Royal geranium: pruning, propagation, home care. Cause the delight and admiration of your neighbors: how to prune geraniums so that they are fluffy? Royal geranium pruning after flowering

Vida regala is truly an aristocratic flower. During the flowering period, it looks like a very lush and bright ball. At home room conditions This flower is not easy to grow. Care, feeding, pruning and propagation require meticulousness and precision technology. Experts advise how to do this correctly step by step, based on the photo.

Unlike classic varieties Royal pelargonium has a wider bush. Peduncles are located at the level of the shoots, and not above them. In addition, the flowers are larger, reaching 15 cm in diameter (the average is 5-7 cm). In appearance and color they resemble pansies. As they bloom, the flowers tightly cover the bush, forming a bright cushion in the shape of a ball.

Botany classifies geranium as perennial plants. Under favorable conditions, it can grow and bloom in summer on the veranda or balcony, and not just on the indoor window sill.

Royal geraniums can have flowers of different shades

The flower varieties determine the color of the buds: from white to deep purple. Moreover, the petals are not only smooth, but also terry, with a wavy or corrugated texture. Unlike other varieties, they do not have the characteristic aroma of pelargonium.

Attention! The peculiarity of royal geranium flowers is that the shade of the upper petals is much brighter and more saturated than the lower ones. This property is used by decorators and flower growers.

The leaves of royal pelargonium are the same in all varieties:

  • in shape - smoothed, maple-shaped;
  • there are jagged edges;
  • the coating is rough.

The flower does not grow higher than 50 cm. Its compactness allows it to be placed on a loggia or hung in a flowerpot. In spacious containers, pelargonium feels uncomfortable and may not even bloom.

What conditions do royal pelargonium need for normal development?

The plant is considered capricious and requires increased attention from the owners. The main difficulties of caring for it:

  1. Does not tolerate excessive moisture or drying out of the soil.
  2. Does not tolerate direct sunlight and does not like drafts. On open balcony or veranda, choose a place that is not blown by the wind. Optimal placement flower - a little sun in the morning and partial shade in the afternoon.
  3. Royal geranium needs intense light throughout the year. Without it, it does not grow and does not lay buds. You can use special luminescent sources for indoor plants.
  4. To extend flowering time, you need to regularly pick off wilted flowers.

Attention! Temperature conditions are very important for this variety. In the winter months, when buds are forming, it needs coolness - a strict thermal range of +12...+15°C. If it is hotter, the plant will not bloom and may even wither.

How to prune royal geranium

This variety of pelargonium requires mandatory pruning twice per season: in spring and autumn. The procedure has a positive effect on the development of geranium:

Royal geraniums need to be pruned twice a year.
  • extends flowering time;
  • stimulates the growth of shoots and inflorescences;
  • improves the absorption of nutrients;
  • opens the plant elements to air and light;
  • helps geraniums withstand cold weather.

Pruning requires preparation of pelargonium. First, bring her into the room if she was on the balcony. Then proceed like this:

  1. If necessary, transplant the geranium into a winter container.
  2. Leave the plant for a couple of weeks to acclimatize, otherwise you will put it in a state of stress: the leaves will turn yellow and fall off.
  3. Think about what shape you are going to give the bush. Evaluate what and how you will cut.
  4. Remove dry and yellow leaves. It is better to get rid of fading greenery.
  5. Prepare for the procedure. For work, use scissors, sharp knife or pruning shears. The instrument must be sterilized in any way. Hands should be washed with soap.
  6. Start pruning.

In general, the procedure is performed according to the same algorithm. While working, keep the following points in mind:

  • correct removal of shoots - above leaf nodules;
  • be sure to cut off branches that grow towards the center of the bush or cross each other;
  • It is better to remove the ends of the branches after 4-5 buds - this will free up space for young peduncles;

Royal geraniums can be placed on the balcony in summer
  • treat the cut areas with crushed charcoal, ground cinnamon or alcohol - this will heal faster;
  • The process of healing and normalization of plant life will be accelerated by a small portion of nitrogen fertilizer.

Advice. To form a rounded plant shape, pinch the tips of the shoots. This is done with bare hands - just tear off the desired process.

