Sowing days in March according to the lunar calendar. What gardening jobs should you not forget about in March?

22.02.2019 12 444

Lunar sowing calendar for March 2019

With the beginning of spring, gardeners and gardeners have a significant increase in work, both on the site and at home. It is necessary to sort and prepare seeds, take care of greenhouses and create favorable conditions for young seedlings. Naturally, organizing the work process can cause a number of difficulties, especially for young and not experienced summer residents. That is why during the planting season it is recommended to use the advice provided by the gardener’s lunar sowing calendar for March 2019.

What gardening jobs should you not forget about in March?

The list of “March” works is quite extensive. The quantity of harvest and the health of crops will depend on the quality of implementation of many of them. First of all, you need to remember the following steps:

  • Be sure to plant young seedlings of peppers, tomatoes and eggplants in separate cups. This measure will allow you to obtain a healthy root system and will greatly facilitate the replanting process in the future. Remember that immediately after transplanting the crop, you should not expose it to the sun for 24 hours;
  • sow a second batch of tomatoes, which will later be used for canning. Also, do not forget to sow flower seedlings for replanting in open ground;
  • to get early greens, you can sow dill, parsley and lettuce in special boxes on the windowsill;
  • check the gladioli bulbs after wintering and get rid of any sick or damaged ones. Also, do not forget to carefully examine the dahlia tubers. Place healthy roots in boxes with damp sawdust. If the sawdust dries out quickly, moisten it with a spray bottle a couple of times a week, but make sure that it is not very wet;
  • Sort through the potatoes that have been set aside for planting. Dispose of rotten tubers, and place healthy ones in a thin layer in boxes and place them in sunlight;
  • inspect the indoor plants. With the onset of March, many of them began to actively grow and require replanting;
  • Sort through the seeds you purchased earlier and check them for germination. If necessary, purchase the missing seeds. It is best to take products from different manufacturers.

Despite the fact that there is still snow in March and frosts are possible, nevertheless, you should not forget about inspecting the garden plot.

Favorable days in March 2019

You can understand which days are the best to start gardening work by looking at a special table. Despite the fact that the given dates are advisory in nature, most experienced summer residents are happy to adhere to them. Indeed, plants planted in different times, may not only have differences in development, but also in yield. This is due to the influence of the Moon on our planet and all life on it. So, let's figure out when it's best to do planting and other work in March, and when you should abandon them.

  • Favorable days - 8-12, 15-19.
  • Neutral days - 22, 23, 24, 29.
  • Unfavorable days - 5, 6, 7, 21.

Below is a table that outlines the favorable and unfavorable days for each individual crop.

You can be guided by the data given in this table, or you can build your schedule depending on the availability of free time or personal desire.

Lunar sowing calendar for March 2019 for gardeners and gardeners

What to do at the dacha in March?

The first trip to the dacha in March should begin with a careful inspection of the trees and shrubs. In general, the list important works in the garden it might look like this:

  • If there is too much snow on the branches, be sure to shake it off. Otherwise, heavy wet snow can damage plant branches, leaving you without a harvest;
  • if you see damage on the branches or trunk, be sure to lubricate these areas with garden varnish;
  • trample the snow firmly near the trunks. This measure will significantly complicate the approach of rodents to the bark of shrubs and trees;
  • With the onset of spring, rodents begin to actively reproduce, which is why you need to place traps or spread rodent poison on the site. In this case, you need to act as carefully as possible so as not to harm other animals;
  • Dig grooves in advance to drain water. Pay special attention to places where it usually accumulates;
  • If the snow on the beds with strawberries and wild strawberries has melted, bring it from other parts of the garden. This way you will protect the plants from unexpected frosts.

The work in March is quite varied, everything must be taken into account important points and don't miss a single point. With the help of the lunar sowing calendar, you can correctly distribute your time. The tips given in it will be useful not only for beginners, but also for experienced gardeners.

As soon as the first warm rays of the sun begin to warm the ground, gardeners and gardeners rush to acquire everything they need to start gardening work. They set priorities, outline plans, plan the progress of sowing work. A sowing calendar is a faithful assistant for them, because everyone knows that the phases of the Moon and its passage through the signs of the zodiac in one way or another affect the growth and development of plants, as well as the quality and quantity of the harvest.

What you need to know about the phases of the moon in March

Why does it sometimes happen that, with active and attentive care, plants grow poorly and the harvest is far from expected? It turns out that there may be several reasons for this, and one of them is the lack of knowledge about the phases of the moon.

No one doubts anymore that the Moon has great influence not only on the ebb and flow of tides, gravitational processes, but also on all organisms living on our Earth. It is worth knowing when the climax phases occur in each month, that is, the new moon and the full moon, in order to plan the care of your plants. But this does not mean that the rest of the time the Moon does not influence the life processes of plants.

The full moon and new moon are the peak of lunar activity; during the new moon, plants “sleep” or are in a “slow” phase. Seedlings planted these days will not adapt well to new conditions, as a result they will simply wither, and the seeds may never “wake up”. On the full moon, on the contrary, the peak of energy activity occurs, but the result will be the same. On the growing Moon it is better to sow plants whose fruits ripen above the ground, on the fading Moon lunar phase– tuberous and other “underground” plants.

Favorable and unfavorable days in March

  • March 1st. Growing Moon in Virgo.
  • March 2. Moon in Virgo, full moon.
  • March 4th. Moon in Libra, waning.
  • March 5th. Moon in Libra.

Greens and early cabbage planted these days will give good harvest. You can control pests. It is recommended to engage in plowing, loosening, cultivation, and hilling of plants.

  • March 8, 9 Moon in Sagittarius. You can sow radishes or daikon under the film, trim fruit trees and berry bushes. These days, mineral fertilizers and organic matter are applied.
  • March 10-14. It is recommended to apply fertilizers, prepare soil for seedlings, and trim fruit trees and berry bushes.
  • March 15. From this day you need to start caring for fruit trees, removing dry branches, preventive work.
  • March 16-18. There is a new moon on March 17, which means you need to wait a little longer with sowing crops.
  • March 19. Planting plants whose fruits ripen on the ground part on the growing Moon will allow you to get a rich harvest. On this day, peppers and tomatoes are sown, trees are planted and replanted.
  • March 20, 21. Good days to start growing cucumbers, eggplants and melons. Spray plants and destroy pests.
  • March 22, 23. Moon in Gemini. These days it is recommended to carry out preventive work, spraying trees and shrubs special drugs against pests and diseases. It is better to postpone sowing, planting and replanting until another day. You should also refrain from watering plants. Prune branches, shoots of trees and shrubs. Grafting trees and shrubs will give good results.
  • March 24, 25. Growing Moon in the constellation Cancer - good days for sowing seedlings of watermelons and melons, cucumbers and early varieties of cabbage. You can take care of indoor flowers.
  • March 26, 27. These days, it is recommended to graft fruit trees, sow seedlings of peppers and tomatoes, and you can start planting corn.
  • March 28, 29. Moon in Leo, waxing. These days they are replanting plants and applying fertilizer. You can pick plants.
  • March 30. The moon is waxing, in Virgo.

