How to wash grease in the kitchen: simple and affordable means of cleaning furniture. How to wash a wall, furniture, kitchen hood from grease with folk and household remedies How to wash sticky deposits on a kitchen set

Small yellowish droplets that instantly stick to surfaces are difficult to remove. How to wash grease on kitchen cabinets? Standard rags only rub dirt, and not all household chemicals can cope with it. It takes a long time to rub and wash the stubborn stains of fat. But there is a danger of damaging the surface. Often, the materials from which cabinets or tiles are made immediately leave white spots or, worse, scratches. It is impossible to eliminate them. To avoid such an annoying nuisance, it is worth adopting a few rules of cleanliness.


The most important principle to follow is to remember to wipe the surfaces of kitchen cabinets daily. So fat will not accumulate. But often busy housewives have a lot of things to do at work, and at home they only have time to cook lunch or dinner. When to fight for purity? On the weekend. In this case, the dirt will have to be washed with special predilection and the use of cleaning products. And they are not always of a chemical type. There are a lot of tips for putting things in order using folk recipes for cleanliness.

A fatty deposit on kitchen furniture is a common phenomenon, it appears instantly and imperceptibly for the hostess. While the most delicious and healthy food is being prepared, droplets of oil fly off the pan and fall on different surfaces. Especially quickly they "settle" on their favorite light cabinet, which hangs very close to the stove.

The method of cleaning and the type of detergent will depend on the material of the furniture.

Dust quickly sticks to the yellow droplets of fat, being absorbed into the viscous composition. This is facilitated by the steam that escapes every time you open the lids of pots and pans. It acts as a catalyst, helping the dirt to adhere better to the fat droplets. Such plaque cannot be removed even with hot water.

How to wash the kitchen set from fat? In order not to spoil the surface and quickly eliminate kitchen soot, you should first determine what material the furniture is made of. The method of cleaning and the type of detergent will depend on this.

It is important to have "helpers" on hand. These are rags, sponges, through which you can clean your favorite locker. It is worth choosing fabrics from flannel, microfiber, cloth. In no case should synthetics or coarse materials be used. And you should completely abandon metal graters. They can only clean old pots and cast iron pans. It is worth stocking up on the softest sponges.

How to wash the tiles in the kitchen from grease, if the plaque is a little old? You should let him soak. To do this, it is important to wet the dirt with a solution of soapy water and leave for an hour. Then wipe with a soft cloth, rinse with clean water and wipe dry. Instead of soap, you can dissolve the gel for washing surfaces in water.

Lockers should be cleaned with a cloth made of flannel, microfiber, cloth

If stains need to be removed from furniture, under no circumstances should cleaning be carried out with a powder or a hard cloth. Modern manufacturers cover kitchen cabinets with a protective film, but even so, you should not risk using an abrasive. It is necessary to carefully study the composition of the gel or other liquid for cleaning surfaces. If you have to clean the fat from a wooden cabinet, the composition should not contain ammonia, acids, chlorine.

In order not to harm the surfaces for sure, when cleaning the kitchen of grease, it is better to test the detergent on an unnecessary plank or tile first. After observing how the gel will behave and making sure that it does not damage the materials, you can proceed to the general cleaning of the kitchen.


After making sure that the cleansing gel does not contain aggressive substances in its composition, you need to learn how to use it correctly. Do not pour the gel directly on the sponge and apply to the surface of the cabinet. It is advisable to thoroughly dissolve it in warm water and wipe the fat with the resulting product.

It is advisable to thoroughly dissolve the agent in warm water and wipe the fat with the resulting agent.

There are solutions that are specifically designed to deal with stubborn fat, but standard products can also be used. Gels include:

  • Comet;
  • Pemo-Lux;
  • Chistin.

After the product dissolves the dirt, you need to carefully remove it with a damp cloth and then wipe the surface with another sponge dipped in clean water. This should be done until whitish stains disappear.

Old fat in the kitchen cannot be eliminated at once. You will have to carry out a number of procedures to restore cleanliness. It is worth treating surfaces without the use of aggressive agents and graters. Washcloths can be used. They are slightly stiffer than sponges.

