Die-cutting scissors for a screwdriver. Nozzle-scissors for metal cricket, metal case. Nozzle for a screwdriver for cutting metal "Steel beaver"

Doing construction or repair work, almost everyone is faced with the need to cut any metal blank. To perform this procedure, you can use a grinder, cutter, hand shears for metal.

But what if you cut a metal sheet necessary, but there are no such tools at hand? You can solve the problem with an ordinary drill and a special nozzle that you can buy at any hardware store.

What are metal cutting tools?

Such a device, in fact, is a cotter pin or punch, which is a set of repeated movements using a matrix to pierce metal. As a result, in the cut metal part a strip of the desired shape and width of 3.1 mm is formed.

Due to the point effect on the metal, the integrity protective layers products are kept to the maximum.

Using the nozzle, you can process material that has a thickness of:

  • aluminum - up to 2 mm;
  • copper, brass, sheet iron, pure zinc and steel coated with zinc - up to 1.5 mm;
  • stainless steel - up to 0.8 mm.

In action cutting tool leads drill chuck, to which it is attached. It is worth noting that the nozzle can cut metal only if the number of revolutions of the drill is at least 2700 rpm.

Nozzle benefits

Compared to a grinder, the drill attachment has a large number of benefits.

However, despite all the advantages of the tool, in order to provide high quality cutting, to work with it are necessary certain dexterity and skills.

Special nozzle "Cricket" on a drill for cutting metal

Construction stores offer several types of fixtures for drills for cutting metal.

Nozzle "Cricket". The "Cricket" device is a cutting (cutting) scissors that are able to perform an even cut. The tool is used for cutting not only smooth, but also profiled metal sheets.

In addition to metal, they can cut plastic and polycarbonate. Cricket is used for cutting sheet products:

  • The maximum thickness of sheet steel should be 1.5 mm.
  • The maximum thickness of stainless steel is 1.2 mm.
  • The maximum thickness of copper and aluminum is 2 mm.
  • The thickness of the plastic is 2 mm.

With the help of the Cricket attachment, you can cut on horizontal and vertical surfaces, as well as make internal cuts. In order for the internal cut to turn out to be of high quality, the workpiece must first be drilled.

The tool is indispensable when performing roofing works, during which it is required processing of metal tiles or corrugated board. After applying Cricket, the materials used will not be deformed, and the cut will turn out to be even and beautiful.

If there is a need to make artistic cutting or drill a large round hole, then the Cricket nozzle is easy to cope with this task.

Nozzle "Steel beaver"

The device is designed for cutting flat and profile sheets (corrugated board, metal tiles). It has a cutting mechanism, the operation of which is similar to the processing of materials with punching shears.

During metalworking with the Steel Beaver tool sparks are not generated and the protective layer of the metal coating is not burned.

Main characteristics:

  • cutting is performed at a drill rotation speed of 1500–3 thousand rpm;
  • the maximum thickness of aluminum and copper sheet should be 2mm;
  • stainless steel sheets must have a thickness of not more than 1.2 mm;
  • maximum thickness steel sheet can be up to 1.8 mm;
  • changing the direction and angle of the cut - 360 degrees;
  • the minimum cutting radius is 12 mm.

Models of nozzles for a drill and their application

Special nozzles The drill can make both straight and curved cuts. Make curly cuts for installing gutters drainage system or ventilation parts of the roof, cut in the vertical and horizontal direction.

After using the tool cut is clean. The nozzle does not require adjustment and is easy to maintain.

In the construction market, nozzles for a drill are represented by several models:

  • ACCO YT-160A.
  • Sparky NP 1,8 L.
  • "Cricket" from Enkor manufacturers.

By and large, all models of nozzles for a drill work according to the same parameters. An exception may be the thickness of the metal sheet, which can be cut by a particular tool.

After applying the devices, the edge is obtained sharp, smooth and not wrinkled. It is only necessary to ensure that the speed of the drill used matches the characteristics of the nozzle.

Those who are engaged in construction or repair sometimes need to cut metal. And, if it is not possible to purchase an expensive tool, then the cutting process can be entrusted to a drill with a nozzle.

For home crafters, this tool will become optimal solution and great helper. It should be borne in mind that the cutting process can be entrusted to specialists who have experience and certain skills.