Propagation of royal geranium

Florists recommend propagating flowers by cuttings at home. In autumn or spring, a cutting of no more than 10 cm in length is cut from an adult plant with a sharp knife (the cut is made at an angle of 45°). Then two leaves are cut off at the bottom of the branch and placed in water for 7-10 days. During this time, roots will appear on the cuttings. Now it can be rooted in a small pot with a light substrate. The soil is prepared by mixing ordinary land with sand in a 1:1 ratio.

Advice. The mixture should be disinfected for 2 days before planting.

The plant should remain in a temporary pot for 2 months. At this time, it is important not to miss the period when the cutting begins to grow. At this point, shorten the top of the sprout by 1 cm to give free rein to the side shoots. Water young geraniums so that the soil does not dry out, but the water does not stagnate. After two months, the plant will be ready for transplanting into a permanent container.

Royal pelargonium is very demanding to care for, but in the hands of an attentive owner it will bloom long and beautifully.

Royal geranium: video

Not everyone can get good flowering from royal geraniums at home. This type of indoor plant is very capricious. If you do not provide him with sufficient and regular watering– geraniums will never bloom.

The soil in the pot should always be slightly moist, especially during the warm summer period. It is believed that best time Flowering occurs in spring and lasts until autumn. If you place the pot on the “southern” window, then you can admire the lush “caps” for as long as possible.

Of course, geranium loves sunlight very much, but its excess negatively affects the condition of leaves and flowers and can cause burns.

The plant must rest. After dormancy, the flowers are always larger and brighter.

An important aspect of receiving good flowering is proper care in winter: additional lighting, moderate watering and cool temperature (not higher than +15 degrees).


Here you can see a photo of pelargonium with blooming flowers:

Is it necessary to prune pelargonium and how to do it correctly?

With regular and correct pruning pelargonium is rejuvenated. This manipulation cannot be performed in the spring. The best time to do this is in the fall and winter.

Improper pruning will lead to stretching of the stems, and the plant will lose its decorative appeal.

  • Taking into account the genetic characteristics of the royal geranium, it is formed as low and bushy.
  • Pruning is carried out at the level of the leaf node. Use a sharp knife, which must be disinfected in advance.
  • The cut areas must be treated with charcoal ground in a mortar or crushed.
  • If the stems are facing inside the plant, they are removed completely.

Pruning should begin after the pelargonium has finished blooming. Usually this is the end of August.

  1. Removing wilted parts of the bush (inflorescences, stems, leaves).
  2. Visually determine which shoots should be cut to form a beautiful plant.
  3. If the stems are too long and leafless, they should be completely removed (from the lower node).
  4. In order for the plant to overwinter normally, it is necessary to cut off a third of the main stem.

IN winter time It is enough to pinch royal geraniums. In mid-March, manipulations with the flower are stopped; in April it will produce the first buds.

To reduce plant stress, the pruning process is best done in two stages with an interval of 1 to 2 months.

How to feed the crop so that it produces buds?

For pelargonium it is important to receive a comprehensive mineral fertilizing during the flowering period. You need to start fertilizing at the end of February. A mineral fertilizer solution for flowering plants with a high potassium content should be applied 3–4 times a week. During active flowering, you can feed royal geranium 2 times a month.

It is not recommended to apply fertilizers during the dormant period of the flower (winter) and after replanting.

What else has a positive effect on the plant?

  1. Royal geranium is afraid of wind and rain, unlike other types of pelargonium, so it is best to grow it at home, on glassed veranda or balcony.

    It is important to remember the long-term impact of direct sun rays may cause burns.

  2. The plant loves cool air at night and in winter. If the air in the room in which the flower pot is placed is too dry and hot, the plant will slow down its growth and stop blooming.
  3. It is most comfortable to grow geraniums in a small pot that matches the size of the plant itself. The roots should occupy its entire volume, and the flower should be replanted into a container that is only 2–3 cm larger than the previous one.

Why does the crop produce only foliage and not buds?

