How to glue wallpaper on paint. Is it possible to glue wallpaper on acrylic paint. Is it always possible to glue wallpaper on the old coating

Wallpaper remains one of the most popular finishing materials. To ensure good adhesive properties of the surface, it must be prepared before gluing the rolls. However, often the walls are covered with a layer of old paint, which is not always easy to remove. We will talk about how to glue wallpaper on paint in this article.

Coating type

In order to stick wallpaper with high quality, it is important at the very beginning to decide on the type of paintwork.

There are two most common types of paint:

  1. Oil. Is different strong smell, has a good water-repellent effect. After setting on the surface is formed protective layer protecting the surface from negative impacts external environment.
  2. Acrylic (water-based). Acrylic paints and varnishes are odorless, water-repellent, good adhesion. After application, acrylic penetrates deeply into the surface structure.

To answer the question of whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on paint, you need to have an idea of ​​​​the hardness of the coating. All paint that is easy to remove must be removed, otherwise there is a risk that the painted layer will later fall off along with the wallpaper.

To check the strength of the paint, it is enough to dig into the old paintwork with a spatula. Oil paint peels off in whole layers, but acrylic paint is much stronger and is removed in small pieces.

Work instructions

Sometimes there are difficulties with determining the type paintwork material, but at the same time there is a need for wallpapering on paint without priming the surface.

To complete the work, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • wallpaper rolls;
  • adhesive composition;
  • foam roller;
  • capacity;
  • hot water;
  • primer;
  • scotch;
  • putty knife;
  • putty;
  • sandpaper.

Preparatory work

The highest quality result can be achieved only when applying the primer on paintwork. After treating the surface with a primer, apply a layer of putty to level out all the irregularities.

Over the years, the old coating absorbs all sorts of unpleasant odors. This is especially true in the kitchen and rooms in which there is a lot of smoking. Walls in damp rooms are often affected by fungus or mold. It is not recommended to glue rolls on such surfaces without preparation.

First of all, we process the surface special tool(for example, antiseptic composition). Before sticking wallpaper on the paint, you can do the following:

  1. We cover the wall with a roll of thermal insulation.
  2. Glue the plastic mesh on top.
  3. We apply a layer of plaster.
  4. We install and fix a sheet of drywall.


Regardless of the type of coating, when wallpapering, it is recommended to adhere to a number of general principles:

  1. If there is a drawing on the sheets, then when gluing different rolls, the fragments of the images should fit exactly.
  2. We purchase wallpapers with a small margin (usually 1 roll is enough).
  3. For some types of wallpaper, not every glue is suitable. Before applying the adhesive, carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer and follow its recommendations when performing work.
  4. The work will go easier and faster if there is an assistant.
  5. We cut off a strip from the roll and put it on the floor downwards with a pattern. Next, evenly apply a layer of adhesive on the wallpaper.

  1. We lift the strip treated with glue around the corners and stick it on the wall. We glue wallpaper from the window and from above. Carefully press the sheet to the surface. At the same time, we distribute the gluing efforts from the middle of the sheet - to the edges and down. Using a cloth or roller, remove excess glue from the surface.
  2. The switches and sockets found on the wall are initially glued, and then we release them with the help of neat slots.

Features of acrylic surfaces

Before sticking the wallpaper on the paint, we prepare the surface. To do this, apply a mixture of primer and thinner to the wall with the old paint layer. Such a composition will allow changing the structure of the painted surface, forming small defects on it. Such depressions will improve the adhesive properties of the coating, so that the wallpaper will adhere better to the wall.

When the wall dries, once again we process the surface, but this time only with a primer. A layer of highly diluted adhesive can be applied. We start gluing the rolls only after the final drying of the surface.

Check out more detailed instruction for gluing wallpaper on water-based paint.

Oil paint sticker

Despite the fact that, as mentioned above, oil paint can chip off in layers, this is a very tenacious material. In addition, oil coatings are very smooth, which seriously impairs their adhesive qualities and complicates the gluing of rolls.

We glue wallpaper on oil paint only after preparatory activities. Two methods are used for gluing wallpaper on coatings treated with oil paint:

  1. First, we process the surface with coarse-grained sandpaper, and then we apply a primer and PVA glue on the sanded coating in a ratio of 1: 1.
  2. Using a spatula, we make furrows in the paint layer: 5 cm channel every 20 cm of the surface. In the resulting grooves, lay the putty flush with the painted coating. Thus, we obtain areas with good adhesion, which will facilitate high-quality gluing of wallpaper. It is believed that sticking wallpaper on oil paint in this way is less effective than on a sanded coating. However, this method is applicable if for some reason it is difficult to clean the entire surface with emery.

Note! In the case of oil paints, it is recommended to use twice as much wallpaper glue compared to PVA glue.

So, wallpaper can be glued on a layer of old paint. However, it is impossible to do without preparatory measures, because otherwise it will not be possible to glue the wallpaper to the wall with high quality.

Determine the type of old finish

Finding out what paint was used to decorate the wall is easy. So, even if you don’t know what the previous owners or builders covered the surface with, it’s not scary.

  • If you run your hand over the surface, and a white mark remains on it, then you have a chalk whitewash.
  • Acrylic (water-based) paint is visually similar to lime whitewash. To understand what is in front of you, conduct a test: moisten small plot water. lime whitewash at the same time, it will darken, but the water emulsion will not.
  • Water emulsion, like whitewash, can be washed out with water.
  • A durable smooth coating, shiny or glossy, is enamel (PF or NC).

