The arrangement of shelves in a 2x2 steam room. How to make shelves in a steam room: nuances of do-it-yourself manufacturing technology from A to Z. Proper care of shelves

Bath – perfect place for relaxation of the human body and soul. To make your time in it pleasant and comfortable, you must take care of installing comfortable and practical wooden shelves. Of course, they can be made to order, but the cost of the finished structure will be quite high. The way out of this situation is to do it yourself. To make your work a little easier, you should take the time to read this article. It presents step by step description the entire manufacturing process bath regiments with photos and video materials. Familiarize yourself with them and your work will become exciting and interesting.

Characteristics of bath shelves, their features

Before you start making bath shelves with your own hands, you need to do some work. It includes the following steps:

  • selection of product type;
  • preparation of a design drawing;
  • determination of layout;
  • choice of material.

Selecting a product type

Today there are three types of bath shelves:

  • benches: bench shelves are the most common option for such bath structures. They are ideal for both spacious steam rooms and small rooms.
  • beds - they are less popular than benches, but they can also be found in baths. They are often chosen by people who like to steam not only while sitting, but also while lying down.
  • sun loungers - their design is practically no different from their beach counterparts. During bath procedures, they are used as a bed, when unfolded, or as a chair, when assembled.

Making a drawing

Once the type of bath shelf has been selected, you can begin to build a drawing future design. He will help you make a really high-quality and practical product with your own hands.

Important! To make a drawing of a bath shelf, you don’t need to be a professional, just use one of the profile computer programs(or remember how to use a pen and ruler correctly).

When constructing a shelf drawing, you should definitely take into account overall dimensions the steam room itself. Also, do not forget to indicate on it all the design parameters that will help to correctly calculate the amount of material.

Determination of regiment layout, options

Determining the layout of the regiments is the next stage of work. It has a large number of nuances that should be taken into account during the work process. Since shelves are often made with three tiers, it is worth remembering a few points:

  • the height of the shelves is significantly affected by the number of tiers;
  • in a small steam room, the lower tier of shelves should be placed almost at floor level, leaving a minimum gap for natural ventilation;
  • experts recommend making the top tier a little wider than the other two (it can be used as a bed);
  • the distance from the ceiling to the third tier should not be less than 100-120 cm (based on medical recommendations);
  • It is not recommended to install shelves near windows, as there is a risk of injury due to glass cracking.

Experts, based on many years of experience in arranging steam rooms, recommend placing shelves according to one of the proposed options:

  1. Two- or three-stage. Such shelves are ideal for arranging spacious steam rooms. It is recommended to place them near a blank wall. The lower level of the structure is designed for people who prefer cooler air, but the upper level is for those who like high temperatures.
  2. Compact coupe-shaped. It is suitable for small baths that have practically no free space. The design of such a shelf provides for the presence of two tiers that fold out, like in a train compartment.
  3. Universal L-shaped three-level. To install it, you will need to use two adjacent walls, they will serve as the basis for attaching the shelves. This shelf is suitable for large double rooms.

Selection of material, brief description

After the craftsman decides on the type of product and the placement of the shelves and makes a drawing of the future design, you can begin choosing the material. It must meet several criteria:

  • have low thermal conductivity, which is very important;
  • do not contain resins;
  • its fibers must have high density;
  • tolerates high temperatures well.

Important! In the process of making shelves, you cannot use coniferous wood, plastic or plastic!

  1. Linden – perfect material for regiments. It is easy to process, does not crack, tolerates moisture well, and has a very pleasant specific aroma. Its only flaw is that it quickly becomes dark when exposed to moisture.
  2. Aspen – budget material for regiments. Although it is praised for its beneficial properties for the body, it has a significant drawback - rapid decay in a humid environment.
  3. Abashi is the most quality wood, but very expensive. It warms up slowly, has a long service life, and remains presentable. appearance for many years.

Do-it-yourself shelf manufacturing technology: step-by-step instructions for craftsmen

Making a shelf for a steam room is not such a complicated process as it might seem at first glance. It includes several sequential steps that should be followed clearly and confidently.