There are several main reasons:

  • The bush does not receive enough nutrients.
  • Was chosen for landing too big pot. The plant “fattens”, gaining green mass.
  • Damage to the root system. Excessive watering and, as a result, dampness can provoke the appearance of root rot. Coping with this disease is extremely difficult, so experienced flower growers It is advised to destroy infected plants to avoid infecting others indoor flowers. The roots can also be damaged mechanically.
  • Possible pest damage (whitefly, aphids and spider mite). For the fight, you can purchase ready-made products in a specialized store.
  • Not observed correct mode peace. If the plant overwinters in a warm room with humid air, most likely it will not bloom.
  • It is important to place the pot with the plant on the sunny side, avoiding direct midday rays.

What to do if pruning and fertilizing do not help?

If the conditions are almost ideal, the plant has rested over the winter, but there are still no flowers, Pelargonium can be forced using measures such as:

  1. During wintering, limit nutrition and watering, and keep the plant in cool conditions. In the spring, in a warm room after a spartan winter, geraniums will most likely bloom.
  2. Create conditions with temperature differences by moving the bush to the balcony, but avoiding freezing and drafts.
  3. Magnesium sulfate as a top dressing has a beneficial effect on many flowering plants.
  4. You can try moving the plant around the room; perhaps it is out of place. After the first buds appear, it is better not to touch the pot.

When growing royal geraniums, problems may arise, such as leaves. Why this happens, how to save a flower, and also - read our materials.

How to care for pelargonium that has faded?

After the pelargonium has bloomed, a dormant period begins and its preparation for wintering begins.

  1. You need to start pruning it.
  2. After this, the pot with the plant should be placed in a well-lit but cool room.
  3. Watering should be reduced.

In winter, royal geranium feels great on the windowsill; drafts will have an extremely negative impact on its health. During this period, it is important not to forget to feed your favorite flower. The quality of flowering in spring depends on the quality during the dormant period.

does not tolerate disdainful attitude towards himself. An aristocratic flower demands special attention, in return, he will delight others with his truly rich appearance.

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Royal geranium has appearance truly royal. But the plant is quite demanding in terms of care, and its flowering period is somewhat shorter than that of other types of pelargonium.

Geranium of this variety reaches a height of 30 to 60 cm, has dense, rough leaves with a decorative serrated edge. The flowers of the plant are very large - sometimes reaching 7 cm in diameter, and can be either simple or double. It is for the beauty of its flowers that royal geranium is valued: many gardeners are so imbued with the beauty of this plant that they grow exclusively this species and its various varieties.

Note that The unequal, multi-colored color of the petals gives the plant a special decorative effect.: on their surface there are dashes, spots, lines of shades darker or lighter than the main color.


The plant does not bloom for long: if an ordinary geranium finishes blooming in the fall, then the royal geranium stops this process in the second half of July. It is rare for the inflorescences to last until August. Thus, the owner of the plant can admire its flowering for only a few months a year - from three to five at best. And that is why it is so important to achieve the longest possible flowering of geraniums, to make them please the eye with their decorative properties longer.

To ensure long-lasting flowering, it is important to keep the plant in conditions suitable for it.

The main thing is a fairly cool temperature (about +15 degrees) and high-quality lighting. Next we will talk about all the points in more detail.

What to do with the flower?

How to make it bloom at home? Since the flowering of this plant is rather short-lived, and does not always occur, it is important to know by what means and tricks this flowering can be achieved. Next, we will consider important points that will allow you to activate the flowering of royal geraniums.

How to prune so that it blooms? For harmonious and timely flowering of this plant, pruning is very important. Many gardeners unknowingly resort to this procedure in the spring, however, Proper pruning after flowering, at the end of summer. The beginning of the autumn period is also quite suitable.

Pruning king geraniums in the spring will delay the plant's flowering for a year.

Pruning occurs in two stages - between these stages it is necessary to maintain a monthly time interval so that the plant has time to come to its senses and recover.


  1. You should use a knife with a long and sharp blade.
  2. Only wilted, dried out, yellow leaves– a petiole must remain on the shoot.
  3. After the procedure, the cut sites must be sprinkled with ground activated carbon to prevent plant infection.

After flowering ends, new shoots begin to actively form in geraniums: it is important to pin them out in time. The procedure is performed after the fourth or fifth pair of leaves has formed on the young shoots. This pinching will cause the plant to begin to bush even stronger and more luxuriantly: the more shoots, the more inflorescences will subsequently form on them.

