will have to be sanded and treated again.
If you apply a two-component varnish in 3 layers, it will last about 10 years even in rather harsh operating conditions. But such material also costs much more.
AlkydThe advantage is that the structure of the treated wood becomes more pronounced and beautiful. Disadvantage: long drying time.
The varnish is excellent for covering the so-called. "floating" floor.
To prevent the varnish from wrinkling, experts recommend limiting its consumption to a maximum of 120 g/m2.
It is important that during the drying process the varnish is not exposed to heat from radiators and other heating devices. Contacts with direct sunlight are also unacceptable.
Anhydrous polyurethaneThe main advantage is excellent wear resistance. Also, such varnishes tolerate contact with water and various chemical detergents well.
Important! The moisture content of wood coated with such a product should be no more than 10%. Otherwise the coating will bubble.
Acid curingCharacterized by greatest strength. Resistant to a wide variety of influences. Natural light shades are created on the floor material. You just need to follow the basic recommendations for using the product, namely:
The varnish is mixed with the hardener strictly before using the mixture;
the performer must wear the device personal protection- respirator;
the room must be organized constant influx air.
Violation of these recommendations may result in irritation of the mucous membranes for the performer.

Used for applying varnish different instruments. So, for example, quick-drying water-soluble compounds are applied with rollers of the highest quality. The performer must distribute the material over the surface using exclusively translational movements. First, the product is applied across the flooring, after which it is leveled in longitudinal direction, i.e. the surface is varnished “crosswise”.

You can use a spatula to apply the first layer of material. The performer makes fairly quick S-shaped movements, evenly distributing the composition over the base. This technology allows for higher coating strength.

If using a brush, the material should be applied in neat U-shaped strokes. In this case, the new stroke should slightly overlap the previous one.

It is most convenient to start work from the wall opposite to the exit from the room - this way you will not have to walk on the applied composition.

The oil penetrates the wood structure, protecting the material from the inside and without creating a continuous film on top of it. As a result, the wear resistance of the wooden floor increases significantly. Additional benefit oil is its environmental friendliness. As a rule, such coatings do not contain solvents or they are present in insignificant quantities.

It is important to know that on a floor covered with oil, material defects will be much more noticeable than if varnish is used. Therefore, the work must be carried out step by step and in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. General requirement, relevant for all such compositions, is the timely removal of excess oil from wood. Otherwise, the floor will be covered with unsightly dark spots.

It is impossible to provide specific instructions for covering a wooden floor with oil, because... the procedure is largely determined by the manufacturer's recommendations. We can only describe the general sequence:

  • the surface is carefully polished. Small areas can be sanded manually, processing large areas more convenient and faster to perform using grinder with appropriate nozzle;
  • cracks and other defects are sealed with putty;
  • the surface is covered with a thin and uniform layer of oil. For application, you can use rollers, spatulas and devices specially designed for such work. This point, as well as other recommendations for applying the product, should be further clarified in the manufacturer’s instructions.

On average, the oil hardens for 12 hours. After this, the material will need to be given another 3-4 days to gain strength.

Important! After the first treatment of a wooden floor with oil, the surface will become very dirty. Such marks will stop appearing only after the material is completely saturated, which on average takes several years.

Using wax to coat wood floors

The main advantage of wax is its absolute environmental friendliness and safety for human health. Wax can be used as self-coating, and in combination with the previously discussed oil.

  • an even layer of wax is distributed over the previously prepared surface (recommendations were given earlier);
  • The material is given time to dry. This point should be clarified separately in the manufacturer's instructions, because drying time may vary depending on the properties of the specific composition;
  • The surface is thoroughly polished using a clean cotton cloth.

Now you know what can be used to cover a wooden floor and how to handle each material considered.

Happy work!

Video - How to cover a wooden floor

Despite the intensive development construction technologies and appearance large quantity modern materials, the tree does not lose popularity. Numerous advantages, such as durability, reliability, beautiful appearance, a wide selection of design options, do not leave the slightest chance for competitors. But in order to make the most of the opportunities provided by Mother Nature, you need to think about protection. That is why the question of how to cover a wooden floor worries many owners of eco-friendly housing.

How to choose a protective agent?