  • Prepare the wood for further work(grind, process corners).
  • The surface of the material is covered with a special liquid with antiseptic properties (this will eliminate the possibility of wood rotting in the future).
  • Make a frame: install supporting wooden poles in a vertical position at a distance of 60 cm from each other, perform horizontal strapping (for stability, attach the shelves to the walls).
  • Under minimum angle(at 2-3 degrees) prepared thin boards are attached that will form benches. To fasten the boards, you must use special oak wedges (unlike nails or screws, they do not heat up), which will securely fasten the structure.
  • The shelves are fastened, leaving a small wall gap of 8-10 cm (it is intended for natural ventilation).

Important! You should definitely worry about installation waterproofing material between the bottom edge of the shelf and the floor surface (it will provide reliable protection material from moisture).

  • Install additional accessories that will definitely be needed while relaxing in the bathhouse (for example, special footrests or headrests).

These simple manipulations will allow you to independently make high-quality and reliable shelves for the steam room. Try to implement the proposed instructions, the result will not be long in coming!

Frame for a shelf in a bathhouse: video

How to make shelves for a bath: photo

A Russian steam room is a structure that is intended for health-improving procedures that help relax the soul and body.

An important functional element of the steam room is the shelf - a special wooden flooring.

A modern bathhouse shelf can be made with your own hands in accordance with the operational features of the room and the individual preferences of the bathhouse owner.

Optimal sizes

In order to produce comfortable and functional shelves in the sauna and bathhouse, first you need to decide.

Many bathhouse owners prefer multi-tiered structures, the most common option is shelves in three tiers. However, experts recommend choosing shelves in two rows. This is economical and quite convenient for bathhouse attendants; in addition, it is easier to build them with your own hands.

To make high-quality construction, you need to focus on the following dimensions of the shelves in the bath:

By height

The optimal height of the shelf is determined by the average height of visitors. This ensures the convenience of carrying out procedures, while the bath shelf must be located at the level of the thumb of the hand, lowered down in a sitting position. The average height is 80 cm.

It is also important to maintain the permissible distance between the bench and the ceiling of the steam room of 120 cm. This is determined by the level of comfort when the bath attendant is positioned in a sitting or lying position.

The length of the shelves may be shorter if the bathhouse has more compact dimensions.

Attention! Between decorative cladding walls and shelves must maintain a technological gap of 4 mm on all sides, taking into account the expansion coefficient of wood during swelling.

When arranging a two-row structure, the width of the lower shelves is 55 cm, and the upper ones - up to 75 cm. Between separate elements benches also maintain small gaps of 6 mm. If there are side benches, their width is 45 cm.

The number of shelves is determined by the dimensions and operational features of the steam room.

Wood selection

These tree species have good performance characteristics, durability and wear resistance.


This is one of the best natural materials, which is used for the manufacture, in particular, of shelves. He has medicinal properties, relatively cheap and practical to use.

Aspen purifies the air quite well, neutralizes negative energy, restores strength. For this reason, aspen shelves are simple, affordable and durable.

The only hidden drawback of the material is the predisposition to internal rotting of the fibers, so you need to choose wood especially carefully.


Excellent material for making bath shelves and tables. It has many advantages - it is easy to process, has an attractive appearance, is resistant to stains and cracking, durable, and affordable.

When heated, the wood exudes a gentle and pleasant smell, which has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. The disadvantage is the tendency to darken during prolonged use in damp areas.

Abashi (African oak)

This is a unique material that has high strength, inertness to overheating and mechanical damage. Abashi heats up quite slowly, which completely prevents burns at high temperatures.

The wood is presented in dark and light colors, perfectly preserves its performance characteristics throughout the entire period of use.

The disadvantage of abasha is its high cost and the complexity of initial processing.


To make shelves of the required size for a suitable number of people, you should prepare necessary tools and materials. To work you will need:

  • wooden boards from the selected wood species;
  • wooden beam;
  • stand boards for fastening the structure;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • corner;
  • nails.

At the initial stage, the instructions provide for assembling a frame for future shelves.

Assembling the frame base and installing the flooring

Wooden frame base assembled from 10 prepared beams with a cross section of 5 × 7 cm and 5 rack boards for attaching shelves. The beams for the frame are mounted vertically and fastened horizontally to each other using strapping. Fixation to the racks is carried out using a paired connecting element.