There are a great many tools that can be useful in everyday life or for infrequent custom work. In order to buy, for example, the so-called "grinder", you will need a considerable amount, and in the meantime the tool will lie somewhere in the garage or workshop idle, being unclaimed.

Not every tool designed for a particular job, a person is able to buy: it will take a lot of money and extra storage space. And, as practice shows, there is simply no point in this. But there is still a way out of this situation.

Nozzles are for the following works:

  • Drilling at an angle;
  • grinding;
  • Polishing;
  • Sharpening nozzles;
  • Drilling;
  • For cutting metal.

As can be seen from what has been said, having only one drill and a few nozzles, you can thus replace a lot of expensive tools and not waste your money.

Basic Sheet Metal Cutting Methods

Sooner or later, every homeowner, not to mention specialists, cuts sheet metal on one scale or another. Ever since labor lessons at school, and for many after, in production, such tools for cutting metal are known:

But time goes by and technical progress does not stand still. Humanity has invented the simplest and most inexpensive cutting tool working in tandem with an electric drill called "metal cutting shears". This equipment is simple, constructive and very convenient in operation.

When there is one in the tool arsenal of any man, as well as an electric drill, then there are no problems with cutting a metal sheet and cannot be.

And if there is none on the farm, then it can be purchased at the nearest household or construction market.

Good alternative to Bulgarian

This drill attachment has been helping out craftsmen for many years now. Such a tool is called nibbling scissors.

Easily punches a track about 3 mm thick in metal. This cutting method gives the desired cleanliness of the cut, and there is no particular need for further cleaning of the cut.

Thicknesses of materials that the scissors can cut:

  • Copper and brass - 1.5 mm;
  • Aluminum - 2 mm;
  • Stainless steel - 0.8 mm.

For metalworking

These nozzles are scissors simple and original design, where rotary motion the drill chuck is converted to reciprocating.

Nibblers "Cricket"

The technical capabilities of the "Cricket" nozzle allow cutting metal and plastics. Moreover, the material can be cut both sheet and profile. Two cutting heads of the cutting nozzle on the drill allow cutting materials certain thickness (specified maximum thickness):

  1. For aluminum - 2 mm;
  2. For steel - 1.5 mm;
  3. For stainless steel - 1.2 mm;
  4. For plastic - 2 mm.

Additional characteristics:

  • Electric drill power from 420 W;
  • Turnovers - from 3000 rpm;
  • Cutting radius (minimum) - 12 mm;
  • The cutting direction is unlimited, hence 360 ​​degrees.

Application area:

  1. Mounting;
  2. Roofing works;
  3. Production of gutters;
  4. Disassembly of various structures;
  5. Body work;
  6. Curly (decorative) cutting.

When working with nibblers, the drill does not require any adjustments and special skills and knowledge.

The Cricket tool for cutting metal is very maneuverable, and its capabilities as a cutting tool are very wide.

As for cutting with a grinder, there are a number of disadvantages here, compared with cutting shears for metal. The nozzle on the drill has a number of significant advantages:

  • The material does not overheat during cutting, which is especially valuable when cutting metal tiles.
  • The maneuverability of nibblers for a drill is much higher than that of a well-known grinder.
  • Higher cutting speed.
  • A cleaner saw cut that rarely requires further plumbing.
  • When working with nibblers for a drill, there are no jamming of the tool from distortions, which very often happens when working with a grinder, hence the almost complete absence of injuries.
  • Zinc does not burn paintwork material, which helps prevent premature corrosion and, most importantly, maintain the warranty on the material.
  • When working with the Cricket tool for cutting metal, there are no sparks, unlike a grinder, which not only protects the material from burning, but also eliminates the possibility of injury to the eyes of the worker.

Nozzle-scissors "Cricket" has a number of analogues, for example:

  1. "Beaver";
  2. "Steel Beaver";
  3. Scissor attachment NP 1.8 SPARKY;
  5. Malco turboShear TS1 - can be used with a drill and for installation on a screwdriver.

All of the listed nozzles have some differences on technical specifications and prices. The most expensive nozzle is Malco turboShear TS1. It has a slightly different design and is made in the USA, not China.