These days you should refrain from sowing any crops.

Of course, every gardener has the right to choose the timing of planting plants and other types of work with them, especially if he already has considerable experience. But so that your efforts are not in vain and the harvest turns out to be rich, some recommendations should still be followed.

  1. The day before and the day after the full moon it is not recommended to sow and replant plants.
  2. The walls of the seedling box should not be transparent, otherwise the sun's rays will destroy the tender roots. It must have drainage holes, and its base must be rigid, otherwise the movement of the soil during transportation will break the fragile roots of the seedlings.
  3. Experienced gardeners advise covering cups with seedlings with transparent film; they should have drainage holes. It is better to use peat cups, this will avoid damage to the roots when transplanting seedlings to permanent place. Before the sprouts appear, the cups with future seedlings or the container should be in a well-lit place, the air temperature in the room should be 22-25C, or higher.

Timely spraying with chemicals will help the kidneys get rid of uninvited “tenants” - pathogens and pests. Processing begins when the average daily temperature is within 4-5C.

Unfortunately, mice and hares sometimes damage the bark very great harm. If such a problem occurs, the bark will need to be smeared with garden varnish and tied with polyethylene. The bandage must be loose, otherwise it may cut into the bark.

Sanitary pruning involves removing diseased and withered branches that can contribute to the spread of pathogens of dangerous diseases. The branches are cut off, retreating 2-3 cm to the healthy bark, and the wounds are cleaned in the same way. It is better not to use organic solvents to heal wounds; this can end disastrously. For these purposes it is better to use garden pitch or oil paint containing natural drying oil. You need to cover it up, grabbing the bark around the wound. All cut branches and pieces of removed and torn bark must be burned. It would be a good idea to update the sun-protective whitewash.

Folk signs

  • Based on what the weather would be like on March 14 (this is the day of Evdokia Plyushchikha), they determined what the weather would be like in the summer.
  • If first spring days you will see lightning in the sky, but you will not hear the thunder, which means that the summer will be dry and hot.
  • Thunder thundered in March - expect a cold and rainy summer.
  • If warm winds blow in March, it means that the summer will be warm but rainy.
  • If there are often foggy sunrises in March, it means that summer will be cold and rainy.

By selecting favorable days for work in the garden and garden in the lunar calendar of sowing and planting for March 2018 for gardeners, gardeners and flower growers You will maintain your positive strength and attitude, rid your plants of all dangers, and find harmony with your garden.

Lunar sowing calendar for March 2018

for gardeners, gardeners, flower growers (table)

The new gardening season is about to begin and we all want to grow a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits this summer. Seeds, fertilizers and all kinds of means to combat pests and plant diseases have already been purchased. Now it remains to find out which days in March are most favorable for sowing seedlings . This is what it was created for Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners, gardeners and flower growers for March 2018 , which provides all the necessary recommendations.

Moon phases in March 2018

Favorable landing days in March 2018

The table shows the most favorable days for sowing seeds for seedlings

Favorable days for sowing and planting flowers in March

Unfavorable days for sowing seeds

Favorable days in March 2018 for planting seedlings, cuttings and grafting

Attention! The table shows the most favorable There are days for planting and sowing seeds, but this does not mean at all that you cannot plant on other days. You should not plant anything only on prohibited days.

Lunar sowing calendar for March 2018 for gardeners (table)

The table shows the phases of the Moon, its position in the signs of the Zodiac and recommended work for gardeners - gardeners - flower growers for each day of the month.

