When can you sow radishes outdoors? We sow the earliest vegetable - radish. Radish secrets. Growing early juicy radishes

The growing season of radish has a short duration, so it is a favorite of many gardeners. And when to plant radishes in open ground in spring remains a controversial issue, because each region has individual climatic features.

Regions favorable for growing vegetables

Radish is an unpretentious plant that can ripen in different regions and on any soil. But compliance with the temperature regime and the necessary care will allow you to harvest a rich harvest of delicious root crops.

High cold resistance makes it possible to grow a crop when night temperatures drop to -5 C °, while daytime temperatures should not be lower than 9 C ° heat. Only under such conditions will germination be poor and the quality of vegetables low.

In the Moscow region, planting radishes in open ground begins in mid-April - early May, when the sun begins to warm the earth. + 20 C ° is considered the optimal temperature for growing a vegetable, but at 15 C °, radishes will also grow, only seedlings will appear a little later. To make the process of sprouts appear faster, the bed is covered with a film or the crop is planted in a greenhouse. And in the southern regions, sowing begins at the end of March, when favorable weather has set in for planting radishes in the ground, for example, in the Rostov region and the threat of frost has passed.

No need to wait for the thermometer to rise above 20 degrees. This will not only not improve the quantitative and qualitative indicators of culture, but, on the contrary, will reduce them. The hot sun enhances the growth of the tops, but not the root crop.

Landing rules in open ground

After you have made the decision to sow radishes in your area, you need to carefully consider the choice of seeds:

  1. Buy goods only in specialized stores.
  2. Carefully look at the production date and give preference to more recent samples.
  3. Choose a variety that suits your growing conditions and planting period.

Soil preparation is one of the most important stages of planting radishes in the spring in open ground.

In a pre-selected area, which is well lit by sunlight and protected from strong winds, it is necessary to dig the ground to a depth of 25 - 35 cm. Loose soil with a neutral PH is suitable for radishes. If you are not sure that the soil meets these requirements, you can use the "grandfather" method and check the acidity of the soil.

For this you need:

  • pour 5 - 7 leaves of blackcurrant with a glass of hot water;
  • insist 8 - 10 minutes and strain;
  • put some earth from the intended landing site in a container of water;
  • wait for the color of the liquid.

Red or light burgundy color will mean that the soil is acidic, if blue, then the soil is neutral. A green tint indicates that the earth has medium acidity.

After diagnosis, if there is a slight swamp, it is necessary to add a little lime to the soil.

It is better to plant radishes in the place where vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes grew last year, or in the area where you plan to grow tomatoes.

In loamy and depleted soil, it must be applied taking into account the sown area.

When the preparations for the seat are completed, you need to make grooves on the bed at a distance of 10 - 15 cm from each other. You can sow the seeds immediately from the packaging bag, and if you want to get strong and large fruits, you need to pre-treat the seeds.

Before planting radishes outdoors, soak the seeds in a soft cloth dampened with warm water for 24 hours. Soak them in hot water for 15 minutes before sowing to avoid rot. Experienced gardeners, before planting, treat the radish with a 1% iodine solution for several minutes and roll it in crushed chalk so that the seeds are visible on dark soil and you can control the distance between them.

Radish seeds are laid out in a moist furrow 1 cm deep at 10 cm intervals so that each root crop has enough space to develop.

If you sow in a fast way, then when picking a plant, nearby sprouts may be damaged and not develop further.

Spring planting of radishes in open ground ends with sprinkling the seeds with earth, and on top with a small amount of ash.

Vegetable care

Planting and caring for radishes in the open field does not have complicated nuances, but requires the implementation of certain rules that help grow juicy and large vegetables. This includes:

  • watering;
  • loosening;
  • fertilizer with mineral mixtures;
  • weeding.

Radish is a moisture-loving plant, so the size and taste of the root crop will depend on the amount of watering. If the humidity is low, the radishes will be bitter and tough.

Radishes should be watered only from a watering can so that a strong jet from a hose does not damage the grown stems and does not wash away the roots.

To better retain moisture in the garden, add mulch to the top layer of soil using humus, plain paper or a special film for garden crops.

In between waterings, you should carefully loosen the earth around the plant so that the main part does not rot, and the soil is filled with oxygen. Weeding a bed with radishes should be done regularly, because weeds can slow down the development of a sprout and take the necessary trace elements from the soil.