It should be noted that normal work of these devices can only be provided with a passport drill speed of more than 2700 rpm.

Nozzle for screwdriver

If an electric drill is not available, then a screwdriver can also perform the same functions.

There is, however, a difference:

  • The revolutions of a screwdriver are lower than those of a drill. Low speed and, accordingly, the power of the power tool will not allow cutting metal with the same productivity, especially if it is closer to 2 mm in thickness.
  • Lack of inertia. After the user releases the button, the chuck immediately stops rotating. In terms of safety, this is even somewhat better, as well as in the case of a figured cut.
  • Small size and light weight compared to a drill. This allows you to do all sorts of "pirouettes" when cutting, more easily than with a drill.
  • Screwdrivers run on batteries, therefore, its operation is autonomous, and power cord does not interfere with normal operation.
  • There is no adjustment of the rotation speed of the cartridge.

It is quite clear that a screwdriver can also be used instead of a drill with a Cricket type nozzle.

For cutting metal tiles and more

This nozzle is a real find for cutting material such as metal tiles.


  1. Does not damage the material and coating;
  2. Easily follows the contour of the material profile;
  3. Able to make cuts of varying complexity.

"Cricket" is a real find for both the handicraftsman and the professional. It can make an internal cut and can work both horizontally and vertically.

The nozzle for cutting metal tiles allows you to cut metal tiles and corrugated board, with which this tool does an excellent job. After all, it is well known that it is difficult to work by making cuts in these materials with another tool, and the Cricket copes with this task perfectly: cleanly, quickly and without errors.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Surface cleanliness is better than that of a grinder.
  • This device can make holes ("windows") of any complexity in the metal.
  • The tool is easy to use and maintain, takes up little storage space.
  • Low price.
  • You can cut both metal and plastic, as well as carbonate of a certain thickness, stated in the instructions for use of this equipment.
  • The possibility of using the device in places where there is no power supply is compensated by the presence cordless drill. In addition, it can be successfully used in damp rooms, where using an electric drill from the mains is life-threatening.
  • The device is multifunctional.
  • The low weight of the device is also an undeniable advantage.

Of the shortcomings, there is the only and main one: the device must be held with both hands, which is not always convenient and safe when working at height.

In conclusion, I would like to summarize what has been said. Any user, both beginner and experienced, who does not want to overpay for a fabulously expensive tool, can always buy an inexpensive analogue that will pay for itself very quickly by performing the same functions.

Very often it turns out that suddenly there was a need to use a cutting tool, and it was not included in the plans to buy something expensive, which is not known when it will be needed (if it is needed at all).

AT this case it is cutting shears for metal that will come in very handy.

That's why cutting attachment found on a drill wide application in many branches of human activity: repair, assembly, dismantling and restoration.

Good luck with your purchase and enjoy working with the Cricket attachment for metal cutting!

Various attachments for equipment can replace expensive analogues. For example, fixed on a screwdriver grinding disc will brilliantly perform the functions of a grinder. In the same article, a nozzle for a drill for cutting metal, its advantages and main models will be considered.

All existing lotions mounted on the rotating heads of drills or screwdrivers are divided according to their purpose into:

  • grinding;
  • polishing;
  • drilling at an angle;
  • sharpening;
  • removable;
  • drilling holes;
  • cutting.

The last group is the subject of consideration.

Unlike cutting discs grinders, nozzles for a screwdriver or drill cut the workpiece more delicately without deforming the coating of the material. The accessory is mounted on the chuck of the power tool and is rotated when the "Start" button is pressed.

An important point - the nozzles for metal in question are not compatible with every drill. The rotational speed of the latter must be at least 2700 rpm.

Advantages and disadvantages of using

The nozzle is easy to put on the cartridge and remove after work. In addition, the user discovers other advantages of using the snap-in, including:

  • cut evenness;
  • no burrs on the workpiece;
  • work comfort;
  • ease of use and installation;
  • no need for additional adjustment;
  • increase in productivity;
  • compatibility of known nozzles with an electric or pneumatic drill;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • possibility of cutting holes.

Nozzles for cutting tin, aluminum, steel have only two drawbacks. The first is to get used to them. Over time, even a beginner in the construction and repair business will master a simple device and learn how to work effectively with it.