Date Moon in Zodiac signs Recommended works
March 1, 2018 Thursday Waxing Moon in Virgo · Virgo In the greenhouse- digging the soil, loosening, hilling, mulching, pest, disease and weed control. Watering, picking seedlings, thinning seedlings. Mineral and organic fertilizing.· Flowers- a favorable day for planting flowers, both annuals and perennials. In the garden- pruning trees, creating layering (burying lower branches of bushes) Not recommended soak and germinate seeds.
March 2, 2018 Friday Full moon Moon in Virgo The lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners for March 2018 does not recommend working with plants on the day of the full moon.
March 3, 2018 Saturday Waning Moon in Libra · Scales- Zodiac sign of average fertility (Flower Days) In the greenhouse- you can plant radishes, radishes, carrots and other root vegetables. Sowing root celery, leeks, asparagus. In the greenhouse - planting sweet pepper seedlings and sowing herbs. Plowing, watering, loosening the soil. Flowers- sowing and planting tuberous, bulbous, as well as annual and perennial flowers In the garden- anti-aging pruning, preparation of cuttings for grafting. Not recommended engage in vaccination.
March 4, 2018 Sunday Waning Moon in Libra
March 5, 2018 Monday Waning Moon in Scorpio · Scorpion- fertile zodiac sign (Leaf Days) Lunar sowing calendar recommends: · In the greenhouse- planting nightshades (peppers, tomatoes, eggplants), carrots, beets, radishes, celery. Sowing spinach, dill, broccoli. Laying out potatoes for germination. Disease and pest control. · Flowers- planting a tuber bulbous plants· In the garden- pruning trees for rejuvenation, cutting out overgrowth. Preparations of cuttings for grafting and grafting. Not recommended picking, transplanting, dividing roots and tubers.
March 6, 2018 Tuesday Waning Moon in Scorpio
March 7, 2018 Wednesday Waning Moon in Scorpio
March 8, 2018 Thursday Waning Moon in Sagittarius · Sagittarius - unproductive zodiac sign (Days of Fruition) In the greenhouse- forcing green onions (onions, chives, trumpets). Destruction of weeds and pests. Sowing broccoli, leeks (and seeds) for seedlings Digging, loosening the soil. Plant nutrition Flowers- favorable days for planting tuberous and bulbous plants Not recommended pick, pinch, replant, germinate seeds, water. In the garden- sanitary pruning, cutting of dry branches.
March 9, 2018 Friday Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius
March 10, 2018 Saturday Waning Moon in Capricorn · Capricorn- Zodiac sign of average fertility (Days of the Root) In the greenhouse- sowing early radish, radishes, beets, carrots. Forcing onions and garlic onto feathers. Weed and pest control. Picking vegetable seedlings. Sowing early white cabbage, sweet peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, celery. Laying out potatoes for germination. Flowers- planting corms ornamental plantsIn the garden- formative pruning of trees and shrubs. Vaccination and re-vaccination.
Sunday March 11, 2018 Waning Moon in Capricorn
March 12, 2018 Monday Waning Moon in Capricorn
March 13, 2018 Tuesday Waning Moon in Aquarius · Aquarius - infertile zodiac sign (Flower Days) In the days of Aquarius, the Lunar calendar of gardeners and gardeners does not recommend planting, sowing, transplanting, germinating seeds, or watering. In the greenhouse- you can dig up the soil, loosen, weed, thin out seedlings, fight pests and diseases. In the garden- sanitary pruning, cutting out shoots, spraying against diseases and pests.
March 14, 2018 Wednesday Waning Moon in Aquarius
March 15, 2018 Thursday Waning Moon in Pisces · Fish - fertile zodiac sign (Leaf Days) In the greenhouse- a favorable day for sowing radishes, spinach, watercress, carrots, beets, and onions. You can sow tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and cucumbers for seedlings. Picking and replanting plants Flowers- a good day for planting bulbs. In the garden- removal of shoots and dry branches. Not recommended water, prune, treat plants from diseases and pests. Feeding is very moderate.
March 16, 2018 Friday Waning Moon in Pisces The lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners does not recommend working with plants during the new moon.
March 17, 2018 Saturday New moon Moon in Aries
Sunday March 18, 2018 Waxing Moon in Aries
March 19, 2018 Monday Waxing Moon in Aries · Aries- unproductive zodiac sign (Days of Fruition) In the greenhouse- forcing green onions and garlic. You can thin out seedlings, weed by hand, spray against diseases and pests, give potassium fertilizingIn the garden- clearing the area of ​​fallen leaves and plant debris, cutting out overgrowth and dry branches. Not recommended pruning, picking, pinching, watering.
Tuesday March 20, 2018 Waxing Moon in Taurus · Taurus - fertile zodiac sign (Days of the Root) Lunar sowing calendar recommends: · In the greenhouse- sowing mid-late cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, broccoli, celery, marjoram - for seedlings for open ground. Sowing cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants. Mineral feeding, watering, loosening, thinning of seedlings. Weeding.· Flowers- favorable days for sowing flowers, especially perennials. In the garden- spraying against diseases and pests, cutting out shoots, dry branches, grafting, formative pruning. Not recommended transplanting and dividing roots.
March 21, 2018 Wednesday Waxing Moon in Taurus
March 22, 2018 Thursday Waxing Moon in Gemini · Twins- unproductive zodiac sign (Flower Days) In the greenhouse- planting seedlings in a greenhouse, transplanting seedlings. Sowing leeks, fennel, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, zucchini, squash. Weeding, loosening dry soil.· Flowers- planting hanging ornamental plants In the garden- sanitary pruning berry bushes, preparing cuttings for grafting, pest and disease control, replanting plants if the soil has thawed.
March 23, 2018 Friday Waxing Moon in Gemini
March 24, 2018 Saturday First Quarter Moon in Cancer · Cancer- the most fertile sign of the Zodiac (Days of Leaf) The lunar calendar of gardeners and gardeners recommends: · In a greenhouse in a greenhouse- sowing cucumber seeds for seedlings for a film greenhouse, picking cucumbers, planting tomato and cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse. Sowing cabbage, lettuce, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, cucumbers for seedlings. Forcing green onions, parsley, chard, beets, sorrel. Watering, mineral fertilizing.· Flowers- a favorable day for sowing annuals. In the garden- formative pruning and grafting of trees and shrubs. Preparation of shrub cuttings for rooting. Not recommended transplantation of ampelous and tuberous plants, use of pesticides.
Sunday March 25, 2018 Waxing Moon in Cancer
March 26, 2018 Monday Waxing Moon in Leo · Lion- infertile zodiac sign (Days of Fruit) In a greenhouse, greenhouse- sowing seedlings of asparagus, bush beans, lettuce, and basil. Loosening dry soil.· In the garden- cleaning the area from plant debris, shelters and debris. Loosening the earth dug up in autumn. Cleaning a strawberry plantation.· In the garden- early spring spraying of trees and shrubs against pests and diseases. Grafting, planting honeysuckle, sowing a lawn if the ground has thawed.· Not recommended watering and fertilizing.
Tuesday March 27, 2018 Waxing Moon in Leo
March 28, 2018 Wednesday Waxing Moon in Virgo · Virgo- Zodiac sign of average fertility (Days of the Root) In the garden- sowing dill, fennel, artichoke. In the greenhouse- pest and disease control. Picking seedlings. Preparing the beds. Application of mineral fertilizers, watering. Flowers- favorable days for planting annual and perennial flowers. In the garden- digging up cuttings of berry bushes, preparing cuttings, grafting trees. Mineral fertilizing, loosening the soil (locking in moisture), formative pruning. Sowing the lawn, planting honeysuckle, rose hips, if the soil is ready.
March 29, 2018 Thursday Waxing Moon in Virgo
March 30, 2018 Friday Waxing Moon in Libra · Scales - Zodiac sign of average fertility (Flower Days) In the greenhouse- picking, pinching and replanting plants. You can plant eggplants, cabbage, zucchini, and cucumbers. Feeding plants with organic matter and mineral fertilizers, watering, loosening the soil. Flowers- a very suitable day for planting any flowers (annuals, perennials, corms). In the garden- digging in the lower branches of shrubs (creating layering), forming and rejuvenating pruning of the tree crown. Not recommended graft trees.
March 31, 2018 Saturday Full moon Moon in Libra The lunar calendar of gardeners and gardeners does not recommend working with plants during the full moon.

March seedlings

It's time to warm up the soil prepared for seedling mixtures. If we are going to steam it or heat it in the oven, we do it now. You can't put it off any longer. In soil treated high temperatures, not only pathogenic, but also beneficial microorganisms die, it becomes clean, but lifeless (like distilled water).

It depends on us which microorganisms will populate it faster. We water the soil with a solution of Fitosporin M or Baikal EM1, which contain beneficial soil microorganisms, let them multiply and breathe life into the soil. Vermiculite, perlite, as well as mineral fertilizers are added to ready-made (steamed) soil mixtures.