It is better to apply mineral fertilizers to the garden when the radish is planted in the spring in open ground. But in order to accelerate the growth and development of root crops, urea and mullein are used, which are diluted in the proportion of 1 teaspoon per 200 ml of water, respectively. With this solution, strengthened sprouts are treated. If you use a combined top dressing, then it is better to give preference.

Never use fresh manure!

When radishes are planted in open ground under a film, the plant care algorithm is preserved, only the obligation to open and close the film every day is added until good weather conditions are established.

Planting radishes in open ground - video

The popularity of this root crop is explained very simply. After all, this is an opportunity to crunch on the first spring salads, get a portion of "fresh" vitamins, and for those who like to tinker in the beds - a great reason to start the garden season.

The radish plant belongs to the cruciferous family. The Asian lands are considered the birthplace of this culture, from where it later spread first to China, and then to the rest of the world. Radishes appeared on domestic tables thanks to merchants from the time of Peter the Great. This spicy and juicy vegetable was accepted immediately, and became widespread throughout the Russian territory.

Radish contains phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium and iron, therefore it has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system and increases blood hemoglobin. Cholagogue properties and high fiber content helps to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder. With radish, our body, weakened by a long winter, receives the first vitamins, among which the main place is occupied by vitamins of group B, as well as C and PP.

The growing season of radishes can be one or two years. Annual varieties are more convenient to grow, so among gardeners, those that produce seeds in the year of sowing are popular. The shape of the root crop is very different: round, oblong, flat-round, elongated and in the form of a spindle. By color, you can choose red, pink, white and even yellow or purple radishes. Depending on the region and the timing of the cultivation of this crop, it is sown both in greenhouses or hotbeds, and in open ground.

Planting radishes in the spring - five rules for a good harvest

Taking into account that radish develops better with a short daylight hours, it must be sown at the appropriate time. Soil moisture directly affects the formation of the root crop, and the availability of the necessary fertilizers and temperature conditions - on the quantity and quality of the crop. Therefore, despite the seeming simplicity of growing radishes, only compliance with certain requirements guarantees in the end a worthy reward for your work.

Rule one - deadlines

Early varieties of radishes allow you to get the first harvest after three to four weeks from the day of germination. Therefore, as soon as warm days are established, you can start preparing the beds. Radish is a fairly cold-resistant plant, it can withstand night frosts down to minus 5 - 6 degrees without loss, but at low daytime temperatures (up to +8), shoots will appear for a long time. The best sowing dates are considered to be the end of March - the beginning of April, when the sun generously gives warmth, warming the earth and air. It is more accurate to determine the lines when you can sow radishes yourself, based on the fact that at a temperature:

  • up to + 10 degrees - seedlings will have to wait a long time;
  • from +10 to +15 - they will appear in a week;
  • closer to +18 ... +22 - the first greens will hatch on the fourth day.

+ 20 degrees is considered the most favorable average daily temperature for the successful formation of a root crop.

Depending on when such weather conditions are expected in your area, you should choose the days when to plant radishes.

The first selective harvest begins to be harvested after 20-25 days, and then the rest ripens. To maximize the "radish" season, you need to sow it with an interval of one week. So, gradually ripening, the harvest will delight you all spring with young, juicy vegetables.

It is interesting! It is because of the relatively short growing season that the radish was chosen for cultivation on the International Space Station. On its basis, studies of the genetic characteristics of crops grown under weightless conditions were carried out.

Closer to the beginning of summer, it is recommended to stop sowing, as long daylight hours and hot weather quickly lead to the shooting of plants and a decrease in the taste of the root crop. It will be possible to resume the cultivation of radishes only in September.

Rule two - soil

Like most other garden crops, radishes love fertile soil. Therefore, before sowing radishes, you need to choose the most suitable site and prepare the ground.

Given the good responsiveness of root crops to organic fertilizers, it is better to prepare a garden bed for radishes in the fall. To do this, compost, humus or manure is brought into the ground and dug up thirty centimeters. If the soil is too clayey, then a little peat or coarse river sand should be added, because radish crops grow better on loose, light soils. When applying mineral fertilizers per square meter of land, the addition of ammonium nitrate (10-15 g), superphosphate (20-25 g) and potassium chloride (15-20 g) show good results. The acidity of the soil for radishes is better neutral, in extreme cases, slightly acidic is allowed.