To provide additional strength, the structure is additionally mounted to the wall surface.

Smooth and pre-made boards are used as flooring. Installation of boards is carried out in compliance with the technological gap between them of 6 mm. For the lower shelf, 3 boards are used, for the upper bench - 7.

Next, the flooring is installed on the prepared frame with fixation using self-tapping screws, which must be recessed 5 mm deep into the wood. The fastening elements are driven in from the reverse side of the shelves. The boards are laid with a gap at a slight inclination of 2 degrees.

Fixation of the structure

The shelves are fixed to the wall while maintaining a gap of 11 cm. The bottom shelf has a movable structure mounted on special mechanisms - runners, which simplifies the process of cleaning the steam room.

The photo shows a step-by-step algorithm.

In places where wooden frame shelves is in contact with the floor surface, special rubber gaskets for additional waterproofing.

Treatment with antiseptics

The final stage of arranging a shelf in a Russian steam room is treating the wood with reliable antiseptics. Constant contact with sufficiently humid and hot air contributes to the rapid destruction of wood fibers.

Carrying out timely prevention will prevent .

Important! It is prohibited to use for processing bath shelves. chemicals, as well as varnishes and drying oils. In conditions high humidity and temperature changes they are capable of releasing toxic substances with a pungent odor that can cause allergic reactions.

Equipped with wooden shelves, it is the heart of any bathhouse. High quality and convenient shelves will provide a comfortable and pleasant pastime with benefits for soul and body.

We devote this page entirely to the analysis of one single practical question: what size should we make shelves in a bathhouse? And, as usual, we will not be able to give you universal numbers, because the dimensions of shelves in a bathhouse usually depend on three things: the type of bath, its size and, say, the height of the steamer. But knowing the patterns is enough to choose the optimal size for a particular steam room.

Listen to the article

About terminology

However, you will have to start by clarifying exactly what the places for sitting and lying in the steam room are called. IN singular we say “shelves”, and not “canopy” and not “shelf”, but in the plural – “shelves” (emphasis on “and” - polki), and not “shelves” and not “canopies”.

IMPORTANT! What do you name the yacht... this is the answer Google will give you to your query. If you ask illiterately, you will receive materials written by illiterate people who, most likely, do not understand the subject at all.

Differences between Russian baths and saunas

We have said so many times that in any national bath everything is thought out to the smallest detail, or rather, that there are no small details at all. Temperature, humidity, air exchange rate– quantities are so strongly interconnected that a change in one leads to a violation of the conditions as a whole. What does shelves have to do with this?

Yes directly. On different heights the temperature will be different depending on the floor, near the ceiling - it’s hottest, this is where the hottest air and steam from the stones accumulate, if the owner practices a Russian bath. But is it necessary to make shelves under the ceiling? But who cares - the Finns will be interested in this, but the Russians have no need.

Therefore, what should be The height of the shelves in the bathhouse depends on their number, and the quantity depends on whether it is a bathhouse or a sauna.

The simplest option is when the size of the shelves in the steam room of a Russian bath is determined by their single-tier arrangement, that is, these are one or two sun loungers (the latter is only possible in a spacious steam room), on which it is convenient to lie down at full height, and this is somewhere 2.0-2.2 m with a shelf width of 90 cm and a height from the floor of 75-90 cm.

ATTENTION! The height of the shelves in the bathhouse from the floor when choosing a single-tier option is determined either as the height of the upper edge of the stove + 10 cm, or according to the height of the bath attendant who will most often steam - measured from the knuckle of the thumb to the floor.

Such a shelf may be accompanied by a movable footstool, which has a height of, say, 40-45 cm, that is, approximately half the height of the shelf. With such a bench, the design becomes conditionally two-tiered, because it allows those who wish to sit on the bench as if on the lower tier.

In general, from what has been said it is clear that In a Russian bath, the most important thing is that there is a lying place, convenient for the steamer and the steamer.

The steam room itself must be arranged in such a way that the steamer’s broom can freely pick up the steam that has accumulated under the ceiling and lower it onto the body of the steamer.

Maybe, If high ceiling, make the structure two-tiered, that is, so that the steamer with a broom stands on the lower tier (in the design described above, he stands on the floor).