Oil paint, like enamel, also forms a durable, smooth layer. It is extremely difficult to distinguish them. If the repair was carried out not very long ago, then the oil paint can retain a smell: if you chip a piece with a spatula and grind it, you can hear a faint smell of drying oil. If we talk about gluing on a painted surface, then this difference is not significant, since the technology of work will be the same.

Latex paint is also hard to spot. It has a slightly different structure than the usual water emulsion, although it is a variation of it. But there is a way here - if you walk along the surface with sandpaper, then the oil paint and enamel will crumble in small flakes. The latex coating, like a simple water-based emulsion, will be smeared on sandpaper. Thus, if the coating is not washed off with water, but remains on the sandpaper, it is latex paint.

Is it always possible to glue wallpaper on the old coating?

In some cases, it is necessary to remove the old paint, since the wallpaper will either not stick or subsequently move away from the wall. There are four options when complete cleaning needed:

  1. chalk or lime whitewash was used for decoration;
  2. the paint was applied a long time ago, it has lost its structure and peels off;
  3. plaster or putty in many places moves away from the wall;
  4. if the wallpaper is light and loose, and old finish darker.

In the first case, if the chalk or lime holds well, has a uniform structure and a small layer, then you can take a chance and glue thin paper wallpaper. To do this, you must first apply a deep penetration primer to the wall, and after drying, glue the canvases. However, the reliability of such a coating will be doubtful, so it is still better to remove the whitewash.

Chalk or lime can be removed with a special solution, it is commercially available in concentrated form. Diluted before use hot water and applied to the surface. After that, when the layer of whitewash swells, it can be easily removed with a spatula and washed off with plain water. Oil and enamel paint is removed using special solvents and building hair dryer. If the plaster has come off, removing only decorative coating not enough. In this case, you will have to remove the entire plaster layer and prepare the wall from scratch.

How to glue wallpaper on water-based paint?

It is not difficult to prepare a wall painted with a water-based emulsion. Before sticking wallpaper on painted walls, you need to do the following:

  • clean and putty problem areas;
  • degrease the surface with any household detergent;
  • apply an acrylic primer and wait for it to dry;
  • use an adhesive solution that is suitable for the selected wallpaper.

For gluing on a water-based emulsion, paper or non-woven wallpaper is best suited. When they dry, more moisture is released into the air than into the wall. But canvases with a dense top, on the contrary, give more moisture to the wall, which can lead to the destruction of the paint layer, and the glued wallpaper will come off.

Wall preparation with latex paint

Wallpaper can be glued on latex paint if the walls are degreased and primed first. For degreasing, any Fairy-type detergent is suitable. But the primer must be chosen carefully. Well suited adhesive primer concrete-contact on acrylic base. You need to wait for the primer to dry completely and then start pasting.

How to glue wallpaper on oil paint and enamel?

The success of wallpapering enamel and oil paint depends on the adhesive, primer and surface preparation. If you choose the right glue and primer, and the enamel layer has not lost its structure, the wallpaper canvases will hold securely. To determine the condition of the old coating, you need to conduct a small experiment - attach a strip of ordinary adhesive tape. After removal, this strip should remain clean. If there are pieces of enamel left on it, you will have to completely clean the surface. If the paint is holding well, you need to do the following:

  • sand the entire surface to make it rough;
  • putty problem areas (cracks, depressions, potholes);
  • clean from dust;
  • treat with a mixture of deep penetration primer and solvent (ratio 1: 1);
  • add to the PVA wallpaper glue (ratio 1:4). If glue is used for vinyl wallpaper, then you do not need to add PVA.

Instead of a ready-made primer, you can use a self-prepared mixture. To do this, the alabaster is mixed with water to the state of thick kefir, and PVA is added to this mixture, about 1/3 of the resulting volume.

If you want to do good repair, which is designed for decades, it is better to prepare the wall "according to all the rules of art." That is, remove the old paint and be sure that it will not cause unwanted surprises. If you prefer to frequently update the interior in your home, then, following the above recommendations, you can stick wallpaper on the old decorative coating.

The decision to renovate does not come immediately.
nako and then we try this process delay until the last moment, when the finish of all surfaces slowly begins to fade, and in some places even fall off. Therefore, in order to refresh your apartment or house, it is often enough to carry out repairs “on quick hand". And here a serious question arises, how to decorate the rooms in your house. Increasingly popular in this moment enjoy wallpaper as inexpensive and most effective method ceiling and wall finishes. But what to do if the old paint, applied a long time ago, remains on the walls, and how to glue the wallpaper on the paint. This is possible subject to certain prerequisites.

  1. Determine the type of paint
  2. Before painting
  3. Wallpaper pasting: general recommendations
  4. Pasting concrete walls

Determine the type of paint

To qualitatively paste over the wallpaper, you need, first of all, to determine the type of paint that the walls were painted with. There are several types of paints. Acrylic water-based paint does not have a specific smell, has water-repellent properties, fits well on the walls and is absorbed into them, fixing firmly in the structure.

Oil paint has a certain smell, perfectly repels moisture and forms a “protective layer” on the surface after drying. To understand whether it is possible to stick wallpaper on the paint and how to do it correctly, try to remove some of the paint from the wall with a spatula: the oil paint will fall off in pieces, while the acrylic paint, on the contrary, holds firmly and is removed only in small parts.