Having prepared the soil mixtures, we decide what crops we will grow seedling method and in what quantity. This depends not so much on the number of beds in the garden, but on the area of ​​well-lit window sills. If there are no conditions for seedlings at home, it is better to abandon their cultivation in favor of greenhouse seedlings.

In the end, you can sow the seeds at home in such a way that after germination, you can send the seedling containers to the country house - under a film cover. But we cover the bed with film in advance so that it warms up before we bring the seedlings into it.

Having decided on the assortment and quantity of vegetables that we will grow in the coming season, we go to the store to buy seeds. We give preference to those varieties and hybrids that were successful in previous years. Let's take the new items for experiment. And we won’t limit ourselves to tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and white cabbage.

To start the vitamin season earlier, let's buy seeds kale, lettuce, rucula, spinach, chard. True, this greenery does not immediately take root in every family, but it is necessary to gradually accustom household members to green spinach soup, salad or cabbage rolls. These crops will take up little space; they can be grown as an intermediate crop in the same tomato bed.

In April, you won’t regret giving some space on the windowsill to lettuce. Plants planted in the ground in cool weather grow by leaps and bounds, giving them succulent leaves. When sown immediately in open ground, the lettuce does not have time to show all its power and taste: hot weather ruins him.

It is worth sowing for seedlings. And not just for the sake of earlier aromatic greens. Celery planted next to cabbage repels pests from it and, perhaps, we will not have to spray it against aphids, whites and other lovers of succulent leaves.

Let's sow one or two dozen leek seeds. Beautiful, stately plants will decorate any garden bed. And you can use plants without waiting for autumn, especially if you sow an early variety.

But let’s not sow everything at once and large quantities. We will give away one seedling or cassette box early cabbage, sowing several seeds of white cabbage, cauliflower, Beijing, kohlrabi, broccoli.

Immediately sow the seeds in separate small pots or cassettes. Later, when the roots of the plants have mastered the soil in the seedling containers, we transfer them into larger cups or cassettes.

You can also sow a few early seeds so that, having created favorable conditions for them (good lighting, transferring them to larger containers as they grow), you can plant well-formed bushes in the ground, preserving the root ball.

We will sow the remaining tomato seeds intended for growing seedlings in the room later. In the April sun, the seedlings will develop faster.

March is an amazing time for nature. Plants are awakening from winter oblivion, the feathered inhabitants of gardens are returning to updated birdhouses, and gardeners are enjoying the early and careful flowering of primroses. There are a lot of things to do, but they are all pleasant. The beginning of spring opens the season of hopes and blissful expectations of the rich and healthy harvest as a reward for our work.

Gardener's lunar calendar for March 2020

The lunar calendar for March 2020 gives recommendations on planting and sowing, plant care and protection work. Taking into account the influence of the Moon and other factors (zodiac sign, day of the week, characteristics lunar day and phases of the moon), favorable and undesirable days for carrying out gardening work are given.

  1. Traditionally, sowing, weeding, and spraying plants are recommended in phases II and IV of the moon.
  2. Planting, watering and fertilizing are best done in phases I and III.
  3. It is believed that it is best to sow seeds during periods when the influence of the Moon on the above-ground (leaves, stems) and underground (roots) parts is equal. Therefore, immediately after the New Moon and Full Moon, it is recommended to postpone sowing.

In our table of sowing and agricultural work according to the Lunar calendar for March 2020, the following conventions are adopted:

  • Favorable days for planting are marked in green.
  • Periods when sowing and planting work is prohibited are shaded in brown. New Moon and Full Moon Days are also marked.
  • Neutral days have a simple gray background

Lunar calendar for every day: favorable days for planting

*When using the Lunar calendar, take into account the characteristics of your region. When choosing have a nice day For sowing, pay attention to the growing season of the crop, take into account the time of planting seedlings in the ground.

1, sun8 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Taurus

Favorable day for planting green crops, lettuce, cabbage, taking into account your region and growing season. You can dive and replant seedlings.

In the garden, cultivate perennials, plant trees and shrubs, apply mineral fertilizers, and prune.

Bring out the potato tubers for germination.

2, Mon9 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Gemini

Favorable day for planting climbing vegetable crops for seedlings and greenhouses. Vegetable plants It's better not to sow.

If the climate allows, take care of roses, grapes, vines: prune, replant. Treat strawberries after winter.

If the snow melts, water the bushes hot water from pests and diseases.

3, Tue10 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Gemini

Sow peas, beans, and climbing flowers in heated greenhouses or open ground. We loosen the soil in boxes, pots with seedlings, and greenhouses.

We begin preparing greenhouses and outbuildings for the season, checking gardening tools, inventory.

We prepare the beds for planting, dig the ground, and form flower beds. You can harvest the first medicinal herbs.

4, Wed11 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Cancer

One of the most favorable days for planting vegetables.

Sow seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, broccoli, early white cabbage.

You can sow lettuce, dill, parsley, radish, and early radish in open ground.

5 th12 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Cancer

We continue to sow green crops, different types cabbages, early root vegetables in heated greenhouses or in open ground. You can feed them with mineral fertilizers.

Sow peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, early white cabbage, and broccoli for seedlings.

6, Fri13 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Leo

Sow seeds for seedlings medicinal plants and herbs. A favorable day for planting berry bushes.

Vegetable crops should not be planted. There is no need to pinch, pinch, or trim plants or shrubs.

Get busy working with soil and weeds. You can harvest firewood and lumber. Collect medicinal herbs.

7, Sat14 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Leo

You can trim and shape trees and shrubs, and sow seeds of medicinal or spicy herbs with a long growing season.

A good day for replanting perennial flowers and planting dahlias. You can finish seeding the lawn.

In the garden, tree trunks are whitewashed, trapping belts are installed, and pests are controlled.

8, Sun15 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Virgo

The most successful day for planting any flowers is to sow annuals and biennials. It is better not to plant vegetables.

In the garden we plant and replant grapes, dahlias, gladioli, and climbing flowers.

Check the root vegetables stored in the cellar. Take out the potatoes for germination, prepare the seeds of carrots and beets.

9, Mon16 l.d.
Full Moon in Virgo

Don’t sow, plant, or replant anything.

You can fight weeds and weed the soil. Loosen the soil around fruit trees and treat them against diseases and pests.

Remove shelters from berry and perennial plants, and shade conifers from sunburn.

10, Tue17 l.d.
Waning Moon in Libra

A good day for planting any root crops, medicinal herbs for seedlings or in open ground, depending on your region.