Sauna differs from a Russian bath in the high (90-100 degrees) temperature of dry air (humidity 5-15%), which is the main means of warming up the body - in a Russian bath it is heated with steam . People come to the sauna to sweat. And this happens better where there is less humidity and higher temperature, that is higher from the floor.

BY THE WAY! It is better to sweat while sitting, which is why Finnish shelves are narrow and three-tiered.

In general, it is clear that Russian shelves are wide and with minimal tiers, and Finnish ones are narrow and up to the ceiling 🙂

What optimal sizes should they be in a Russian steam room and a Finnish sauna?

If you yourself have decided what type of steam room you have and want to know what the optimal dimensions of the shelf in a bathhouse of this type are, then we have divided the information for baths and saunas for you.

Height in the steam room of a Russian bath

It has already been said a little above that for a single-tier shelf optimal height- This 75-90 cm. Two conventional tiers are obtained if you add a mobile bench. But much more often the choice is made on a stationary structure consisting of two tiers.

To make the description clearer, we suggest looking at the picture below:

You see rather narrow shelves in the bathhouse, the height of which differs from that recommended above: top 95 cm, bottom 40 cm. The person floating here has two options: either stand behind the lower shelf and steam the person lying on the top without approaching, or stand with his feet on the lower shelf to get closer to the person being steamed. Well, it's hard to say whether it will be convenient for everyone. Yes, and 70 cm is, as it were, neither ours nor yours - you will have to sit more reclined, lying down is a little more comfortable than 60 cm :)

IMPORTANT! Still, we insist that the height of the shelves in the steam room have an anatomical correspondence to the people who most often steam others. That is, do it up to the knuckles of his hand.

What height should a sauna be?

But here there is much more freedom in choosing the height of the shelves: the dimensions are determined only by the comfort of sitting, and ergonomically, this value is determined by measuring the distance from the floor to the bend of the leg of a sitting person.

Thus, you can first take measurements, say, for adult family members, then decide whether this will be the maximum value or the arithmetic average, and then simply make the desired number of tiers in increments of the selected value.

Example: if you get a figure in the area 45 cm, then the first shelf will be 45 cm, second 90, third 135. However, doubts arise about the third: it is worth taking into account the advice that from the ceiling to the top shelf it would be nice to maintain a distance of 120 cm or so. But then we will have a ceiling 135+120=255 cm, but this does not apply to all saunas.

Well, 220 cm - this is a more realistic ceiling.

What width should the bathhouse be?

This is also not an idle question. Because it matters how far behind the back the support is– in one case we sit comfortably, in another – the angle of the torso is no longer what we need.

For someone who is lying down, the width of the shelves in the steam room also has great valuewhen the shelves are wide, there are no problems, and when it is too narrow, it turns out that there is nowhere to put your hands.

Therefore what The width of the shelf in the bathhouse should again depend on the main use of the shelf - lying or sitting.

Since here we are talking about a Russian bathhouse, then for the regiment in the bathhouse optimal size the width will be 90 cm.

IMPORTANT! It should be understood that you will not be able to sit leaning back with such a width. Possible sitting position is either with your legs pulled up on the shelves, or reclining with support on the back.

Width in sauna steam room

In the sauna, it is enough to make shelves in the bathhouse with a width of 40 cm for sitting with a straight back or 60 cm for comfortable sitting back.

IMPORTANT! Those who make the dimensions of the shelves in the steam room of the bathhouse as stated above will not be able to steam on them while lying down. Therefore, this option can only be recommended to lovers of a classic sauna, or to those who steam themselves while sitting on a shelf.


It goes without saying that the main determining factor in length is the dimensions of a particular steam room. Most often, owners do structure from one wall to another, using the walls as a place to attach the support beam. The latter is not considered correct, but is practiced quite often (the danger lies in rotting of the contact point).

However, in fact, there is also a choice in length. Notice the picture below: it shows dimensions that can be interpreted as the relationship between body position and flange length.

Distance between shelves of different designs

There is a page on our website that describes in detail what shelf designs can be used in a bathhouse. Here we will limit ourselves to briefly talking about the principle of construction of this or that structure, and how it affects the occupied space.


By arranging the shelves in the shape of the letter L, you can use space more efficiently large steam room . This corner design is suitable for both baths and saunas.