The second disadvantage is the need to work with two hands. This complicates the work, for example, when installing the roof, if drill bits are used specifically for cutting metal tiles.

This is due to the fact that upper layer roof coverings are protected from above with a polymer that is unstable to high temperatures.

A working angle grinder inevitably heats up, so a layer of polymer melts at the cut points, and then a zinc coating. Moreover, the sparks flying in different sides, will increase the area of ​​damage. The result is disappointing - the deformation of thin sheet metal, the possibility of rust. Therefore, for sensitive materials, it is better to look after the nozzle.

The principle of operation of removable elements

The equipment has a shank screwed to the working part of the drill or screwdriver. The nozzle is fixed with the same nuts that held the drill or bit for self-tapping screws. Since the fixed part has a rounded shape, you can turn the fixture at a convenient angle.

Knives that cut thin sheet metal operate due to the eccentric. The modified tool is ready for use immediately after attaching the detachable part. After cutting the blanks, the nozzles for the screwdriver are removed, cleaned of chips, and stored in their original packaging.

Overview of popular fixtures


Experienced masters of the construction business came across two names of nozzles - "Cricket" and "Beaver". More about each - below.

"Cricket" according to the principle of action resembles nibbling scissors (cutting). Thanks to two cutting heads, they perform a smooth cut not only on smooth workpieces, but also on profiled ones. Also with their help it is easy to cut plastic, polycarbonate.

Maximum allowable cutting thickness:

  • sheet steel - 1.5 mm;
  • stainless steel - 1.2 mm;
  • copper, aluminum - 2 mm;
  • plastic blanks - 2 mm.

The scope of use of the "Cricket" nozzle is extensive. Being universal, it allows you to perform operations on a horizontal, vertical surface, to perform an internal cut. Die-cutting scissors corrugated board and metal tiles are processed on a drill, they are used for cutting tin and coarser materials of small thickness.

After work, the user will notice an even cut without burrs, notches, and note the integrity of the coating. For the durability of the nozzle, it is worth considering the recommendations of the manufacturer. In particular, the minimum speed of the drill is 1500 rpm, the maximum is 3000 rpm.

"Steel Beaver"

In the construction environment, the fixture is known simply as the "Beaver". The principle of operation is the same as that of the Cricket. The punch, which performs rotational-translational motion, bends the material, rests on the matrix and cuts it.

Nozzle for cutting metal "Steel Beaver" - the same scissors that perform straight and curved cuts with the smallest radius of 1.2 cm. The removable accessory can be positioned as you like (it rotates 360 degrees) for ease of use.

If compared with the previously considered equipment, the "Beaver" will cut a metal sheet of greater thickness - up to 1.8 mm. The benefits are exactly the same as those mentioned above.

The minimum speed of the drill should be 1500 rpm, and the allowable thickness of the stainless steel should be 1.2 mm.

It is worth noting that almost every nozzle works according to the same parameters. The only exception is the thickness of the metal workpiece, which one tool can cut, while the other cannot. The result of the work will be a smooth, sharp edge without dents or other defects. This is inevitable if the nozzle for cutting tin, copper, aluminum and other metal is selected in accordance with the speed of the screwdriver (drill).

If a novice user either experienced builder there is no desire and opportunity to spend money on an expensive cutting tool, he should take a closer look at inexpensive analogues. The cost of classic nozzles - "Cricket" and "Steel Beaver" - is 1800 and 2000 rubles, respectively ( average price by market). This fact also explains their demand among repair craftsmen and novice specialists.

The need for analogue grinders or other cutting equipment sometimes arises suddenly. The presence of attachments like "Cricket" and "Beaver" at hand is the key to a quick and safe solution to the problem.

Watch the video. Quite interesting imported analogue:

How to cut metal at home? In 90% of cases, with hand scissors (we are talking about thin metal sheet). The method is simple, inexpensive, but not without drawbacks.

  • At a minimum, it is quite difficult to make a long cut without burrs.
  • Since the scissors are located along the sheet, the cut planes need to be spread up and down. This makes it difficult to work, not to mention the fact that the edges subsequently need to be aligned.
  • If the workpiece is not flat, but with stiffeners (for example, corrugated board, or a figured "under the tiles" roof covering), it is almost impossible to cut with ordinary metal scissors.

