How to install a gable roof truss system - a step-by-step guide. Do-it-yourself installation of rafters: features of the calculation and installation of the main elements of the roof frame Roof installation of rafters and battens

The arrangement of a gable roof is considered a very practical and right decision in the construction of a residential or commercial building. This option combines the relative simplicity of execution and reliability, ease of maintenance and long term services. In this article, we will show you how to install truss system gable roof with your own hands, what are its varieties, and how to calculate the dimensions of its individual elements. Our step-by-step instruction will allow you to deal with any complications that may arise in the course of work.

A roof with two slopes has a whole list of advantages:

  • ease of calculation;
  • various options performance;
  • saving materials;
  • the possibility of natural outflow of water;
  • low probability of water leakage due to the integrity of the structure;
  • the possibility of arranging attic space or attic;
  • reliability and long service life;
  • ease of preventive maintenance.

Varieties of gable roofs

Consider the main types of roofs with two slopes, the truss system in which will differ slightly in execution.

Symmetrical gable roof

This is the simplest gable roof, however, the most reliable and popular. Symmetrical slopes allow you to distribute the load on the Mauerlat and load-bearing walls evenly. AT this case the type and thickness of the insulation layer do not affect the choice roofing material. Thick beams of rafters have a sufficient margin of safety, so they will not sag. In addition, spacers can be installed at your discretion.

Among the disadvantages of this option can be noted only too sharp corner slopes, which makes it difficult to use the attic floor and creates "deaf" areas that have no use.

Roof with two asymmetrical slopes

If the angle of inclination of the slopes is made more than 45º, some unused areas of space can be used. It will even be possible to equip a living space in the attic. However, some additional calculations will be required, as the load on the walls will become uneven.

Broken roof with external or internal break

This configuration makes it possible to place a spacious attic or attic under the roof. However, in this case, more complex engineering calculations will be required.

The design of rafters for arranging a roof with two slopes

The design of the gable roof truss system assumes the presence of such components:

  • Mauerlat. It is a durable bar made of oak, pine, larch or other strong wood, which is laid around the perimeter on the bearing walls of the building. The purpose of the Mauerlat is to evenly distribute the load. The cross section of the bars is chosen based on their structure - solid or glued, as well as on the age of the building. The most commonly used beams are 100 × 100 or 150 × 150 mm.
  • rafters. The whole structure is created from such elements (read also: ""). Connecting at the top point, two rafters form a farm. They are made from logs or durable bars.
  • puff. This part serves to grip the rafters and ensure their rigidity.
  • Runs. In those places where the rafter legs are joined, a ridge run is attached, on which the skate will subsequently be mounted. And with the help of side runs, the frame of the rafters is given additional strength. The expected load determines the size and number of such elements.
  • Rafter rack. This is a vertical beam that partially takes over the weight of the roof. If the gable roof scheme is simple, then one such beam is placed in the center. For a long span, three bars may be required - one in the center and two on the sides. If an asymmetrical roof is being erected, then the location of such a beam is determined by the length of the rafter legs. Under the rafters for a sloping roof, racks are placed on the sides to make room for movement. Beams are placed in the center and sides if there are two rooms.
  • Struts. These are rack supports. If significant winds and precipitation are expected in winter period, install longitudinal, as well as diagonal racks.
  • Sill. A rack for rafters rests on it, and struts are also attached.
  • crate. The selected roofing material is attached to it, and you can also move along it during work. Fix the crate perpendicular to the rafters. Please note that the crate allows you to evenly distribute the mass of roofing material over the rafter system.

The installation scheme of the gable roof truss system will greatly facilitate everything construction works. How such a roof scheme will look depends on the type of roof.

Please note that the material for the truss system must be of the highest quality, treated with flame retardant and antiseptics. There should be no knots or cracks on the beams for rafters, Mauerlat and racks. Only a small number of knots are allowed on the crate, firmly seated in the wood.

Calculation of frame elements for a gable roof

Laying Mauerlat on the walls

This element is mounted on a load-bearing wall along its entire length. If it's about log house, then the upper crown can serve as a Mauerlat. For buildings made of aerated concrete or brick, a Mauerlat equal to the length of the wall will be required. Sometimes this detail can be laid between the rafters.