The length of each arm can vary as much as you like, but a fairly common option is one where the long side is a full-fledged lounger, where you can stretch out to your full height, while the short side is more compact place, where you can sit half-sitting. However, it all depends on the dimensions of the steam room - the short side is also often pulled from wall to wall.

If at the same time there is a desire to make a recumbent seat on the short side, then it is worth considering option with footrest, which allows you to pull them out. The options are shown in the picture above.

How are the tiers of corner shelves for a bath arranged? There are no fundamental differences in the design of a corner shelf from a straight one. All length and width recommendations given above apply to it.. The distance between the shelves here is calculated only vertically. You need to focus on the height from the popliteal fold to the floor - this is the distance between the tiers.


In this case, a parallel arrangement of benches along two walls is assumed (variation - U-shaped structure). Such a choice is possible only in sufficiently spacious steam rooms, if an arrangement of two or three tiers is also assumed. However, the single-tier option is also suitable for a medium-sized steam room.

The distance between two shelves at opposite walls will depend on the length of the wall separating them, and on the width of each of them. But during design it should be assumed that the space between the shelves should be sufficient for moving two people. This is a quantity of the order 80 cm.

Folding and removable

The folding design is no different in size from the stationary one. It's just way to save space, or releasing it for cleaning.

It is worth noting that choosing this one removes restrictions for steam rooms with minimum area. Of course, a wide shelf should be folded upward if there is another tier underneath it.

Removable ones differ from folding ones in that only the flooring is removed - this is done for ease of drying and cleaning. But the frame is often made stationary, so there is no reduction in the occupied space. The dimensions of this variety will again depend on the area of ​​the room and the type of bath.

Retractable and mobile

In the article mentioned above, we already said that creating a convenient retractable structure in a bathhouse is quite problematic due to the tendency of wood to swell (if guides are made from it). In this regard we were inclined to prefer mobile benches, which can be used as a lower tier, and the rest of the time stored tucked under top shelf.

Height benches may vary from 20 cm (they are usually used as a step to make it easier to rise or as a footrest) up to standard height 40-50 cm, like a normal seat. The width is still the same - 40-60 cm (no more, because it is unlikely to be used as a lounger). The length is arbitrary, the maximum is a little less upper tier so that you can easily slide it under it.

For those interested in DIY production and protection

Now that we have found out what sizes the shelves in the bathhouse are, it is worth mentioning that on our website you can read other materials, with drawings and instructions, in which we cover the following topics in detail:

  • about how to make shelves yourself (written).

Useful video

Finally, we suggest watching a video that dynamically talks about everything related to the right shelves , simultaneously mentioning the most common errors in their implementation:

That's all for now. Write if you have questions, comment - we are pleased to receive responses, but we will continue to try to accumulate the most for you useful information about everything related to the bathhouse.

A traditional shelf for a bathhouse is no less important than its design and installation of a swimming pool or font, since it is impossible to imagine without it good rest. The furniture in the steam room must correspond to its microclimate and be safe and comfortable to use.

After all, a bathhouse is not just a place for bathing; its main purpose is relaxation. The design of the shelves is not anything complicated (regular wood flooring), but its arrangement and selection have many different nuances that must be strictly observed.

The shape of the shelves in the bathhouse can be different: a bench, a couch or a chaise longue, allowing you to steam half-sitting or half-lying. Depending on the shape, the width of the shelves also varies. The main requirements that they must meet are: high strength, pleasant aroma and smooth surface.

Choosing the type of wood for shelves

The material for making the shelf is wood, so the choice of wood is of great importance. Wood varieties must meet the following requirements: low thermal conductivity, resistance to moisture and high temperatures, low resin content, high density fibers All these conditions are ideally combined by a tree such as linden, having beneficial properties. When heated, it releases a very pleasant aroma, which imparts healing powers. Wood has other advantages that are perfect for a bath:

  • Linden is easy to process.
  • It does not crack over time, dries quickly and takes a long time to heat up.
  • The tree gives a charge of positive energy, improves well-being and gives strength: moral and physical.
  • It has a very reasonable price.

Linden has only one drawback - over time, the board darkens, losing its original color.

