The handle and leg of the baby from the test. Casts of arms and legs: how to do it yourself? Three manufacturing options and decorating tips. The offer of the company "Chameleon"

There are many ways to capture memorable moments of your child's childhood: photographs, first drawings, growth chart, joint crafts, etc. One of the most popular ways to keep warm memories in memory is to make casts of the baby's arms and legs. And the basis for them can be made by hand.

Believe me, your child will be pleased to look at his hands and feet in the future. Yes, and you will experience warm feelings, looking at this beauty. Many now make prints to order and keep them for years. But if you make the material for the impressions yourself, the result will not change at all.

And making stuff is easy. Roughly speaking, we need a cool salty dough.

What will we need?

  • flour (1 cup)
  • salt (1 cup)
  • warm water (1/2 cup)
  • paints
  • coating varnish

How to make casts of children's hands and feet?

Mix flour and salt and carefully add water. The dough should not stick to your hands. If it still sticks, add a little more flour.

We roll out the base and give it the desired shape (circle, square, star, etc.). If you have something to cut out, you can make the base of an unusual shape.

Now we leave an imprint of a hand or foot in the center. With a toothpick, you can write the name and year.

We send the product to the oven, heated to 100 degrees, and leave to bake for 3 hours. If the layer is very thin, you can lower the temperature to 80 degrees. When the time is up, we take out the craft and leave it to “rest” for the night.

The next day we paint the cast with any paints. When the paints dry, we fix them with varnish (preferably in 2-3 layers) so that the product will never deteriorate.

Every mother, like a sorceress, strives to preserve the childhood moments of her baby. Tags from the maternity hospital, roots from baptism, strands of cut hair are sent to the piggy bank of the most expensive. No less worthy copy of the story of growing up of a little offspring are casts of arms and legs.

It will be especially interesting for a child to see tangible proof of his size in infancy. Many children's shops and shops offer ready-made safe mixtures for making an imprint, but a do-it-yourself cast of a child's hand and foot will be a good alternative.


There are a lot of composition options for family creativity, there are even options for those who have hypersensitive skin. To select the material, it is necessary to determine the purpose of the product. If hand-made casts of arms and legs are hidden in a casket or box of memories, it is necessary to choose a light material that would convey only the dimensions of the limbs. In the case when the imprint of the limbs of the child will be constantly in sight, its formation must be carried out from durable materials that can withstand both decoration and subsequent use in the form of a statuette or frame.

From salt dough

You can make casts of handles, legs with your own hands from ordinary salt dough. Products for making the base are always available in any home, so it should not be difficult to recreate the creative process. For the test you will need:

  • 2 cups of good flour;
  • 2 cups finely ground salt (you can grind it in a coffee grinder);
  • water.


In a tall and capacious bowl, it is necessary to mix the dry part: fine grinding of salt ensures high-quality mixing of particles with flour. This will greatly simplify the whole process. Next, warm water must be added to the mixture in small doses, the amount of liquid depends on the type of flour and its type, some use corn flour, which is quite hard and absorbs a lot of water. Note that the more evenly the dough is kneaded, the more obedient the basis for the impression will be. When the mass becomes thick and viscous, it is completely ready for modeling.

Making casts of arms and legs with your own hands is quite simple. But things are worse with the process of their hardening. After the dough is rolled out to the required size (if the handle or leg is not cut out from a common piece, you should take care of the density of each edge in advance), you can apply the baby's hands. It’s worth pressing wisely: a uniform print will give the craft a well-groomed look, and deepening in a certain place will spoil the overall picture.

A cast of children's arms and legs, made with your own hands, needs to be dried. For this, a room with a constant temperature regime is suitable (the balcony is suitable only on hot summer days). Baking the base in the oven is not worth it, the dough will rise and break the relief of the print. After 2-3 days, the base is subjected to registration. The craft can be painted in a monophonic version or given a creative shape. Many modern families like the avant-garde and positive thinking. The cast can be painted with different warm colors, giving each finger its own shade. Someone represents the base under the palm (feet) as a green lawn or a golden surface. After the paints have dried, the product can be safely varnished: a durable varnish for ceramics, which can be easily found in any construction department, will be ideal.

Self-hardening plastic product

No less colorful is a cast of children's arms and legs, made of self-hardening plastic with their own hands. The material is more resistant than dough or gypsum, and can be adjusted much more easily than its predecessors. You can buy such material in any art shop. The first step is to do the imprint of the limb: on the salt dough, it is worth extruding the pen and leaving the base to dry. Carrying out an impression on the test will reduce the risk of allergies due to the contact of the child’s small hand and the chemical composition of the plastic itself, which is undoubtedly a plus.