With a lack of material length for the Mauerlat, several pieces can be spliced. At the same time, the edges are sawn at 90º and joined with bolts - wire, dowels or nails are not suitable.

There are two ways to lay a Mauerlat on top of a load-bearing wall:

  • symmetrically in the center;
  • offset in the desired direction.

Mounting of the Mauerlat is carried out on a pre-laid waterproofing layer of roofing material. This will protect the wood from rotting.

It is worth taking a responsible attitude to the process of attaching the Mauerlat, because when strong wind it must withstand a particularly heavy load.

As fasteners for Mauerlat, you can use the following consumables:

  • Anchors, which are indispensable for monolithic materials.
  • Wooden dowels. These parts are used in houses made of timber and logs, although they require additional fastenings.
  • Staples.
  • Reinforcement or special studs. This option is preferable for buildings made of foam or aerated concrete.
  • Knitting or steel wire is an auxiliary fastener, which is almost always used.

Assembly of trusses or trusses

Farm assembly can be done using one of the following methods:

  • Beams for rafters are assembled and mounted directly on the roof of the building. This process is quite laborious, since all measurements, trimming and coupling of the bars will have to be done at a height. However, you can do it on your own, without the involvement of technology.
  • Trusses or truss pairs can be fixed to the ground, and then the finished elements can be raised to the roof of the building. On the one hand, this simplifies the process of installing the rafters, and on the other hand, due to the large weight of the structure, lifting it up will require special equipment.

Please note that start assembly rafter pairs stands only after marking. And if you make a template in advance, for which you take two boards, equal to the length rafters, and connect them together, then all pairs will turn out exactly the same.

Installation of rafters

After assembly and lifting to a height, the installation of gable roof rafters is carried out wooden house. To fix them on the Mauerlat, cuts are made at the bottom of the rafters. First install two farms with opposite ends roofs.

After that, a rope is pulled between the starting pairs, along which all the other truss trusses will be aligned and the ridge will be installed.

Now you can mount the remaining pairs in compliance with the calculated step between them. In cases where pairs are assembled directly on the roof, a ridge run is attached between the two end trusses. Subsequently, rafters are installed on it.

The order of installation of halves of rafters according to the opinions of professionals may differ. Some prefer to lay the bars in a checkerboard pattern so as not to overload the foundation and walls during work. Others lean towards sequential installation a pair of rafters. Be that as it may, rafter legs may need props and racks - it all depends on the size of the roof and the shape of the trusses.

Skate mount

A ridge is an element that is formed by attaching rafters at the top point. As soon as all the details of the truss system for a gable roof are installed, it is necessary to perform a major fixing of all structural elements.

Lathing installation

The presence of lathing is mandatory in the construction of any roof. It not only supports the roofing material and allows it to be securely fastened, but also makes it possible to move along the roof during work.

The distance between the individual boards is chosen based on the type of roofing material:

  • soft roof is laid on solid crate without gaps;
  • for a metal tile, a crate is needed with a step of 35 cm (between the two lower rows - 30 cm);
  • slate and corrugated board can be laid on the crate in increments of 44 cm.


Thus, in order to assemble a truss system for a roof with two slopes, many nuances should be taken into account and any possible complications. We hope that our advice will help you cope with this difficult task and create a high-quality and durable roof for your home.

For a good roof, it is very important that every step in its creation goes perfectly. The basis of the entire roof structure is the truss system, the configuration of which determines the type of the upper part of the building. Exist different types such systems, among which you need to choose the most suitable for yourself, because the functionality and quality of the entire roof depends on the correctness of your choice.

Types of truss system

The device of the roof during the construction of the building is essential. And for the roof to be strong enough, Special attention is given to carrier systems, which are divided into:

  • combined;
  • hanging;
  • layered.

Roofing is pretty complex structure consisting of various parts. The main requirement for the roof, - it is the ability to protect the structure from all kinds of weather conditions and withstand different loads.