Sowing radishes in open ground is carried out in sunny, wind-protected areas. The best for spring crops are the southern and southeastern sides, where the earth thaws faster and there is plenty of light for future entrances. Experience shows that radishes are an excellent predecessor for many garden crops, they perfectly prepare the soil for tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and cucumbers. It is especially convenient to grow radishes every year in a new place, which helps to improve the crop rotation of the garden. The only exceptions are cruciferous plants - cabbage, mustard, watercress and others, which can transmit diseases of this family to the following plantings.

Advice! Radish is an excellent compactor and a kind of "marker" of other crops.

Sowing radish seeds next to cucumber seedlings or rows of potatoes will result in two crops from the same bed. And the spring planting of onions on greens, dill and lettuce crops will go well with rows of early radishes.

Many gardeners know how laborious the first weeding of carrot beds is - its thin, barely noticeable shoots are difficult to see among the weeds that have risen. And this is where the rare radish bushes sown, along with carrot seeds, help determine future rows.

Rule three - sowing

When growing radishes in a greenhouse or film greenhouse, radishes are often sown without prior seed preparation. Between the grooves, a distance of about the width of a palm is kept, and the seeds are covered with a two-centimeter layer of earth. After the emergence of seedlings, it is advisable to thin out the crops, leaving 3–5 cm between adjacent bushes. If the sowing is carried out more carefully, introducing the seeds, taking into account the required distance, then it will not be necessary to break through the entrances.

Advice! In order to sow radishes faster and better, you can still stick its seeds on long strips of paper in winter and dry them. In the spring, it will be enough just to lay these tapes in moistened grooves and cover them with earth.

Sometimes sowing radishes, especially in the northern regions, requires preliminary preparation. Calibration of seeds by size and weight is carried out to obtain friendly seedlings and a simultaneous harvest, and is more often used when planting radishes for sale. But soaking and germinating seeds allows you to get faster shoots, and hence an earlier harvest.

Before planting radishes with seeds, they are wrapped in a linen napkin, placed in a container with a small amount of water at room temperature. Usually the seeds hatch already on the second or third day and are ready for sowing.

Rule four - watering

Radish loves watering, that's for sure. Moist soil contributes to the successful formation of a regular, juicy root crop. Therefore, it is necessary to sow the seeds in spilled grooves, and it is undesirable to skip sprinkling the first shoots, and further care consists in regular, generous watering. Of course, do not forget that moist soil does not mean stagnant water in the soil. Excessive moisture invariably leads to root rot.

Advice! It is better to water the March crops of radishes in film greenhouses with warm water, at a temperature of 25-30 degrees. Such an evening “shower” will not only water the plants, but will also allow you to keep warm during the night cooling.

Rule five - fertilizer

Radish - planting and caring for this crop does not take much time. With proper preparation of beds and sufficiently fertile soil, radish plantings do not require additional fertilization. For its short growing season, the available nutrition will suffice. If the fertility of the soil leaves much to be desired, then a week after the first shoots appear, the radish can be slightly fed with organic fertilizers. Usually, compost infusion or fermented manure infusion is added to the water for irrigation. Last year's dry humus or chopped mowed grass is poured onto the garden bed as mulch. The main thing in fertilizing radishes is not to overdo it! A large amount of nutrients in the soil leads to lush vegetation of radish greens, to stalk and negatively affects the shape and taste of the root crop.

The best varieties of radishes for spring crops

Depending on the time of sowing, the optimal varieties of radish are also selected.

  • French breakfast - early maturing variety. No more than 20-25 days pass from germination to ripening. The shape of the fruit is elongated, 3-4 cm long, bright red in color with a white tip.
  • Early red - matures in 27-30 days. Differs in resistance to shooting. Root crops are rounded, dark red in color with a white, juicy core.
  • Helios. Average ripening period, about 30 days . Excellent taste and unusual, yellow color of the root allowed this variety to gain popularity.
  • Sora. The fruits are large (up to 4-5 cm in diameter), dense, juicy, rich red in color. It is characterized by resistance to high temperatures and diseases, does not form voids. Thanks to this, it can be successfully grown at the end of May and even in June. The popularity of this variety is its high yield.