Absent this disadvantage Alder, which has a uniform and soft structure, has a noble red-pink hue, and is highly resistant to moisture.

Characteristic healing properties and for aspen. A board made from this type of wood takes away from a person all the emotional negativity that has accumulated over a long time. Availability and low cost of this building material puts it on par with aspen in popularity. When choosing this type of wood, you must be careful, as it may have defects that are invisible upon inspection - rotting from the inside.

Record holder for beneficial properties and characteristics is African tree Abashi. It is highly resistant to moisture and high temperature, heats up slowly, so it is impossible for anyone to get burned on it. The material is durable and comes in a wide range color solutions: pale yellow to light cream. On the list positive qualities there is only one drawback - high cost.

The regiment placement scheme includes three options:

  • Option 1 – stepped, suitable for family baths. The shelves are built against one wall in three tiers: the top shelf is the hottest, and the bottom is the coolest.
  • Option 2 – “L”-shaped, allows you to comfortably fit in a small bathhouse: two shelves are placed against one wall, below and above, and the middle shelf is placed against the wall located next door.
  • Option 3 – “coupe”, is used in cases where saving space comes first. There are only two shelves that are mounted on top of each other; the upper seat can be raised and fixed against the wall.

When making shelves, it is necessary to observe certain parameters, since benches should not interfere with air circulation and the activities of visitors. The design of the shelves consists of component parts.

  • 1st element - support posts made of thick beams. The rack includes two vertical beams (the width of which corresponds to the size of the shelf), connected to each other using jumpers every fifty centimeters.
  • The 2nd element is seats with a slight slope of 20. It is made as follows: boards are stuffed onto the frame, keeping a gap of 2 centimeters. It must be taken into account that the width of the board should be much greater than its thickness.

The frame must be processed: sanded and smoothed out sharp corners. Making shelves for a bathhouse is somewhat complicated by the fasteners. It is necessary to fasten the frame without using screws or nails, as you can easily get burned on them. For this reason, the structure is connected with wooden wedges into pre-made holes located at the joints of the elements.

Before making shelves in a bathhouse, they need to be carefully processed: sand the surface and remove all existing sharp corners. To prevent the shelves from rotting, they must be impregnated with an antiseptic based on natural ingredients. Processing will avoid highlighting chemicals when heated.

The first step in making benches is to assemble the frame: each board is attached to the other using horizontal strapping. For greater reliability, its racks are attached to the wall. For this purpose only wooden fastenings, self-tapping screws and bolts can only be used in places where contact with skin is excluded.

The frame includes five racks and ten bars, interconnected by flooring made of boards. When manufacturing, it is convenient to rely on drawings.

If each board of the shelf is not treated, then due to constant exposure to a humid environment, mold and rot appear, and the bench quickly becomes unusable. To avoid this, the structure must be impregnated with special agents.

It is strictly forbidden to use such traditional chemicals as varnish and drying oil, since when the bath shelves are heated, due to the evaporation of chemicals, an unpleasant and pungent odor begins to be released. Contacting the skin, they can cause an allergic reaction.

Currently on sale is a special impregnation for baths, which is based on essential oils, creating a protective film. This tool allows you to effectively resist moisture and protects the surface from premature aging.

Using this impregnation, you can treat not only benches, but also other wooden surfaces in the bathhouse. Mixtures of stronger action are used for flooring; they do not emit pungent chemical odors and harmful fumes.

Shelf care

Proper care behind the shelf in the bathhouse is a guarantee of cleanliness and health, because the issue of hygiene is bath room is always up to date.

It is prohibited to use any modern equipment for cleaning benches. detergents, it is best to use what is known to everyone laundry soap. If the pollution is very strong, then mechanical cleaning shelves will come in handy with abrasive material.

The steam room is the heart of the sauna, it always has been and always will be. Stretching out on the shelf, you will forget about all the troubles and problems, plunging into a relaxing atmosphere of bliss. By following all the tips for making shelves and caring for them, you can make them comfortable and reliable.

The most common fastener for wooden shelves (canopies, palati, floors) are screws. The use of nails is not recommended by professionals as they do not provide adequate strength. If it is necessary to disassemble the shelves, difficulties arise, since removing them without mechanical damage is very difficult. Disassembly is easy when using screws. You can easily remove them to update or replace them with new ones.