Experienced gardeners pinch royal pelargonium 3-4 times after flowering. This measure helps the plant to bloom even more decoratively in the new season.

Important! IN last time Before the final dormant period, geraniums are pinched no later than the end of January.

Top dressing

How to feed geraniums to make them bloom? In order for the royal geranium to delight you with its delightful flowering for a long time, it must be fed regularly.


  1. In spring and summer, nutrients are added once a week, in winter - once a month.
  2. Standard, complex fertilizers are used.
  3. Before flowering, geraniums need to be fed with potassium and phosphorus: these microelements will prolong the flowering period and make the flowers themselves more lush.
  4. Fertilizing is done only after watering, so that concentrated mineral substances do not burn the roots of the plant.

Additional nutrition is especially important when transplanting a plant into new soil. During this period, geranium needs special complexes designed for young plants.

Royal geraniums are not fed with organic matter., must be used exclusively mineral compounds.

In addition to pruning and fertilizing, the following are important for successful and long-lasting flowering of geraniums:

  • watering;
  • temperature;
  • air humidity and other points.

So, the plant feels better and blooms more luxuriantly when kept cool. Maximum high temperature in summer for this plant it should not exceed +25 degrees, and +15 degrees is ideal.

Watering during the growing season should be moderate but regular. In summer, geranium soil is moistened twice a day: before sunrise and after sunset. In winter, watering should be reduced to once a day and the volume of water reduced.

You should carefully monitor fading buds and immediately remove dried ones from the stems. This is done in order to provide the remaining flower stalks with more nutrients. In addition, if there are dried buds, geranium soon stops forming new ones.

Geraniums should not be replanted frequently, as they react rather poorly to changes in habitat. And it can react to transplantation even by the absence of flowering.

Why are there no inflorescences?

Very often, having planted a freshly purchased plant (quite expensive, by the way) in the ground, gardeners look forward to seeing its famous decorative flowering. However, often instead they get complete disappointment in the form of lush green mass, thin shoots and the absence of even a hint of inflorescences. Royal geranium is known for its capricious nature, and below we will find out why this plant refuses to bloom and produces only foliage.

Most often, the reluctance of geraniums to bloom is explained by incorrectly selected temperature conditions(usually too hot), as well as the lack quality lighting. Sometimes the problem lies in planting royal geraniums in too large a pot.

In addition, sometimes the fertilizers that feed geranium are not suitable for it. In rare cases the absence of flowering may indicate that the transplant was not done at the right time. If you neglect pruning and pinching the bush, the plant is unlikely to bloom long and luxuriantly. Note, however, that it is important to carry out the procedure before the formation of inflorescences begins, otherwise many flower stalks will be cut off.

Lack of nutrients in the soil - common reason why geraniums don't bloom. It is especially important to feed the plant during its active growing season.

If this luxurious plant does not please you with its flowering, you need to pay attention to several important points.


Check that the pot is placed correctly. Royal geraniums need sufficient lighting just like in the air., but in the midday heat from the sun’s rays it must be shaded. It is recommended to place the pot with this plant on windowsills facing east or west side. Here it will not be disturbed by too active sun, and the level of illumination will be sufficient.


It is not recommended to take the plant outside open air , allowing it to be exposed to rain and wind. This delicate plant can do well in an open space, provided it has a roof over its head or an awning to protect it from rain and sun, and is protected from drafts.

It must be remembered that this plant is not suitable for growing in open ground. If flowers are placed under open sky, then only in pots, so that if necessary, you can immediately bring them under the roof.


Make sure that the plant is not in an area that is too hot or stuffy. In the heat, it may even refuse to bloom, and in principle it will not be able to exist for a long time in such conditions.

The optimal temperature for keeping this capricious beauty is +15 degrees.


Analyze the schedule and quality of fertilizing. It is quite possible that there is not enough potassium and other important microelements for successful flowering.

Pot volume

The plant will bloom best not in a spacious pot, but in a slightly smaller container than necessary. For this reason, replanting is carried out only when the roots begin to penetrate through the drainage holes in the pot, that is, they completely entangle the entire earthen ball.