The first spring vegetable, its quick harvest and ease of care makes the radish one of the favorite garden crops. And properly selected varieties and sowing dates of radishes provide your family with vitamin salads for a long time.

The radish is the earliest vegetable. It contains mustard oils, due to this it has a spicy spicy taste.

Radishes can be grown outdoors until frost.

This is due to the fact that the ripening time of the crop is short, which allows you to harvest several times during the summer.

The technology of growing a vegetable does not have any difficulties.

By providing the plant with all the conditions, you can get an excellent harvest of a spicy, tasty and healthy vegetable. Radishes contain many vitamins and minerals.

All varieties of vegetables for open ground can be divided into:

  • early ripening - ripening time ranges from 16 to 20 days;
  • mid-ripening - the vegetable ripens for 35-40 days;
  • late ripening - ripening begins no earlier than 35-53 days.

Popular among early ripe varieties are: Early beautiful, Corundum, ultra-early radish 18 days.

Among the mid-season varieties, Saxa, Viola, Helios can be noted.

According to gardeners' reviews, late-ripening varieties have proven themselves well: Red Giant, Rampoush.

All varieties are different. Depending on this, the radish can be red, white, purple or yellow. The shape is round or elongated.

When to sow radishes outdoors

We plant radishes in open ground when the snow melts and the soil warms up enough. Thus, early varieties are sown.

Vegetable seeds sprout already at a temperature of + 2 ° C.

As for the timing of sowing, it is usually mid-April.

If the climate of the region allows, they are sown at the end of March.

When landing, consider the following:

  1. Germination can take about 2-3 weeks if the temperature outside is +10°C.
  2. Radish germination time is reduced to 7-8 days if the temperature rises from +10 to +15°C.
  3. You can reduce the time of emergence of the first shoots to 4 days if you sow radishes when it is at least + 19-23 ° C outside.

It is also possible to plant radishes before winter. This option allows you to get the harvest even earlier, by about a couple of weeks.

To sow a vegetable and get a good harvest, you need to choose frost-resistant varieties. One of them is the Lighthouse or Mercado.

Sowing is done in November. To do this, prepare the ground, make grooves.

How many times to plant radishes per season

Radishes in the country can be grown several times during the summer. The vegetable perfectly tolerates cold and temperature changes.

Growing a vegetable is not at all difficult, even a novice gardener can handle it.

The growing season of the vegetable is very short, so you can get a crop from early spring right up to late autumn.

Many gardeners sow the crop at intervals of several days (7-10), so they get a healthy vegetable throughout the season.

Landing in open ground

Before sowing seeds, you need to carefully prepare the soil and beds.

Thus, all the necessary conditions for the normal development of the plant will be created.

Pre-sowing preparation of seeds

The first step is to sort out the seeds before planting. This measure is necessary in order to select the largest and healthiest seeds.

Planting material can be sieved. Any sieve will do, seeds at least 2-3 mm in diameter will be the best option for planting and getting large root crops.

  1. The selected planting material is first soaked.
  2. Take a container and fill it with warm water.
  3. Seeds are placed and cleaned in heat.
  4. Leave the seeds to germinate. During this time, it is important to prevent the seeds from drying out. You need to constantly check them, if necessary, add water. Heated seeds will germinate faster.

Preparing the soil for planting

It is better to start preparing a vegetable garden in the fall.

The soil should be soft and loose. Radish prefers fertile soil, neutral acidity.

If the soil is very poor and heavy, it can be fertilized with humus. Clay soil is diluted with sand, peat.

Before planting make superphosphate, potassium salt. If the earth has high acidity, it can be reduced by adding wood ash or dolomite flour.

Before sowing, beds are formed with a rake. The earth must be carefully dug up and loosened.

Crop rotation rules

Compliance with the rules of crop rotation allows you to determine what to plant after radishes and what are the best vegetable predecessors.

These rules will help to avoid many problems when growing a vegetable. For example, many related plants may suffer from the same diseases.

To avoid this, you need to constantly change the place of cultivation of crops on the site.

It is best to plant radishes in the place where they grew:

  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • potato;
  • legumes.

After the radish, all vegetables are planted, except cabbage, radish.

Various greens grow best after radish: dill, parsley, onion, lettuce.