Sow seeds of any flowers for seedlings. Plant cold-resistant annual and biennial flowers and seedlings of stone fruit crops in open ground.

11, Wed18 l.d.
Waning Moon in Libra

We continue to sow medicinal and herbs, flowers, medium and late-ripening varieties white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower. Carrots, beets, turnips, radishes, radishes, and possibly potatoes are planted in open ground.

You should not plant or replant seedlings on this day.

Greenhouses and greenhouses are being prepared for planting, and outbuildings are being repaired.

12 th19 l.d.
Waning Moon in Scorpio

A very fertile sign. We plant any vegetable crops in open ground: carrots, beets, turnips, radishes, radishes, potatoes (depending on the weather).

Sow peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, mid- and late-ripening varieties of white cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower for seedlings.

13, Fri20 l.d.
Waning Moon in Scorpio

A favorable day for planting any vegetable crops. Root vegetables, garlic, and onions are planted in open ground. Sow cabbage and fennel seedlings.

You can plant perennial and bulbous flowers, replant berries and ornamental shrubs.

You should not trim trees and bushes or cut down forests.

14, Sat20 l.d.
Waning Moon in Sagittarius

Of the vegetable crops, only hot pepper can be planted.

The day is suitable for planting flowers, shrubs, and trees. Perennials can be treated. Trim trees and shrubs, feed organic fertilizers seedlings

Collect the first medicinal herbs and dry them.

15, Sun21 l.d.
Waning Moon in Sagittarius

Sow vegetables only when absolutely necessary.

You can sow seeds of any annuals for seedlings, plant any flowers, especially bulbs, grapes, hops, spicy and medicinal herbs.

A good day for plowing and loosening, cleaning the site, repairing tools, preparing the greenhouse and beds.

16, Mon22 l.d.
Waning Moon in Sagittarius

We do not plant vegetables. We work with the earth.

You can plant and replant stone fruits, apple trees, cherries, plums, and apricots. Sow cold-resistant flowers in open ground. Sowing of grain crops is favorable.

Clear the paths of snow and throw it into the greenhouse. On the eve of frost, cover berry fields and flowers with snow.

17, Tue23 l.d.
Waning Moon in Capricorn

Soak the seeds for germination. We plant root vegetables and cabbage, as well as vegetables that are intended for long-term storage.

We sow carrots, daikon, and beets in open ground. You can plant bulbous and corm flowers, onions, garlic, currants, and fruit trees.

Trees can be grafted and cut. A good day to feed seedlings and indoor flowers.

18, Wed24 l.d.
Waning Moon in Capricorn

Plant root vegetables and cabbage in heated greenhouses or open ground. Weed, put up fences, lay garden paths.

Plant potatoes, bulbous flowers, onions, garlic. Treat and replant perennial flowers.

Plant and replant fruit trees, berries and ornamental shrubs.

19, Thu25 l.d.
Waning Moon in Aquarius

It costs nothing to sow or replant. Treat plants against diseases and pests. Bring greenhouses, greenhouses, outbuildings into working order, remove garbage from the site.

Prepare the beds for planting: form beds, flower beds, dig the ground. You can whitewash trees and large bushes.

20, Fri26 l.d.
Waning Moon in Aquarius

We don’t plant or replant anything.

You can loosen, dig, mulch, spray plantings against pests, shape the crown of trees, and remove excess shoots.

Dig up the garden, form beds, flower beds, remove garbage.

21, Sat27 l.d.
​​​​​​​Waning Moon in Aquarius

Pinching, pinching, and pruning excess shoots will be successful. You can whitewash trees and shrubs, tidy up greenhouses and outbuildings.

Remove covers from berry gardens and perennials, and protect conifers from sunburn.

22, Sun28 l.d.

A favorable day for sowing any vegetable crops. Sow seedlings of tomatoes, cabbage, melons, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, white cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower.

We vaccinate and root cuttings.

23, Mon29 l.d.
​​​​​​​Waning Moon in Pisces

Sow vegetables for seedlings and in open ground: green and leafy crops, radishes, turnips, radishes. Sow seeds of tomatoes and peppers. eggplants, cabbage, melons.

You shouldn't work with the soil - let it rest. you can fertilize with organic fertilizers.

24, Tue30/1 l.d.
​​​​​​​New Moon in Aries

Do not plant vegetables and flowers.

It is better to work with the earth on this day. Prepare the soil and beds for new plantings, form flower beds. Dig up the soil and cover it with black film to obtain early harvest.

25, Wed2 l.d.
​​​​​​​Waxing Moon in Aries

There is no point in planting vegetables. Do not pick up seedlings or replant.

Loosen the soil, fight weeds, mulch. Collect the first medicinal and spicy herbs.

Whiten the trees in the garden and treat them against diseases and pests. Remove covers from berries, perennials, grapes, and flowers.

26 th3 l.d.
​​​​​​​Waxing Moon in Aries

Loosen the soil in boxes, greenhouses, and open ground. Control pests and diseases. Process disinfectants greenhouses and greenhouses. graft trees.

Put the outbuildings in order, think about the design of the flower beds.

27, Fri4 l.d.

A favorable day for planting trees and shrubs, sowing and planting vegetable plants.

Fight against diseases and pests. Pick up and transplant seedlings.

Graft, prune, plant and replant trees and shrubs, hedge. Treat perennial flowers.

28, Sat5 l.d.
​​​​​​​Waxing Moon in Taurus

You can plant any green crops, any variety and type of cabbage in a heated greenhouse or open ground.

It’s good to dive and transplant seedlings on this day. You can soak the seeds for germination.

A favorable day for replanting perennials; you can plant and replant trees and shrubs.

29, Sun6 l.d.

Good day to plant climbing plants, incl. strawberries It costs nothing to water and fertilize.

Sow beans, peas, and climbing flowers in open ground or for seedlings in boxes.

Process garden strawberries after winter. A favorable day for planting and replanting roses, chrysanthemums, grapes, and vines.

30, Mon7 l.d.
​​​​​​​Waxing Moon in Gemini

You can mow the grass, remove shoots, pick up seedlings, and spray plants against pests. We loosen the soil in boxes, pots with seedlings, and in greenhouses.

Collect your first medicinal herbs.

You can prune honeysuckle if buds have not appeared. Shrubs are shed with hot water to prevent diseases and pests.

31, Tue8 l.d.
​​​​​​​Waxing Moon in Cancer

We plant all vegetable crops. You can water the seedlings and feed them with mineral fertilizers.