It takes a lot of physical effort. If you need to cut several meters at a time, then you get a good workout, like in a gym. Often, a grinder with a cutting disc is used for such work.

It turns out quickly, relatively evenly and not at all hard physically. However, the edges require post-treatment and the metal at the edge is exposed to undesirable thermal stress.

If you work with sheets of profiled metal-plastic "tiles", then the protective layer at the cut point burns out and loses its aesthetic appeal.

progressive way- electric scissors for metal with a vertical arrangement of blades. However, this is an expensive tool that is rarely used (how often do you re-roof?). Therefore, there are more practical devices on sale: a nozzle for a drill for cutting metal.

In fact, this is a gearbox that converts the rotational movement of the spindle into an oscillatory one. Of course, in terms of its characteristics, the device is inferior to full-fledged electric scissors.

However, the drill attachment is inexpensive, and besides, you do not buy a ready-made tool (scissors with a motor), which most of the time gathers dust on the shelf. There is a drill in almost every home, if necessary, it can be easily turned into a progressive cutter.

Varieties of nozzles

The classic nozzle on the drill - scissors for metal. Second name: "beaver".

I assembled this chip blower a year ago. During this time, I completely ran it in and I can say that the design is quite working. used for chip blower asynchronous motor at 1.5kW/3000 rpm. The impeller is assembled from plywood. The size of the impeller was chosen so that the motor would not be overloaded. The blades are curved and the impeller rotates with the curved side forward.

I assembled this chip blower a year ago. During this time, I completely ran it in and I can say that the design is quite working. Unfortunately, the format of the competition does not allow describing in detail the manufacturing process and the reason for choosing the shape of the parts, so I offer only short description and focus on the most important points. For the chip blower, a 1.5 kW/3000 rpm asynchronous motor was used. The impeller is assembled from plywood. The size of the impeller was chosen so that the motor would not be overloaded. The blades are curved and the impeller rotates with the curved side forward. To bend the blades I used two 3mm plates and glued them together. The impeller is attached to the engine through a plywood pulley. To remove any beating of the pulley, it was machined directly on the native engine. The impeller blades are glued to the sidewalls using grooves. Manually calculating the radii was quite difficult, but I have a homemade milling machine with CNC (based on the milling cutter Enkor FME-850). With the help of it, all the details came out as they should, although it was necessary to slightly adjust each blade individually in its place. But after gluing and installing on the motor shaft, there was a slight runout in both axes. The beauty of a wooden impeller is that it can be easily turned, but it was dangerous to run it with beats at 3000 rpm (and its diameter is 360mm and thickness 120mm). So I attached a tape grinder Enkor LME-900 (it has convenient grooves for fastening with clamps) and removed the beats by rotating the impeller manually. Next, balancing was carried out by drilling plywood from the back of the impeller. After that, I already ventured to start the engine and made sure that everything worked well. The impeller body was also assembled from bent plywood in the form of a “sandwich” of 2 plates 3 mm thick. The housing cover is rigidly attached to the engine, and the housing to it with the help of latches for quick disassembly. All connections at the final stage are glued with window rubber seal for tightness. The next step was to assemble the cyclone itself. It consists of two parts and is made of plywood and galvanized sheet. Top part creates a swirl of air, and the cone directly separates the debris. The ends of the cylinder are cut and glued to the liquid nails. I cut it with a grinder Enkor UShM-900/125M. The ramp was cut out of galvanized steel using an Enkor ACCUMaster AKM1802 screwdriver and the Cricket tool. All connections are treated with sealant on the non-working side. The engine is hung on two simple brackets. The engine itself, along with top cover the snail is suspended from the brackets on rubber shock absorbers, which also dampen the beats when starting and stopping. At the cyclone, the upper plywood part of the body is the carrier and is rigidly attached to the wall. A "bucket" on wheels is attached from below, which is convenient. At this point, the chip blower was ready for testing. Gradually, the wiring was collected. I used the usual sewer pipe at 110 and 50mm. It does not fit well with a 100mm corrugated hose and I used a round one in these places ventilation pipe at 100mm. For convenience, valves and "scoops" for sweeping were made. In addition, I added remotes remote control. That's all. Thank you for your attention.