Products for covering wooden floors can protect against exposure to chemical liquids, moisture, premature abrasion, and mechanical damage. Besides this the right way give the interior a finished look, perfect look and add finishing touch, without which even the flawlessly executed joint work of builders and designers seems incomplete.

The range of coatings is quite wide, but not every one of them is suitable for one type or another. wooden flooring. When choosing, you need to consider some points:

  • wood species;
  • admissibility of preliminary preparation;
  • expected operating conditions (humidity, intensity mechanical impact, antistatic);
  • possibility of secondary processing;
  • compatibility of the new coating with the old one, if any.

The choice also depends on the purpose of the room. In an apartment, unlike an office, the load is not so great, so you can use wax or oil. This best way highlight the natural component of the wood and give the floor a pleasant matte shade.
If it is expected that the wooden floor will experience significant loads or high humidity, it is better to coat it with varnish, which will not only reliably protect it, but also give it a delightful shine and volume.

Materials for covering wooden floors

By appearance protective materials are divided into:

  • transparent coatings. This category includes impregnations and varnishes containing substances that emphasize the natural structure of wood;
  • opaque coatings. These are organic-based paints (alkyd, oil, polyurethane, acrylic, perchlorovinyl) and water-dispersion mixtures. Polyurethane and acrylic paints especially appreciated for ease of application and high quality. Alkyd varnishes and paints are good due to their low water resistance and durability;

Depending on the main component, the materials for final processing There are 2 varieties:

  • with fire retardants that protect the wood from fire. They do not in any way affect the beauty of the array and reduce the risk of fire;

This is important!
Impregnations based on fire retardants are especially recommended for industrial and public floors.

  • with biocides that protect wood from the effects of mold, mildew, and insects.

What to prefer?

There are two staining methods.
1. Surface painting is used in cases where maintaining the aesthetics and appearance of the wood is extremely important. This type of protection and decoration is used everywhere, at the final stage of finishing the floor in timber houses, bathhouses and other wooden buildings.
2. Deep coloring is possible only in industrial conditions, because for its implementation we need special baths and autoclaves, in which a solution is injected under high pressure into wood capillaries, filling the entire free volume.

Oil impregnation

Oil for treating wooden floors is made from natural substances (linseed, sunflower, soybean oil) or artificial components, with the addition of, for example, polyurethane. The oil penetrates deeply into the thickness of the coating, leaving only a thin layer on the surface. As a result of the procedure, the floor becomes strong and acquires a silky shine.

This is important!
When choosing an oil, pay attention to the label: avoid products that say “contains solvent.”

Oil solutions come in different viscosities:

  • thick (contain 90% natural oil);
  • medium viscosity (dry residue is 40-50%);
  • liquid (dry residue 20-40%).

Professionals strongly advise applying oil in high-traffic areas (living room and hallway). They can be used without fear in unheated rooms, in open areas, on bars in constant contact with water (bathtub, swimming pool).
Oiled floors are easy to refresh: just add special remedy into the water when washing. Before application, the floor must be sanded, cleaned and dried.

Varnish coating

The use of varnish creates the effect of volume and contrast of the wood pattern. The varnished floor shines and perfectly decorates the room. The varnish composition protects against moisture and mechanical damage.

This is important!
Despite the protective functions of the varnish, the coating is quite elastic, which, if the wood is damaged, will move along with its fibers. Therefore, it is better to walk on varnished wooden floors in soft shoes.

What types of varnishes are there?

Highlight the following types varnishes:

  • Solvent-based varnish for wooden floors saturates the wood well and changes its color. It should be applied in a thin layer in a well-ventilated area to prevent wrinkles and ensure rapid hardening. This varnish is ideal for “capricious” wood - ash, maple, beech.
  • alkyd varnish is colorless, stable and durable. The only negative is that it takes quite a long time to dry.
  • reactive varnish has high adhesive properties and forms an elastic film that does not affect the structure and original appearance. It will take at least 10 days to form a strong film.
  • Polyurethane based varnish is used for valuable species tree. Such compositions are durable, resistant to abrasion and chemical attacks.

According to the level of gloss, varnishes are high-gloss, glossy, semi-gloss, matte and semi-matte. The gloss level of glossy varnish is 90%, which makes the wood floor look like a mirror; matte and semi-gloss varnishes reflect a small amount of light from the surface.