The main loads of the roof fall on the truss system, so it is very important to choose the right materials, calculate everything correctly and make the installation in accordance with the technology.

Installation of hanging rafters

Hanging rafters are designed for buildings that do not have capital partitions inside, and the distance between the common load-bearing and side walls is no more than 10 meters. The roof structure in this embodiment lies on the main walls of the building, but because of this, it is subjected to high loads. To make the voltage a little weaker, apply additional details(puffs or crossbars) that fasten the truss in a horizontal position.

Depending on the length of the span, various reinforcing elements are used in the design of the hanging rafters.

The lower puffs are connected at the base of the rafters and can be used as beams for attic floor, while they must be laid on the Mauerlat. For the manufacture of hanging rafters, a board with a section of 50x200 mm is usually taken, however, each individual building needs its own specific calculations.

The sequence of actions for the installation of hanging rafters:

Installation of layered rafters

Rafter rafters are mainly installed in those buildings where there are load-bearing partitions. They are much easier to mount than a hanging system, since strong load-bearing walls located inside the house serve as a reliable support for the rafters. In addition, this system requires a minimum amount of building materials.

The ridge board in this case serves as a reference point. Such roofing system installed in one of three options:

To fix the rafters at the bottom of the roof, you must use sliding mounts, which relieve load-bearing partitions from additional stress. In this case, the rafters are not fixed very tightly, so that when the building shrinks, they can move without overloading the roof structure.

But in some cases, you can use a spacer system that is tightly attached to the Mauerlat below. Struts and puffs are mounted in the structure to reduce the load on the walls. This method is called complex, because it combines elements of two systems.

Such a roofing system is mainly used for the construction of private buildings, so it is worth mentioning the installation work, which is carried out in the following sequence:

Installation work for the installation of a layered system should begin with the flooring of the boards on the floor beams. Such a device will help to carry out work comfortably and safely.

Combined roofing system

Combined rafters have in their design elements from layered and hanging systems. They are used in the manufacture mansard roof. The walls of the rooms on the second floor are obtained thanks to the vertical posts, which are the fulcrum for the rafters.

The horizontal bars, which were installed on top of the racks, perform two functions: for the upper slopes they are a Mauerlat, and for the side ones they are a ridge bar. Some part of the rafter system, which is connected at the top of the ends of the racks, at the same time becomes a puff for upper elements and a crossbar for slopes located on the sides.

AT combined roof fragments of layered and hanging truss systems are used

To increase the strength of the structure, it is necessary to install struts that secure the rafters and vertical racks roofs. Making combined rafters is a little harder than other systems, but the laboriousness of the work is offset by an increase bearing characteristics roofs and the presence of a full-fledged room under the roof.

Photo gallery: roof system options

In design hip roof layered rafters are used For the envelope roof, a truss system similar to the attic broken roofs at the joints there are special rafters that support the valleys

Installation of the roof truss system

The truss system is made from conifers tree. You can use boards or timber, which are treated with antiseptic agents before installation. Fasteners can be as follows:

  • wooden scarves;
  • metal plates;
  • various cuts;
  • nails.

Starting the installation of rafters, they remove the level of floors and load-bearing walls, after which waterproofing is laid. The under-rafter structure is necessary in order to prevent the deformation of the rafters. As supporting elements, which give the truss system stability, can serve as:

  • sunbeds;
  • struts;
  • runs;
  • racks.

Roof insulation is necessary, but for this you should choose a material for hydro, heat and vapor barrier. Installation is carried out in layers and only in the sequence in which it is necessary: ​​initially steam, then heat, and finally moisture-proof material.

Before laying the roofing, the necessary protective materials are installed in compliance with the established ventilation gaps

To ensure long-term operation of the truss system, the necessary air circulation is arranged by installing ventilation holes. To avoid leaks, “collars” are made near the holes, which do not allow water to penetrate under the roof.