So, we learned how to ensure long and lush flowering of royal geranium, and what to do when the plant refuses to bloom. As you can see, geranium provides enough conditions for its successful flowering. However, provide for her optimal conditions not so difficult - but in return the plant will delight you with its magnificent flowers for a long time.

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Unpretentious geranium - homemade flowering plant. For many years it has been popular among indoor plant lovers. It's also beautiful balcony flowers, which can often be found on terraces, balconies or garden beds.

They require proper care to grow properly. In addition to fertilizing and watering, the plant needs to be pruned regularly. Pruning geraniums for lush flowering - important stage in care. It prevents stretching, makes the crown fluffy and very beautiful.

Purpose and benefits of pruning

The species diversity of geranium is amazing. She feels great both at home and in conditions open ground. Proper execution pruning procedures guarantee regular flowering with a large number inflorescences. When starting to form a plant, it is important to know how to prune geraniums correctly and how to form a bush. Detailed answers to these questions are provided below.

Purposes of pinching geraniums:

  • activation of lateral branching;
  • formation of new inflorescences;
  • giving geranium beautiful shape;
  • ensuring long-term flowering;
  • obtaining seedlings for propagation.

Correct and timely pinching of geraniums allows you to activate the lateral vegetative buds. Without outside help they will remain dormant. After pruning pelargonium, the lateral buds begin not only to form new shoots, but also take part in the formation of inflorescence primordia.

When to prune geraniums:

  1. in spring - the main type of pruning, which is necessary for voluminous flowering;
  2. in autumn - a preventive procedure to remove dead, diseased and dry parts;
  3. pinching is a type of pruning that can be done at any time if the need arises.

Important! Geraniums should be pruned regularly to ensure they bloom on time. Otherwise, flowering may be delayed or not occur at all.

Crown formation in winter

The winter months are a dormant time for geraniums. Short daylight hours and lack of solar energy cause this indoor flower into hibernation.

Geranium in winter:

  • does not bloom;
  • does not give active growth;
  • does not form new shoots.

As a rule, there is no need for pruning in winter. During this period, you need to monitor the condition of the geranium. Particular attention should be paid to shoots that were pruned in the fall. If the cut areas begin to turn black or rot, then the affected area should be cut off.

If the need arises, the time for the main pruning can be postponed to the second half of February. However, if possible, it is better to postpone this procedure until March.

How to form pelargonium in the fall?

Houseplant lovers need to know how to prune geraniums in the fall. To get a good result, it is important to strictly follow the pruning rules.

Step by step instructions:

  1. carefully examine the flower - you need to determine which unnecessary parts will be removed;
  2. all instruments used to make cuts must be disinfected - boiled, calcined or treated with an alcohol solution;
  3. Before the procedure, you must wash your hands well (preferably with soap) and wear silicone (rubber) gloves. This step is necessary to prevent the risk of infection of the plant through the pinching site;
  4. remove all dry parts from the plant (old inflorescences, leaves, stems and twigs);
  5. remove parts that may become a source of disease or have a suspicious appearance;
  6. remove all stems that are too stretched upward, these include shoots that have more than 5 vegetative buds;
  7. treat the removal sites with a special disinfectant solution.

Before pruning geraniums in the fall, you need to make sure that this procedure is necessary for it. Not all types of this indoor plant tolerate the removal of its parts well:

  • royal geranium responds well to autumn pinching;
  • ampelous or variegated ones do not really like this procedure.

Care after autumn pruning

After removing excess parts, the cut area is treated with disinfectants. Suitable:

  • coal powder;
  • ground cinnamon;
  • green solution.

Especially complex care Geranium does not require pruning after seasonal pruning. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the places where the cut was made. If blackening or rot appears, then repeated removal and disinfection are carried out.

How to prune pelargonium in spring

Spring pruning of pelargonium is aimed at forming a beautiful and voluminous crown with a large number of bright flowers. Deadline for pruning: last decade February – early March.

Purpose and benefits of spring haircut

At the beginning of a new growing season, excess, excessively long shoots are first removed. They spoil the aesthetics of the plant and do not produce the desired flowering.

Forms in spring beautiful bush pelargonium, which will delight beautiful flowering throughout the summer.