Before painting

The old paint on the walls gives the owners a lot of not too pleasant moments, such as bald spots and cracks that appear when the paint material is partially peeled off along with the plaster, and all kinds of bumps from the sagging that remain from the old messy brush strokes, or just the color of the oil paint, which pretty tired. And if the walls of the kitchen are painted with paint, then the old rancid smell that has eaten into them should be added to these troubles.

It is impossible to glue wallpaper on moldy or damp walls. It is absolutely not enough to treat these areas with an antifungal drug and simply dry them. It is recommended to eliminate the cause that provokes mold and dampness. The simplest means is to fix a piece of rolled heat insulator on the wall, and then stick a plastic mesh on it, plaster with a layer of dry mix, or simply cover it with a sheet of drywall.

When choosing wallpaper, it should be noted that if there is a pattern or pattern on them, then the owners will have to join it in such a way as not to violate the integrity of the pattern. Always buy more per roll. Before sticking the wallpaper on the paint, it is recommended to carefully read the instructions for the manufacture of glue and strictly follow the instructions. Do not use glue that is not intended for the selected type of wallpaper, for example, bone.

It is customary to glue wallpaper, starting from the window. It is better to do this work together: in this case, one person will glue upper part, and the second - the bottom. Having cut off a strip of the desired length from the roll, you need to lay it upside down on the floor. With a brush, you should carry the glue, distributing it evenly over the entire surface of the wallpaper, and then lift it from the floor, folding the ends of the strip together.

Paste wallpaper on paint, drywall or old wallpaper from the top. The strip should be aligned with the ceiling and attached tightly to the wall. With movements that resemble the shape of a Christmas tree, you should press the wallpaper tightly against the wall from the middle of the strip - to the edges and down. This is best done with a rag or roller. With a rag, you can also remove excess glue that has come out around the edges.

The next strip must be glued in the same way, but taking into account the image of the wallpaper. The strips should be applied end-to-end to each other, but not overlapping. With a rag, you need to go through the joints again to fix them well. Switches and sockets must be glued with wallpaper, and immediately cut through construction knife or blade crosswise in two lines. Then the excess part should be carefully cut around the perimeter of the switch or outlet.

Under window openings and above the door the wallpaper is glued after all the solid strips are pasted. Is it necessary to glue wallpaper on the walls where it will stand furniture set? You should act at your own discretion. If the plans include a rearrangement of furniture in the future, then, of course, the wallpaper should be glued. It is strictly forbidden to use hot glue, because its consistency becomes liquid, which is the reason that the adhesive composition begins to protrude beyond the edges of the canvas, staining the front side of the wallpaper.

We glue wallpaper on water-based paint

To glue wallpaper on a water-based emulsion, you must first prepare the walls, otherwise the canvas can quickly fall behind the surface. First of all, you need to neutralize the old layer of paint substance. To do this, it is customary to prepare a mixture of a primer and a solvent in a 1: 1 ratio and apply this composition to the surface to be treated. The solvent included in the mixture corrodes the old coating partially, allowing the primer to penetrate into the structure of the walls and provide reliable connection new finish.

After that, the wall should dry, and only then a layer of clean primer can be applied on top. This method allows you to get a rough surface as a result, which is necessary for good adhesion of the wallpaper to the surface. After drying, the wallpaper is directly pasted onto the paint. For these purposes, it is necessary to prepare a special composition, which consists of equal parts of wallpaper glue and PVA. It should be applied to the wallpaper and to the primed wall.

Wallpaper sticker on oil paint

Oil paint is a very clingy substance that can keep up with walls for years. But in this case the whole difficulty lies in the fact that the layers of paint have a very smooth surface, which makes it difficult to achieve good adhesion of the wallpaper to the wall. Based on this, when planning to stick wallpaper on oil paint, you also need to make preparatory work. There are two methods for preparing walls covered with oil paint.

The first of them is as follows. To obtain a surface suitable for gluing, it is necessary to treat the walls with large emery, apply a mixture of primer and PVA glue to the sanded surface in a ratio of 1 to 1.

The second method lies in this. With the help of a spatula, every twenty centimeters, it is customary to remove a layer of paint in horizontal stripes, which has a width of 5 centimeters, and then apply putty to the treated areas to align them with the rest of the surface. These strips are designed to ensure good adhesion of the panel to the walls. A similar method of gluing wallpaper on oil paint is considered less effective, but it also has the right to exist.

It’s not worth repeating how to stick wallpaper on paint - the sequence of actions is similar. The only difference is the composition of the adhesive solution - when wallpapering on oil paints, wallpaper glue should be taken 2 times more than PVA glue. By following these steps, you will get a good result. The wallpaper will hold tight, delighting the owners with their appearance.

Wallpaper sticker on whitewash and enamel

You already understood that water-based paint can be washed off warm water with a rag. But there are other finishing materials. For example, the situation is more complicated with whitewashing, because this material is not able to withstand any load. If you plan to wallpaper whitewashed walls, remember that the whitewash will have to be removed completely. To do this, soak it a little with soapy water, and then remove it with a spatula. Rinse off the residue with warm water using a sponge. You can not leave the slightest area that is treated with whitewash.

It is very easy to check otherwise. It is enough to run your palm along the wall with your palm and analyze the result. If at least a little chalk remains on your hand, you will have to wash the wall again and remove the last traces of whitewash. Without doing this, you can not take on wallpapering - all efforts will be in vain. Eventually, the wallpaper will peel off where the paint is left, and bubbles will form if moisture builds up there.