The advantage of annual crops is that they can be planted every year in different areas. At the same time, it is easy to follow the rules of crop rotation.

Sowing radish

Sowing usually begins in April. You can also plant radishes in March under a film so that the seedlings do not freeze.

Proper landing in open ground:

  1. Make grooves in the garden. Radish planting scheme: 20 cm between rows, 2-3 cm between plants.
  2. The grooves are watered with warm water.
  3. Gently spread the seeds, sprinkle with earth on top. Planting depth in the ground - 1.5-2 cm.
  4. It is also recommended to mulch the bed with peat or humus.
  5. To speed up the emergence of seedlings, the bed is covered with a film.
  6. When sprouts appear, the film is removed.

Note! The seeding depth depends on the type of soil. For example, the heavier the earth, the shallower the radish seeds are planted.

Cultivation in cells from under eggs

According to experienced gardeners, there is another great way to grow a vegetable.

It involves planting seeds in cells from under the eggs. With this method, thinning is not required, and the vegetable grows in the correct shape.

To grow radishes in cells, you need to do the following:

  1. First prepare the beds.
  2. Put the egg cells on the bottom of the beds with holes down, after cutting off their bottom.
  3. Next, soil is poured into the cells and placed in each 1 seed.
  4. Sprinkle with earth on top, compact a little, water.

Growing and caring for radishes

Caring for radishes in the open field is not difficult, but has some features. After the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to provide the plant with all the conditions necessary for it.

Radish care consists of watering, loosening, piercing, fertilizing and preventing pests.

Watering and loosening

Watering, loosening and thinning of plantings is an important step in growing radishes. Proper watering helps to grow an excellent vegetable crop.

Insufficient moisture in the soil affects the taste of the vegetable. Insufficient watering leads to the appearance of bitterness in radishes.

If you water the plant too often, it can lead to water stagnation in the soil. Excess moisture can cause radishes to crack.

It is also important to regularly remove weeds that prevent the crop from growing. Constant removal of weeds promotes excellent growth of root crops.

It is best to loosen the soil after the rain has passed or after each watering.

To simplify care, you can mulch the beds with sawdust, foliage or mowed grass.


Thinning is a mandatory procedure. If it is not done, root crops will not be able to develop normally. They will have little space, and they will grow small, irregular in shape.

Thinning is usually done at the stage of second leaf formation.

The distance between plants is about 3-5 cm.

If the variety is distinguished by large root crops, then you need to leave a larger distance - 8-10 cm.

When thinning, you need to carefully inspect the plants.

Leave only strong and healthy seedlings.

Thinning can be avoided if a certain distance between seeds is maintained immediately during sowing.

top dressing

Fertilizers need to be applied after germination. Top dressing of radishes is carried out only 1 time for the entire period.

Only if the land is too poor, you can fertilize 2 times. Humus or manure solution is perfect for these purposes.

If a plant lacks any micro or macro nutrients, this can be seen from its appearance.

For example, if the roots are small and there are a lot of foliage, this means that lack of potassium and phosphorus.

Weak and pale leaves indicate a lack of nitrogen. Top dressing with nitrogen-containing additives will help fix the problem.

It is important to observe the dosage when fertilizing, since an excess of nutrients for plants is also harmful.

Why does the radish go to the arrow

With proper planting and care of radishes, you can get an excellent harvest, but sometimes unpleasant situations happen. One of them is the moment when the radish goes into the arrow.

The whole problem is that radishes need to be grown with less than 12 hours of daylight. Otherwise, it begins to shoot, the roots become hard.

Thus, it is best to choose early spring or autumn for growing radishes.

If you need to grow a crop throughout the summer, you can artificially shorten daylight hours.

For this, a frame is constructed and any opaque material is pulled onto it. Covering and opening the radish, the gardener himself regulates the length of daylight hours.

Major pests and their control

The root ripening period of the vegetable is short, therefore, as a rule, it rarely gets sick and is affected by pests.

The most common pest is the cruciferous flea. This insect can severely damage seedlings.

Treatment with a solution of wood ash, laundry soap will help get rid of the pest. You can prepare the solution like this:

  1. 50 g of soap rubbed on a grater.
  2. 2 cups of ash are poured into a container.
  3. Add soap and warm water.
  4. Everything is thoroughly mixed.
  5. Spray on pest-affected plants.