A steam cleaner will also help, but it is worth remembering that such a device will ruin kitchen furniture covered with a protective film.


If the hostess is allergic to cleaning chemicals, or they run out abruptly, folk remedies can help. How to wash grease from kitchen furniture if there is no way to buy a new bottle of washing gel? It is acceptable to use laundry soap, lemon, soda.

The recipe is:

  • dissolve 5 g of citric acid or squeeze 2 ml of lemon juice into a liter of warm water;
  • add some soda;
  • to stir thoroughly;
  • soak a sponge in the solution;
  • wipe surfaces;
  • be sure to rinse with warm clean water.

How to clean surfaces if the stains are very old? Everything is simple. It is necessary to prepare a mixture of soda and citric acid (5 g each). Moisten a little with water to form a paste and apply with a sponge to tiles or kitchen cabinet surfaces. Due to the alkaline reaction, the agent will foam and hiss, the grease to be cleaned will dissolve, and it can be easily removed with a damp cloth.

If the hostess is allergic to cleaning chemicals, or they ended abruptly, folk remedies can help

To help the hostess when removing dirt and grease in the kitchen, alcohol or vodka, vinegar. It is necessary to prepare a mixture of the above funds, combining them in equal quantities. This will turn out a detergent composition that will perfectly cope with any pollution, even stubborn ones.

You can pour this solution into a spray bottle. After spraying on the stains, it is advisable to let the product soak in, and then rinse it thoroughly with water.

If the dirt and grease have dried well, it is recommended to clean the surface with clay mixed with vinegar. Dilute the product to the consistency of sour cream. Cleaning will take a little time, the fat will come off quickly, and the doors or walls of the cabinet will not be damaged. Not a scratch will remain. After manipulation, the clay must be thoroughly rinsed with warm water and wipe the surface dry.

A great helper in removing dirt from kitchen furniture is coarse salt. But it is recommended to use not only it. If you mix salt with mustard powder, you get an excellent composition for removing fat. The product is a natural abrasive that will not damage surfaces. It is desirable to wash off this powder with a soapy solution, and then with clean water.

A piece of laundry soap must be crushed and the powder dissolved in water to make a thick mass. This paste should be applied to tiles or furniture, rub a little and rinse with warm water.

You can even use dough baking powder if you need to urgently clean the furniture, and you don’t have soda or vinegar on hand. Wet the baking powder a little and wipe the surface with this mixture. Be sure to rinse everything off with water afterwards. This substance is very good at removing grease stains.

Works wonders and a mixture of equal proportions of vodka, vinegar (50 ml each) and 1-2 ml of any essential oil. It is advisable to pour the composition into a spray bottle and spray on contaminated surfaces. Let it soak for half an hour and rinse thoroughly. This solution perfectly removes limescale from taps and tiles.

So, you can eliminate fat droplets from kitchen furniture and tiles without even using specialized tools, but using only what is at hand. Before starting work, it is advisable to stock up on soft cloths, sponges and study the structure of the surface of the cabinets well. It is impossible to act when cleaning with abrasive substances, this will lead to scratches. You need to choose products based on gels.

Cleaning is a process that is not always a pleasure, especially if the hostess is faced with the question of how to wash the kitchen of grease. The surfaces of tables, cabinets and stoves quickly become dirty and accumulate traces of cooking, and it is not so easy to get rid of them later. To make it easier for yourself, you need to understand how and with what to wash grease from kitchen furniture so that it is quick and efficient.

Modern housewives have the opportunity to choose cleaning products from a wide and varied assortment presented in stores. However, at the same time, more and more often they return to the old and proven folk methods of cleaning, using effective improvised means.

The first and most important rule that must be followed in order for the kitchen to always shine with cleanliness is that cleaning should be done regularly. In order not to have to invent and figure out how to wash old fat in the kitchen, it is better not to run it, but to eliminate it immediately as it gets dirty. Some of the most helpful tips include:

  1. When starting cleaning, you need to understand what materials the surfaces that need to be washed consist of. Different detergents are suitable for different parts of the kitchen and furniture.
  2. Before using a store-bought cleaning agent, you must read the instructions for use and follow it.
  3. It is better to try the compositions prepared from improvised cleaning products on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen surface, and then wash everything.
  4. Any detergents and mixtures must be thoroughly washed with clean water, and then the surface should be wiped dry so that there are no streaks left.