Video: do-it-yourself installation of a truss system

How is the mauerlat attached

Mauerlat is the foundation of the roof, so you should treat it responsibly. Otherwise, roof repairs in the future will be inevitable. Sequence of work:

Methods for attaching a roofing mauerlat and splicing rafters

Mauerlat is attached to the walls of the building along the entire perimeter, while the fasteners should be in close proximity to the inside of the wall. outside of the house wood detail protected by a slight protrusion of the wall. The place for fastening is also initially determined.

How to fix the mauerlat to the wall

Mauerlat can be attached to the wall in the following ways:

How to fix the rafters to the Mauerlat

All options for attaching the roof truss system to the Mauerlat can be divided into the following types:

How the rafters are attached at the level of the ridge

The most common option for attaching rafters to a ridge is a butt joint:

Rafter splicing options

In the construction industry are used everywhere variety of options truss splicing, while choosing a specific technology, you need to pay attention to the design characteristics of the truss system, which are affected by:

  • purchased materials;
  • technical data of the construction site;
  • rafter installation step.

Rafters can be spliced ​​as follows:

Each type of truss system has its own characteristics and only suitable for a certain kind roof structures. It is from correct installation rafters depend not only on reliability, but also on the strength of the roof, so this stage of work must be approached with the utmost responsibility.

The gable roof is one of the most popular in individual construction. It is quite simple to build, it takes little material, and it provides good protection from rain, snow and wind. The construction of the roof can be considered as a separate stage, consisting of its design, calculation necessary materials, installation of the truss system, insulation, and laying of roofing material.

The rafter system is the skeleton of the roof, and only with its correct calculation and fastening is it possible to have a long service life of the entire roof, without distortions, leaks and collapses. It is best to entrust the installation of rafters to a team of professionals, but if this is not possible, it is realistic to saddle it on your own, but in any case, you cannot do without assistants.

Material for rafters

To most accurately calculate required amount material, it is worth drawing (independently or in a special program) a plan of the truss system and its layout. Given the length of the boards and beams, it is possible to arrange the elements in such a way that the amount of waste will be minimal.

Wood is used for the manufacture of rafters the highest category- free of knots and cracks. Standard sizes material 50 * 150 mm with a length of up to 6 m, if the beams must be more than 6 m, then boards 180 mm wide are needed to avoid sagging.

Attention should be paid not only to the quality of the wood, but also to the fasteners. Self-tapping screws for fastening the structure must be from a trusted manufacturer, with gaskets of 2 mm or more. It is also necessary to take into account the need for antiseptic and fire-fighting wood treatment.

When erecting rafters, you will need tools:

  1. measuring instruments - an accurate and long tape measure (preferably 6 m or more), a level, a cord for plumb lines, a pencil for marking,
  2. hammers and nails, nail puller,
  3. carpentry knife, hacksaw, saw (or chainsaw),
  4. drill, screwdriver and screws,
  5. axe,
  6. templates for fastening roof structure elements at the right angle,
  7. stop for installing rafters - a bar 6 * 6 cm with a corner 40 * 40 mm attached on both sides,
  8. ropes for lifting rafters.

Types of roof structures and its elements

The truss system for large and small roofs will differ slightly in design, and its device also depends on the presence of a support beam and its location, the angle of the slopes.

The main elements of the truss system:

  • mauerlat - support beam with a thickness of 150 * 150 mm, for a more even distribution of the load on the walls,
  • rafter leg,
  • rafter leg, or crossbar,
  • rack,
  • run - a board 50 * 200 mm, to which the rafter legs are attached at the top,
  • sill.

Rafters can be hanging and layered. The hanging ones are attached with their ends to the walls of the house and the roof ridge, with their large length, it is necessary to compensate for the bending and compression loads with ties connecting the rafter legs. Rafter rafters can be erected in houses that have load-bearing walls inside and you can use a support beam to which the rack is attached. The ends of the rafters rest on this post and on external walls at home, middle part supported by supports. Optimally, if the structure has both hanging and layered rafters, this makes the roof more durable.