If possible you need to fasten the boards from the inside of the shelf. This installation method allows you to completely hide the screws, which helps eliminate the risk of getting burned on hot metal while steaming. If such a fastening cannot be formed, you must first make a hole for the head of the fastening element.

After installation, close the screw with a wooden pin and then rub it with abrasive sandpaper.

To create a frame, a simple algorithm of work is used:

  1. Markings are made for the outermost post. Rubber pads must be placed and strengthened on the racks.
  2. The two topmost beams are pre-installed. They must be fastened to the wall and racks.
  3. The top beams, which are placed on both sides of the structure, need to be attached to the posts and top beams.
  4. Front vertical racks need to be placed and held. The outer side beams are attached to them.
  5. The front bars, which close the structure and make general view similar to a frame, you need to install them by fastening them to the nearest vertical and adjacent beams.
  6. It is necessary to check the correct, even position of the frame. To do this, use a level and a tape measure.
  7. The lower frame is assembled in the same way as the upper one, the correct location of the beams is controlled.
  8. It is necessary to check compliance with the measurements, once again inspect all corners and jumpers using a level. After making sure that the work is done correctly, the developer can attach lintels made of thin beams to the frames.
  9. All screw fastenings must be tightened until they stop.

Correct installation of shelves is very important for convenience when vaping and maintaining the steam room. If the cladding is made on both the side and front sides, then access to the floor will be completely closed, which complicates cleaning the room. It is recommended to do partial covering so that hygiene standards can be easily observed.

All parts needed check for damage, the marriage is immediately postponed. All elements must be attached with inside. It can be difficult to install horizontal boards. You should try to secure as many boards as possible from the inside in order to make a minimum number of fastenings using plugs with pins.

In some cases, a convenient option is to initially sheathe the horizontal side with boards, after which all the rest are attached.

Making a shelf (shelf) for a bathhouse with your own hands.

Schemes and drawings of shelves (canopies) in the bathhouse for self-production.

Construction device

The shelves in the bathhouse are often called a bench in the common people. They are called that for a reason, since the entire structure is a flooring of benches that differ in level. Any shelf design for a bath consists of two fundamental parts:

  1. Frame necessary for correct fastening boards for permanent decking, it is also used to support a collapsible decking system. To build it, support posts are required; they can be compared to the legs of a bench.
  2. The racks are connected by large boards that serve as jumpers necessary for the correct, level position of the shelf. Very rarely they are built according to the principle of a stringer, which serves as the basis for installation flight of stairs. If used Finnish technology, then when creating the frame there is no need to install supports, since the entire structure can be attached to the walls of the steam room.

  3. Flooring It is constructed from thin planks, which are first made absolutely smooth by sanding. Their thickness is about 2 cm. It is recommended to choose linden or aspen as the material for production. The boards are stuffed with a small gap. The flooring is attached to the frame or to the ladders, which must be separately knocked together and installed on the floor.
  4. If the flooring is not secured, it can be summer time bring to fresh air for ventilation. Together with the flooring, you can build backrests for seats, devices for raising legs to a certain height, and sides of shelves.

The steam room is usually built V small sizes , since than smaller room, the lower heating costs and faster warming up to required temperature for vaping. To set up a steam room well, you need simple, even furniture. Ladders for climbing shelves are often large and have 2-3 steps.

If possible, you can take required area for constructing a chaise lounge or sofa, often rounded.

If the bath area is too small, create a bottom shelf standard form and the size may not work. In this case, you can build triangular shelf. It should work isosceles triangle, one of the legs of which must be attached to the wall, and the second is adjacent to the adjacent shelf.

Bath shelves are always multi-stage. This is due to the simplest laws of physics. Hot air gradually rises, part of it goes outside through the ventilation, and the rest is reflected from the pre-heated installed system the upper floor, so it returns and remains at the top of the building. Gradually upper part the rooms become much warmer than the lower one, so everyone has the opportunity to choose optimal temperature for yourself, located on a specific shelf.

When constructing shelves, you should adhere to the traditional configuration, designed according to the principle of a ladder. With each vape, a person will be able to independently choose a strong steam or a fairly moderate atmosphere. In addition to this aspect, the bottom shelf is of particular importance. With its help, the bath attendant can easily climb to higher tiers or use it as a podium for a convenient approach to the person receiving the procedure.