We continue to plant green crops in open ground. You can plant all berry and ornamental shrubs.

Take out the potatoes for germination. Examine the harvest stored in the cellar. Prepare greenhouses and greenhouses for planting.

Favorable days for working with plants:
1-8, 10-13, 17-18, 22-23, 27-29, 31 March

Sowing calendar for March

The timing of sowing vegetables for seedlings depends on. When they are planned to be planted in the ground (in open beds or in a greenhouse). The timing of planting, in turn, is affected by the temperature outside the window: how the air and soil warm up. It is better if at the time of planting the seedlings are young than overgrown.

Sowing pepper seedlings

  • In the first ten days of March, pepper is sown for seedlings: first early varieties, then late ripening. It is best to grow pepper seedlings without picking, so as not to injure the sissies. Root system pepper does not recover well after transplantation, so it is better to sow the seeds immediately in large containers, peat pots or in homemade sleeves - cups for seedlings.
  • In the central zone, peppers are sown on all March holidays: from the 8th to the 12th. Pepper seedlings need to be provided with enough light and moisture. Planted in the ground at an air temperature outside the window of 13-16 °C.

Sowing eggplants for seedlings

  • Mid-March is the usual time for sowing eggplant seeds for seedlings in the Far East when grown in open ground. This applies to both traditional varieties and unusual Japanese hybrids, which produce a rich harvest with virtually no seeds and thin, delicate skin.
  • In the central zone, eggplant seedlings begin to be grown in the first ten days of March, then they are planted in the greenhouse on May 15-20.

Photo: Lunar sowing calendar from March 1 to 8 from the magazine "Dachny Club"

Sowing tomatoes for seedlings

  • The optimal time for sowing tomatoes for seedlings in Siberia is the third ten days of March, if planting is planned in film greenhouses. It should be planted in the ground only after the threat has passed. return frosts. Therefore, seeds are sown no earlier than April-May.
  • On Far East sowing of tomatoes for seedlings takes place over several periods: in the second ten days of March they sow early ripening varieties, and at the end of March - beginning of April - middle and late varieties.

To save time and when sowing tomatoes in late dates It is recommended to grow them without picking. It is believed that this way the seedlings grow stronger and more resilient.

Sowing cabbage for seedlings

For sowing white cabbage for seedlings, choose the period from late March to mid-April. Seeds are sown in boxes or cups quite often, so that later they can be thinned out and only strong seedlings are left.

To get an early harvest:

  1. colored cabbage is sown for seedlings from March 10 to 15,
  2. Beijing – from March 15 to March 20,
  3. early varieties kohlrabi – also in mid-March.

An early harvest can be obtained by sowing some early-ripening and cold-resistant vegetables directly into open ground, starting at the end of March. For example, various types salads.

Photo: Lunar sowing calendar from March 9 to 24 from the magazine "Dachny Club"

Sowing vegetables for seedlings in March

  • Fennel

Useful fennel to obtain early vitamin greens is sown as seedlings in March and grown in greenhouses or greenhouses.

  • Celery

You will also be pleased with fresh herbs and celery, sown for seedlings in early March. The seeds are not buried. But they are only lightly covered with snow. The soil is added later, when the seedlings produce 2-3 leaves.

  • Asparagus

A rare guest in our gardens, but some sophisticated and enterprising summer residents are still trying to get the coveted bleached stems. Asparagus must be grown from seedlings - it has a long growing season. Seeds are sown in March in peat-humus pots, and in June they are planted in a permanent place in open ground.

  • Zucchini

At the end of March they begin to grow zucchini seedlings. Leeks are also sown at the same time. With such sowing dates in the ground, seedlings are planted in the third ten days of May.

  • Potato

Lovers of the earliest harvest plant potato tubers for seedlings in March. At the end of April potato seedlings planted in a permanent place and harvested in June.

  • Tsimbalo

In the first half of March favorable time for sowing exotic Tzimbalo. It is better to plant a heat-loving guest in a greenhouse in the second half of May. However, remember that Tzimbalo shoots are distinguished by aggressive growth; the vine reaches a length of at least one and a half meters.

Photo: Lunar sowing calendar from March 25 to 31 from the magazine "Dachny Club"

Home garden in March

In March, daylight hours increase, so additional lighting issues are no longer so relevant for the home garden.

Cucumbers on the windowsill

In March, you can sow some varieties for growing cucumbers at home:

  • April,
  • Cucaracha,
  • Marinda et al.

Pepper on the windowsill

Until the third decade of March, you can also sow sweet pepper seeds when grown on a windowsill.

  1. For hot pepper and the timing is completely extended - you can sow even all winter and summer until the onset of autumn.
  2. Choose the brightest windows and large containers to get a rich harvest at home.

Beans, beans, peas on the windowsill

Early March is a good time to start growing legumes on the windowsill. Beans of this variety work well at home Patio and vegetable (green, green) beans.

Gardener's calendar for March

In March it's time to start spring treatments trees and shrubs in the garden. The plants are irrigated, and caterpillar nests are manually collected from the branches. Dry broken branches that thicken the crown should be pruned. Experienced gardeners carry out spring grafting and harvesting of lignified cuttings.


Start in March spring planting in the garden. Planting pits At the same time, they must be prepared in the fall. Seedlings are removed from the trench (if autumn planting set aside and stored the seedlings until spring). It must be planted immediately in a permanent place.

  • In the first month of spring, seeds of coniferous plants are planted in previously prepared soil. First, the seeds are sown frequently, every 5 cm, then thinned out and the strongest seedlings are left.
  • Strawberry planting continues in March. Strawberry seeds are evenly placed on the surface of the soil, and a layer of snow is laid on top, which, when melting, will pull the seeds to the desired depth.

Sanitary pruning

Every year in March fruit trees and shrubs in the garden are sanitary pruning. Remove dry, thin and broken shoots, as well as those branches that grow inside the crown, thickening it. The cut areas are immediately isolated with garden varnish or paint.

  • Apricots, cherries, pears, cherry plums, blueberries, and especially raspberries need spring pruning.
  • The sooner you carry out sanitary pruning on the bush, the better. Spring pruning must be completed before sap flow begins.
  • Sanitary thinning pruning in the spring is quite enough when caring for gooseberries. The shoots are cut out before the buds open, when the snow settles so that the entire bushes are visible.


In March there are favorable days for spring vaccination fruit trees, cuttings berry bushes. During the same period, lignified sea buckthorn shoots are cut and stored in a cellar under the snow.