Another vegetable can be threatened by a wireworm. You can get rid of it with the help of Fitoverm.

Of the most common diseases that harm radishes, we can note:

  • bacteriosis - you can find out about the disease by the mucus that covers the root crops. For treatment, plants are treated with Bordeaux liquid;
  • black leg - it affects seedlings. Plants stop growing, the stem curls, the plant dies;
  • kila - the leaves of the radish turn yellow, and on the fruits you can see seals and swollen spots. Spraying with milk of lime will help get rid of the disease.

Among the most popular chemicals for processing vegetables are Inta-Vir, Karate.

However, they should only be used in extreme cases. This is due to the fact that root crops can accumulate harmful substances.

Growing a tasty and healthy vegetable with a piquant spicy taste in the open field is quite simple.

You can get useful radishes from spring to autumn. The cultivation technique is simple, so even beginners who are inexperienced in this matter can grow a vegetable.

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Radish is one of the champions in the content of vitamin C, it contains B vitamins and a whole range of minerals important for humans. Eating the product improves the functioning of the urinary system, bronchi, liver, heart, and helps to restore and cleanse the body. There is no summer resident who would not grow radishes in his garden. The agricultural technology of this culture is not complicated, but it has its own characteristics that you need to know.

When determining the timing of planting, one should take into account the growing season of the variety, the climatic features of the region, and the recommendations of the lunar calendar.

Depending on the cultivar

Depending on the length of the growing season, radish varieties are divided into several groups with different ripening periods. This factor affects the timing of planting crops:

  • early ripe - ripen in 18-20 days;
  • early - ripen in 20-30 days;
  • mid-ripening - ripen in 30-35 days;
  • late-ripening - ripen in 36-45 days.

The earliest varieties can be planted as soon as warm weather sets in and the sun begins to bake. Radish is a cold-resistant crop and can easily withstand frosts down to -5-6°C, but at low positive temperatures, it will take a long time to wait for seedlings.

If it is +10°C to +15°C outside, the sprouts will sprout in a week. When the air warms up to + 18-22 ° C, shoots will appear on the 4th day. The root crop itself develops best at a temperature of +20°C. It is from these data that you need to build on when sowing.

In the regions

When carrying out sowing work, it is necessary to take into account the climatic features of the current spring. In each region, the weather, favorable for sowing radishes in the ground, comes at its own time:

  • for the South of Russia, sowing is allowed in the last days of March;
  • in the middle lane, radishes are sown closer to mid-April;
  • in the Leningrad region, if the weather is favorable, they start sowing at the end of April;
  • in Siberia and the Urals, sowing is done in early May or somewhat later.

On a note! To harvest radishes continuously for a long time, sow them 2-3 times with an interval of 1.5-2 weeks.

When to sow radishes in the spring in 2019 according to the lunar calendar

According to the lunar calendar, each crop has its own favorable and unfavorable sowing days. For vegetables that produce crops in the aerial part, and root crops, these dates do not coincide.

All other days are considered neutral in terms of the influence of the phases of the moon. Planting in such time periods will not give either a significant acceleration or a delay in the growth of radishes.

Growing radishes outdoors

Radishes are good because they do not require a seedling method of growing. Seeds can be planted directly into the ground. The agrotechnics of this culture is simple, but, nevertheless, it must be adhered to.

Location selection

For a garden bed for radishes, you need to allocate a place that will be illuminated by sunlight from the south, east or west for at least several hours a day. The site must be protected from strong winds that dry out the soil. Clay soil is not suitable for this culture.

Radish prefers loose and light soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. Heavy clay soil can be improved by adding additional sand and peat.

On a note! Radishes are among those crops that do not benefit from greenhouse soil. In the greenhouse, the plant begins to actively grow tops, and the root crops are loose and tasteless.

A bed for a root crop is prepared in the fall. If you haven't had time to do this, it's not too late to start preparing the soil in the spring. The earth must be dug up, loosened and organic fertilizers applied (1 bucket of compost or humus per square meter of area). Together with fertilizers, the earth is once again dug up on a shovel bayonet.

Additionally, mineral fertilizers are also applied for digging (40 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfide per square meter from autumn and 15 g of ammonium nitrate in spring). 2 weeks before sowing, the earth is loosened and the surface of the beds is leveled.