Installation of rafters

Stage 1 - installation of the Mauerlat

First of all, a Mauerlat is attached to the outer walls with the help of anchor bolts. It is desirable that it be solid or with a minimum of connections, this will increase the strength of the structure. Mauerlat must be located absolutely evenly, since the accuracy of the installation of the entire roof depends on this. If necessary, gaskets can be inserted under it, they are squeezed into the protruding parts. In the future, rafter legs will be attached to the Mauerlat.

Stage 2 - run

The use of a rafter design with a purlin increases the reliability of the roof and simplifies assembly, since each pair of rafters can be mounted separately. The run is installed at the highest points of the frontal walls and fastened with metal corners and anchor bolts. Its ends must be waterproofed.

Stage 3 - assembly of truss sections

Before assembling the rafters, blanks are cut, trying to use the material so that the amount of waste is minimal. If necessary, the boards can be extended, paying attention to the reliability of the connection, for example, with overlays or overlap. It should be located at least a meter from any of the edges. It is better not to place the connection exactly in the middle, since load bearing capacity legs dropping, optimal location- a third of the total length.

The rafters are assembled according to the drawings, the templates (the angles at which the elements should be located to each other) greatly simplify this work. The easiest way is to assemble the truss sections on the ground, then lifting them up. However, this may require a winch or a few helpers.

First, all elements are laid out relative to each other as they will be located in the finished section. Corners and gaps are carefully adjusted. Then the linings are fastened with nails to the upper part of the rafters, in the middle the legs are connected with ties. At least 5 nails must be driven into each nail connection. Temporary straps are screwed to the bottom of the legs.

Stage 4 - installation of the truss system

The rafters are raised gradually. First, by 30 degrees, then with the help of insurance and cables up to 60. At this stage, crossbars and ties are nailed to the back of the structure fixed with cables. Then the section rises to a vertical position, which is checked with a level, and the structure is fixed with bolts and corners to the run and to the Mauerlat.

You can expose the rafters in two ways:

At the first, the first and last sections are installed, a cord is pulled between them and all other parts are mounted along it.

In the second case, the rafter sections are installed above one half of the house, and the second half of the structure hangs on the run and leans against them. Next, the first section is mounted with opposite side, and gradually the rest, such a process resembles the closing of curtains and ends in the middle of the roof.

After installing the truss system, you can begin to manufacture the crate, vapor barrier and insulation.

Installation of rafters is one of the key stages in the construction of the roof. So that the truss system during operation does not deform and collapse under high loads, the rafters must be properly fixed.

Calculation of the pitch of the rafters

When designing the truss system, special attention is paid to this issue. The strength characteristics of the roofing system depend on the section of the rafters and the step of their installation.

The pitch of the rafters is the distance between adjacent rafters. The minimum pitch of the rafters is 60 cm, the maximum is more than 1 meter. A simplified version of the calculation of the pitch of the rafters involves the use of a table:

The length of the slope along the eaves must be divided by the rafter step selected in the table, then add one to the resulting value and round up to an integer. The resulting result indicates the required number of rafter legs per slope. Then the length of the slope along the eaves should be divided by the calculated number of rafter legs - the total number corresponds to the value center distance between the rafters.

This calculation method is general, it does not take into account the specifics of roofing and the type of insulation used. If it is planned to lay a roll or slab heat insulator, it is recommended to adjust the pitch of the rafters to the size of the material. It should be noted that the width of the cotton insulation should be 1-1.5 cm more than the span between the rafters.

When determining how far to put the rafters, you should also pay attention to the recommendations for installing the selected roofing.

Material preparation

Do-it-yourself installation of rafters requires not only knowledge of the process technology, but also proper preparation wooden elements of the system for installation. The rafters are made from edged board or timber, the section of lumber is selected at the design stage of the roof. The tree should not have cracks, wormholes or other damage.

Rafter legs should be made of well-dried softwood to prevent their deformation.

Wooden elements must be treated with fire retardant and bioprotective compounds. Before proceeding with the installation, it is necessary to decide on the method of attaching the rafters to the Mauerlat or beams, with the type of ridge connection. In accordance with the project, metal and wooden fasteners are selected, including:

  • plates (made of metal or wood);
  • bolts or studs with nuts and wide washers;
  • nails, self-tapping screws, staples, etc.;
  • wire rod.