Painting the floor

Paint can increase the service life of the floor several times, and also protect the wood from biological factors(fungi, bacteria, mold). The paint can be applied to previously painted surfaces that have been pre-treated with an antiseptic.

The safest paints are water-dispersion paints. They do not contain organic solvents, are waterproof, lie easily on the surface and do not lose their original color.
Moisture-resistant acrylic paints are recommended for kitchens and bathrooms, while alkyd solutions are suitable for parquet.
Before painting, the floor must be cleaned of dirt, sanded and dried.

It is worth mentioning another means of protecting the floor - applying a composition based on wax and linseed oil. True, this method cannot guarantee impeccable resistance to various factors, therefore, today it is practically not used.

The modern building materials market provides a huge number of products for covering wooden floors. When choosing, do not forget to take into account the characteristics of the wood, the character environment and purpose of the premises. Properly selected materials will make any floor luxurious and elegant, a real decoration of the interior.

Wooden floors, like other wood products, cannot maintain their impeccable appearance and performance for a long time without a protective coating. Even while under the roof, they are exposed to ultraviolet radiation and moisture. Eventually the wood will become unhealthy gray and will crack under the influence of the sun or become moldy and rotted under the influence of water. This, of course, will take more than one week, but this will be the result. In this case, there is only one way out - to use a protective coating.

Why is it necessary and what is the difference between oil impregnation for floors?

The purpose of any protective coating is to neutralize the destructive effects of water and sun on wood. There are three most common options: paint, varnish and oil. Paint is considered the most inexpensive way to protect wood, but it completely hides the natural texture of the material.

The varnish visually preserves the natural texture of the wood. When hardened, it forms a thin airtight film, so it not only deprives the wood of the ability to “breathe,” but also changes the tactile sensations upon contact with it. This can be easily checked by closing your eyes and running your hand over the plastic and then varnished surface. The sensations will be the same. The varnish coating will reliably serve for several years, but in the end it will still require restoration. This process is quite complicated and it is unlikely that you will be able to do it yourself.

Oil differs from paint and varnish not only natural origin and harmlessness to health, but also the principle of action. It does not form a film, but is absorbed 5-7 mm deep, without clogging the pores and without depriving the wood of the ability to “breathe”. Such formation of a protective coating has another advantage: the tree is not clamped into a rigid film frame and naturally reacts to changes in humidity or temperature. The oil has excellent water-repellent properties, therefore it reliably protects wood from negative impact water. Its maintenance-free service life is no less than that of varnish, but restoring such a coating is much easier.

Distinctive characteristics of oils

For impregnation wooden floors different oils are used. In addition to composition and origin, they may differ in a number of characteristics:

  • One of the defining properties of mixtures is tone. Based on this parameter, colorless and colored impregnations are distinguished. The latter allow you to use tinting to further emphasize and make the texture of the wood more prominent.
  • Another important indicator– wear resistance. It determines the possibility of using oil to protect the floor, especially in areas with high load, for example in the corridor or on the stairs. The undoubted primacy in this parameter belongs to compositions with hard wax.
  • An equally important parameter is the purpose. Certain types of oils are manufactured for use in conditions high temperature and humidity (baths, saunas, bathrooms). There are universal compositions, as well as mixtures intended only for external or internal use.

Oil selection criteria

There are three main criteria that should be followed when choosing oil as a protective layer:

  1. Tree species. Impregnations of this type are primarily best used for wood that initially contains natural oil. Many are like that exotic breeds trees: iroko, kempas, jatoba or lapacho. It is simply not possible to use varnish in this case, because natural oil will not allow it to adhere to the surface. Of the trees growing in Russia, oak and ash are best combined with such impregnations. There is also a logical explanation for this. Oil impregnations are characterized by a minimum proportion of dry residue, which varies between 25-40%. This allows them to penetrate deep into the structure of the tree, “coping” even with dense species (oak, ash).
  2. Place of application. There are no special restrictions on this parameter. Certain brands of natural oils can be used even in high traffic areas, such as corridors. For a bathroom, this is an almost ideal coating, since it allows the wood to freely change volume under the influence of temperature and at the same time reliably protects it from moisture. It is important to choose the right type of wood for such harsh operating conditions. In this case, it is optimal to use teak or lapacho.
  3. Color. As mentioned above, oils can be colorless or colored. Each of them has its own application:
  • Colorless mixtures are suitable for any type of wood, but are more often used for dark ones. In this case, the wood already has a natural color, so it is enough to emphasize only its texture.
  • Dark compositions look good in combination with oak or rare varieties of wood in light shades.
  • Silvery, white or gray oils have a whitening effect. They are suitable for processing birch, ash, maple and other “domestic” light species. Oak can also be coated with such impregnations. In this case, the wood visually ages, which can be used for design solutions.