The second option for preparing whitewashed walls for wallpapering is to treat the surface twice with a primer, which is characterized by deep penetration, and dry each layer well. After that, prepare the glue diluted with water. The water content must be 20%. It is customary to process the walls with this composition, then it is necessary to wait for the substance to dry completely and you can glue the wallpaper.

But if the surface was painted with enamel, then in this case it will be possible to paste the wallpaper directly on the walls. But you must first make sure how firmly the paint substance is held on the wall. You need to remove the enamel in those places where the substance itself falls off. Be sure to go over the entire surface with a large sandpaper and remove dust from the wall. For greater strength, it is recommended to pre-glue the surface with a special impregnation for walls.

Pasting concrete walls

Since we are talking about how to glue wallpaper on paint, and we are talking about non-standard surfaces, we should definitely mention an ordinary concrete wall, which can serve as the basis for wallpaper. Many developers are interested in how to glue wallpaper on concrete. Of course, it seems superfluous to carry out preparatory measures.

However, it should be noted that wallpapers, especially expensive natural and fabric wallpaper, are very demanding on the evenness of the walls, and concrete walls represent a surface that is completely covered with tubercles and ruts. Therefore, in this case, there can be no question of the quality of work.

For the preparation of concrete surface before pasting, it is customary to level it with a brick in order to smooth out the main irregularities. After that, it's time to clean the base with sandpaper and remove dirt and dust. After drying, the walls must be plastered and primed with a high-quality composition, which meets the necessary technical parameters.

The primer must have good properties moisture resistance, provide protection against fungus and mold and, of course, firmly fasten the wallpaper to the surface. Wallpaper glue performs approximately the same functions. Pasting wallpaper on concrete walls can only be done in rooms with low humidity and a complete absence of drafts.

Wallpaper sticker on paint without wall preparation

To find out if you can wallpaper the paint without preparing the walls, test the walls first for strength. To do this, you will need the simplest construction tape, you need to attach it to the wall that is painted with paint, after that it should be torn off sudden movement from the wall. If the paint material remains in place and no change occurs, then the paint can be assumed to have passed the test.

But when on inside adhesive tape left particles of paint, then such a coating will have to be completely cleaned off. This will take a long time, so you need to be patient. In this case, clean the paint with a special wire brush, which is mounted on a drill, or with a spatula. Solvents are rarely used because of the harmful odor given off by the chemical.

On a wall that has passed the adhesive test, wallpaper can be glued without pre-treatment surface, because the paint has created a durable, smooth and enough flat surface. Sometimes, in order to achieve a rough surface, craftsmen process the paint with sandpaper. Finally, remember that you should not stick light thin wallpaper on dark paint, because dark color will be visible through the new finish, spoiling completely appearance rooms.

Now you have figured out how to glue wallpaper on paint, and you are ready to put your knowledge into practice. Every room in your house should have own face and its unique look, so you should competently approach the choice of wallpaper and their further sticker. Proper preparation walls to the subsequent wallpapering is a troublesome and rather expensive procedure, but highly desirable. You need to approach the work with all responsibility, and then the residents of your house will be able to rejoice at the result. The updated design will last a long time.

What types of paints exist

To carry out correct complex preparatory work Before pasting wallpaper, you must first analyze the paint material on the wall. Therefore, you should find out what paints are and how to work with them:

  1. Oil paint and enamel paint are similar in appearance to each other, they usually have a durable and smooth finish, each has a sheen or gloss. To determine if it is necessary, chop off a piece with an iron spatula and rub it; oil paint has the smell of drying oil.
  2. Whitewashing is determined quite simply by holding your hand, after which white marks remain on the palm of your hand.
  3. Acrylic water-based paint, visually, can be confused with whitewash. But upon contact, it leaves no traces. For a more accurate analysis, water can be applied to the surface, while whitewashing will become dark, acrylic paint will not change tone.
  4. Water-based paint is easily washed out if you wet a rag and run it over the surface. In addition, it, like whitewash, darkens when it comes into contact with water.

Wall preparation

After a deep study of the walls, you can proceed to action. The surface should be smooth without pits and bumps, if any, then all defects should be removed. Pits and depressions are puttied, all bulges are polished with sandpaper or metal nozzle for a drill or grinder. Well, first things first.

First of all, you need to understand on which surface wallpapering is not recommended:

  1. It is necessary to exclude lime or chalk whitewash, since when wet, the whitewash easily moves away from the surface. Some workers, of course, experiment with sticking to whitewash, but first impregnate the chalk surface with a deeply penetrating primer. But even such measures do not give a 100% guarantee. If, for some reason, the primed whitewash picks up moisture, then immediately, it will depart along with the wallpaper.
  2. Old and peeling paint under weight, can slide along with the trellises or partially puff out.
  3. The plaster or putty is cracked in places and moves away from the walls.
  4. On a dark base, it is not recommended to apply thin and light wallpaper, especially if the wall is spotty. Otherwise, all this will appear under the wallpaper.

Wallpapering with oil paint

After all the inspections, you can conduct another test, for this, adhesive tape or masking tape is glued to the oil paint and torn off with a sharp movement. If there are no traces of paint on the adhesive tape, then we perform the following manipulations:

  • the surface of enamel or oil paint must be made rough by rubbing it with sandpaper;
  • all potholes, chips are puttied with oil putty;
  • dust is removed from walls and floors;
  • impregnate with a primer with the addition of a solvent in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • for a greater adhesive effect, PVA glue 1: 4 can be added to the adhesive solution.