Types of rafters and features of their installation

When erecting the roof of a house, hanging or layered rafters are used. In some cases, a combination of both may be used. Hanging ones rely only on the walls of the building, and layered ones require the installation of additional supporting structures, so this option is primarily used if there is an average load-bearing wall or support pillars inside the building box.

The lower part of the rafters abuts against the Mauerlat, respectively, the walls of the structure must have sufficient width for the installation of a special supporting structure from a bar with a section of 150 × 150 mm. The upper part of the layered rafters rests on the ridge run. Thus, the installation requires the installation of a run, for which racks should be mounted on the middle wall or poles.

Hanging rafters rest only on the walls. This design can be mounted both on the Mauerlat and on thin walls without laying Mauerlat. In this case, the floor beams protruding beyond the plane of the wall on both sides of the building serve as a support for the lower part of the legs. Hanging rafters are connected by a jumper (puff, crossbar) which relieves bursting forces. When covering large runs, truss trusses are reinforced with additional elements to enhance the rigidity of the structure. When installing hanging rafters on a Mauerlat, a low puff can serve as a floor beam.

Before you put the rafters, you need to mount the scaffolding. This makes it possible to provide the necessary safety and convenience of work.

Installation of the upper ends of the rafters

When choosing how to install rafters, it is important to evaluate the complexity of the work and the weight. roof structures. If the assembled truss has relatively no big weight, or it is possible to use lifting equipment, then the structures are easier to assemble on the ground, and then lift and mount on the roof. If the elements of the system are heavy and have to be lifted manually, then the trusses are assembled on the roof. About mounting technology roof trusses explained in the video instructions.

The connection of the upper ends of the rafters can be performed different ways. First of all, this is a butt mount. On the opposite rafter legs, cuts are made under right angle. Then the rafters are docked with the resulting ends and fastened to two nails. The connection is additionally reinforced with a wooden or metal lining.

The overlap of the rafter legs is carried out using bolts or studs with wide washers and nuts. In this case, the rafters are in contact with planes.

If the rafter system is mounted on wooden house with gables made of timber or logs, it is required to put rafters on the walls using sliding fasteners in order to avoid deformation of the roof during shrinkage of the structure. Accordingly, in the ridge part, the rafters must be connected in a special way: the rafter legs must be located with a gap, and they are fastened with a special movable metal connecting element.

In the presence of a ridge beam, installation of truss trusses on the ground is not required - the rafter legs are installed one at a time and attached to the ridge run.

The ridge run must be located strictly horizontally so that the rafter system evenly distributes the load experienced by the roof.

Methods for installing rafters on walls

The lower ends of the rafters are attached to beams or mauerlats. Hanging rafter trusses mounted according to the template rise to the roof. First of all, extreme farms are installed. In the tightening, two or three holes are required to attach the rafters to the beams laid on the upper crown of the log house.

If a hanging rafters mounted on a stone building, it is required to use special fasteners- the so-called "ruff", made of durable steel. This fastener is driven into every fourth row brickwork. With the help of loops extending from the ruff, you can fix the beams. It is recommended to use a solid beam as a Mauerlat - in this case, the load will be evenly transferred to the walls.

On buildings made of brick or other material that is not prone to shrinkage, the rafters should be fixed rigidly. To do this, a cutout is made in the rafter leg, the lower part of which must lie firmly on the Mauerlat. The rafter is fixed with three nails (two are driven in on both sides at an angle, and the third is vertically on top) and tied with wire. A connection can also be used with the help of corners and a support bar that prevents the rafters from shifting.

Proper installation of rafters implies the implementation of a fire break in the place where the roof passes through chimney. If, during its arrangement, the installation of a special truss system is provided, this should be taken into account when installing a shortened rafter leg(from Mauerlat to chimney design). Between structural elements and pipe, the distance must be at least 130 mm.


When building your house, you will definitely face many difficulties. First you need to draw up a project, then prepare the material, and then proceed to the construction of the building. Each stage has its own characteristics and difficulties, if you do not get acquainted with them in advance, then construction can easily be delayed. For example, the installation of a truss system. The durability of the whole house depends on the correct implementation of this stage. And how to do it right?