Crop rotation

Crop rotation rules should be observed so that the land is not severely depleted and not infected with insect larvae and fungal spores, to which the crop that will be planted in this area is vulnerable. Each cultivated plant has its own list of desirable and undesirable predecessors, as well as followers.

All crops are suitable for radishes as predecessors, except for related plants from the cruciferous family (these are vegetables such as cabbage, lettuce, mustard, daikon, radish and radish itself). If you want to get good large root crops, consider the recommendations of experts.

Presowing preparation of seeds increases the percentage of their germination, accelerates germination, and increases the viability of seedlings. For this, the following procedures are carried out:

  1. Calibration. Seeds are calibrated with a saline solution to weed out empty and dried seeds in advance. The solution is prepared from 200 ml of water and 1 tsp. salt. Seeds are poured into salt water and wait 5-10 minutes. Those seeds that settle to the bottom are suitable for planting, they are washed in clean water. Floating seeds can be thrown away, there will be no sense from them.
  2. Disinfection. The easiest method to pickle the seeds is soaking in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20-30 minutes. As a result of this procedure, bacteria, viruses, fungal spores that could be preserved in the planting material die. Some use a solution of hydrogen peroxide instead of potassium permanganate. After manipulation, the seeds must be washed in running water.
  3. Soaking in a solution of growth stimulants. You can use drugs such as Epin, Zircon, Heteroauxin, aloe juice. The drugs must be used in accordance with the instructions. Such processing increases the immunity of plants, improves their adaptive abilities, and accelerates growth. After soaking in stimulants, the seeds are not washed in water, but immediately dried and used for planting.

It is necessary to dry the seeds so that they do not stick together, but remain free-flowing. After carrying out all three types of processing in stages, you will receive material completely ready for planting.

On a note! When sowing in early spring, it is recommended to harden the seeds, which consists in alternating contrasting temperatures. For 3 days, seeds wrapped in cloth are kept at room temperature during the day, and placed in the refrigerator overnight.

Sowing radish can be done in different ways. Here, as they say, who is in what much. The classical method involves sowing in grooves 2-3 cm deep and row-spacing 15-20 cm wide. Before planting, the furrows must be shed with water, and after sowing, the seeds are sprinkled with earth and compacted. Sowing technology may be somewhat different:

  • The sowing method under the film is applied in early spring at low temperatures.. Radishes sown under cover will give an earlier harvest.

At the initial stage, they act in the same way as with the classical method of sowing. Seeds are planted in grooves, sprinkled with soil and the plantings are compacted. Then, arcs are installed above the bed, which are covered with a film on top. This method is also used in dry windy weather so that the soil does not dry out.

  • Recently, the sowing method using a lattice from under the eggs has taken root. It is ideal for owners of a small plot who save planting space.

The land before such sowing does not require thorough cleaning of weed rhizomes, since weeding will not be needed in the future. In this case, the egg grate is used as a kind of cassette. It is pressed into the ground, resulting in evenly spaced cells. A small hole must be made in each of the cells in advance. Then the seeds are laid out in the holes at the bottom of the cassettes and covered with soil.

  • An even more economical method of sowing involves the use of a board with teeth made on it. leaving holes in the ground with a depth of 1-2 cm and located in increments of 5x5 cm.

The board, which plays the role of a marker, is placed with the teeth down and walked on it so that it presses more tightly into the ground and leaves holes there. Seeds are then placed in each of these holes. Landing is carried out without row spacing, per 1 square. m area in this way you can place up to 400 pieces of seeds and collect up to 5 kg of crop.

Proper landing is only half the battle. Without proper care, seedlings will not germinate or will be weak.

It is not necessary to fill the beds with the same crop. Combined plantings allow you to get more vegetables in one area. In addition, plants can have a beneficial effect on each other. For example, planting bush beans next to radishes will improve their flavor and repel the cruciferous flea.

Crops such as lettuce and head lettuce can also act as pest protectors.

  • Greens are suitable as neighbors for radishes: spinach, dill, parsley. Nearby you can plant,, cabbage,.
  • In the immediate vicinity will grow well: cucumbers, , , corn, peas.