At the end of the month, in the conditions of Siberia and the Urals, they begin Grafting cherry cuttings , when the snow is already melting, but night temperatures remain at 5-10 °C below zero. For the rootstock, 1-2 year old steppe cherry seedlings are taken. They are grafted using the method of improved copulation or rotation.

Removing covers and shading

  • You need to shade in March and conifers in the garden. Thin agril is thrown onto the frames and removed after the soil thaws.
  • When the threat of severe frost in March passes shoveling snow from the roots of trees in the garden to prevent damping off.


  1. In March, when positive temperatures set in, it is necessary to remove roses cover with plastic film.
  2. Agril (agrotex) should be left on roses for shading against sunburn.
  3. When air covering roses in March, they begin to be ventilated periodically so that they do not get warm.

You need to remove the winter shelter (film) from rhododendrons .

Disease and pest control

  1. To prevent apricot diseases and pests, it is recommended to carry out sanitary tree pruning. Otherwise, due to violation of deadlines, with later pruning, apricot gumming and the development of fungal diseases may appear.
  2. For processing currants from kidney mite They use irrigating the bushes with boiling water and creolin. They begin to collect the nests of hawthorn caterpillars on the apple tree.

Work in March: in the garden, vegetable garden, flower garden (video)

See the experience of gardening work in March in the video of Svetlana Samoilova, a regular author and subscriber of Antonov Garden. Weather in March in different climatic regions and in different years very different. Even in the Moscow region in mid-March summer cottages snow can fall in a thick, dense layer. Therefore, from year to year you have to re-plan the timing of pruning, preparing beds and greenhouses, and other work in your garden.

Gardener's calendar for March

In March, the gardener's time is occupied with sowing and growing seedlings. However, it’s time to take care of the beds, laying compost and preparing for planting potatoes and spring garlic.

  1. In March you can already start composting. So after 3-4 months, the compost will be ready by the beginning of summer. Then it can be used to control weeds.
  2. For soil disinfection in the greenhouse and in the beds in March, the soil is spilled with Fitosporin and covered with film. This good prevention fungal diseases of vegetables, incl. late blight of tomatoes.
  3. At the end of March it's time to start vernalization of potatoes. This will help in the future in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle. The tubers are sprouted in the light so that the sprouts become stronger, harden and turn green. As a result, sprouted tubers sprout earlier and help potatoes protect themselves from the voracious pest
  4. Before planting in the ground you need germinate spring garlic. At the end of March, the teeth are soaked in growth stimulants, wrapped in gauze, then in film and sent to the refrigerator. In a month, the cloves with a well-developed root system will be ready for planting.

Florist calendar for March

March is the month for the florist favorable days for sowing seeds of many perennial and annual flowers. In the second half of March in the climate Middle zone sow dope on seedlings. So that it blooms in early July and pleases until frost. If you sow primrose, daisy, rudbeckia, and mallow in March, they will bloom in the year of planting. Carnations and garden geraniums sown at the end of March will bloom by mid-September.

Flower garden care in March

  1. In March cut cuttings verbena. They are rooted in the sand. There are no problems with cuttings, because verbena reproduces well by self-sowing, and the creeping shoots of the plant quickly take root on their own, as soon as they are lightly pressed to the ground or hilled up.
  2. Lignified cuttings weigels, which are harvested in late autumn, are taken out of the basement in March and planted in a permanent place in the garden.
  3. In early March, when there is still snow on the soil surface, mineral deposits begin. feeding peony In spring it is convenient to use fertilizers in granules - this way nutrients delicately dissolve in melt water and go with it to the roots of plants.

Sowing flowers in March

  • In early March, godetia (California rose) seeds are sown for seedlings. Seeds of cleome prickly are pre-soaked in a growth stimulator (link). With this sowing, the seedlings are planted in a permanent place at the end of May.
  • In the first ten days of March, small penstemon seeds are sown, and at the end of May the seedlings are moved to the flower garden.
  • In the second half of March, marigolds erecta, salpiglossis, liatriss, and gomphrena globulus are sown for seedlings.
  • If you sowed double and large-flowered petunia in February, then from mid-March it’s time to start sowing ampelous, cascading and small-flowered petunia. In conditions central Russia Petunia seedlings are planted in late May - early June, so there is no rush to sow. In addition, March crops are ahead of January crops in terms of growth and development under the same conditions.
  • In mid-March, perennial delphinium seeds are waiting in the wings. So that the flowers have time to take root well, the seedlings are planted in the ground in mid-May.
  • At the end of March, you can germinate Tigridia bulbs in peat pots to plant them in the flower garden in June.

Caring for indoor plants in March

Feeding of indoor pets begins in March - only at healthy plants during the period active growth. At the same time, make sure that the bright spring sun does not burn the leaves of indoor sissies, especially after foliar spraying. Add minerals fertilizers Only possible in damp soil.

  1. Fertilizers are needed in early spring for indoor plants. Timely feeding Medinilla magnifica will be especially welcome, because it depletes the soil quite quickly.
  2. Clerodendrum Thomas begins to bloom in March. It needs bright diffused light, a temperature of 18-25 °C, and sufficient humidity. Twice a month they feed with fertilizers for flowering plants. In March, before flowering, the vines are cut to a third of their length.
  3. Only once from March to autumn you can see gusmania blooming, but it will be bright and long-lasting - 3-4 months.
  4. March is the time to hold the annual pruning Passiflora. After pruning, flowering will be more abundant, but after the “operation” the plant needs rest in partial shade for two or three weeks.
  5. The home chrysanthemum is replanted in March and exposed to light. The temperature is maintained no higher than 18 °C. From direct sun rays protect.
  6. Gardenia jasmine is propagated by cuttings. The rooting process is complex; phytohormones and soil heating are required.

Collection of medicinal plants

According to the calendar for collecting medicinal plants, in March, birch and pine buds, lingonberry leaves, roots of elecampane, black cohosh, and licorice are harvested.

March- the first month of spring, when garden work are gaining momentum. Lunar stages have different energies and effects on living organisms. Will come to help the summer resident lunar sowing calendar for March 2018.

In March it will be necessary to provide assistance to trees damaged by frost and burning spring sun. It is necessary to carry out spring pruning trees and shrubs. Also in March there is a fight against awakened pests. Caring for seedlings in greenhouses.

IN sowing calendar gardener for February 2018, Moscow time is indicated.

Work on caring for plants should be carried out on favorable days, which are summarized in the table.