To quickly and easily deal with stubborn dirt, use laundry soap, vegetable oil, soda, mustard, ammonia, and hydrogen peroxide. With these improvised ingredients, you can get rid of pollution of any age. Combine the products and prepare a solution, apply it on the surface to be treated, let it soak in and wash off after 15–30 minutes with a soapy sponge.

The most popular is cleaning with household chemicals. Specially designed cleaners safely help to clean the grease off many surfaces from grime with a minimum of effort.

The only drawback of these products is their high cost, since several different cleaners are needed to clean the entire kitchen and are designed to clean furniture and kitchen utensils.

Popular and highly effective household products are:

  • "Amway";
  • "Shumanit";
  • "Silit Beng";
  • "Mister Muscle".

Note ! Products containing abrasives and chlorine are strictly contraindicated for use on plastic or MDF surfaces, because they can scratch or discolor the coating.

Having picked up a cleaner, starting from the type of pollution and the type of surface, start cleaning, adhering to the following recommendations:

  • study the instructions for use;
  • observe the dosage so as not to damage the color and coating of the headset;
  • wear protective gloves when cleaning to avoid burns and an allergic reaction;
  • ensure an optimal supply of fresh air, as some products can be toxic and cause dizziness.

In the process of treating cabinets from grease, use special kitchen napkins that have a soft structure and absorb a minimum amount of product. Simply apply the cleaner to a cloth and wipe the door or wood countertop. To remove stubborn dirt, leave the surface treated for 20 minutes, and then carefully rub and polish.

Types of MDF facades and cleaning methods

Before washing the kitchen from accumulated grease and dirt, it is important to understand what material it is made of. This will allow you to choose the right cleaner.

The most popular cuisines are from:

  • wood;
  • laminated chipboard;
  • plastic;
  • glass.

Each material has its own cleaning methods. It is convenient to wash plastic and glass facades with alkaline, saline and soda products, with oil and soda, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide - wooden, MDF, chipboard and chipboard.

Cleaning folk ways

With the advent of household chemicals, faith in folk remedies began to disappear, but, despite everything, they are a worthy and economical substitute for expensive products.

They can clean almost all surfaces, the main thing is to correctly combine the components and assess the degree of contamination.

mustard powder

Our grandmothers cleaned grease from kitchen furniture with ordinary mustard powder. The principle of processing this ingredient is simple:

  • Moisten the contaminated area with water.
  • Sprinkle mustard powder on a damp surface of furniture, stove or household appliances.
  • Rub with a dry kitchen towel.
  • Wash the cloth with water, lather with laundry soap and remove the mustard residue from the treated panel.

In this case, mustard is a mild abrasive fat dissolver. It delicately scrapes off fatty accumulations from the surface without damaging the coating of the headset. However, this method is only suitable for cleaning fresh stains or minor old ones.

We wash the greasy ceiling in the kitchen with soap and soda

Soda-soap solution works on the principle of mustard, but is more effective. Easily cleans home cutlery and kitchen appliances, ceiling and.

To clean the kitchen in this way, follow the sequence:

  1. Grind laundry soap (1/2 bar) using a food coarse grater.
  2. Fill with water until a cloudy, slightly viscous homogeneous solution is obtained.
  3. Treat the contaminated panel with soapy liquid.
  4. Sprinkle some baking soda on the sponge immediately.
  5. Rub the soapy area.
  6. Let the stain sit for about 20 minutes.
  7. Wet a clean rag and wash off the baking soda with soapy water.

Note ! If the processing of wooden surfaces, laminate was carried out, do not forget to reduce panel contamination and prolong headset life.

Soap and soda can clean and disinfect almost the entire kitchen, including. But if the furniture is glossy or lacquered, choose a different cleaning method. Such surfaces should not be contacted even with soft abrasives to avoid scratches.

We clean natural wood furniture with oil and soda

The combination of soda and vegetable oil cleans grease in the kitchen well, as it refers to folk remedies that allow you not only to remove dirt, but also to take care of wood.