Some craftsmen go through the walls with liquid glue before pasting. When the surface dries, wallpaper is glued.

Working with a whitewashed surface

In order for the work to be of high quality, it is necessary to wet the walls with water or a special solution and clean it off with a wide spatula. Of course, this is a time-consuming process, but also a guaranteed job. After cleaning, the surface must be primed with a deep-permeable composition. After the primer dries, you can safely glue the wallpaper.

If the owner of the apartment wondered how to stick the wallpaper directly on the whitewash, then in principle this is not a problem. To do this, it is necessary to saturate the walls well with a deep penetration primer. To prevent the chalk from coming off during pasting, it is recommended to apply glue only to wallpaper sheets. This option will allow only one touch on the wall, if you need to remove and re-glue, then be sure that all the whitewash will remain on the sheet. This type of surface is unreliable and therefore only light paper wallpapers with good throughput should be applied.

Wallpapering with acrylic paint

Before pasting over a surface treated with acrylic paint, it is necessary to clean it of problem areas in the form of fat, and then impregnate it with a primer mixed with a solvent. This will securely strengthen all the layers that are applied to the wall. After complete drying, it is recommended to additionally go through the primer.

For this purpose, a special acrylic-based concrete-contact primer is also well suited, sold at any building materials store.

How to glue wallpaper on water-based paint

To paste wallpaper on water-based paint, you must perform the following steps:

  • sand uneven areas with sandpaper, then putty all problem areas;
  • degrease detergent contaminated places;
  • impregnate the surface with acrylic primer and wait until the walls are completely dry;
  • use paper or non-woven wallpaper, as they contribute to the rapid drying of moisture;
  • apply glue for intended wallpaper.

If stick technological recommendations, then it is necessary to paste on cleaned walls, this is better than gluing wallpaper on paint, because it is impossible to analyze for 100% the strength and stability of the paint on the entire working area. But if, nevertheless, you decide not to clean off the paint, then when examining the quality of the old paint, take Special attention top, center and bottom of the wall.

How to glue wallpaper on a concrete base

Concrete walls have pores in the form of small bowls and pits; it is not advisable to glue wallpaper on such a base; upon closer inspection, poor-quality work will be seen. Therefore, the walls need to be primed and puttied. It often happens that during pasting the wallpaper in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corners, folds are obtained, this indicates that corner connections uneven. To avoid such a turn, it is necessary to remove them plaster mortar. For this, it is thrown into the corners ready mix and plaster rule first to one side, then to the other. If you use plaster with a fine-grained fraction, then you can do without subsequent puttying. When the solution is completely dry, you can proceed to the main process.

How to glue wallpaper

When the surface is completely ready, you can start pasting the wallpaper. First of all, you need to cut the sheets in length. After that, the front side, the canvas is laid on a clean floor and glue is applied with a roller. The edges must be abundantly impregnated with the adhesive mass, otherwise, when the glue dries, the wallpaper in these places will protrude.

You can start from a window or corner if it is perfectly flat. Some craftsmen, for fidelity, also apply glue to the wall, but if the wall is primed and the sheet is well saturated, then you can do without unnecessary manipulations. First of all, the edge of the sheet is attached to the corner, and then it is smoothed from the middle up and down with a special wallpaper trowel to remove all the bubbles. It is important to remember that it is not advisable to peel off the glued sheet, especially if there is old paint under it.

The second sheet is joined to the first, all joints are wiped with a damp cloth to remove the squeezed out glue. The main thing is that the first sheet must be laid vertically without the slightest deviation, otherwise the last sheet will lie crooked. When all the whole sheets are glued, you can move on to the pieces above the door, window and behind the battery.

Tools that may be required for work:

  1. Iron spatula.
  2. Plastic spatula (for wallpaper).
  3. Roller and brush.
  4. Sponge or rag.
  5. Glue container.
  6. Masking tape.
  7. Scissors and a construction knife (can be clerical).
  8. Sandpaper.
  9. Drill and nozzle for removing paint (if you decide to strip the paint).
  10. Plaster rule (align corners).

Before pasting, it is necessary to remove all sockets and switches, and then cut the sheet pasted on the wall with a construction knife and put the boxes in place.

It is impossible to open windows during pasting and make drafts, otherwise the whole work will go down the drain, when the glue dries, the room should have a stable temperature.

Some wallpapers have a pattern that will have to be selected. In this case, you must purchase a spare roll.

The packaging with glue indicates the consumption of the finished solution, but as practice shows, you need to buy 1-2 more packs of glue. If applied to drywall or plywood, then it may be enough, but if it is a porous surface, then the mass declared on the packaging will not converge with reality.

Now you know how to stick wallpaper on paint, following all the recommendations, you will be able to implement high-quality this work from start to finish.

Very often there are walls painted with oil paints. Such a coating is particularly durable, but, nevertheless, it is time to replace it. In such situations, the question arises: "Is it possible to glue wallpaper on oil paint?".

What to do anyway, start a long, rather dirty and unpleasant process of cleaning from paint, or can you just glue an unpresentable surface with wallpaper?