Lunar calendar of work for gardeners and gardeners for March 2018 table

Moon in Zodiac sign
Moon phase
Recommended work in the garden and vegetable garden
March 1
2018, Thu
Moon in Virgo
Waxing Moon
Sowing and replanting are recommended indoor plants, loosening the soil, applying fertilizers, controlling soil pests. Also fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers
March 2
2018, Fri
Moon in Virgo
Full moon
Sowing, replanting, and any work on the site are not recommended.
March 3
2018, Sat
Moon in Libra
Waning Moon
We recommend pruning trees and bushes, loosening the soil, applying fertilizers, and controlling soil pests.
March 4
2018, Sun
Moon in Libra
Waning Moon
We recommend pruning and whitewashing trees and bushes, loosening the soil, applying fertilizers, and controlling soil pests.
March 5
2018, Mon
Moon in Scorpio
Waning Moon
It is not recommended to plant trees. Grafting, fertilizing, watering, destroying pests, and loosening the soil are effective. Sowing radishes, radishes, carrots, beets.
March 6
2018, Tue
Moon in Scorpio
Waning Moon
It is not recommended to plant trees. Grafting, fertilizing, watering, destroying pests, and loosening the soil are effective. Sowing small bulbous and corm flowers.
March 7
2018, Wed
Moon in Scorpio
Waning Moon
It is not recommended to plant trees. Grafting, fertilizing, watering, destroying pests, and loosening the soil are effective. Planting radishes, daikon, carrots, beets, bulbous and corm flowers. Transplanting and picking seedlings.
March 8
2018, Thu
Moon in Sagittarius
Waning Moon
It is recommended to be careful in any gardening work. Cultivation, weeding, pest control. Sowing root parsley.
March 9
2018, Fri
Moon in Sagittarius
Last quarter
It is recommended to be careful when doing any gardening work. Cultivation, weeding, pest control. Planting radishes, daikon, carrots, beets, bulbous and corm flowers.
March 10, 2018, Sat
Moon in Capricorn
Waning Moon
Replanting flowers is not recommended. It is recommended to prune plants. Sowing root parsley, laying seeds for stratification
March 11, 2018, Sun
Moon in Capricorn
Waning Moon
Replanting flowers is not recommended. It is recommended to prune plants. Planting radishes, daikon, carrots, beets, root parsley
March 12, 2018, Mon
Moon in Capricorn
Waning Moon
Replanting flowers is not recommended. It is recommended to prune plants. Planting radishes, daikon, carrots, beets, bulbous and corm flowers
March 13, 2018, Tue
Moon in Aquarius
Waning Moon
Sowing and planting are not recommended. It is recommended to carry out spraying and fumigation, trimming trees and bushes, and weeding. Fertilizing with organic fertilizers, spraying with insecticides against pests. Carrying out watering.
March 14, 2018, Wed
Moon in Aquarius
Waning Moon
Sowing and planting are not recommended. It is recommended to carry out spraying and fumigation, trimming trees and bushes, weeding
March 15, 2018, Thu
Moon in Pisces
Waning Moon

March 16, 2018, Fri
Moon in Pisces
Waning Moon
It is recommended to plant celery, radishes, bulbs, grafting trees and berry bushes. Excellent time for cultivation, watering and fertilizing
March 17, 2018, Sat
Moon in Aries
New moon
Sowing and planting are not recommended
March 18, 2018, Sun
Moon in Aries
Waxing Moon

March 19, 2018, Mon
Moon in Aries
Waxing Moon
Sowing and planting are not recommended. It is recommended to prepare the soil for sowing, exterminate pests, weeding and mulching
March 20, 2018, Tue
Moon in Taurus
Waxing Moon
It is recommended to sow lettuce and cabbage for growing indoors or in a winter greenhouse
March 21, 2018, Wed
Moon in Taurus
Waxing Moon
It is recommended to sow lettuce, greens, beans, eggplants, tomatoes, peas, beans, cauliflower, white cabbage, perennials and annuals, fruit bushes. Pruning branches. Thinning of seedlings and weeding.
March 22, 2018, Thu
Moon in Gemini
Waxing Moon

March 23, 2018, Fri
Moon in Gemini
Waxing Moon
Removing excess shoots, weeding, mulching, preparing a good place for lawns and beds, fighting pests and diseases (spraying and fumigation)
March 24, 2018, Sat
Moon in Cancer
First quarter

March 25, 2018, Sun
Moon in Cancer
Waxing Moon
It is recommended to sow seedlings: tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, peppers
March 26, 2018, Mon
Moon in Leo
Waxing Moon

March 27, 2018, Tue
Moon in Leo
Waxing Moon
Sowing and replanting garden crops is not recommended. Planting shrubs and trees will work well. The right time to prepare beds and lawns for planting, mulching, and pest control
March 28, 2018, Wed
Moon in Virgo
Waxing Moon

March 29, 2018, Thu
Moon in Virgo
Waxing Moon
It is not recommended to plant and replant vegetables, fruit trees, or sow seeds. For flowers, it is recommended to plant asters, crocuses, dahlias, gladioli, and irises. Loosening, cultivation, hilling, mulching of trees, spraying are recommended
March 30, 2018, Fri
Moon in Libra
Waxing Moon
It is not recommended to plant and replant vegetables, fruit trees, or sow seeds. For flowers, it is recommended to plant asters, crocuses, dahlias, gladioli, and irises. Loosening, cultivation, hilling, mulching of trees, spraying are recommended
March 31, 2018, Sat
Moon in Libra
Full moon
Sowing and transplanting are not recommended

Table of sowing vegetable crops according to the lunar calendar for March 2018

Vegetable crop
Eggplants, zucchini
White sunflower and cauliflower, asparagus
7, 8, 18, 20, 21
Root parsley, potatoes
8-10, 19-23, 27
Lettuce, spinach, parsley on greens, bell pepper
8-11, 20-24
Beetroot, radish, radish, peas, beans, beans
Celery, rutabaga, turnip, corn
9-12, 20-24, 25, 27
Tomatoes, cucumbers, melon, watermelon, carrots, root parsnips
19-24, 27, 28
Dill, fennel, cumin, cilantro, mustard
6-10, 20-25, 27
Onions on turnips, horseradish
7, 9, 11, 20-23, 26
Bulbous flowers planting
22-24, 26, 27
Flowers from seeds sowing
12-14, 21-24

Unfavorable days for sowing seeds and planting in March 2018

1-3, 16-18, 30, 31

The main thing is to have time to complete all planned work on time.

Video - What to Sow in March