  1. Prepare a creamy mixture of soda and sunflower oil by mixing the ingredients 1:2.
  2. Process the hardened fat on a wooden chest of drawers.
  3. Gently clean the fat accumulations with a soft brush.

If stains from furniture accessories are difficult to wipe off, let the mixture penetrate into the soil structure for about 15 minutes, rub again and wash off the residue with a damp sponge and detergent.

Watch the video to see how effective this recipe is:

We clean glass, plastic, furniture with vinegar

With the help of vinegar, various surfaces and other types of dirt are cleaned. The ingredient has such an effect due to the acid, which effectively dissolves splashes of fat. Applying the product is simple: pour a little table vinegar on the dirt, let the stain become limp for 15-20 minutes and rinse with a sponge treated with detergent.

It is impossible to pour the product on vertical cabinets, doors, so apply vinegar on a sponge (copiously), wipe the surface and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse. In this way, you can also.

Note ! To enhance the effect, you can combine detergent with vinegar, pouring acid onto a sponge, along with a drop of dishwashing detergent.

Cleaning the kitchen hood

The ventilation system prevents the spread of odors throughout the house and absorbs most of the grease splashes, accumulating them on the grate.

We wash the most difficult thing - handles and other fittings with steam cleaners

Hardworking housewives acquire special ones. This technique removes all kinds of contaminants from various surfaces and disinfects them. The device is suitable for processing any kind of wood, plastic, small accessories, cutlery, etc.

The device acts on steam pollution, which affects the structure of fat deposits, making it soft and liquid. As a result of operation, you will be able to clean:

  1. kitchen facade, electrical appliances, tables and walls from grease splashes;
  2. restore the shine of glass or stainless utensils;
  3. remove scale, ;
  4. , bacteria and fungi.

The device does not require the use of oilcloth, but allows you to wipe off stains of varying complexity and age from the table, walls, cabinet handles, gas boiler, chipboard, MDF and laminated chipboard.

You can clean the kitchen from greasy stains using household and folk methods. On the eve of processing, be sure to determine what material it is made of. If the furniture has a lacquered finish, refrain from using abrasives such as baking soda and mustard. For other kitchens, as well as walls, tiles, ceilings, any cleaning method will do.

Larisa, June 10, 2018.

Most housewives in one way or another are faced with the need to remove dried fat deposits on kitchen utensils, household appliances, or where food is prepared. Old grease stains smell bad and look even worse, and the bacteria feel at home there. But even when there seems to be absolutely no way to wash the dirt, you should use tricks that can change the situation for the better.

The first thing a woman thinks about when she starts a total cleaning of the kitchen is to use store-bought detergents and cleaning products. This is convenient, but often expensive. Yes, and most of the "jars" that can remove long-term deposits of kitchen fat are far from harmless.

Folk remedies for kitchen fat

Therefore, it is worth considering the option of turning to folk remedies. They are generally cheaper and safer.

So, what kind of folk remedies can help get rid of old fat in the kitchen?

  1. The most common folk method today is cleaning with soda. If the surface to be cleaned is difficult or impossible to scratch, this fine abrasive will do an excellent job of removing old grease and returning, for example, pots to their former shine and whiteness. To clean enameled pots, add vinegar, lemon or citric acid to the soda. The chemical reaction of their interaction will automatically break down the fat - and it remains just to wipe it with a rag.
  2. Almost the same effect on the old fat mustard powder. It is not only not harmful, but even beneficial for the respiratory system. The surface to be cleaned (dishes, stove or oven) should be soaked or, if possible, pour hot water from the heart, and then pour dry mustard on the stain in a thick layer. The powder, soaked in water, quickly and without problems corrodes body fat. After a while, the solution just needs to be washed off the surface - and it will shine brighter than a new one.

Delicate attitude to the surface

When washing old kitchen fat, one should not forget: each surface must have its own approach. Metal, ceramic, plastic and varnished surfaces will not tolerate the touch of an aggressive iron sponge or finely dispensed substances such as salt and soda. Such indelicate cleaning methods will inevitably lead to scratches on the item. And on the scratched surface, grease and dirt accumulate more often and more abundantly, which can even lead to the complete unsuitability of the thing.