When the cast of the baby’s arms and legs, made with your own hands, has dried up, you can start processing it. The first step will be to smear the print with vegetable oil - this will help the plastic not stick together with the dough. Do not pour a glass of fat on the cast, it is better to draw a wide brush or a cotton pad dipped in a substance over it.

Next stage

Next, you need to make molds from plastic. To do this, a weighty piece of plastic already worked out in the hands must be applied over the test base and carefully pressed through all the contours of the handle. The better the contact of the two layers occurs, the more natural the craft will look. If the plastic is fresh or stored strictly in a sealed bag, then working with the material is a pleasure. If there was air access, you will have to work on it in advance. While the dough dries, it is necessary to knead the plastic in your hands daily so that it disperses a little.

The final stage

After oil treatment, the plastic can be easily removed from the dough. Next, you need to cut off the excess. The finished handle (leg) must be supplemented with volume and allowed to dry. You can make a wreath with family palms. To do this, it is worth fashioning the parental palms and inserting a wire into the edges. So the material is well connected together and dries. After drying the casts of arms and legs made with your own hands, you can plunge into decoration. Having covered the stucco molding with acrylic paint of any color and varnish, go to the wreath.

Material for flowers can be selected in different textures. The brighter and more unusual the details are, the richer the whole exposure will look. Having processed each petal with a spark to fix its border, they should be fastened with a thread and a pebble in the form of a core. You can also make leaves in the form of an autumn palette, then the wreath will turn out bright and cheerful. The palms themselves should be placed in the center, connected with a wire with a circle of flowers. After that, it is better to paint the wire in a suitable tone so that it is lost in the general array. You can safely hang such a craft in the center of the photo mosaic on the wall or by the fireplace.

Gypsum products

A more practical idea would be another option for creating a cast of a child's hand, legs with your own hands. Gypsum is a fairly malleable material, but too heavy. Crafts from it are not very practical, it is necessary to allocate a separate place for them.

The first impression should be made on the same salt dough, and plaster should be used in subsequent work. For a pair of impressions, dilute 150 g of dry mix with a little water. It is worth remembering that different manufacturers indicate the approximate amount on their packages, since gypsum absorbs water in different ways over time. The finished mixture must have the density of homemade sour cream, so it will be easier to work with it.

Last step and freezing

To make plaster casts of arms and legs with your own hands, you need to act quickly: the test form should be carefully poured with plaster. It is worth moving the mold so that air bubbles do not remain in the thickness of the base, which can damage in the future. Next, the mold should be allowed to dry for at least a day.


The finished cast, if there is a desire, can be beautifully designed. Paint is better to choose gold, silver or snow-white. It all depends on the overall harmony of the panel or picture.

Hey! In Oh My Baby Book you will find special pages for hand and foot prints.

We know that perhaps you have never done this before and therefore here you will find some tips on how to make a nice and neat handprint and footprint.

The footprint and handprint of a newborn are very touching memories. Believe me, the legs and arms grow very quickly and the main thing is not to miss this moment and leave an imprint in the book.

Let's start with the easiest way to print - circle the handle or leg with a pen or pencil. Everything is extremely simple here and success is guaranteed!

Get cute, beautiful and fast!

But, we are not looking for easy ways. So, if you decide to make a real print, then below we offer some instructions and tips. First you need to get ready! What you will need:

A piece of paper, preferably thick or matte thick cardboard of high quality, but not very thick. You can use designer paper, which you can buy at any scrapbooking store.

Paper is needed only if you want to make a print on a separate sheet, then cut it out and paste it into a book. You can skip this step and make a print directly in the book on specially designated pages for the print of the handle and foot.

Tip: If you want to make a print directly on a page in a book, then it is advisable to practice at least 1 time. If suddenly you missed or something went wrong, do not be discouraged. Make a print on a separate sheet of paper, cut it out and paste it over the bad print! 🙂

Paint or ink:

Option 1 - ink. Stamp pad with one color ink, also available at the scrapbooking store. The ink must be non-toxic and not contain acids in its composition - this is important! Be sure to check this point with the seller. Ink allows you to create clearer and more durable prints.

Option 2 - finger paints. You can buy at any children's store. They are absolutely safe for children.

Wipes: Wet baby wipes and a cotton towel.

Well, let's get started!