Determining the type of coverage

When the moment of repair approaches, it is necessary to clearly define the type of surface. Everyone is used to calling oil any kind of paint that is not washed off with water, although this is wrong.

Important! There is no ban on sticking wallpaper on oil paint, but it is still recommended to clean the base from it.

old coating

So, before you stick the wallpaper, you need to carefully study the walls:

Wall preparation

If it is decided to leave the paint and glue the wallpaper on it, then the first thing we recommend doing is sanding, i.e. make the coating rough, since oil paint is smooth and does not adhere to anything.

Before gluing the canvases, you need to decide on the choice of glue. At the same time, pay attention to the advice of experts, and they, all as one, say that it is better to take glue only for heavy wallpaper, even if you are going to glue light single-layer wallpaper.

Advice! If it allows financial position, purchase PVA glue, it can be used both independently and in conjunction with wallpaper glue in proportion to 1:1.


So everything further actions, before wallpapering should increase adhesion, respectively, it is necessary to completely overcome the property of oil paint to repel substances, and not absorb them.

Experienced builders who know how to stick wallpapers in such a way that they serve faithfully for a long time advise doing the following:

  • To begin with, we acquire a primer with high penetrating power. Well suited "Concrete contact";
  • then you need to wash the walls, and then let them dry completely;
  • apply the primer solution to the oil paint with a layer of 0.75 mm, also let it dry completely;
  • after puttying, then after drying, apply another layer of primer;
  • only after that you can glue the wallpaper.

Advice! The primer can be prepared independently, for this PVA glue and alabaster are used.

Cooking steps:

How to glue

Most on their own personal experience already know how to properly glue paper wallpaper, and this is done as follows:

But we should not forget that the surface on which it is planned to stick the wallpaper in this case is not standard, so some more factors are taken into account:

  • it is necessary to pre-apply glue not only on the wallpaper, but also on the wall, this enhances adhesion, and, accordingly, reduces the risk of wallpaper lagging;
  • the presence of a draft is unacceptable, both during work and after its completion. Openings, door and window, must be closed until completely dry;
  • under no circumstances should you work with high humidity too high or, conversely, too low a temperature.

How to glue wallpaper on paint is shown in the following video:


Summing up, it can be noted that professionals do not recommend gluing wallpaper over any paint, but there are no clear prohibitions on this. If, nevertheless, such a decision is made, it is necessary to take the work very responsibly, not the slightest mistake should be made.

But it should be noted that even doing everything strictly according to the instructions, there is no 100% guarantee that the wallpaper will be successful, you will get a perfect surface and the wallpaper will last you a long period of time. For the rest, it is up to each individual to decide whether it is worth the risk, or to spend a little more time and effort and completely clean the surface of the old paint?

Residents of the old "Khrushchev" must have come across paint-covered walls, which you really want to stick wallpaper on. Preparing a wall for wallpapering is a very time-consuming task that takes a lot of nerves and effort, so you always want to do without pre-treatment. Can wallpaper be applied to painted walls? We learn about this from this article.

Determining the type of surface coverage

Before proceeding with pasting painted surfaces, it is necessary to determine the type of material that covers the walls in the room. There are several types of paints that produce interior decoration:

In order to make it clear which substance was used, you need to try to pick off part of the coating with a spatula. The oil one will come off in a layer, and the acrylic one will be very difficult to remove, only small pieces will fall off.

If, nevertheless, it was not possible to determine the coating, you can use those methods that will help when pasting wallpaper on any coating.

The first option is just taking ordinary wallpaper of any model, except for vinyl and high-quality glue. The surface must be clean and does not need to be treated in any way. Thus, you can quickly paste the wallpaper, but, of course, no one guarantees the quality with this method.

The second way is to prime the painted surface. quality material. If the surface is primed correctly and with high quality, then you can easily glue the wallpaper on the painted surface and even lay tiles on tiles.

Important! After the surface is primed, you need to putty the bumps.

Risks of pasting wallpaper on paint

You can glue wallpaper on paint, but you must always take into account all the risks that exist with this design:

If it still becomes clear that the coating is unstable, it must be removed. Here are some tips for this procedure:

  • The paint must be thoroughly wetted with water and constantly moistened, remove the paint layer with a spatula.
  • Wet the walls with water and paste over with old newspapers on wallpaper paste. After the wall is completely dry, you need to remove the newspapers along with the paint, if possible.
  • Use special solutions which are sold in construction stores. They usually destroy the structure of the paint in a short period of time, and the removal of the layer is not a problem.
  • Removing paint grinder or sandpaper. This method requires a huge amount of physical strength and time.

Work algorithm

Before gluing the canvases, it is necessary to prepare the painted wall. But there is one universal way, which is suitable for surfaces in "Khrushchev". There, as a rule, the walls were half painted, so you need to peel off a layer of paint 5 cm wide with a distance between the cleaned sides of 15-20 cm. The cleaned strips are puttied and leveled with the surface. These stripes must necessarily coincide with the edges of the canvases, since the cuts will stick better on such a coating.

If this method is not suitable, then perform the following steps.

Wall preparation

At the stage of preparing a painted wall for wallpapering, you need to perform several actions at once:

Wall washing. Very often the walls are painted in the kitchen or hallway, so it is essential that they are clean. You need to remove all contaminants: grease, soot, dirty and dusty deposits. Usually, all you need is a solution of water with dishwashing detergent. In order to remove the stains that have arisen after washing, the surface must be washed clean water. If there are no visible dirt on the walls and sticky coating, then you can not wash.