Methods of applying oil impregnation

Before treating the floor with oil, it should be thoroughly prepared. Impregnations of this type do not form a film on the surface and therefore cannot mask significant defects. Accordingly, surface preparation is not a desirable stage, but a mandatory one. For this purpose, the wood is sanded with sandpaper of different grits, ranging from P20 to P120.

There are two types of sandpaper markings: according to GOST 3647-80 and according to ISO-6344. In the first, a smaller number in the designation corresponds to a smaller grain size. In the second, the situation is the opposite: than larger number, the smaller the grain, and the grain size indicator itself reflects the number of particles of abrasive material per unit area. All figures in the article are presented in accordance with ISO-6344.

After grinding, the surface is dust-free and then oil is applied to it. This can be done in two ways: cold and hot. Each of them has its own characteristics. In both cases, at least two layers of oil are applied.

Some types of wood can darken over time even under a layer of oil, such as pine or fir. To prevent this from happening, they should be treated with an alkali solution before impregnation.

Cold way

When using the cold method, the first layer of oil is applied with a brush quite liberally. After 5-7 minutes, the excess is removed with a cotton cloth. Then the surface is treated with a polishing machine with a beige pad. After 5-12 hours the procedure must be repeated (more exact numbers specified by the manufacturer). At the next stage, you can begin applying the second layer. At the same time, oil consumption will be significantly reduced. The second layer is applied with a brush in the same way as the first. Excess oil is removed with a cotton cloth or green pad after 30-45 minutes. Final polishing is done with a red pad after 12-18 hours. You can walk on the floor after seven days, not earlier.

WITH distinctive characteristics oil impregnations and the cold method of applying them can be found in the video below:

Hot way

When implementing this method, the oil is heated in a water bath to 80 °C. Before applying it, the floor is also heated (using a thermal pad). The oil is then rubbed into the wood using a beige pad. The second layer is applied similarly to the first after 2-3 hours. After the same period of time, you can perform a final polishing with a red pad. After a week, the coating can be used as usual.


The floor is a loaded surface, so to protect it it is necessary to use only specialized wear-resistant types of oils. At the same time hot way Application takes less time, but is technologically more complex. It must be remembered that the main condition for the durability of the protective coating is following the manufacturer’s instructions.

In order for a wooden floor to serve for a long time, it should be coated with a protective agent. natural wood– this is the advantage of any apartment. It is he who makes the interior cozy, stylish and rich. But unfortunately natural material influenced by environmental factors. The appearance and performance characteristics of wood can be negatively affected by open sun rays, changes temperature regime, increasing indoor humidity. To protect a wooden floor from rapid wear, repair and replacement, and to preserve the original appearance of the coating, you need to take care of its protection. How and with what to treat a wooden floor, read below.

Choosing a composition: how to treat wooden floors in the house

The best way to protect the coating from rotting, abrasion, fading, insects and drying out is to cover it special composition. Today, the market for wood processing materials offers mixtures that can not only reliably protect wood from any damage, but also highlight it decorative qualities. The choice of composition depends on each specific case.

The composition for treating wood flooring can be purchased at any hardware store.

To treat floors inside the house, you should choose gentle compositions with biocides that are safe for humans and pets.

When purchasing a wood floor protector, carefully study the label and composition.

Pay attention to the expiration date of the product. If it lasts for decades, then most likely you have a substance for external work. Such products contain aggressive biocides that are dangerous to human health. Branded products often place a hotline number on the label, where you can get answers to all your questions. Don’t hesitate to call, because not only the “life” of your wooden floor depends on it, but also the health of all the inhabitants of the house.