  1. Of course, you can make an imprint yourself, but it is better if you have an assistant.
  2. Think about the time - the best time is when the child is in a good mood and does not want to eat.
  3. Wash your hand/foot thoroughly with normal baby soap that you always use for bathing, and then dry it with a dry towel so that it is perfectly dry.
  4. Open the book to the desired page or prepare a separate piece of paper/cardboard.
  5. Pass the child to dad or another assistant (position: back to dad, one hand under the handles, the other hand under the ass holds the leg).
  6. Smear your foot or palm with paints or ink (evenly).
  7. We make an imprint: for the leg, start from the heel and smoothly move to the fingers, and put the palm completely immediately on the sheet.
  8. We wipe the handle and leg with wet wipes or go straight to the bathroom and wash everything under the tap.
  9. That's it - the print is ready! Now I need to let it dry!

You will succeed, because it's easy!

Little kids grow up so fast that you can't keep up with them. Here he turned over for the first time, smiled, said "mom", went ... got married. And so I want to remember every pleasant moment of this lovely childhood life, to capture in my memory small hands and feet. Today, newfangled trends come to the aid of young mothers, thanks to which you can make casts of the arms and legs of their little children. Let's look at several ways to "freeze the moment" and capture the tiny, lovely limbs of a child.

On the Internet, there are a lot of offers of kits for creativity, with which you can make prints of the arms and legs of your baby with every prominent crease on the palm and foot. After all, you must admit that making a collage of photos, arms and legs in 3D format is an exclusive art, looking at which you will light up with a smile every time.

It is very popular today to bring such gifts to christenings or buy a certificate for this service as a gift. After all, when the godson grows up, he will surely remember his godparents with gratitude. What else you can give to the godson read in the article:. Parents can also order handprints on a stand in the style of "Avenue of Stars" in Hollywood. And you can make casts of arms and legs yourself, but how? See below.

How to prepare a crumb-model for "work"?

It is best to do the hand and foot molding work when the little model is calm. Pick a moment. It can be a dream or watching your favorite cartoons. You can find cartoons by clicking on the link:. There are sleepy children with whom you can do anything in this state. There is an interesting article about the child's sleep: "Does the child sleep poorly? We are looking for possible causes and find a solution to this problem."

If you decide to carry out work on making a cast while the child is awake, then be sure to make sure that the crumbs have a good mood, that they are not hungry and joyful.
Does the baby wiggle his fingers slightly during the impression? It does not matter, this will not spoil the final result, since the mass will better fall into all the folds and the handle or leg will be more prominent. In this case, the main thing is calmness, nocturnal holding will not give the desired result.

How to make casts of arms and legs out of sand?

The method is quite simple and does not require any special "troubles". Any mother will cope with such a task, even if she is completely unfamiliar with the skill of creating a sculpture. Such a cast can be made decorated, then in addition to the tools and materials below, decorative elements are needed, which can be shells, chains, buttons or small toys.

Required accessories

To work on the cast you will need:

  • capacity, a round-shaped cookie tin is great for this idea;
  • sand, it is desirable that it be fine;
  • alabaster, it is easy to buy it on the construction market (shop);
  • brush, common for painting radiators.

Stages of work

1. Pour fine sand into the selected container, level it. It should not be over-tamped.

2. In the center of the prepared sand, make an imprint from the hand or foot of your child. If you want to make a decorated cast, then make decorations around the print from pre-prepared items.

3. Now you need to do alabaster. Do not forget that this material hardens very quickly, so you need to work quickly. The powder is diluted with plain water. The mass that is necessary for work should be like sour cream.

4. After the alabaster is diluted, pour it into a container in a small stream, so as not to spoil the sand form. The thickness of the alabaster above the sand should be 2–4 cm.

5. Leave the container for at least 20 minutes. It is desirable longer, but if "unbearable", then you can get it.

6. Carefully take out the cast and use a brush to clean off the grains of sand. Next, act as your imagination tells you: paint, decorate, decorate with drawings, write inscriptions.

How to make casts of plasticine arms and legs?

Such material as plasticine is familiar to us since childhood. After all, each of us began to create our first "sculptures" from it in kindergarten. If you are going to make casts of your child's arms and legs from plasticine, then you need to remember the skills gained in kindergarten.

Required accessories

For work, the following materials should be prepared:

  • plasticine, today the choice of such material is quite wide, children's soft is best;
  • ordinary PVA glue (clerical);
  • gypsum, it can be different: for decoration, construction, medical. You can take any;
  • if you want to decorate the cast, then the decor elements.