Step-by-step instructions for spring pruning

  1. prepare equipment and tools for the procedure - scissors, pruners, knife;
  2. sterilize instruments;
  3. wash and sanitize your hands, put on gloves;
  4. examine the plant from all sides and determine the direction of work;
  5. remove dry parts of the plant - branches and leaves;
  6. select the main stem of the plant, remove the lower young shoots from it;
  7. remove all lateral shoots and other stems, leaving only the main one;
  8. the top of the central stem must be pinched to activate branching;
  9. treat the sites where plant parts are removed with antiseptic preparations (charcoal powder, brilliant green, ground cinnamon).

Important! It is necessary to pinch the indoor plant correctly to form a tree-like form.

Care after spring pruning

After the crown of this plant has formed, it is important to provide it with proper care. It will speed up the processes of growth and the beginning of flowering.

Care rules:

  • watering once every 3 days;
  • protection from cold and drafts;
  • feeding mineral fertilizers Once every 30 days.

How to form a fluffy pelargonium bush, the essence of pinching

How to pinch geraniums so that they grow thicker and if the plant stretches out, what should you do? These questions are often asked by geranium growers.

Pinching is the removal of the apical growth point of a houseplant. If the geranium does not have the opportunity to grow upward, it will begin to actively develop lateral shoots and branches. This will allow you to form a beautiful and lush crown.

The form of pelargonium in which one main stem with a voluminous crown develops is called standard.

To create such an unusual appearance you need:

  • remove extra stems and excess lateral branches;
  • regularly inspect the plant for the formation of excess parts and remove them in a timely manner.

The pinching technique is used for plants that have just begun to grow. Regular removal of apical growth points ensures the appearance of a beautiful spherical crown.

The most common mistakes when pruning

Geraniums can be pruned incorrectly and then the plant may get sick or even die. Most often, inexperienced plant growers commit following errors:

  • the plant is pruned at the wrong time;
  • non-compliance with the recommendation on the height of the cut relative to the vegetative node;
  • excessive removal of shoot parts;
  • Too frequent pruning.

As a result of these actions, the plant may stop blooming, acquire an unsightly appearance, and also become ill or die.

In addition, many owners of pelargonium feed the plant incorrectly.

Proper feeding includes:

  • immediately after pruning, it is recommended to feed geraniums with nitrogen mineral fertilizers;
  • At the stage of active flowering and the appearance of a lush crown, the need for potassium increases.


Geranium or pelargonium is rightfully valued by indoor plant lovers and gardeners. Correct and timely pruning will help create a crown of amazing beauty. The plant will delight abundant flowering every season. The procedure for removing excess parts is simple, but you must follow some rules. They will help you avoid mistakes that have an extremely negative impact on the condition of the plant.

Geranium, or, as our grandmothers affectionately called this flower, “kalachik,” is found in almost every home. Dark green, slightly hairy leaves and stunning flowers different shades create comfort in the house. There was a time when this flower, along with ficus, was called bourgeois, but, fortunately, these times have sunk into oblivion, and geranium continues to delight us with its flowering.

Among the numerous geranium family there are plants that are completely unpretentious in care; even a beginner in floriculture can cope with their cultivation. But perhaps not everyone knows that among these plants there is a variety that has been awarded the title of royal. This flower can hardly be called just a geranium; many inexperienced flower growers will not find similarities between it and their cute and more modest one. And of course, it is unlikely that anyone will call it a “ball”.

The heroine of our article will be the luxurious royal indoor geranium. This is a complex plant that requires constant attention and careful care. But we assure you, your efforts will be richly rewarded when you see the royal geranium bloom.


Royal geranium, or is a representative of a large genus that has more than 250 species. This is a magnificent indoor flower, which, with proper care, pleases its owners with huge (15 cm) flowers of extraordinary beauty of various colors.

It is native to humid and hot climates South America. She feels great in conditions high humidity air and does not tolerate direct sunlight. At home royal pelargonium grows up to 60-80 cm. More tall plant it makes no sense to grow, since the buds are only at the apical points of growth. At a height of 100 centimeters, the plant completely loses its decorative properties.

Today, many flower growers are interested in royal at home for such magnificent plant has many pitfalls that need to be avoided in order for the capricious beauty to please with her flowering. It must be remembered that even with full compliance with all the rules of agricultural technology, it is impossible to extend the flowering period of royal geraniums. It is significantly shorter than common species.