If the bottom shelf is not intended to be used as a supporting element, then the distance from the floor to it must be at least 30 cm.

In the steam room You can install shelves on both two and three sides. A large number of them will allow you to invite more guests to the bathhouse. When planning the structure, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of free movement. Staying in the steam room should not cause traumatic consequences.

Another video about how to make shelves for a bathhouse.

Corner shelves

Shelves in a bathhouse can be not only horizontal, but also made with two perpendicular sides. Corner shelves are often constructed by stitching together several blocks of boards. Steam rooms look elegant, where shelves are lined up in tiers on one side, and corner shelf is located only in the bottom row, smoothly framing the nearby wall, smoothing out the corners.

For a large steam room You can provide for the arrangement of tiers of shelves parallel to each other, and between them place one lower shelf, which will be fastened to the adjacent ones, serving as a corner shelf for each. You can use it as a bench, stand, or put various objects on it. It will be located opposite the entrance.

Size of shelves in steam room

  1. About half a meter will be required for minimum height each shelf in the steam room of a Russian bath. These dimensions will be suitable for an adult to lie down with bent legs.
  2. For most people, the minimum length of the shelf (curtains) in the bathhouse is 1.8 m. With this arrangement, you can lie upright, but you don’t have to bend your legs. It should be remembered that there are people above this mark, so additional space when designing will not hurt.
  3. The minimum width of a shelf in a bathhouse starts from 0.4 m. There will be enough space for a bathhouse attendant using a broom. It is possible to sit on such a bench, but steaming on it will be uncomfortable.
  4. The most commonly chosen width is 0.6 m. Most people can easily fit on such a shelf, but many will not find it particularly comfortable.
  5. A width of about a meter will suit almost everyone. Even overweight people can easily fit on a bench with such dimensions.

Video - making shelves in a bathhouse.

Shelf boards

The boards for the shelves (canopies) in the bathhouse are constructed from various materials , there is a wide selection of them:

  1. Aspen. Excellent moisture resistance, no reaction to increased temperature. No cracks form and the color does not darken. A bathhouse with such floors is relatively cheap option, therefore accessible to a large number of the population. The main disadvantage is the predisposition to rotting from the inside.
  2. Alder. Resistance to mechanical damage, high moisture resistance. Thermal conductivity is quite low. It has been used as a material for the construction of baths for a long time.
  3. Linden. Minimal roughness light color. It holds its shape well, as it does not crack or dry out. The structure is quite soft, so this material is suitable for painting on wood, which can be useful for finishing a bathhouse.
  4. Maple. Used if replacement of linden is required. It is hard and not prone to deformation.
  5. Poplar. The wood is quite light and soft. The shades are dim, the palette ranges from light brown to medium. It can be used to create decoration details, as it accepts many finishing materials well.
  6. Abashi. The color is cream or slightly yellow. African oak is used in finishing any parts of the bathhouse. Resistant to humidity and high temperatures, thermal conductivity is quite low. The material is durable, the structure is smooth. Oak is easy to process as it does not contain knots.

How to cover shelves in a bathhouse

To ensure that there are no burns when wood and skin come into contact, special coatings must be used. They are quickly absorbed into the wood and do not externally change the color of the shelves. Wood always has relatively low thermal conductivity; it does not heat up enough to cause a severe burn, but when varnished and kept in a steam room high temperature there is a very high risk of getting burned.

Applicable oil for bath shelves. The wood must be completely clean and dry before applying them. To do this, use a sponge or brush. Sometimes it is necessary to re-impregnate. After applying the oil, you need to leave it to soak for a day, then wipe off the excess with a dry cloth.

A high-quality coating in the bath not only serves as protection against overheating, but also prevents the absorption of various stains into the wood. There is no need to clean the wood with a hard brush, thereby preserving its original appearance.

To create shelves with your own hands, you should choose quality materials, maintain consistency construction work, check the quality of their implementation at every stage.

To make a comfortable, aesthetic and safe steam room in a bathhouse, effort should be made. Reliable shelves will last a long time and will not require replacement.