At the beginning about the design itself

Installation of the truss system is carried out in a certain sequence. To know how to do the job, you must first get acquainted with the design itself. The roof truss system consists of the following main elements:

  • The Mauerlat serves as the lowest "tier" of the truss system. It is a wooden beam located around the entire perimeter of the building. Mauerlat serves two purposes. Firstly, it evenly distributes the load from the rafter system to the walls of the house. Secondly, the Mauerlat allows you to align the base horizontally;
  • Rafter pairs are the main element of the entire system. It is he who takes on all the loads, and also connects other components;
  • Run. Represents wooden beam. Most often, it is installed up, at the ridge and connects the rafters. Also, in some cases, a bottom run is installed. In this case, it serves as an additional fastening element of the rafter legs;
  • Puff. her in without fail are used in . The puff fastens the lower ends of each pair together. In some cases, the element may be in the upper part of the rafter triangle;
  • Struts, racks. The elements serve as additional support for the rafter legs;
  • filly. Additional element. Mounting the filly is necessary in order for the overhang.
  • The truss system has both mandatory and optional components. For example, Mauerlat. It is used almost always, with the exception of houses from wooden beam. Here you can do without an element. In this case, the role of the Mauerlat will be performed by the upper beam.

    Some specialists also include a crate in the truss system. This structure serves as a support for the roofing material. In some cases, a solid, and in others, a discharged crate is required. The first option is used for soft roofing.

    System types

    Rafters are the basis of the entire roof structure. It is they who take on all the loads and transfer them to the walls. If it's about gable roof, namely this option is used most often, then the truss system itself can be made in two main versions:

    • . Such truss systems are used in cases where the house has a small width. The length of the span should not exceed six meters. Hanging system implies the emphasis of the rafters only on the Mauerlat or directly on the walls. From above, the pairs simply connect to each other, there is no ridge run. From below, the rafters are additionally attached to each other, in pairs, with stretch marks;
    • . Such a rafter system is used if there is a bearing wall or column. They serve as a support for ridge run. The layered truss system is used in the construction of wide houses.

    Often used and combined option. For example, it is used in the construction of gable roofs. In this case, extensions depart from the main building at a right angle. The main house is covered with a roof using a layered truss system. Side extensions, since they are usually not wide, can be “covered” with a hanging structure.

    Installation order

    The correct installation of the truss system is carried out in a certain sequence. Much depends on the characteristics and type of roof. The simplest option is flat roof. In this case, special skills are not required. It is enough just to lay the beams, creating the necessary slope, and install the battens and roofing materials on them.

    The second most difficult is considered a gable roof. It is about her and will be discussed. Knowing the sequence in the case of a gable roof, you can easily navigate in other options.

    The sequence of actions when installing the truss system is as follows:

    At the end of the installation of the truss system, the installation of the crate is carried out. Must first be laid waterproofing material. If this is not done, then wooden elements get wet and wear out quickly.

    There are some features of installing a truss system on a house built of wood. Firstly, Mauerlat is not used in this case. Secondly, the rafters themselves top crown walls are fixed without fail in a sliding way. This is necessary due to the nature of the wood. It starts to dry out over time. If the rafters are fixed in a rigid way, then the entire system will definitely lead and the roof will simply collapse.

    Features of installation of different types of roofs

    There are many options for roofing. Each owner chooses according to his preferences and tastes, the features of the house itself are also taken into account. Depending on the type of roof, the installation of the truss system is carried out with some differences, namely:

    gable and shed roof you can build yourself. To install the truss system, you need little skills in carpentry and a clear calculation and planning of your actions. All calculations can be easily done using special programs on the Internet. You can also find installation instructions there.

    For other roofing options, enough great experience. That is why their construction is most often trusted by professionals. Of course, in this case, the cost of the roof will increase significantly. But you will have a guarantee that everything is done correctly. And this means that the house will be reliably protected from external influences and will stand for more than a decade.