Wall alignment. As a rule, walls are not completely perfect. It is necessary to remove the bumps and putty cavities and cracks. It is very difficult and risky to glue on an uneven wall even dense wallpaper on the uneven walls, what can we say about thin and paper.

Sandpaper processing. This stage of preparation applies to those surfaces that are treated with oil paint. According to the advice of professionals, you need to walk along the wall with a grinder or sandpaper. This process is long, a large number of forces, but this increases the roughness and adhesion of the wallpaper to the wall. Professionals advise not to skip this step before gluing the wallpaper.

Primer. If it is decided not to do the previous point, then it is easier to prime the wall. This procedure will also help improve adhesion. It is best to choose a primer "Concrete contact" neutral white or gray color. It is just designed for such work, and the color will help hide real color painted wall and prevent see through through the wallpaper.

If you do not want to spend money on a primer, you can do it yourself according to the following recipe:

  1. Dilution to the state of liquid alabaster kefir or building gypsum with warm water
  2. Adding 1/3 of the resulting volume of PVA glue to the solution.

You can also mix bustilate and PVA glue in a 1: 1 ratio and use this solution as a primer mixture.

Important! The walls treated in this way have excellent adhesion to the wallpaper, so the coating will be very difficult to remove if necessary.

Gluing wallpaper

After all the work done, you can start pasting. Be sure to select the glue that is recommended for the selected type of wallpaper. You can read about this in the instructions for wallpaper and glue. A process such as covering the wall with liquid glue and drying it completely will help perfectly. After that, you can safely glue the wallpaper.

Another nuance is sticking paper tape on the wall in the place where the junction of the canvases falls. It is necessary to glue it so that after drying, when the canvas dries, no paint can be seen in the gap.


Every problem always has a solution. paste over painted walls wallpaper is possible, but you need to prepare them a little. But this preparation will be easier and less time consuming than removing the old paint layer. Even on a painted wall, the wallpaper will hold up well if you follow the technology.

Wallpapering is a simple matter. It takes much more time and effort to remove the previous finishing material and prepare the surface for pasting. It is not difficult to stick a canvas from a new roll onto an old coating if paper wallpapers that have lost their attractiveness flaunt on the wall.

But what to do when the surfaces of a room with an impressive area were painted? Is it possible to glue wallpaper without removing the old paintwork, and how to glue wallpaper, for example, on oil paint?

How to spot paint on a wall

Determine which one finishing material applied to the walls, it is possible according to the appearance of the coating.

Water-based paint is matte and moisture resistant, in addition, it is reliably absorbed into the preparatory layer, so it peels off in small segments.

The old coat of oil paint is shiny and water resistant. Despite the fact that this finishing material does not lose its strength characteristics long years, over time, the coating may peel off the wall in whole pieces.

Whitewashed walls are the easiest to recognize. It is enough to wipe the surface with a damp cloth, if white marks remain on it - this is whitewashing.

With whitewashing, the situation is quite simple - just pre-wash it with water, clean it with sandpaper and prime the walls. As for wallpapering on painted walls, then more substantial preparation is needed.

Is it possible to glue without preparatory work?

It is impossible to stick wallpaper on any basis, whether it is paper, non-woven or vinyl, without preparing the wall for oil paint.

This type of coating is durable and strong, and it also has a smooth surface. The linseed oil paint itself has a strong adhesion to the wall, so this finish can last for years, but just sticking the wallpaper directly on top of it will not work, as sooner or later they will begin to fall off.

However, it is not at all necessary because of this to remove the oil paint from the wall clean. This is a very laborious process that will take a lot of time. All you need is to remove the top glossy layer and achieve roughness.

With proper preparation, the wallpaper strips will not fall off and slide off either during gluing or after the glue dries, but will roll up to the wall so that no one will guess that they are pasted on oil paint.

Wall preparation

First of all, the condition of the old finishing layer should be assessed: how damaged the coating is, whether it has chips, cracks or bumpy spots that will directly affect the smoothness of the pasted wallpaper.

All defects must be eliminated by puttying. The cracks are filled, and the places where the paint has fallen off are sealed with a putty mixture. In areas where the old finishing material is far behind the wall or swollen, the paint is pryed off with a spatula and removed, and the holes formed are filled with putty.

After the surface is leveled, it is necessary to sand it. Moreover, you need to walk with sandpaper not only on puttied places, but also on the entire painted surface. This is required condition, because for good adhesion of wallpaper with the old coating, it is necessary to achieve surface roughness.

In order to apply a new coating from the wall, in most cases it is necessary to remove the old one.

After application, the mixture should be properly absorbed, so it will be possible to start gluing only the next day.

The next day, you can start gluing the wallpaper. It is also better to add a little PVA to the wallpaper glue (up to 10%) - this will ensure the strength of the gluing and increase the adhesion of the canvases to the prepared wall.

The above are the main and most right steps preparation. Additionally, to increase adhesion and not remove all the paint, you can get rid of it partially. To do this, using a spatula or drill with special nozzle strips 5 cm wide are removed from the wall in increments of 20-30 cm.

After this, wipe the wall with sandpaper and cover with a primer. Such selective removal will help to glue the wallpaper to the wall firmly, without bubbles, bumps and dents.