Caring for radishes after sowing

The first days after sowing, the radish especially needs careful and regular care. When the plants get stronger, they need less attention.


Radish is a crop that needs high humidity. Only regular watering can provide it. It is necessary to irrigate a bed with a radish daily. Drying out the soil can cause the sprouts to die. Radishes are best watered in the morning. Plants will need the most moisture during the period when root crops begin to pour. But you need to remember that everything needs a balance. From excessive waterlogging, radishes can rot, so do not turn the bed into a swamp.

Radish thinning is started 5 days after germination. By this time, the plants have two true leaves. Thin out the seedlings so that the seedlings are at a distance of 2 cm from each other. This will cause the foliage to stretch upward, which prevents the formation of arrows.

After 30 days, you can thin out the radishes again. This time, weak sprouts are pulled out and attention is paid to thickened places. The third time, the procedure is carried out shortly before harvesting, removing ripe and large root crops, and leaving small ones to build up mass.

Thinning is carried out only after watering, when the ground is soft enough. When pulling out very young shoots, the soil near the remaining plants is held with hands. This procedure is necessary to increase the quantity and improve the quality of the crop.

If the radish was sown in fertilized soil, it does not need top dressing. The growing season of the plant is quite short. In the event that the soil has not been fertilized and the plants do not grow very well, a single nitrogen fertilization is carried out.

You can add an infusion of mullein, chicken manure or mineral fertilizer to the soil (1 tablespoon of ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water).

During the fruit pouring period, it is permissible to feed the radish with ash infusion, but this is completely optional.

Many summer residents avoid fertilizing under radishes, as it is widely believed that the culture is prone to the accumulation of nitrates.

Diseases and pests

Any diseases simply do not have time to develop in a short growing season. The most formidable pest that can damage the radish is the cruciferous flea.

The impact of insects can be recognized by the slow growth of seedlings and the appearance of malformed leaves. As a preventive measure, plantings are dusted with wood ash or tobacco dust. You can also cover the crops with a film or agrotextile.

Answers to frequently asked questions

For beginners, it is not always clear what kind of mistakes when growing radishes lead to certain problems. But the answers to such questions are known to specialists who willingly share information with everyone.

What to do so that the radish is not bitter

There are several reasons why the root crop grows bitter. This can happen if the radish did not have enough moisture or oxygen as a result of overgrowing of ridges with weeds, too dense plantings. Fruits also acquire a bitter taste as a result of overripe. That is why radishes need to be watered in a timely manner, thinned out, weeded and loosened. It is necessary to harvest the crop in a timely manner.

On a note! You can remove bitterness from radishes by soaking the roots for half an hour in salt water.

The most common cause of radish bolting is hot weather, which is why it is best to grow the crop in spring and late summer. The optimum temperature for growing root crops is 18-20°C.

Improper watering, both too rare and plentiful, can also lead to the appearance of an arrow. Water the bed in such a mode that the earth always remains slightly moist..

The lack of moisture is especially dangerous at the time of the appearance of the first pair of true leaves. The third reason is the excess amount of light. Radishes are among the crops that need a short daylight hours. If growing during the summer months, cover the bed with opaque material from 6 pm to 6 am.

How to prevent radish cracking

In the initial stages of growing radishes, uneven watering and too dense plantings lead to cracking. With dense sowing, the plants begin to experience a lack of light, which leads to the fact that the roots burst. The same thing happens if the plant is deficient in moisture and suddenly receives it immediately in large volumes.

It is impossible to overexpose ripe radishes in the garden, this will also lead to cracking. Additional prevention of an undesirable phenomenon will be the use of selected fresh seeds and compliance with crop rotation rules.

How many times can radishes be planted per season

To get a good harvest of radish, it is planted up to 4 times per season with a break for hot summer periods. The first sowing is done in April, the second time the crop is planted with seedlings in early June, the third planting is carried out again by seedlings at the border of July and August, the 4th sowing is carried out in the last days of summer. In order to harvest radishes in the fall, heated greenhouses are used in the northern regions, and in the middle lane the crop ripens right on the ridge.

How to grow a large radish - video

The benefits of the root crop have been proven by scientific studies. Juicy sweet radish is loved by both old and young, and to make it just like that, use the tips that we shared. Then you will be happy to send the root crop to your mouth directly from the garden or add it daily to salads on your table.