Step-by-step instruction

1. In order for the print to be of high quality plasticine, it is necessary to knead it well until soft.

2. We make an imprint of a handle or a leg with a depth of at least 1.5 cm. If you want, you can make decorative recesses.

3. We hide the resulting print in the freezer to set the contours.

4. Prepare plaster. The standard proportion involves 1 cup of powder + 0.5 cups of cold water. Do not forget that the gypsum does not take lumps of water should be poured into the gypsum, and not vice versa. Pour a small amount of PVA glue into the resulting mixture.

5. Remove the impression from the freezer and fill all the cavities with plaster.

6. Leave the impression for hardening for 12-18 hours.

7. Plasticine is removed quite easily if you hold it over warm air (a battery, a boiling kettle) for several minutes.

8. The resulting cast is polished and decorated according to your desire.

How to make casts of arms and legs from salt dough?

Hand and foot molds made from salt dough are the easiest way to capture baby prints. But it should be remembered that the dough is a short-lived product and varnish applied on top in several layers will help to preserve the original appearance of the cast.

Required accessories

To prepare the dough for work, you must have:

  • wheat flour;
  • salt, it is better to choose fine;
  • water.

Staged implementation

1. Prepare the dough, it must be elastic. To do this, mix one glass of flour with the same amount of fine salt. In the resulting mixture, twist half a glass of water, knead the dough. If you see that there is not enough water, then add a little.

2. From the resulting dough, roll out a cake of 3–5 cm. You can give the mold a different shape.

3. Push the handle or leg of the child on the cake. This material is good because if the desired result does not come out the first time, you can roll out the dough in a new way.

4. Around the print, you can write inscriptions, draw patterns or beautiful drawings.

5. Place the impression with the imprint in a hot oven for two hours. The optimum temperature for drying the dough should be 100-120 degrees. Depending on the thickness of the cake depends on the baking time.

6. After baking (drying) the mold of the handle or leg, let it lie down for a day and only then apply a decorative coating (lacquer, paint, etc.), decorate with drawings and inscriptions.

Impression design options

Making a mold of the handle and leg is half the battle. It still needs to be beautifully decorated. In addition to making a cast, it also needs to be beautifully designed. There are many design options, because it all depends on your imagination. Here are some design options:

1. In the form of a figurine. To do this, cover the resulting cast with silver or bronze spray paint and pile it on the base. Sign the base and put a date and get a miniature figurine.

2. Photo frame with a cast. Glue a photo of your child and a cast of an arm and leg into a regular photo frame. In addition to these things, "under the glass" you can put a tag from the hospital, a pacifier and other paraphernalia of a newborn.

3. In the form of a pendant. Make a hole while making. After the casts of the arms and legs have hardened, thread a beautiful ribbon through this hole and hang it on the wall in the children's room. And you can read about the design of a room for a newborn in the article:.

Author of the publication: Zoya Kiseleva 

The most beautiful phenomenon created by nature is the birth of a child.

In the modern world, with the help of various types of equipment (camera, video camera), you can track the development of the baby from the very first day of life.

But many people want to look at their baby not only from photographs and videos. Therefore, they often order in studios the so-called copies of the arms and legs of a child - casts that can be made from almost any hardening material - gypsum, chocolate, wax, liquid glass and other materials.

But in this article we will focus on other types of casts - the so-called 3D casts. In another way, they are also called voluminous.

On the Internet you can find the very technology of their manufacture, but rarely where you will see information about their component composition. In this publication, we will reveal this secret to you.

So, to make a three-dimensional cast of a child's arms or legs, we need:

- gypsum (or other hardening material)

- alginate (sold in dental stores)

- plastic container

- water (36.6 degrees)

Before you start work, you need to put your child to sleep in a playpen or a baby cradle (if the little one is still small). This is necessary so that during the removal of the impression, he does not move the handle or leg.

Then we prepare the impression mass. To do this, select the right amount of alginate powder and water in accordance with 1.5 to 1.

Pour the alginate into the water (and not vice versa!) And stir with a mixer or a spoon. Just do it very quickly, as it freezes almost immediately.

Then we immerse the baby's handle (leg) in this mass, wait for solidification. Whether it has frozen or not, you can check with your finger - touch the surface of the mass - if it does not stick to your hands, then the solidification is over. As a result, it should look like rubber.

Now, very carefully, so as not to damage the impression mass, we take the child's limb out of it, and put it back to sleep under the supervision of a baby monitor or video baby monitor. We will get a kind of deepening.