In this regard, I would like to draw attention to several proven cleaning products for various types of kitchen furniture.

  • To clean a wooden kitchen, you need to prepare a “scrub” of soda and sunflower oil in a ratio of 3: 2, respectively. The finished mixture should have the consistency of thick sour cream. The agent is applied to a flap of soft, lint-free material, and the contaminated wooden furniture is rubbed with it. It is advisable to repeat the procedure about once every two to three weeks.
    Plastic furniture, despite its fashionable modern look and low price, is not at all resistant to mechanical stress. How to wash plastic furniture in the kitchen and not scratch it? Here, perhydrol or a solution of hydrogen peroxide will help the housewives. It not only breaks down the oldest kitchen fat, but also disinfects the treated surfaces. How to use: Apply a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide to the surface to be cleaned with a rag or spray gun, leave for ten minutes - and then rinse.

And a few more universal recipes

Old greasy stains from tiles can be washed with ammonia. Applying this method is simple: slightly dilute a rather sharp-smelling liquid with water and apply to stains. After the time has passed, rinse the surface thoroughly.

Advice. Ammonium chloride is not particularly safe for the respiratory system, so it should not be used in the presence of children, and it should not be “sniffed hard”.

Laundry soap and tooth powder will also help get rid of greasy stains in the kitchen. They are suitable for many surfaces.

Somewhat exotic looks - but works great - a way to wash the kitchen with ordinary clay. To prepare a detergent, clay is diluted with vinegar to the consistency of gruel. Diluted gruel is applied to dirty spots and left there until dry, after which it is removed with warm water. Clay, by its nature, absorbs all kinds of fat remarkably.

After using one of the cleaners described above, it is important to thoroughly rinse the cleaned dishes, furniture or appliances. To do this, it is good to have a special sponge or brush. And by definition, the easiest way to deal with fat in the kitchen is to prevent it from appearing. To do this, it is enough to regularly wipe surfaces with a rag, on which steam from cooking food can settle, wash the stove every time after cooking and do not leave dirty dishes “for later”.

How to wash the kitchen from fat: video

You need to know how to properly wash the fat in the kitchen

Modern tools and methods for cleaning fat in the kitchen

You can easily clean the kitchen of fat in three ways: using chemical detergents, mechanically, and tried folk methods. Which one to use is up to you.

Each of these options has advantages and disadvantages:

    The right way to fight fat deposits. Gets rid of stains quickly, but be careful - scratches can form on the smooth surface of kitchen furniture or utensils.

    Cleaning chemicals are very aggressive, you need to be careful with them, but they give an excellent result. Before use, be sure to read the instructions. Avoid contact with eyes, respiratory tract and hands. Before use, put on protective rubber gloves, in some cases you will need a respirator.

    Try to clean your kitchen in a folk way.
    This is an economical and harmless option, it does not require large financial costs. But not all folk methods give the expected result.

Now we will tell you about these methods in more detail so that you can make the right choice.

Household chemicals for cleaning old grease on cabinets, hoods, stoves, glossy MDF facades, plastic and wooden furniture, countertops, ceilings, linoleum, apron, blinds, laminate, wallpaper, walls, pipes, TV, chandelier

In chemical laboratories, substances are being developed to clean various types of surfaces from dirt and grease. They are sold in markets, specialized stores, department stores. You will need drugs for home use, not professional ones.

You need to select household chemicals depending on the material of the items that you are going to clean.

Pay attention to the composition and consistency of the drug. If you need to clean a shiny metal or plastic product, the product should not be powdery, contain abrasive substances, otherwise it will leave scratches.

Furniture and countertops are best washed with chlorine-free liquid products, otherwise white stains form on the surface, they are more difficult to remove than grease. Dishwashing liquid will do.

To care for glass products, purchase a soft gel or spray, special preparations for cleaning ceramics.

The lacquered surface can be easily cleaned with products containing ammonia.

You can wash the oven inside from fat by preparing a mixture of dishwashing gel, Comet and citric acid. Treat the walls with a solution, leave for half an hour. Wash off with warm water. Preheat the oven before cleaning so that it is warm, but does not burn your hands, this will facilitate the work.