Royal geranium does not bloom: what to do?

This question worries many gardeners. There may be several reasons for this. To understand them, you need to understand what the royal needs behind this plant suggest right choice containers for planting, correct soil, timely watering and pruning, ensuring winter period rest, transplantation if necessary.

Let's take a closer look at the reasons why geraniums refuse to bloom. If the plant is planted in a pot that is too large, pelargonium begins to actively increase green mass and grow. In this situation, the plant simply does not have enough strength to flower, since its energy is spent on the growth of the root system and landscaping. Replant the flower in a smaller vase.

Another reason is that the roots of the flower are damaged. You should know that royal geranium is susceptible to fungal and bacterial infections of the root system. It is not easy to immediately identify the disease. This becomes visible when the disease affects the stems and leaves. Geranium suffers from a lack of nutrients. In this case, the plant is treated with antiseptics, which are sold in all flower shops. However, if the disease is advanced, it is rarely possible to save the plant. Flower growers should know that any disease and pests (aphids, weevils, mites, etc.) force the plant to spend all its energy fighting them. Flowering in such a situation is out of the question.

Another fairly common reason is the absence of a resting phase. What should you do in this case? Reduce watering in the autumn-winter period, do not feed the flower. Move the plant to a cooler place (for example, to a loggia). Heat in winter is detrimental to royal geraniums. Watering also affects the flowering of the plant, although not as much as the above reasons. What kind of watering geranium requires and why proper pruning is very important for it, we will describe below.


Probably, after looking at the photos presented in our article, many will really like royal geranium. Caring for this beauty at home has its own characteristics. In particular, this applies to watering. It is better to carry out this procedure through a pallet. The plant will regulate itself required quantity moisture. Water for irrigation should be settled and at room temperature; you can use boiled, cooled water.

Before flowering, the leaves should be sprayed from time to time. Dry crust that appears on top layer soil, is a signal to water. Excessive moisture can cause plant diseases, and its deficiency leads to the absence of flowers.

Royal geranium: pruning for lush flowering

Quite often, flower growers make a very common mistake in caring for this plant - pruning is done in the spring. It would seem that this is the most the right time, but in this case the royal geranium may stop blooming. Pruning for lush flowering should be done in autumn and winter.

Often, improper pruning leads to the plant growing too long stems and losing its decorative appeal. To form a beautiful crown, you must strictly follow simple rules:

Autumn pruning

Experienced flower growers know that royal geranium is very responsive to proper bush formation. Pruning for lush flowering is most often done immediately after the pelargonium has faded. This usually happens at the end of August. This procedure should be carried out in two stages with an interval of 1.5 months. This is necessary in order to prevent severe stress to the plant.

With such an early autumn pruning Royal geranium grows new shoots very quickly. Pinching them (above the fourth pair of leaves) stimulates the formation of new young shoots.

Trimming order

In order for pelargonium to delight you with lush flowering, you should follow a certain order:

Winter pruning

Experienced flower growers note that on short winter days, in the absence sunlight Royal geranium stretches tall. At this time, pruning for lush flowering is partially replaced by pinching, and long emerging shoots are cut off.

In April, royal pelargonium begins to bloom, so pruning should be stopped in mid-March. To maintain the shape of the bush, pinching can be done in the summer, after flowering. It is strictly not recommended to prune geraniums from December to February, so as not to disturb the dormant period. resting. At this time, it requires minimal watering and a lighted, cool (temperature no higher than 15 degrees) place.


Royal geranium reproduces, just like regular varieties, cuttings. At the end of August, cut cuttings 7-9 cm long, leave them in the air for several hours, and then plant them in a peat-sand mixture. Using a plastic bag, create a greenhouse effect and make sure that soil mixture was always hydrated. Then prepare a mixture of sand, turf and leaf soil and plant the rooted cuttings.

We told you what is required for royal geranium to delight you with its beauty. The care and propagation of this luxurious plant are somewhat different from ordinary species. But if you follow all the rules of agricultural technology, this wonderful flower will reward you for your efforts with lush flowering, which, unfortunately, does not last too long.