The next step is to prepare a solution of gypsum and water. Pour the gypsum into the water (and not vice versa!) And stir it to the consistency of thick sour cream and fill the resulting cast with this solution. We are waiting for a day. Then we carefully cut the alginate along the edges of the container with a knife, turn it over and make an incision on the mass in order to pull out the resulting cast.

That's all. As they say, everything ingenious is simple. Now the voluminous cast of your crumbs will be preserved for life and constantly remind you of the moments of his childhood.

The company "Chameleon" offers to try an interesting business: Making compositions with casts of baby's arms and legs, 3D copies of newlyweds' hands, commemorative medals with handprints, casts of paws of pets.

What it looks like:


This business can be done at home or open a point in a large shopping center, offering a wider range of services.

Format "House"

Under the condition of working at home, orders are accepted as follows. The client makes a phone call. The time and date of arrival of a specialist at home are discussed. At the appointed time at the client's home, the necessary blinds are removed, the baby is photographed, and the design option is discussed. All conditions are recorded in the order form. It also reflects the amount of prepayment for the composition, a sales receipt is issued. The master takes away the casts and all the rest of the work on filling and further designing the composition, and spends it at home.

The finished work is delivered to the client at home or he independently picks it up at the place indicated by the master, if necessary, pays the remaining amount.

Format "Studio"

Subject to work in the studio or the availability of retail space in the shopping center, orders are accepted there on the spot by the manager or by phone. Casts can be taken both in the studio and at the customer's home at his discretion. The advantage of going to the client's house is that such conditions are more comfortable for the baby, there are familiar toys and environment nearby.

As you can see, the business is quite simple, it does not require special knowledge, significant investments, all you need is a desire, and in everything else we will help you, from technology to business advice.

The target audience

Potential buyers are: loving parents, grandparents, godparents. Families with average income and above average. The age of the main client is from 23-45 years.

Ways to promote

The target audience is informed about this service by placing advertisements in: maternity hospitals, kindergartens (nursery groups), photo salons and photo studios, children's goods stores, registry offices. The main thing in this business at the beginning of work is to make yourself known through advertising in the above places, placing ready-made sample compositions in places where potential customers congregate. In the future, "word of mouth" gives a good effect.

Key Features

The main features and benefits are:

  • lack of license and special permits
  • minimum investment
  • high profitability
  • quick payback
  • opportunity to showcase your creativity
  • great job for mums on maternity leave
  • Office is not required, work from home is possible
  • almost no seasonality


The technology for making casts of pens is quite simple.

  1. A very plastic, soft reusable material is used, which allows even the smallest children to take impressions from birth.
  2. The process of making an impression takes several minutes. After that, the master takes away the casts and fills them with gypsum mortar at the workplace, after the gypsum has hardened, the product is processed if there are defects and left for further drying.
  3. While the casts are drying, you can process the photo in the program.
  4. Next, the composition is assembled - all elements are glued to the base and inserted into the frame.

The time spent on making one fully designed composition is: 1 day, of which 12 hours for drying the casts (this process can be accelerated by drying the casts in the oven), immediately leaving to the client, processing the photo and printing it.

What equipment is required to start this business

Basic equipment

No special equipment is required, and what is listed is already in almost every home.

The printer in this case is not required, because.

in any case, printing of large formats of photographs for compositions is carried out in a photo salon.

For work, plastic containers are required in the form of disposable plates for taking impressions, 1.5-3 liter containers for 3D copies of hands, a mixer or a mixing spoon.

How much money do you need to get started?

  • Basic equipment: 25,000
  • Accessory: no
  • Purchase of raw materials and consumables 1,500 rubles.
  • Buying a business package - from 5300 rubles.
  • The cost of an advertising company - from 3000 rubles.
  • Total: 34,800 rubles.

How much can you earn on this?

The cost of making one cast using reusable material is 10 rubles, including plaster and paint.

Baguette frame with glass (framing workshop) - 500 rubles.

We create casts of arms and legs ourselves using alginate gel and gypsum

and above, depending on the baguette option

Composition layout:

  • photo collage and decorative elements — 100 rubles.
  • decoration for a frame without glass - 100-200 rubles.

The total cost of the composition is 600-700 rubles.

Retail price

The price of a 30x40 format composition with two children's casts is 2,000-5,000 rubles.

As a result, the income from one composition is 1300 - 3500 rubles.