Technical means

Some types of household appliances make life easier for housewives, they have features that contribute to quick cleaning.

Dishwasher. It washes not only dishes, but also hood filters, grates, stove handles .... In order for the fat to be easily removed, the water temperature must be high.

Appliances with special functions such as catalytic oven cleaning. Fats inside the device automatically dissolve into water and soot under the influence of temperature and oxidizing agents that are present on the walls of the device. Further, the decomposition products are absorbed by the sorbent.

Steam cleaner. Washes furniture from fat, cleans the seams of tiles, removes old stains, disinfects. The steam generated by the device penetrates into hard-to-reach places, easily dissolves grease and dirt. With it, you can clean literally everything at home.

Oven with pyrolytic cleaning option - self-cleaning, burns deposits on the walls. Having such a technique in the house, you will forget about what washing the oven is. Technical means are highly effective, but their cost is considerable. But, having bought these devices, you will enjoy comfort for many years.

Folk remedies for quick and easy cleaning of hardened fatty deposits

All housewives have their own household tricks, it's time for you to learn about them.
To wash the oven from fat with folk remedies, use one of these products, they can be found in everyone's house:

    Citric acid or carbonic acid,

    laundry soap,


    Baking powder for the dough,

    Soda, vinegar, salt.

We will tell you from fat using citric acid kitchen. To do this, mix citric acid with. Apply the mixture to a washcloth, rag or brush. With pressure, rub the composition into those places where the fat has eaten. Stains dissolve, rinse off the remnants of the product with hot water, wipe with a clean cloth. Citric acid and soda easily cope with plaque.

Fruits will help to clean the microwave from fat from the inside: lemons, oranges, lime, grapefruit. Take a couple of citrus fruits, cut into pieces, put in a special plate, fill with water. Put the device inside, turn it on, set the maximum heating temperature. After 15 min. unplug the microwave. Wipe off softened fat with a sponge. Cleaning the microwave with vinegar is also considered effective. It is carried out according to the same principle as citrus cleaning, replace fruits with a solution: 400 ml of water, 2 tbsp. vinegar.

“Grease stains should be removed as soon as possible, the longer they remain on the surface of kitchen utensils, the more difficult they are to remove.”

To clean the ceramic frying pan from soot, rub laundry soap. Add slightly warm water. Pay off 2 tsp. soda, 3 tbsp. vinegar and combine with soapy water. Keep the product in the pan for 15 minutes. Remove the mixture with a sponge, rinse with water.
So you can clean from old soot not only the pan, but
other kitchen utensils.

Washing a glass-ceramic stove from soot is not as easy as a metal one. Its surface will suffer if you act ineptly. Experienced housewives advise washing the surface with food, moistened soda. Apply gruel to the places of contamination, drip vinegar on top, hold for 10 minutes. After that, the agent is washed off with water. Stubborn stains are removed with a special scraper.

To clean the carpet from grease without removing it from the floor, a soda solution will allow. Dilute half a glass of soda in five liters of water. Fill the spray bottle with the resulting liquid and spray it on the carpet. After 30 min. vacuum thoroughly. Use salt for dry cleaning. Scatter the grains on the carpet, rub them into the surface with a damp brush, sweep away the remnants.

You can clean the fat in the kitchen without problems if you have good tools at hand.

You can wash kitchen cabinets from grease with mustard. Pre-moisten furniture facades with hot water. After 10 min. rub the contaminated places with a sponge with mustard applied to it. Another method is using vegetable oil. It easily dissolves old, dried fat. The oil is diluted with soda in a ratio of 1: 2 and rubbed over the surface with a brush. Not bad fat dissolves vodka or alcohol. Wipe the walls of kitchen furniture with them, if the stains still remain, soak them for 5 minutes, then remove them with a sponge soaked in alcohol.


Try cleaning your electric oven with baking powder, it's a proven folk method. Wet the inner walls, sprinkle with baking powder. After two hours, the fat will gather into lumps that are easily removed.

Now you know what methods you need to deal with fat spots and will be able to give them a fitting rebuff. Your kitchen will shine and delight with its impeccable cleanliness.

Now you know how to wash the fat in the kitchen.