To get a good result, it does not hurt to listen to the following recommendations of experts:

  • for high-quality fixing of oil paint on the wall and increasing the adhesion of wallpaper to it, it is better to use special ready-made primers to increase adhesion;
  • if the worn coating has only faded and does not have large cracks, chips and obvious defects, then the puttying stage can be skipped: it is enough to sand the surface well and apply a primer mixture with PVA on it so that the glued wallpaper does not lag behind later;
  • when, after a day after the preparatory work, pieces of paint nevertheless peeled off in some places, it is better to remove it completely, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to ensure good adhesion to the wallpaper in this case;
  • Another trick that will facilitate preparation and ensure a good result is the purchase of non-woven or vinyl wallpaper with an embossed surface: the density of the material and the convexity of the pattern will hide bumps and minor flaws.

Experienced workers recommend removing the paint before wallpapering the wall completely, however, what if this is not possible? How to glue wallpaper on oil paint when time is running out and you don’t want to waste your energy on removing the old coating?

Very practical and widely demanded finishing material. But, as you know, their sticker requires high-quality surface preparation. Very often it is required to stick wallpaper in a room with painted walls. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on paint is very relevant.

So, you can stick wallpaper on paint, but first you need to figure out what paint the walls were painted with. The technology of pasting wall surfaces depends on this. For painting walls today, two types of paints are most often used.

These are oil and water-based:

  • Water-based paints are made on water based and when dried, they tightly impregnate the wall surface. Coatings with this material are odorless and repel moisture.
  • Oil paints are highly resistant and create a strong protective film on the wall surface.

Finding out what paint the wall surface is covered with is very simple. If you pry off a layer of paint on the wall surface with a spatula, then the oil paint can be removed in a large piece, and water-based coating will crumble into small pieces.

For pasting the walls with wallpaper you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Wallpaper glue;
  • A foam roller with a tray or a brush used to apply glue to the wallpaper and wall surface;
  • Container for stirring glue;
  • Hot water;
  • Scraper;
  • Rubber spatula for smoothing wallpaper;
  • Priming composition;
  • Construction tape;
  • putty;
  • Sandpaper.

When choosing wallpaper that you plan to stick on a painted surface, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • The selected wallpaper should be thick enough.
  • Vinyl wallpaper should be discarded, as moisture slowly absorbed by the painted surface will pass to the front side of the wallpaper and, when dried, can spoil their appearance.
  • Non-woven wallpapers are ideal option for sticking to a painted surface. Due to their structure, they guarantee fast drying glue and high-quality formation of joints of individual strips.
  • Paper wallpapers, due to their fragility, are used extremely rarely.
  • It is very good to keep on the painted wall surface, moreover, with their help it is easy to hide minor defects and irregularities.

Before pasting the wallpaper, it is necessary to carefully check the wall surfaces for the presence of areas with mold and fungus. Such places must be treated with special antifungal solutions. This must be done in order not only to prevent damage to the newly pasted wallpaper during operation, but also to exclude their harmful effects on human health.

The process of wallpapering painted surfaces

Before sticking wallpaper, you need to carefully examine the wall surfaces covered with oil paint. All cracks should be covered with putty, sanded and, if necessary, their general alignment should be made. After that, you need to remove dust from the wall surfaces with a damp soft sponge. After that, the surface of the walls is treated with coarse-grained sandpaper in order to give a slight surface roughness, which will improve the fixation of the wallpaper on the wall surfaces.

Then the walls are primed special composition, consisting of a primer and PVA glue mixed in equal quantities. In this way, you can strengthen the adhesion of wallpaper glue to the base. On such a prepared surface, the wallpaper is glued in the usual way.

If wall surfaces are painted water-based paint then rinse thoroughly with warm water. After that, you need to treat the wall surface with a composition of solvent and primer in a ratio of 1: 1. This causes the solvent to partially corrode the painted surface and allow the primer to penetrate deeper to reinforce the wall surface. After the treated wall dries, it is covered with a clean primer.

When sticking wallpaper on a painted surface, it is undesirable for paint dark shades stick light wallpaper, as they can shine through. If you plan to use thin wallpaper, then you need to first paste over the wall surfaces with special thin facing paper.

When sticking wallpaper, you need to choose the right wallpaper glue. It must be of high quality and suitable for the type of wallpaper used. To enhance the adhesive properties, it is recommended to add PVA to the wallpaper glue, while the proportion can be 4:1 or 3:1, and the joints of the strips can be additionally processed with a composition of wallpaper glue and PVA in a ratio of 2:1.

When sticking wallpaper on painted wall surfaces, the canvases should be smeared sparingly. But for the impregnation of the wallpaper you need to give more time. You need to start wallpapering from one of the corners from above. After carefully smoothing the strip, you can proceed to the subsequent sticker butt to butt. In this case, special attention should be paid to gluing the edges of the wallpaper to the base. In order for the joints not to diverge during operation, it is necessary to use ordinary paper tape, which is laid under the edges of the glued strips. The remaining adhesive residues are removed with a soft cloth. We should not forget about docking the pattern on the wallpaper. Above doorways, as well as on the bottom and top of the windows, the wallpaper sticker should be done last.

If you are not sure about the strength of the surface, even with the right preparation, then you need to stick one strip and let it dry completely. After that, you should evaluate the appearance of the coating and check the wallpaper for fixation strength. In addition, remember that if the wall surface is initially covered with a mesh small cracks, then the paint layer must be completely removed. And it absolutely does not matter what kind of paint the wall surface was covered with.