According to practice, for a city with a population of 150 thousand people, the average number of orders per month is 20 pieces, i.e. net profit of about 30 -35,000 rubles. (provided that you are running a business at home). Return on investment: 1.5 -2 months

The offer of the company "Chameleon"

By purchasing a business package from us, you get at your disposal a detailed guide to creating your own impression business, in which we transfer all our experience and knowledge to you.

Depending on the type of business package, you get a set of materials and a personal website to start your new business.

Plus, you will be provided with free consulting support on all issues of running this business and without time limits.

December 2015 update

Another option for opening a studio for making casts of arms and legs is offered by the company "Present Day" (investments from 30,000 rubles). You can read the terms of the franchise or leave a request below for detailed information about the proposed business model.

Contact details

  • Company "Chameleon"
  • mob. 8 913 792 7363, 906 965 6423
  • Skype: hameleon2108
  • Email: [email protected]

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We make casts of children's arms and legs with our own hands!

Home — Articles — We make molds of children's hands and feet with our own hands!

Hello dear readers, finally I am ripe for a new article!
A year and a half has passed since the last inspiration!
A lot of new things have happened in my life, the most important thing is that my son, Leonid, my second child, was born (in January 2014)!
He is now 6.5 months old. And I again started a business with casts!

How to make a mold of the arms and legs with your own hands from plaster? We answer: "Very simple!"

There are tons of kits for making them in stores, and there are a lot of different tips on the Internet on how to make them!

In 2011, 3 years ago, when I was making casts of Danochka's arms and legs, I first bought a ready-made set.

How to make a 3d cast of a child's arms and legs at home

I did everything according to the instructions. She diluted the mixture, put the sleeping child’s hand into a plate, and my Danulya took it and woke up and knocked over all this liquid on me! While I was washing, the second jar of gel dried up. Conclusion: I threw money away!

Then I got into my favorite Internet, and saw a lot of recipes for making children's casts from gypsum.

I want to tell you the simplest and easiest way to make casts of your favorite arms and legs, which I liked the most!

To make children's casts you will need:

For test:
- half a glass of water,
- two tablespoons of sunflower oil,
(oil is needed to make the dough more elastic)
- one glass of flour
- one glass of salt
(preferably fine, salt is needed so that the dough is “obedient”, so that it keeps its shape better)

The volume of my glass is 150 milliliters.

To make the casts themselves:
- gypsum,
- water.

Where can I get plaster for making children's casts?

1. You can buy on the construction market.
2. You can buy any children's kit for creativity, for example, the Sculptor kit.
I have had this set since 2011 🙂

First we make the dough.
In a bowl, mix salt and flour, pour in oil and water, mix everything.
The dough should be tight! If the dough is runny, add more flour.
Divide the dough in half and roll it out with your hands.
It is necessary to get two small round, but thick (2-3 cm) cakes, so that the cast is more voluminous.

We take a little one, make prints of the legs and handles!

Making a baby footprint

Making an imprint of a child's hand

For the first time with Dana, I made the right arm and the left leg.
The second time with Leonid, I made the right arm and right leg.
It is better to do as the first time, for example, the left arm and right leg or vice versa.
I think it looks so beautiful!

Next, take a disposable glass, pour water, pour gypsum and mix everything.
I don’t specifically write the proportions of water and gypsum, since I made liquid gypsum “by eye”.
The consistency should be like sour cream or kefir.

We pour liquid plaster into our children's prints, and wait.

When the plaster has hardened, remove the dough and our casts are ready!

The rest of the dough is easily removed with ordinary water.
Baby molds are ready!

It remains to decorate them!

You can color the casts as you like, I took pink and silver nail polish!
First, she painted the children's casts with pink, and then with silver varnish.
Here's what happened.

Then I found a beautiful frame on the Internet, added a photo of the child and signed the age - I printed the photo!
I bought a regular photo frame, put a photo, a pregnancy test, a bracelet and a tag from the hospital!
I glued the finished children's casts, on double-sided tape, on glass!

So a beautiful frame with children's casts is ready for a long memory!

You can add baby's first clothes, a pacifier, and more.

For comparison, I post a photo of my first frame with casts!

Now we have this beauty at home:

Children's casts can be made at any age, but to make it easier to attach them, it is better when they are still tiny.
The sooner you make casts, the easier it is to attach them to the photo frame!

Good luck with your creations!

P.S. : The only thing I didn't understand is how to remove air bubbles from plaster?
Small dots appear on the casts.
Maybe you need to stir longer?