Varnishes for wooden floors: how and with what to cover the floor

The most common means of protecting wood is varnish. Floor varnishes not only protect the surface from moisture, dirt, insects and sun, but also give it shine and highlight the natural color of the wood.

You should choose a wood varnish that does not contain harmful substances

There are several types of varnishes that have different characteristics:

  1. Water-soluble varnishes. Such varnishes dry quickly, do not have an unpleasant odor and adhere well to the base. Depending on the type of water-soluble varnish (one- or two-phase), it can last from 3 to 10 years without re-coating the floor.
  2. Alkyd. Such varnishes are ideal for “moving” floors and heated parquet floors, but take a long time to dry. In addition, the technology for applying such varnishes has many nuances. The service life of such varnishes is 2-3 years.
  3. Waterless polyurethane varnishes. Such funds have high level wear resistance, resistant to chemicals and high humidity. This type of varnish dries faster than water-soluble varnish. To cover the floor with polyurethane varnish, the wood moisture content should be no more than 8%. Otherwise the varnish may bubble. This protective coating lasts 2-3 years.
  4. Acid-curing varnishes. Such varnishes have the highest performance characteristics: they guarantee a reliable coating that is not afraid of chemical and mechanical damage, moisture. This varnish is easy to apply and does not require tools. However, processing should take place in a ventilated area, and you should work in a respiratory mask.

Oil for pine wood floors: product features

Oil is good option for covering a wooden floor: it dries quickly and allows for local repairs (in order to re-treat the floor, you do not need to remove the furniture or sand it). In addition, the oil is an absolutely safe, environmentally friendly product (this is important for allergy sufferers and families with children). But, judging by user reviews, few have lower performance characteristics than varnish.

It is strictly forbidden to coat a wooden floor that has been painted with stain with oil: oil does not form an insulating film and any painted object will leave a colored imprint on the floor.

Thanks to the oil, you can improve the aesthetic and operational properties pine wood floor

However, for some breeds, oil is the only option. Thus, covering a pine board floor with varnish can lead to the fact that after a short period of use the floor will crack: hard varnish does not combine well with soft wood and can easily damage floorboard. Therefore, oil perfect choice for covering soft pine floors.

When covering a pine floor with oil, you should remember that due to the resins contained in the wood, the impregnation will take longer to dry than on other coniferous species.

Builders advise choosing an oil containing wax to cover pine wood floors in your home. This product penetrates well into the pores of wood, making it stronger. In addition, oil and wax highlight the wood texture well: after application, the floor looks natural and attractive.

Wax to protect the floor: how to cover a wooden floor in the house

Wax is traditional way protecting wood from moisture. Modern wax for treating wooden floors is made from beeswax, inorganic additives and oils. The main advantage of wax is its availability and environmental friendliness. In addition, wax is suitable for coating absolutely all types of wood. It can be either colored or colorless, glossy or matte. This makes it possible to restore the original color of the old wood flooring and highlight the new floor.

To protect the floor, simply apply a thin layer of wax.

In order to treat a wooden floor with wax you need:

  1. Clean the coating. Old varnish is removed using a solvent or scraping. The product can be applied on top of the oil.
  2. Sand and degrease the surface for better adhesion of wood and wax. You can additionally treat the surface with a wood primer and sand the layer after drying.
  3. Apply the wax using a cloth swab in a circular motion, as if rubbing it into the floor.
  4. Wait until the layer dries and re-coat the floor if necessary.
  5. Polish the floor after the wax has dried with a felt cloth.

The wax drying process can be accelerated by choosing a product with polymerization accelerators. You can add a drier to the finished wax mixture.

How to evenly coat a floor with oil (video)

Due to its environmental friendliness and attractive appearance, wood is increasingly used for finishing both interior and exterior spaces. Save wood covering- this is the primary task of anyone who is lucky enough to have a parquet, plank, or laminate floor at home. And if previously the floor could only be painted, today specialized products that can be easily applied by hand can help protect the coating. Choose a composition depending on your financial capabilities, type of wood and environmental conditions and enjoy a beautiful wooden floor for decades!